"Tie Defense"! Flea collars: principle of operation, rules of application, as well as average cost

Everyone knows that if there is an animal in the house, you should also be afraid of fleas appearing in it. Jumping parasites easily move on dog fur and can cover long distances by jumping from one animal to another.

Flea collars are very popular. Many owners rush to purchase a simple repellent accessory to protect their pet from bites and their home from unwanted jumping parasites. After all, as you know, fleas multiply quite quickly, and if there is not enough food, they begin to bite people. Let's talk about how to prevent flea infestation using a special collar.

Operating principle

The remedy for bloodsuckers is a flexible plastic tape that has a buckle. The color and size can be selected individually. Some models have a reflective strip. Depending on the principle of operation, they are divided into types:

  1. Ultrasonic – battery-powered, repels insects with ultrasound.
  2. Chemical - on substances harmful to bloodsuckers.
  3. Biological - based on essential oils, herbs.

Biological models have a pungent odor , so not every pet can tolerate it. Symptoms of intolerance appear as redness of the skin.

REFERENCE ! Antiparasitic collars for cats and dogs are identical in design and appearance.

The chemical accessory for fleas and ticks contains substances that are highly toxic to insects . The smell of the product is unpleasant and may cause rejection. The aroma will be present as long as it affects the insects. With its disappearance, the product will turn into an ordinary accessory.

Efficiency depends on the chemical composition; manufacturers print it on the packaging - diazinon (dimpylate) , S-methoprene , fipronil . The proportion of the active substance should not exceed 15%, otherwise not only parasites will suffer. You cannot sleep with a pet that has a fragrant accessory on its neck.

ATTENTION ! Ultrasonic models are considered the safest; they do not emit toxins and do not smell. But at the same time, the effectiveness of such a collar is lower than other types, and the cost is higher.

The principle of operation is simple - as soon as it is on the animal’s neck, the deterrents (depending on the species) are distributed throughout the entire fur. Parasites, sensing danger, flee en masse . If there are a lot of bloodsuckers, then this process will be noticeable. The entire antiparasitic operation will take from several hours to several days, depending on the number of pests that have settled.

Purpose of the collar

Every year, tens of thousands of pets die from diseases caused by the bite of a tiny arachnid - a tick. Ticks are activated when it gets warm. At this time, long, lush grass grows, on which four-legged pets love to run. It is in the tall grass that ticks and other blood-sucking insects sit. They are just waiting for the right moment to cling to the fur of a curious animal.

Ticks do not dig in immediately and crawl through the dog’s fur for some time; by the way, at this time they pose a danger to people, since they can crawl from the dog to its owner. Having reached the skin of the animal, the ticks dig into it and begin to drink blood. At the same time, they secrete saliva containing anticoagulants to prevent the blood from clotting.

A sucked tick can increase in size tens of times and becomes noticeable on the dog’s body. However, if he was a carrier of any disease, removing him at this stage will not give anything - the infection has already occurred.

The use of dog collars reduces the risk of babesiosis, Lyme disease, borreliosis, ehrlichiosis and anaplasmosis due to ectoparasite bites.

Pros and cons of safety collars

Safety collars have long occupied their niche in the veterinary market. They have not lost their popularity for several decades. The undeniable advantages of their use are:

  • ease of use;
  • cheapness;
  • hygiene.

The remedy also has opponents who cite the following arguments in their favor:

  • the real effect is observed only for 2–3 months , although manufacturers promise six months;
  • not all tapes are resistant to moisture , so they are not suitable for dogs participating in hunting;
  • a pungent odor that permeates the entire house;
  • chemical components are strong allergens.

REFERENCE ! A pet in a collar will definitely not harm the furniture upholstery by lying on it, unlike anti-parasitic aerosols, drops.

How to choose protection for an animal

Finding good collars is not as easy as we thought. They are sold in large quantities and different for every taste. Before buying them, you need to know a few rules:

  1. If you have already selected the manufacturer whose product you will buy, read reviews about it.
  2. Read the ingredients on the label. What chemicals does it contain?
  3. Be sure to consider the size of your four-legged friend. So that he doesn't look small on him.
  4. Don't skimp on them. Low cost flea protection can harm your pet.

To keep animals free from fleas and ticks, you can also use special drops. Perhaps this method will suit you even better. There are many types of drops. Some can help for a couple of days, while others can help for a couple of months. It depends on what purpose you are purchasing them for. If you need to go out into nature for a couple of days, then you don’t need a large amount of the drug. And if the road is long, then it is better to take drops with a strong effect.

Rules of application

The instructions for the protective product are simple:

  1. Take the accessory out of the package.
  2. Unfasten the buckle.
  3. Wrap the ribbon around your pet's neck.
  4. Fasten the tape so that it fits snugly, but does not choke.

For the product to work, the accessory must be on the animal at all times. When swimming, the collar can be removed, but it will need to be wrapped in a bag so that the active ingredients do not “fizzle out.” It is recommended to remove the tape only in rare and exceptional cases.

IMPORTANT ! The average validity period of the protective tape is 2 months. American and German tapes are effective for 7 months.

How to use a tick collar for dogs

The collar is put on the dog, adjusted in size so that there is a gap of 1.0–1.5 cm between the animal’s neck and the collar, then the free end of the tape is passed through the clamp and the excess collar is cut off, leaving the end no more than 5 cm long.

The validity period of different types of accessories varies, but usually one is enough for the entire summer season. Then it should be changed, since the level of protection will already be reduced. The collars begin to work 2-3 days after the start of use. In the first days of using the collar, ixodid ticks may attack and attach to the animal, but after 1–2 days the parasites spontaneously fall off.

Precautionary measures

Using a collar requires the following precautions:

  1. If the tape is ineffective and your pet exhibits unpleasant symptoms, change the brand . Perhaps the model is not suitable for your pet.
  2. Buy only those products whose effects have been tested by your friends . When choosing, you should not focus on low cost.
  3. You cannot combine the tape with other antiparasitic agents ; this can lead to hair loss, dermatitis, and allergies in your pet.
  4. Make sure that your pet does not chew the end of the tape , as this can lead to poisoning. In this case, conscientious manufacturers indicate the antidote substance in the instructions.

Precautions when working with collars

Failure to take precautions can lead to serious consequences and even the death of your pet. To avoid this you should:

  • Strictly follow the instructions for using the collar, otherwise you can poison your pet and reduce the protective characteristics of the collar.
  • The collar is literally soaked in the chemical, so be sure to wash your hands with soap after handling it.
  • During the first hours your pet wears the collar, you need to monitor his behavior in order to understand whether the device is suitable for him or not. If your pet itches frequently, the collar should be replaced.

A flea collar for dogs can be considered a completely safe and effective way to protect against parasites.

It should be remembered that the most expensive product is not always the most effective.

If you strictly follow the instructions and choose the product individually for a specific animal, then its use will only bring positive results.

average cost

A parasite collar is considered a cheap product, but this is not entirely true. A high-quality imported model costs a lot. But if you consider the cost of sprays and drops, the benefits are obvious.

Prices vary from 50 rubles to 3 thousand rubles . The cost depends on the type of product and its manufacturer. The cheapest option is an accessory from BioFloR (55 rubles). A branded BAYER will cost 2 thousand 600 rubles.

ATTENTION ! You should not buy cheap Chinese models that have crowded the market. The effects of their substances have not been fully studied, take care of your pet’s health.

We suggest that you familiarize yourself with other methods of fighting fleas. On the pages of our website we will tell you what the most effective means are, how to get rid of these insects in the apartment and how folk methods work. Find out also about:

  • how Bars preparations and flea drops work;
  • what products are suitable for destruction in the home and what manufacturers produce them;
  • how to destroy parasites on humans?

How do they work?

All three types of headbands work differently. Chemical ones kill insects, and bio leashes and ultrasonic ones repel them. When using a chemical leash, allergies may occur.

To know how long to wear a flea collar to remove it, then read the instructions carefully, since it will only work for a short time.

How to accustom a puppy to a collar

To begin with, in order to accustom a dog to a flea headband, he must get used to a regular product.

When the puppy is still small, it is very easy to accustom him to wearing protection. As for an already adult dog, there may be problems with this. If the dog hasn't worn it since he was a little girl, then of course he won't like it. At first she will not be comfortable in it. She will fidget, itch, and run away.

It is best to let the dog get to know him first. When you have dressed him, distract the dog with a game or some kind of treat. It’s better to put it on before eating, since she won’t notice anything other than a bowl of food. If you teach your dog to put on a collar before eating, he will quickly get used to it and will look forward to this moment.

Put it on for ten minutes, several times a day. If you see that your pet has started wearing it, gradually increase the time. Then you can wear it whenever you feel comfortable.

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