Tomato variety Nastya-Slastena: characteristics and description, photo

Vegetable growing » Tomatoes



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Kira Stoletova

Hybrids are plants specially bred to obtain a specific set of characteristics, such as fruit weight and color, and disease resistance. This group of plants includes the Slastena tomato and its variety f1 Nastya-slastena.

Characteristics of tomatoes of the Nastena-slastena variety

Description of the tomato variety Nastya-Slastena

The Nastya-Slastena F1 tomato is a hybrid of domestic origin from the SeDek agricultural company, bred in 2000 and registered in the State Register. Recommended for cultivation in open ground and in film greenhouses. Suitable for breeding in the southern regions, in the middle zone and in the north.

Nastya-Slastena reaches 100-130 cm in height, depending on growing conditions. It belongs to the indeterminate category of tomatoes and has a strong standard stem. The leaves of the variety are small, have a typical shape for the crop, and have a dark green hue.

The flower stalks are complex, located throughout the stem, and consist of many small buds. The first brush appears above the 8-9 leaf and is usually formed at the seedling stage. The Nastya-Slastena tomato ripens within 95-105 days after the formation of shoots and belongs to the category of early ripening.

Attention! The peculiarity of the hybrid variety is that it does not propagate by seeds from ripened fruits.

The Nastya-Slastena tomato produces ovaries very abundantly, up to 40 fruits appear on each cluster

Description of fruits

The Nastya-Slastena tomato variety bears small, slightly oblong-shaped fruits. At the beginning of ripening, the tomatoes are bright green, but over time they acquire a rich red tint. Even after final ripening, they do not fall off the shoots. This allows you to wait until all the tomatoes on the bunch are ripe, and only then collect them.

The pulp of the fruit is crumbly and quite sweet, the skin is dense, shiny and durable, and does not crack. Inside each tomato there are four seed chambers. The fruits are quite juicy, although in terms of taste they may be inferior to late-ripening ones, like most early varieties. The weight of Nastya-Slastena tomatoes is only 20-30 g.


Svetlana Igorevna Manukhina, 51, Transbaikal region. Last year I bought a bag of seeds of the Nastya-Slastena variety for the first time. She raised the seedlings herself. Seed germination is almost 100%. I really liked the variety. Each cluster produced up to 40 oval-shaped fruits. The grandchildren liked the taste. We just spent the night in the greenhouse. I made tomato juice and also sealed them in jars. In winter there will be something for the family to look after. Semyon Vladimirovich Yakunin, 60 years old, Vladivostok. I don’t grow tomatoes; I buy vegetables from my neighbor’s dacha. I liked the plants with many long tassels, each containing about 40 tomatoes. I asked what type. It turned out that these were Nastya tomatoes. A neighbor picked up the first tomatoes in early July and looked after her grandchildren. They were delighted with the taste of honey. I bought this variety from him all summer.

Source –

Characteristics of the Nastya-Slastena tomato

Before planting the Nastya-Slastena tomato on a plot or in a greenhouse, you need to study its main characteristics. This will allow you to understand whether the variety is suitable for specific purposes.

Nastya-Slastena tomato yield and fruiting

The first fruits of the Nastya-Slastena variety ripen at the end of July or beginning of July, three months after the formation of seedlings. The yield of the hybrid is high - one bush produces up to 2.5 kg of tomatoes with good care. In a greenhouse with 1 m2 you can collect about 10 kg of fruit, and in open ground - up to 8 kg.

Tomato ripening occurs uniformly and occurs along the entire length of the truss. The yield volume is influenced by the care of tomato bushes. Fruiting may decrease on poor soils, as well as in the absence of pinching. Excess shoots and leaves will begin to take nutrients from the developing ovary.

Attention! If you remove the fruits of Nastya-Slastena from the shoots a little ahead of time, they will be able to ripen in the warmth and retain their presentation.

Area of ​​application of fruits

Nastya-Slastena tomatoes have a universal purpose and are widely used in cooking. They can be cut into vitamin salads and squeezed to obtain juice. Ketchups, sauces and side dishes are prepared based on the fruits. Small tomatoes with thick skin are well suited for whole-fruit canning because they do not crack in jars.

Resistance to diseases and pests

The early Nastya-Slastena tomato is valued not only for its taste, but also for its increased endurance and good immunity to diseases and pests. The variety is rarely affected by diseases such as verticillium, brown spot and late blight. Due to early ripening, the bushes usually finish bearing fruit even before the peak of development of dangerous fungi occurs.

The Nastya-Slastena variety rarely suffers from root rot. But the symptoms of this disease must be monitored especially carefully, since it appears against the background of poor quality care. The development of the disease is facilitated by chronic swampy soil.

Among the pests, aphids, whiteflies and the Colorado potato beetle pose a certain danger to the crop. To protect tomatoes from parasites, you need to pay attention to ventilating the bushes. They should not be planted too close to each other; forming and thinning are required from time to time. The likelihood of pests increases when the soil is waterlogged, so watering should be moderate.

Advantages and disadvantages

Tomatoes have a number of advantages:

  • small sweetish tomatoes;
  • the skin does not burst;
  • tie together;
  • the variety is resistant to sudden temperature changes;
  • tomatoes ripen quickly;
  • easy to transport;
  • the yield is high: up to 2 - 2.5 kg of fruits are harvested from a bush, up to 8 kg from 1 m², and up to 10 kg in a greenhouse;
  • bushes can grow even on depleted lands;
  • are stored for a long time;
  • the variety is moderately resistant to brown spot, root rot, and late blight;
  • good for canning.

Among the small disadvantages are that the bushes need to be tied up, the stepsons need to be torn off, and the branches need to be propped up.

Advantages and disadvantages

The Nastya-Slastena tomato is grown both for individual use and for sale. The variety has good endurance and has other advantages.

When ripened indoors, the Nastya-Slastena tomato can subsequently be stored for up to two months


  • 100% tassel setting and good yield;
  • sweet taste and high juiciness;
  • suitable for open and protected ground;
  • tolerates transportation well;
  • does not deteriorate for a long time during storage;
  • may ripen after premature removal from the bushes.


  • it is necessary to constantly remove stepsons;
  • needs tying up.

Application of fruits

Due to their small size, tomatoes are ideal for prefabricated canning. The fruits are not suitable for pickling in barrels. Can be consumed fresh, for preparing salads and first courses. The high content of vitamins and balanced taste allow tomatoes to be used to produce healthy and tasty juice. The fruits are also ideal for processing into ketchup and lecho.

Tomato “Nastena Slastena” is a tall variety. The height of the plants is about a meter, but under favorable conditions in a greenhouse they can grow up to one and a half meters. The tomato is indeterminate and requires pinching and staking. Tomato “Nastena Slastena” forms abundant clusters of elongated fruits.

The weight of tomatoes is 15-30 grams. The largest fruits are formed on the first lower ovary. One bush ripens up to 2.5 kilograms of fruit. The fruits are red, have a dense skin, ripen quickly, and are suitable for use in salads and canning.

Features of cultivation

Tomato Nastya-Slastena is planted in the usual way, with seeds at home. Care of the crop is generally standard.

Planting seedlings

Tomato seeds are planted in late March or early April. The material is usually sown in wide, shallow containers, pouring boiling water over them to disinfect. The soil is prepared from garden soil and humus, taken in equal parts with the addition of sand.

The landing pattern looks like this:

  1. The seeds are disinfected in a pink solution of potassium permanganate for half an hour.
  2. The material is buried into the substrate up to 1 cm with a distance of 2-3 cm.
  3. Moisten the soil generously and cover the container with film.

The box is placed in a place with diffused lighting and a temperature of about 22 °C. After the sprouts form, the film is removed, the seedlings are watered moderately and the soil is carefully loosened. Once every two weeks, the seedlings are fed with a solution of wood ash. When the third leaf appears, the Nastya-Slastena tomato is dived into individual pots.

Two weeks before planting in the ground, seedlings begin to be taken outside for hardening

Transplanting into the ground or greenhouse

Tomato seedlings are transferred to the greenhouse in early or mid-May, and to the ground after the frosts have ended and the temperature has reached 15 °C. The procedure is carried out as follows:

  1. Dig up the soil two weeks before transplanting and prepare holes 25-30 cm deep.
  2. Humus is added to each of them and the soil is spilled with a solution of potassium permanganate.
  3. Seedlings are planted in the center of the holes, covered with soil, compacted and watered.

When planting, it is recommended to place four bushes per 1 m2 in a checkerboard pattern. It is better to tear off the lowest leaves of plants to speed up adaptation.


Tomato Nastya-Slastena in the ground or greenhouse does not require complex care. During cultivation it is necessary:

  • water the bushes as moisture evaporates from the soil;
  • loosen the soil and remove weeds every week;
  • from time to time, add fertilizing - infusion of mullein or bird droppings, green solution or wood ash;
  • spray the bushes with iodine compounds and boric acid to strengthen the immune system.

Immediately after planting, a tall tomato is tied to a support at a height of 20-30 cm. During the fruiting period, support is also provided for heavy brushes.

Tomato variety Nastya-Slastena should be grown in 2-3 stems, removing the shoots as they appear

Preparing to sow seeds

Tomatoes in Siberia and the Far East are grown in greenhouses and only by seedlings. Hybrid seeds are bought in the store.

The temperature in nurseries should not be lower than 25°C during the day and 16°C at night. Land is purchased in specialized stores or created independently. Coarse sand, wood ash and rotted manure are added to the soil, and sometimes small sawdust from fruit trees to make it lighter and crumbly. Drainage is required.

Sowing seeds

Before sowing, the seeds of the high-yielding tomato Slasten are disinfected in a weak solution of potassium permanganate for 8 hours. Sometimes granulated seeds treated with growth stimulants are purchased. They are sown without any pre-treatment.

A thin layer of drainage is poured onto the bottom of pots or deep bowls, after which about 10 cm of soil is added and leveled without compacting. The washed and slightly dried seeds are laid out on the surface, but not thickly. Soil is poured on top in a layer of no more than 1 cm.

The soil is sprayed with water from a spray bottle and covered with polyethylene. Plantings are placed in a bright place and the condition of the soil is monitored. If everything is done correctly, shoots will appear in 5 or 6 days. Plants stay in nurseries for about 60 days.

Pest and disease control

To protect tomatoes from fungi and parasites, preventive measures must be followed. First of all, the seeds are disinfected before planting. In the future, soil moisture is controlled and the bushes are not allowed to thicken; at the first symptoms, spraying with Fitosporin is carried out.

When pests appear, use a soap solution and homemade infusions of garlic or chamomile. If there are a lot of insects, you can use the insecticides Confidor and Zubr. But spraying with chemicals is carried out only 3-4 weeks before harvest.


Common parameters


Dimensions and weight (gross)

Weight:3 g
Height:15.0 cm
Width:8.0 cm
Depth:4 mm

Additional Information

Country of Origin:Russia
Best before date:48 months
Guarantee period:24 months

Maintenance and care

Correct, timely and competent care gives good results in increasing the yield of tomatoes.

It includes performing several simple but extremely important activities:

Watering. Moistening of seedlings should be systematic and moderate - up to 2-3 times a week, depending on weather conditions. It is recommended to use warm, settled water for irrigation. Under no circumstances should you use cold water, as this can lead to rotting of the root system.

Particular attention should be paid to watering the plant during its fruiting period, since moisture deficiency negatively affects the condition of the leaves: they begin to curl and turn yellow. At this time, tomatoes are watered every 4 days, spending up to 3 liters of water per bush.

When the fruits begin to ripen, moisture is reduced to once a week. Feeding. The “Nastenka” variety is quite demanding in terms of fertilizing, which must be carried out a week after planting the seedlings. To do this, a phosphate solution prepared from 5 liters of water and 15 g of superphosphate is poured under each bush. 10 days after the first feeding, the vegetable is fertilized with potassium preparations, which improve the taste of the fruit and increase the plant’s resistance to various diseases. To prepare the fertilizer, 15 g of potassium sulfate is mixed with 5 liters of water. During flowering, tomatoes are treated with a solution of boric acid: 10 g of acid is added to 10 liters of water. You can also use ash for feeding, which is poured into the soil under the bushes. Stepsonning. Since the variety is low-growing, it does not require the pinching procedure, since only 3-4 branches are formed on the stem. Nevertheless, the lower foliage and dried leaves should be removed from the plant, which will improve the growth of the crop and its ventilation. Garter. If necessary, wooden or metal supports are used to secure the plants, which are fixed near each stem with a piece of soft fabric.

Weeding. For better growth and fertility, during the active growth of the plant, it is necessary to weed the weeds, as well as loosen the soil so that the soil always remains loose and clean.

Diseases, pests

Despite the fact that both varieties have excellent immunity to diseases of nightshade crops, tomatoes can get sick. After all, they grow next to less resistant crops. That is why compliance with preventive measures should become a habit.

You need to start by preparing the seeds and soil by treating them with a solution of potassium permanganate or boric acid. When growing in a greenhouse, it is necessary to monitor air humidity. Dampness is a provocateur of many diseases. It is useful to treat the plants with Fitosporin; it will not make things worse.

As for pests, tomatoes can be affected by slugs, aphids, and whiteflies. To kill insects, you can use the preparations Zubr or Confidor.

photo by Valentina Sokolova

Agricultural technology

According to reviews from gardeners who grow both types of sweets, their agrotechnical standards are almost the same:

Growing seedlings occurs in the usual way, care is also identical to other varieties of tomatoes.

Landing in the ground

Seedlings are planted in a greenhouse in May, in open ground, after the threat of return frosts has disappeared according to a 30x50 cm pattern. It is best to place plants in a checkerboard pattern to facilitate care.

Before planting, prepare the holes two weeks in advance, add humus or compost, wood ash to each hole and water well. Fresh manure is not placed under tomatoes of any variety, so as not to provoke rapid growth of green mass. After planting, the tomatoes are watered again and stakes are placed, to which the seedlings are immediately tied.

How to grow seedlings?

Tomatoes of the Nastya-Slastena variety are recommended to be grown in seedlings. Sowing is carried out in March-April. Seedlings are planted in the ground in May-June. The first fruits ripen in July-August. The seeds are kept for 30 minutes. in potassium permanganate solution.

For 2-3 days they are placed in a damp cloth, which can be moistened with Epin solution, 2 drops/200 ml of water. The seedlings are placed in the ground; when they swell, the skins peel off.

For sowing, fertile soil mixture, coconut substrate, and peat tablets are used. To ripen the seedlings, a greenhouse effect is created. Cover the container with seeds with film. For sprouts to appear on days 2-3, they must withstand a temperature of 23-25 ​​C. The film must be lifted to ventilate the soil:

The holes for seedlings are placed at a distance of 50-60 cm. Between rows leave up to 70 cm. It is recommended to add 5 g of potassium sulfate and 1 tsp to the holes. ash. To make the root grow quickly, add water to the hole.

Bush care

Caring for tomato seedlings involves regular watering, loosening the soil, and timely weeding. You should also not forget about the following activities:

  • The stem needs to be strengthened with sticks or trellises, since heavy brushes need support. The first time is tied as soon as the shoot reaches a height of 20-30 cm, then as it grows;

When grown in greenhouse conditions, the bush is formed into two stems; in unprotected soil, it is formed into three.

  • To increase productivity, experienced vegetable growers advise mulching the soil using grass or special black fiber. Thanks to this, the soil will be able to retain moisture longer.

Feed the tomatoes for the first time 10 days after planting on the site. Pour 1 kg of manure into a ten-liter bucket of water. Let it sit for a while. Then water, being careful not to get it on the leaves. Fertilize at the same time as watering. After each watering or rain, loosen the soil. After the first fertilizing, mulch the ground with straw and pine needles in a 5 cm layer.

Tomato Nastenka

Tomatoes are one of the main vegetable crops grown in Russia. The historical homeland of tomatoes is Peru. This vegetable migrated to Europe under the guise of an ornamental plant. Moreover, for a long time it was considered poisonous. The first mention of the tomato as a food product dates back to the end of the 17th century. This culture came to Russia in the 18th century. Due to the fact that the fruits did not have time to ripen, the plant was also considered an exotic shrub for a long time. This continued until agronomist Andrei Timofeevich Bolotov invented a seedling method of growing and ripening fruits after picking from the bush.

Tomato Nastenka is an achievement of Siberian breeders: Kotelnikova M.A. and Kondakova S.N. The variety was first bred in 2008, and after many years of testing and experience it has received recognition in many regions of Russia. In 2012, the variety was included in the Register of Breeding Achievements. This variety is produced.

Important information! There is a Nastena f1 tomato variety on the market! This hybrid is also very popular among summer residents, as it has high yields and good taste. However, this is another variety of tomato produced agro. Tomato Nastena characteristics and description of the variety differ from the Nastenka variety, so do not confuse these 2 species, which are similar in name.

Features of sowing and planting tomatoes

When shoots appear, remove the film. Place the box on the windowsill. Seedlings are picked when 2 true leaves appear and transplanted into peat cups. To grow seedlings in the absence of sun, illuminate them with lamps.

Water the seedlings with a spray bottle in the morning. 2 weeks before transplanting, begin to harden the bushes by taking them out onto the balcony. First, place them on the loggia for 5 minutes, then increase the interval the seedlings are in the open air.

In the fall, spread 4 kg of manure onto 1 m² of land and dig the soil to the depth of a shovel. In the spring, scatter the same amount of manure over the soil, but the manure must be rotted. Also sprinkle 1 tbsp per 1 m² of soil. a spoonful of potassium chloride and 5 tbsp. spoons of superphosphate. Dig the soil a second time. Although, in general, this variety is not picky about the composition of the soil.

Dig holes with a diameter of 15 cm and a depth of 30 cm. Drive in pegs. Place the seedlings into the holes. 4 bushes are placed per 1 m², doing this in a checkerboard pattern. Water the plantings thoroughly. Tie up the bushes.

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