Effective methods for getting rid of bed fleas at home

Fleas are dangerous to human health as they transmit diseases, including fatal ones. Therefore, the question of how to get rid of bed fleas is relevant. These insects harm not only people, but also animals, causing severe discomfort from bites, serious skin lesions, and allergic reactions.

There are several ways to fight fleas in the bed - by contacting the sanitary and epidemiological service, using traditional methods, or using chemical reagents. The effectiveness of the chosen method depends on how long ago bed parasites appeared in the house and how many there are.

  • Determining the presence of bed fleas
  • Symptoms and body sensations
  • What do their bites look like?
  • The most effective ways to get rid of bed fleas
  • Chemicals
  • Natural helpers
  • Additional measures
  • Preventive measures for the future
  • Bed linen and mattress care
  • Consequences

Determining the presence of bed fleas

Most often, fleas appear in a mattress in the warm season - mainly in summer and early autumn. There are several reasons why parasites appear in an apartment. Knowing what linen fleas look like and having determined the presence of this parasite in the house, you should begin to fight it.

What factors influence the appearance of insects:

  • Unsanitary conditions in the basement of the house.
  • Excessive dampness in the premises.
  • Unclean neighbors in a multi-storey building.

Parasites can be picked up by a pet that goes outside for a walk. If you suspect an insect in your apartment, you should determine what bed fleas look like. They move very quickly, which is why they cannot always be immediately distinguished from other types of pests.

Fleas in the house - folk remedies

  • Since ancient times, herbal preparations have been used against fleas. Wormwood, tansy, bay leaf, chamomile, mint are suitable. Plants were laid out indoors - on the floor, in the corners. They also prepared infusions. They brewed it with boiling water, let it sit and sprayed it on the house. Since fleas are very sensitive to pungent odors, periodic treatments with herbs can drive annoying “tenants” out of the house.
  • Garlic is used for the same reason. Place the cloves around the house and periodically replace them with fresh ones. For a quick effect, chop the garlic and sprinkle it on the floor. After 10–15 minutes, collect and do wet cleaning. You can also prepare an infusion. Pour boiling water over 100 grams of garlic, leave, and sprinkle indoors.
  • Pine sawdust and pine shavings are crushed in the corners of the house and on the floor. Animal mattresses and bedding are filled with these ingredients. You can also hang a bag nearby and place them there.
  • Citrus. Perhaps the most pleasant remedy. The smell in the house will be appetizing, and the fleas will gradually disappear. It is not the fruit itself that is used, but the skins. Tangerine, grapefruit, orange, lemon are suitable.
  • Baking soda and table salt. Add to the water in which pets are bathed.
  • When washing floors and wet cleaning, add soap, vinegar or ammonia to the water.
  • Essential oils are used for the same purpose. They drip into water when cleaning or just to add scent to the house.

Symptoms and body sensations

The presence of parasites in a home can be detected by the presence of bites on the body of a person or animal. It can be difficult to see because it is small in size, but some characteristic symptoms can help you determine if your pet has parasites: They do not have wings.

  • They are small in size - from 0.1 to 1 cm, usually 3 mm.
  • Long hind legs.

The insects are brown in color and have a round body. They are protected by chitin, which makes it difficult to kill the insect with your finger. Fleas can lay eggs on the fur of animals, as well as in secluded places in the apartment - the larvae look like grains of rice and are white.

How to recognize a parasite?

Before you start exterminating fleas, you need to make sure that it is the fleas in your apartment and not other parasites, such as bedbugs. This must be done for a simple reason - different insects need to be fought with different methods.

Fleas are distinguished by:

  • Characteristic color (from brown-black to wheat-yellow);
  • Size (length – 1-5 millimeters);
  • Body structure.
  • In the flea it is flattened on the sides, there are numerous spines and bristles with which it can attach itself to various surfaces;
  • Jumping. Fleas have three pairs of legs, thanks to which they can jump distances many times greater than the length of their body.

What do their bites look like?

Even knowing what bed fleas look like, you cannot always notice the insect itself; more often you can detect bites. To identify the presence of this particular parasite in the house, it is important to know how fleas bite. Residents often mistake skin lesions for mosquito bites, however, bed fleas bite more painfully. If black dots appear on your pets' bedding or in secluded places in your apartment, you can talk about parasites infesting your home.

Features of insect bites:

  • Most often they bite through the skin where it is thinner - under the armpits, under the knee, in the abdomen, neck.
  • The bite site is itchy.
  • Swelling appears.
  • The skin around the bite is red.
  • The wounds are small.
  • You can notice a small line of bites - each of them is at a distance of 2 cm from each other.

The itching and painful sensations themselves do not pose a danger to humans and animals, but parasites are carriers of diseases that can lead to complications and even death.
One of the pathologies that occurs after contact with bed parasites is an allergic reaction. It is undesirable to scratch wounds, as it can introduce infection into the body. Bites from bed fleas should be washed with water and treated with an antiseptic. To help pets get rid of insects, you should take a special collar, drops or other products that are sold in specialized stores.

How to understand that there are fleas in the apartment

Before insects begin to actively reproduce, it is difficult to determine their presence in the apartment. This can be done based on the following criteria:

  1. Contamination appears on the bed linen. This is parasite excrement. To make sure, white paper is placed on the bed. The appearance of black dots on it after some time indicates the presence of pests.
  2. Animals become restless and often itch. At the moment of a flea bite, the pet twitches in pain.
  3. Tiny larvae appear in the coals of rooms and in garbage. They are inactive. Their body is translucent.

A clear sign of the presence of pests in the house is the discovery of bite marks on the body. Red dots are found mainly on the legs. They itch and cause discomfort.

The most effective ways to get rid of bed fleas

When fighting insects, you should not only decide how to treat the bed, but also other surfaces in the house. Bed fleas live not only on a person’s mattress, they settle there to find food. At other times, they can be in any secluded places - cracks in furniture, where there is a lot of dust, heaps of garbage, if there are any in the house, as well as on pets’ bedding.

You can get rid of parasites at home on your own only if the problem has appeared relatively recently and has not become widespread. If there are already a lot of individuals, you will need to use chemical reagents or call a special disinfestation service.

Why are fleas dangerous?

Of course, fleas jumping all over the apartment are not a joyful sight, but there is not only an aesthetic side. There are many reasons why you need to get rid of fleas as soon as possible, including:

  • Flea bites are painful. The parasites feed on blood, and during the bite they do not inject any anesthetics, “thanks” to this bite they are so painful. As a rule, fleas bite a person's legs.
  • Fleas are carriers of many diseases. Of course, now they are no longer factors leading to epidemics of typhoid or plague as before, but even now, fleas can carry infections that lead to infection or suppuration of wounds.

It can be argued that today fleas do not pose a mortal threat as in the Middle Ages, but they can bring a lot of unpleasant moments into your life and the lives of people close to you.


The most popular option for getting rid of insects is the use of chemicals. When carrying out pest control yourself, you should use a special respirator and rubber gloves. Such precautions will help avoid inhalation of harmful substances and skin contact with the chemical.

To combat bed fleas, almost any substance that is designed to exterminate crawling insects is suitable. The most popular is Dichlorvos. But there are other drugs that differ in cost, toxicity, and application features.

What remedies will help you get rid of harmful parasites:

  • Delta Zone - active ingredient - Deltamethrin. Allows you to get rid of not only fleas, but also cockroaches, flies, bedbugs, mosquitoes, and ants.
  • Xulate Micro - active ingredients of the drug - PPB, Tetramethrin, Cypermethrin. Used in the fight against fleas, bedbugs, cockroaches.
  • GET – active substance – Chlorpyrifos. Fights fleas, as well as cockroaches, bedbugs, ants and flies.
  • Adamant – active substances – Malathion, Cypermethrin. Allows you to get rid of wingless insects such as fleas, bed bugs, ants.

Treatment with toxic drugs should be carried out in the absence of children and animals. It is better to put food products in the refrigerator or tightly closed cabinet so that the substance does not get on them.

Beds are treated with the selected preparation, especially in joints and crevices. You need to spray the product on the baseboards, cabinets, and clothes. The drug must be distributed, moving towards the exit. You should pay attention to the bathroom during the spraying process, as insects accumulate in damp rooms. The apartment must be left with the windows and doors closed for several hours.

After carrying out the treatment, after some time it is recommended to repeat the procedure - new fleas may hatch from the eggs that were previously laid by insects, then the previously carried out action will not bring results. It is better to postpone cleaning for several days; there is no need to wash the treated walls and floors of chemicals, this way the treatment will be more effective. It is recommended to wash bed linen, pet beds, and mattress covers at high temperatures.

If necessary, you can contact special SES services. They carry out disinfestation using special equipment; after the event, there is less chance that parasites will reappear.

How to get fleas out of the house using folk remedies?

Here are a few folk recipes that our grandmothers used before the invention of insecticides.

Mix 100 ml of kerosene with a bucket of water and spray the carpet with this terrible mixture, then leave the room and let it take effect. Afterwards, it is recommended to wet-clean the carpet and clean it of dead fleas.

Caution: Kerosene is flammable, use gloves, do not smell it or smoke near it! Mix salt and baking soda in equal proportions (about 2-3 tablespoons each) and rub it thoroughly into the carpet, then leave overnight and then vacuum. Mix boric acid and some warm water and treat the carpet with this solution. Or use it pure, like Diatomaceous Earth

And finish everything off a few hours later with a vacuum cleaner. Borax powder is more harmful than DE - it is not recommended for use in a home with children or pregnant women, but it shows excellent results in controlling fleas by dehydrating them. Mix alcohol and water in a spray bottle and follow the same procedure as in the recipes above. You can make homemade flea traps. To do this, you will need a round mold, soap (or dish soap) and water. Pour soapy water into a mold and place it in the area where fleas live. They will get trapped and drown. Change such traps every day to prevent mosquitoes from infesting such stagnant water. Knowing that fleas are repelled by the smell of garlic, you can also prepare a homemade carpet repellent: mix brewer's yeast and garlic pulp and apply it to the carpet. This recipe is not for the faint of heart as the garlic smell will be quite noticeable, but let the mixture work and after a few hours clean the carpet of any remaining organic matter and flea eggs, you will see the effect.

Final advice: if suddenly you see that you have tried everything, and the carpet can no longer be saved, fleas still live in it, roll it up tightly and throw it in the trash. It’s better to buy a new one than to waste energy and nerves on saving an old thing.

Natural helpers

Folk remedies for insect control without the use of chemicals are relevant if prevention of the appearance of bed fleas is required. When cleaning walls and floors, you can add eucalyptus infusion to the water. Wormwood can be placed in secluded places in the apartment; the smell of the plant repels insects.

Another way to control insects is by freezing. This method is relevant in the cold season. At low temperatures, parasites die. You should consider in advance whether this method can harm communications and surface coatings in the house.

Price list for apartments

An objectStandard Cold fog 1 year warrantyStandard+ Cold fog + barrier protection 1.5 year warrantyComfort Hot mist 2 year warrantyPremium Comprehensive treatment: cold and hot mist + barrier protection 3 year warranty
1 room + MOP1700 rub.2600 rub.4400 rub.5800 rub.
2 room + MOP2000 rub.3000 rub.4600 rub.6300 rub.
3 room + MOP2200 rub.3200 rub.4800 rub.6700 rub.
4 room + MOP2400 rub.3400 rub.5000 rub.7000 rub.
MOP (kitchen, etc.)1400 rub.*2400 rub.*RUB 3,400*

Additional measures

The greatest effect in the fight against bed fleas can be obtained if additional cleaning is carried out some time after treatment. Insects can lay eggs in upholstered furniture and deep-pile carpets - all these surfaces need to be vacuumed.

If you have a pet in the house, you need to treat it for bed fleas. To do this, use special drops, flea shampoo, and a collar - the products are sold at a veterinary pharmacy. It is recommended to wash all items and remove dust and debris from the premises.

Preventive measures for the future

Fleas enter human homes in different ways, however, they often enter through domestic animals, which often walk outside and come into contact with other animals. However, knowing how to treat a bed and how to prevent fleas from appearing on an animal, the problem can be avoided.

What basic measures need to be taken:

  • Regularly wear a special flea collar on your pet if it comes into contact with other animals.
  • Keep the house clean - regularly remove dust, vacuum, wet clean, clean furniture and other soft surfaces.
  • If you suspect the appearance of parasites, start fighting them as early as possible.

Fleas enter homes through attics and basements, where eggs have already been laid and adults have emerged. Then it is necessary to regularly carry out preventive disinfestation.

Our flea control method

1. Inspection - we determine the type of insect, the source of its appearance and the level of infection.

2. Selection of method – we select the optimal method of destruction by spraying drugs or applying gels.

3. Treatment with imported drugs produced by BAYER and BASF allows in 98% of cases to obtain the desired result.

4. Recommendations – we inform each client about ways to timely prevent the appearance of fleas and other insects.

Bed linen and mattress care

To reduce the risk of parasite reproduction, special attention should be paid to the sleeping area - there is a large accumulation of bed fleas due to the availability of food. It is important to periodically clean the mattress cover, vacuum the bed, and change bed linen regularly.

If disinsection has been carried out previously, all laundry must be washed at high temperatures. There may have been flea excrement, larvae, or dead adults in the laundry. Washing is necessary to prevent bed fleas or allergic reactions.

Price list for legal entities: treatment of territories and premises from insects

up to 50 m2from 2500 rub.from 2400 rub.
from 50 to 100 m2from 2900 rub.from 2800 rub.
from 100 to 300 m230 rub./m2from 20 rub./m2
from 300 to 500 m225 RUR/m2from 17 RUR/m2
from 500 to 1000 m220 rub./m2from 9 rub./m2
from 1000 to 2500 m215 rub./m2from 5 rub./m2
More than 2500 m210 rub./m2 price negotiable (from 1 rub./m2)


The least damage caused by insects is red dots, swelling, and discomfort resulting from parasite bites. If the wounds are not treated and combed, there is a risk of infection; the scratched areas may fester.

There is a risk of inflammation of the lymph nodes, allergies, and anaphylactic shock. If negative symptoms appear, it is recommended to consult a doctor. The most serious danger from fleas is that they carry diseases:

  • Anthrax.
  • Typhus.
  • Trypanosomiasis.
  • Tularemia.
  • Salmonellosis.
  • Listeriosis.
  • Encephalitis.
  • Plague.

To avoid the occurrence of life-threatening infections, it is necessary to carry out sanitary treatment if harmful bed parasites appear in the house.

Knowing how to get rid of bed fleas, you can prevent their reproduction in a short time and protect yourself from existing fleas. Carrying out measures to get rid of insects will avoid negative consequences.

The danger of fleas to your health

The appearance of fleas in an apartment brings suffering to the owners. Their bites are painful and leave behind swelling and redness on the skin. In addition, insects cause the following health problems:

  1. Severe allergic reactions. The bite sites swell greatly, and unbearable itching appears. In severe cases, anaphylactic shock or Quincke's edema is possible. Such conditions threaten human life and require immediate medical attention.
  2. Brucellosis is an infectious disease accompanied by fever and headaches. The lymphatic system is affected, causing bradycardia and dyspeptic disorders.
  3. Tularemia. This infectious disease has several forms, the most dangerous of which is generalized. It affects the respiratory, nervous and cardiovascular systems.
  4. Hepatitis. This disease is characterized by liver damage up to complete loss of its functionality.
  5. Typhus. A group of diseases characterized by damage to the nervous system.

Insect bites provoke neuroses and sleep disorders. A person constantly wakes up at night from painful bites. As a result, he cannot fully rest, becomes lethargic and irritable, and his performance decreases.

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