How to quickly remove fleas from dogs at home

Caring owners are concerned about the health of their pet, trying to protect it from parasites. However, no method gives a 100% guarantee, so from time to time the question may arise of how to remove fleas from a dog. Usually, if you act quickly and correctly, you can get rid of pests at home in a short time.

Where do fleas come from on dogs?

Many owners of small dogs who do not even go outside mistakenly believe that flea problems will not affect them. But that's not true. Fleas can appear in animals after:

  • walks in the forest, visiting places where dogs gather;
  • contact with other animals - even simple sniffing is enough for the pet to become infected;
  • contact with humans - fleas often move on people’s clothes or shoes;
  • a visit to an infected house or institution, for example, after visiting a veterinary clinic, where high-quality cleaning was not carried out.

Fleas especially love pregnant bitches and pets during the period of “estrus”: because of this, the level of cortisol and corticosteroids in the blood increases, which attracts parasites.

Causes of flea infestation in a kitten

At 5...6 weeks of age, the cub has already erupted teeth, they are able to eat meat, cottage cheese, and ready-made food.

The reasons for infection of a baby under the mother and a weaned baby are different. Those who are with a cat only get fleas from it. Even if the animal has been treated for insects, when it leaves the nest, it acquires them on the street.

The kitten arrives to its new owners at two months of age. If there are arthropod eggs on it that the previous owners did not notice, larvae hatch from them, attack the baby, feed and turn into adult insects.

If there are other cats nearby, the insect will inevitably jump to a new hunting object. Finally, arthropod eggs can be brought by the owner on the soles of shoes.

Flea eggs

How to determine if a dog has fleas

How does a pet become infected?

The main problem is that fleas can settle on a dog even after a short walk outside or meeting another animal. Once the parasite settles on your pet, it will begin to lay eggs and multiply quickly. This cannot be allowed, as contamination can cause an infection.

Symptoms of infection

Determining the presence of parasites is simple - watch your dog.

Symptoms of infection:

  • the animal is constantly itching;
  • appetite and weight decrease sharply;
  • the appearance of aggression uncharacteristic for a pet.

It is worth examining the dog - the presence of whitish grains indicates parasite eggs, black grains indicate its excrement.

Do dog fleas bite people?

Fleas that live on dogs can bite people when they are very hungry. Moreover, even if the pet is not at home, they can live both in the “house” and on the litter.

Red spots appear at the bite sites, and the skin begins to itch.

Are cats and dogs the same?

Often pets suffer from the same type of fleas, but Ctenocephalides canis most often lives on dogs, and Ctenocephalides felis on cats.

general information

These parasites are wingless, but they do not need wings. They can jump 35 centimeters in height, and 18 centimeters in length. Therefore, even if you are sure that there cannot be fleas in your house and the dog could not pick them up, then they can perfectly well “come” to you on their own.

Fleas undergo a complete transformation in their development. This means that an adult individual lays eggs (in fact, she doesn’t just lay them, but literally shoots them at some distance from herself), from which, under favorable conditions, a larva hatches; after a while, after several molts, it becomes a pupa, and from there an adult emerges.

At the pupal stage, it is worth paying special attention, since thanks to this, fleas can survive in the external environment for a long time. Pupae can survive in this state for up to two years and are difficult to destroy. The adult hatches instantly under good external conditions. Also, vibration and noise encourage them to wake up, so they “understand” that there may be food nearby.

If there is a host, fleas live up to 100 days, and lay 40 - 50 eggs per day.

It is very important to know that fleas do not live on dogs and other animals, they only feed on them. Therefore, you should not think that “hairless” dogs, such as Chinese Cresteds, cannot have fleas. They really can.

And they hide in the environment, in the house these are carpets, baseboards, furniture and other hard-to-reach places. If these parasites constantly live on a dog, this means that their number has reached a very large scale.

Many people do not realize the dangers that these parasites pose.

Only one adult can drink up to one milliliter of blood per day. For a large dog this may not mean anything, but for puppies and representatives of dwarf breeds it is very harmful. Considering that up to several dozen fleas feed on one dog, this leads to significant blood loss.

In addition, fleas are carriers of some infections, but they also transmit helminths, namely the cucumber tapeworm. This parasite can be found in feces (or on the fur around the anus if the dog has thick hair) and looks like cucumber seeds or flattened rice.

Many dogs have an innate hypersensitivity to flea saliva, and just a few bites are enough to trigger an allergic reaction called flea dermatitis. The dog is constantly itching and its hair is falling out. Allergy to flea saliva is the most common allergy today.

Folk remedies for fleas on dogs

Folk remedies are best suited if the dog is pregnant, nursing puppies, or needs to cure a small pet. But in some cases, at an early stage of infection, they can also help an adult dog.


The most effective plants are tansy, wormwood, and eucalyptus. You can make decoctions and infusions from them - you can bathe your dog in them. Considered a safe option for puppies and pregnant bitches.


Parasites cannot stand the smell of garlic. However, it is worth remembering that garlic is very dangerous for dogs - if ingested, it can cause severe poisoning, even death. A solution is prepared from it: finely chop 3 cloves, add a glass of water, and leave to steep overnight.

The liquid can only be used on that part of the body that the dog cannot reach with its tongue.


It works similarly to garlic: finely chop the onion, add a glass of water, add a little soap, stir - after a day you can use it.

Laundry soap

A soap-based solution is also popular: mix 1 tsp. fir and tea tree oil with grated soap. It is enough to add the composition to the water when washing dogs.

Essential oils

Parasites are afraid of any essential oil. Therefore, it is enough to add a few drops to the water when washing your dog. But you can also apply a small amount of liquid directly to the withers.


The smell of pine needles will repel the pest. It is best to place it in your pet's house or on its bedding.


A solution of water and apple cider vinegar in a ratio of 1:3 works well against fleas. You need to lubricate the animal with the resulting composition and wash it off after half an hour.

Chemical pest control agents

If traditional methods do not help or the dog has developed an allergy, you can purchase special industrial preparations aimed at fighting fleas.


Shampoos have a short-term effect, so they are recommended to be used as a preventive method. There are shampoos based on natural ingredients and insecticides. The latter should be used carefully - they can cause allergies. The most famous brands: Beaphar, Fitoelita, Celandine.


It is considered the most popular and easiest to use product. The number of drops depends on the weight of the dog. On average, the drug lasts 3–5 weeks, then you need to apply the drops again to the withers. The most popular drops: Frontline spot, Celandine.

Sprays and aerosols

Such formulations are very effective, but there may be problems with their use. When using them, you need to try not to point the stream at the face, then make sure that the dog does not lick itself for at least 6 hours. Popular means: Stronghold, Frontline, Bars.

Anti-flea collars

The main advantage is that the effect of the collar can last up to 9 months. It is recommended to put it on your pet at the very beginning of spring. However, if fleas appear, it will not be possible to cure the animal with just a collar. It should not be used on puppies or pregnant dogs. Popular options: HartZ, Beaphar.


Considered the cheapest option. Powders are manufactured in veterinary pharmacies to order, taking into account the weight of the dog. The main disadvantage is the inconvenience and duration of use.


Tablets are a fairly common method for controlling fleas. However, it should be noted that this method is not effective enough - it is necessary to combine it with other drugs. In addition, the disadvantages of tablets include the fact that in some cases they can cause allergies. The most popular tablets are Comforts, Capstar.

Shampoos: what is their effectiveness

The undeniable advantage of using flea shampoos for dogs is their gentle effect. Gentle on the animal, but effective against parasites. Many shampoos can be used to control biting insects in puppies, sick and old pets.

Popular shampoos:

  • Phytoelite. An effective drug whose active ingredient is permethin. Permethine has no toxic effects and is safe for animals and people.
  • Doctor Zoo is a popular product that does not contain synthetic insecticides. The antiparasitic effect is achieved due to the essential oils of chamomile, thyme, and sage, which are contained in the preparation. Compared to other shampoos, Doctor Zoo is less effective, but absolutely safe. It will help control fleas, but ticks and lice are a different story.
  • Celandine. The shampoo, which does not differ in its composition and properties from Phytoelite, is popular among dog breeders due to its widespread use.

Important! When you bathe an animal with this shampoo, be careful not to get it into the animal's eyes, ears, or mouth. Do not use more than 60 ml of product in one bath.

The disadvantage of using shampoos is the lack of residual effect, so shampoos must be combined with collars. We will tell you further about how to choose a good collar.

Features of treatment for puppies

Treatment of puppies has its own characteristics that the dog owner needs to know in order to choose the right remedy.

How dangerous are flea bites for a puppy?

For small puppies, fleas are much more dangerous than for adult animals. The main problem is that the puppies' immunity is not fully formed, which is why they become practically defenseless against infectious agents that can enter the bloodstream when bitten by a parasite.

Due to their very delicate skin, allergic reactions in puppies may be more severe.

Signs of a parasite

The main sign of fleas in a puppy is constant itching, falling out fur, and red spots on the skin.

But in order to accurately determine the presence of parasites, you need to carefully examine your pet - in puppies, fleas usually settle near the ears, because that is where the skin is the thinnest.

How to protect babies under 1 month from bloodsuckers?

Until the age of one month, there are no chemical means to protect against fleas, but you can use folk remedies. You can bathe your baby in a bath with tansy or mint - water procedures should last at least 15 minutes.

After this, comb the puppy to remove dead parasites.

Fleas on a 1 month old puppy

At this age, it is also undesirable to use any chemicals. It is better to wash the puppy in a bath with the addition of laundry or tar soap - it will repel parasites.

To get rid of fleas, you must first wet the fur, apply a soap solution for 15 minutes, and then rinse.

Fleas on a 2 month old puppy

At this age, the puppy’s immunity becomes stronger, so more powerful remedies can be used. Best to use:

  • special shampoos based on natural ingredients;
  • collars based on essential oils.

You can also use sprays and drops, but only if there is only one pet in the house - when there are several puppies in the litter, these products can be dangerous.

Fleas on a 3 month old puppy

At this age, various insecticidal drugs can already be used. Without fear, you can use shampoos, drops, sprays, choosing a product according to your age.

How to remove fleas from older puppies

For dogs older than six months, you can use all the drugs presented at the veterinary market: shampoos, sprays, drops, tablets.

When choosing, be guided by the tendency to develop allergies, general condition, and the severity of flea infestation. If there are a lot of parasites, you should first wash the puppy with shampoo and then treat it with drops.

Important conditions to resolve the problem

Important conditions for eliminating parasites include:

  • Once fleas are discovered, action must be taken to eliminate them as soon as possible. If you hesitate, then after 1.5 weeks their number can increase up to 10 times.
  • When choosing a product, it is recommended to consult a veterinarian, who will select the best option for the animal depending on its condition and age.
  • It is very important to follow the instructions for the drug exactly - this will avoid poisoning and other health problems.

It is important to use an integrated approach to flea removal: you need to not only treat the pet itself, but also the room. It is recommended to combine industrial insecticides and traditional methods.

Pine sawdust

Fleas cannot tolerate the smell of pine sawdust. If the dog is trained to sleep in its place, place a pillow there with pine sawdust sewn into it. Fleas will not stay long, much less lay eggs. This method is most likely good for prevention, but not for directly getting rid of the problem.

Pine sawdust

Our recommendations will help cure any dog ​​of small annoying parasites. Just stick to them strictly!

Is there a flea vaccination?

There is no flea vaccination that protects a pet for a year. However, you can inject an insecticide - the action resembles drops and protects your pet for about 5-6 months. It works as follows: when bitten, the parasite receives a dose of a substance that leads to its death.

Advantages of the method:

  • simplicity of the method - just 1 injection is enough;
  • the product will not enter the stomach, which eliminates the possibility of poisoning.

However, not everyone can receive such an injection: it is not suitable for puppies under 3 months, dogs prone to allergies, and weakened animals.

Treating the area where the dog lives

To get rid of parasites, it is important not only to treat the pet itself. If you don’t clean your apartment of fleas, then after the effect of the chosen product wears off, they will come back again.

Treating your apartment for dog fleas

There are several methods for processing an apartment:

  • Thermal method, but it can only be used in winter. It is enough to take things outside for a few hours or open the windows wide. Another option is to treat things with boiling water.
  • Use of chemicals - Reid, Phenaxin, etc. are suitable for treating walls, floor coverings, and furniture. The main thing is to treat everything in the apartment, otherwise the parasites may appear again.
  • Using traditional methods. The same products are used as for treating a pet: wormwood, oils. In addition, they can be used in parallel with chemicals to enhance the effect.

If there are too many fleas, it is better to call a special parasite control service.

Processing the dog house

When treating an apartment, you must not forget about the dog’s bed - bedding or house. If the infection is severe, it is recommended to throw away all these products and buy new ones for your pet. But you can also try to remove parasites by placing branches of wormwood or mint in the house.

Safety rules for processing

Regardless of the type of product used, it is important to follow a number of recommendations when treating the dog and the premises:

  • You should not use drugs that have expired - not only will they not work, but they can also be dangerous for your pet;
  • Before using any product, you must carefully study the instructions;
  • if it is not possible to get advice from a veterinarian, then when using the drug you must follow all the dosage instructions prescribed in the annotation and the rules of use;
  • if after treatment the pet becomes ill, you must immediately go to the clinic or call a specialist at home;
  • It is advisable to carry out treatment in the apartment with gloves and a mask, so as not to inhale the fumes of insecticides; upon completion, wash your hands thoroughly with soap.

Prevention of re-infection

To avoid the recurrence of fleas, it is recommended:

  • use a parasite collar;
  • inspect your pet’s fur and skin more often;
  • monitor hygiene in the house - remove shoes when entering the apartment, clean more often;
  • After a walk, wash the dog’s paws and comb it.

There are many flea treatments on the market today, but the tips above will help you avoid infecting your dog. If this does happen, it is important to start treatment as soon as possible.

Measures and means for prevention

To protect against re-infection with parasites, it is recommended to wear a flea collar on your dog. Budget options include domestic options such as Barrier and Dana Ultra. Some decide to use more expensive collars: Rolf Club, Bolfo, Kiltix. The main thing is to choose the appropriate option for your pet, for this you need to consider:

  • weight;
  • neck girth;
  • breed;
  • wool length.

Each manufacturer offers products in several versions, so once you decide on a company, you can choose the collar that is ideal for your pet.

A good way to protect dogs from parasites is vaccination. Despite the trend away from the procedure, veterinarians around the world still consider it relevant.

Also, for preventive purposes, it is recommended to treat the room in which the dog is located with dichlorvos and kerosene. This applies to the booth, the animal’s bedding, and the entire perimeter of the room. Dichlorvos can be purchased at pet stores; it is sprayed according to the instructions. Kerosene is an ancient, but still common method of treating a room.

To remove fleas from a dog, you need to choose the right drug; drops are the fastest-acting. Their action can be supplemented by the use of tablets, shampoos, and collars. Folk remedies are also effective, but they do not replace basic treatment.

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