Prestigitator for potatoes: instructions and dosage

Prestige for potato processing

Prestige for potatoes is an effective remedy that destroys pests and protects plants from diseases. This is an insecto-fungicidal disinfectant. At the same time, the drug is also a kind of immunomodulator. Thanks to it, the crop grows faster, does not react to weather changes and produces an increased yield. However, not all gardeners speak positively about Prestige. This is due to its toxicity. But, as practice shows, the chemical has a large number of admirers. It is used by both private gardeners and industrial enterprises.

Terms of use

According to the instructions, “Prestige” for the Colorado potato beetle can be used to treat tubers before germination, immediately before planting, and also to protect seedlings.

Let's look at each option in more detail.

Pre-planting treatment

Dressing of tubers is an important part of measures aimed at protecting potatoes from pests and diseases. Thanks to this operation, the infection on the tubers is destroyed and the potatoes receive reliable protection from the action of microorganisms throughout the entire germination period

  1. Prepare a working solution from 50 ml of concentrated suspension and 2.5-3 liters of water. This amount is enough for 50 kg of potatoes.
  2. For treatment, use a canister sprayer, backpack sprayer or household sprayer.
  3. Spread the seed material on a film or sheet of roofing felt; its layer should not be higher than 2-3 tubers.
  4. Spray the preparation onto the tubers, with each tuber covered by at least ¾ of the solution. To increase efficiency, after complete drying, each tuber can be turned over and the treatment repeated on the other side.

Treatment before germination

"Prestige" can be used before sprouting tubers. In this case, processing is carried out in advance - 15-20 days.

  1. The working solution is prepared from 30 ml of suspension and 600 ml of water.
  2. Using a spray bottle, the solution is sprayed onto the tubers and left for some time until completely dry.
  3. The treated potatoes are placed for germination and treated with the same solution again before planting.

Seedling protection

As you know, the Colorado potato beetle attacks not only potatoes, but also other crops such as tomatoes, eggplants, cabbage and sweet peppers. The Prestige disinfectant can also be used to protect them.

  1. Prepare a working solution from 10 ml of concentrate and 1 liter of water.
  2. Dip the roots of the seedlings into the prepared product and leave for 8 hours.
  3. After the specified time, the seedlings should be immediately planted in the ground.

Properties of the drug

Prestige – potato protectant. It is used to treat tubers before planting. Thanks to this procedure, the gardener can forget about the problems associated with growing nutritious root vegetables. Among the properties of the drug:

  • Insecticidal. The product creates an impenetrable barrier against pests. As a result, the potatoes are not attacked by sucking and gnawing parasites. Prestige is detrimental to mole crickets, flea beetles, potato moths, wireworms, aphids, and midges. The most important thing is that the Colorado potato beetle will not touch the bush;
  • Fungicidal. Thanks to its fungicidal properties, Prestige destroys pathogens and also protects the crop from pathogenic microorganisms. Processed potatoes or seeds of other vegetables will not catch rot, rhizoctonia, brown rust, septoria, powdery mildew;
  • Accelerating culture growth. Many gardeners call Prestige a fertilizer for potatoes. This is partly true. It increases the immunity of the crop, making it more resistant to stressful weather situations (heat, drought, sudden temperature changes, cold snap). Prestige stimulates bush growth and tuber formation.

Accelerating culture growth

According to reviews from summer residents, the chemical increases productivity by 1.5-2 times. Due to the fact that the plant does not get sick and is not attacked by harmful insects, the potato tuber has an excellent presentation. Root crops grow large and without damage.

Protection of potatoes from late blight: preparations

This crop is often affected by late blight. This is a fungal disease that spreads to the green mass of the plant in the summer, and to potato tubers in the autumn. There are no drugs yet that can completely rid potatoes of this scourge, so prevention needs to be carried out in a timely manner. Otherwise, up to 20% of the harvest can be lost during the season, and in some unfavorable regions this figure reaches 50%.

The mycelium of the fungus settles on the surface of the potato, which will germinate in early spring with affected sprouts. Later, zoospores will appear, damaging the leaf blade. The leaves become dark and dry out, as a result of which the development of the underground part stops. Zoospores from the leaf are washed into the soil by rain and there they attack young tubers, which become black, rotten and unsuitable for consumption.

All necessary preparations for late blight on potatoes can be purchased at any garden store. Fungicides Thanos and Ridomil have proven themselves well. They are used to disinfect soil. If you do not use them, the following problems may occur:

  • early death of the tops, tubers do not have time to form on the roots;
  • spoilage of tubers, which leads to a decrease in their consumer qualities;
  • infection of neighboring beds with eggplants and tomatoes.

It is best to purchase systemic preparations for potato late blight, which enter the stems and leaves of plants through the seed tuber and roots. After treatment with such preparations, constant circulation of active substances through the internal vessels of plants will begin. Thanks to this, both the above-ground part and young, newly formed potatoes will be protected from infection.

Those who are afraid of strong chemicals can use biological preparations to combat potato late blight. For example, Fitosporin-M, Integral, Baktofit. It is necessary to irrigate potato tubers with the solution 1-2 days before the intended planting in the soil. Then you can spray the above-ground parts of young plants with contact preparations. In total, approximately 4-5 treatments will be required per season. Such biological agents do not poison the soil and do not accumulate in fruits, which means they will not harm humans.


Prestige contains two active components: Pencycuron (synonym Monciren) and Imidacloprid (Confidor). Pencykuron is a protective pesticide that suppresses harmful organisms before they begin to multiply and destroy crops. Imidacloprid is an insecticide belonging to the class of neonicotinoids. Paralyzes harmful insects.

Due to the fact that the composition includes two strong components at once, the product is considered economical. And this despite the fact that its price is not cheap. A 20 ml bottle of Prestige for processing potatoes costs about 160-200 rubles. You can buy the chemical at any garden store, or order it online. A cheaper analogue is Prestidigitator for potatoes. Its cost starts from 70 rubles.

Additional Information. Working with the Prestige product is not labor-intensive. Only one treatment is required. It can be used not only for potatoes, but also to process the seeds of other vegetable crops. One jar lasts a long time.

Each Prestige Potato Processing Box contains instructions. The package states that it is important to read the manual carefully before use. The chemical itself is bottled in plastic bottles. For convenience, a measuring cup is included. Bottles of 15, 20, 60, 150, 500 ml are available.

The product is formulated as a suspension concentrate. It is recommended to store Prestige in its original packaging in a dry place, away from food. The permissible shelf life is 2 years from the date of manufacture. The manufacturer of the chemical is the German chemical and pharmaceutical company Bayer CropScience.

Precautionary measures

The drug "Prestige" is quite toxic, so it can harm human health. If you follow a number of rules when using it, you will be able to avoid the negative effects of this chemical on the human body. For example:

  1. It is necessary to take care to protect the skin, eyes and respiratory organs, using thick clothing, rubber gloves and a respirator.
  2. During the process of planting potatoes, it is forbidden to drink, smoke, and, especially, eat.
  3. At the end of the work, take off your clothes and put them in the wash, and take a shower and rinse your mouth.

It is important to know! It is better to place the treated planting material in plastic bags for transportation.

Children should not be involved in planting potatoes and should not be allowed into their place of work, as well as pets. If poison gets on the skin, and even more so on the mucous membranes, it is necessary to immediately rinse the affected area thoroughly with clean running water. If negative symptoms occur, such as headache, dizziness, nausea or vomiting, it is better to seek help from specialists.

If you do not ignore precautions, it is simply impossible to get poisoned with the Prestige product. The toxic components that make up Prestige completely disintegrate within 50 days, so they cannot harm human health.

Security and restrictions

Hazard class for humans – class 3.

The waiting period before harvesting is 60 days.

How does Prestige work on a beetle?

One of the features of the drug is its rapid action. It enters the active stage immediately after application to tubers or seeds. It operates on the principle of erecting a protective barrier. The substance passes from the tubers into the ground. It immediately creates an invisible wall that protects the potatoes from harmful influences. In this case, the active components of the drug penetrate into the plant itself. As the bush grows, each cell receives its own dose of Prestige.

Leaves and stems become poison for any insects. The Colorado potato beetle dies after tasting a fresh leaf. This is due to chemicals that, when entering the insect’s body, affect the nerve structures. First the pest is paralyzed. Then he dies. It is noteworthy that the leaves cause the death of the beetle, even if he did not try them. Toxins contained in plant cells are able to penetrate the beetle’s body even through its body, surrounded by chitin.

As a result, the plant’s underground and above-ground parts are protected. The crop is not affected by pests and does not get sick. At the same time, the shoots and tubers withstand bad weather.

Important! Thanks to a specially developed formula, toxic derivatives do not enter the developing tubers. They disperse through the soil of the plant, through old planting material and tops. Decomposition of the product occurs 2 months after treatment. That is, in the fall there is no longer poison either in the potato tops or in the soil.

The danger of the Colorado potato beetle

The pest's favorite dish is potatoes. These beetles are ready to eat it in various forms, be it young stems or mature tubers.

In spring they prefer to feast on succulent foliage, in summer they attack flowers, and during the harvest season they begin to attack the lower parts.

When the temperature drops, the beetles burrow into the ground and get to the potato tubers. Such direct movement of the beetle leads to damage to the plant.

Colorado potato beetle larvae

And beetles can reproduce very quickly, which means even more fruits are at risk.

The use of poisons Taboo and Prestige

Taboo is a remedy that can protect crops from pest beetles such as the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm.

What sets it apart from other products is its comfort, reliability and ease of use. This product is completely safe for human health.

It is worth treating the tubers prepared for planting once with Taboo, and the potato seedlings will be protected from voracious pests.

When tubers are sprayed, they take on a reddish tint.

Packaging of the drug "Taboo"

This is done for convenience so that the treated areas can be seen.

After the preparation dries, each tuber is covered with a thin film, which allows the root crop to be transported to the planting site without consequences.

Prestige is a good remedy that can protect potato tubers from insect pests.

The product is applied before planting the crop. Prestige was developed by the German company Bayer.

After processing is completed, the potatoes should be left for several hours in order to absorb the moisture of the solution.

Packaging of the drug "Prestige"

It is preferable to dilute the solution with warm water, as stated in the instructions. After this, you should spray it evenly and most importantly slowly over the potatoes. And then you can plant the vegetable itself.

Detailed comparison of drugs

Before the appearance of the drug Tabu, Prestige gardeners used it. It is still successfully used today.

If you compare these two drugs, you can identify a slight difference between them:

  • the period of protection from the Colorado potato beetle in days for Prestige is 37 days, and for Tabu – 45;
  • Prestige has fungicidal properties, unlike Taboo;
  • the drug Tabu requires soil treatment before planting;
  • Prestige helps stimulate the growth and development of potatoes;
  • The drug Tabu is cheaper in price, unlike Prestige.

You can also read our article: How to get rid of the Colorado potato beetle without chemicals.


Treatment with Tabu is carried out on the same day when the solution is prepared. The disinfectant must be applied during the day. Storage is not permitted.

One tube with a volume of 10 milliliters is enough to produce 25 liters of solution.

They can process two and a half acres of potato fields. In order to prepare less solution, use the cap from the bottle for measurement.

To get rid of wireworms you will need four milliliters per 10 liters of water. This may be enough for 1 hundred square meters.

Prestige suspension is prepared according to the instructions. Next, dissolve it at the rate of one kilogram of potatoes. (50 kg of potatoes - 50 milliliters in three liters of water).

The solution is collected into the spray bottle. The tubers are laid out on film and sprayed.

Processing potatoes using the drug "Prestige"

All tubers must be covered with a solution, which will allow them to be reliably protected in the future.

This product also allows you to protect other plants that may be attacked by pests.

Ten milliliters of the drug is diluted in one liter of water. The roots are soaked in the solution for 8 hours, then planted in the soil.


When using Tabu, planting tubers are able to become well saturated. When the plant begins to grow, the poison enters the green shoots.

When the product enters the body of an insect, it primarily destroys its nervous system. First it affects digestion, then it affects movement. A day after the poison enters the body, the pest dies.

Prestige is able to evenly distribute the solution during treatment. The coating is thick and the spraying process occurs continuously.

Consequences of taking the drug against the Colorado potato beetle

If you dilute Prestige according to the instructions, it will be very effective.


If you carry out constant measures throughout the growing season to protect potatoes from pests, this will give an effective result.

The funds will help reduce the number of beetles to safe limits and grow a good harvest.

Harm to humans

Prestige for potato processing is a representative of hazard class III drugs. In other words, it is moderately dangerous. The drug can cause harm to a summer resident if a person drinks the spray solution or a large amount of the chemical gets into the eyes or skin.

In other cases, Prestige is not harmful. You can work with it without fear for your health. But the approach to the drug must be correct. Do not neglect safety measures:

  1. The gardener carries out the etching wearing gloves;
  2. A protective mask is required;
  3. Treatment is carried out in a ventilated room or in the fresh air, away from fruit bushes and trees;
  4. If it is intended to transport the treated potatoes to the dacha, then the planting material is packed in bags or burlap;
  5. During planting, the gardener also puts on gloves and a mask;
  6. After completing the work, the person must wash thoroughly. Wash clothes.

Note! Prestige is very harmful to beneficial insects. It affects earthworms, bees, bumblebees, etc.


Types of synthetic drugs against striped pests

Chemical compositions for the destruction of Colorado potato beetles are divided into:

  1. Insecticides.
  2. Biological products.
  3. Folk remedies.

To effectively use chemicals, you must be able to correctly correlate the choice of drug with the conditions of your summer cottage. The leading positions in the ranking of pest control products are occupied by powerful synthetic compounds with a high speed of impact: “Prestige”, “Aktara”, “Tanrek”, “Koragen”, “Respect”, “Bark beetle”.

Some farmers combine natural remedies with systemic microbiological preparations (Fitosporin, etc.), insecticide-acaricidal agents (Rateid, Tsifoks based on cypermethrin). In order not to harm the plantings, farmers follow the dosages of drugs recommended in the instructions.

When using insecticides and pesticides together, you need to know the degree of compatibility of the drugs.

Methods of influence

According to methods of use, synthetic drugs are conventionally divided into:

  • mordants (they are used to treat tubers before planting);
  • spraying agents.

Chemical compounds have different effects on beetles. Some instantly kill harmful insects, others scare off minke whales with a pungent odor, paralyze, or disrupt the functioning of the parasites’ digestive system.

NameWhat harm does it cause to parasites?
ContactInsects come into contact with treated plant parts and die. The method is not used during rain, before watering.
IntestinalThe poison penetrates the pests during feeding.
SystemChemicals fill the plants. Crops become inedible for pests.
SprayingThe working solution of the drug is sprayed onto plants, beetles, larvae, and eggs. The composition poisons pests without harming crops.
Regulation of growth and developmentDrugs that fall on parasites during pollination interfere with the growth of the protective shell of the larvae. This leads to underdevelopment of pests and their death. Toxic compounds that enter the body of female parasites along with green matter cause disturbances in the life cycles of the offspring of minke whales.

Among insecticidal agents with a reputation for being effective, farmers often choose: Actellik, Punisher, Confidor, Agita, 30 Plus. The contact-intestinal remedy for Colorado beetles “Gunner Duo” also has a high rating. This insecticide destroys all harmful insects and protects the garden for a month.

Many farmers who want to get rid of the Colorado potato beetle choose the Stop Beetle insecticide. This contact-intestinal drug has a class IV hazard class for humans. Despite its toxicity, STOP Beetle is actively used by gardeners; the chemical quickly rids plants of pests without disturbing the life cycles of crops.

By composition

Colorado beetles quickly adapt to synthetic compounds. Experienced gardeners advise alternating preparations with different active substances.

AvermectinsThey are produced by streptomycete fungi or obtained by chemical synthesis. Preparations based on avermectins are not too dangerous for humans, but have a negative effect on beneficial insects. Such products cannot be used near apiaries.
PyrethrinsThey cause paralysis of the nervous system in Colorado beetles and the death of insects. The activity of the agents decreases with increasing ambient temperature.
Phosphorus compoundsThey have class III hazard to humans. If phosphorus compounds are used against beetles for a long period, the pests become immune to the compounds.
NeonicotinoidsUsed for the synthesis of active drugs with systemic action against striped pests.

Pyrethroid insecticides are less toxic than chemicals from other groups. After treating potatoes with the following preparations: “Kinmiks”, “Marshal”, “Klotiamet”, “Typhoon”, “Hurricane”, “Senpai”, you cannot dig up the tubers for at least 30 days. This protects against the effects of harmful substances that get inside the plants.

How to work with the drug correctly

Processing methods

Prestige for potatoes, instructions for use indicate the possibility of processing in several ways. The first way is to spray the tubers before germination. The second is just before planting in the ground. The gardener himself decides which method he prefers.

Spraying tubers before germination

Before germination

Treatment is carried out during pre-planting preparation of potatoes. The process is organized 14-25 days before planting. Pickling can be carried out in a dry, ventilated area. Food products and people without gauze bandages should not be nearby. For everything to go right, the tubers are dried in advance, that is, there should be no moisture on them. Newspapers are spread on the floor, with protective film on them. Place the potatoes on the coating in one layer. Treatment is carried out using a spray or atomizer. After processing one side, you can turn the planting material over. It is important that the solution is distributed almost throughout the entire tuber. After the procedure, the potatoes are left to germinate. The advantage of this method is that the sprouts are already formed healthy and strong.

Before boarding

Many gardeners are wondering: is it possible to treat sprouted potatoes with the Prestige chemical? The clear answer here is yes. All actions can be carried out directly in the garden, but away from garden crops. To do this, you need to prepare a film on which the planting material is placed. After the procedure, the potatoes are left for 30-90 minutes. Planting can only be done with dry material. The advantage of this method is that the drug will be effective for a longer time than with the first method.

Additional Information. The drug can only be used for mid-season and late varieties. If you treat early potatoes with it, there is a possibility that the chemical will not have time to be neutralized before harvesting.

Preparation of working solution

It is important to know how to breed prestige for potatoes. The instructions on this matter say that the solution is prepared from 10 ml of suspension concentrate. This volume must be diluted in 100-150 ml of water. Everything is thoroughly mixed. It is necessary that the cocktail is homogeneous. After all the manipulations, the product is ready to process the tubers. It is noteworthy that after spraying the potatoes acquire a cherry color.

10 ml of the drug, dissolved in 100-150 ml of water, is enough for 10 kg of potatoes. The ratio of 20 ml of chemical to 200-300 ml of water, respectively, is suitable for treating 20 kg. Thus, the consumption rate of Prestige for potatoes is 1 ml per 1 kg of planting material. The gardener himself decides what dosage is suitable for him. Thanks to the measuring cup included in the kit, measuring the required amount of chemical and then diluting it with water is quite simple.

Important! The solution must be used immediately after preparation. Otherwise, it will lose some of its properties.


  • Do not treat freshly cut potatoes with the drug. If potatoes are planted that have been cut, the treatment is carried out immediately before planting. You should cut the potatoes before sprouting them. Fly ash is applied to the cut. During germination, the incision site will have time to heal. After the formation of a crust, the drug can be used;
  • If potatoes are planted with sprouts, then the sprouts are soaked in the drug solution for 20-30 minutes. In this case, Prestige will act not only as an insecto-fungicidal protectant, but also as a growth stimulator;
  • If there are only a few potatoes, you can place them in a net and completely immerse them in a bowl of solution. This will save time on etching.

Corado from the Colorado potato beetle: features of the pesticide, use

With the onset of the summer season, many people have a question about how to deal with pests this year. Among the many drugs, Corado for the Colorado potato beetle is the most effective. This is a fairly new product that can be used to treat not only potato bushes, but also other crops.

Features of the drug against the Colorado potato beetle

Corado belongs to a group of pesticides that fight not only Colorado potato beetles, but also annoying aphids. The product is produced in ampoules of 1 ml or in the form of bottles of 10, 25 ml. The packaging is sealed, which prevents poison from spilling during transportation.

Since the drug belongs to hazard class 3, it must be kept away from children.

Compared to other products, Corado has many advantages. An important advantage is its resistance to moisture and scorching sun.

Other positive aspects of the product:

  • Pests do not get used to this drug, since it is one of the new ones;
  • fulfills its protective properties throughout the month;
  • has a quick effect on pests;
  • low price category;
  • destroys not only adult beetles, but also their larvae.

The mixture consists of an avermectin complex. It is obtained from mushrooms of the Streptomyces family. The main active ingredient of Corado is imidacloprid.

The product can be stored for 3 years, provided that the packaging has not been opened. It is not recommended to keep the printed ampoule for more than a day. In this case, the temperature regime of the room must be observed. The optimal indicators are -5C - +25C.

Used ampoules must not be burned. They should only be thrown away in designated areas.

Corado from the Colorado potato beetle: the effect of the composition

The components that are included in the composition negatively affect the nervous system of beetles. Within 2–3 hours after spraying the bushes, the pests stop feeding on them. Then the beetles begin to experience paralysis and convulsions. As a result, pests and deposited larvae die. This happens after 48, 72 hours.

You can work with Corado in any weather conditions.

Ways of getting the product into the body of insects:

  • intestinal;
  • systemic;
  • contact.

The drug is also used to treat plants against aphids, ladybugs, and spider mites. Insects do not get used to this product, so it can be used throughout the summer season.

How to use Corado

To get maximum results the first time, prepare the mixture according to the instructions on the package.

The drug acts only on insects and is not able to penetrate the tubers and the stem.

The first thing you need to do is prepare a container. The liquid must be diluted in a bucket that is not used for food purposes. Take water only at room temperature and dilute an ampoule of the drug in it. Mix everything thoroughly and you can start processing.

Plants must be sprayed with a spray bottle. You can also use a broom or brush.

Potato bushes must be processed at least 20 days before harvest. It is recommended to carry out the procedure early in the morning or in the evening, when the sun has set. This way it will be possible to protect the plants from leaf burns.

Corado is not recommended to be mixed with other types of drugs. The mixture is not compatible even with the compounds that are included in its group.

Precautions when working with the drug

To get the desired result and not harm your health, you must follow some rules.

It is recommended to prepare the product only with rubber gloves, a respirator and safety glasses. All other parts of the body will need to be covered with clothing.

In addition, the following rules should be observed:

  • do not consume water and food;
  • do not use food containers for work;
  • If the product gets into your eyes or nose, you should immediately wash them with clean water;
  • if it gets into your mouth, you must rinse the cavity thoroughly with water and then drink more than 1 liter of liquid;
  • After finishing working with the poison, it is recommended to drink a glass of water with soluble activated carbon.

Before you start treating plants, you should remember that the drug can negatively affect bees and domestic animals. Therefore, if there is an apiary nearby, it must be moved to a safer place.

Corado is a potent remedy for the Colorado potato beetle, which does not cause pests to become addicted to the active ingredient.

But despite all the advantages of the drug, we must remember that it has a number of features that should be taken into account when processing crops.

What to do if Prestige did not help

It happens that while working with the drug, the gardener makes mistakes. For example, dressing was carried out a month or more before the expected planting date. Or the treatment was incomplete, some of the tubers did not receive the required amount of solution. Another common mistake is not following the dosage. In this case, Prestige may not help.

Even if the product did not cope with the task, and the Colorado potato beetle or other misfortunes appeared, repeated treatment is prohibited. It is not recommended to use the drug on adult bushes. The reason is that toxins will not have time to decompose into safe components. Even though the poison does not get into young tubers, potatoes sprayed during growth should not be consumed.

Experienced gardeners advise spraying potatoes on which the Colorado potato beetle has appeared with another chemical that has insecticidal properties. But you cannot use industrial products that contain components included in Prestige. Specifically, Imidacloprid. Among the products that include this insecticide are the following:

Products without the substance Imidacloprid are suitable for spraying potatoes. Such drugs include:

Prestige for potatoes is a recognized effective means of protecting the crop from pests and diseases. According to reviews, it prevents the appearance of the Colorado potato beetle well, while increasing the immunity of the plant, which better withstands adverse weather conditions. Despite the fact that this is a chemical, it does not have a negative effect on the soil and plants. It is completely neutralized 2 months after etching has been carried out. But when working with the drug, safety precautions must be observed.

Disputes about the dangers of “Prestige”

Is it harmful to treat potatoes with this preparation? From the point of view of protection from all kinds of problems with diseases or insects, it is definitely useful (that is, effective). But there is no clear opinion about whether chemicals accumulate inside tubers and how long it takes to remove them. Thus, manufacturers (who, of course, benefit from their products being in demand among potential buyers) indicate that after processing, the active substances inside the tubers are stored for 2 months, after which they break down into components that are safe for our health and are gradually eliminated. In this case, the protective effect lasts up to 40 days.

The instructions for the drug say that it is a substance of toxicity class 3 (that is, moderately dangerous). But at the same time, after 90-120 days (which is the average growing season for potatoes), the toxic components are completely removed from the plants, and you can safely eat the tubers without fear of consequences. Even young potatoes, according to manufacturers, can be consumed 53 days after processing.

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However, studies conducted in European countries that are members of the European Union give different, not so harmless results. According to them, imidocloprid breaks down in about 80–200 days (this depends on various factors). That is, it can be stored in tubers for up to 7 months! It follows that it is unsafe to treat early potato varieties with this disinfectant. And in general, it’s worth thinking about the balance of benefit and harm. Moreover, “Prestige” does not provide 100% protection for the entire growing season: additional treatments with other drugs will be needed after the stated 40 days have passed (and according to reviews from gardeners who have used “Prestige”, this period is often much shorter). The most pronounced effect will be only during the first few weeks. Then it gradually decreases; potato plantings may be attacked by pests or an outbreak of diseases.

In addition, one should not discount the fact that the cost of the disinfectant is quite high (approximately 400 rubles and more per package). Often the deciding factor when choosing disinfectants is the price. Much more often this drug is purchased for use in large volumes (for example, farms).

Do not eat new potatoes treated with Prestige: many gardeners note that they have a strange taste, and after cooking they turn dark after a while. That is, harmful chemicals have not yet had time to be removed from it. Therefore, it is prudent to use tubers only after the end of the potato growing season.

Prestige, Prestigator or Taboo?

  1. For three seasons (2013-2015) I treated potato tubers before planting with Prestige, a remedy against the Colorado potato beetle. In fact, it turned out that one spring seed treatment was enough to protect the plantings throughout the growing season.
  2. In 2016, I treated potato seeds with Prestigitator. I didn't notice any difference. I concluded that instead of the more expensive Prestige, it is quite possible to use Prestigator to treat potato plantings against the Colorado potato beetle.
  3. In 2022, I decided to save money and treated the potato seeds before planting with the cheap Tabu product from Avgust. According to the instructions, the period of protective action against the Colorado potato beetle is at least 30 days from the emergence of seedlings. In mid-July, we had to re-treat the potato plantings to remove larvae, and then again after a while.
  4. In 2022, I used the Prestigitator dressing agent. The larvae of the Colorado potato beetle appeared at the beginning of the second half of July. The end of May and the beginning of June were cold, then hot and dry. When the larvae appeared, the potato bushes were still fragile, so we had to collect the larvae and beetles. And so three times until mid-August. I didn’t poison it, because in the spring I increased the concentration of the poison, strengthening Prestigitator with the remnants of Taboo from 2022 (they have the same active ingredient).

I made a conclusion for myself based on the results of experiments with etching agents in previous years: use only German-made Prestige.


The debate about the dangers and benefits of the Prestige potato dressing does not subside. The only thing that remains undeniable is the effectiveness of the drug. On forums dedicated to growing vegetable crops, gardeners leave diametrically opposed reviews.

Vadim, Sarov: “I have been using the product for three years in a row and have not noticed any negative consequences for health or the environment. I studied in detail the mechanism of action of the active substances and the method of using the drug, talked with agronomists who convinced me of the absolute safety of the product. There is an apiary next to the garden, the bees are alive and well. I process the potatoes immediately before planting, leave them in the sun to dry completely, and then put them in the ground. The bushes do not suffer from anything, they grow strong and healthy.”

Igor, Vologda: “I don’t consider “Prestige” a panacea for all potato diseases, but it significantly reduces the risk of fungal infection, attack by the Colorado potato beetle and wireworm. I’d rather get a harvest commensurate with my labor costs than one undermined by larvae and beetles. All these herbal chatter and infusions do not bring the desired result, especially when the plantings take up not 2 acres, but much more.”

Varya, Mozhaisk: “I constantly hear rave reviews about the drug “Prestige”, but I’m afraid to try it myself. Recently I came across an article that provided information about the ban on imidacloprid in EU countries due to the extinction of bees. I am wary of any chemicals, I try not to use them to spray vegetables, because we then eat it all. And somehow it’s hard to believe the information from the manufacturer about the rapid disintegration of active substances. I am for environmentally friendly products."

How to treat tubers before planting?

Dilute the disinfectant according to the instructions in a plastic bottle of a suitable container. If you have several varieties of potatoes, then mark the finished solution into levels by batch of tubers on the outer surface of the bottle with a marker or pieces of plaster, colored tape, or electrical tape. In 2016, I had 2 batches of 4 buckets each and a third batch of 1 bucket. Accordingly, the working solution was divided into levels such as 4:4:1. To prepare a working solution for 72 kg of seeds, I use 1 bottle with 60 ml of concentrate.

To spray the prepared diluted product against the Colorado potato beetle and its larvae over the seed tubers, you can use plastic bottles with spray nozzles or hand-held garden sprayers. If there is only one batch of potatoes to process, you can use a Fog garden sprayer.

Before processing, a batch of seed potatoes should be placed on a sheet of plastic film of sufficient size and strength so that you can grab it by the edges and mix the tubers sprayed with the solution to distribute it more evenly over the surface of the seeds.

As a last resort, in the absence of plastic film, you can take a polypropylene bag and process the seed potatoes in it, only when mixing you can get more dirty than with the first method.

From practice: it is better to divide seed potatoes for processing with Prestige into batches of 2 buckets - this makes it more convenient for one person to mix and there is less chance of the film breaking.

Release forms

The manufacturer is the famous Bayer concern (Germany). Prestige insecticide is available for sale in various packages and packaging:

  • syringes in blister 6 ml;
  • 30 ml sachets;
  • bottles 500, 150, 60 ml.

This packaging is convenient for the consumer, since you can purchase any volume of the product depending on the intended treatments.

How to use the drug "Prestige"

In order to grow a rich harvest without loss, gardeners have to use chemicals. If not treated with disinfectants, the development of any crop will be accompanied by pest attacks, which will reduce productivity. What is Prestige and how to use it? Let's look at the strengths and weaknesses of the product.

How to use the drug "Prestige"

Traditional methods

If you want to grow an environmentally friendly potato crop, you can resort to folk remedies and safe techniques. For example, experienced gardeners know that the Colorado potato beetle does not like the smell of cilantro, beets, garlic, calendula, and legumes. To repel the pest, these plants can be planted between potato rows or alternate beds.

Wood ash is popularly used to process seed tubers. It is better if the material is obtained from burning birch, but if this is not available, then other wood will do just fine. The tubers are sprinkled with ash right before planting. This protection prevents potatoes from rotting and developing diseases. And the remains of onion peel, added to the hole during planting, will save the tubers from being eaten by underground pests. Perhaps, in terms of effectiveness, traditional methods are not quite as effective as the Prestige drug, but they allow you to grow completely safe and healthy potatoes.

Purpose of the drug "Prestige"

The modern chemical industry offers farmers a wide range of pesticides that help protect products from insects and diseases, but after a few seasons the parasites adapt to the poison, which forces people to look for new ways of protection. For many years in a row, the best option was the remedy from the Bayer corporation.

What is treated with Pretige

According to the instructions for use of the drug Prestige, the pesticide has the properties of both an insecticide and a fungicide. Unlike more accessible analogues, the poison does not affect the development of plants, increasing resistance to illnesses and environmental influences.

The disinfectant is used to treat:

  • potatoes;
  • pepper;
  • tomatoes;
  • eggplant;
  • cabbage;
  • ornamental plants;
  • fruit trees, bushes.

Protection from pests and diseases

Throughout the growing season, the product protects against fungal diseases: scab, rhizoctonia and wet rot. The anti-stress effect improves product quality and increases the growth of green mass. The chemical penetrates the receptors of pests and blocks the transmission of nerve impulses. The insecticide kills:

After processing the seed, Prestige begins to work within a few hours. The drug is completely eliminated from production after 2 months. This feature allows you to use the chemical once a season without repeated procedures.

Advantages of Prestige insecticide

Gardeners have long used a variety of insecticides. Prestige is an innovative drug in this category.

It has a lot of undeniable advantages:

  1. low level of toxicity;
  2. no need to do frequent processing;
  3. the duration of action of the drug Prestige is 40 days - enough to properly eliminate pests, protect plants, strengthen and promote normal development;
  4. does not accumulate in fruits;
  5. high efficiency of Prestige against the Colorado potato beetle, wireworm, fungi and other pathogenic microorganisms;
  6. stimulates photosynthesis;
  7. rapid penetration into plant tissue, which leads to the death of insects, while maintaining safety for humans and the environment.

The disadvantages include the high cost of the drug Prestige, but the costs are fully recouped by the 100% result.

Testing the effectiveness of the drug "Prestige" against the Colorado potato beetle

Composition of the drug "Prestige"

The main active components of the dressing are pencycuron and imidacloprid. The Baer Corporation has patented a unique combination, so cheaper analogues do not have the same effectiveness. All substances are poisonous, but after 40 days they begin to decompose, gradually leaving the crop. After 50 days, the product no longer contains any remaining connecting elements.

The drug is classified as a medium toxic product (class 3), all work is carried out in protective clothing. Fungicidal components slow down the development of fungi and reduce the supply of nutrients to the mycelium. The insecticidal component of the product blocks the nerve impulses of pests. When used correctly, after 40 days no dangerous chemical elements are found in root vegetables and green mass.

The drug is released in the form of a suspension, which is diluted to the desired concentration with water. Thanks to the patented composition, the poison hardens on the surface of the seed in the form of a thin film. During the specified time, chemicals are not washed off from plants treated according to the instructions during irrigation and do not decompose under the influence of natural vagaries (frost, heat).

Packaging options are designed for volumes from 10 ml to 5 liters.

How to use it correctly

The drug is intended for pre-planting treatment of tubers in two ways: spraying before germination and treatment before planting in the ground. Both methods are equally effective, so the choice is up to the gardener.

Instructions for preparing the solution and processing methods

Before starting to process the tubers before germination, the seeds are removed from storage 20-25 days before planting and left to warm up at a temperature of +15°C for 24 hours. Then prepare a working solution, which is used immediately: 10 ml of the product is diluted in 100 ml of water and mixed until smooth. This volume is enough to process 10 kg of potatoes. A measuring cup will help you accurately measure the right amount of liquid.

The seeds are laid out on plastic film in one layer and sprayed with a solution using a spray bottle on both sides. The tubers are left until completely dry and placed in boxes for germination.

The advantage of this method is the formation of strong and healthy shoots. Disadvantage - the validity period of the product is reduced, and young tubers are left without protection during the period of active growth.

The second treatment method involves spraying the seeds with a protective solution 3 hours before planting. The concentration of the working solution is the same. The action is carried out at a safe distance from other garden crops. A film is spread on the ground, the tubers are laid in an even layer and the processing is carried out. The seeds are left to dry for 30-60 minutes.

The advantage of this method is a longer period of protection compared to the first method.

If the wireworm spreads over a large area, the concentration of the solution should be maximum. When using the drug together with other protective drugs, it is necessary to ensure the compatibility of the chemical elements and the advisability of simultaneous use.

Precautionary measures

Despite the fact that “Prestige” is classified as a safe chemical with minimal harm to humans, insects and birds, the manufacturer advises taking precautions when spraying planting material:

  • carry out the manipulation in protective clothing, rubber gloves, a respirator and goggles, then take a shower and change clothes;
  • If the substance gets into your eyes, rinse immediately with plenty of clean water;
  • if a chemical gets into the esophagus, rinse the stomach, take an adsorbent, and seek medical help;
  • It is forbidden to process tubers with traces of rot, this leads to a decrease in germination;
  • Process freshly cut tubers only after dipping in ash and tightening the cut;
  • You cannot spray the solution on the above-ground parts of plants, since the toxic substances will not have time to decompose into safe components.

Effect duration

“Prestige” is characterized by the rapid entry into the activity phase, which reaches its peak 3-4 hours after treatment. The effectiveness of protection lasts for 1.5-2 months.

Period of action of the drug after germination:

  • from the Colorado potato beetle - 37 days;
  • from aphids - 39 days;
  • from wireworms - throughout the growing season;
  • fungicidal protection - until the end of the season.

Strengths and weaknesses of the drug "Prestige"

The drug is used once per season

Despite the high price, Prestige for potato processing is very popular among domestic and foreign farmers. The complex preparation allows not only to protect plants from insects and fungi in one procedure, but also increases stress resistance and immunity. One application per season is sufficient.

Another advantage of the disinfectant is the effect that makes the chemical look like a fertilizer. Thanks to the activation of metabolic processes, the formation of healthy greenery in crops improves and root crops quickly ripen. The harvest volume increases significantly.

Treatment against the Colorado potato beetle before planting allows you to create powerful protection for 60 days. The dressing agent breaks down within 50 days, after which it leaves the tubers without a trace. The drug is not suitable for growing young potatoes. In this case, it is better to give preference to less toxic species.

Insecticidal properties allow you to get rid of homoptera and lepidoptera insects. Fungicidal features will create an ideal shield against fungal diseases. The absence of pests and diseases makes it possible to improve the presentation of tubers and fruits.

Prestige from the Colorado potato beetle has virtually no downsides. If you use the drug according to the instructions and follow safety rules, there will be no risk. The pesticide has special storage requirements.

Mechanism and principle of operation

“Prestige, KS” is a contact-intestinal pesticide by the method of penetration, and a protective pesticide by the nature of its action.

The principle of protective action is illustrated by the following slide.

The principle of protective action against pests of the disinfectant "Prestige, KS"

The mechanism of action of the drug is as follows:

a) Firstly, when protecting against insect pests, imidacloprid, entering the insect’s body, blocks the transmission of nerve impulses at the level of the postsynaptic membrane receptor.

The period of protective action against pests is regulated to 40-60 days after emergence.

It is important that it is characterized by high initial activity against pests. The first results are observed within a few hours after application

b) Secondly, when protecting against potato diseases, pencicuron penetrates the plant cuticle and inhibits the germination of mycelium, affects the functional state of the cell and nucleus, inhibits the biosynthesis of sterol and free fatty acids inside the fungus, and significantly reduces the content of transport forms of glucose. This significantly helps to curb the development of plant diseases.

The period of protective action of the drug against rhizoctonia and potato scab is established throughout the entire growing season.

The drug "Prestige, KS" has an anti-stress effect, which increases the yield and quality of potatoes. The following slide illustrates these characteristics.

Anti-stress effect of the drug "Prestige, KS"

How to use the drug "Prestige"

Before use, Prestige potato dressing is diluted in the following proportion: 60 ml of product per 1 liter of water. The components are stirred and poured into the sprayer. It is important to ensure uniformity of the solution, otherwise small particles may clog the equipment. The active substance is quickly activated.

To spray the tops and soak the roots before planting, 50 ml of the suspension is diluted in 5 liters of water. The resulting solution is applied using a special sprayer. The recommended procedure allows you to protect greens for a period of 30 days. The duration of stay in the liquid is at least 10 hours.

Potatoes are treated with KS Prestige against the Colorado potato beetle before planting. To do this, 150 ml of the substance is diluted in 3 liters of water. The resulting solution is sprayed on up to 150 kg of tubers and applied 2 weeks before the start of agricultural work. The germinated material is planted in the ground.

Large farming enterprises use a disinfectant to protect against pests. In 10 liters of the substance, 1 ton of seeds can be processed. Irrigation is carried out immediately before planting.

It is not advisable to leave the working solution for a long period without shaking.

To protect against sucking and leaf-eating parasites, fruit and ornamental plant varieties are usually sprayed with chemicals. 20 ml of suspension is dissolved in 1 liter of clean liquid, after which it is applied to the roots during planting or to the above-ground parts. Gardeners often add the product to a clay pot.


The price for 1 liter of the drug “Prestige” ranges from 2,400 to 3,000 rubles. A 60 ml jar costs 420-450 rubles.


On the modern market of potato protective preparations there are analogues of “Prestige”.

NameManufacturerActive substancePurposeConsumption rate
"Tanrek""August"Imidacloprid 200 g/lPrevention of attacks by wireworms, Colorado potato beetles, aphids, protection against rhizoctonia, scab100 ml/1 ha
"Bator""PETERS & BURG Kft"Imidacloprid 140 g/l, pencycuron 150 g/lProtection against beetles, thrips, lepidoptera, rhizoctonia, common scab0.7-1 l/ha
"Rector""Garant Optima"Imidacloprid 140 g/l, pencycuron 150 g/lProtection from the Colorado potato beetle, aphids, potato moth, wireworm and false wireworm, May beetle larvae, gnawing armyworm, mole cricket, rhizoctonia, common scab, wet rot0.7-1 l/ha
"Mospilan"Nippon Soda Co., Ltd (Japan)Acetamiprid 200 g/kgProtection against bedbugs, Colorado potato beetles, aphids, whiteflies, scale insects2.5 g/ha
"Aktellik"Syngenta Crop Protection AG (Switzerland)Pirimiphos-methyl 500 g/lProtection from gnawing and sucking pests2 ml/10 m²
"Confidor"Bayer CropScienceImidacloprid 700 g/kgProtection against aphids, scale insects, thrips, mealybugs, Colorado potato beetles2 g/10 l
"Aktara"Syngenta Crop Protection AG (Switzerland)Thiamethoxam 250 g/kgProtection from gnawing and sucking insects200-400 l/ha

Safety regulations

The drug Prestige is used for processing potatoes according to the instructions. Before agricultural work, carefully study the rules for spending funds. To avoid poisoning, use:

  • respirator or gauze bandage;
  • protective clothing;
  • tight mittens.

If chem. If the product gets into the eyes or mucous membranes, they should be immediately rinsed with clean water until the discomfort disappears. If a toxic substance enters the stomach, it can be harmful. To save a person from a pesticide, it is necessary to rinse. Absorbent medications are used (activated carbon, Polysorb), after which they turn to a medical institution for help.

Sources: -zhuka-prestizhitator/
Article on the topic: At what age can a child have potatoes (when complementary feeding)

Features of the product

The composition is used both for small volumes of planting material and on an industrial scale

  1. Prestige KS, as the drug is officially called, refers to insecticidal-fungicidal agents. Produced by the famous German company Bayer in the form of a suspension concentrate.
  2. It contains two active ingredients: imidacloprid, an insecticide that causes paralysis and subsequent death of pests, and pencycuron, a contact fungicide-protectant.
  3. Processing seed material helps against a large number of pests: Colorado potato beetle, aphids, potato moth larvae, flea beetles, cicadas, mole crickets, wireworms.
  4. The action of the drug helps against the following diseases: wet rot of all types, rhizoctonia, scab.
  5. Treatment of tubers increases the immunity of the seed material. Increases resistance to late blight and adverse weather conditions. Potatoes sprout much more smoothly.
  6. Time is saved since both insecticide and fungicide are applied in one go. If you use two separate preparations, then much more toxic components will get into the soil and plants.

Due to the pink color it is very easy to control the quality of application of the composition

  1. The working solution is pink. After spraying, the tubers acquire the same shade, so it is very easy to control which potatoes have already been processed and which have not.
  2. As the potato grows, toxic components rise upward through the vessels, making the tops inedible for pests. At the same time, nothing harmful enters the tied tubers. Duration of protection from the moment of emergence: from aphids and the Colorado potato beetle - at least 37 days, from wireworm - for the entire growing season. The fungicidal effect also lasts for the entire growing period.

Do not apply the composition before germination. It will act much less.

  1. Early varieties cannot be treated with Prestige, as the components in them may not have time to decompose. But in potatoes that ripen at the end of summer and autumn, all harmful substances are completely decomposed and the harvest is environmentally friendly. In order not to think about whether the drug will cause harm or benefit in the end, it is better to use it only on late varieties.
  2. The product has a hazard class of 3. It is not a highly toxic substance, but safety precautions must be observed: wear protective gloves and a respirator when applying. And if it is windy outside, it is advisable to wear safety glasses.
  3. You can use the composition only in the proportions specified by the manufacturer. Otherwise, harm can be caused; earthworms suffer especially greatly from increased concentrations.
  4. The price depends on the packaging. So, a bottle with a capacity of 60 ml will cost 200 rubles. But if you buy large volumes, a 5 liter canister will cost a little more than 4,000 rubles.

When using the drug, the use of gloves is mandatory.

The author of the video shows an option for processing planting material directly in the hopper of a potato planter. This significantly simplifies the workflow and makes it faster.

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