What can you do with walnuts if they have bugs?

Various types of moths or moths have firmly chosen human housing as a source of heat and nutrition.

Depending on the species, these insects may prefer natural fabrics or food products . The appearance of pests in cereals, nuts, legumes, and other food products is especially common.

If moths are found in walnuts, it is important to immediately take measures to remove the parasites, otherwise there is a high risk of infection of the entire grocery.

There are no universal ways to combat food moths; larvae and adults can withstand low temperatures well, and the use of insecticides can lead to food spoilage. Let us consider in more detail what can be done if moth larvae are found in nuts, and how to get rid of such an unpleasant neighborhood.


I fucking bought it on my own head in a regular package. We lay there for 3 weeks (by the way, we ate some of it, the recipe: banana slices, chopped nuts and mix it all with condensed milk;).

And today I opened the locker, and there, ssss... ah, 8 pieces! food moths and already laid larvae. The bag of nuts is all chewed up and there are still a bunch of these creatures in there. Ewww

I have already encountered this infection, my father-in-law brought hazelnuts from Abkhazia, but the hazelnut, I admit, lay there for a long time, I simply forgot about it, I remembered when I saw a worm larva on my wall (the moth was flying, but I didn’t know about the existence of food moths, I thought This is a common moth and every week I was going through closets with clothes, looking for moths;)))

When I bought them in closed packages, I could have had these nuts for a month (then, of course, the nuts were thrown away), but nothing like that happened.

Who is the biologist? How does this moth appear? In the beginning there should be a larva, according to logic? Those. Initially upon purchase? Or these larvae can grow on their own in these nuts.

I have already encountered this infection, my father-in-law brought hazelnuts from Abkhazia, but the hazelnut, I admit, lay there for a long time, I simply forgot about it, I remembered when I saw a worm larva on my wall (the moth was flying, but I didn’t know about the existence of food moths, I thought This is a common moth and every week I was going through closets with clothes, looking for moths;)))

Nut leaf miner

The pest develops in 3 generations (in May, June and August), but the 2nd and 3rd generations are the most harmful. Younger caterpillars bite into young leaves and feed on their pulp without damaging the skin. This kind of damage is called “mines”. The adult caterpillar “does not mine” the leaf, but lives in the folded leaf, eating it.

Great care should be taken to combat this pest, since in the case of uncontrolled reproduction, the leafminer moth can cause significant damage to walnut trees.

Control measures. Treatment with the microbiological preparation lepidocide, organophosphorus insecticides, and in case of high numbers - pyrethroids approved for use in private household plots.

What bugs are found in cereals and flour?

If bugs appear in cereals, how to get rid of them is an important issue for preserving other products.

To fight, you should identify beetles in time and know their types:

NameHabitat FeaturesWhere are they found?
Bread grinderAble to fly, not afraid of light, found between window frames. Penetrates with animal feed • Bakery products. • Medicinal herbs. • Tea. • Coffee. • Cocoa. • Cereal mixtures. • Book bindings
Flour beetle, beetleThe pest is highly prolific. The eggs are microscopic in size and easily pass through the sieve opening. • Flour.• Starch.• Rolled oats.• Semolina.• Bran.• Dried fruits.• Rice.• Buckwheat
Red mukoedComes with low quality animal feed• Cereals.• Grains.• Expired flour
Food moth The reason why the insect appears is improper food storage, ventilation, or an open window. Active mainly at night • Buckwheat.• Hercules.• Semolina.• Pasta.• Rice.• Flour.• Tea.• Dried fruits
Rice weevil It is highly fertile, reproduces quickly, and flies well. It has a powerful mouthparts, thanks to which it is able to gnaw through grain. The optimal temperature for reproduction is between 26-30 degrees • Rice.• Buckwheat.• Wheat.• Barley
Bean weevil completely eats up beans and cereals• Beans.• Beans.• Peas.• Lentils.• Soybeans.• Chickpeas

Medicinal properties

Black walnut contains many substances that have a beneficial effect on the human body: a number of macro- and microelements (silicon, potassium, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, selenium), as well as bioflavonoids, tannins, vitamins (vitamin C content , for example, it is 50 times superior to citrus fruits, which determines its high antioxidant properties).

It has proven itself as an effective drug not only against parasites, but also for problems with the gastrointestinal tract, thrush and even, according to the latest research, as a component of the complex treatment of tumors, not only benign, but also malignant.

A special role is played by the substance juglone contained in its composition, which effectively affects fungi, yeast infections and other parasites, including helminths.

Black walnut against parasites shows its effectiveness in three aspects:

  • destruction of helminths and their larvae in the intestines;
  • cleansing the body from the toxic effects of their metabolic products and decay;
  • strengthening the body's defenses against viral, infectious and parasitic diseases.

It is generally accepted that black walnuts are primarily made from shells and rinds, and only from the unripe fruit.

However, its leaf also has a pronounced anthelmintic effect and, in addition, helps normalize metabolism and lower cholesterol levels, which helps not only cleanse the body, but also get rid of excess weight.

The uses of black walnut are varied, and preparations based on it are produced:

  • in capsules and tablets - they are useful for respiratory diseases and colds;
  • the oil is used for gastrointestinal diseases (dysbacteriosis, gastritis, colitis, ulcers), as well as skin and diseases of the female genital organs, hemorrhoids;
  • ointments for skin diseases;
  • suppositories for the treatment of gynecological diseases, ulcers, hemorrhoids;
  • Dietary supplements (dietary supplements) help strengthen the body overall.

Where do bugs in cereals and larvae come from?

In most cases, the insect or its larva gets in with poor quality cereals purchased by weight. However, it is not uncommon for beetle eggs to be found in vacuum packaging, if we are talking about unscrupulous manufacturers who violate the sanitary regime for storing cereals in factories and warehouses.

Infection can occur in recently purchased cereals due to improper proximity, when prunes, pasta, flour, tea, coffee, and spices are stored nearby.

Do you always follow the correct storage of food/medicines and their product proximity?

Yes, of course, this is very important so as not to spend money on your health later.


Not really, because there won’t be anything like going to the toilet.


I look at it by appearance and if I use anything after heat treatment.


Voted: 349

Damage caused by moths

An adult butterfly cannot cause any harm to nuts, since its jaw apparatus is poorly developed. The only thing she does is find a suitable place and lay her eggs. When the larvae hatch on the surface of the nuts, they contaminate it with the remains of the cocoon and waste from their vital activity.

If the fruits are in shell, they can be saved, but if not, then such products are hopelessly spoiled, and their use as food threatens the following complications for the human body:

Spoiled nuts.

  • intoxication;
  • decreased immunity;
  • poisoning.

The best ways to deal with kitchen bugs in bulk products

The most effective of all known methods is the use of an aerosol product called Dichlorvos. After using this product, not a single bug will remain alive.

The method is not the safest to use, but it will definitely help completely solve the problem. The product disappears from the room within several days. You cannot be indoors at this time. It is necessary to think about the place of residence for this period of time even before the start of cleaning.

How to remove beetles:

  1. Carry out a thorough inspection of those things where insects may be located, and remove these items from the room.
  2. Throw out the entire stock of cereals, wash the jar in which they were located, and all the dishes in the kitchen.
  3. Wipe the baseboard, floor, every cabinet.
  4. Wear protective equipment and treat the room with Dichlorvos. It is important to treat every hard-to-reach crack, since these are the places where insects can be found.
  5. After ventilation, all surfaces must be thoroughly washed.

An economical method (how to sift so as not to throw away)

The flour must be sifted using a fine sieve. This will make it possible to get rid of larvae and eggs.

When the product is sifted, it is calcined in the oven for 30 minutes. For flour, 50 degrees is enough.

After these steps, the flour will become suitable for consumption.

Bugs in flour: how to get rid of them using heat treatment

There are several methods to resolve the issue:

  1. Using the oven. The procedure takes 30 minutes. Semolina and flour should not be exposed to temperatures above 50 degrees. For other types of cereals, this figure can reach from 110 to 200 degrees.
  2. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation. The products are evenly laid out on a clean, flat surface and left for 2-3 hours. The beetles will leave the food if they cannot withstand exposure to ultraviolet rays.
  3. Exposure to low temperatures. The cereal is placed in the freezer for a day. A balcony is suitable for these purposes. You can take food outside if it is a private house when the air temperature is at least 15 degrees below zero.

Pests often hide in furniture and other rooms. Therefore, the entire apartment, especially the kitchen, must be treated with additional methods.

Small bugs in the kitchen: how to get rid of borax

Boric acid has a poisonous effect. Individuals absorb the poison and bring it with them to the nest, as a result of which the entire colony of pests dies.

- treating furniture with vinegar

Wipe all the cabinets in which the cereal is stored with a soapy solution, cleaning, if possible, all hard-to-reach places, since these are where eggs and larvae are often hidden. Ventilate the room - moths are afraid of fresh air. Soak a rag in the vinegar solution and wipe all these surfaces.

How to deal with food moths without using special insecticides? This can be done using ordinary table vinegar. In this case, you need to act like this:

  1. First, you will need to empty all the cabinets in which you store dry foods and thoroughly clean them with soapy water, paying special attention to hard-to-reach places. The cereals themselves and other products need to be sorted thoroughly so that no pests remain in them.
  2. Then you will need to remove the remaining soap solution from the cabinet walls and treat the surfaces with vinegar.
  3. After this, all you have to do is wait until the vinegar is completely dry, and you can return the food back to the cabinet.

Is it possible to eat grains and flour infested with beetles?

Food should not be consumed together with insects. Before using cereals, you need to get rid of pests.

However, even careful processing will not be able to remove larvae, scales, and waste products of beetles. They pose no danger to a healthy adult.

Before using cereals you need to get rid of pests

It’s a different matter when it comes to children and people with weakened immune systems. In these cases, the use of such products can cause a severe allergic reaction or cause intoxication of the human body, which will lead to disruption of the functioning of the gastrointestinal tract and an increase in body temperature.

- strong odors

If you don’t have anything on hand that could help get rid of moths, you can use ordinary perfume. The thing is that strong smells can scare away butterflies, and they will not breed in your closet.

To use this product, you will need to go through your food, remove all contaminated grains and other types of food that may contain eggs or larvae, and then wash the cabinet and spray it with perfume.

Prevention of recurrence

There are certain preventive measures to prevent the appearance of unpleasant insects:

  • Purchase products as needed. Long-term storage contributes to the appearance of pests and loss of taste.
  • Use a dry, cool room to store cereals, with good ventilation.
  • Storage of bulk products in glass containers with tight lids and perforated plastic bags. Linen bags and metal containers are also suitable for this purpose.
  • In winter, store cereals on the balcony or loggia.
  • Compliance with product expiration dates. For example, millet cereals are stored for no more than 3 months, buckwheat and rice - up to 6 months, flour and dried fruits - 1 year.

Important! If pests are found in a package of cereals, then you need to immediately check the supplies and conduct a thorough cleaning of your home. A solution of soda, salt and vinegar is suitable for this purpose.

There are no ideal ways to remove bugs. You cannot be sure of the integrity of the cereal manufacturer, even if vacuum packaging is used.

Therefore, the key to preventing the appearance of beetles is to regularly clean the kitchen area using disinfectants, inspect food supplies, and adhere to storage deadlines.

If bugs appear in cereals, how to get rid of them is an important issue for preserving other products.

Essential oils

Essential oils of plant origin help get rid of moths well: orange, mint, eucalyptus, clove. Provided that no one has allergies.

To use, pour a small amount into an open, wide-necked container and place in desired location. Check periodically to see if the liquid has evaporated. If yes, add more.

The good thing about the drug is that you can choose a type whose smell you personally like or periodically replace boring options.

How to get rid of bugs in cereals?


How to get rid of bugs in flour and cereals? This question worries many housewives, because household pests can appear in any home! We know how to deal with this scourge, and we will be happy to share this knowledge with you!

    Types of kitchen parasitesHow to eliminate kitchen bugs
    Method 1. Hot processing Method 2. Freezing Method 3. Soaking Method 4. Light heating

How to remove insects from kitchen furniture? Prevention of bugs Is it possible to eat foods that have insects in them?

Types of kitchen parasites

The following pests can appear in the kitchen:

    Bread borer - small (length - 3 mm) light brown insects. They are attracted to book bindings, crushed grain mixtures, coffee, dried herbs, tea, animal feed and dried bakery products (crackers, crackers, cookies, biscuits). The bread grinder flies well - it can fly into a window, guided by the light. But most often, bugs enter the house along with store-bought food and animal feed;
    Weevils are small dark brown or black bugs with a long proboscis. Under favorable conditions, they produce offspring up to 6 times a year. Most often they can be seen in packages with buckwheat, pasta, rice, flour and legumes;
    The flour bug is a small insect (4 mm long) with a red-brown body. These pests are brought into the house along with flour and starch. The flour bug easily penetrates into any container. They happily live in all types of flour, buckwheat, rice, semolina, dried fruits, and rolled oats. These insects reproduce incredibly quickly. Eggs are laid not only in food, but also in the crevices of furniture, as well as in home textiles. Hatched individuals are able to crawl throughout the house in search of food;
    Food moth - the adult resembles a gray butterfly with a body 10 mm long. The reason for its appearance is inadequate processing and storage of food products. Moths can also fly into the kitchen through open windows. Most often it settles in packages of tea, pasta, cocoa and dried fruits. Infected products are covered with a thin cobweb; yellow worms appear in them;
    Red flour beetles are miniature bugs (length - 2.5 mm), the source of infection of which is low-quality grain food for pets. It is a frequent inhabitant of bakeries, mills, and factories. They like to eat grains, cereals and spoiled flour with a moisture content of more than 15%. Unable to find suitable food, the red mucous eater dies.

These photos will help you recognize these bugs.

Attention! If there is a strong infestation of bugs, the nutritional value of the food is reduced to zero. Together with insects, bacteria settle in them, which can lead to allergies and food poisoning.

Description of the pest

The butterfly is about 2 cm long. Belongs to the order Lepidoptera. The wings are brown-gray. There is a pair of antennae on the head. Has 2 pairs of legs. The insect lays eggs in cereals, dried fruits, flour and other places. The eggs are small, up to 0.5 mm in diameter, and are almost impossible to notice. Larvae emerge from them and cause the main damage to products. After the larval stage, the moth develops into a pupa and then into a butterfly.

Important! The main damage to products is caused by butterfly larvae.

The moth belongs to the order Lepidoptera insects. The color is pale brown, light gray, white with silver pollen on the wings. This small insect is nocturnal and feeds on the substance of the stratum corneum, that is, keratin.

How to kill kitchen bugs

What to do if there are insects in cereals or flour? We offer several effective ways to combat this unpleasant living creature. Remember, they can only be used when there are a small number of parasites.

Method 1. Hot processing

In this case, it is recommended to sift the cereal through a very fine sieve, pour it onto a baking sheet and fry at a temperature of +110 degrees for 20 minutes. After processing, use these bulk products first.

To get rid of bugs and larvae in cereals, you need to fry it in the oven - the insects will die immediately

Method 2. Freezing

Freezing food for 24 hours will also help kill the bugs.

Method 3. Soaking

The easiest way to remove bugs is from beans and peas. They need to be filled with salt water for half an hour. As soon as the insects float to the surface, the liquid is drained and the fruits are thoroughly dried on a dry and clean towel.

Method 4. Light warming

With flour the situation is a little different. Experts recommend sifting it through a special sieve with very fine holes, and then heating it in an oven set to 50 degrees.

Application of traditional methods

For those who do not want to turn to chemicals for help, folk methods of fighting royal moths are perfect. To repel pests, laurel leaves are often used, which are laid out in kitchen cabinets. In addition, such a spice can be an excellent prevention of pests. To do this, you need to put the nuts in a small bag and add 5-6 bay leaves there. Moths do not like this smell, so they will not attack food storage areas.

Quite often, a trap made from flour and boric acid is used to combat parasites. To make it, you need to mix these substances (3:1), pour the product into a tin container and place it in the kitchen cabinet where the moths have started. In addition, to get rid of nut moths, it is recommended to use fir or lavender essential oil. With the help of such preparations it is necessary to treat all places and surfaces where parasites were noticed. Also, dried lavender, which is laid out on bedside tables, helps well in the fight against king moths. Pests cannot stand the smell of tobacco, so quite often it is also used to exterminate parasites.

To disinfect bedside tables, use a vodka-based solution. To prepare it you need to take 1 tsp. alcohol, 4 tsp. water and 1 tbsp. l. tea tree essential oil. The ingredients should be mixed thoroughly, and the resulting solution should be used to treat all furniture in the kitchen. In the fight against king moths, ammonia is sometimes used. You need to take 2 tsp. substance and dilute it with 1 liter of water. This product should be used to wipe down cabinet shelves.

Prevention of bugs

To prevent pests from appearing in the future, take care of the following prevention measures:

    Wash the inside of cabinets and all kitchen utensils regularly; It is best to use airtight containers for storing food. These can be tightly tied linen bags, glass jars or metal boxes;

Glass jars with a tight lid are an ideal place to store cereals, since bugs do not like light

    Don't forget to periodically check your supplies of flour products, starch, cereals and flour for pests; Kitchen pests cannot tolerate strong aromas. Scatter garlic, lemon peels, nutmeg, red pepper pods, bay leaves or walnuts in the corners of washed cabinets; Place only purchased cereals in the freezer for a day or heat them in the oven. Under the influence of temperatures, eggs and larvae die;
    Dried fruits and nuts should be stored on the shelves of the refrigerator; Ventilate the kitchen regularly - most insects cannot stand fresh air; If you notice bugs, eggs or larvae in the purchased cereals, throw the purchase in the trash. Refuse products at a reduced price - they are fraught with potential danger; Close the ventilation with a fine mesh; How to store flour so that bugs do not appear? Place a few cloves of garlic in the bag. They do not affect the taste of flour in any way;

Place a clove of garlic in a bag of cereal - the bugs don’t like its smell and will leave the room

    Wipe all surfaces dry - house parasites need water; Do not leave dishes unwashed for a long time. Put leftover food in a cupboard or refrigerator; Do not store supplies after the expiration date. For semolina, rice, flour and buckwheat it is 6 months, for millet, oatmeal and eggplant – 4 months; If you don’t know how to get rid of bugs in cereals and flour, throw a gauze bag with salt and bay leaf at the bottom of the container. An alternative to them would be regular chestnut or dry zest;
    Scientists have proven that kitchen pests are afraid of metal. Place a teaspoon, a couple of nails or a piece of foil in the jar.

Reviews and comments

+3 Nit 09.10.2015 14:41 Yes, an unpleasant neighborhood. I recently bought 3 boxes of candied nuts, and they included moths as a free addition. When a couple of individuals flew out of one box, I looked through the others. As it turned out, food moths can safely exist in a tightly closed plastic container, wrapped in cling film, i.e. no air! The article is good, but it’s a pity that there is no information on how to rehabilitate the products. Maybe you can wash it or bake it in the oven?


0 Vyacheslav 10/09/2017 09:47 Yesterday I ate pine nuts and found a black larva covered with a white cobweb in them. At first I wanted to throw it away, but then I became interested and put it in a box. Today I checked - and there is a butterfly sitting there - very similar to the one shown here in the photo.


-1 Alexey 11/15/2017 14:39 Quoting Nit:

Yes, an unpleasant neighborhood. I recently bought 3 boxes of candied nuts, and they included moths as a free addition. When a couple of individuals flew out of one box, I looked through the others. As it turned out, food moths can safely exist in a tightly closed plastic container, wrapped in cling film, i.e. no air! The article is good, but it’s a pity that there is no information on how to rehabilitate the products. Maybe you can wash it or bake it in the oven?

Without what air? Yes, the air contained in this jar of moths will last for three years. Quote

Walnut pests. Nut moth

There are a huge variety of walnut pests, including leaf rollers, mites, weevils, false scale insects, aphids, bark beetles, cutworms, borers and so on.

In the territory of the former Soviet Union, there are about 100 species of various insects that damage nut leaves, cause serious harm to fruits, and spoil wood.

The nut moth is a biological form of the codling moth and is capable of damaging up to half of the fruits during the summer season, and in some cases can destroy up to 80% of the crop.

Since Ukraine today is one of the leaders in exporting walnuts (the annual harvest, according to the Center for Industrial Growing in our country, reaches 100 thousand tons of products), pest control is an important factor that has a direct impact on the country’s economy.

Description of the nut moth

Nut moth ( lat. Sarrothripus musculana Ersch

.) belongs to the family (
) and is quite widespread in our country.

An adult insect (butterfly) is small in size (from 17 to 22 millimeters) with a wingspan of up to two centimeters.

The front wings are dark gray and dotted with longitudinal wavy stripes. The outer side of the wings has a dark velvety spot, inside of which there are golden arched lines.

The female codling moth lays from 60 to 200 eggs, placing them (usually one at a time) on the fruits and leaves of the walnut tree.

Pest embryos develop from 5 to 10 days.

Codling moth larvae reach a length of 12 to 18 millimeters.

The young caterpillar gnaws irregularly shaped tunnels in the fruits, filling them with their excrement, as a result of which the affected nut in the pericarp area becomes covered with brownish-brown spots. The presence of such dark spots on the fruit is the first sign of a plant being infected with a codling moth.

Gradually, through the side surface (less often through the stalk or calyx), the larva penetrates into the middle of the nut, where it damages the cotyledon, sometimes completely eating the seed. Damaged fruits soon fall off as a result of damage to the nucleus and conducting vessels.

One codling moth larva during its life cycle can damage up to ten nuts and continues this process until the fruit skin hardens.

Towards the end of its development, the caterpillar leaves the nut, finds a secluded place in the crevices and depressions of the bark, where it hides until pupation. The most favorable ambient temperature for the pupation process is from +20 to +25°C.

The codling moth pupa has a pale brown body and is located in a white cocoon made of a thin web.

The insect overwinters in the pupal stage, usually hiding on the lower part of the trunk.

With the onset of spring warmth, the insect transforms into a moth, and a massive emergence of moths is usually observed in May.

Approximately in the second half of July, less often in early August, the second generation of young individuals appears, which begin the active process of mating and laying eggs.

The emerging caterpillars of the second generation damage the pericarp of the nut, leaving dark brown spots on it, thus worsening the marketable appearance of the fruit.

Ways to control the nut moth

The best means of protection against codling moths is to install trapping belts on trees, which should be placed on the trunk and the largest branches of the nut. It is advisable to inspect the belts every week, and all insects should be destroyed as they accumulate.

You can read about the preparation and use of catch belts here


Currently, most gardeners prefer to use pesticides to combat codling moths, forgetting about the harm they cause to the environment and pollinating insects. In any case, the list of insecticides approved for use in Ukraine currently does not include drugs for targeted control of walnut pests.

Cycle and lifespan

Caterpillars emerge from the laid eggs and turn into butterflies. Having reached puberty, butterflies lay offspring. In favorable conditions of city apartments and houses, this cycle can continue all year round without interruption.

The lifespan of an individual adult with wings is short and ranges from 15 to 30 days, depending on the species.

It moves little and only at twilight, since the wings are poorly developed and there is no protection from predators.

Stages preceding puberty:

  • laying eggs. Young caterpillars appear on average after 2 weeks at room temperature;
  • The larvae make a cocoon around themselves from the stratum corneum and live in it for a long time, from 90 to 300 days per year.

How to protect food from food moths and bugs

If you have ever encountered food moths and bugs, then you know that it is extremely difficult to get rid of them, and the appearance of a pest in the house leads to disastrous consequences in the form of discarded food and spoiled appetite . It is better to prevent the appearance of these pests than to get rid of it and these consequences. This article will help you with this.

Food moths and bugs are most often found in jars of cereals, tea, dried fruits, nuts, breadcrumbs and flour. The moth does not eat these products, but lays its eggs in them, from which in the future larvae appear, which, in turn, no longer disdain the products, eat them and litter them with the products of their vital activity.

Food moths are not one type of pest, but several, and they can appear in a completely different variety of products: cereals, flour, starch, breadcrumbs, tea, nuts, dried fruits, vegetables, etc. So if you notice moths in a pantry where there seems to be no obvious habitat, you should still thoroughly check any food you store!

Food moth looks like this:

Food bugs look like this:

Furniture cleaning

It is important to understand that if a butterfly appears, you will have to disinfect the entire area . Eggs can be located in the most inaccessible places. You'll have to get rid of them first.

Cleaning furniture from moths

In extreme cases, you can use chemicals. They are divided into:

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  • Plant-based repellents
  • Eradication are insecticides that poison already emerging insects.

Insecticides are most often available in aerosol form. The most effective means:

  • "Raptor" is used against butterflies and moth larvae. It is sprayed on wooden furniture, carpets and clothing. The effect lasts for a year or until the first wash.
  • Aerosol "Combat" helps against most pests. It is enough to spray it on the joints of furniture, in corners and places where insects are located. The product is safe for animals.
  • "Armol" has a long-lasting effect against larvae and an immediate effect against butterflies. Mainly used to protect carpets and furniture from parasites. The effect lasts for six months.
  • Antimol is used on fabrics and clothing. The effect lasts until the first wash.

Important! Do not spray insecticides on nuts.

So what can you do to prevent food moths or bugs from infesting your kitchen?

– after purchasing products, you must carefully inspect the contents of packages of cereals and other bulk products, as well as vegetables and fruits, for the possible presence of adult insects or their larvae . If found, they should be disposed of immediately.

– it is not recommended to store cereals, bulk products, nuts, dried fruits in bags; it is better to do this in jars with tight-fitting lids. The jars themselves must be clean. If you have run out of semolina, for example, and you are going to pour new semolina into the same jar, then it is recommended to rinse the container well with saline solution, wipe with vinegar, wash and wipe dry.

– cabinets containing jars of cereals, bulk products, dried fruits, etc. must be dry and clean. Moths do not tolerate strong odors, and you can put bay leaves, clove buds, lavender sprigs, mint, and dried orange zest on the cabinet shelves.

– to prevent the appearance of moths, you can put 1-2 cloves of garlic in jars with cereals and other bulk products. By the way, if dried fruits contain prunes, the likelihood that moths will appear in them is reduced.

– to prevent moths from entering the house from the outside, it is advisable to cover the hood with an anti-mosquito net; the same should be done with ventilation shafts, vents, and windows.

buy products only in trusted stores, and not in spontaneous markets. If for cereals, flour, nuts, dried fruits, etc. a big discount, perhaps this is not without reason, and it is worth carefully inspecting them for infection with larvae, moths, and simply compliance with quality standards.

Conduct an audit of your supplies and general cleaning of cabinets once a month.

observe the expiration dates and storage rules for cereals, flour, dried fruits, tea, etc., for example, if you have a lot of space in the freezer, then you can store dried fruits in a tightly closed plastic bag.

Why does it appear

The nut moth is one of the world's most common pests. More often, insects appear in large food warehouses, barns intended for storing nuts and grains.

If there is a moth in the nuts, it is necessary to immediately take measures aimed at its destruction, since there is a high risk of spoilage of a huge amount of food.

Adult butterflies have developed wings and, if there are favorable weather conditions, can move between rooms. The appearance of moths in residential areas is often caused by the purchase of nuts by infected larvae.

Given the required amount of food, nymphs can remain viable for a long time. For example, even at low temperatures, parasites hibernate rather than die.

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