About the psychology of horses: how to teach a horse to trust and accustom it to training

As the game progresses, the tasks become more difficult. They require a higher level of skill not only from you, but also higher speed and stronger skin from your horse. If your old friend can't handle it, then hurry up to tame a horse in Red Dead Redemption 2. It's better to do it right away than to suffer a drawdown in stamina later.

First, of course, you will have to find a horse to tame. I recommend choosing the Arabian horse RDR 2 - it can be found near Valentine already in the second chapter by the lake. Also look at the list of the best horses in the game - you can hunt them too (but, unfortunately, this will also require mountains of dollars).


Let's say that you have already found an unoccupied horse. How to make it yours?

  1. First of all, approach the horse very slowly. And I do mean VERY slowly—barely move the stick.
  2. Hold L2/Lt while walking. This will allow Arthur to focus on a living target.
  3. Your goal is not to spook the horse. Fail - the horse will run away and it will be difficult to find it after that. There will be a white stripe at the bottom of the screen. Initially it will be full. But then, suddenly, it will begin to decrease sharply. At these moments, you need to press square/X to calm the horse with a warm, drawling “Eeeee-easy, girl.”
  4. When you get close to the animal, Arthur will be able to jump on it if you press Triangle/Y. A mini-game will begin in which you need to “break” the will of the animal. To do this, as soon as you sit down, pull the stick down. Then - in the opposite direction from the one in which the horse is trying to go. If the horse rushes forward, pull the stick back, and vice versa. Do this long enough and a small plaque will appear in the corner of the screen, signifying your victory.

This is almost the end of the matter. You will only need to change the horse and saddle for the new animal to become the main one. Then it will come running on the whistle and travel with you when moving quickly.

That's it, taming a horse in Red Dead Redemption 2 will now be a breeze for you. The main thing is to find a worthy candidate, and then everything will go like clockwork.

Before using a horse for riding or working in a harness, the animal must be tamed to a person, harness, and trained in special commands. Possessing a sharp mind, horses quickly absorb new information, but there are also stubborn, wayward individuals. In order for your pet to become a reliable partner in work and a true friend, you need to know how to properly tame a horse.


Creepers can only be tamed using mods. One such mod is Tameable Plus. Point the item at the creeper and right-click until it is completely tamed. The creeper will follow you. And of course it will stop exploding, setting everything on fire.

Basic rules for taming

Experienced horse owners claim that it is much easier to train a young horse aged 1.5–2 years than an adult. But even a one and a half year old foal is a strong animal, weighing more than 250 kg and “armed” with sharp teeth and strong hooves. To tame a wild horse without getting injured, you must follow the rules:

  1. Taming is carried out in a spacious levada or arena, where the horse feels calm.
  2. Do not worry, do not make sudden movements and do not scream - the emotional state of a person is transmitted to the four-legged pet.
  3. You shouldn’t force things and try to put a bridle on your horse in the very first lesson.
  4. Act slowly, allowing the animal to get used to the person.

During the process of domestication, horses became accustomed to obediently following human instructions. This habit and easy-going disposition were reinforced in the offspring during the breeding of the breeds. Training a thoroughbred foal from a herd will be much easier and simpler than an animal caught in the wild.


You can't tame a bat without mods. But if you really want to, feed her pumpkin pie. To do this, simply tap it on the stone (right mouse button). The mouse will fly to the sound. Or, in creative mode, fly up to the mouse yourself and hit it by pointing the cursor crosshair and pressing the right mouse button. Now you have caught the mouse. A window will open in front of you where you can rename your pet. To release the mouse, press Q. The bat will become your guard and will attack hostile mobs.

Features of taming horses of various breeds

The temperament inherent in a particular breed plays a significant role in the taming of young animals. Heavy trucks and draft varieties are famous for their phlegmatic temperament and good manners. It turns out to be easier to tame a giant weighing a ton than an agile and energetic English horse. As a rule, draft horses are accustomed to harnessing after two years of age. Horses can be tamed and ready for work in a couple of months.

Horse breeds are represented by fast animals - English thoroughbreds, Arabian, Akhal-Teke. They are easily excitable and have a sharp, obstinate character. Training begins early - at 6–9 months, immediately after the foal is weaned from its mother. The owner, trainer or groom accustoms the pet to human presence, touching, grooming, and forces him to consider the owner a leader.


To tame a rabbit, simply give it a carrot. He will follow you. To breed and produce rabbits, you need to have a pair. Domestic hare is a source of meat.

How to establish contact with an animal

There are many methods for “gently accustoming” a young horse to a person. Previously, they acted harshly with the animal - they caught it from the herd with a lasso, tied it up, put on a saddle or bridle. A strong and experienced rider jumped on the foal, and the horse was released “to freedom.” The frightened shearer tried to throw off his rider and run away, but the man did not allow this to happen. Most of the horses soon subdued, but some animals were injured and even died.

Taming a horse in modern horse breeding begins with meeting a person. At the initial stage, it is enough to be next to the horse, without taking any action, and observe its behavior.

A horse is a curious creature and will definitely approach a person to get acquainted. At this moment, it is important not to scare the horse, touch him, and talk to him calmly and quietly. Feeling that the person is friendly, the horse will allow itself to be stroked and scratched. Special points, the massage of which brings pleasure to the animal, are located behind the horse’s ears, on the neck, and on the shoulder.

When working with a horse, it is important to observe its body language to understand its emotional state. They say about a pet's friendly attitude:

  • ears standing upright or directed towards the person;
  • head lowered to shoulder level or below;
  • relaxed core muscles;
  • tail down.

Polar bear

You can't tame a bear in Minecraft without mods! And if you found ways on the Internet supposedly to tame a bear in the game without installing a mod, then don’t believe it. There is a taming mod on our website called Tameable Plus. Only with him can this be done. Point the item at the clumsy bear and right-click until it is completely tamed.

Getting to know the ammunition

Horse harness and equipment required for work includes:

  • halter and bridle (headband);
  • saddles of various designs (sports, vaulting, western);
  • blankets and saddle pads;
  • cord;
  • scourge

All elements of the harness must be selected precisely according to the size of the horse and not cause discomfort to the animal.

Getting to know the harness begins with the bridle:

  1. The snaffle is unfastened from the headband.
  2. The reins are placed around the horse's neck.
  3. The bridle is put on the head, slowly fastening all the buckles.
  4. Insert the bit into the horse's mouth by placing the pieces of the bit in the corner of the mouth and then straightening them.

If the pet does not show anxiety, he is praised and given a treat. Holding the bridle, they carry out several circles around the arena, after which the bridle is removed.

Accustoming to the saddle is gradual. At first, it is simply placed on the pet’s back, without tightening the girths, so that it gets used to the weight. You can lead the horse around the arena, making sure that the saddle does not fall and spook the horse. If the animal behaves calmly, in the 2nd-3rd lesson, the saddle girths are tightened and the previously tied stirrups are lowered.

How to learn to rein a horse

When practicing horseback riding, one of the important elements of control is reining in or moving the horse in reverse. Skill will also be required when harnessing an animal to a cart, when the horse must enter the shafts, backing away.

They begin training “on the ground.” The trainer, standing at the horse's shoulder and holding it by the reins, steps back. At the same time, he pulls the reins with his hand and says the command “Back”, the horse is forced to take a step or two back. Correct execution is followed by approval and a treat.

Remounting a horse by a rider looks like this:

  • a horse standing straight is sent forward with its leg;
  • When the animal begins to move, the reins are tightened.

As a result, the horse that has started to move receives the command “stop”, but retreats back due to inertia. To ease the pressure of the rider's weight on the horse's back, you need to move your weight forward - onto the animal's shoulders. Over time, the combination of leg pressure + tension on the reins + moving the rider's weight forward will signal the horse to back away.

Taming a horse is an important stage for further work with the animal. The horse’s further behavior, its attitude towards its owner and its readiness to follow commands depend on how successfully the training was completed.

Until recently, horses were the basis of agriculture and the transport infrastructure of states. Today, the economic and domestic importance of these animals has decreased significantly, but their role in farming is still difficult to overestimate. Horse riding is also popular - as entertainment, sport or a convenient way to travel along country roads. However, it is important to remember that not all horse breeds are equally suitable for riding and everyday work. Sometimes inept handling of an animal can become an obstacle. Our article will help prevent such difficulties, where we will tell you in detail how to tame a horse.

How to tame a horse


Main article: Achievement system

IconAchievementDescriptionTaskAvailabilityXbox PointsTrophy type (PS)
Butcher (Cow Tipper)Get at least 1 leather by killing a cow, mushroom cow, llama or horse .Take the skin from the ground.YesYesYesYes15GBronze
Saddle UpTame a horse .Tame a horse by pressing it with your hand!YesYesYesYes20GBronze
Artificial SelectionBreed the mule from the horse and donkey.YesNoYesNew 3DS30G

Main article: Achievement system (Java Edition)

IconAchievementDescriptionAncestorTask (if different)Identifier
AdventuresAdventure, exploration, theft and combatKill the entity or die from it.minecraft:adventure/root
Right on targetShoot someone with a bowMonster Hunterminecraft:adventure/shoot_arrow
Romantic dinnerMatch a couple of animalsAgricultureMatch any
of these 21 animal types.
Friend of humanTame an animalAgricultureTame any of these 8 animals: wolf, cat, llama, horse, mule, donkey, ocelot, parrot.minecraft:husbandry/tame_an_animal
Happy farmerGrow all kinds of animals!Romantic dinnerMatch a pair each
of these 21 animal types.

Features of taming horses of various breeds

Even a beginner in the equestrian business will notice at first glance the differences in the appearance of horses of different breeds. The difference in color, height at the withers, body weight and proportions, as well as other physiological characteristics are undoubtedly important, but the temperament of the horse is even more important. Together, all these characteristics determine the suitability or unsuitability of a breed for a particular application.

Comparative analysis of the appearance of horses of various breeds

One of the historical purposes of the horse is transport.

You can tame any horse, but representatives of some breeds will require much more time and effort. These are the “hot blood” breeds, for example, purebred English and Arabian horses. They are characterized by obstinacy, a sharp, assertive character, sometimes even aggression towards a new, unfamiliar person. Local or aboriginal breeds may be even more intractable, especially those who have not known saddles. The difficulties of taming such animals are described in detail in fiction. However, the unfriendly nature of horses is rare, and it manifests itself mainly in the absence of proper care.

Capturing wild horses

Many breeds are born with an obedient temperament and gentle disposition. These qualities are often characteristic of most factory riding and light draft breeds, as well as transitional type breeds, that is, those obtained from crossing factory and local breeds. But heavy trucks have the calmest, truly phlegmatic character . These good-natured giants were selected specifically for hard everyday work and are best at communicating with humans.


The minimum possible number of health units is 15

half-hearts, maximum -
), average -
. Formula:

15 + rand[0;7] + rand[0;8], here rand[0;7] means: choose a random integer from zero to 7 inclusive

Speed ​​(blocks per second)

Minimum - 4,837

, maximum -
, average -
. The maximum and minimum are almost unattainable.

10.75 × (0.44999998807907104 + rand[0;1] × 0.3 + rand[0;1] × 0.3 + rand[0;1] × 0.3), rand[0;1] produces real number from zero to one

Jump Power

Do not confuse jump strength and jump height. The height is calculated every time you jump, it depends on the strength, but there is no calculation formula as such - only program code. Minimum strength - 0,4

, maximum -
, average -
This is equivalent to the jump height in blocks: 1.153

0.4000000059604645 + rand[0;1] × 0.2 + rand[0;1] × 0.2 + rand[0;1] × 0.2, rand[0;1] gives a real number from zero to one

Calculation of characteristics during reproduction

Main article: Reproduction

When breeding, the characteristics of both parents are taken, the temporary characteristics of the new horse are calculated (using the formulas above) and the arithmetic mean of these three numbers is found.

For example, the speed of the first parent is 12

, and the second -
. Then the formula for calculating the speed of the offspring (in blocks) will look like this:

(12 + 13 + 10.75 × (0.44999998807907104 + rand[0;1] × 0.3 + rand[0;1] × 0.3 + rand[0;1] × 0.3)) / 3 Hence , the minimum possible speed is 9.946, the maximum is 13.171, the average is 11.558. Compare with the possible speeds of horses during natural spawning.

When crossing two horses with speed 13,5

we can get a horse with a speed in the following range: minimum -
, maximum -
, average -
Donkeys and Mules
Donkeys with natural spawn have the following characteristics:

  • jump strength: 0.5
    (jump height
  • speed: 7,524
  • health is calculated using the formula above (like horses).

During breeding, the characteristics of donkeys and mules are considered in the same way as for foals.

Descendant color (color, spots)

The color of horses consists of color and spots. Total colors 7

, options for spot placement
Therefore, there are 35
Most often, the offspring inherits color and spots from its parents, and it can get spots from one, color from another. 11.11%
chance (one in nine) that the offspring will get a new color. Spots are not necessarily inherited from parents. There is a fairly high chance that the foal will be a "grandmother" or "grandfather" color.[2]

How to establish contact with an animal?

In the first stages of communication between a person and a horse, the line between the animal’s trust and fear is very thin. Despite enormous physical strength and endurance, horses have a rather delicate mental organization, which requires a person to be able to communicate and understand, and to feel the character and mood of the animal.

First acquaintance with a horse

The first and main rule that is extremely important to observe when taming a horse is friendliness. Any manifestations of aggression towards an animal can nullify all the results of your work. Therefore, it is important to establish stable psychological contact from the very beginning. Adhere to the following behavior algorithm:


  • Jeb's "subtle hint" about horses after reaching 10,000,000 sales [3]
  • The first screenshot of horses uploaded by Jeb on Instagram
  • Second screenshot showing that the horse will be able to wear armor and can be tied to a pole[5]
  • Several horses tied to a fence
  • Horses with all types of armor
  • A horse nibbles grass, standing on the sand, under water

Getting to know the ammunition

Equipment is necessary to ensure “teamwork” between horse and person while riding. Individual selection of all elements according to the anatomical characteristics of the animal is considered optimal. First of all, we are talking about the bit, which is fixed in the horse’s mouth and must correspond to the size of its jaw. The size and shape of the muzzle influence the choice of other elements of the bridle, and the height of the animal, the width and profile of its back influence the choice of the saddle. Take care of a saddle pad that will provide you with a comfortable ride, as well as bandages or boots necessary to prevent injury to your horse’s legs.

Basic elements of ammunition

You need to accustom your horse to tack gradually, observing its reaction. It is important to take into account not only the psychological component (a horse that has not previously known a bridle and saddle may be depressed or, on the contrary, excited), but also physical comfort. Thus, if individual elements are selected incorrectly, abrasions and abrasions may occur on the animal’s body. Such ammunition must be replaced immediately.

General method of training for ammunition:

1Put all the elements of the harness on the horse in the stable and fasten them securely. After 5-15 minutes, depending on the animal’s reaction, remove all ammunition. Repeat the next day, increasing the time.
2After a few days, when the horse begins to get used to manipulating the harness, take him out of the stable and walk him in a circle, holding him by the bridle. Such training can last up to two weeks and is necessary, firstly, to prevent stress in the animal, and secondly, to analyze the compliance of the equipment with the characteristics of its anatomy.
3When the equipment no longer causes any discomfort in the horse, you can conduct your first riding lessons. At first they should be short, but within two to three weeks the time can be increased to half an hour or more.

Bridle, martingale, saddle, blanket, various accessories - behind these exotic names there are products that are quite familiar to everyone from childhood. Horse equipment is conventionally divided into 3 groups: protective devices, control devices and equipment that guarantees a comfortable position for the rider in the saddle. You know about them in the article.

When analyzing horse equipment, the whip deserves special attention. There are different opinions regarding the stages of starting its use, but the main thing to take care of is the horse's reaction. Using this type of management method too frequently can negatively affect the nature of the relationship with the animal. Usually, after he has mastered the basic commands and riding skills, the use of the whip is abandoned.

Types of riding whips

Frequent use of a whip can cause a horse to become extremely frightened.


Official release of Java Edition
April 5, 2013Jeb hinted at adding a horse once the game reached 10,000,000 sales[3]. Some time later, Jeb mentioned that the author of the modification Mo'Creatures[4] participated in the development of the horse.
1.6.113w16aHorses and donkeys have been added to the game.
13w18aRemoved horse saddles. Horses now use regular saddles.
13w19aInterlaced chests are available.
13w21aAdded a new interface for horses to control saddle/armor/equipment.
13w22aHorses no longer nibble grass on any surface or underwater.
The horses began to make sounds.
1.6.2The horse remembers the one who tamed it.
1.7.213w36aSkeleton and zombie horses are now available without third-party programs thanks to the new /summon command.
1.814w02aThe maturation of foals can be accelerated with the help of wheat.
14w26cHorses can no longer be fed bread to tame, heal, or mature.
The acceleration of wheat maturation was slowed down.
1.915w38aAdded a skeleton trap that spawns when a regular horse is struck by lightning.
15w44bIn builds 15w43a–44b, the drop was changed several times. Ultimately, undead horses now always drop one item (bone or flesh), independent of the drop.
15w47bAdded the sound of eating food given by the player.
16w06aImproved driving mechanics.
1.9-pre3Changed width (now 1.3964844 blocks instead of 1.4).
1.1016w20aAdded spawn eggs for Zombie Horse, Skeleton Horse and Mule.
1.10-pre2Removed the spawn eggs for the Zombie Horse, Skeleton Horse, and Mule.
1.1116w32aEach type of horse now has its own ID: horse, donkey, mule, zombie_horse and skeleton_horse.
The spawn eggs for the Zombie Horse, Skeleton Horse and Mule have been returned.
1.1317w45aThe Horse, Zombie Horse, Skeleton Horse, Donkey and Mule models have been changed to be similar to other mobs.
17w46aHorse models have been slightly changed.
18w03aThe horse models have been changed again.
18w19aNow skeleton horses go to the bottom of reservoirs, but do not suffocate.
18w22aA random white dot has been removed from the cream-colored horse's tail.
1.13-pre2Skeleton and Zombie horse models have been updated to fix Z-conflict (a bug that causes unintentional and ugly texture mapping).
The zombie horse now drowns in water. Pre-release 1The armor slot texture in the horse inventory has been changed to reflect the current horse armor textures.
1.1620w09aThe skeleton horse and zombie horse can now be tied to a leash.
Alpha version of Pocket Edition
0.15.0build 1Added horses, mules, donkeys, skeleton horses and zombie horses.
Official release of Pocket Edition
1.1build 1Zombie horse ID changed from zombiehorse to zombie_horse.
The ID of the skeleton horse has been changed from skeletonhorse to skeleton_horse.
Official release of Bedrock Edition
1.2.6build 1Horse models have been changed.
1.2.9Horses no longer open their mouths when taking damage or being knocked down by a player.
1.5beta horses can now be ridden underwater.
Skeleton horse and zombie horse now sink in water and walk on the bottom.
1.8beta and Zombie horse foals now have a chance to be spawned by a spawn egg.
Legacy Console Edition
TU19CU71.12Patch 1Horses, donkeys and mules have been added to the game.
TU22CU101.15Added quick access to horse inventory.
TU31CU191.22Patch 3The maturation of foals can be accelerated with the help of wheat.
TU43CU331.36Patch 13Added horse sounds.
TU46CU361.38Patch 15Added skeleton horses.
TU57CU491.56Patch 27Patch s7The Zombie Horse and Skeleton Horse can now be tamed and can now be leashed.
TU60CU511.64Patch 30Added a new horse model.
New Nintendo 3DS Edition
0.1.0Horses added.

Rider's starting position

To master at least basic horse riding skills, you need to train long and hard, and also educate and train your horse no less hard. She must form a single whole with her rider, and pick up his commands at the slightest hint. You don’t need to start classes right away, but after some preparatory work. At the very least, you should calm the animal and keep calm yourself.

Today, horseback riding is associated more with horses. The ability to ride a horse and stay well in the saddle is considered a sign of aristocracy. You can learn how to ride a horse from this article.

The horse is then saddled. At first, a landing block will help you climb onto it - a special step that will not only help the beginner climb to the saddle, but will also reduce the load on the animal’s back. In this case, it is desirable to have an assistant who will hold the horse’s head, but you can simply hold the reins firmly and confidently. More experienced riders do without a block - they rest their left leg on the left stirrup and push off from it, rising to the level of the saddle. All that remains is to throw your right leg over the horse’s back and put it into the second stirrup.

Once seated in the saddle, it is important to position your legs correctly. Turn them with your knees inward, as if hugging the horse's sides, but do not squeeze it too tightly. The heels point slightly down and the toes point up. If this position makes you uncomfortable, practice at home. Stand on the edge of the step with your heels hanging out and maintain your balance for as long as possible.

Preparation before training

Cleaning should be done outside the stall. To keep the animal in place, you need to tie it. Before training, the horse should be cleaned using a hair scraper. The direction of movement is against the growth of the coat, starting from the neck. After this, take a stiff brush and remove excess hair and dirt with straight movements. Do the same with your legs.

Preparation before training

Do not touch the face, ears, belly, mane, tail. These areas are cleaned with a soft brush. Use a damp washcloth to wipe your nose and eyes. A special scraper is used to clean the horse's hooves of stones and dirt before and after training. You should not stand too far away, as the horse may kick hard. A special wide comb is used to pass along the tail and mane, capturing individual strands. If during cleaning you find scabs or signs of fly bites, then you should anoint them with Vaseline.

Horseback riding - basic information

You can learn horse riding on your own, but it is better to go to specialized stables. In any case, the learning process begins with choosing a style. The main ones are English and Western. The following sequence of skill acquisition is typical for English:

1They study and reinforce in practice the basic techniques of starting and stopping movements - leg movements, voice commands, working with the reins.
2They master the technique of maintaining balance by moving the body, resting the legs in the stirrups and other actions.
3They synchronize the movements of the horse's head and the rider's hands to prevent pain in the animal and the transmission of false commands due to involuntary pulling on the reins.
4They learn to turn using the bit, moving the body or controlling the legs.
5They master the trot and easy gallop, and after gaining the necessary skills they move on to more complex and dangerous gaits.

Main types of gait

English riding style

Learning Western riding style is not too different from English riding. The main emphasis is on controlling the reins, and hand movements are not so active and intense. After the step, they move on to jogging, which is slightly slower than the classic trot and differs from it in the nature of the gait.

Video - How to prepare a horse for training


  • 1 Description 1.1 Donkey and mule 1.1.1 The appearance of donkeys
  • 1.1.2 Emergence of mules
  • 1.2 Skeleton Rider
  • 2 Use
  • 3 Characteristics
  • 4 The appearance of horses
  • 5 Breeding
      5.1 Horse food
  • 6 Equipment
  • 7 Data values
      7.1 ID
  • 7.2 NBT tags
  • 8 Achievements
  • 9 History
  • 10 Interesting facts
  • 11 Problems
  • 12 Gallery
  • 13 See also
  • 14 Notes
  • How to rein a horse?

    To rein a horse means to move backwards, to go in reverse. This is a difficult riding technique that not every rider can master. The easiest way to teach reining is to a young horse that rarely rides under saddle. If in front of you is a familiar animal, it will be much more difficult to cope with the task.

    To effectively rein a horse, it is necessary to combine three control methods - moving your own weight, working with the reins and controlling your shin. The correct sequence of actions is as follows:

    1The starting position is taken (the same as when moving forward).
    2The rider moves his torso forward, after which he firmly squeezes the sides of the animal with his shins.
    3If the horse leans forward, you should tighten the reins, stopping him and forcing him to sit back.

    It is important to monitor the movement of the horse's legs. It must start moving from the front leg - otherwise there is a high risk of losing balance and the animal falling. By pulling the rein diagonally, that is, transferring more force to one side, you can force the horse to move his left or right leg. This technique is used quite often and is very helpful in management.

    Pay attention to the anatomical features of the animal - if it has a weak back, you should not bend down too much when sitting down, so as not to damage it. In this case, it will be enough to bend over slightly, not forgetting to work with your legs.

    Rewards and punishments

    The horse understands intonation very well. Praise should be pronounced in a satisfied voice, in the same words. The pet responds well to smiling, stroking, and a light pat on the shoulder. A treat (a piece of sugar, a cracker, an apple, a carrot) motivates the animal well. But moderation must be observed so as not to spoil the horse.

    Raising a horse is impossible without punishment for disobedience. However, spurs and whips are used in special cases. A sharp shout with a dissatisfied intonation works well. If the horse does not comply with one command, you should immediately give it two other tasks. For obedient behavior, you need to thank her with a treat. If a horse bites, then weak slaps on the face and croup will help. Each type of punishment must follow immediately after committing an offense in order to strengthen the horse's reflex.

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