Popular insecticide Corado: instructions for use, reviews

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Published: 06/18/2019


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Not only amateur gardeners know about the danger of the Colorado potato beetle, but also people who have never grown potatoes. This insect is capable of destroying the entire crop that the farmer hoped to receive, surviving during a terrible drought or terrible frost, adapting to any weather and developing immunity to the poison used by humans against it.

However, there is a remedy on the Russian market to which Colorado does not develop immunity. This is Corado - a modern insecticide.

  • 1 Description and release form
  • 2 Advantages of the drug
  • 3 Analogues
  • 4 How to use
  • 5 Reviews

Composition of Corado and insecticide release form

This preparation contains special ingredients that are produced from fungi of the genus Streptomyces. The main active ingredient in Corado is imidacloprid

(200 ml/1 l)
The drug is produced in India, from where it is supplied to most countries of the world.

The finished product is a water-soluble liquid concentrate, which is packaged in the following containers in accordance with the type of insecticide:

  • “Corado” against the Colorado potato beetle and aphids
    - in ampoules of 1 mm, as well as in bottles with a capacity of 25 and 50 ml;
  • “Corado” against onion and carrot flies
    – in ampoules with a capacity of 2 ml;
  • “Corado lite”
    - in ampoules of 4 ml, bottles of 40 and 100 ml OPTIDOZA.

There is no particular difference in the action of the varieties of this insecticide, so vegetable growers themselves choose the product that suits them in dosage for preparing the appropriate volume of working liquid.

Historical reference

The liquid in the ampoule or bottle is a solution of a substance called imidacloprid at a concentration of 200 g/l. This newest chemical was developed by the German chemical and pharmaceutical company Bayer. Its sole worldwide patent recently expired and imidacloprid is now free to be produced and sold by any entity. A large quantity is produced in China and supplied for packaging to other countries.

Imidacloprid belongs to the chemical group of neonicotinoids - artificial analogues of the natural alkaloid nicotine.

The alkaloid nicotine is found in the tops of plants of the Solanaceae family. There is especially a lot of it in tobacco. Even in ancient times, it was noticed that tobacco infusion had a detrimental effect on many insects. In the twentieth century, artificial pure nicotine was synthesized, but it turned out to be a strong poison not only for insects, but also for humans. Scientists continued their research and developed new substances - neonicotinoids, which are poisonous to insects in small doses, but relatively safe for humans and animals.

In the modern world, 5 main neonicotinoids are used to control insects in everyday life and agriculture:

  • thiacloprid (only for large agricultural enterprises),
  • thiamethoxam (Aktara),
  • acetamiprid (Stozhar, Mospilan),
  • clothianidin (Apache, Bushido, Punisher),
  • imidacloprid (several dozen drugs).

Colorado potato beetle close up

Description and principle of action of the drug Corado

As written in the instructions for use of Corado, it effectively affects the Colorado potato beetle, its larvae, as well as aphids, onion and carrot flies.

The product is highly effective and quickly became popular among farmers, so it is often counterfeited

. It must be remembered that the packaging of a real insecticide is a dark brown glass bottle with a white plastic screw cap. When it is opened, the bottom ring always remains on the neck. Fake copies may have a metal lid.

In addition, counterfeit products are not highly effective, so insects practically do not die after treatment with such insecticides.

The insecticide "Corado" has the following effect on harmful insects:

  • systemic;
  • contact;
  • intestinal.

The effect of Corado on pests is long-lasting, does not cause addiction in harmful insects, and copes equally quickly with both adult individuals and their larvae.
In one area, you can use this insecticide for treatment for three years and only then change it to a product containing a fundamentally different active agent. The insecticide can enter the body of harmful insects with poisoned food, as well as when the pest comes into contact with foliage treated with Corado through their integument.

The effect of the product on parasites begins a few hours after treatment, and plant protection from pests lasts up to 30 days.

Imidacloprid acts on the nervous system of harmful insects, paralyzing it

. As a result, pests cannot move or eat. And although they still live for some time after exposure to the product, they can no longer cause harm to plants.

The main properties of the product "Colorado"

The drug for controlling the Colorado potato beetle "Colorado" is a powerful insecto-fungoacaricide with a triple action effect (intestinal, contact, systemic), which has a positive effect on the process of eliminating the population of insect pests.
The active ingredient in the remedy for Colorado beetles and other insect pests is the neonicotinoid imidacloprid, contained in Colorado in the amount of 200 grams per 1 liter of concentrate.

Imidacloprid, acting on the central nervous system of the Colorado potato beetle by binding to the corresponding receptors, causes paralysis of the pest and its convulsions. The death of the Colorado potato beetle population occurs very quickly, and the maximum impact occurs within 3-5 days after spraying the plants with the product. High residual activity allows the substance to maintain a protective effect for up to 14-28 days.

Imidacloprid has a crystalline structure and the following physical characteristics:

  • molecular weight value – 255.7;
  • melting point value – 136.4-143.8°C;
  • solubility in water at a temperature of 20°C is 0.51 grams per 1 liter of water.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

The main advantages of the Corado insecticide are:

  • long shelf life;
  • is highly resistant to moisture (works effectively in rainy weather) and direct sunlight;
  • the drug is economical and effective;
  • high resistance to rainy periods;
  • low toxicity for humans and warm-blooded animals;
  • side effects on cultivated plants - the product fertilizes the soil and strengthens crops;
  • possibility of use against a large colony of pests;
  • after treatment, Corado protects cultivated plants for 30 days;
  • Harmful insects have not developed resistance to this insecticide, so they die quickly.


Reviews about Corado are mostly positive if the product is used correctly. Allowed to be used in summer cottages and fields.

We have been processing Corado potatoes for three years now. The result is wonderful. Our neighbor poisons pests several times a season, we only do it once, a few weeks before the potatoes bloom. It kills Colorado potato beetles instantly and protects for a long time. We collect a wonderful harvest without much effort.

Anna, Moscow

Corado is one of the best remedies. We have a large potato garden; we don’t really want to process it several times a season. This poison always helps. We sprayed the plant once and forgot about beetles and other pests. It is economically used, affordable, there have never been any side effects. It’s easy to use – dilute the insecticide in water and pour it into a spray bottle.

Anton, Voronezh

You can buy an effective remedy for the Colorado potato beetle in a specialized store, at the market, in the hardware departments of supermarkets, or order on websites via the Internet. The price of Corado pleasantly surprises everyone. You can buy a bottle with a capacity of 10 ml for 55 rubles. Should be stored in a dark place, away from sunlight. Must be used within 3 years from date of manufacture.

Corado: application of insecticide

The drug should be diluted according to the instructions, since exceeding the dosage can harm crop plants, and too small a dose will not kill pests.

Corado: how to prepare a working solution

The working fluid is prepared immediately before use. It is advisable to calculate the amount of solution so that all of it is used during spraying, since liquid residues are not left behind - they quickly decompose. The remainder of the solution should be discarded.

Treatment is carried out only in dry and windless weather, preferably in the early morning or late evening. The optimal air temperature at the time of spraying is +12+25 degrees Celsius.

It is advisable that no rain is expected in the next few days - in this case, the sprayed product will have time to be completely absorbed into the foliage and will work productively.

The working fluid for the effective destruction of the Colorado potato beetle is prepared as follows:

Dissolve 1 ml of liquid concentrate in 1 liter of water and mix thoroughly. Then the volume of the resulting mixture is adjusted to the required volume by adding another 5 liters of liquid. The solution is mixed again.

Corado from the Colorado potato beetle | Pest control product for potatoes

An insecticide solution is prepared against apple aphids as follows: dissolve 3-5 ml of the product in 10 liters of water. The amount of product is taken depending on the size of the pest colony. Each apple tree usually consumes at least 5 liters of working fluid.

Using Corado working solution for potatoes

The drug Corado is used to treat the foliage of potato tops against the appearance of Colorado potato beetle larvae and potato ladybugs

. The working solution for both pests is prepared as follows: 1 ml of product is diluted in 4 liters of water.

This amount of liquid is enough to process 100 m2 of potato area.

Corado against apple aphids

Apple trees are treated with Corado when there is a colony of aphids

has grown greatly.

The working liquid should be prepared as follows: in a bucket of water (10 liters), dilute from 3 to 5 ml of the product, depending on the size of the apple aphid colony. One fruit tree requires up to 5 liters of liquid.

Corado for onions

Onion plantings, except for onions grown for feathers, are treated with this drug against onion fly


Before planting, onion sets need to be sprayed with a working liquid based on the Corado insecticide.

It is prepared as follows: dissolve 15 ml of the product in 200 ml of water. This amount of solution is enough to spray 10 kg of seed.

You can also treat onion plantings at the stage of 2-3 feathers with an insecticide solution prepared as follows: dissolve 2 ml of the drug in 2 liters of water. This amount of working fluid is enough to spray 1 hectare of land.

Pictured is an onion fly

Corado for carrots

Carrots are treated with Corado against carrot flies

. The solution is prepared as follows: dissolve 2 ml of the product in 2 liters of water.

To completely destroy the pest, two sprayings should be carried out: the first during the first mass emergence of flies (at the phase of 2-4 leaves), and the second - after 3 weeks, the field of the first. To treat 1 hectare of area you need 2 liters of working fluid.

How to prepare the solution

Corado should be diluted immediately before use. This option involves maintaining the maximum concentration of toxic components. But, according to the manufacturer, the ready-made solution can be used after 3 days, of course, provided it is stored in a dark and dry place.

An ampoule with a volume of 1 milliliter of suspension is intended for preparing 10 liters of solution. First you need to dissolve the concentrate in one liter of liquid, mix thoroughly and then add the rest of the water. Next, pour the finished substance into a spray bottle or a spray bottle. The specified quantity allows you to treat an area of ​​100 square meters.

Drug toxicity class and precautions

This product is allowed to be used on private farms. Hazard class of the Corado insecticide for humans – 3, for bees and inhabitants of water bodies – 1


Therefore, the product cannot be used during the flowering period of cultivated plants and the mass flight of bees, as well as in the water protection zone of reservoirs.

During processing, care must be taken to ensure that the solution does not fall on neighboring crops. Also, do not spray against the wind.


To prepare the solution, do not use containers intended for storing food.

Spraying is carried out in the absence of children and animals. From the moment you prepare the working solution until the end of the work, you must wear a suit, rubber gloves and a respirator.

During treatments, it is prohibited to eat, drink and smoke. After finishing work, you need to take a shower and wash your face and hands with soap.

You can go to the site only three days after the treatment.

Security measures

Since the drug belongs to hazard class 3 insecticides, you should not hope that it is completely harmless and there will be no consequences

An insecticide is primarily a poison, and it does not matter how strong it is for the human body

Harmful effects, even if not too severe, are practically guaranteed for anyone who neglects precautions

How to protect yourself from poisoning and other troubles:

  • be sure to use a protective uniform;
  • In order to prepare the solution correctly and safely, pour the drug into water away from the face;
  • do not use tableware for the solution;
  • do not eat, smoke or drink during treatment;
  • dispose of the used solution container (as well as an ampoule or bottle) off site;
  • if the product gets on the skin, wipe it off with cotton wool and rinse for 10 minutes under running water using soap;
  • if the drug gets into your eyes, try to rinse them open under running water;
  • in case of accidental ingestion, immediately drink water, induce vomiting, take sorbents and consult a doctor;
  • After handling, wash your hands thoroughly and rinse your mouth and nostrils.

The drug Corado, if used correctly, can really save the garden from the invasion of the Colorado potato beetle. Not every product can achieve such results, which is why Corado has earned its extremely positive reputation among gardeners and gardeners. By using this product only once a season, you can remain confident that there will really be no surviving pests, and there will be a harvest.

The price of the drug in stores is approximately this:

  • 1 ml – 10-15 rubles;
  • 10 ml. – 100-150 rub.

Corado's analogs

There are many drugs with imidacloprid as an active ingredient.

The most popular analogues of Corado:

Biotlin, VRK, Zhukoboy, VKR, Zubr, VRK, Imidor, VRK, Iskra Zolotaya, VRK, Commander, VRK, Konfidelin, VRK, Prestige, KS C, Tabu, VSK, Tanrek, VRK.

Is it possible to spray potatoes during flowering?

The instructions state that the Corado insecticide is not recommended for use during the flowering period of plants.

Important. If you didn’t have time to spray for beetles before flowering, but flowering has already begun, you need to use folk remedies.

Bees pollinate plants, and potato flowers also “lure” these beneficial insects. Corado can be toxic to bees. During the flowering period, potatoes have a weak protective ability against pesticides.

Related article: Stewed lamb with potatoes and vegetables in a cauldron or saucepan

Attention! The drug must be diluted in a non-residential area.

Corado: reviews of use

Anya, 44 years old, Belgorod region I plant potatoes and tomatoes in my garden every year, and every year throughout the entire season I fight the Colorado potato beetle almost unsuccessfully. And last year I tried the Corado insecticide. The product comes with clear instructions, with which I diluted the working solution and carried out the treatment. The beetle larvae all fell off at once. In 20 days I will carry out another preventive treatment.

Oleg, 50 years old, Rostov region I purchased this drug from my own hands and treated rose bushes against aphids and midges. However, the result was practically zero. I looked on the Internet and it turned out that the drug I purchased was counterfeit. I had to go to a specialized store to get the product. And there I bought a real Corado insecticide, which in one spray dealt with all the pests on the bushes of the queen of flowers.

Natalya, 40 years old, Moscow region Treated onion plantings with this drug against onion flies. First, I sprayed the seedlings with Corado solution before planting, and when the plants had three leaves, I sprayed them as well. As a result, there were no onion flies in my garden this season. One thing you need to know: onions are not treated with such a chemical, as it accumulates in the greens and can cause poisoning in humans.

Many gardeners and vegetable growers note the high effectiveness of the Corado insecticide in the fight against the Colorado potato beetle, aphids, carrot and onion flies

. It is important that harmful insects do not develop resistance against this drug, so it can be used to treat the area for three seasons in a row.

How to deal with the Colorado potato beetle?

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Terms of use

If you have prepared a solution, it should be used immediately that day because the insecticide may lose its properties. Also, when working with chemicals, you must follow a number of rules:

  • Irrigate with pesticide only in warm, dry weather;
  • there should also be no wind on this day;
  • The air temperature should fluctuate in the range of 12 to 27.

Of course, it is better to check the weather forecast in advance to avoid unexpected precipitation. After all, in order for the poison to be absorbed and have time to settle tightly on the leaves of the vegetable crop, it will take 5 hours.

In order to properly process plants, you should also take into account the time of the procedure. Spraying with chemicals is usually carried out in the evening, starting at 18.00. If there is a need for morning spraying, this should be done before 10.00 to avoid burns of foliage and stems.

When irrigating plants, you need to use the following instructions:

  • spray generously;
  • try not to affect neighboring plant species;
  • carry out wetting evenly without gaps.

Safety precautions

Any work with chemicals requires compliance with safety regulations. Every person who uses insecticide in their garden should remember this. The very first and most important rule is to observe the proportions when preparing the solution and strictly follow the instructions.

You should also choose the right clothing when working with poison. Things should be made of dense fabrics and cover all areas of the skin. It is advisable to take rubber shoes for ease of cleaning in the future. To protect your eyes and respiratory tract, wear a respirator and safety glasses.

If the product gets on your body, you must immediately wipe the area with a cotton pad and wash with plenty of soap and water. If a severe burn remains at the site, consult a dermatologist. If the insecticide gets into your eyes, rinse it with water as soon as possible. If a chemical enters your body through food, you need to induce a gag reflex and then drink the sorbent. In any case of the above, you should immediately provide first aid to the person and be sure to call an ambulance.

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