Does a moth bite or not, can it bite a person?

House moths are widespread throughout the world and are a pest of food and things made from natural materials. These domestic parasites represent a large group, which includes several thousand species. Among themselves, they are divided into two groups according to food preference or habitat.

Butterfly moth.

Can pet cockroaches bite humans?

The behavior of cockroaches has its own specifics.
The cockroach is capable of biting a person thanks to its powerful gnawing mouthparts. Fixation of the skin occurs between the powerful chitinous lips and horns of the insect's mandibles. A pair of upper jaws holds the skin, and the teeth pinch off the upper layers; when bitten, infection occurs with the contaminated oral apparatus and saliva of the pest. The basis of language with a specific structure is chitin. Well-developed organs allow cockroaches to absorb and digest any food, of any strength or coarseness. The insect can bite through cardboard paper, leather items, shoes, and denim items. Human skin is much more delicate than these things. It is not difficult for a cockroach to bite a sleeping person, especially considering that human skin has an odor that can attract the insect. They are active at night when the lights are off. A red-pink crust with a diameter of up to 5 mm forms around the site of the cockroach bite. If characteristic signs of a bite are detected, you must immediately consult a doctor to prevent a possible inflammatory process. If a bite is detected, it is recommended to treat the wound with chlorhexidine or hydrogen peroxide.

Signs of infection

Dimensions of food moths and larvae
It is not difficult to detect that there are moths in the house: grayish butterflies appear in the kitchen or pantries. Most often they can be seen in the evening - insects fly outside to bask in the warm radiation of turned on electrical appliances. White caterpillars can be seen on cabinet doors, walls and even the ceiling. Parasites lay eggs directly in food. They do this on purpose: the hatched moth larvae need food. Cobwebs in semolina or flour are also a sign of infection: the adult caterpillar is spinning threads for a cocoon in which it will turn into an adult.


After a bite, the skin in the affected area is temporarily deformed, but after 30-40 minutes there is no trace left of it. Some bites can be accompanied by very aggressive symptoms:

  • Increasing pain. It is a sure sign of infection as a result of a bite.
  • Itching, burning. Human saliva contains many microbial agents that can trigger an allergic reaction.
  • Swelling at the site of the bite. Occurs as a result of damage to soft tissues.
  • Bruising, hematoma. Occurs if the bite provokes rupture of capillaries and other blood vessels.
  • Fever. A direct sign of infection through human saliva.
  • Pus. This is also a symptom of infection resulting from the bite.

Signs of a bite may vary from case to case. It all depends on the thickness of the skin, the microflora of the bitten person’s oral cavity, and the condition of the capillaries. The absence of symptoms is not a reason for peace; they may appear after 2-3 weeks.

Proboscis - an organ that is absent as unnecessary

Butterflies need the proboscis in order to normally feed on the nectar of flowers - it is with the help of this organ that the insect can reach deeply hidden aromatic nectaries in plants. The vast majority of butterflies feed on this kind of food.

But among all the diversity of butterflies, 2000 species of moths stand apart: as adults, they do not feed at all. They simply do not need a proboscis or any other organs for eating food. This is the answer to the question why moths do not have a proboscis.

In addition to the oral apparatus, many moths as adults lack digestive organs (more precisely, they are underdeveloped). The task of adult moths is to mate and lay eggs, and therefore they live only off the nutrients that they accumulate in the larval stage.

It is the moth caterpillar that is the same pest that carefully trims the fur on fur coats in the closet, gnaws holes on sweaters and upholstery, and spoils dry cereals and other food products in kitchens and closets. The caterpillar has a powerful gnawing apparatus, which even corn groats and semi-synthetic fabrics cannot resist.

In some moth species, the gnawing apparatus is retained in the adult stage. However, this does not mean that butterflies of these species can damage clothing - they are simply less evolutionarily mature and have not yet completely lost their nutritional organs.

Butterfly moths, as a rule, do not live very long - from several days to several weeks. At the same time, females try to move as little as possible, and males fly only at night. This provides a certain safety for these insects, which fly relatively poorly and are unable to scare off predators. But there are no insects dangerous to humans among moths.

Life cycle of a moth

The development of this insect, like all butterflies, occurs in four stages:

  • Egg;
  • caterpillar (larva);
  • chrysalis;
  • adult insect (imago).

An adult female lays from 40 to 250 eggs with an average size of 0.3−0.5 mm. Eggs can be concentrated in one place or distributed over a certain area.

After 12-15 days, white translucent caterpillars (larvae) approximately 1 mm long hatch from the eggs. The larvae begin to actively feed and build a spindle-shaped cocoon from the surrounding nutritional material, in which their transformation into a pupa will begin. It is during this period that they cause the main damage to humans.

After 35-50 days the larva pupates. The length of the pupa reaches 4−7 mm. During its development, the pupa changes color: from creamy white to the color characteristic of an adult moth. The pupal stage lasts from 1 to 4 weeks, after which the butterfly is born.

Literally on the 3-4th day of life of an adult, the process of reproduction begins: the female lays eggs and, after 1-4 weeks, dies. Thus, under suitable conditions, moth reproduction occurs all year round, and the duration of the full development cycle from egg to butterfly can vary from 35 days to 2.5 years.

Tomato moth: control measures and ways to solve the problem

What does a bug bite look like on the human body?

The sites of parasite bites look like raised red spots on the skin. They appear on parts of the body free from clothing - legs, arms, neck, shoulders. When strange rashes are discovered, few people associate them with bed bugs. The marks they leave can be confused with the bites of other insects (mosquitoes, fleas, midges), allergies, infectious diseases, and chickenpox. However, there are a number of features by which a bed bloodsucker bite can still be recognized.

Photo and description of the bite site

Bite areas generally look like red spots with a bump in the middle (see photo). Expression may vary. For some people these are barely noticeable pink spots, for others they are huge crimson blisters. The degree of itching also varies from person to person. As a rule, severe symptoms are observed in people with reduced immunity, children and the elderly.

Upon careful examination, you can see the mark of the insect's proboscis in the center. At first, the bites do not cause discomfort, since the saliva of bloodsuckers contains painkillers. After some time, the bite sites begin to become inflamed and itchy. They cause the greatest discomfort where the skin is especially thin and delicate - on the neck, behind the ears, in the armpits.

It has been observed that parasites are selective. Children and women are always at greater risk. Why don't bedbugs bite everyone? It's all about the thickness of the skin. Bedbugs are more willing to bite those with thin skin. It is easy to bite through, and the smell of blood through it is stronger. Another reason why bedbugs are less willing to bite men is that bloodsuckers do not like body hair.

How to distinguish a bedbug bite from a mosquito bite and other insects?

Waking up in the morning and finding a bite mark, many people blame mosquitoes or midges. Traces of bedbug activity have the following characteristics:

  • they appear in places that were covered with a blanket at night;
  • sofa bug bites are arranged in paths of 3–7 pieces at a distance of 3–4 cm from each other (see photo);
  • rarely appear on the face - bedbugs, unlike mosquitoes and midges, do not like this part of the body;
  • spots have sharper edges;
  • the reaction to bed bug bites does not appear immediately, but after several hours or even days;
  • usually the skin begins to itch in the morning, after sleep;
  • may appear in the cold season, when blood-sucking flying insects are absent.

Is it possible to confuse traces of bedbug bites with allergies?

Skin rashes are one of the symptoms of allergies. Despite some similarities with the bites of bloodsuckers, it is not difficult to distinguish one from the other. An allergic rash does not go away for a long time; it occurs on any part of the body, not just on open ones (bloodsuckers do not bite through clothing). Its appearance changes over time, but bite marks retain their shape and color. If rashes are found on several family members at once, most likely these are bedbugs.

Local types of allergies

These signs of moth allergy are most often found on the skin, in the gastrointestinal tract, on the mucous membranes of the nasopharynx and bronchial tree.

1) Common signs of skin allergies:

  • red and dry skin,
  • burning,
  • not being able to stay in the cold or the sun for a long time,
  • the appearance of blisters and papules on the skin.

These rashes can move away from the natural skin, they can change the area of ​​​​existence on the skin, that is, today they are in one place, tomorrow in another.

2) Gastrointestinal symptoms of allergies:

  • increased gas formation,
  • pain in the stomach,
  • diarrhea,
  • vomit.

3) Eye signs of allergies:

  • the patient may feel a foreign body in the eye,
  • burning,
  • tears may appear
  • swelling of the eyelids,
  • skin and eyelids become red.

4) Claims for allergies to the bronchial tree and nasopharynx:

  • dry cough,
  • nasal congestion,
  • difficult breathing through the nose,
  • dyspnea,
  • gasping,
  • lack of air,
  • constant nasal discharge,
  • sore throat,
  • feeling of wheezing in the chest,
  • sneezing.

Photo: Identifying the cause of allergies in the laboratory

One patient may have both general and local signs of moth allergy.


Fleas are the most unpretentious, they love animal blood most of all, but they can also feast on human blood. Fleas are quite small and can jump long distances. Therefore, it is difficult to catch an insect by its brown body, which is why they can bite not only at night, but also during the day.

If they live in a large colony and there are few food sources, they have to go out to feed in the evenings. They bite without introducing “anesthesia”, so you can feel it right away. An enzyme is introduced with saliva, which prevents blood from clotting and can cause allergies. A blister with a crust and sometimes pus may appear at the injection site.

If you are wondering who, besides bedbugs, bites a path in bed at night, we want to immediately answer that no one else leaves such traces.

Fleas are different in that the puncture sites are randomly located. Fleas carry many infections, so you need to get rid of them right away. It is not difficult to understand that these parasites have settled in your home. Place a light colored cloth on the floor and observe. If dark spots appear and disappear on it from time to time, fleas are living at home.

Feedback: I noticed that after sleep I began to develop wounds from bites, and the puncture sites were incredibly itchy. I checked on the Internet how bedbugs bite and immediately ruled them out, since the bites were located differently. Then I decided to put a cup of water near the bed. In the morning I found several insect corpses there and realized that they were fleas. Since we live on the first floor, I realized that they moved from the basement. I bought a remedy for parasites and the problem was solved in one day.

Preventive measures

The best way to prevent food moths from recurring in your home is to be careful when shopping. It is best to buy cereals in transparent packages so that you can visually assess their quality. Foreign spots, small lumps, thin cobwebs are signs of food moth infestation.

You should not buy food on sale - this is often how the seller gets rid of goods affected by bugs.

It is better to heat flour or cereal purchased at a big discount in the oven at a temperature of + 80 ... 120 ° for 30 minutes or put it in the freezer overnight. It is recommended to pack all bulk products in hermetically sealed containers so that food moths cannot reach them. Cabinets need to be cleaned regularly to ensure that stitched or insect-infested grains are removed promptly. Kitchen countertops should be cleaned from time to time with a strong vinegar solution, which repels food moths.


Can a bumblebee sting your eye? Yes, in such cases you need to rinse them thoroughly and apply a tea compress. There are also proven methods for treating and preventing a bite.

Folk remedies

They are often useful as first aid for a bite. People have several ways:

  • You can apply a bandage with dandelion or plantain grass;
  • A thick solution of baking soda relieves pain;
  • Vodka with lemon juice relieves itching;
  • An onion compress also helps with bites;
  • You can cool the affected area and reduce pain with frozen milk or chilled olive oil;
  • As an antibacterial agent, you can use a mixture of 1 spoon of honey and a head of garlic;
  • Aloe vera leaves are also applied.


In this case, such medications are most often useful when used externally. You can dissolve an aspirin tablet with water and apply it to the place where the bumblebee stung. To remove redness and itching, you can apply a solution of crushed activated carbon tablets and validol.

There are also tablets for quick relief of bite syndromes. These are Claritin, Suprastin, Loratadine and others.


Gels relieve inflammation and burning, among the most useful are Fenistil, Advantan, menovazan, levomekol, flucinar, hydrocortisone.

How to get rid of moths

You need to start getting rid of moths as soon as you find flying butterflies, eggs they have laid, or a caterpillar nest. Only an integrated approach to insect removal will help you completely get rid of the problem.

Here are some tips on what to do if you find traces of food moths:

  1. Destroy all food in the cabinet or cabinet. It is better not to leave anything behind, as any of the products may contain a laid egg or larva.
  2. If you still want to leave products that do not visually show signs of infection, they should be processed. There are two options: either bake in the oven at a temperature of at least 60C for an hour, or place in the cold for a longer period.
  3. It is better to treat furniture that is completely free of products with specially designed aerosols such as “Raptor”, “Antimol”, “Raid”, “Armol”. In this case, the door to the kitchen must be closed. If possible, do not open it for several hours, then ventilate well. After this, thoroughly wash the cabinets with laundry soap, vinegar solution or other detergent with a strong odor. For the best result, it is worth treating the entire apartment.
  4. In order to prevent relapse, it is worth putting special tablets, sections, and aromatic sachets in food cabinets. Or remember proven folk remedies: orange or lemon peels, dried lavender flowers or mint sprigs, garlic cloves, pepper.
  5. Sticky tapes and traps will help keep butterflies away.

How to get rid of moths in an apartment forever

Hornet: description

In practice, a hornet is a large wasp, the length of which is in the range of 2-2.5 cm, while the queen is somewhat larger and can reach 3.5 cm in length. These insects can often be seen in gardens, summer cottages and in the wild outside the city. Their nests can be located anywhere, including under the roofs of outbuildings, in trees, in firewood and other places protected from weather conditions and easy access to them. A hornet can be easily distinguished from a wasp not only by its size, but also by the color of its chest: the wasp’s chest is black, while the hornet’s is brown with a reddish tint; in addition, the back of the hornet’s head is wider than the front.

The sting of a European hornet is much more painful compared to a bee or wasp. Due to the toxins contained in its venom, the human body tolerates a hornet bite more severely. In addition, the venom of this insect contains histamines, which can cause allergies. Despite this, single bites are not fatal. If we talk about the bite of a giant hornet, which lives in Southeast Asia, then untimely help can end very badly.

As a rule, only females that have a sting bite, but this does not make it any easier, since it is almost impossible to distinguish a female just like that.

Types of hornets and their lifestyle

Tireless builders construct cocoon-like nests from pieces of tree bark. Then the insects hang them in places protected from wind or rain: in attics, in the crown of trees, in a woodpile, etc. In such houses, the female lays eggs, and the remaining adults obtain food for the fast-growing offspring.

Since colonies of predators can be located in the most unexpected places, being outside the city, you need to be more careful. The hornets themselves are not aggressive and do not attack first. However, any sudden movement near the nest or its destruction signals danger and stimulates the production of an alarm pheromone, which determines the behavior of the entire swarm.

Asian hornet nest

Asian species are especially dangerous to humans, the bites of which are almost always fatal. The length of adult individuals reaches up to 5.5 cm, and the poison in the sting is highly toxic.

The bite of the European hornet, which lives on the territory of the Russian Federation, is more harmless and leads to the development of fatal complications only in the case of a rapid allergic reaction and the absence of timely anti-shock therapy.

How and with what does a hornet bite?

The method of destruction cannot be called a bite, because the insect does not bite, but stings. Powerful, developed jaws are designed for obtaining food: small midges, arthropods. The expression “the hornet strikes” is not without meaning, because when approaching the victim, the insect does not sit on the surface of the skin, but sticks its sting with lightning speed, literally on the fly, bending in a special way. After injecting the poison, the hornet removes its sting.

The sting, designed to protect against attacks from enemies, is located at the bottom of the abdomen, and only in females. It does not have serrations, like bees, which means it is suitable for repeated attacks. If a person does not threaten the peace of a swarm or an individual, he is safe.

But in case of sudden movements, attempts to kill an insect or catch it, it will not only sting the offender, but will also send a signal to the rest of the inhabitants of the nest. The fact is that during the insertion of the sting, pheromones begin to be released, signaling danger. Having received the signal, a whole flock of hornets, capable of biting to death, flies to the aid of their relative.

Asian huge hornet on a man's hand.

It is impossible to avoid a hornet attack, because the insect, which has an unusually fast reaction, stings from any position. If a person's face is hidden by a mosquito net, the hornet sprays poison, leaving severe burns on the skin and mucous membranes.

Main species living at home

A person in his apartment most often encounters two varieties of these insects: clothes (room) moths and food moths. Representatives of these particular species are considered the most harmful and are capable of causing serious harm to humans.

Clothes moth

It is also called clothing moth. The source of nutrients for it comes from the things in our rooms: the contents of wardrobes, carpets, furniture upholstery, and even pet hairballs. Here is a small list of what a house moth larva can eat:

  • woolen items;
  • knitwear;
  • fur coats and sheepskin coats made of natural fur;
  • fur-lined shoes;
  • carpet;
  • cotton and cashmere clothing;
  • felt boots;
  • furniture upholstery;
  • bedding made from natural materials.

The list can be expanded endlessly, since clothes moths can attack any item that contains natural fibers. She will not disdain “tasteless” synthetic materials if they contain at least a small percentage of cotton or wool. Even leather can be used. Particularly appetizing to her will be clothes that have been worn for a long time, with the smell of sweat and particles of shed epidermis. To get to the treasured delicacy, the moth larva is able to gnaw through even polyethylene, so packing things in a plastic bag will not save them at all.

Moth larvae eat clothes haphazardly, without giving preference to any special places. You can find holes in your favorite pullover or grooves in a fur coat in the most unpredictable places, and their size and number are proportional to the number of larvae living in the infected item.

food moth

The food moth has a richer diet, so its larvae grow much faster. The full development cycle of clothes moths sometimes takes up to six months, while for food moths it will take 3-4 months.

How is wax moth useful and what harm does it cause?

What do moths eat? The answer to this question is simple: almost any food serves as food for the larvae. Namely:

  • Cereals: semolina, buckwheat, rice, corn.
  • Cereals: wheat, oats, rice, barley.
  • Cereals: oatmeal, corn.
  • Flour
  • Bakery products
  • Pasta
  • Sugar, nuts
  • Dried fruits and seeds.

As a rule, each species prefers certain foods, but in fact it is capable of devouring absolutely everything (as most often happens).

It is noteworthy that it can settle even in the most seemingly sterile kitchen. Insufficient ventilation and high humidity in the room create comfortable conditions for its development and reproduction.

Do food moths ruin clothes?

Answer: no. If you find a pest in your food supplies, you don’t have to worry about the contents of your cupboards. The enzymatic composition of its digestive juices does not allow it to digest tissue fibers.

Danger of moths to humans

The moth does not pose a direct threat to human health. Harm can be caused by contaminated products or chemical residues after improper disinfestation.


Small insects begin to attack at the end of May, when the air temperature approaches 20 degrees Celsius. Huge colonies live in the wild near water bodies, shady forests, as well as in basements and city parks. They enter a house or apartment through open windows and doors. You can suffer from insect bites in your own home, without leaving its walls, or on a picnic. The moment of the bite is felt immediately or after the pest has flown away. It all depends on the pain threshold and sensitivity of the person. Who was bitten is determined by external symptoms. Mosquito attacks in most cases do not cause serious consequences and are limited to a local reaction on the skin.

  • swelling;
  • slight swelling;
  • redness up to 1 cm in diameter;
  • severe, unpleasant itching.

Mosquito bite The bites of these insects do not pose any health hazard. But in infants they can cause severe itching, which will bother the baby.

Mosquito net at home, gauze for the crib or stroller. Place a drop of eucalyptus oil on the light bulb. It’s good if there is a yellow curtain on the window - it repels mosquitoes. If you are going into the forest with an older child, you can use a commercial repellent or a proven remedy such as clove oil (if the child does not have allergies). Never drip pure essential oil onto your skin - this can cause burns.

What to do if you do get bitten?

Reasons for appearance

Many people wonder where food moths come from in a house where regular cleaning is carried out. He cannot accidentally get into the apartment from the street, since he cannot fly that well. The butterflies that flutter around the house are males. Female butterflies move much more slowly, mostly jumping from place to place. Therefore, even if a male has flown into a dwelling, without a female he will not be able to reproduce.

Food moths appear in the house along with contaminated grains, sugar or dried fruits brought from the store.

Inside the bags there are already eggs or moth caterpillars, which are then spread throughout the apartment. They get to us through cuts, tears, punctures in the packaging or when packaging the goods at the factory. Comfortable conditions for the reproduction of food moths are temperature + 22 ... 25 ° and air humidity above 60%.

What is a mole

In appearance, the moth resembles a very small butterfly. Its body with wings folded along it does not exceed 5-8 mm in length.

Clothes moths have a gray-yellowish color, while food moths have a dark brown, almost black, color. Interestingly, some species, like chameleons, acquire colors that match their habitat. For example, moths living in the forest have a greenish tint.

Along with coloring, effective methods of camouflage include the shape acquired by insects in the resting stage. Species whose main habitat is the crowns of trees usually do not fold their wings at all so that they can be mistaken for a dry leaf, while insects living in the grass are the opposite: they stretch out to resemble a blade of grass.

Bee moth tincture: instructions, description and reviews

The manner of flight also plays an important role. It is unlikely that anyone at home has observed a moth flying directly and leisurely. It usually flies quickly and erratically, making it quite difficult to catch.

In reality, a moth never moves aimlessly (in essence, like any other organism living in nature). The insect moves either to find a mate or to lay eggs. Mostly males fly, and pregnant females move in dashes, jumping over obstacles and trying to hide in a secluded place.

Types of food moths

Food moths are different types of fire moths - small butterflies whose caterpillars eat human food. Most often found in the kitchen of a city apartment:

  • flour moth;
  • mill fire;
  • cocoa moth;
  • southern barn moth.

The clothes moth (house moth), which lives in closets and feeds on natural fabrics and materials (silk, wool, fur), differs from the food moth in its lighter color - yellowish with golden reflections.

Difference between food moth and clothes moth

Clothes moth larvae can also eat flour, grain or dried fruit. Therefore, it is necessary to combat both types of butterflies in a comprehensive manner, examining and treating all corners of the house.

What insect bites can be dangerous?

The following attacks pose a huge threat:

  1. Scorpios.
  2. Poisonous spiders that can cause death.
  3. Bees, wasps in a group attack of more than 3 pieces.
  4. Mosquitoes and bees can cause allergies and infect with malaria. Bites can also cause fever.
  5. Moshek. Their saliva is poisonous and can cause allergies. Itching and swelling may not go away for several weeks.
  6. Ticks. Their bites can cause a nervous system disorder – encephalopathy. May lead to disability.
  7. Hornet. It can inject poison that will burn the skin. As a result, pulmonary edema, suffocation, and shortness of breath may occur.
  8. Lice. They can cause typhus and rickettsiosis.

Prevention of allergic disease

Without a special laboratory examination, it is impossible to find out that moths are the carrier of the allergy. To accurately analyze the disease, a blood test is performed. It will undoubtedly determine the ratio of antibodies to pollen in the serum or other moth particles.

Using this value, you can find out not only whether there is an allergy, but also its duration and the number of contacts with an allergy carrier. In order not to doubt the occurrence of complications and further diseases, other examinations may be carried out for diagnosis. Treatment is prescribed based on the test results.

A shark bit a man on a beach in Primorye

A man was the victim of a shark attack on the coast of Primorsky Krai; the victim was hospitalized with serious injuries.

“The incident occurred off the coast of the Khasansky district in the south of Primorye. The shark bit off the man's hands and bit other parts of the body. The victim was sent to the hospital in serious condition,” a representative of the Primorye Center for Disaster Medicine told Interfax.

According to him, the victim is being taken to the hospital in the village of Slavyanka.

“There are enough qualified doctors there and all the necessary drugs are available. How serious the victim’s condition is is still unknown,” the agency’s interlocutor added.

He also said that there is no information about which shark could have attacked the person.

“A 25-year-old man was admitted in serious condition, unconscious. The hands were chewed off up to the elbows,” the hospital told the agency. The interlocutor did not undertake to give a forecast regarding the outcome of the operation. A representative of the Khasansky district law enforcement agencies told the agency that the shark attack occurred on Wednesday around 20:00 local time.

“The attack took place about 50 meters from the shore, in Telyakovsky Bay. An eyewitness helped the victim get out of the water, and he called rescuers and doctors,” said the agency’s source in law enforcement. After the incident, employees of the Ministry of Emergency Situations went around all the bays of the Khasan region, where thousands of people rest, who were warned about the danger of being in the water. The police went to the scene of the incident in Telyakovsky Bay.

“The vacationers are in shock and are afraid to go into the water,” a source in the regional police told the agency.

What sharks swim in Primorye

A senior employee of the ichthyology laboratory of the Institute of Biology and Marine, Far Eastern Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Candidate of Biological Sciences Alexander Sokolovsky, told RIA Novosti that every year in the second half of summer, schools of dogfish sharks come to the coastal waters of the south of Primorye, on the beaches of which thousands of Far Easterners relax in the summer.

He noted that the length of an adult individual can reach 1.5 meters, “however, katrans do not attack people.” According to him, the only threat to humans “may be two shark spines located on the front fins

If you are not careful, you can get scratched and even puncture a rubber boat.”

According to him, the “invasion” of sharks in the coastal waters of Primorye is associated with the usual summer migration of fish to the shores in search of food. When the water begins to warm up, the Katrans, following the anchovies and other small fish, swim to the coast. This usually happens in early summer, and from the end of July, sharks usually swim back to a depth of up to 70 meters.

In addition to katrans, herring sharks also annually approach the southern coast of Primorye, which also do not pose a danger to humans, the agency’s interlocutor noted. However, recently, along with them, white predator sharks have also begun to be found. In 2007, such a two-meter white shark was caught in the net of amateur fishermen in Idola Bay near the village of Anreevka, Khasan district of Primorye.

Biting sharks

In early December, four tourists, including three Russians, were seriously injured in a shark attack in Sharm el-Sheikh. A case in which a shark attacked an elderly woman caused widespread public outcry. She called for help, but swam to the shore on her own, as it later turned out, without her right hand and without her left foot. The tourist’s husband, who was vacationing with her, said that his wife not only did not swim to the buoys, but she actually swam near the shore, since she was 70 years old. Two hours before the incident, there was another attack; the shark bit off the man’s hand and severely injured his buttocks.

A few days later, two more attacks occurred. A 48-year-old woman was injured in the area of ​​the Melia Sinai Sharm hotel; her arm was bitten off. A tourist from Ukraine was also severely bitten by a shark.

Moth caterpillar and its mouthparts

In the structure of the moth caterpillar, everything is adapted to feed and gain weight as quickly as possible. In essence, it is a universal consumer of edible raw materials and a powerful processing factory.

One caterpillar of an ordinary butterfly (not a moth) can consume several times more food per day than it weighs itself. This is not typical for moth caterpillars - their food is quite coarse, and they eat less. Accordingly, they grow more slowly than caterpillars of other species.

Like the caterpillars of other butterflies, the mouthparts of the moth caterpillar are of the gnawing type, consisting of two mandibles with incisors on each, which ensures effective gnawing of tissue fibers or hair.

Moths are among the most common pests. This insect can spoil food and household items in a very short period of time. When a small gray moth appears in the house, it poses a great danger. Insects completely unnoticeably destroy things in the house and food. Getting rid of them is quite difficult. What are the reasons for their appearance and what do moths eat? We will find out the answer from the article.


Next, we’ll look at how you can treat bedbug bites on the human body. If you find bite marks, do not panic and scratch the wounds. Otherwise, the development of a purulent inflammatory process is possible.

The first stage of treatment for sofa bug bites is first aid.

In the first minutes after identifying the affected areas, it is necessary to wash the bite site with clean water and soap. Mild soap should be used. You can use foam: soap your palms until a lush foam forms, apply it to the bite area in a dense layer.

You should not wash off the soap composition right away - it is better to wait until it dries. Usually the measures described are sufficient to eliminate primary itching.


If you are bitten by a bug, you can limit yourself to available means of therapy that help relieve the primary symptoms (itching, swelling, redness):

  • mint leaves are applied to the damaged area (the plant can be replaced with parsley) - the pain “goes away”, the skin relaxes;
  • crush dandelion and apply it to the damaged area of ​​the skin - swelling decreases;
  • the bite sites are treated with urine (using a cotton pad or sponge) - bedbug bites stop itching;
  • gauze soaked in garlic juice is applied to the itchy skin - irritation is eliminated and swelling is reduced;
  • A plantain (cherry) leaf is applied to the affected area and left for 3 hours, after which the skin is wiped with a soda solution - the symptoms of an allergic reaction are eliminated.

The composition must be pre-mixed with water (proportion 1:1).

Drug therapy

In some cases, treatment of bedbug bites cannot be done without the use of medications. Under such circumstances, an anti-inflammatory steroid ointment is applied to the affected area, which can be purchased at a pharmacy without a prescription.

Among the representatives of the medicinal group, Cortade stands out - a drug based on hydrocortisone and cortisone that reduces itching and inflammation.

As an alternative, calamine lotion can be used. Simply apply the product to the bite site and do not wash it off - the itching will be moderated, the rash will dry out, and the skin will be protected until complete recovery.

For severe allergic reactions, antihistamines, such as Benadryl, are taken. It is acceptable to use any antihistamine ointment that is used to treat a bug bite.

If the patient is bothered by severe pain, he cannot do without painkillers - anti-inflammatory tablets, for example Ibuprofen, Aspirin. The first drug acts on the principle of reducing the concentration of hormones that stimulate inflammation, fever and pain.

Attention! Aspirin can also be taken at elevated temperatures; however, it should not be used when treating children. To relieve your child's symptoms, you can use Tylenol, a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug.

When is it necessary to see a doctor immediately?

If redness on the skin does not go away within two weeks, the bitten person should be shown to a doctor.

Emergency medical care is indicated for the patient in the following cases:

  • multiple bites are visualized;
  • blisters form;
  • symptoms of an infectious process are observed (hypersensitivity, discharge);
  • pronounced signs of an allergic reaction of the body (redness, swelling, rash) appear.

Consequences and complications

It is also worth answering the question of why bedbug bites are dangerous. Conducted epidemiological studies have not proven the fact that insects transmit viruses dangerous to human life.

In such patients, contact with the pest can cause anaphylactic shock and Quincke's edema.

Other unpleasant consequences that can be expected when bedbugs bite include:

  • severe allergic reaction to bedbug bites (observed in 80% of victims);
  • severe itching and pain;
  • suppuration, development of inflammation, skin erosion (when scratching wounds);
  • diagnosing anemia in a newborn, elderly patient, child (in case of mass insect infestation);
  • the development of a disease carried by the parasite;
  • hyperthermia, migraines, loss of consciousness.

Attention! The described possible consequences of bites are rarely observed. In most cases, they cause symptoms similar to mosquito bites.

In the case of bed bugs, the victim complains more about mental disorders.

Repellent methods

In addition to insect killers, repellents can be used. The moth does not tolerate sharp, rich odors, sunlight and is quite sensitive to temperature and humidity. Housewives actively use this knowledge in pest control.

What plants will help fight moths?

Indoor plants are a great way to decorate the interior of an apartment and at the same time repel moths. Geranium, mint, fragrant tobacco - pots with these plants can be placed in the room or in the kitchen. Their aroma will force insects to leave the room.

Sachet with wormwood

Dried herbs are another way to repel pests. Moths don't like the smell:

  • wormwood;
  • lavender;
  • tansy;
  • valerian;
  • oregano;
  • rosemary.

Plants are laid out in small linen bags, which are placed on kitchen shelves and in closets with clothes.

Synthetic scents

Remembering what else repels moths, we cannot ignore special products with a synthesized odor. Manufacturers use odors that pests do not like and impregnate products such as:

  • sachet;
  • sections;
  • pills.

They are placed in places where insects are most likely to accumulate - in kitchen and wardrobes, on mezzanines. A product that smells unpleasant to insects forces them to leave their homes. If there are no insects, sachets and sections are used for prevention purposes.

Temperature, humidity, light

Sunlight is what moths, especially their larvae, don’t like. Darkness, temperatures ranging from +23 to +28⁰С, and humidity above 50% are optimal conditions for the development of pests. Therefore, another way to repel moths is to regularly ventilate cabinets, hang things outside in sunny weather or under the light of an ultraviolet lamp. A significant increase or decrease in temperature will also cause discomfort to the insects and may cause them to leave.

Treatment and pain relief for bites

Treatment of bite sites is carried out in various ways, using medications, as well as folk recipes. Therefore, to reduce discomfort, use:

  • Antiseptics, in the form of iodine, alcohol, hydrogen peroxide, “Miromistin”.
  • Gels, in the form of “Fenistil”, “Advantan”, etc.
  • Homeopathic medicines, in the form of “Apis Mellifica”, “Urtica Urensa”, etc.

Bites to the face area, including the eye area, are possible. In such cases, wash the eye mucosa with cooled strong tea. Alternatively, you can add a freshly used tea bag.

Folk remedies based on natural ingredients will help reduce negative sensations and discomfort. For example:

  • A compress made from freshly picked plantain, parsley, dandelion leaves, etc. will help.
  • A solution of baking soda, in the form of a porridge mixture, applied to the bite site will help relieve pain and itching.
  • Alternatively, you can use a piece of raw potato, a piece of fresh cucumber, apple or tomato.
  • A mixture of vodka and freshly squeezed lemon juice will also help cope with pain and severe itching.
  • Onions will help solve this problem if you cut it and apply it to the problem area.
  • Milk frozen in cubes and applied to the bite site will significantly reduce the feeling of discomfort.
  • It is permissible to coat the bite site with chilled olive oil.
  • A prepared mixture of 1 teaspoon of honey and 1 head of garlic has an antibacterial effect.
  • Take an aloe leaf, remove the skin from one side and apply it to the bite site.
  • A mixture of crushed activated carbon tablets and validol dissolved in water will help relieve the level of redness and burning that is characteristic of the bite site.

Decoctions and infusions prepared using natural ingredients will help reduce the level of discomfort. For example:

  • A decoction based on chamomile and calendula, which is used to wipe the bite site or use as a soothing drink, can relieve pain and reduce tissue swelling.
  • Basil infusion. To do this, take 3 teaspoons of this plant and pour 1 glass of boiling water. After cooling, the infusion is taken 1 tbsp. spoon 3 times a day as a sedative, and is also used for lotions.
  • One tablespoon of calendula is infused in 200 grams of alcohol (70 percent) or moonshine for 3 days. After this, the infusion is diluted at the rate of 1 teaspoon per 50 ml of water. This solution is used to make lotions.

Preparatory measures

Although it is difficult to remove this pest from your home, there are many ways to combat it. You can go by using store-bought chemicals, or you can use homemade products. However, as many reviews from people who have overcome this scourge say, for an effective fight it is necessary to take some preparatory measures.

  • First, find out in which specific cabinet and in which products the insects have settled. First of all, pay attention to the places in the kitchen where you store dried fruits, tea, nuts, flour, dried fruits and cereals.
  • It is best to dispose of contaminated food immediately to avoid re-infection.
  • Place untouched foods in special jars designed for storage or in containers with tight-fitting lids.
  • The cabinets need to be washed with warm water and soap (you can use laundry soap).
  • After this, inside the cabinet, coat all the cracks and gaps with a brush soaked in vinegar. The cabinet must be left open until the vinegar has dried completely.

After you have completed this simple processing, you can proceed to the next stage.

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