How to catch a bird on the street. How to catch a sparrow. Defeat of instructions

Sparrows are the most common bird species in our area.

From childhood, children know what kind of birds these are, because their cheerful chirping will not leave anyone indifferent. They can be found in every yard, sometimes they settle close to people, especially in private houses. Many people feed these birds by building feeders on trees and their own balconies. People know almost everything about this little bird: where they live, what they eat, but how to catch a sparrow is still unknown. The bird, although small, is quite timid and nimble. In addition, taming a bird is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

What is the purpose of catching pigeons?

Pigeons cannot be called welcome guests, because they, like most urban rodents, get into garbage cans and pose a potential threat to human health , since they are carriers of salmonellosis. In addition, bugs and other harmful insects often breed in pigeon nests and can enter the apartment if the birds have built a nest next to the balcony. In addition, pigeon excrement can pose a danger to the human body. After all, few people would be happy about a balcony stained with bird droppings. Among the reasons why they want to catch this particular bird are the following:

  • For preparing various dishes.
  • In order to provide assistance to an injured bird.
  • For fun.

How to make a snare correctly

In order to make a hare snare with your own hands, you will need strong wire, a rope or a strong rope. The manufacture of the snare itself is quite simple, as is the design.

At one end of the selected material, a small looped ring with a small diameter is created, through which the free end of a wire or rope passes, forming a regular noose. The diameter of the loop must be at least 20 cm in diameter, which will ensure the free entry of the animal into the set trap.

How to catch a sparrow with your own hands?

Good day to all! Today you will learn how to catch a sparrow with your own hands?! This is not an easy task, but it is quite doable! The main thing is a little cunning and intelligence. And before fishing, ask yourself why you need it?

I remember once catching a wounded sparrow in winter and bringing it into the house. But then I decided to let him go. Unfortunately, he was not a good flyer and ended up being caught by the cats. It all ended sadly. In general, when I was little, I really wanted to catch a sparrow, and I set up all sorts of traps. I will tell you about one of them now.

Selecting a location

The main place for installing trapping loops is hare trails. In winter, they are easy to spot near the hare’s likely feeding areas:

  • hare - along rural lands, fields, vegetable gardens, meadows and meadows, under stacks and stacks of straw, closer to mid-winter in gardens;
  • hare - in ravines and floodplains overgrown with young willow trees, in young aspen and birch forests, in gardens and summer cottages.

A hare trail can be called a place in the snow on which there are at least three hare tracks, or clearly visible tracks of at least two hares. But you need to make sure that it doesn’t turn out to be a hare two or three.

hare trail

The easiest way to catch a hare is where the snare is hard to see and the path is limited on the sides. The installation location is chosen in a bush or near trees, preferably between them, so it is easier to tie the trap and it will be less noticeable.

The loop is placed above the path, at a height of 10–15 cm from the snow level, so that the hare runs head first into it.

Familiarize yourself with the intricacies of tracking and reading hare tracks in the first snow.

The most common fishing methods

How to catch partridges without harming them? The easiest way to catch them using a variety of traps is during the snowy season. At this time of year, birds usually gather in large flocks. Based on the snow cover, it is easy to determine the feeding areas of partridges. Traps are usually placed in the birds' favorite feeding areas. Since there is little natural food in winter, feeding partridges in certain places significantly increases the likelihood of success.

The most effective and common is net fishing. The net can be made from a fishing net or knitted with your own hands. To do this, a net is knitted from nylon or silicone threads with cells from 2 to 5 cm, 5 m wide and about 8 m long. The net is installed in places where birds feed on long poles. The network is positioned in a zigzag pattern so that the upper level of the network is approximately at a height of 6, and the lower level is approximately at a height of 1 m above the ground. The net is placed perpendicular to the direction in which the partridges are moving. As soon as the birds get close to the net, they are startled, they fly up and end up in the net. They can be carefully adjusted to the mesh. To do this, slowly, without sudden movements and without coming close, the partridges are directed towards the suspended net. You can also use specially trained hunting dogs for corralling. As you can see, such hunting and fishing with a net have a lot in common.


How to get rid of magpies and other feathered crop plunderers at your dacha? You just need to make sure that the birds lose interest in the food growing on the site. Special preparations are sold, after treatment with which the fruits lose their taste, but only for birds, and not for people and other animals. You need to treat berries, vegetables and fruits, as well as grass on lawns.

This method will also appeal to those who keep ducks and geese, but try not to let them graze on the property, as they are afraid that the birds will harm the harvest. Mordants are absolutely safe for the health and life of both people and animals, including birds.


A few simple tips:

  1. Loops and snares must be installed using objects from the surrounding vegetation, as secretly as possible. If it is necessary to install it in a field, in the absence of forests and bushes, it is better to drive a peg firmly into the ground, or use a “potassk” - a long and thin stick that the hare can drag along with it until it hits something. will get caught.
  2. The working diameter of the loop depends on the expected size of the prey, approximately 22-28 cm. A loop of a smaller diameter will work behind the neck, and will quickly cause the death of the animal. However, the excessively small size often forces the hare to bypass the trap.
  3. To avoid spontaneous tightening, after setting the required size of the loop, you should make a small bend that secures the movable ring, without interfering with the operation of the trap.
  4. When installing, it is optimal to place the loop 15-20 cm above the surface of the path. To fix the loop in space, we use the existing small branches; if necessary, you can stick additional support points into the snow next to the path.
  5. A wire loop screwed directly to the support can be fixed using its own rigidity. However, a wire that is fixed rigidly can be broken by a scurrying hare. To avoid this, a second small loop was made (see above “how to make a loop with your own hands”): a strong rope or cord is tied to it, and with its help the trap is secured in place.
  6. It is better to stick several branches on the sides of the guarded loop, imitating thickets. They will direct the oblique one in the direction we need.

How to make a sparrow trap?

Here's what you need to make a sparrow trap:

  1. Rectangular or square box (possibly round or any other shape)
  2. A cover so that your sparrow does not run away
  3. The wand is a lifesaver! J 20 - 25 centimeters. But here everything depends on the size of the box. Selected approximately by eye.
  4. And a long enough rope. So that you can go a long distance without the sparrows noticing you.

Well, these are the very points that will allow you to catch a sparrow simply and quickly.

The sparrow trap should have the lid slightly open. The lid is held on a stick to which a rope is tied. Well, inside this box or box you need to pour grain or other food that the birds will peck.

This is what a sparrow trap looks like:

After the sparrows flock and one or more sit in the box and begin to peck the grain, you need to sharply pull the rope. The lid will fall and the sparrow will not have time to fly out. As a result, he will remain sitting there on a pile of grains. At this point, the sparrow catch using this invention can be considered complete.

Thus, I think you understand how to make a sparrow trap! And now you can easily catch a sparrow with your own hands. Be it winter or summer, right in your yard!

Do-it-yourself sparrow traps, as you understand, are very simple to make. The main advantage of the scheme I proposed is that your sparrow will already be in the box. And you don't have to think about how to push your hand in and pull it out.

A sparrow caught in a trap is pulled out quite easily. Just shake it out where you need it.

How to catch a partridge without a gun

For those who do not know how to catch a partridge without a weapon, the following information will be useful. Partridges are still a desirable prey for hunters. And some hobbyists breed them on their farms. The carcass of an adult reaches 600 g, and the meat has excellent taste. These birds belong to the pheasant family. Four species live in the CIS. The most common is the gray partridge. It lives almost everywhere where there is forest-steppe, steppe or shrub vegetation. Lives sedentary.

Partridges are still a desirable prey for hunters

The bearded (or Daurian) partridge is very similar to the previous species, but its habitat extends from Southern Siberia to Dauria and the Altai steppes. It is also found in the Fergana Valley in Uzbekistan. The white partridge lives in taiga forests and tundra. During the year they roam considerable distances in search of food. The red partridge, or chukar, is common in Central Asia and Kazakhstan.

How to catch a sparrow: proven methods and personal experience

Sparrows are the most common bird species in our area.
From childhood, children know what kind of birds these are, because their cheerful chirping will not leave anyone indifferent. They can be found in every yard, sometimes they settle close to people, especially in private houses. Many people feed these birds by building feeders on trees and their own balconies. People know almost everything about this little bird: where they live, what they eat, but how to catch a sparrow is still unknown. The bird, although small, is quite timid and nimble. In addition, taming a bird is not as easy as it might seem at first glance.

What to do if you couldn't catch a parrot

If he flew out and could not be caught before nightfall, you can resort to drastic measures. It is not recommended to leave the bird flying in the room overnight. If all safe measures do not help, you can use a net. This method is only suitable for small breeds, since large birds are touchy and vindictive. After using this method, they can take revenge on their owner.

Important! The radical method is dangerous due to the deterioration of the relationship between a person and a pet.

What kind of animal is this - partridge

All partridges are flocking birds. They live in families of 4-7. When migrating, they can form giant flocks of up to 300 individuals. They fly rather poorly, but they run and camouflage well, so spotting a partridge hidden on the ground is not at all an easy matter. The basis of the bird's diet is plant food. However, in summer they happily eat various insects. And in winter, partridges are content with the buds of bushes and winter vegetation.

In addition to shooting birds, various devices are used to catch partridges. They are caught alive for domestication and breeding of these birds in captivity, to strengthen the breeding stock of birds kept in aviaries. Chukars are also kept for decorative purposes. The habits of all partridges are quite similar. Birds feed on the ground, flying up only when necessary. The flight is swift, straightforward, but short. When taking off, they flap their wings so loudly that they can scare a person.

Features of hunting

At the end of summer and before deep snow, they prefer to hunt white partridge with cops. Features include the fact that the white partridge goes out to feed much later in the morning and much earlier in the evening compared to other species. Also, when hunting with dogs, the male tries to lead the dog away from his brood. Therefore, when hunting, the dog must be obedient so that it can be easily recalled and directed in the right direction.

When hunting with a gun, shot No. 7 and 8 are used.

other methods

A fairly ancient method of catching birds, used by the Indians, is the following:

  1. In an open area where flocks of birds often gather, a two-meter log, sharpened on both sides, is installed.
  2. Closer to the top of the log you need to drill a hole and insert a perch about 20 cm long into it.
  3. Thread a rope into the same hole and tie a stone to one end. Make a tightening loop from the second end of the rope and leave it lying on the perch. You need to tie a knot on it so that it maintains its horizontal position.

The principle of the trap is this: the bird will not be able to sit on the pointed end of the log, but will sit on a perch, which will be shifted by its weight. After this, a knot of rope will slip into the hole, tighten the noose under the weight of the stone, and the bird will be caught.

  1. Catching birds on hooks. To do this, you need to take several strong fishing hooks and attach food to them - plant food for ordinary species and animal food for predators. After this, the hooks need to be hung in places where the flocks are most concentrated. Having swallowed the hook, the bird will not be able to free itself from it. This method is most effective for preying in winter, since there is little food for birds in the forest.
  2. You will need a knife, fishing line and thin long rods, from which you need to weave something like a platform. The twigs are tied together with fishing line for structural strength. Next, you need to choose a place to install the trap, for example, near fresh crops or young shoots. Here you need to dig a hole to such a depth that the bird cannot get out of it, but less than the area of ​​the twig cover. To support the platform, you need to take three branches and make notches on them with a knife. The first of them is inserted into the ground, the second clings with notches vertically in relation to the ground. The third is placed at an angle of 45 degrees as a support for the resulting cruciform structure. One of its ends should support the rod cover. You need to place a bait on the edge of the vertical bar, and when the bird takes it, it will touch the structure and slam the lid.

To make it clearer, you need to watch how to make a bird trap in the video. Detailed instructions will help to clearly explain how to obtain birds for food or study.

Removing birds from enclosed spaces

You can view prices for ornithological protection here.

Birds sometimes enter enclosed spaces : warehouses, shopping pavilions, hypermarkets and even metro stations. They can live there permanently, if everything necessary for life is available, or stay in the premises temporarily. Obviously, in the latter case, there is the possibility of an exchange of individuals between the room and the environment (technological openings, doors, gates through which birds can penetrate in and back). We will talk mainly about sparrows, or rather about house sparrows (Passer domesticus), which are the main source of the problem.

Tits, swallows and pigeons are less likely to enter enclosed spaces and it is easier to deal with them there than with sparrows. Tits can be caught with traps, swallows use enclosed spaces as a place for nests - you just need to block the possibility of constant access of birds to the room and remove the nests and the swallows will disappear, pigeons can be caught with traps and block off the places that allow them to get inside - and the problem is solved.

With sparrows it’s more difficult. They do not go into traps if there is no scarce resource with which they can be lured (food, water, nesting material), they quickly recognize potential danger (a trap, poisoned bait, etc.) and avoid it subsequently, they remember people they suspect unfriendliness and also avoid them. In a word, expelling sparrows from enclosed spaces where they are accustomed to being is not an easy task. An effective solution to the problem may be the use of spider webs and lasers. However, before prompt action, it is necessary to understand the following: where sparrows spend the night and where are their favorite places of flight.

Birds never use the entire volume of the room. Just as we lay paths that optimally connect the places we visit, birds also have their own invisible paths in space. Bird watching allows you to understand where they are. It is there in the evening that spider webs - “putanki” - are installed. Next, you need to find out where the sparrows spend the night. These are, as a rule, technological holes in the pipes of consoles, for example, or in other secluded corners. After installing the nets and knowing where the birds are, you can begin to act. This is usually done at night, when the sparrows are sleeping and the enterprise is inactive.

Lasers are used to drive sparrows out of their roosting areas and create panic. These can be either laser pointers or lasers with a power of up to 2 W. More powerful lasers should not be used, as they can damage the birds' retina. Birds must be immediately disentangled from spider webs and kept in fabric bags until the end of the event so that the birds do not fight and become stressed.

All captured birds are released at the same time so that they can be in each other's company and maintain the continuity of the group. Obviously, all the described measures should be preceded by an investigation of places where birds enter enclosed spaces and, if any, block them (sometimes sparrows enter during the unfinished construction of a supermarket and live in it after the commissioning of the facility without leaving it). If these are technological openings (open windows, ventilation), then they must be covered with a mesh with a mesh no larger than 2 cm. If there are doors and (or) gates, then they must be provided with means that minimize the likelihood of birds getting inside (these are various tapes, valves and sluices).

Possible injuries to pigeons

The process of catching pigeons is not complete without injury to the bird itself. Especially if he is caught by an amateur.

Injuries appear in the following cases:

  • sharp collision and strike of a bird;
  • the process of catching by the paws and wings;
  • fishing on a fishing line.

It is necessary to organize emergency care for the bird so that its injured limbs do not atrophy. In case of fractures, you need to return the injured part of the body to its normal position and consult a veterinarian.

If you catch a pigeon in your dovecote, then place it in a separate cage. There is a risk of attack by healthy birds. A strong bandage should be applied to the broken part of the limb, having previously treated it with a disinfectant solution.


This method is not only very exciting, but also more effective. It requires you to have sufficient observation and knowledge of the habits of birds. It can be compared to fishing - your catch will depend on your patience and composure, as well as on the speed of your reaction.

A cache is a net for catching birds, which is stretched over a frame made of ropes. In addition to the cache itself, you will need to prepare a platform on which you will fish. Also, with this method, decoy birds are often used.

A net for catching birds is best made from nylon thread, about 0.6 mm thick. Such a mesh will not get too tangled both during transportation and when prey gets into it, but at the same time it is quite strong and is able to support its weight.

Select the size of the net itself and the meshes based on what birds you plan to catch. In addition, it will depend on her weight. A mesh with larger meshes will be much lighter than a mesh of the same size but with smaller meshes. Weight is taken into account so that it can be quickly and easily thrown.

Personal experience of catching sparrows

If you want to catch not just any sparrow, but a specific one, for example, one that has settled under the roof and flies out every time you go outside, then the method in which I catch such sparrows may be useful to you:

  1. In a fishing store you buy a rag net with a mesh size of 2x2 cm;
  2. Attach it to the roof where the sparrow lives;
  3. Raise the part of the net that hangs with a rope or stick so that the bird can fly into its nest;
  4. When it gets dark, quietly approach the net and lower it;
  5. The sparrow flies out and gets entangled in the net. Your task is only to fix it in your hand.

Now you know how to catch a sparrow , at first glance the most elusive bird.

There are also cases when sparrows fly into an apartment or house. In this case there is a simple solution:

Finally, I would like to add that sparrows are not domestic birds, they will not be able to become one, no matter how good the conditions you prepare for them. They love freedom, and in a cage they are highly likely to die.

Features and nuances in the manufacture of loops for hunting

When making from wire, it is advisable to use ordinary metal wire with a thickness of about 0.8 mm or nichrome wire with a thickness of 0.5 to 0.7 mm. Any material for snares must be as inconspicuous as possible when installed and withstand a tensile load of at least 35 kg so that caught prey cannot tear the finished snare. The length of the material should not be less than one meter, which will serve for ease of manufacture and subsequent installation. All material must be free of any foreign odors, for which it is worth boiling the material of the traps in a decoction of leaves and herbs of the area where the product will be installed. The containers where the snares will be must also be treated with the same decoction.

Hunting animals using traps, traps and snares is one of the oldest ways of spending leisure time for men. The use of such traps in most cases does not provide a greater guarantee of a successful hunt than when using firearms. Currently, due to the large decline in the population of many animal species, this method of hunting is prohibited at the legislative level in many countries. Anyone who wants to try hare hunting with a snare should remember this.

You can set a snare on a hare quickly and without extra costs, but there are many opponents of this method of catching the animal. Today we will not argue or agree with the necessity of the mandatory existence of such a method of hare hunting.

Let's just look at what snares are and how you can make them yourself at home and then install them in the hunting grounds.

I would like to immediately draw your attention to the fact that further information will be of an informational nature only. I myself have a negative view of all methods of catching wild animals using snares and similar devices.

An overview of the creation and installation of hare snares will be presented as material that will allow you to have a general understanding of this method of harvesting a hare. It is very effective, but banned in many countries around the world.

We all know very well that they hunt a hare with a gun or hunting dogs, which can act as assistants in the search for the animal or as a direct hunting tool, such as greyhounds. These dogs can catch it and bring it to the owner in their teeth.

There is no doubt that such a spectacle impresses with its emotionality and burst of incredible energy. As for hunting with hounds, here we are faced with the unforgettable melody of dog voices that do not stop until the bitter end.

Some hunters prefer to hunt by tracking, when they track a hare along the trail, and at the moment it rises from its rest, they shoot at it with their gun. When it comes to snares, everything happens here quietly and without unnecessary noise and dust, as one hero of the famous movie said.

How to catch a sparrow at home?

So, to catch a sparrow at home on the street you will need a simple device. This device is a kind of box with a lid, thanks to which you catch the sparrow.

Once upon a time I caught sparrows using this trap. And I did very well. Some people catch a sparrow using a trap, a noose or a mousetrap. If you need this to feed the cat, then it’s a pretty good way. Well, if for something else, for example, if you want them to live at your house later, then the method is so-so. After being caught in such traps, the sparrow is unlikely to live.

Description of the bird

The hawk can be found in coniferous and deciduous forests of Europe, Asia and America. The bird makes nests on very old and large trees growing near the edges. There, feathered predators hunt birds and small animals.

The wingspan of a hawk is 1 meter or more. This figure for females is approximately 20 cm greater than for males. The mass of male hawks is also less than that of females. The color of the plumage of the upper body has dark shades. Individual feathers of the hawk are gray-brown with a slight azure tint. The bird's beak is black. Only its base is yellow. The bird's paws and eyes are the same color.

The color of the feathers of adult birds and chicks varies. Young animals can be distinguished by the color of their plumage. The upper part of their body is brown with small spots, and the edges of the feathers are rusty-yellow. The plumage of the lower part of the body has elongated brown spots on a rusty-red background.

Instructions for catching a sparrow

So, how to catch a sparrow? Forget about snares and traps. Your main tool is your ingenuity, patience and skill.

1. To catch a sparrow, you need to sprinkle crumbs of white bread in the place where these birds are most concentrated. These could be parks, courtyards, etc. If the bird has flown into the room, then crumbs should be sprinkled when the bird sits so that it can see and peck them. This sequence of actions must be repeated several times and even days in a row. First of all, you need to tame the bird. Therefore, catching a sparrow is a matter for patient and diligent people. After several feedings, the birds themselves will fly to the place where they were fed.

2. Prepare a small cardboard box or box and a wooden stick that will serve as a support. Tie a thread 1.5-2 m long to a stick. The box should be placed in the place where birds are fed, so that part of the box stands on the ground and the other on a support. In this case, you need to install the stick at an angle of 30º. You need to install the box so that a shadow does not form under it, because it can scare away the bird, and it will not enter the trap you have prepared.

3. Under the box, prepare bait for the bird in the form of crumbs, grains and move away from it at the distance of a thread. You need to wait until the bird completely enters the box and starts pecking at the food. After this, sharply pull the thread so that the stick moves and the box covers the bird.

4. Carefully lift the box with the bird so that it cannot fly away, and remove the bird.

What do sparrows eat in the city?

Sparrows feed in summer

worms, insects, grains - everything that is found on the ground in
the city
or in the field. In winter, the lives of many of these birds depend on human kindness and generosity. It’s especially hard for little fidgets on days of snowfall and severe frost.

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Proper manufacturing technology

For the strength of the loop, it is necessary to select steel wire. It must withstand a load of 25 kg, so the diameter must be at least 1 mm.

  1. Finding the material is easy: the wire is found in telephone cables and clutch cables.
  2. To “soften” the wire, you should fire it. A fire will do here. In addition, the material will easily take the required shape - a circle. But do not fire over an open fire. The wire should be placed in the coals and wait a while.
  3. After firing, a specific metallic burning smell will appear. It is worth getting rid of it for the reason that the hare is quite shy towards such smells. After removing the steel from the fire, the material should be boiled in a pan with bark and grass. It is also recommended to add pine needles and pine branches. After the wood resins cover the metal surface, a natural smell is formed.
  4. Then the wire is placed in a clean container that does not contain foreign odors. There should be no defects on the wire - pinches, knots or breaks, it must be solid. Installing the loop is done using new gloves. It is advisable to take mittens or gloves, which were also boiled in a container with wire.
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