How long do fleas live without an animal in an apartment and what do they eat?

Benefits of using flea drops

Animals, unfortunately, cannot tell when they feel bad. Therefore, the owner will need to be attentive and responsible towards his pets. At the first symptoms of fleas, it is necessary to begin treatment. You should choose only proven drugs.

Most buyers prefer drops, for the following reasons:

  • Effective. Within a minute after using the drops, you can notice the result. The animal becomes more active and cheerful.
  • Safe. Flea drops for cats will not harm her. Because they are applied to places that she cannot reach.
  • Convenient to use. They are applied to the withers, after which they spread through the blood. There is no need to bathe your cat or put on a collar that she will take off.
  • Quick results.

Rules for antiparasitic treatment

The method of using the drops is described in detail in the instructions supplied with them. To achieve the expected result and minimize the likelihood of side effects, be sure to familiarize yourself with it before starting to treat your pet.

Where to drip?

Flea drops should be applied at the base of the animal's neck, between the shoulder blades. If the animal is large, a few drops can be distributed further along the spine, but only in those places where the animal cannot reach and lick the drug. During the procedure, you need to make sure that the liquid gets on the skin. In order for the product to be absorbed into the epidermis faster, the drops can be rubbed in yourself, but this must be done with gloves.

How many drops should you apply?

The amount of the drug is calculated based on the attached instructions. The dosage depends on the size and weight of the pet. Most often, the drops are packaged in special pipettes of different capacities or ampoules, each of which is intended for one-time treatment.

In what cases does it not help?

Sometimes it happens that after treatment with flea drops, they do not have the desired effect. Possible reasons why the drops did not help and the parasites did not die:

  • the product was chosen incorrectly;
  • the rules for using the drug were violated during processing;
  • incorrect dosage;
  • using a product that has expired;
  • skipping preventative treatment.


If the treatment was carried out strictly according to the instructions and the drops did not help, it is recommended to consult a doctor.

How long does it take for them to start working?

When fleas disappear after using drops depends on the type of drug. Most of these products begin to work after 10-12 hours and continue to work for a month. Re-treatment is recommended after 4 weeks.

On a note! Modern flea drops remain active even after interaction with water. However, it is not advisable for your pet to take water treatments for a long time after treatment or to be exposed to the rain.

What drugs are the most effective?

Taking into account customer reviews, demand for the product, included components and other features, you can make a rating of the best flea products.

  • Leopard is considered the most powerful and effective drug against parasites. Thanks to the fipronil included in it, it is safe for the health of the pet and its owner. The result is achieved due to the accumulation of the drug in the sebaceous glands, without penetrating into the blood. Fleas begin to die after being bitten.

  • Hartz - provide long-term, fast and effective destruction of parasites. A special feature of the drug is its ability to kill mosquitoes. The kit includes a pipette with which you can measure different dosages of the drug. A good and convenient way to treat your cat against fleas with Hartz drops. Moisture-resistant, do not wash off while bathing the cat. There are also contraindications: the cat is pregnant or nursing, illness and weakness, as well as the age of the animal under 12 weeks.
  • Bayer Advocate - unlike previous drugs, the active substance is imidacloprid. It can destroy parasites and also cure their bites on the body.
  • Dana - drops against fleas, the main substance in which is diazinon. This is a completely new component from the class of poisons. The parasite gets ingested or on the skin. In any case, the drug instantly destroys them. "Dana" enters the insect's intestines, dehydrates it and thus kills it.
  • Advantage - effective drops for the treatment and prevention of fleas in cats weighing up to 4 kg. Can also cure parasite bites.
  • Frontline are good drops that have been used for many years. Suitable for kittens from 2 months and above. Active action begins after 2 days. The drug provides protection for the animal for three weeks.
  • Beaphar - great for adult cats, kittens and even animals weakened after illness. A completely safe drug. If a cat licks her kitten, nothing bad will happen. The drug is effective for two weeks.
  • Barrier-super - suitable for the treatment and prevention of fleas in kittens from 12 weeks of age. It lasts quite a long time, about 2 months. Capable of destroying both fleas themselves and their larvae. The drug can be dangerous for the animal; to prevent it from entering the body, you should only apply it to the cat’s withers. Convenient packaging allows you to measure the required dosage.

Before using the drug, the instructions must be carefully studied.
It’s a good idea to read people’s reviews on the Internet. But the most important point is to visit a veterinarian, who will examine the pet and give instructions regarding the choice of drug. The bulk of flea drugs consists of finiprole or organophosphorus compounds. There are also products made from a complex of various substances.

It is very easy to apply the drops, the main thing is that the cat does not lick them off. Another advantage is that they do not need to be washed off. Some act for a long time, while others, on the contrary, evaporate faster. However, the drugs act instantly, and within a few minutes the fleas begin to die. Some products can kill larvae and their eggs, while others prevent them from reproducing.

The price of flea medication is affordable, everyone chooses what they can afford. Naturally, more expensive products will provide the longest lasting result and quickest effect, but cheaper ones will also save your pet from suffering.

What happens if a cat licks flea drops? One of the disadvantages of flea drops is their danger to the animal’s body. Each product has its own contraindications, which are recommended to be taken into account by reading the instructions carefully. It is best to drip only in those places where the kitten cannot reach. The substances that make up the drug are toxic and, if used carelessly, can cause allergies or other adverse effects.

After treating an animal with any flea remedy, you need to monitor it for some time. If you feel unwell, refuse to eat or have allergies, you should immediately contact your veterinarian.

I couldn’t figure out what was wrong with my cat; she was scratching herself and biting herself. I felt incredibly sorry for her, and I went to the veterinarian, since I myself did not understand and could not examine the animal. During the examination, the doctor discovered a huge number of fleas and recommended the drug Frontline. I immediately bought them, read the instructions and treated my Muska. A miracle happened, in a couple of hours my cat became so lively, began to eat well and rage a lot. The product is simply super! Marina, Muska's owner

Features of use

It is better to treat your cat against fleas with drops in a place where she cannot reach and lick. It is there that the animal will not be able to lick the drug. You need to apply it to the skin, moving the fur away. After the product is applied, you need to check with your fingers whether it has dried.

Attention: in no case should you apply the drug to the fur, the area near the nose, mouth and other places where the kitten can reach.

Another feature is that the drops are selected depending on the weight of the kitten. It is better to treat fleas in the evening to avoid exposure to sunlight. After the procedure, it is advisable that the animal does not walk for two days.

Some products are applied along the spine, thus improving their effect.

How long do flea eggs and larvae live and where do they live?

The secret of the survivability of these parasites lies in the early stages of the life cycle. As you know, fleas go through 4 stages of development, starting with the egg.

How long does it take for flea eggs to hatch?

In an apartment, most flea eggs end up in floor carpets and animal bedding. Hatching eggs requires a combination of suitable temperature and humidity, and the microclimate inside the carpet pile is ideal. In an apartment at room temperature, the larva emerges from the egg after 2-3 days. In less comfortable conditions, the period of egg development lasts 8-12 days.

How long does it take for flea larvae to develop?

The development period of the larvae, depending on the conditions, varies from 5 to 45 days. In addition to comfortable temperature and humidity, flea larvae need sufficient food. The larvae feed on semi-digested dry blood, which is excreted in the form of excrement by the imago. In an apartment where an infected pet lives, carpets and bedding are replete with both eggs and flea excrement.

As a rule, in an apartment the period of larval development before pupation is 7-12 days. In a cooler and drier environment and with poorer nutrition, the larvae develop in 28-45 days.

How long does the pupal stage last?

The pupal stage consists of three stages: prepupa, pupa and preimaginal stage. These stages take place inside the cocoon, and in total they usually last 7-19 days. Males develop 14-20% longer than females. With a decrease in environmental temperature, the period of development of the pupa increases. For example, at a temperature of 27˚C the female develops in 8 days, the male in 10 days, and at a temperature of 15˚C the female develops in 27 days and the male in 32 days.

The timing of pupal development is also affected by relative humidity and how well the larva has been fed. The more abundant the food was at the larval stage, the longer the pupal stage lasts. This is due to the fact that the biological mechanism for exiting the cocoon is triggered when the level of fluid and nutritional reserves of the body reaches a critical level. In one experiment, a larva that was starved before pupation passed through the pupal stage in 8 days, and a larva that fed abundantly passed through the pupal stage in 56 days.

But the pre-imaginal stage, when an adult flea has developed from a larva but has not yet emerged from the cocoon, can last much longer - up to 5 months. The trigger for the exit of the imago from the cocoon is the presence of the future host, which insects recognize by temperature and pressure when they step on it. The flea will not leave the cocoon until it receives these signals.

Pet safety

If your cat has licked off the flea drops, there is no need to worry too much. It is necessary to monitor her for side effects. It’s another matter if a cat licked a kitten, then the concentration of the substance is much greater. In this case, poisoning may occur.

If one kitten licks the drug from another kitten, the consequences will be much worse than in an adult cat. A small, fragile organism cannot react so intensely to the concentration of the active substance. As a result, serious health problems may occur.

In the cases described above, it is best to use the safest drug - Beaphar. Which is suitable for cats and kittens, and no matter where the drops are placed, it does not cause poisoning if ingested.

At what temperature do waters die?

Knowing at what water temperature fleas die, you can get rid of adult parasites using water procedures. When choosing this method of baiting, the difficulty lies in the fact that complete immersion is required to destroy insects.

So the fleas are deprived of oxygen, suffocate, dying in the water, and it doesn’t matter at what temperature the bathing takes place.

Animals are washed using special shampoos; it is not possible to put the entire pet under water, and the bloodsuckers move to dry areas of the body.

It is not possible to completely solve the problem with one bath, but the condition is partially alleviated. When washing, you need to know the critical temperature marks, so bedding and clothes are cleaned at +60 C°.

How to choose flea drops for a cat

The most important criterion for most buyers is price. But when buying, it is necessary to take into account other features: the age of the animal, state of health, place where he lives.

There are specific medications for kittens; they are also suitable for pregnant and lactating cats who are constantly with their kittens. If your pet is constantly outdoors, you will need a powerful drug that will destroy all parasites and provide long-term protection.

I have extensive experience in caring for cats. And it won’t be difficult to understand that an animal has fleas. The only controversial issue remained remedies for parasites. A friend advised me to try Bars, which, in her opinion, is the best remedy for fleas. I immediately bought it at a veterinary pharmacy and treated my pet. The result did not take long to arrive; after an hour the fleas began to die, and by tomorrow they had completely disappeared. Margarita, owner of Monnik

Effect of flea remedy

By their nature, drops are a solution that destroys parasites and provides protection for a certain period of time. Active ingredients may be:

  • Permethrin does not enter the animal's bloodstream and breaks down quickly if the cat licks it.
  • Fipronil is considered the safest substance.
  • Pyriproxyfen is an excellent ingredient that is being used recently.
  • Ivermectin is a universal remedy against a large number of parasites.

How flea drops work depends on the active ingredients they contain. Some drugs can provide long-lasting, immediate protection, while others will take time to work.

Some of the products have a double effect: destroying parasites and repelling them with their smell. The active substance begins to penetrate the pet’s skin and is gradually released. Upon contact with fleas, the droplets penetrate their body, paralyze and kill them.

It is difficult to answer the question which drops are better. Everyone chooses their own option. Some animals have individual intolerance to the active component, and some have a negative reaction to the drug. By trial and error, you can choose exactly the product that will be used in pest control.

Why is my dog ​​acting strange after using flea medication?

Of course, if used correctly and doses are followed, it is unlikely that the drug will harm the dog, but in cases of the pet’s willfulness, the owner’s carelessness or other factors, this is possible.

Here are the most likely reasons:

Allergy. Dogs can be allergic to almost anything: food, household chemicals, plants, dust. Even dogs can be allergic to allergy medicine. It is difficult to know what your dog is suffering from until you pass special tests or encounter the corresponding reaction of the animal’s body after using a particular drug. As a rule, allergies are manifested by redness of the skin and swelling in the paws, armpits, abdomen, ears and face, red eyes, watery eyes, runny nose, unpleasant odor of fur and itching.

Cuts and wounds. If the dog has damaged skin near the injection site, then getting the drug into the wound can also cause redness, tremors throughout the body, nervousness, and fever.

Incorrect calculation of funds. Some medications are calculated based on the size of the dog, others are created specifically for large breeds and should not be given to small ones at all. Always read the instructions carefully.

Ingestion. Some anti-flea shampoos may accidentally get into the dog's mouth while washing, or the dog will lick them off along with the water. Also, pets who like to chew everything can tear off the flea collar, chew it, or even partially swallow it, which will cause vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.

More dangerous symptoms include asthma and seizures.

How do flea and tick drops for cats work and how effective are they?

Cats are affected by several types of external parasites. The most common of them are fleas. Fleas make our pets nervous and restless. They undermine the health of the animal, weaken its immunity, cause anemia and dermatitis.

Fleas are carriers of dangerous infectious and parasitic diseases. In addition, these parasites often jump from animals to humans and bite painfully.

If you find fleas on a cat, they must be removed immediately. Special drops on the withers will help you do this. We will tell you in detail about the mechanism of action of antiparasitic drugs and the features of their use.

Preparations in the form of drops on the withers are convenient and effective. Drops are applied to the animal's skin in a place inaccessible to it. Such preparations are a solution of insecticides that are low toxic to cats and harmful to fleas.

  • Bloch;
  • lice;
  • Vlasoedov;
  • Ixodid and sarcoptoid ticks;
  • Has a repellent effect against blood-sucking mosquitoes.

BlochNet max can be used on cats of all breeds. Kittens can use the drug from the age of three months. After application to the skin, the drug is evenly distributed over the surface of the animal’s body within 24-48 hours.

The accumulation of the drug occurs in:

  1. Skin fatty lubricant;
  2. Ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  3. Epidermis;
  4. Hair follicles.

All parasites will be destroyed within 1-2 days after application of the product.

The drug contains modern active ingredients in an original combination. This ensures high efficiency of BlochNet max.

  • Fipronil - Has a detrimental effect on ixodid and sarcoptic ticks, fleas, lice, lice.
  • Benzyl benzoate - Penetrates ticks and kills them.
  • Diethyltoluamide - Repels mosquitoes from animals.
  • Juvemon - Causes abnormalities in the development of parasites at the larval stage and prevents re-infection of the pet.

BlochNet max can be used on cats of all breeds. Kittens can use the drug from the age of three months.

Application rules

BlochNet max drops are used for cats that already have external parasites, as well as to prevent their attacks on the pet. Apply the drops once to the cat’s dry, intact skin in the neck area at the base of the skull (at the withers) in the following doses:

  • Up to 5 kg - 0.5 ml (15 drops)
  • More than 5 kg - 1 ml
  • 10 kg – 20 kg – 2 ml

You should not wash or bathe the animal 48 hours before and after treatment with drops, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of their action.

The death of parasites after applying the drug to the skin of an animal is observed within 24-48 hours after treatment. After this time, your pet is free from fleas and is reliably protected.

Many cat owners are interested in the question of how often it is necessary to treat their cat for fleas.

To prevent a cat from becoming infected with fleas, treating your pet with BlochNet max should be carried out regularly once every two months.

Ectoparasites (fleas, lice eaters, ixodid ticks, etc.) are frequent uninvited guests in pets. To combat blood-sucking insects, pet supply manufacturers offer a variety of insecticidal products.

Flea and tick drops for cats have gained well-deserved popularity among owners. Ease of use, effectiveness and duration of action, versatility of products in liquid form allows them to be widely used as a complex antiparasitic agent.

Operating principle

Many of the listed poisons are not only destructive to ectoparasites, but also have an unpleasant odor and act as repellents. Drops, as a rule, are a universal antiparasitic agent with a repellent effect.

The main principle of how flea drops for cats work is as follows:

  • when treating the skin of an animal, the sebaceous glands, hair follicles, and upper layers of the epidermis are saturated with insecticide;
  • These substances have a contact neurotoxic effect on parasites, blocking nerve impulses, leading to paralysis and death.

As a rule, manufacturers use several insecticides belonging to different groups.

The duration of the antiparasitic effect is due to the creation of an insecticide depot in the sebaceous glands.

How long anti-flea drops for cats last depends largely on the composition of the drug. Mild drops “Stronghold” and “Frontline Spot On” protect your pet from fleas and ticks for 21 - 30 days.

Drops such as “Clandestine”, which contain fipronil and permethrin, last longer - up to 2 months, which is due to a pronounced insecticidal effect.

Rules of application

Having made the choice to use a drop form of insecticide to combat and prevent ectoparasites, the owner does not always have an idea where to place the flea drops on the cat. Manufacturers of antiparasitic drugs and veterinary specialists strongly recommend applying the drug to the animal’s withers.

This place is inaccessible for licking, and the risk of insecticide entering the pet’s body will be minimized. It is also important to understand that the drug is applied not to the animal’s fur, but to the skin.

How long can adult fleas live without food?

After emerging from the cocoon

At home, adults newly emerging from cocoons must drink their first blood within a week so as not to die of hunger. In a number of experiments they survived longer, but two weeks is the ceiling. 95% of young hungry fleas at +24˚C and a relative humidity of 78% die in 15 days, and at +22.5˚C and a relative humidity of 60% - in 12.3 days.

Fleas that do not feed on blood survive much longer, up to 40 days, in a humid environment at relatively low temperatures. In cool, damp air (62%), young fleas will live even 70 days without animal blood. But such conditions are found only in the basements of apartment buildings, and not in residential premises.

Discarded from the owner

Once on the host, fleas immediately begin to feed. During the day, the insect doubles in size and triples the supply of proteins in the body. Once thrown from the animal, the flea loses its accumulated weight and protein supply within 12 hours. After 12 hours of fasting, death can occur as a result of malnutrition. If fleas only have access to food for 2-3 hours a day, they are malnourished.

Blood addiction threshold

When feeding on a host, at a certain point fleas pass a point at which they require a constant source of blood to survive. This is reminiscent of drug addiction. Males removed from the animal after 5 days of feeding die within 48 hours, and females die within 96 hours. Survival outside the animal increases sharply (up to 14 days) if the initial feeding period is limited to 12 hours, since in this case the dependence threshold is not reached.

Why don't flea and tick drops work?

First we need to decide what kind of effect we expect from applying the drug. The most common complaint is that after applying the product, owners find fleas or ticks on the animal.

The fact is that not all spot preparations have a repellent effect (repels parasites).

In most cases, a flea or tick dies upon contact with treated skin within 1-6 hours; particularly resistant individuals can remain active for up to 24 hours, i.e. you can see the parasite moving around.

The repellent (scaring) effect is characteristic of Advantix due to the content of permethrin. Ticks avoid contact with permethrin. The repellent effect is accompanied by an acaricidal (repellent) effect, which manifests itself even with short contact of ticks with the skin of a dog treated with an acaricide.

In this case, the tick can remain attached to the skin thanks to a cementing substance, which is secreted by the salivary glands of the tick and fixes the hypostome at the site of the bite. Regardless of the type of active substance, ticks detach from the dog 2-3 days after death, when the hypostome is removed from the skin.

However, these mites die within 1-2 days after contact with treated skin; this effect is shortened by the “burnt legs” effect.

The evolution of ticks leads to the fact that over time they adapt to the current acaricide, so there is always a danger that sooner or later even the most reliable drops will no longer protect your animal.

In this regard, leading manufacturing companies are constantly updating the formula of the drug and releasing new product lines (Frontline Combo, Hartz Ultra Guard). In addition, there is a constant migration of new species of mites that are resistant to existing drugs.

In addition, it is important to remember, especially when first treating infested animals, that the adult fleas on the animal make up no more than 5% of the entire population of fleas present in the environment at various stages of the life cycle.

This means that it takes time to destroy the entire population of fleas, i.e., before they die, they must visit the surface of the animal's body.

While we have begun to kill the adults, there are many larvae in the environment waiting to mature and land on the dog. Therefore, there is a high probability that some adults may be seen on the dog, especially in the first months.

The effectiveness of anti-parasitic collars may be reduced in dogs with thick, long hair, and it may take longer to reach an effective concentration. During bathing, the collar stops releasing the active substance until it dries, so it is recommended to remove the collar before swimming.

The repellent effect occurs when the parasite comes into contact with a treated dog and creates unfavorable conditions that do not allow the parasite to remain on the animal for a long time (the “burnt legs” effect). Some drugs have an “umbrella” effect, that is, they also affect flea larvae.

Skin particles that die during the process of physiological skin renewal and contain a small amount of insecticidal active substance enter the environment. These particles are the main food for fleas in the environment, which die after eating them.

Exposure to the larvae in the environment results in a decrease in the number of pupae. This double action soon leads to complete elimination of the infestation. According to some estimates, it takes at least 3-4 weeks to completely get rid of all stages of flea development in the environment.

The repellent effect protects animals from attacks by mosquitoes, midges and mosquitoes, reducing the risk of infection with dirofilariasis and leishmaniasis. Acaricidal and insecticidal substances are distributed in the lipid membrane and kill adult insects, absorbed through the intersegmental membranes on the chitinous cover of fleas.

Signs of poisoning appear in fleas after 3-5 minutes and within an hour they die. Those. To distribute the drug, a certain amount of lipid layer on the skin is necessary.

Therefore, a week before treatment and a week after, you need to observe restrictions on the use of shampoos. Subsequent washing with shampoo is acceptable, but if you wash frequently, it is better to repeat the treatment a little earlier to ensure a guaranteed result. The absence of a lipid layer prevents the spread of the drug over the body surface.

Unlike drugs for cutaneous action, drugs for systemic action (Advocate, Stronghold) are absorbed into the blood, and therefore have a detrimental effect on the causative agents of sarcoptic mange, demodicosis, otodectosis, cheyletiellosis, round helminths and heartworm larvae and are less dependent on the use of shampoos.

It is also necessary to take into account that none of the drugs against fleas and ticks is effective for more than a month - this is due to the natural renewal of the skin and a decrease in the concentration of the active substance in the skin.

Where do fleas live in an apartment if there are no animals (photo)

For the full development of a flea colony, the presence of furry animals or birds is necessary. If adult parasites accidentally end up in an apartment where there are no animals, they will live for some time on human blood.

In the absence of animals, the habitat of fleas in the apartment is limited to shaded, cool areas on the floor, where they are not too noticeable.

Can fleas live in hair and on the human body?

Fleas do not live on humans, unlike head and pubic lice; after feeding on blood, they immediately leave the human body. If a flea is disturbed while feeding, the insect may linger on the clothing on the underside. In rare cases, the flea remains in clothing for 1-2 days without finding a way out, and periodically bites. Fleas do not prefer humans as hosts due to their scanty hair.

Rating of the best flea drops

Flea drops for cats can be confidently called a harmless remedy, because such drugs are applied to places that are difficult for the animal to reach.

They are produced separately for adult cats and kittens. However, it is worth noting that drop treatment requires proper use and it is very important to know exactly where to drop. It is the rules for using these drugs that will be discussed in this article.

The most popular and convenient dosage form for killing fleas is drops. They provide maximum safety for your pet, since they are applied to hard-to-reach places so that the cat does not remove the product from its fur.

In order to prevent the penetration of the drug into the cat’s body and not provoke poisoning, it is recommended to treat only the withers area with drops.

The medicine is correctly applied between the shoulder blades on the withers. Under no circumstances should it be dripped onto the fur near the nose or mouth, especially on a kitten.

Drops should be selected taking into account the cat’s weight and age. It should be noted that there are separate, special preparations for kittens. It is best to treat the animal in the evening or in cloudy weather to avoid direct sunlight.

Why drops?

Veterinary pharmacies offer a wide range of products designed to protect pets from fleas. They are available in the form of sprays, aerosols, shampoos and collars soaked in a special solution.

Despite this variety, veterinarians advise using drops. This form of insecticide is considered the most convenient and effective, since the drops are able to penetrate the skin of the animal and effectively protect it from parasites.

When using sprays, the composition is sprayed onto several sentiments around. At the same time, it can get into those areas that the animal will lick, which can provoke poisoning.

Licks himself

Flea collars also have disadvantages:

  • if worn incorrectly, it may rub your neck;
  • while wearing it, if the collar gets caught, the pet may be injured;
  • not every animal will wear a protective attribute.

As for the drops, their use will not cause discomfort to the pet. In addition, the owner can easily apply the drug to the pet’s withers without fear that the animal will lick the composition.

Uninvited guests in your cat's fur coat

Cats are affected by several types of external parasites. The most common of them are fleas. Fleas make our pets nervous and restless. They undermine the health of the animal, weaken its immunity, cause anemia and dermatitis. Fleas are carriers of dangerous infectious and parasitic diseases. In addition, these parasites often jump from animals to humans and bite painfully.

If you find fleas on a cat, they must be removed immediately. Special drops on the withers will help you do this. We will tell you in detail about the mechanism of action of antiparasitic drugs and the features of their use.

How do BlochNet max flea drops work for cats and kittens?

BlochNet max belongs to insectoacaricidal combination drugs.

The drug has a detrimental effect on all phases of development:

  • Bloch;
  • lice;
  • Vlasoedov;
  • Ixodid and sarcoptoid ticks;
  • Has a repellent effect against blood-sucking mosquitoes.

BlochNet max can be used on cats of all breeds. Kittens can use the drug from the age of three months.

After application to the skin, the drug is evenly distributed over the surface of the animal’s body within 24-48 hours.

The accumulation of the drug occurs in:

  • Skin fatty lubricant;
  • Ducts of the sebaceous glands;
  • Epidermis;
  • Hair follicles.

All parasites will be destroyed within 1-2 days after application of the product.

Composition of the drug BlochNet max

The drug contains modern active ingredients in an original combination. This ensures high efficiency of BlochNet max.

BlochNet max contains as active ingredients:

It has a detrimental effect on ixodid and sarcoptic ticks, fleas, lice, and lice. Benzyl benzoate

Penetrates the body of ticks and destroys them. Diethyltoluamide

Repels mosquitoes from the animal. Yuvemon

Causes abnormalities in the development of parasites at the larval stage and prevents re-infection of the pet.

BlochNet max can be used on cats of all breeds. Kittens can use the drug from the age of three months.

Advantages and disadvantages

Like any other medical product, flea drops intended for treating cats and dogs have strengths and weaknesses. The advantages include:

  • Easy to use. Treating your pet will not cause any difficulties and will take no more than 3 minutes.
  • Versatility. Such drops have a detrimental effect on most parasites. In addition to fleas, they repel lice, ticks and lice-eaters.
  • Efficiency. Repeated treatment will need to be carried out no earlier than in a month. Some remedies last even longer – up to 2 months.
  • Availability. You can purchase drops at all pet stores and veterinary pharmacies.

Disadvantages of drops:

  • most of these products cannot be used to treat pets under 3 months of age;
  • The effectiveness of the product may be reduced due to frequent swimming or excessive exposure to sunlight.

Another drawback is that if you treat a pet whose weight is less than 2 kg, there is a risk of side effects. The most common of them are:

  • increased salivation;
  • allergic reaction;
  • eye inflammation;
  • tremor;
  • loss of appetite;
  • vomiting, bowel dysfunction.

If the side effects are severe and do not go away within 2 days, you need to take your pet to a veterinary clinic.

Rules for applying drops

BlochNet max drops are used for cats that already have external parasites, as well as to prevent their attacks on the pet. Apply the drops once to the cat’s dry, intact skin in the neck area at the base of the skull (at the withers) in the following doses:

Cat's massDrug dose
Up to 5 kg0.5 ml (15 drops)
More than 5 kg1 ml
10 kg – 20 kg2 ml

You should not wash or bathe the animal 48 hours before and after treatment with drops, so as not to reduce the effectiveness of their action.

How long does it take for BlochNet max flea drops to take effect?

The death of parasites after applying the drug to the skin of an animal is observed within 24-48 hours after treatment. After this time, your pet is free from fleas and is reliably protected. Many cat owners are interested in the question of how often it is necessary to treat their cat for fleas.

To prevent a cat from becoming infected with fleas, treating your pet with BlochNet max should be carried out regularly once every two months.

We wish your pet health and a parasite-free life!

Signs of a flea infestation

A flea infestation in a pet is easy to recognize. The cat’s condition and behavior changes significantly:

  • The cat often scratches itself behind the ear and feverishly licks its entire body. This licking becomes nervous and obsessive.
  • Bite marks are small red dots on the skin that look like needle marks.
  • Redness and irritation of the skin, scratching.
  • Rough, scaly spots on the skin are a sign of an allergy (flea dermatitis).
  • Hair loss in affected areas.
  • Poor appetite indicates a serious deterioration in health: dermatitis, worms, anemia, infections.
  • White long worms in stool or near the tail. If your cat gets tapeworms, it means he has fleas.
  • When a cat is brushed, reddish-brown husks may fall out of the fur - this is flea excrement.

Sometimes you can see fleas crawling on the fur. They must be caught and destroyed immediately. The proliferation of parasites in an animal’s fur leads to the development of severe pathologies that can kill the pet.

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