Be sure to mow down the strawberry leaves. This is the key to the future harvest

What to do if the strawberries have grown too much?

After harvesting, fill the area with strawberries right on top of the bushes with hay, leaves, weeded weeds, or place a compost heap in this place all summer. At the end of the season, cover with old film so that the wind does not blow it away and leave until next spring. Over the long autumn and winter, everything will rot under the film.

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Pros and cons

Tendrils are long shoots, devoid of leaves, that radiate in different directions from the bush. They are considered the most harmful to strawberries and need to be pruned because they prevent the berries from bearing fruit well.

However, if the plantation increases, the need for tendrils appears. In this case, exceptionally strong and large shoots are left, which are located first from the bush. Along with the tendrils, leaves are often removed if there are too many of them.

A comparative review of all the advantages and disadvantages of this method will help to understand the reasons why there is no certainty in the issue of mowing and trimming strawberries.


  1. The growth of root systems is accelerated. Due to the absence of above-ground parts of the plant, the roots are directly fed with useful substances and microelements.
  2. Pests located on the leaves of the plant are destroyed.
  3. The possibility of frost damage to the beds is eliminated.


  1. There is a high probability of damage to the generative and vegetative buds of berries, which are harbingers of the future harvest. This is possible because all bushes are pruned without a detailed inspection.
  2. Further development of the plant may slow down, which is explained by the stress received during the removal of leaves. Moreover, it is important to take into account the much later formation and ripening of fruits compared to other berry plants.
  3. Young stems and leaves are likely to be infected by pests, which are simply shaken off to the ground before removing old shoots. This happens if the crop is not treated with toxic substances.
  4. The supply of oxygen to the plant decreases. Leaves form the respiratory system of the entire plant. Thanks to them, photosynthesis becomes possible, saturating the stems and shoots with oxygen. As a result of removing leaves, oxygen saturation is significantly reduced.

Blitz tips

So, in order to constantly enjoy only the most tender and sweet strawberries, follow the following rules for caring for them after harvesting the last harvest:

  • Regularly clear the area of ​​weeds.
  • Carefully remove old foliage.
  • Constantly moisten the soil.
  • Do not forget to fertilize and apply fertilizers in a timely manner.
  • Take care of insulation for the winter.
  • Carry out preventative treatment against pests.
  • Propagate strawberries to increase productivity and renew your bushes.

Is it possible to mow all the leaves?

Nowadays it is not uncommon to see strawberries being completely mowed down. According to gardeners who practice this method of caring for crops, this helps to obtain a richer harvest next year, as well as less susceptibility to diseases.

By completely pruning a strawberry plantation, you can achieve absolute destruction of pests. At the same time, it is not recommended to mow young healthy plantings, as this can provoke the opposite effect: depletion of bushes and a meager harvest in the future.

Strawberry processing after harvest, pruning, watering and fertilizing

When to prune strawberries after harvesting
In mid-August, the last remontant varieties of strawberries and wild strawberries growing in open ground finish bearing fruit. Many gardeners miss the fact that after harvesting it is necessary to continue to care for the plant, otherwise next year the fruits may become smaller, and the bushes may be infected with pests and diseases.

Strawberries after harvesting what to do with the bush

Knowing when to prune strawberries after harvest is fairly simple as there is a second wave of fresh foliage growth. Old greenery fades.

Sometimes redness of the cuttings is observed, which indicates the bush’s desire to get rid of the leaves on its own. To help the plant, gardeners remove them. Typically, strawberries are pruned no later than July 20th.

Otherwise, negative consequences for the kidneys are possible (damage during plant care, disease).

Pruning strawberries after harvest

Pruning strawberries after harvesting: dig in the ones you need, cut off the rest

Strawberries begin to actively produce whiskers in August. The first two rosettes (the shoots with which it reproduces) can be left, the rest can be cut off. The remaining rosettes are buried in drops without cutting the tendrils that connect them to the mother bush.

When and how to properly prune strawberries after harvesting

When and how to properly prune strawberries after harvesting

At the moment when all the strawberries are harvested, pruning of leaves and tendrils is done using pruners or scissors. This is necessary to prepare the plant for winter: it will not waste its energy on feeding the foliage and will provide itself with a supply of microelements to survive the cold.

Beginning gardeners often ask about when to prune strawberries after fruiting. It would be right to start cleaning on the second or third day, especially if the plant is sick. This tactic will help reduce the risk of the occurrence or spread of infection of healthy plants by various diseases.

It is considered correct to prune as close to the base of the bush as possible, since disease spores can persist even on cuttings. The tool must have sharp and clean blades so as not to cause the spread of infections. Do not tear off the tendrils and leaves with your hands - this can damage the roots.

Calculating when to cut strawberries after fruiting is very important. If you are late, young leaves will not have time to grow before the cold weather, and bare bushes will not be able to survive winter frosts.

How to mow strawberries in summer and why you need to do it

If novice gardeners doubt whether they need to prune strawberries after harvesting, then experienced gardeners are confident in the need for the procedure.

Pruning strawberries after fruiting is a special mowing method, which has its own characteristics:

  • a high increase in yield is possible if you mow the foliage on the second or third day after harvesting in order to prevent the spread of possible diseases throughout the area;
  • mowing and cleaning up the removed leaves will help protect the plant and the entire plantation from pests and diseases;
  • Immediately after mowing, the bushes are fertilized and watered.

For young plants, it is better to carry out individual pruning with special attention using scissors or pruning shears.

Bushes from three years old can be treated with a scythe or a trimmer with a fishing line (you need to work at low speed), especially if you do not intend to get new shoots from them for propagation.

Mown three- and four-year-old strawberries after harvest will certainly delight you with healthy fruits in the next season.

Processing strawberries after harvest

Processing strawberries after harvest: loosening

Both during the period of ripening of berries and after harvesting, it is important that the soil in the garden bed is constantly moist - this will ensure the rapid growth of young foliage. Knowing what to do with your strawberries after harvest will help increase the plant's fruit production the following season.

After cutting, you need to use warm water to irrigate the bushes. Water at sunset or in the morning to avoid sunburn. After irrigation, the soil is loosened and mulched. If you constantly water strawberries, despite the lack of fruits, then by spring they will produce much more flower buds.

What to do with strawberries after fruiting: protection from insects

Processing strawberries after harvest: processing

Every experienced gardener knows how to treat strawberries after trimming the leaves to protect them from insects. The first plant prevention is carried out during the growing season before flowering. When all the strawberries have been harvested, processing after fruiting is carried out again, no later than mid-August.

Usually, the drug “Aktelikom” is used to protect plants (15-20 ml per 10 liters of water, if there are a lot of pests, the procedure can be repeated after 8-10 days). The product will effectively cope with the strawberry transparent mite that eats young leaves. Spraying with iodine solution (5-10 drops per 10 liters of water) will protect you from weevils.

Treatment of strawberries after harvest against pests includes complex fertilizer with urea in the proportion of 30 g per 10 liters of liquid or infusion: 2 tbsp. l. nitroammophoska, 10 liters of water and 1 cup of ash.

Many people are interested in how to feed strawberries after trimming the leaves without using expensive products. Nettle is used for this. It is poured into a bucket of water and left for a week. Water the bushes after harvesting, mowing and at the stage of bush formation to protect it from pests.

Processing strawberries after fruiting: disease prevention

After harvesting, as well as to reduce disease incidence, it is better to use Fitosporin (against fungal diseases in the proportion of 1 tablespoon of liquid solution per 10 liters of water per 2 sq.m. area) or Fitop (prepared similarly).

How to feed strawberries after harvest

Processing strawberries after harvest: checking the roots before fertilizing

Complex fertilizer with mineral substances (“Shungite”, “Elegy”, Bui fertilizers “For strawberries”, etc.) is considered universal. However, feeding with organic matter also gives good results. Therefore, having chosen how to fertilize strawberries after harvesting: manure or legume siderites, start cultivating the land.

How to process strawberries after fruiting and pruning:

  • remove weeds and loosen the soil;
  • water the beds with organic matter dissolved in water (mullein, horse manure);
  • mulch the area with peat or pine needles;
  • water through mulch.

How to treat strawberries after pruning to set flower buds

You can use universal fertilizers (for example, Ammofoska, Nutriflex S), which are available in an assortment in any specialized store. Typically, the solution is made in the proportion of 10 grams of product to 10 liters of water. But you can feed the berries with a combination of nitrogen substances and ammonium nitrate.

What to do with strawberries after harvesting

What to do with strawberries after harvesting

Strawberry leaves live for about two months. When they wither, various spots appear on them: faded white, red and even scarlet. These are signs of aging foliage and the development of a variety of diseases on it.

There is no point in thinking about whether it is necessary to cut strawberries after fruiting, since it is the cutting of strawberry (strawberry) leaves that helps protect future fruits from diseases.

Pruning and processing strawberries after fruiting

Pruning strawberries after harvest

Knowing how strawberries are processed after harvest is very important.

After 3-4 years of growing berries in one place, it is necessary to fertilize the soil with compost, rotted manure, and mulch the soil with sawdust and ash. This will help cover the strawberry roots visible from the soil.

For those who are interested in how to care for strawberries after harvesting, it is worth noting that mulching and hilling will ensure good root development.

Bottom line

Using tips on how to properly process strawberries after harvest will help you protect the plant from infections and prepare it for winter. Keep an eye on the bushes, provide them with proper care and prune them after fruiting, as a result, you will have a large and abundant harvest next year.


Mustache trimming

Both remontant and ordinary garden strawberries have an amazing ability: they constantly strive for vegetative propagation and produce a huge number of tendrils. There are also varieties without mustache, but they have not yet become as widespread among summer residents as their “mustachioed” counterparts.

Aerial shoots draw a lot of juice from their “mothers”, weaken them and cause damage to the crop. Therefore, you will need to regularly inspect the strawberry plantation and cut out any tendrils that appear on the bushes.

Unnecessary tendrils take a lot of energy from plants

The only exception is the situation when you really need to propagate your favorite variety. In the spring, mark the strongest bushes in the garden and leave 2-3 of the strongest shoots on each. All other mustaches that appear on them must be removed. When the shoots take root and become stronger, you can separate the new rosettes from the mother plants and replant them in a new bed.

Garden strawberries can also be propagated by sowing seeds. You can choose the right variety for yourself in our market by looking at the Strawberries section.

Mowing Features

In order to achieve high strawberry yields next year, as well as to prevent damage to them, it is important to observe some nuances in the process of “cleaning” the beds:

  1. Trimming strawberry leaves and mustaches should be done exclusively with sharp scissors or pruners.
  2. It is strictly not recommended to pluck shoots by hand, since there is a high risk of damage to the root system. The result is a long recovery of the plant.
  3. Leaves that have changed color to red must be removed. This will help get rid of pests and disease carriers.
  4. It is important to treat the plantation with chemicals. However, this must be done in the fall to avoid freezing of the bare bushes, so that there is time for the growth of new young leaves.

When to prune strawberries after harvest and is it necessary to prune leaves in summer - expert opinions

Garden strawberries, or as they are more often called strawberries in everyday life, are a perennial herbaceous berry crop, which is characterized by the gradual replacement of old leaves with new ones. Obsolete foliage must be removed. In most cases, it is recommended to prune it in the summer, immediately after harvest.

Do I need to prune strawberries after harvesting?

There is no consensus on the advisability of pruning a strawberry plantation . Some gardeners are convinced that they should not interfere with natural processes and do not touch the berry garden at all. Others consider pruning after fruiting to be a useful and even necessary procedure.

Opponents give the following arguments in favor of their point of view:

  • Leaf mass is necessary for the normal functioning of plants, since photosynthesis processes take place in it. Bushes deprived of leaves weaken and it is more difficult for them to prepare for winter.
  • During manipulations, vegetative and generative buds are damaged, which directly affects the next season's harvest.
  • It is useless to remove leaves in order to combat insect pests and various diseases, since the spores still fall to the ground, and the larvae and adults overwinter well in the ground. The next season they move to fresh leaves.
  • Any intervention causes stress in plants, especially pruning. At the same time, they develop worse.

Strawberry beds need to be tidied up after fruiting

Proponents of summer post-harvest pruning put forward their arguments:

  • Strawberry leaves live for about 2–2.5 months, then photosynthesis in them slows down, they turn red, become covered with spots and become useless (they waste vital juices).
  • A bush deprived of ballast lays more flower buds and grows a thick green mass, which allows it to overwinter better. The plant's resistance to low temperatures increases.
  • Most of the pests and pathogens that accumulated in the above-ground part during the previous part of the growing season are removed.
  • Nutrients remain in the root system, which contributes to its strengthening and development. Strong and thick roots accumulate a supply of vitamins and minerals that will be actively used next year.

Sometimes they mow down all the foliage from strawberry beds completely, right to the root, using a scythe or trimmer. It is extremely important to do this as early as possible, otherwise young leaves will not have time to grow in sufficient quantities before the onset of cold weather.

For several years in a row we burned out a strawberry plantation with a blowtorch, it’s very convenient - you don’t have to bother with pruners and waste extra time. But one day the procedure was carried out later than usual, already at the end of August.

As luck would have it, the winter was harsh and there was little snow; as a result, the strawberries overwintered poorly and there were almost no berries.

When to prune strawberries after fruiting, in summer or autumn

The gardening community also cannot agree on specific pruning dates. However, it is generally accepted that it is optimal to do this immediately after harvesting the last berries, without delaying the process for more than a couple of weeks .

The plant must have at least two months left in order to have time to recover. In the southern regions, where strawberries bear fruit early, pruning begins at the end of June.

In the northern regions (Altai, Siberia, Ural), the time to prune the berry tree does not come until mid-July.

Much depends on the timing of ripening. Some late varieties that produce a harvest in late July or early August are not recommended to be heavily pruned at all.

You need to prune strawberries as early as possible so that they have time to recover.

With remontant strawberries, which bear fruit almost all summer, you cannot mow down all the foliage, or radically thin out. Such varieties try to injure as little as possible, removing only damaged leaves and old peduncles just before frost (late September, mid-October).

How to properly trim (mow) strawberries after picking berries

To carry out the work, choose a dry, sunny and windless day, and arm yourself with sharp pruning shears or garden shears. Brief instructions for trimming leaves and tendrils:

  • Work begins with the youngest and healthiest bushes, gradually moving on to the old and sick ones.
  • Remove all dry, lying on the ground, strongly inclined, old, rough and damaged leaves. Trim carefully, trying not to touch or injure the growth point. In this case, stumps 3–4 cm high are left (otherwise you can accidentally cut off the generative buds). Particular attention is paid to leaf blades with traces of diseases. When pruning, only the youngest and healthiest leaves are left.
  • All whiskers are cut out if the goal is not for reproduction. If necessary, leave no more than 2-3 of the strongest and strongest first rosettes from each bush.
  • You cannot pull out leaves and tendrils by hand, as this will damage the mother plant. Rooted tendrils are separated from the mother plant
  • All trimmed plant material must be destroyed (burned) to prevent the spread of infection throughout the area.

Reviews about the necessity, methods and timing of pruning

Timely and correctly pruned strawberry bushes after fruiting will allow the plants to recover faster and better prepare for the coming winter, as well as lay a strong foundation for a bountiful harvest next season.

  • Svetlana Lukyanova
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When to feed and fertilize

Some gardeners do the wrong thing by heavily feeding strawberries before harvesting. This leads to the fact that it is severely affected by gray mold, firstly. Secondly, although the berries become large, they are watery, less sweet, and have a shorter harvest period.

In early spring, before flowering, we fertilize with nitrogen fertilizers. But remember, the main application of fertilizers should be after harvesting. This is feeding with complete mineral fertilizer and organic matter. Many people apply manure to the strawberries. This, of course, is good - manure not only nourishes the plants, but also takes care of the root system of strawberries.

Basic rules for pruning

The effectiveness of pruning depends not only on the timing, but also on how carefully you handle the plants during this important procedure. To avoid doing strawberries a disservice, adhere to the following rules.

  • Arm yourself with sharp, clean garden shears or pruning shears. Some especially busy summer residents rush to quickly bring “beauty” to the strawberries and mow down the leaves with a lawn mower or scythe. Such rough tools often damage the hearts of plants, after which they get sick for a long time and refuse to bear fruit normally the next year.

Use pruning shears or garden shears for pruning

  • Do not tear off the leaves, tendrils and fruit-bearing peduncles from the rosettes with your hands - they are quite firmly attached to the hearts. With such a careless attitude, there is a high probability of pulling out part of the bush or severely damaging it.
  • Try to cut leaves and tendrils closer to the base of the rosette, but use scissors very carefully so as not to damage the hearts of the plants.

Trim the tendrils and leaves closer to the base of the rosette.

  • When pruning plants, loosen the soil between the rows to a depth of 5 cm and remove all weeds from the garden bed. At the same time, hill up bushes with bare hearts and rake away the soil from those specimens whose centers are too deep.
  • After radically cutting the common strawberry, do not forget to feed the plants, because they will need strength to recover from stress and grow new rosettes. You can use both purchased complex preparations and natural ones - mullein solution and wood ash.

Properly pruned plants will give an excellent harvest.
Timely and carefully pruning will be the key to strong immunity of garden strawberries, will help them to withstand weather disasters and not succumb to the attacks of diseases and pests. Therefore, pay special attention to this procedure every year, and a generous harvest of large, sweet berries will not take long to arrive.

Dear readers, how do you prune your strawberries? Share your experience with us in the comments and tell us which haircut - spring, summer or autumn - your berry grower likes the most.

Apparently, I’m already so old that I remember how all strawberries, regardless of the variety, were called Victoria. And it’s true that this variety, Victoria, was very successful at that time. The parents of a huge number of modern varieties were: the father was from Virginia, and the mother was our forest beauty.

Don't be angry with me. I am a military pensioner and sometimes I can be a bit cool in the army. But I have an amazing biology teacher, Zoechka Ivanovna, and she was even more strict with me than with future medalists. She was hysterical when she found out that I would not become a biologist. And I’ve been friends with plants all my adult life, and even beyond the Arctic Circle I’ve always had a green friend nearby.

After care

Like any living plant, strawberries require further care after pruning or mowing.

Here are the main and most important steps:

  1. Loosen the soil around the bushes.
  2. Remove all unnecessary shoots and weeds.
  3. Treat the plantation against pathogenic pests using fungicidal preparations.
  4. Feed the plant with organic and mineral fertilizers.
  5. If there is no rain, provide the berries with regular watering. Constant moisture in the beds is the key to the fruitful growth of young foliage.

Pest Control

Most of all, the berry plant is susceptible to attack by the following pests:

  • strawberry mite;
  • weevil;
  • slugs;
  • snails

If gastropods are easily removed manually, then preventive treatment of bushes should be used against other types of pests. To do this, it is better to use actellik or karbofos.

These products will do their job perfectly, reliably protecting your berry bushes from the enemy.

The drug nitrophen has proven itself well in the fight against pathogenic viruses. It will help you cope with viruses and fungi not only on the strawberries themselves, but also in the soil.

In the fight against such a scourge as powdery mildew, it is best to spray with topaz.

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