Gambusia: what the little fish saved the city of Sochi from

When going on vacation to Sochi, many are interested in the question: are there mosquitoes there?

You should enjoy your vacation, especially in the summer; no circumstances should cause inconvenience, so you need to carefully prepare for such an event. Many Russians traditionally spend their holidays in the Krasnodar region, in particular in Sochi. When going there, many are interested in the question: are there mosquitoes there? These annoying insects live everywhere, but under certain conditions they can disappear. Such circumstances include: temperature conditions, unsuitable climatic conditions, inability to lay larvae.

Sochi: are there mosquitoes here?

The period of mosquito activity begins with the establishment of warm weather. May is the time for insects to mate; it is at this time that mosquitoes begin to become active. The peak population increase occurs in June. In July the weather becomes hot and the mosquito family disappears.

If the area is very swampy, then you will have to observe mosquitoes and midges and experience discomfort from them throughout the entire warm season. The areas of sanatoriums and hotels are treated with chemicals that repel blood-sucking insects. Also, mosquitoes do not like to live near the sea.

Squeakers are especially inconvenient for all residents and visitors, the bite of which can cause allergies, itching and redness on the skin. It would be a good idea to take with you a repellent that will repel insects for protection.

Where did the circus go, it was just yesterday

In the very center of Sochi, at the point where two major avenues merge into a common thread: Kurortny and Pushkin, the kingdom of clowns, trained animals, brave acrobats and virtuoso magicians lives and lives.

Our life outside of vacation is often busy with work and household problems; it’s not always possible to go to the circus near home with the children. Every year the best circus groups come to tour the resort paradise with wonderful new programs.

Many years ago, the great maestro Yuri Nikulin himself laid the first stone in the foundation of the current building of the Sochi circus. For more than 45 years, circus lights have been lit every evening in the local arena for spectators.

And before the start of the performance, if you arrive at the circus in advance, you will have a wonderful opportunity to visit the natural and architectural miracle of Sochi - the outlandish Arboretum. Reserve 2-3 hours of free time for this and you will get an unforgettable experience from 2 events at once.

Comfortable places to stay in Sochi

The territory of Sochi is free from mosquitoes. According to some versions, they are not there, because earlier they fought malaria here and during large-scale measures the territory was completely cleared of pests. Swampy areas were drained, areas with thickets and old trees were cleared, and the area was treated with chemicals. There was a massive planting of coniferous trees, which are good at repelling midges, midges, and mosquitoes. After such actions in Sochi, mosquitoes disappeared, and when they appeared over time, they were in very small numbers.


On the night that followed that day, when the schema-monk finally realized that everything in his knowledge was light, he unexpectedly woke up.
This surprised him. He never woke up at night. Thinking about what had woken him up, he fell asleep again and immediately woke up again, feeling a strong burning sensation in his back. Understanding the cause of this burning sensation, he tried to fall asleep, but could not. Something was bothering him. He didn't sleep until morning. The next night someone woke him up again. He tossed and turned until the morning, quietly moaning and, unnoticed by himself, scratching his hands. In the afternoon, getting up, he accidentally looked into the coffin. Then he understood everything. Cherry-colored bugs quickly ran across the corners of his gloomy bed. The schema-monk felt disgusted. On the same day, an old man came with crackers. And then the ascetic, who had been silent for twenty years, spoke. He asked me to bring him some kerosene. Hearing the speech of the great silent man, the peasant was taken aback. However, for some reason being ashamed and hiding the bottle, he brought kerosene. As soon as the old man left, the hermit, with a trembling hand, lubricated all the seams and grooves of the coffin. For the first time in three days, Eupl fell asleep peacefully. Nothing disturbed him. He lubricated the coffin with kerosene on the following days. But after two months I realized that it was impossible to get rid of bedbugs with kerosene. At night, he quickly turned over and prayed loudly, but prayers helped even less than kerosene. Six months passed in unspeakable torment before the hermit turned to the old man again. The second request shocked the old man even more. The schema-monk asked to bring him Aragats powder against bedbugs from the city. But “Aragats” didn’t help either. The bugs multiplied unusually quickly and bit mercilessly. The schema-monk’s powerful health, which could not be broken by twenty-five years of fasting, was noticeably deteriorating. A dark, desperate life began. The coffin began to seem disgusting and uncomfortable to the schema-monk Euplus. At night, on the advice of the peasant, he burned the bedbugs with a torch. The bedbugs were dying, but did not give up. The last resort was tried - products from br. Glick is a pink liquid with the smell of a poisoned peach called "Klopin". But that didn't help either. The situation was getting worse. Two years after the start of the great struggle, the hermit accidentally noticed that he had completely stopped thinking about the meaning of life, because he was busy hunting bedbugs around the clock.

Then he realized that he was mistaken. Life, just like twenty-five years ago, was dark and mysterious. It was not possible to escape from worldly anxiety. It turned out to be impossible to live with body on earth and soul in heaven. Then the elder stood up and quickly left the dugout. He stood among the dark green forest. It was early, dry autumn. Right next to the dugout, a whole family of porcini mushrooms poked out of the ground. An unknown bird sat on a branch and sang solo. The noise of a passing train was heard. The ground shook. Life was wonderful. The elder, without looking back, went forward.

Now he serves as a coachman at the horse base of the Moscow Municipal Services.

Ilya Ilf and Evgeny Petrov A story about a hussar-schemnik

What should you take with you against mosquitoes in Sochi?

To protect yourself from mosquitoes, you need to take modern and convenient mosquito repellents for children and adults with you on vacation. Pharmacies and stores offer a wide variety of repellents. For example, water-based DEET mosquito repellent aerosol, which lasts for 8 hours, providing ultra protection without leaving stains on clothes.

DETA BABY water-based products for protecting children from mosquito bites are very popular among mothers. These products are suitable for children from 1 year old; they do not dry the skin and do not cause allergic reactions. Absolutely neutral for baby's skin.

Holidays in the south of Russia

The most popular insect repellents can be:

  • Spray applied to skin or clothing. They usually have an age limit; such products are not recommended for children under 3 years of age;
  • Creamy protective agents applied only to the skin;
  • Tablets or liquids sprayed indoors or outdoors by igniting or using a special heating device powered by the network.

All these products at any resort are more expensive than in the regions. Knowing this, tourists try to take them with them.

Tips and tricks

Before wishing yourself a safe journey and a wonderful holiday, check the weather forecast for the period of your stay in Sochi. You may need to adjust your wardrobe based on weather conditions. Don't forget documents, bank cards, gifts for March 8th. It would be a good idea to have a first aid kit with you on your trip containing the necessary medications and personal hygiene products.

The most important thing is to be positive. The anticipation of relaxation inspires, creates a good mood, and this is the foundation for quality relaxation. Consider the epidemiological situation in the country and follow the recommendations of doctors. And let your spring date with the beautiful city of Sochi become a happy page in your life.

Blue sea, distant horizon

A separate theme of walking around Sochi is, of course, the seaport and the coastal area in its vicinity. In the area of ​​the resort's Marine Station you can admire light-winged snow-white yachts, powerful cruise ships, and numerous fishing fans trying their fishing luck on the shore. On the city beach of Sochi there are water parks and commercial beaches with a lot of water activities. Here, on the seaside promenade, kids will be able to choose temporary funny tattoos, intricate playful hairstyles, or take pictures in real costumes of pirates, court nobles and young ladies-in-waiting. The final note of such a tour will be a delicious lunch in one of the children's cafes with an abundance of absolutely incredible-tasting sweets.

If this is not enough, a complete selection of Sochi entertainment for children is at your service.

Which snake was able to take root in the Caucasus?

The North Caucasus, including the environs of the Greater Sochi region, seemed attractive for deployment to the following members of the scaly collective:

  • Vipers and similar comrades do not exceed 70-80 cm in length. The appearance is inconspicuous: a head with a vague pattern and a long, mobile body of gray or brown color. The character is calm, they never attack first, especially on a person. They appear extremely rarely in populated areas, only randomly. They are not susceptible to swimming in the sea; they never appear in open areas, preferring thickets and secluded places;
  • The copperhead loves to settle in river valleys, including mountain ones. The usual body dimensions of this snake do not exceed 70 cm in length. The coloring is colorful: brown areas of the skin are adjacent to gray patches. He doesn’t even think about approaching the cities and towns of the Black Sea coast, and is indifferent to swimming in the sea. Never seen in water. You can meet the copperhead only in the lower reaches of the reservoir. I am not inclined to contact people. It is dangerous only in cases of tourists’ persistent desire to show excessive curiosity and get as close as possible to the snake in order to touch it or take a unique photo “Me and the terrible snake”;
  • The common one is a completely non-venomous species of snake. It is known throughout the world for its distinctive characteristic – yellow “ears”. Some individuals can reach large sizes, exceeding 1 m in length. When meeting a person, they prefer to hide in the depths of another clearing, rich in wet, withered foliage. In order to bite a person, you need to make incredible efforts. Show brutal aggression, beat a soft-tempered snake, forcing it to defend itself.

In the vastness of the Caucasus, including in the vicinity of the resort city of Sochi, you can accidentally encounter poisonous and completely harmless scaly creatures if you do not follow the basic rules, which we will discuss separately.

Will there be a holiday season?

This coming summer, many Russians will choose the resorts of the Krasnodar Territory, including Sochi, for their vacation. And there are several reasons for this.

Yew-boxwood grove

Firstly, the whole of Europe is quarantined due to the extremely unfavorable coronavirus situation. Perhaps the situation will improve by summer, but many need to plan their vacation in advance, and in the case of European resorts it is impossible to predict anything.

Secondly, there are no difficulties crossing the state border due to the imposed quarantine. If you go on vacation within your own country, then there is no risk of getting “stuck” in quarantine abroad.

Thirdly, accessible and understandable medicine, and if something happens, your regular compulsory medical insurance policy is valid throughout the country.

As we see, we have everything to make the holiday season in Sochi happen. But to do this, you need to be conscious now and adhere to all official recommendations in order to stop the coronavirus pandemic. Be law-abiding and healthy!


Why don't locals swim in the sea?

There are several reasons why local residents do not swim in the sea. The first reason could be that they simply don’t want to. If a person lived all his life on the sea coast, when the sun, mountains and sea were available to him in unlimited quantities, then over time all this begins to be taken for granted and ceases to be interesting.

On the other hand, if a person has spent his entire life in the harsh north, where you can rarely see the sun, and he has been to the sea only a few times, then he will be happy to go to the sea coast every vacation.

The second reason can be called employment. Many people are accustomed to putting everything off until later. If a person has been saving for a vacation for a long time, then naturally he will be glad to arrive at the resort and will spend every minute at sea to enjoy his vacation. If a person has lived at sea all his life, then he will not be interested in it. He can allow himself to resolve all his accumulated affairs, and take a bath later. This could go on all summer. It's the same as if a person from the south came to the north. He would spend most of his time riding a snowmobile, and a person who lives in the north is not interested in that.

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Another fairly common reason could be simply being picky. Local residents know where there are places with cleaner water and fewer people. Local residents will most likely swim there.

Is there a shortage of goods?

According to the authorities, in Kuban there is control over the price of socially significant goods and their availability in stores. Products are supplied to retail chains as usual. However, in some places there is an artificially created excitement.

People are buying pasta, buckwheat, canned food, and other shelf-stable goods. The authorities urge us not to panic, because food shortages artificially created by people themselves can contribute to rising prices, and this is something we, as citizens, definitely don’t need.

It would be wise to buy a little more groceries to avoid visiting the store too often, but you shouldn't fill every cupboard in the house with food. This is exactly the situation when we should show consciousness and concern for society. Ultimately, price increases due to artificial shortages will hit our wallets too.

What I see in practice, as a local resident of the village of Vesyoloye in the Adler region. There are products in stores, in standard quantities. Therefore, there is definitely no need to panic.

As expected, medical masks and hand sanitizers have run out everywhere. The demand for them is so great that Magnit-Cosmetic even posted a notice on the door: “masks and antiseptics are not on sale.” But is this a cause for concern? Absolutely not. I’ll explain why below.

How to avoid dangerous dialogue with snakes

It is impossible to predict in advance what ideas will visit the “wise” head of a snake upon close contact with a person. Therefore, it is worth protecting yourself from situations that could lead to unpleasant consequences. Here are some tips on this matter:

  • you can enjoy walking around the property of the Sochi National Park within the city and resort villages completely calmly and without worrying about snakes;
  • you can swim in the sea and get a chocolate tan on the shore along the entire coastline of the Black Sea, both in landscaped areas and on wild beaches; snakes will not express a desire to keep you company;
  • do not make independent trips to the mountains, river valleys and gorges of the Caucasus. Consult local residents or professional guides first;
  • If you have a rare opportunity on the Black Sea coast to see a snake up close, do not make sudden movements, do not try to get to know it closely, do not throw stones or other objects at it. Allow the snake to leave the meeting place first, which it will most likely try to do quickly.

Taking care of a safe and comfortable holiday is part of the mandatory personal safety program for every tourist. Anyone who does not seek extreme adventures for himself will remain safe and sound. If you suspect you have had close contact with a snake, seek medical attention immediately. Perform preventative medical procedures.

About schools and kindergartens

In addition to limiting cultural events, the study schedule for schoolchildren and students has been changed.

Starting from March 21, spring holidays have been announced for schoolchildren and students of colleges, technical schools and other secondary specialized educational institutions. This year, due to the threat of the spread of the virus, they will be very long, and will last until April 11.

After this date, educational institutions are invited, if necessary, to consider the possibility of teaching children remotely. Probably, the presence or absence of such a need will become apparent closer to the end of the holidays.

Kindergartens continue to operate. As additional measures, temperature checks have been introduced for all children in the morning, and additional disinfectants have been announced for groups.

Parents of children are asked to stay at home if they wish. To do this, you should write a leave application addressed to the manager. If the vacation days have already been exhausted, finding a home while maintaining a place in the kindergarten is possible only with payment for it.


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Family picnic-trip

Long walks in the vicinity of Greater Sochi will give your children unforgettable memories. Krasnaya Polyana and its mountain delights, the magical country “Berendeevo Kingdom” in the village of Lazarevskoye, a real “difficult” hike to 33 waterfalls, the “Krasotka” waterfall, the Dagomys troughs, the Zmeykovsky waterfalls - these are just a few of the places where you can go with the whole family on a hike. all day.

Supplies of sandwiches and water will strengthen your strength during the voyage, mutual assistance and assistance on mountain paths will further strengthen your family ties. From a trip full of real adventures, getting to know the wonderful Caucasian nature and testing their strengths and capabilities, your younger family members will definitely return satisfied and happy.

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