BIOVAX - anti-parasitic drops and collars “Parasites? No!"

Have your eyes fallen on the Biovax line of products for cats? Before purchasing, find out which products of this brand were successful and which ones it is better not to experiment with. Analysis of the effectiveness of Biovax products for cats based on real reviews

At the moment, Biovax products for cats are among the most affordable, while allowing the buyer to choose from a wide range. What can this brand offer and how effective are these products? We will try to understand this issue by analyzing reviews from real customers on the Internet.

Shampoos and conditioners

"Biovax" shampoo for cats will help not only cleanse your pet's fur of dirt, but also solve more complex problems. Shampoo for long-haired breeds will help prevent hair from matting, for kittens it will take care of young fur, an insecticidal shampoo will repel fleas, and for short-haired breeds it will ensure thorough washing.

Most buyers were satisfied with these shampoos, since they have the stated effect. True, I would like to note that the compositions of all shampoos, except for the insecticidal one, differ in only one or two extracts at the end of the list of ingredients. Otherwise, they are identical, and the diversity is due rather to marketing policy.

When it comes to insecticidal shampoo, opinions are divided. The increased content of tea tree oil in it should repel fleas, but its concentration is still not high enough to cope with the problem completely. This shampoo is good as an additional remedy, but you won’t bathe your pet every other day, and the fleas will definitely return as soon as the unpleasant odor for them disappears.

"Biovax" shampoo for cats can be supplemented with conditioner, which is especially important for long-haired breeds, as it helps prevent tangling.

Some veterinarians claim that cats have much better hygiene than dogs, and there is no need to bathe them unless clearly necessary.

Rating of flea drops for cats

Any flea remedy for cats on sale has its own individual parameters, according to which you need to make a choice. Experts first looked at demand indicators to identify the most purchased drugs. Next, we got acquainted with the recommendations of veterinarians and their experience in treating cats. After this, each candidate for inclusion in the review was tested against a group of criteria:

  • Composition – active ingredient, additional substances;
  • Efficiency – therapeutic properties of the composition;
  • Activity – to fleas, ticks, worms, and other pests;
  • Operating principle: paralysis, suffocation, repelling pests;
  • The result is speed of action, period of protection against re-infection;
  • Safety – degree of toxicity, risks of side effects;
  • Smell – neutral or pungent;
  • Consistency – oily, quickly absorbed into the skin;
  • Directions for use – ease of use according to instructions;
  • Dosage – the ratio of the dose to the weight and age of the animal;
  • Contraindications – pregnancy of the animal, health status.

Real reviews from the owners of cats and cats determined the advantages and disadvantages of each nominee included in the top rating of 2020. This information also helped determine the level of demand, the degree of trust, and whether the manufacturer's stated warranties correspond to reality. Since for most buyers one of the main criteria for choosing a product is price, the review included budget offers from domestic manufacturers.

Best Anti-Tick Collars for Dogs

Drops on the withers and collars

The drug "Biovax" drops on the withers for cats, like a collar for cats, is available in two versions: for adult animals and for kittens. The Biovax collar and drops are designed to protect your pet from fleas, lice and ticks, as well as flies and horseflies for 30 days. On review sites, Biovax drops have a mixed reputation: some claim that it saved their pet from fleas, while others claim that the problem remains unresolved.

In any case, when using a cat collar or Biovax drops, or any other drops on the withers, you should understand three things.

  1. Fleas do not live on the cat and will return to the cat as soon as the cat collar or drops lose their scent, which can happen before 30 days.
  2. Biovax, collar and drops, may be less effective in advanced cases or with fleas with reduced sensitivity to this odor.
  3. The expiration date also matters: over time, the esters weaken, so the old Biovax products - collar or drops - will be much less effective.

The Biovax collar and drops contain exclusively natural essential oils: they are repellents, but not insecticides in the full sense.

Which brand of flea drops for cats is best to choose?

Concentrated solutions with insecticidal action are offered by many popular and new pharmaceutical companies. You can judge the quality and effectiveness of goods in absentia by the reputation of the manufacturer, its operating strategy and position in the world market. The following companies that produce the best flea drops for cats and other medicines enjoy the greatest demand and trust from customers:

  • Bars (AVZ) is a brand of pet products owned by the Russian company. Currently, this is the only manufacturer that has certificates of compliance with GMP rules issued by Rosselkhoznadzor and the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation. Products bearing this name are exported to 18 different countries around the world. The assortment includes several categories - products for animals, pest control products, scratching posts, beds, houses, sleeping places, leashes, and other veterinary drugs.
  • Inspector is a brand of veterinary drugs and various pet products, owned by the Russian company Ecoprom. The production is built on high-tech equipment from Germany. The Inspector line of comprehensive products protects against 14 types of external and internal pests. But unlike other analogues, these drugs protect against re-infections for much longer.
  • Bayer Animal Health GmbH is a German chemical and pharmaceutical company that began its activities back in 1863. The company gained great popularity thanks to the development of aspirin and heroin. Today the company has 3 subsidiaries and 3 service companies. Among them is the manufacturer of an insecticidal solution for dogs and cats, Bayer Animal Health.
  • Celandine is a series of preparations and cosmetics for the care of pets. The owner is Russian. The wide range consists of antiparasitic tablets, drops, sprays, shampoos, etc. Insectoacaricidal collars and polymer tapes have also proven their effectiveness.
  • Agrovetzashchita is a Russian company of drugs for the prevention and treatment of domestic and farm animals, birds and aquarium fish. Founded in 1993. The company has 58 patents, which indicates successful large-scale activities. The products of the research and development center have gained a strong position in the veterinary medicine market. The factory complex is equipped with modern Italian equipment.
  • BioVax is a cosmetic line owned by the Russian company. All products produced under this name are intended for the care and behavior correction of four-legged friends. These are predominantly natural remedies that do not have a toxic effect on the animal’s body. Their insecticidal and repellent action does not kill insects, but repels them.

Spray lotions

Sprays and lotions that correct the behavior of cats have recently become very popular, and this brand has a huge selection of them.

  • "Biovax" spray "Parasites? No!" is produced for adult animals and kittens and is designed to prevent the appearance of lice and fleas.
  • “Biovax” spray “Shit? No!" should discourage the pet from relieving itself in inappropriate places.
  • "Biovax" spray "My Place" was created to let the cat know where it is possible to go to the toilet.
  • “Biovax” spray “Refresh? Yes!" removes unpleasant odors that may appear in the house where the cat lives.
  • “Biovax” spray “Repeal? Yes!" will prevent the cat from sharpening its claws on the furniture.
  • "Biovax" Odor Absorber spray rids the apartment of unwanted odor, which can come, for example, from a cat's litter box.

What are buyers saying? Unfortunately, in most cases, repellent sprays work mediocrely. Cats are still not fleas and have more complex behavioral patterns, so it will be very difficult to scare her away from her favorite sofa, on which she sharpens her nails, or to discourage her from going to the toilet in a corner you don’t like with a combination of odors that are unpleasant for the cat. Especially if the reasons for such behavior are compelling: a cat can easily tolerate an unpleasant smell.

As for air fresheners, they work about the same as those you can buy at a hardware store.

The only thing is that an insecticidal spray can really become an assistant in the fight against fleas, but only as an additional tool and not the main one.

Many people note allergic reactions to such sprays, as well as a general deterioration in well-being after spraying: most often headaches, dizziness and cough.

When buying products for animals, take the time to read real reviews and figure out whether this drug is really effective in combating your problem or whether it was created only to make money from your care for your pet and the safety of your home.

How to use Biovax drops

The instructions for Biovax drops contain information that will help protect your pet from side effects of treatment. Careful study of the application features, precautions, and rules for dosing drops depending on the age and weight of the animal will significantly reduce the risk of complications and increase the effectiveness of the drug.

Before using the drops, it is recommended to test the animal's tolerance to Biovax. To do this, apply 3-4 drops from a pipette to the withers, carefully spreading the animal’s fur, and observe for half an hour. If there are no adverse reactions, the rest of the product is used in the amount calculated according to the instructions or recommended by the veterinarian. The application area must be inaccessible for your pet to lick!

The drug should be used taking precautions:

  • it cannot be used if the animal is weakened or suffers from infectious diseases;
  • drops are not used when treating pets less than a month old;
  • if complications arise in the form of trembling, increased salivation or lacrimation, it is necessary to wash the drug from the animal’s fur with warm water and soap;
  • if symptoms persist, you should contact a veterinarian;
  • Hands should be washed thoroughly after applying the drug;
  • for 3 hours children should not touch the animal;
  • the drug should be stored out of the reach of children, separate from food products;
  • Do not use drops that have expired: the shelf life is 3 years from the date of manufacture.

I used Biomax drops to remove fleas from a 2-month-old puppy. I decided that for such a baby it is better to use a natural remedy: and these drops contain only herbal ingredients. The product turned out to be effective, although the puppy had very few fleas. At the same time, I treated the room and threw out the old bedding, so I hope you don’t have to worry about fleas for now. The instructions say that the protective effect lasts for a month. Elena

Are there parasites living in your body?

Signs of the appearance of parasites in your body can be:

  • weakened immune system
  • frequent fatigue
  • drowsiness
  • lack of interest in life - depression,
  • headaches, as well as various pains and spasms in the internal organs

If you feel frequent ailments, you simply need to carry out an antiparasitic cleansing of the body. How to do this read here

Repellent spray for cats



Spray lotion “BioVax. Shit? No!” - the most successful method of weaning your pet from relieving itself in places not intended for this purpose. Directions for use: remove and wash areas soiled by a kitten or adult cat (feces, urine, marks). Then spray with lotion, holding the bottle at a distance of 20-30 cm. Carry out the treatment twice a day until the animal acquires a strong reflex to avoid these places. The spray is non-toxic. Does not irritate the skin. Spray lotion “BioVax. Shit? No!” It will work great together with the BioVax spray lotion. My place!”, which will develop in your kitten a strong habit of relieving itself in a strictly designated place.

BioVax Spray for pets “Odor absorber” 150ml

The use of this emulsion is a successful method of neutralizing odors in the apartment caused by the activity of pets. The use of a spray is especially important for those who cannot tolerate deodorants or fragrances, as well as if the animal is nervous from new smells. Actively use in cases where you are weaning an animal from uncleanliness, from marks, during the period of toilet training. The action of the emulsion begins in 1-2 minutes and lasts 5-6 hours.

On the right side of the label DIRECTIONS FOR USE: Shake the bottle thoroughly. Spray upwards with 8-12 presses of the sprayer in the area of ​​the apartment whose air needs to be purified. The recipe uses only natural ingredients, so the spray is harmless to you and your pet. COMPOSITION AND ACTIVE SUBSTANCES: water, natural essential oils, natural extracts, red pepper extract

BioVax Spray for cats “My place!” (lotion)

Using lotion is a successful method of developing in your pet a strong habit of relieving itself in a strictly designated place. METHOD OF APPLICATION: Spray the spray onto the tray from a distance of 20-25 cm, pressing the sprayer 1-2 times. After 1 minute, let the kitten sniff in this space, if necessary, bring it to the tray. Repeat the procedure until the kitten or adult cat develops a reflex to a specific smell and the desire to return to the place where the litter tray is located. It should be remembered that the cat is a very clean animal, and untimely cleaning of the litter box will force it to look for new, cleaner places, thereby creating problems for you. The spray is non-toxic and does not irritate the skin and coat. Does not leave stains. COMPOSITION AND ACTIVE SUBSTANCES: water, carbon dioxide, carbamide, PVPyridone, preservative

BioVax Spray d/kosh “Refresh! YES!” (lotion)

Using deodorant is a successful and environmentally friendly way to get rid of unpleasant odors in and around your cat's litter box. HOW TO USE : Shake the bottle thoroughly! From a distance of 15-20 cm, with several clicks on the spray nozzle (4-8 times), refresh the toilet area, including the cat's area, as well as those places in the apartment that cause you doubts about cleanliness. The composition of the spray is non-toxic and does not irritate the skin and coat. Does not leave stains. The lotion does not contain alcohol, so it does not scare the cat away from an important place of its life, but removes the unfavorable background in the toilets. Using BioVax deodorant will improve your mood and the atmosphere in your apartment. COMPOSITION AND ACTIVE SUBSTANCES : water, natural essential oils, natural extracts, oregano and alfalfa extracts.

BioVax Spray for cats “Repel! YES!” (lotion)

Using lotion is a successful method of protecting objects, furniture and apartment furnishings from cat claws. The recipe uses only natural ingredients, so the lotion is harmless to both animals and people. Does not pollute the environment. Does not leave stains on furniture. In exceptional cases, an allergic reaction of an animal or person to essential oils or extracts is possible. Be careful on the first day of using the lotion! HOW TO USE : Shake the bottle thoroughly! Spray lotion on areas and surfaces protected from cats (corners of upholstered furniture, carpets, curtains, wallpaper) from a distance of 15-20 cm until lightly moistened. Repeat the procedure until the animal acquires a strong habit of avoiding these places. You can protect your plants by sprinkling lotion on plant pots or around the edges of flower pots. COMPOSITION AND ACTIVE SUBSTANCES : water, natural essential oils, natural extracts, capsoicin, black pepper extract.

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