Moth trap: review of manufacturers and DIY production

The appearance of moths in the house is a huge nuisance. This small insect is very voracious, and it can completely destroy a beautiful carpet or an expensive mink coat. Therefore, if moths appear in a house or apartment, you need to take prompt measures to destroy it. Otherwise, great damage will be caused to the property. Among the large number of means to combat this parasite, traps occupy a special place. They are designed to catch and destroy adults capable of reproducing. Traps come in glue and non-glue types. Glue attracts moths by smell. Arriving, they stick to the surface and die without laying eggs. Non-adhesive ones are designed so that insects cannot escape from the trap once inside it. Traps are most effective when combined with other anti-parasite agents. Then their impact is complete. Our website presents traps from the most famous manufacturers. All the drugs we offer have been tested more than once, and have always coped well with their main task. By choosing anti-moth products on our website, you can quickly solve the problem of pests at home.

Where do moths come from?

Even the most careful housewives may wonder how moths get into their homes.
It would seem that the shelves were in perfect order, everything was fresh and brought from a trusted store, but moths still appeared in the house. There are several ways moths can appear in a room:

  • through an open window into the house that does not have a mosquito net;
  • with cereals that were purchased from an untrusted place;
  • through ventilation between apartments from neighbors.

Most often, it is these infection routes that are catalysts for the appearance of indoor moths.


Food moths are a real problem. Humanity has been fighting it for many years, but success in this fight is variable.

Take proactive preventative measures and it will bypass you. And we have also attached a thematic video on this issue, in which you will find a lot of useful information.

Little bugs in the kitchen - see here.

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Signs of appearance

First of all, the appearance of moths in the house can be detected by adult flying individuals. However, if you periodically inspect your property, you can find pellets in the cereals. These will be signs of the appearance of a moth, because this is a cocoon in which the caterpillar is located in order to turn into a butterfly and bear offspring.

What environment is needed for moth development?

The clothes moth (photo) is a butterfly 5-10 mm long, the larvae of which feed on keratins extracted from hairs of wool, fur, and carpet pile. The peculiarity of this moth species is its relatively long life cycle, with the female laying about 200 eggs throughout her life. The larvae emerging from them at all stages of development, extracting keratin, make holes in things made of natural fibers.

Moths actively develop in dirty woolen clothes or furs

So, the moth goes through several stages of development: eggs - larva (caterpillar) - pupa - butterfly. You and I usually see the nasty gray-brown colors of butterflies and often believe that we need to fight them. In fact, an adult moth is an absolutely harmless creature, and its larva, which prefers to live far from human eyes and daylight, brings a lot of trouble. Clothes moth caterpillars “eat” any textile fabric that contains at least 20% natural wool fibers.

Pheromone traps

Pheromone trap.

The principle of operation of such traps is that the pheromone component is attractive to moths. They fly towards the aroma, but end up on a sticky base, from which they then cannot escape.

There are a number of well-known manufacturers of chemical insecticides that also supply moth traps to the market. They may differ slightly from each other in their principle of action and main substance.

Delicia moth trap Mottenschutz

This trap consists of dividing paper sheets. This is an effective and easy-to-use moth repellent. It is designed to protect fur and wool items. It can also be used to protect expensive and beautiful carpets in the room from carpet beetles and moths. The main advantage of this trap is the complete absence of odor. Therefore, any discomfort for a person is excluded. Mottenschutz is an environmentally friendly product that is one of the most effective moth control products.

The process of using the trap is as follows:

  • One strip is enough for a closet. If protection is needed for a large wardrobe with a lot of clothes, it is better to use two stripes, or divide one into several.
  • For dressers and drawers you will need several strips. They are obtained after dividing one.
  • To protect the carpet, it is enough to attach the strips along its edges. If the item is stored in a closet or other place, the trap should be rolled into it. One strip is needed per 1 m².

The trap is a sheet of paper soaked in the active substance – chlorpyrifos. The drug is sold in sealed packaging, after which the insecticide begins to release. The vapors from chlorpyrifos cause the moths to become trapped and not produce offspring. This substance belongs to the intestinal contact pesticides. It is often used in medicine and agriculture to combat various parasites. This trap from a German manufacturer is a long-term drug. Its effect lasts for about 4 months. Mottenschutz should not be used to kill food moths.

Aeroxon trap

One of the most sought after and popular traps for different types of insects.

Description and Application

The trap is safe and effective, and can even be used to remove moths from food products.

It is suitable for all subtypes of moths and removes them quickly and effectively. The Aeroxon trap has no smell, but attracts mainly males, immobilizes them and thereby prevents reproduction.

This product is very easy to use. You need to cut off the top part, remove the protection on the adhesive element and attach it to the desired area of ​​the cabinet. It is also necessary to remove the front layer, which is held on by the sticky coating. The moth trap is now active and can act on pests for 6 weeks.


I suffered from a moth infestation at my dacha every year. All you have to do is leave the cereal in the cupboard, it will fit into even the smallest crevice. But Aeroxin helped solve my problem, all the moths flew away very quickly.



As if I moved out of my mother’s place, I immediately started a mole in my apartment. Just kidding, of course, she wound up on her own. It turns out that he can even get into a bag of cereals. On the advice of my mother, I bought Aeroxin, and after a few weeks the entire trap was completely covered with winged creatures. Excellent product, I recommend it.



“Grandma’s” moth repellents

Folk remedies for moths are safe for households and animals, but require a large supply of personal time and patience. Such techniques do not help cope with the destruction of the insect; they are aimed at scaring away adult individuals and are considered preventative. A home remedy for moths prevents the appearance of new butterflies in the apartment and prevents existing individuals from reproducing. Here are the ways our grandmothers drove the annoying insect out of the house.

  • Laundry soap. A universal remedy for moths in the closet. The more alkali in a piece of soap, the better the effect. Cut the block into separate pieces and place it in places attractive to moths: clothing pockets, kitchen cabinets. The protective barrier will force you to change your habitat.
  • Naphthalene. Place several mothballs in cotton bags and place them on different shelves in your closet. The pungent smell of mothballs will scare away annoying butterflies. But such a fragrant product is not recommended to be placed in the kitchen and in the dressing room next to outerwear, since naphthalene contains chemical compounds.
  • Geranium. Butterflies cannot tolerate the scent of geranium. Place pots with fragrant flowers on the windowsills. Ventilate the room and cabinets more often so that the smell of geranium penetrates into the wardrobe.
  • Vinegar. Suitable for treating large surfaces, not just furniture. Mix vinegar with water and wipe baseboards, floors, and wardrobe sections. The pungent smell of the vinegar solution will scare the female away from the room for a long time. For the best effect, after treating the chest of drawers, place garlic on the shelves.
  • Lavender. Dry lavender inflorescences are a terrible enemy of annoying insects: the plant repels moths with its smell. Distribute the flowers into cotton bags and place them in different sections of the dresser or closet. True, this method will not destroy the parasite colony, but will only scare away the butterflies.
  • Citruses. Dry the orange peels, place them on the shelves of the chest of drawers, or wipe the surface with halves of a fresh grapefruit. The pungent smell of citrus fruits will scare away moths from tempting groceries.
  • Plants. Herbs such as rosemary, tansy, tobacco, dill, and ginseng cause rejection by pests due to their smell. Most plants can be found already dried in the pharmacy. But fresh, strong-smelling herbs work best. Place the inflorescences in the kitchen next to the groceries.
  • Essential oils. An alternative to dry herbs. Essential oils of clove, lemon, eucalyptus, mint, and cedar have an unbearable aroma for insects. Wipe the shelves with a cotton pad soaked in ether, or pour the oil into small lids and place them in different places. This will scare away adult individuals and prevent their reproduction.
  • Vacuum cleaner. A high-power unit will help remove larvae and oviposition from clothing, carpets, upholstered furniture and other surfaces. Wet cleaning with a vinegar solution after vacuuming will prevent the appearance of new individuals.
  • Hair dryer. An excellent alternative to a vacuum cleaner for clothes made from decorative fabrics. Set the maximum temperature that is acceptable for the item being processed. Warm up each knitted sweater or linen blouse with a hairdryer for ten minutes. The moth is afraid of high temperatures; this procedure will be disastrous for it.

All food products near which you place repellents should be hermetically sealed. This will protect the groceries from the sharp and sticky smells of folk remedies.

Odorless raptor trap

Raptor trap.

A glue trap, which is ideal for installation in food cabinets, because it does not emit any odor perceptible to the human sense of smell.

Some of the best and most trusted manufacturers produce safe traps for any type of insects in the kitchen.

The set consists of two sheets, one of which is enough for 3 months of continuous use. Additionally, there are no fragrances, which does not attract people’s attention and makes such a trap invisible.




I bought the Raptor when it was already in real trouble. They helped, surprisingly.



The Raptor is a little more expensive than some, but it certainly works.

Baitmate Fish Attractant Classic

Using real fish is generally considered the most effective method of attracting fish. This classic lure uses real fish pheromones, giving it a special edge over other options.

The bait assistant is a natural attractant. It uses natural fish oils to create a very seductive scent. Anise oil covers up any unwanted odors that may put fish off.

Fish pheromones present in the attractant excite the fish and turn on predatory instincts, which cause the fish to attack. Natural fish oils create a flavor that fish cannot resist.

Globol bait

An environmentally friendly pheromone bait with a remarkable decorative appearance.

Description and Application

Globol bait.

A notable feature of this unusual trap is its decorative appearance. Easily and without complications, a simple piece of cardboard turns into a comfortable house that looks quite aesthetically pleasing, because dead pests end up inside.

In a small closet, you can simply place the trap on the wall so as not to take up extra space. And in larger ones, you can separate the sticky part and wrap the rest in a house. The service life lasts about 8 weeks or until the moth has completely conquered the free space.


I’m happy, even though I didn’t buy selectively, the first one I came across. I stuck it on the wall of the closet and forgot about the trap and the pests.



While I was opening the trap, my finger got into the glue and got dirty. But moths also stick to it; in a month I collected all the pests.



Berkley PowerBait

One of the most trusted names in all of fishing tackle, Berkley powerbait is a powerful mixture that enhances conventional baits and can be used in conjunction with other baits.

Berkley's powerbait formula works to release a burst of flavor when you bite into it. Manufacturers claim that fish stay near this bait 18 times longer than near analogues. The Berkley powerbait line of fish attractants offers a choice of five different flavors, including flavors for walleye, trout, catfish, and, of course, perch.

Its powerbait is made from high quality materials and carefully designed to help anglers catch more fish. Berkley powerbait's proven, effective formula comes in a bottle. The only problem with this fish attractant is that it comes with a flip-top bottle, which means application can be tricky and can sometimes get your hands dirty.

Homemade insect traps

A simple homemade trap.

There are means to combat food moths that are easy to do at home. There is a way to make the same trap as a store-bought one, only at home. The main thing is that it has a sticky base on both sides: on one side - for fastening to parts of the cabinet, on the other - for sticking pests.

Another option is to cut a plastic bottle into two parts and place it with the neck inside . You need to pour the sweet composition into the container itself. It will attract pests, and they will no longer be able to get out.


It is much easier to avoid food moths than to destroy them. For this purpose, it is worth resorting to the following preventive measures:

  1. You shouldn’t keep a lot of cereals, pasta and flour in your kitchen.
  2. Preference should be given to proven, high-quality brands of tea, bulk products and dried fruits.
  3. Cereals should be stored in containers with tight lids.
  4. Fruits and vegetables should not be left outside the refrigerator.
  5. After purchasing the cereal, you can bake it in the oven.
  6. It is necessary to clean the kitchen regularly. So, all shelves should be wiped with a vinegar solution, and napkins soaked in essential oil should be laid out.
  7. The kitchen needs to be ventilated several times a day.
  8. All cabinets should be disassembled periodically.

After measures have been taken to destroy the moth, it is necessary to repeat all actions . It is also recommended to check the food every time before cooking it.

Knowing how to get rid of food moths, you don’t have to worry about cleanliness in the kitchen.

The effectiveness of this type of pest control

Depending on which method of struggle is used, there is one feature.

Such baits only work on adults.

This means that the butterflies will stick, but the larvae will continue to eat their food and then become butterflies. You need to understand that efficiency directly depends on the area of ​​the room that needs to be cleaned. A large cabinet will require a couple of decoys.

To ensure that food is protected from voracious pests, it is necessary to carry out a set of measures.

  1. This includes a complete and thorough cleaning of all shelves using soapy water or water and vinegar.
  2. It will be necessary to conduct a complete audit of all stocks, pour them out or sort them out manually.
  3. If the scale of infection is large, then it is better to mercilessly throw away all the groceries so as not to endanger your health.

In the article at the link you can read about 20 effective methods of ridding your home of moths.

Description and types of pest

Moths are divided into two main groups, within which separate varieties are distinguished.

  1. Food moth. A butterfly from the moth family. The wingspan reaches 15 mm. Has a brown or gray color. The caterpillar prefers cereals, fruits, nuts and other grocery products.
  2. Clothes moth. The butterfly is yellowish in color with wings that have a lilac tint. The larvae live on dirty clothes, gnawing things to holes.

The main damage is caused by larvae that eat clothing and food. Adults have a short life cycle. Their main function is reproduction. They do not have a mouth, claws or intestines to destroy and digest what they eat.

Before getting rid of moths using folk remedies, do a thorough cleaning of the room. Open wardrobes, reconsider clothes. Throw away items gnawed by the larvae and wash whole ones. Also throw away spoiled cereals, fruits, and vegetables. Cook the remaining products in the oven or put them in the freezer for at least a day.

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