There are bugs in the kitchen cabinet - how to get rid of them?

Unpleasant small animals are found on the street and in the house. The bugs have successfully taken root and are parasitizing on human territory. Most often, insects attack food in kitchen cabinets. The appearance of “neighbors” does not depend on the degree of neatness of the housewife: they unexpectedly appear even in a perfectly clean kitchen. We'll tell you where parasites come from in kitchen cabinets and how to get rid of them.

Types of bugs

First, let's look at the types of kitchen pests. The table contains a photograph to identify the insect and its name. With this data, it will be easier for you to find a means of destruction.

Suriname mucoedis The most common inhabitant of kitchen cabinets. It has a body up to 2 mm long, hard wings, and a bright red color. It does not pose a danger - it does not eat food and lives little. The main threat is white larvae. They are not noticeable in flour, rice, oatmeal. While feeding, the worms leave behind waste products. This is how food spoils.
Bread Grinder
Dangerous and voracious. This is a brown beetle up to 3 mm in size, with powerful mandibles. Lives in flour, potato starch. The inhabitant is unpleasant due to the consequences for the person. Spoiled products can cause poisoning. Difficult to destroy due to rapid reproduction.
Flour beetle
Small brown inhabitants of flour and starch. After reproduction, they migrate to other loose, tasty objects. The spoiled mixture collects in small lumps. If you eat round formations, a person will be poisoned by the waste products of the parasite.
The red mule beetle
has the appearance of a real beetle with horns, but is distinguished by its small size up to 3 mm. Lives in bulk products, the humidity of which does not exceed 15%. They harm any food, especially white larvae. Insects are identified using their tracks.
Rice weevils
Dark brown pests reach sizes from 23 to 35 mm. They prefer to eat rice, corn, wheat, buckwheat, barley, and pasta. They chew off the skin and infect the grains. After consuming such a product, a person experiences a severe allergic reaction.

How to get rid of insatiable parasites once they have appeared

If there are bugs in the house, then you need to get rid of them as follows:

  1. Pests attack many of the food items in the cupboard. Therefore, legumes, cereals, pasta, dried fruits must be carefully sorted and sifted. Since bugs leave their waste products in flour and bulk products, laying eggs and larvae, the contaminated food will have to be thrown away - it is not suitable for food.
  2. Completely empty the kitchen cabinet and wash it with an acetic acid solution (you can use Domestos or another disinfectant). It is advisable to repeat the procedure at least three times.
  3. Those cereal products, nuts and dried fruits that are not damaged must be calcined in a hot frying pan and refrigerated for 2 weeks, or can be put in the freezer. After processing, place the products in glass jars or plastic containers and close with lids.

  4. To prevent cereal bugs from infesting again, it is useful to place peeled garlic cloves, bay leaves, and nutmeg in the cupboard. Pests are afraid of these odors like fire. It is also advisable to place borax purchased at the pharmacy on the shelves.
  5. To get rid of surviving pests, you can use bait. Unrefined vegetable oil is suitable for it. The caps with oil should be placed on the shelves of the cabinets. The Suriname musk beetle and other insects will follow the smell, but will not be able to get back out.

If there are bugs in the rice, but they were discovered in time, then the cereal must be processed immediately. This way, “uninvited guests” will not have time to migrate to new food supplies. The cereal must be washed and filled with water. Add a little citric acid there. Let stand for two hours and rinse well under running water. Unfortunately, such rice will no longer make pilaf, but it can be used to prepare porridges, salads, puddings, etc.

It is necessary to store cereals, flour, dried fruits, nuts and pasta in large quantities very carefully. A very effective method of protecting against bugs for such a case is the use of steel wire or nails. They are put directly into bags. The smell of metal repels bugs.

What to do first?

It is easier to detect insects in flour. It changes smell and turns grey. It is better to throw the bag or bag into a street trash container.

Important! Sifting the flour won't help. The larvae will remain, then turn into large individuals. Adult reptiles will head to a new territory and continue to parasitize.

Throw away any insects you see along with the containers. It is not recommended to leave bags and sacks in the trash bin. Even one surviving individual will create a full-fledged colony in a week.

Where do the bugs hide?

Parasites live in secluded places in the kitchen, and not only in grain crops. Preparing a folk remedy for poisoning is not the wisest decision. This is due to the persistence of parasites in the most unexpected places. Here are some examples:

  • spices and medicines. Favorite medium: mustard plasters, pepper, seasoning, various herbs. Carefully inspect the drawers and boxes where spices are stored. Check the packages of patches, tablets;
  • coffee beans, loose leaf tea, dried fruits. Mucoeds and rice weevils are not visible in a filled dark container due to their camouflage color;

  • boxes with vegetables. Living creatures prefer to spoil and feast on the bulbs. Vegetables become soft and smell unpleasant. Go through the box or grid. If you find a creeping buildup, discard immediately;
  • walls of kitchen cabinets, cracks, window sills, floors. The light is not pleasant to the winged ones, so they hide in secluded places;
  • Appliances. Small creatures nest in mixers and meat grinders, where food particles remain.

Beans remain the perfect home for unpleasant inhabitants. By gnawing holes in beans, they lay eggs there. The beans become covered with dark spots and holes. Throw away such beans without regret.

Expert opinion

Tatiana Leontyeva

Professional housewife

I recommend storing your homegrown beans in the refrigerator. Agree that it is unpleasant to cook a dish from beans that have previously been attacked. But they must be consumed quickly after this.

Ways to get rid of bugs in the kitchen

One of the drastic ways to get rid of annoying insects after food has been sent to a landfill is to freeze the room. To do this (if this happens in winter), you need to open all the windows and leave the kitchen to freeze overnight. The temperature should drop below 15ºС. Such hypothermia is extremely destructive for both adults and their larvae. You can also use the reverse method - strong heating of the air in the room. However, this can lead to failure of household appliances, and sometimes to a fire.

PHOTO: Freezing the room is one of the known effective ways to kill a bug

Is it worth using traps?

In fact, the effect can be observed, but the problem with traps is that they will help catch adult bugs, while this will not have any effect on the larvae that may remain in cracks or clothes.

Chemical household products for eliminating bugs

There are now a huge variety of similar chemicals on store shelves. Therefore, choosing the appropriate composition will be quite simple. It can be an aerosol, spray, concentrate, gel or even a fumigator. Crayons do a good job of this kind of work. But, if we talk about safety for your health, it is best to use the more expensive option from those listed, namely, purchase a pair of fumigators with liquid or replaceable plates and turn them on simultaneously in the kitchen. At the same time, it is necessary to limit the exit of adults through the gap under the door and ventilation, outlining these areas with special chalk.

PHOTO: zoolog.guruSuch fumigators make it much easier to fight the bug

Using herbs with a strong odor

In the remaining rooms of the apartment or house, it is worth hanging dried herbs, the smell of which will repel bugs. The most effective are tansy, lavender, wormwood, and chamomile. Bugs also cannot tolerate the smell of garlic and citrus fruits.

Additional measures to help expel pests

Scientists have proven that these insects cannot tolerate ultrasound, but the unit cannot be purchased everywhere. This means that it is worth considering other options, including special smoke bombs. When the reagents are combined, smoke spreads throughout the room, which kills the larvae and drives adult bugs out of the apartment.

PHOTO: Such a checker will destroy all larvae of harmful insects indoors

How do bugs end up in the house?

Flour lovers come to the apartment from the store. When purchasing grains in bulk, it is important to ensure that there are no pests. If you purchase packages from a store shelf, inspect them carefully. Sealed packaging does not stop voracious parasites. If you notice the presence of living creatures, immediately notify the seller.

The only sad fact is that the masonry is not noticeable. You can try buying bulk products in other, more expensive supermarkets. The price will be noticeably different, but at the same time the likelihood of purchasing environmentally friendly goods increases.


There are many different types of cockroaches, and they differ in the area where they live. The largest is the Madagascar cockroach, whose body length reaches 9 cm. In the European part of the Eurasian continent and throughout Russia, you can most often find the red cockroach (or, as it is also called, the Prusak) in apartments and houses, as well as the black cockroach. These creatures bring harm to humans in the form of carriers of dangerous diseases - gastroenteritis, dysentery and even cholera . They are easily detected - at night, when the lights are turned on suddenly, these pests scatter in all directions. The most effective means of the folk approach are considered to be bait cakes prepared for cockroaches from boric acid and egg yolk .


  • Produced in Russia (Alina Nova LLC).
  • The form of the product is concentrate.
  • Mass volume – 1 liter
  • Two main components - Deltamethrin (2,5%).
  • Toxicity – class 3, low hazard, but should be kept away from children and pets.
  • How to use - dilute 10 ml of product per 1 liter of water and spray on the surface where cockroaches are most noticeable, along baseboards, on the back walls of cabinets, under the sink, and so on.
  • Efficiency - a nerve-paralytic effect leading to the death of insects occurs approximately 10-12 hours after they have eaten the drug.
  • When the package is opened, the drug is stored for 2 years, no longer.
  • Cost – 1350 rubles .



  • Manufacturer – Russia, Moscow .
  • Release form: concentrate.
  • Aerosol volume – 500 ml.
  • Active substances – perimeter 25% .
  • Toxicity is average.
  • Efficiency - kills all crawling pests.
  • Price – 1200 rub .


Ways to combat flour bugs

There is only one solution - after throwing out the products, treat the outer and inner walls of the cabinet, the floor and other dark, inaccessible places with Peritrum powder. The drug of natural origin is safe for humans, but harmful to various creeping creatures. Before use, read the instructions.

Attention! The powder does not destroy eggs. Therefore, it is necessary to re-process several times. Typically used as a prophylactic.

What should be the prevention?

It's no secret that it is best to carry out systematic prevention. The hardest thing to get rid of is beetles that have multiplied. It is best to carry out general cleaning several times a year, wash all objects from dust, move furniture away, wash it thoroughly and under it, and vacuum well. Books and periodicals should also be washed. If during inspection there are chips and cracks on the furniture, then you need to treat the furniture and cover everything thoroughly. Cereals are best stored in plastic or glass containers that close tightly. You can use plastic bags for storage that need to be tightly tied. If the food has been lying around for a long time, then it is best to get rid of it, because this is where brown bugs can appear. The shelves that are necessary for storing food also need to be dried and wiped periodically.

If insects do appear, both on the windowsill and in other places, then there is no need to panic at all. You need to immediately determine that these are grinders or carpet beetles. Such bugs will not cause serious harm to humans, but it is worth taking all measures to get rid of them, as they can harm food, books, clothing and furniture.

The danger of cereal bugs

Small creatures reproduce daily, increasing the population. After 2-3 months, a person is completely deprived of healthy food. Colonies gradually move to other rooms. Affected mixtures cause allergies, exacerbation of chronic diseases, poor health, and acute poisoning of the body.

To remove the inhabitants you need:

  1. freeze the grains in the freezer;
  2. Heat lightly infected cereals in the oven for 15 minutes at a temperature of +110 degrees;
  3. Pour salted water over the beans and beans and leave for 5-10 minutes. Rinse and dry the product.

To prevent a heavy invasion of creeping insects, dry the acquired crops in the oven.

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