Smoke cannon for effective treatment and prevention of bees from mites and diseases

Principle of operation

The operation of the smoke cannon (Varomor) equipment is not a complex production process. A solution is poured into a special container and sprayed on the bees. The mixture then passes through a spiral tube, which is heated by a burner built into the structure.

As a result, the solution turns into steam, which is sprayed onto the bees by a cannon. Using the handle, you can adjust the flow of the heated medium. At the end of the unit there is a long straight tube that allows you to penetrate inside the structure without disturbing insects.

A smoke gun for therapeutic procedures weighs no more than 2 kilograms. Some people can easily operate the device on their own. The equipment dimensions are as follows:

  • Height is 30 centimeters;
  • Length – 47 centimeters;
  • Width – 15 centimeters.

Within 30 minutes, the device makes at least 100 injections of the drug into the hive. It is preferable to carry out insect treatment in the spring. With the correct proportions, the medicine will be as effective as possible.

For those who value the purity of the final bee product, you can use thymol and oxalic acid instead of chemicals. From the moment the first device was created to the present day, the design of a smoke gun for treating bees against parasites has changed a lot and has become more advanced.

The equipment gives more results and saves the sprayed product. As a result of heating the mixture, the product enters the hive in the form of steam, which significantly improves the effectiveness of the drug. After cooling, the droplets settle evenly on insects and on surfaces inside the building.

About the action of a smoke gun

In short, the equipment works as follows. Using a cannon, the required amount of medicine is injected into the bee nest, which penetrates into all corners of the structure, providing a fumigating effect. After penetration into the hive, the drug begins to evaporate, as well as a quick and reliable cure for the bee colony.

Using a Smoke Gun for Bees

On a note ! It is important that all elements of the house are sealed, without holes or cracks. The penetrating smoke must be retained in the hive, because if it immediately goes outside, the procedure itself will be ineffective.

A smoke cannon (its other name is Varomor) is considered the most effective method of combating varroa mites . According to statistics, 9 out of 10 bee colonies recover, which says a lot. Another advantage is that much less solution is consumed during fumigation.

Factory Varomors can be purchased in almost every specialized store; the equipment of the device is as follows:

  • the gun itself;
  • balloon (its standard volume is 190 g);
  • 1 liter of kerosene;
  • manufacturer's instructions.

Using a gun you can:

  • introduce medicine into the hive in the required quantity;
  • heat the drug, which, upon evaporation, will penetrate into all corners of the structure, not only disinfecting it, but also treating all bees without exception.

Varroa mite
Due to this targeted supply, excess medication is not consumed. This means money is saved.


The structure of the device is simple, but effective in saving bees from mites and diseases.


  • A container into which the medicine is poured. Typically, the container is made of plastic. This greatly simplifies the design;
  • The tube through which the solution is supplied from the container for heating and output;
  • Pump. The device supplies the medicine from the container into the tube and then pushes the vapor out;
  • A lid that covers the tank to prevent foreign objects from entering the liquid;
  • Nozzle. The device is located at the tip of a tube that is inserted into the hive. The resulting steam is uniformly sprayed through the nozzle;
  • The valve through which gas is supplied to the burner;
  • Burner. The fuel for the smoker is gas supplied from a special container. Thanks to the burner, the medicinal solution is heated and converted into steam;
  • Ignition trigger. This is a kind of lighter that creates a spark and the gas ignites;
  • A regulator aimed at controlling the flow of solution into the tube. This is a bolt installed at the outlet of the medicine container;
  • Gas cylinder. As a rule, the container is removable and reusable;
  • Threaded connection and ring that is used to clamp the can.

It should be noted that the equipment used can operate not only on gas. There are also devices that use gasoline and kerasin as fuel. On sale you can find an electric smoker powered by AAA 1.5V batteries.

Smoker for bees

Every beekeeper, even the most beginner, has a certain set of devices with which he works in the apiary every day. This includes special protective clothing and hand-held equipment. But a smoker for bees is worth highlighting separately. This device is used to inspect hives and further work with bees. You need to understand that for bees, every entry into their home is a lot of stress. They will not allow you to easily make any changes to the framework in their habitat. Most likely, the bees will become embittered and begin to attack the beekeeper and try to sting him. It is for such situations that there is a smoker to pacify bees.

It calms insects and makes it possible to work calmly. Smoke directed at bees gives them a signal at the reflex level, letting them know that there is a fire. In a panic, they will begin to collect a small supply of honey in their goiter, which should be enough until they look for a new home.

When to use

In order to get the maximum result from using the medicine, therapeutic measures should be carried out in spring - early summer. Before mite treatment of bees begins, all honey should be removed from the hive. The use of chemicals has a negative impact on the human condition.

This means that when spraying there should be no honeycombs in the house.

I advise experienced beekeepers to take into account the following points when working:

  • The use of the drug is carried out in the evening, when all the bees have returned home and are not going to fly out further;
  • Pay attention to the wind. If it is not there, then you can safely fumigate the bees with smoke, without covering the houses. If it is windy outside, then in order for the product to remain inside and not erode, the entrances in the building are closed and they try to cover them with additional plastic film. 30 minutes is enough for the product to start working, you can remove the cellophane and open the tapholes;
  • Check for brood. If there is, then the spraying is divided into two passes. Allow 10 minutes between steam injections. To obtain results, the treatment should be repeated no earlier than after 24 hours. These manipulations allow you to remove mites from the growing brood.

Experienced beekeepers also recommend doing preventive procedures for bees in the fall, in order to prepare the hive for wintering. Thus, pests that are located next to the entrance or directly on it are destroyed.

In this case, you should pay attention to the ambient temperature when bees are treated with a smoke gun in the fall. It shouldn't be colder than 2-8 degrees outside.


Next, you should familiarize yourself with the design of the smoker. It is not as complicated as it seems at first glance. The main element of the device is an outer casing in the form of a cylinder with a lid, inside of which a metal fuel cup is inserted.

The glass is slightly smaller than the body, so there is space at the bottom to collect ash. The lid has the shape of a cone, inside it there is a spark arrester so that the flame inside does not flare up too much. On the side are the so-called bellows; they consist of two planks, usually made of wood, fastened with a piece of leather.

Fuel is placed in the glass; it can be rotten vines, dry horse manure and other materials that produce thick smoke when smoldering. The fuel is ignited by air, it is accelerated by squeezing the bellows, and smoke begins to be released, which comes out of the lid.

>Do it yourself

On the shelves of specialized stores there is a wide range of equipment for processing bees with your own hands, but if you wish, you can assemble the apparatus yourself. This requires some knowledge in the field of turning. If they are not there, then it is better not to risk it.

When you don’t want to buy a factory-made varomor (a gun for processing bees), you can turn to specialists who do similar work. Video on how to collect varroed to treat bees against ticks and insects:

Structural elements for assembling a varomor (smoke cannon) with your own hands can be purchased in stores:

  • Construction;
  • Automotive parts.

What exactly do you need to buy to collect Varomor with your own hands to treat bees against parasites:

  • Gas stove;
  • Plastic container. The medicine will be poured here. You can take a spray bottle;
  • A pump that will supply fuel;
  • Bolts for fastening equipment;
  • Nozzle. The mechanism is installed at the end of the tube, ensures uniform distribution of steam inside the bee house;
  • You will definitely need flasks. As a rule, these are special flasks installed in spark arresters and paint sprayers. It is recommended to take spare parts from domestic cars;
  • Car brake pipe;
  • Gas canister.

Varomor (smoke cannon) is assembled with your own hands as follows (diagram):

  • The gas burner is connected to a container containing gas;
  • The pump tubes must be threaded. The fitting tubes are installed onto the resulting thread. In order for the connection to be airtight, it is necessary to first wind fume tapes around the installation site of the fitting;
  • Part of the brake tube must be in the form of a spiral in order for heating of the medicinal solution to be effective. It is enough to make five turns for the mechanism to work correctly. A nozzle is installed at the end of the tube. There is one important note: the bulb taken from the spark arrester must have a diameter larger than the brake pipe taken by 10 mm;
  • Many holes are made in the flask, a plate is welded, where there is already a hole for installing a coupling or tube;
  • Now you need to make holes in the flange. Here the flask from the paint sprayer will be fixed.

The Varomor smoke cannon was assembled with your own hands. Now you need to do a calibration by adjusting the fluid supply to 1 cubic centimeter.

Types of smokers for bees

The most common and widely available is an ordinary manual smoker for working with bees. Beekeepers love it for its ease of use and unpretentiousness. It’s not a shame to work with it every day, and if it breaks, it won’t be too difficult to buy a new one. Although it is manual, it is no more difficult to work with than with smokers, which will be discussed further.

Electric smoker is positioned as a device that simplifies the life of a modern beekeeper. This device operates from a battery. A fan is built inside, which is driven by an electric motor (~ 500 rpm). The cost of an electric smoker is slightly higher than an ordinary one. It may be easier to work with, but much more difficult to repair.

There is also a mechanical wind-up smoker. At its bottom there are blades that are driven by a key. That is, you need to start it, and it works. This is a cross between a manual and electric smoker. The bottom is removable, you can clean and lubricate the mechanism if necessary. On the bottom of the body there is a lever that regulates the intensity of smoke emission. In general, we can say that any of the above smokers will cope perfectly with the task assigned to it. The choice depends only on the budget and personal preferences of the buyer.

Instructions for use

When using a smoke cannon, it is recommended to follow the instructions. This is necessary not only to obtain positive results after treating the bee house, but also to preserve human health.

How to make a smoke cannon for processing a family is already known, now you need to figure out how to use the equipment correctly:

  1. First, gas is supplied, then the burner is ignited. Now you can administer the medicinal solution. This is done by pressing the feed handle;
  2. Now you need to wait until the liquid reaches the spiral-shaped section and begins to heat up. You can treat the hive as soon as steam starts coming out of the nozzle;
  3. It is necessary to constantly regulate the supply of steam to the house;
  4. So that the steam produced gets inside the building. A nozzle is inserted into the tap hole to a depth of 3 centimeters;
  5. The number of presses on the steam handle depends on what the insects are treated with. If chemicals are used, press the feed button only twice. When a natural substance is poured into the container: thymol, oxalic acid, other acidic compounds, you need to press the feed handle five times.

Based on the above, we can conclude that there are no difficulties in using the equipment. The principle of working with Varomor is simple and convenient. After the treatment of the bee colonies and their inhabitants is completed, the gas supply valve is turned off.

History of the invention of the smoker

The smoker was invented in Ancient Egypt. The first prototype of this indispensable device was an ordinary torch, which was simply used to scare away bees in order to obtain honey, which was so desirable and valuable at that time. Next, a device was invented that laid down the basic principle of operation of a modern smoker. By design, it was a clay vessel with two holes at the ends. One hole was large in diameter, and the second was small. Fuel was placed inside; at that time it was manure. It was set on fire, and air was supplied through a large slit. This happened manually, a person simply blew into it. And the smoke came out from the second end in a thin, directed stream. This device is still used in technically undeveloped regions of our globe.

Some time later, in 1870, an American beekeeper named Hamet came up with a design using bellows. It was already significantly better than its predecessors, but a significant disadvantage was the weight of this device. When working, I had to use two hands at once. In 1883, the American Quinby improved Hamet's creation and told beekeepers from all over the world about this device. The new smoker has become much more convenient and lighter, and the inventor left his name in the history of beekeeping. Soon the American Bingham modified Quinby's design by installing direct thrust. So to this day we use this smoker. True, over these hundred years they continued to improve it, but the basic principle of operation remained the same as a hundred years ago.

Beekeeper's smoker (steel)

526.00 rub.

Smoker for bees “Profi-V” (stainless steel, with electric drive)

RUB 1,460.00

Smoker “Lux-28M” (galvanized, with protection, leather bellows)

695.00 rub.

Smoker “A-Style Series Pro 280” (stainless steel, with wooden bellows)

990.00 rub.

Precautionary measures

Despite the fact that the Varomor smoke gun is generally safe, you should not neglect safety precautions. Security is as follows:

  • Before each use, you should carefully inspect the equipment for damage. If there are any, then the detected problems are eliminated first, and only then can you begin to work with the device;
  • When processing hives, it is strictly forbidden to smoke, eat or drink;
  • To protect the respiratory tract from the chemicals used, you should wear a respirator;
  • When smoke is released into a building, you need to be against the wind so that the smoke does not reach a person;
  • The device should be stored in rooms that are closed from free access, but where there is ventilation.

If an equipment malfunction is detected, you can begin repairs if you are completely confident in your abilities and know how to fix it. When there is no such confidence, it is recommended to take the smoke cannon to a service center if the equipment was purchased in a store. Or contact a private master.

If an electric smoker is in operation, then independent disassembly of the device is strictly prohibited, only at a service center.

Safety regulations

When operating Varomor, like any other device, you must strictly follow safety rules. Let us note the main points of safe use of the gun:

  • Carefully follow the general rules when working with gas appliances;
  • Do not use a damaged cannon on bees. You may be injured if gas or mixture is released;
  • Do not eat, eat or smoke when operating the gun and handling bees;
  • Use personal respiratory protection. When fumigating the hives, stand against the direction of the wind;
  • The gun is stored in utility rooms with access to fresh air.

If you notice a malfunction in the operation of the gas burner, do not try to fix the problem yourself. Be sure to contact the service center.

Precautionary measures:

  • When operating a gas appliance, follow generally accepted safety precautions.
  • It is prohibited to use a gun with obvious mechanical damage. This can lead to sad consequences - you and your relatives may become victims of troubles.
  • Do not eat any food, drink water or smoke while using Varomor.
  • Use respirators and other protective equipment.
  • Stand against the wind. When fumigating bees, try not to inhale air from the cannon.
  • Varomor should be stored in special rooms with sufficient air supply.

IMPORTANT! If you find any malfunctions in the operation of gas equipment, be sure to contact the service center. Don't try to fix the situation yourself.

Refueling and maintenance

The prepared medicinal solution is poured into the container, from where liquid for heating will be supplied.

To extend the service life of the equipment, you should follow the operating and maintenance rules:

  • The device should not be disassembled unless necessary. Also, the lack of special knowledge will lead to depressurization of components, making it impossible to further use;
  • When using a mixture: ethyl alcohol, oxalic acid, thymol, the system must be flushed after each use to prevent scale formation. Table vinegar is used for this;
  • The filter requires periodic cleaning;
  • Before storing the smoke cannon for long-term storage, you should flush the working system with kerosene.

It needs constant care, factory equipment, and a homemade cannon for treating insects.

Brief characteristics of the equipment

The principle of operation of a smoke cannon is very simple. It is based on heating with evaporation of the necessary drug mixed with a chemical solvent. These manipulations are carried out to treat bees, most often in the spring. If you prepare the medicinal solution correctly, it will contain a sufficient amount of active drugs combined with special irritating elements.

When producing pure honey products, you can use thymol or oxalic acid instead of chemicals. The gun has undergone many modernizations and improvements. For this reason, there is no doubt about its effectiveness and economy.

The dimensions of the device for treating bees are not too large:

  • height – 300 millimeters;
  • weight - about two kilograms;
  • length - 470 millimeters;
  • width – about 150 mm;
  • not less than 100 p/s for 30 minutes of exposure.

The device for treating bees in spring consists of the following elements:

  • nozzle;
  • filter and pump;
  • gas burner, tank lid;
  • pump handle to pump the mixture;
  • ignition of gas, as well as a tap for its supply;
  • mixture tank;
  • temperature igniter;
  • bolt;
  • pressure ring.

Recipes for solutions

To treat insects, various drugs are used to rid the bee colony of mites, parasites, and diseases. Also used to eliminate mold inside the house.

The following types of solutions are used:

1 solution2 solution3 solution
Ethyl alcohol, oxalic acid, thymolBipin, refined keroseneClartan, water
The mixture is heated in a water bath until the acid crystals dissolve. After a homogeneous liquid is obtained, thymol is added and also dissolved. Can be stored for 21 days . Instead of beeping, “tactics” is used. The finished solution has a whitish tint. The mixture can be stored for 2 months . Everything is heated in a water bath until a clear liquid is obtained. The solution cannot be stored, must be used immediately

Video: How to properly light a smoker

After the fuel is ready, the beekeeper sets fire to the crumpled paper and throws it into the smoker's glass. The prepared fuel is also placed there. You can help the fire disperse with the help of fur. First, make small small presses with the bellows, only gradually increasing the amplitude. When the raw material burns well and thick, dense smoke comes out, the smoker is ready for work. When you become a pro, you can buy a special burner with a cylinder for quickly igniting the smoker.

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