Drops Rolf Club - reliable protection for cats from ectoparasites

Pets are susceptible to countless attacks from parasites all year round. Ticks, fleas, lice, lice in dogs and cats can infect an animal, even if it does not go outside at all. Bloodsuckers can enter a house from the basement, a neighboring apartment, or on a person’s clothes or shoes. Your pet's constant stay in the apartment does not guarantee its protection from insect pests that carry dangerous diseases. That is why veterinarians recommend regular treatment of animals with antiparasitic agents. Thus, the use of Rolf Club 3D drops for cats against fleas has already been appreciated by many owners of mustachioed pets.

Composition and properties of the drug

The oily solution Rolf Club 3D for cats was developed by the German pharmaceutical company Veterinary Bio GmbH. In Russia they are produced by NPF Ecoprom CJSC. It is packaged in tubes with polymer pipettes. The number of drops in one package is 0.5 or 0.8 mg. This approach allows the owner to buy exactly as much solution as his pet needs. Its color is light yellow.

The tubes are placed in blisters. Rolf solution is intended for application to the skin only - the cat should not swallow it.

The drug contains 3 active components:

  • 15% etofenprox;
  • 9.8% fipronil;
  • 2% pyriproxyfen.

Their action is ensured by auxiliary components, including Tween-80 and polyethylene glycol.

The use of insectoacaricidal drops Rolf Club 3D is allowed for 3 years from the date of production if properly stored. The place should be dry (humidity no more than 60%) and with a temperature between 2–25°C, away from food. You also need to ensure that Rolf Club does not fall into the hands of children.

A solution that has been stored incorrectly or whose expiration date has expired before use must be discarded.


Rolf 3d flea drops are produced in the form of a liquid with an oily consistency and a yellowish color. There is a slight specific smell. The product is packaged in polymer droppers of different volumes. To treat a dog or cat, only one pipette is required, but the dosage is different.

On a note!

Rolf 3d drops for cats are available in a single version, Rolf club 3d drops for dogs are available in 4 dosages, based on the weight of the animal. The product is applied pointwise in places where the pet cannot lick off the drops.

Indications for use

Rolf - drops for cats - is recommended for the treatment of diseases caused by parasitic insects. These include:

  1. Entomosis. This pathology is a consequence of damage from ticks, lice, lice and fleas.
  2. Otodectosis. The culprit is the Otodectescynotis mite. It affects the cat's external auditory canals.
  3. Notoendrosis (scabies). The Notoedres subcutaneous mite lives under the layer of epidermis and can move from an animal to a person.

Rolf will also rid the cat of ixodid ticks - these are carriers of many viral and bacterial diseases. It can be used for prevention against ectoparasites and for protection against mosquitoes and midges.

You need to know this

Working with drops requires compliance with safety and personal hygiene rules.

  1. When handling a cat or dog, you should wear rubber gloves.
  2. It is not recommended to eat, drink or smoke during the procedure. At the end of the process, you must wash your hands with soap.
  3. A cat (dog) treated with an antiparasitic solution cannot be bathed or petted for 2 days.

The market offers other effective drops for pets that help kill fleas:

Operating principle

Rolf Club solution for cats will be a good protection against ectoparasites, thanks to the complex action of the active components. All of them have an insectoacaricidal effect and destroy insects at all stages of their development from larvae to adults. Component actions:

  1. Etofenprox blocks the transmission of nerve impulses in adult ectoparasites. They are paralyzed, after which the insects die. This happens as soon as a tick or flea gets on the cat’s fur.
  2. Fipronil has similar properties: insects stop moving and die.
  3. Pyriproxyfen is dangerous for larvae. It disrupts their molting process and prevents the appearance of pupae. Thus, Rolf Club drops stop the process of insect population.

The peculiarity of the insectoacaricidal drug is that it begins to act almost immediately. Rolf Club is evenly distributed over the skin and coat. A couple of minutes is enough for ectoparasites, mosquitoes and midges to feel the effect of the drops.

Another plus is that the drug does not enter the bloodstream. It accumulates in the upper layers of the skin and acts for a long time.

Rolf Club drops have the third class of danger.


The price of Rolf Club for cats varies mainly depending on the dosage form of the drug. If drops are selected for processing, then you will have to pay 150-250 rubles for the pipette, depending on its capacity. The collar will cost 200-250 rubles, and the spray up to 450 rubles, but it is usually enough for several treatments. The medicine is sold in veterinary pharmacies. Dispensed without a doctor's prescription.

You can now view the current price of the drug and buy it right here from Yandex Market with fast delivery:


The main advantage of Rolf Club drops is their special effect on ectoparasites:

  1. Insect paralysis occurs within the first minutes after they land on the cat's fur. This is the merit of etofenprox.
  2. Fipronil provides prolonged action of the drops. They protect the animal for a long time: a week - from dipteran bites, up to 30 days - from ixodid ticks, a couple of months - from ectoparasites.
  3. Since pyriproxyfen has a detrimental effect on the larvae, the risk of repeated insect damage disappears.

Rolf Club is allowed for cats of all breeds.

Instructions for use

Using insectoacaricidal drops is quite simple. This is done like this:

  1. The tip is cut off from the tube with the solution.
  2. At the withers or at the base of the cat's skull, the fur moves apart. The required amount of the drug is applied to the skin pointwise.

The dosage is determined taking into account the cat’s body weight:

  • for a pet weighing less than 4 kg – 0.5 ml of Rolf Club;
  • for a cat that weighs from 4 to 8 kg – 0.8 ml;
  • for a larger animal – 1.5 ml.

The main condition is that the cat’s skin at the treatment site must be dry and intact. After applying the drops, ectoparasites that have managed to stick to the skin or settle in the fur and on the body die within one or two hours.

The frequency of preventative treatments is no more than once a month. Features of use for therapeutic purposes:

  1. If affected by an ixodid parasite: drop the solution onto the insect and the place to which it has attached. The tick will fall off on its own. If this does not happen (control time is up to 20 minutes), the parasite must be carefully removed with tweezers.
  2. To treat otodectosis, the ear canals of both ears are cleaned and up to 3 drops of solution are instilled into them. The ear is then gently massaged at the base so that the medicine is distributed evenly. The number of treatments is 2–3, the break between procedures is from 5 days to a week.
  3. For notoedrosis, apply the solution to the affected areas and the skin around them for at least a centimeter. The number of treatments - from 2 to 4 - depends on the condition of the cat. They are carried out with a break of a week to 10 days. If the affected areas are large, they are treated alternately in two days. Treatment is stopped after receiving 2 negative tests. A special collar will prevent the droplets from being licked from the skin; it is placed around the cat’s neck.

After using the Rolf Club solution, your pet should not be bathed for two days.

Owner reviews

Anastasia, cat and cat owner:

“We have used Rolf for many years. Everything was fine, but after the last procedure, the cat lost hair where the drops were applied. The cat also did not tolerate the treatment well; it itched for several days and tried to reach its withers. I was very disappointed, I’ll have to look for something else.”

Maria, dog and cat owner:

“I know that parasite bites can be fatal for pets. Our cat often walks around the neighborhood and catches mice, so we regularly protect both him and the Stafford from fleas and ticks. We use Rolf Club spray. An excellent product, there is no sharp or unpleasant smell, and the price is quite reasonable. My animals tolerate the medicine without problems. I use it once a month.”

Contraindications and possible side effects

The list of contraindications to the use of drops is small, but it exists. Drops cannot be used to treat:

  • kittens less than 12 weeks old;
  • cats that bear or feed offspring;
  • pets with established sensitivity to the components of the solution;
  • animals that have been diagnosed with an infectious disease (or have recently had it).

It is not recommended to use the medicine together with other drugs against ectoparasites. Violation of the processing schedule reduces its effectiveness.

When treating otodectosis, the cat must first be shown to a specialist so that he can confirm the diagnosis and make sure the integrity of the eardrum.

If the dosage is observed, side effects are usually not observed. If the cat develops excessive salivation, tears and changes in the skin, the solution must be washed off. In particularly severe cases, medications are used to relieve symptoms.

When it's prohibited

You should not use Rolf Club for cats in the following cases:

  • for diseases caused by infections;
  • when bearing offspring;
  • during lactation;
  • when exhausted due to starvation, poor nutrition or problems with food absorption;
  • with intolerance.

The antiparasitic agent can only be used on healthy animals. The collar can be used for kittens from 2 months, spray and drops - from 3 months.

In case of intolerance or overdose, the following side effects may occur:

  • lethargy and depression;
  • lack of appetite;
  • vomiting and nausea;
  • increased saliva production;
  • muscle tremors;
  • impaired coordination of movements, etc.

Local reactions in the form of itching or redness are also possible. If an animal develops similar symptoms, it needs to be bathed, possibly using shampoo.

Personal safety measures when using the drug

It is necessary to work with Rolf Club drops in the same way as with other veterinary medications:

  1. When treating a cat, you should not eat, smoke or drink water.
  2. If the solution gets into your eyes or skin, wash it off.
  3. If you are hypersensitive to the components of the drops, you should wear gloves.
  4. If you have allergy symptoms, consult a doctor. You need to take the drop instructions with you.
  5. The solution packaging must be recycled.

The cat should not be petted for two days after treatment with Rolf Club drops. It is especially important to keep children away from your pet.

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