Fighting dangerous insects: an effective recipe with boric acid against wasps

Wasps will cause a lot of damage to the ripening crop of strawberries, raspberries, pears and grapes. How to get rid of wasps in the most effective and cost-effective way. The fight against wasps should begin at the end of May. During this period of time, their numbers are not as large as from mid-July to the end of September. When the harvest of pears and grapes ripens.

Wasps, unlike bees, do not fly several kilometers from their nest in search of food. And they use a food supply within 150 - 200 meters from their home. Therefore, we will be able to get rid of wasps in our dacha or garden. And save the grape harvest, which wasps especially deal with in a barbaric way. Wasps can completely destroy a grape harvest within a week.

There are two ways to control wasps. The first is using traps. The second is with the help of baits. It is better to combine both of them and then you will understand why. And the most important thing is to start fighting them as early as possible without waiting for the grapes and pears to begin to ripen. And then you will be pleasantly surprised that the harvest is ripe, and by this time there are no more wasps living in your neighborhood.

To understand why this will happen, let’s look at the wasp’s life cycle. In early spring, in mid-April, nest construction begins by a fertilized female who has overwintered since last year. And it lays larvae there, which it then feeds.

This is how the first generation of worker wasps is born, which subsequently take on all the responsibilities for further construction of the nest, feeding the larvae and protecting the wasp family from enemies. And the sooner we destroy wasps in our summer cottage, the fewer generations of wasps we will have to fight.

Boric acid against wasps

Destruction of wasps can also be carried out at home, using poisonous baits or other devices based on boric acid. Its properties allow you to quickly kill insects, but when using such products you must remember safety rules. This substance must be used with caution, since it, once it saturates the soil, can harm plants.

Once in the open space, the poison remains active for 20 days, and during this time not only wasps, but also other insects that do not pose a threat to humans die. At the same time, boric acid is not dangerous for people and warm-blooded animals, but you should still avoid getting it into the eyes, respiratory tract or digestive system.

Precautionary measures

Tips to remember when using boric acid as an insecticide

  • Keep boric acid away from animals and children. According to experts, boric acid is non-toxic when consumed or comes into contact with human skin. However, it can cause irritation and redness of the eyes. May cause skin irritation. If you are allergic to certain substances, always wear masks and other protective clothing to avoid exposure to the substance.
  • People who accidentally ingested it reported experiencing nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain and diarrhea.
  • People who accidentally inhaled it experienced dry nose, mouth and throat.
  • In infants, it can cause dysfunction in the nervous system, which includes poor posture, seizures, coma, confusion, or disorientation.

How to poison wasps

Is it worth reminding once again that a toxic substance should be used in extreme cases, with extreme caution. The poison is absorbed by the green part of the plant, the roots, and remains active in the soil. The wasp poison is completely neutralized after 20 days. All this time, insects that do not harm humans will die. The absence of side effects in humans after using a toxic substance does not mean that it is safe.

When choosing a poison, you also need to take into account the method of its use, which will reduce the negative impact on the environment. Wasp poison is made in the form of a spray, aerosol, powder, poisonous bait, concentrated emulsion or liquid. Ready-to-use sprays are especially popular. You just need to shake the bottle and spray in the right place. Wasps are extremely sensitive to insecticides, so even the smallest amount of them will kill them.

In most cases, poisonous bait is prepared independently using boric acid. The product is odorless, so it does not repel insects with an extremely sensitive sense of smell. When used correctly, there is no taste. Once inside, it disrupts the functioning of the nervous system, causing paralysis and death. Boric acid against wasps and other pests is sold in the pharmacy in powder form, 10 g per package.

Remedies against wasps

The remedy against wasps in the nest is insecticides in the form of a spray or aerosol. The choice is extremely wide. They are sold in specialized stores, hardware departments of supermarkets, even in grocery stores. It is possible to order via the Internet.

On a note!

The spray is applied directly to the nest or a plastic bag, and then put it on top of the cocoon. In the latter case, it is possible to avoid negative impacts on the environment and other insects, and the effectiveness of the method increases. The wasps inside the nest die within a couple of hours, unable to get out.

Preparations for wasps for regular raids on the house are concentrated insecticides. The solution is prepared immediately before use, diluted according to the instructions with water. Spray the outer walls of the building. The poison remains active on the surface for about 20 days in the absence of heavy rains. The maximum effect lasts 2 hours.

How to poison wasps depends on the specific situation, the number of insects, and the person’s personal preferences. An effective remedy is available in any category if used correctly.

Recipes and instructions for use

The effect of the drug on bedbugs is possible only by contact.
It should get on the body of insects, lead to drying of their tissues and subsequent death. To do this, the powder is used in dry form, scattered in places where parasites are expected to move. The powder should be sprinkled between walls, baseboards and other horizontal surfaces where bedbugs may be present. You can make traps by pouring large piles of powder with flour in the places where insects follow. Baits in the form of a mixture of powder and egg yolk are ineffective when fighting bedbugs, since they drink human blood and do not show interest in food.

A mixture of acid and egg does not affect bedbugs, since they are not interested in food.

One of the recipes will help enhance the effect of using boric acid:

  1. Combine naphthalene (25 g), turpentine and kerosene (100 ml each). Apply to places where the movement of blood-sucking parasites has been observed, and ventilate the room well.
  2. Pour dry wormwood (100 g) with one liter of alcohol and leave in a dark place for 4 weeks. Treat surfaces on which bed bugs move.
  3. Wipe crevices, sockets, baseboards, and entrance doors with vinegar essence in situations where bed bugs live among neighbors. A substance with a pungent odor will repel parasites and become an obstacle to their relocation to a new apartment.

In September 2022, a paper by one researcher was published in the Journal of Economic Entomology. In it, entomologist professor Kobi Shala argues that boric acid is only effective when it penetrates their body.

After conducting experiments with the substance, it turned out that when bloodsuckers were exposed externally to dry powder, their mortality rate was 33%. With multiple increases in poison concentration, losses increased by 10%, and only among hungry males. More than 85% of well-fed individuals experienced negative effects on their body.

Eating acid also made it possible, for which special feeders with blood and poison were prepared. A portion of blood containing 0.5% of the substance helped destroy up to 80% of bedbugs within a week. When the concentration increased to 1%, all individuals died within 4 days.

Reviews from people who tried to fight bed bugs using the product in question indicate such disadvantages of the product as:

  • long wait for insects to receive a lethal dose of the substance;
  • no toxic effect on larvae;
  • the need to sprinkle powder almost throughout the entire room, which gives the apartment an untidy appearance and increases the risk of the substance entering the human body through the respiratory tract, by contact.

Boric acid should be used as part of a comprehensive active bed bug control program. To get quick results and eliminate outbreaks of insects, you should resort to the services of a team of exterminators.

Previous BedbugsHow to treat allergies to bedbug bites in children and adults Next BedbugsDescription and danger of waterbugs

How to use insecticides

  • If a nest of wasps or hornets was found on the balcony of a city apartment or a summer cottage, then 100% results are achieved when the larvae, adults and the queen in the nest are destroyed. Fast-acting insecticides are great for this.
  • If insects fly to a summer cottage just to feed, then they must not only be attracted to the poisoned bait, but also forced to eat it. Therefore, the drug should be purchased so that it does not have a strong odor and does not interrupt the smell of the bait.
  • When using insecticidal agents against hornets and wasps in a summer cottage, it is necessary to do this in such a way that the crop and other inhabitants of the site are not harmed.

Buying effective preparations for wasps and hornets is not a problem; any hardware store offers a wide selection of various insecticidal products. But many of them have a strong unpleasant odor, rather low efficiency and pose a danger to humans.

Disadvantages of the drug

There are 2 types of wasp repellent: for adult insects and for all individuals, including larvae. The first option is designed taking into account the tastes of pests - poisons are added to syrup or fermented jam. The second contains a strong concentration of poison, which is used to spray the area occupied by pests.

Reliable chemicals for wasp control:

  1. Moskitol. It acts quickly, can only be used outdoors - it is dangerous for people and animals.
  2. Troapsid. The composition includes chlorpyrifos, pyrethroid and abamectin, also instant action. Does not have a pungent odor.
  3. Will dare. Available in capsules, you need to dilute with water, a highly concentrated drug.

To protect yourself from wasps, you need to carry out prevention in the fall. To do this, you need to check the roof, attic, greenhouses, sheds where these insects like to nest. The nests are collected and burned. The same must be done in the spring. But even after such treatment, it is not superfluous to have the necessary drug on hand.

Among the domestic ones, the Cobra remedy for wasps has proven itself well. Basic rules of application:

  • put away food and dishes;
  • shake the can;
  • spray in small portions for 10 seconds in areas of up to 12 square meters;
  • keep a meter away from walls;
  • if the room is being treated, immediately leave for half an hour after spraying and then ventilate;
  • do not spray near fire;
  • If the product gets on your skin, rinse immediately with water.

We invite you to read: Deltsid instructions for use for chickens and other animals

Experienced summer residents advise, before poisoning pests, to stock up on soil in order to fill the nest after treatment. You need to spray it from all sides, because there may be several entrances. It is advisable to keep ice cubes on hand to immediately apply to the bites. It is also worth buying antihistamines.

The anti-wasp remedy is very popular; it should be used as follows:

  • spray into the bag;
  • put it on the nest, tie it tightly;
  • treat the area around.

Chemical poisons act on insects faster than popular folk remedies, but they are also more dangerous to humans. Therefore, you definitely need to take care of personal protective equipment. It is better to work in the dark, when insects not only gather for the night, but are also less active.

Effective drug Mosquitol against wasps - what you need to know:

  1. The effect of the drug is enhanced by a synergist; it also contains cypermethrin and bioallethrin.
  2. Very poisonous, when handling you need to wear a protective suit, respirator, goggles and gloves.
  3. The effect lasts up to 2 hours and destroys individuals of different ages.
  4. 120 minutes after use, remove the nest and destroy it; it is safer to drown or burn it.

For all its positive qualities, the tool under discussion also has a number of disadvantages. In particular, the effect of its use should be expected no earlier than 2 weeks, and sometimes longer.

Recommendations for wasp control

  1. Don’t go to the OS alone, take someone to help you.
  2. Be sure to dress to protect all areas of your body.
  3. If you receive a bite from an aggressive enemy, an allergy may occur. Have anti-allergy medications with you and, if possible, pieces of ice, which you can freeze in the freezer ahead of time.
  4. Dichlorvos will not hurt, which, at least temporarily, as practice has shown, “knocks out” uninvited residents in their nests. But not for long, don't get your hopes up. Modern insecticides guarantee the destruction of wasps, but you need to be alert.
  5. Purchase sprays to kill wasp nests themselves.
  6. It must be remembered that these “striped girls” can settle anywhere, in firewood, grass, bushes.

“We found a neat round nest with wasps under the very roof of the shower stall. I didn’t notice, my height was small, but my husband immediately saw “nose to nose.” They tried to spray him with some kind of smelly product that he brought from the car. The wasps began to fuss for a while, some even fell, but then, as if nothing had happened, they moved lazily again in their nest holes. They didn't pay much attention to us. We swam anyway, they didn’t bother us, the flies bothered us more. Next time we will definitely do dangerous things and destroy the nest. We don't need that kind of adrenaline. Popov family, Krasnodar region."

How to get rid of a wasp's nest

If you decide to fight insects, then first of all you need to get rid of the wasp nest completely. Otherwise, those wasps that survive can easily restore the population.

For these insects, the nest is not only a place to sleep, but also the main area for replenishing their army. They form their house from the remains of solid food and a special substance similar to cement. The arthropods produce this mixture themselves.

If the den is not removed, the insects will continue to multiply there to incredible numbers. In this case, it will simply become unbearable to be around them. What is the best way to eliminate a wasp nest?

Of course, it will be easier to destroy a nest at any time, just not in the summer, when they are in the active stage. But in the cold season, wasps leave their homes, so the nest can be destroyed without any particular risk to health.

If insects are too busy in the summer, it is better to attack the nest at night when they are sleeping. It is dangerous to destroy their home during the daytime. They remember the offender for a long time, and will not allow him to live in peace.

Using water

You need to get very close to the nest and pour a large amount of boiling water on it. You can lift a bucket of cool water to their home and lower the nest into it. The difficulty of this method is that the wasp’s den can be very high or attached to a wall, making it difficult to climb under the roof (4 m high) with a bucket of water or a hot kettle.

Using the package

You can use another method that is no less effective. Place a plastic bag over the nest and attach it to the wall. Then we make a hole in the bag through which any insecticide is introduced, for example Corado, Aktara Dichlorvos. Close the hole for one hour, after which you can remove the bag and throw the nest to the ground.

Gasoline, kerosene, diesel fuel, WD-40 and similar liquids

Any of these liquids are sprayed on a wasp nest - the insects should die, and then we can remove the nest without any problems. But the disadvantage of this method is that all these liquids are flammable, and the buildings are often wooden.


It has been noticed that wasps do not settle in an area that is occupied by someone else's swarm. Therefore, gardeners came up with special repellers. You need to take a bag, preferably made of thick paper, and fill it with a light filling. Such a false nest is hung in the right place, where wasps will no longer settle. You can use ready-made designs that are sold in the store.


The fight against wasps begins with finding their nest. To arrange their homes, they choose places that are difficult to reach. They must be hidden from human eyes. In natural conditions, this can be a free hollow, trees with a dense crown, or shrubs. What about houses? To build a nest in a house or on a property, wasps choose the following places:

  • utility rooms that are rarely used;
  • attics;
  • cavities between slate sheets;
  • areas where the plaster does not adhere to the walls;
  • balconies;
  • places where unnecessary things are stored;
  • high grass.

If the area is large, finding the nest will be problematic. However, there is one effective way to do this. You need to take a small piece of meat and place it in an open space. This could be a veranda, a personal plot, etc. The wasps will fly to the bait. They usually move from nest to treat. If you are observant, you can see their route.

What is the difference between a wasp and a bee and a bumblebee and how not to confuse these insects

Finding the habitat of insects within the house is much easier. However, it is more difficult to reach. To get rid of wasps, just find the entrance to their house.

When does a plant need boron?

Treatment with a special substance is necessary in several cases. Treatment of logs or fertilizing the soil with boron is relevant if:

  • Painful spots appear on young leaves. Gradually they begin to turn yellow, then fall off;
  • leaves curl inward;
  • the upper buds develop very slowly;
  • the fruit grows deformed and tasteless;
  • the bark on the shoots dies.

Alarming signals appear against the backdrop of slowing growth. In order not to be left without a harvest, it is important to make every effort to saturate the plants with boron in a timely manner. Gardeners should stick to proportions and approach the issue of boron spraying wisely.

Interesting video on the topic:

What do the professionals offer?

Professional methods of dacha insect control, like folk recipes, imply a direct impact on the vital functions of pests. But many of them only scare away the pest from its usual habitat, without guaranteeing complete destruction of the source of the problems. The guaranteed result is obtained exclusively by professional treatment against wasps, which allows you to eliminate the problem that has arisen truly radically.

Specialists from the service advise:

You should not delay the process of calling specialists if you do not intend to fight on your own. Insects can be quite aggressive when defending the nest, and their bites can be deadly for children, animals, and people with acute allergic reactions. If possible, it is worthwhile to take care of isolating the source of the biological threat before the arrival of specialists with modern insecticides.


Pyrethroids / pyrethrins are a large group of pesticides with various active ingredients - deltamethrin, bifethrin, permethrin, cyperemethrin (with isomers - alpha, beta, gamma), etc. Preparative forms - water-soluble powder (3.75%), emulsion concentrate (5- 25%), wettable powder (2.1%), tablets (2.9-3.75%)

Examples of drugsAlfacin, Arrivo, Alatar, Zhukoed, Forsyth, Qi-alpha, Decis, FAS, Taran, Eforia, Iskra, Medilis-Antiklop, Medilis-Tsiper, Karbotsin, Inta-Vir, Cytox, Cypermethrin-25, etc.
PurposeWidely used for the protection of grapes (leaf rollers), potatoes (Colorado beetle, potato ladybug), cucumbers, protected soil tomatoes (whiteflies, aphids, thrips), apple trees (codling moth, leaf rollers), currants (aphids, moths, leaf rollers, sawflies), and also from stock pests. Two-component preparations (malathion + cypermethrin, cypermethrin + permethrin) give a good effect. For the purposes of medical, sanitary and household disinfestation, pyrethroids are used to destroy flightless household insects (bed bugs, various types of cockroaches, ants and fleas). A number of pyrethroids in this group also have an acaricidal effect (for example, based on bifethrin).
ApplicationThe protective effect lasts up to 15–20 days, the waiting period is 20–30 days.
Peculiaritiesa) Effective fumigant. b) They have selectivity. c) The preparations are not phytotoxic, do not accumulate and are capable of decomposition in plant tissues and soil within up to 20 days. e) Dangerous for bees, I require compliance with appropriate safety measures. d) Long-term use of pyrethroids causes resistance.

Traps and poisonous baits

Convenient, effective, simple, cost-effective - a plastic bottle trap. Within a day, several dozen wasps gather inside. By placing several on your summer cottage, you can get rid of an entire colony of the wasp family.

The cooking process is extremely simple:

  1. Cut off the neck of the bottle, turn it over, insert it like a watering can.
  2. Secure with staples, adhesive tape, tape, or any convenient method.
  3. Thread a ribbon, rope, thread, wire on top so that you can hang it anywhere.

Wasp traps
A bait for wasps is placed inside, not necessarily poisonous. It can be lemonade, kvass, beer, fruit juice, syrup, diluted yeast, compote, jam with water. The pest freely climbs inside, but only a few escape through the thin neck. Bottle traps are one of the most effective methods of controlling wasps in an apiary. Bees do not fly to the sour smell; wasps sense it tens of meters away.


Last year there were wasps on the property, but I couldn’t find the nest. I decided to catch them with traps, I made them from a bottle. I hung it near the porch. Every day several dozen gathered there. A week later the mass flights ended.

Andrey, Voronezh

Poisonous baits are prepared from the same drinks that are used in traps, but boric acid powder is added. You should not be overzealous with concentration, since the product adds bitterness, which repels wasps.

On a note!

Using poison in early spring on pieces of meat and fish will help get rid of the larvae, which the adults feed on protein foods.

Malathion (karbofos)

Insecticides based on malathion belong to the class of organophosphorus compounds (OPC), Preparative forms - aqueous emulsion (44%), granules (5%), emulsion concentrate (1.3-57%), tablets (14%)

Examples of drugsAliot, Alatar, Antiklesch, Inta-CM, Iskra-M, Karbotsin, Karbofos-500, Medilis-Malathion, Profilaktin, Fufanon-Nova/Expert, Fufanon-Super, Foscon-55, Phenaxin, Tsipromal, etc.
PurposeWidely used in agriculture to combat harmful insects (sucking and gnawing). Malathion is effective against herbivorous mites and scale insects. Malathion, together with pyrethroids, is used against stock pests. In addition, it is used for sanitary and household disinsection. In medical practice as an anti-pediculosis agent (for lice)
ApplicationThe period of protective action in open ground is up to 10 days, for protected ground – 5 – 7 days.
Peculiaritiesa) With the systematic use of malathion, stable populations of insects and mites appear, which requires alternation with other insecticides. b) Excellent ratio - low toxicity for warm-blooded animals and high toxicity for insects and ticks (due to the principle of action). c) It is rarely used in open ground because it is not resistant to wind and water. d) Malathion does not change the smell or taste of food.

Features of processing processes

As practice shows, complete treatment against wasps involves the use of insecticidal preparations selected taking into account the characteristics of the life activity of these insects. Factors to consider include:

  1. Destruction of pests at all stages of their development. The insecticide must kill both the larvae, the queen, and the workers. If the nest is located compactly, quick-acting aerosol preparations are suitable.
  2. Availability of information about the exact location of the nest. If it cannot be established, long-acting poison baits are used. In particular, you can place ripe fruits filled with insecticidal “filling” on dishes - melons, watermelons and other foods tasty for wasps are suitable.
  3. Period of spraying pesticides. When treating an open area, you should pay attention to the fact that insecticidal treatments are not recommended during flowering of plants. The selection of drugs is carried out taking into account such aspects as the presence of beneficial insects on the site.


  • 1. Diazinon
  • 2. Imidacloprid
  • 3. Fipronil
  • 4. Inorganic insecticides.
  • 5. Malathion (karbofos)
  • 6. Pirimiphos-methyl
  • 7. Pyrethroids
  • 8. Biological insecticides
  • 8.1. Avermectins
  • 8.2. Bacterial insecticides
  • 8.3. Entomopathogenic nematodes
  • 9. Thiamethoxam
  • 10. Plant insecticides

Among the many insecticidal preparations, how to understand and choose the best insecticides that are used more often and have maximum effectiveness.

TOP 10 best groups of insecticides containing the following active ingredients:

Active ingredient/chemical classExamples of drugs
1.DIAZINONThunder-2, Vallar, Ant, Anteater, etc.
2.IMIDACLOPRIDBiotlin, Iskra Zolotaya, Prestige, Imidor, Tanrek, Commander, etc.
3.FIPRONILRegent, HECTOR from the ants
4. Inorganic insecticidesEcokiller (diatomite powder), Thiovit Jet (sulfur), Dohlox - boric gel/traps/balls (boric acid), Antiant, etc.
5.MALTHIONKarbofos, Alatar, Antiklesch, Aliot, Fenaxin, Fufanon-Nova/Expert, etc.
7.PYRETHROIDSCypermethrin-25, Decis, FAS, Taran, Inta-Vir, Alatar, etc.
8. Biological insecticides
8.1.AvermectinsFitoverm, Kleschevit, Vertimek, Biokill, Akarin, etc.
8.2.Bacterial insecticidesBitoxibacillin, Lepidocid, etc.
8.3.Entomopathogenic nematodesNemabact
10.Plant insecticidesAntitlin, Tabazol, Tobacco dust, etc.


The fight against wasps in the country or in the house has several nuances:

  • You cannot burn a wasp nest that is found in a wooden house. This way you can destroy not only it, but also the structure itself.
  • Do not neglect personal protective equipment. Angry wasps can severely bite a person.
  • Neighbors from nearby houses should know about wasp control in advance. This way they can protect themselves and their home by closing windows and doors.

It is important to know

When making and using fertilizers or fertilizing from boric acid, you need to know a few basic rules. First, boron is a slightly soluble substance - it dissolves very poorly in cold water, so first use a small amount of hot water to prepare the base, and only then mix it with the required amount of liquid.

Boron-based root feeding should be used when the plant shows clear signs of its deficiency. Before performing root or foliar feeding, the soil under the plant must be well watered to avoid burning the root system.

Another very important rule is that plants need to be sprayed with this fertilizer in the evening so that all reactions take place without exposure to sunlight, otherwise we risk “burning” the plant.


Folk remedies

What smell repels wasps?
The most effective scent is mint. A strong decoction is prepared from it and rubbed over the exposed parts of the body. But since such a product quickly disappears, this procedure is repeated periodically. Alcohol-based mint lotion , to which mint decoction is added, is considered a more persistent repeller If you are planning a picnic in nature, then you should stock up on pine or spruce cones, which burn well, emitting smoke that is pleasant to humans and not tolerated by bees.

How to scare wasps away from your home? plant special plants nearby on the site that are considered repellents of these insects. This could be, for example, mint, any kind of mint except marsh mint.

It should not be grown at home, as it can release toxic compounds. scent of geranium also repels wasps well . Melissa has the same qualities. It can be planted in flower pots or in front of the veranda.

Thus, if wasps do not particularly harm humans, then they do not need to be destroyed. They can be beneficial by feeding on agricultural pests. But if wasps and hornets behave too aggressively, then they must be destroyed, since their bites can cause great harm to humans .

Pros and cons of the product

Affordable and inexpensive boric acid against bedbugs in an apartment has some advantages:

If used with caution, it will not cause harm to owners and their pets. The product is quite inexpensive, and you can try using acid as an additional measure of protection against pests. True, to get at least some result, you will need a lot of powder, and the savings will no longer seem significant. In cases of minimal infection, the result is sometimes positive

But if there are a lot of bedbugs, you can’t count on boric acid. Such harassment will achieve nothing, and precious time will be lost. It makes sense to use the drug only in combination with other drugs.

The main disadvantage of the substance is its weak effect. It is difficult to recommend it even as a temporary measure, since bloodsuckers multiply at tremendous speed.

The low degree of toxicity can be called both an advantage and a disadvantage. For a bug to become infected, it must walk across spilled poison, and this cannot be guaranteed. So the process of fighting living creatures will be long.

People are also often interested in whether acid kills bedbug eggs or not. Unfortunately, it is not able to cope with them, and one cannot count on a long-term protective effect. Even if some of the pests die after persecution, the young shoots will try to avenge their relatives.

Despite the fact that this remedy for bedbugs is relatively safe for people, you need to treat your apartment or room with it with caution. Do not allow direct contact of the substance with the skin, as this may cause burns.

Inhaling the powder is not recommended. This is also a disadvantage, because it is enough to allow the slightest negligence, and family members may suffer.

Boric solution against insects on the site

If wasps have built a nest in the ground, you can destroy them by flooding the hole and the soil next to it with a solution of H3BO3. You can do the same with ants if you know the location of the anthill.

How does the solution work?

As already mentioned, boric acid has an intestinal contact effect, so it is enough to treat the entrances to the nest and infect several individuals, which will spread the toxic substance throughout the colony, which is also facilitated by the ant tradition of eating sick and dead relatives.

Proportions and step-by-step preparation

You should not overdo it with the product, because it is still a chemical product. It is enough to pour 10 sachets of powder into a 10 liter bucket of water and mix well.

Boric acid is effective in the fight against wasps and ants; it can be applied both pointwise and with the help of traps, for the preparation of which sweet bait, such as honey, is often used.

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This is a pungent insecticide that is sold in 0.8 kg plastic buckets. It is a crystalline white or yellowish powder. Contains the main active ingredient – ​​dimethyl. Designed to destroy synatropic insect species (flies, ants, ticks, wasps), therefore it is considered a universal remedy. The effect of the drug lasts for a long time, at room temperature for about 3 weeks.

The powder dissolves well in water. If the treatment will be carried out indoors - for example, in a summer kitchen where a wasp nest has appeared - a little sugar and ammonium carbonate are added to the solution.

Poison for wasps.

We all know that wasps feed their larvae in nests. And for this, the wasp runs around all day in search of food. And here the fermented compote will come to our aid again. We'll just modify it a little. The bottle in which we will offer our potion to the wasp will also undergo changes. After all, now we need her to calmly get out of it and fly to the nest to feed her larvae. But the results of such feeding are not difficult to guess.

How can we organize all this? Take a plastic bottle, retreat 8 centimeters from the bottom and cut off the top part with the neck. We don't need her anymore. We take the fermented compote and add wasp poison to it. Boric acid or actara can act as a poison for wasps. Boric acid is the cheapest but not the most effective option.

Poison for wasps with the addition of boric acid.

To prepare poison for wasps, you need to mix 10 grams of boric acid with half a liter of fermented compote and mix well. Next, pour it into 150 ml. into our modified open top bottles. So that the insect cannot get out of there.

But some individuals will die right there because boric acid penetrates the chitinous cover of the insect and literally burns it from the inside, stopping the functioning of its vital organs.

Boric acid was used in medicine at the end of the 18th century to treat wounds. And it performed the following functions: it killed pathogenic microorganisms, relieved inflammation, and prevented the formation of pus.

After it was revealed by toxicologists that after prolonged use and the accumulation of significant concentrations of boron in the human body, poisoning of the body occurs. The lethal dose of boric acid for an adult is 5-20 grams.

Poison for wasps with the addition of actara.

Aktara belongs to the chemical class of neonicotinoids, acting on the nicotinic acetylcholine receptors of the insect nervous system.

To fight wasps using actara, it is enough to dilute 1 gram of actara in 1 liter of water. Place this solution in a spray bottle and spray fermented fruits and berries with it, spreading them around the area.

It was noted that slices of watermelon are best suited for such bait. The wasp loves them the most.

Remember that actara is quite toxic and, at elevated concentrations, has a hazard class of 1. You only need to work with it wearing gloves. Additionally, children and pets may stumble upon your wasp baits. And this can lead to very sad consequences.

Rules for propagating currants by cuttings in spring and autumn: preparation of seedlings, care

Be careful when working with poisons and do not put yourself and others at risk.

A little about traps

To use boron insecticide bait, you will need traps. They are usually a primitive design with one or more holes for insects to enter. The wasp is unable to get out of the trap due to the peculiarities of its behavior. Therefore, during the day the trap is filled with numerous individuals.

There are two options: purchase a ready-made trap in a store or make it yourself. To make it yourself, use a plastic bottle. The top part with the neck is cut off, which is turned over and inserted upside down. Liquid bait with diluted powder is poured inside the bottle. The wasps will fly through the neck and remain forever in the sweet liquid, killed by the insecticide. Holes are also made in the trap: for hanging and for spreading the smell.

As the structure is filled, it is either cleaned or replaced with a new one. It needs to be inspected at least once every 2 days.

Knowing how to poison wasps with boric acid, you can make it easier to fight these insects in your area. If there are not enough traps, then it is recommended to use more toxic pesticides after assessing the possible risks. In extreme cases, calling a special insect control service will help.

Which form of insecticide to choose?

In order for wasp treatment to be successful, it is necessary to select the correct form of disinfestation agent. If we are talking about self-treatment using a spray bottle in a cylinder with a continuous supply of product, you can choose concentrated formulations, such as “Lambda Zone” or Get. They are also suitable for creating baits with poisonous filling.

Industrially produced aerosols, completely ready for use, are suitable for attacking a pest nest in the evening and at night, when the entire brood is inside. But powder products are usually classified as folk remedies. In particular, this includes borax and boric acid, which are used to create sweet poisonous baits. But their effectiveness is not great. The same industrially produced gels with a bright fruity smell pose a much greater danger to flying and stinging pests.

Another fairly common option is the use of adhesive compositions, with which pests can easily be caught.

How to prepare bait correctly?

All pesticides used to make baits require an individual approach to application. Products aimed exclusively at killing adult individuals most often have a liquid form, since it must be mixed with fermented jam, honey and other sweet and sticky substances. Another type of bait is based on the comprehensive destruction of pests, including larvae and queens. Their effect does not appear immediately. And as a “carrier”, nutritious protein food is used, for example, a generous piece of meat saturated with a chemical additive, which adults, preoccupied with searching for food for the entire hive, will definitely not pass by. But when making poison for insects, do not forget about basic safety standards. Pesticides require careful handling and the use of personal protective equipment.

Poison for wasps with boric acid

Boric acid, which is non-toxic to humans, may well become the basis for the effective destruction of flying insects. Among the advantages of choosing such a tool are:

  • lack of a pronounced aromatic component;
  • minimum price;
  • tested and proven effective against pests.

It is used like other long-acting pesticides, adding directly to jam or liquid honey. In the form of a suspension, it is suitable for stuffing raw meat in pieces. After processing, such bait is placed close to the nest in order to be guaranteed to attract the attention of the main “breadwinners”. This allows you to quickly destroy all its inhabitants.

Rules for the use of insecticidal aerosols

If you decide to carry out the treatment using products that give an immediate effect, you should carefully study their features from the very beginning. Most often, in the open air (outside residential premises), good old dichlorvos is used, which has changed the basic active ingredient. Now they use pyretoids instead of dangerous organophosphorus compounds, but this does not eliminate some toxicity to humans. You should not assume that just one can of aerosol will completely destroy all the inhabitants of the wasp’s nest. On average, processing takes about a week and requires an individual approach to the case. And if an independent fight is not successful, it will be enough to contact the specialists of the service, and the professionals will destroy the source of danger in one visit.

Which remedies are most effective?

There are different methods of dealing with wasps. This is the well-known universal “enemy” of many pests, Dichlorvos, and the folk remedy boric acid, and numerous, different types of chemical-based preparations. It is recommended to select a method of destruction based on where the wasp nest is located and what size it is.

GET against wasps

Its advantages: high level of toxicity, no odor, safe for processing for humans. Sold in the form of a concentrate (100 ml in a bottle). Ratio of product and water: 100 ml per 2 liters of liquid. To destroy a nest located on a branch, fill a thick bag with the product and immerse the entire structure created by the wasps in it, after which the edge is secured with tape. Duration of exposure – 2 days.

In a hollow or in the soil, processing is easier. In this case, it is enough to fill the nest with the solution, and then plug the inlet with poisoned matter. Baits are also prepared. Popular recipe: 1 bottle of product per 1 liter of product (jam, beer or kvass). All that remains is to pour the mixture into containers and place it near the nest.

Boric acid for preparing baits

This is another means of getting rid of wasps. Its advantages: universal; highly effective; is inexpensive; non-toxic to humans; there is no smell. Available in powder form. The bait is prepared from the same products as in the case of the GET preparation: beer, kvass, jam. The components are mixed and poured into containers, and then placed around the nest.

An auxiliary measure is to treat the meat with a solution based on boric acid. The product is placed as close as possible to the wasp habitat. You can use a substance similar in structure and properties - borax.

Application of Dichlorvos

This is another effective remedy for getting rid of wasps. Dichlorvos is offered in aerosol form. The main component is a substance from the pyrethroid group. Previously, Dichlorvos contained organophosphorus compounds. The treatment is carried out in closed clothing, always at night, when the wasps are inactive and are in the nest. The procedure is repeated several times; a single spraying is not enough to destroy all individuals, since after each approach only a portion of the pests die.

Delta Zone

Gets rid of various insects, including hornets/wasps. It does not have a pronounced odor, which makes the drug suitable for bait. In terms of effectiveness, the product is similar to the substance GET. Sold in the form of a concentrate (100 ml in a bottle).


Country of origin: Holland. The drug represents a group of professional products. This means that it is characterized by a high level of toxicity. Tetrix is ​​not sold in the public domain, this is its difference from products like Mosquitol, etc. However, if you manage to get Tetrix, it will be possible to remove wasps in a short time. It is recommended to work in a protective suit and respirator. Contact of the substance with plantings should also be avoided.


This is another popular universal remedy. Its advantages: affordable price, relatively high level of efficiency. Karbofos is offered in the form of powder and concentrate. It cannot be used as bait, since the smell will interfere with attracting wasps. The concentrate is diluted with water 1:10, for example, 100 ml per 1 liter of liquid. The nest is immersed in a thick bag filled with a poisonous solution, and its edge is closed. An alternative method of killing wasps is the standard spraying procedure (carried out repeatedly).

Glue for traps

This is a non-toxic product that acts differently than the insecticide-based preparations discussed above: the surface (cardboard) is treated with an adhesive and left close to the nest. Bait is placed in the center of the site, using a product that wasps love (watermelon, meat). Examples of adhesives: ALT, Kapkan.

Interesting video: How to get rid of wasps yourself

Modern devices

Some experts suggest using ultrasound to get rid of wasps and protect yourself from their attacks. The fumigator operates from an electrical network with minimal energy consumption or batteries.

A device that looks like a radio emits waves at a certain frequency. Ultrasound is not felt by humans; it causes insects to feel anxious, worried, and forced to fly away from unfavorable territory. The wasp repeller begins to have maximum effect on insects after continuous operation for 14 days. If a nest has been established on the territory, the pests will hasten to leave it.

An ultrasonic repeller is used to get rid of rodents, flies, mosquitoes, dogs, birds, which often raises many questions among consumers. How can one and the same device act on insects and animals with equal efficiency, having a couple of modes of changing frequencies. The effect of the proposed devices is questionable and has not been officially confirmed. Ultrasound does not pass through walls and is ineffective if the nest is located there.

Wasp repellers

On a note!

The idea of ​​ultrasound is not new; the method can be effective. But for this you need to use powerful equipment, which costs a lot of money. At the same time, the question arises about the advisability of using such a tool on a summer cottage or on one’s own property. Wasps in small numbers do not harm berries and fruits, and do not attack people without threatening their own lives. They pollinate plants and destroy a large number of harmful insects.

Devices for repelling wasps on the modern market:

  • Jobar;
  • Air comfort;
  • X-BIRD;
  • Riddex.

The range of action of the electric fumigator is from several meters to a kilometer, according to manufacturers. The average price of an ultrasonic repeller is 1000 rubles.


Wasps always gather at the dacha in the fall; they do not live on the site itself, but they often fly in. They are attracted by the garden with apples and pears. I decided to try a new modern remedy - a repeller. I had to wait a long time for the result, but it never came. Wasps buzzed around the yard, as before. But there were fewer mosquitoes in the evenings. I will try other methods that will help in the fight against wasps in the country.

Stas, Perm

The most effective means of combating wasps are insecticides in combination with traps, baits, and physical methods of destruction. You can eradicate pests without much effort in a few hours, but you need to know what to be afraid of wasps. You can scare away plants with a strong smell - basil, geranium, peppermint, and acrid smoke.

Biological insecticides

Three subgroups of biological insecticides can be noted that are currently widely used and show the best results.

8.1. Avermectins

Avermectins are waste products of the fungi Streptomyces avermitilis.

Examples of drugs are Vertimek, Biokill, Fitoverm, Kleschevit, Akarin.

Purpose – control of the number of pests of vegetable, fruit and ornamental crops, including pests of indoor plants.

The drugs do not have a systemic effect. The period of protective action is short: 5 – 7 days. The main advantage is environmental and biological safety; they practically do not accumulate in plant products.

8.2. Bacterial insecticides

Bacteriological insecticidal preparations are most often obtained based on the entomopathogenic bacterium Bacillus thuringiensis.

Examples of drugs are Lepidotsid, Bitoxibacillin, Baktsid, Biostop, etc. The purpose of these drugs is highly specific - they act only on insect larvae.

8.3. Entomopathogenic nematodes

The active ingredients of insecticides are an aqueous suspension of roundworms carrying symbiotic bacteria that develop infections in the body cavity, spreading to all organs and tissues, from which the insects die.

More information about the drug "Nemabact, VS"

Safety precautions

In the process of destroying a wasp nest, it is important to remember your safety, because health and even life are at stake. To prevent wasps from causing your health to deteriorate, follow a few simple rules:

  1. It is necessary to dress in clothes made of thick fabric. Sleeves should be long. Your face should be protected with a mask, and your hands with gloves.
  2. In the dark, insects lead an inactive lifestyle. Therefore, they need to be destroyed at night.
  3. In the process, single individuals may fly out of the nest. They cannot be killed even if they attack and bite. Before they die, they secrete a special substance that attracts other wasps. As a result, a whole swarm may attack.
  4. If the attempt fails and the entire family of insects has flown out of their home, you need to move to a safe distance as quickly as possible. You should not make sudden movements. After a few hours you can try again.

Sometimes insects need to be driven away for a separate period of time. These are cases when they flew to the smell of fish, fruit or sweets. There is no need to bother yourself and try to get rid of them using any of the methods described above. Anti-insect coils or fumigators will help here.

Some people wave objects in an attempt to drive away wasps. Should not be doing that. They may get angry and bite. Such actions will definitely not have the desired effect.

And one moment. If insects do not pose any danger, it is better to leave them alone. These little workers will provide invaluable assistance in the fight against some agricultural pests. The alarm should be sounded when a wasp nest appears on the property or in the house.

How to deal with wasps safely? Regardless of the method chosen, do not forget about your own protection and the protection of other residents of the house. If wasp control is carried out using baits, the baits should be kept out of the reach of children and pets.

Things to remember

Whatever wasp repellent you choose, you must use it extremely carefully, since insects can quite actively defend their nest, attacking the offender in a swarm.

If you find a nest, do not immediately try to get rid of it. It is better to wait for night and only when it arrives take measures to destroy it. Wasps never sleep, but in the dark their activity decreases significantly. In this case, you should come to the insects’ house with an already diluted preparation, a selected aerosol that is absolutely ready for use, and a large plastic bag into which the entire nest can fit.

Despite the reduced activity of wasps at night, the procedure for destroying their nest should be carried out with gloves, a beekeeping mask and clothing made of dense material that will cover the entire body.

And do not rush to destroy these insects if they do not cause you much trouble. Remember that they are your helpful partners in the control of farmland pests. Wasps eat aphids, caterpillars and larvae of various pests, thereby saving the crops growing on the site from damage.


Reproduction of wasps can be prevented by following preventive measures:

  • Empty hives must be destroyed and the attachment site must be disinfected with potassium permanganate or peroxide. Wasps very often occupy old houses;
  • Conduct an audit of fruit stocks, remove rotting specimens;
  • Inspect the cracks in the wall, ceiling, floor, and, if possible, seal them with sealant and other building mixtures;
  • Carry out preventive insecticidal treatment before moving into the house;
  • Carry out general cleaning;
  • Periodically rearrange things and furniture; wasps love secluded corners where no one looks in or disturbs them.

Boric acid greatly simplifies the fight against wasp nests in a summer cottage. In some cases of mass colonization of wasps, after treatment with boric acid, additional treatment is carried out with more aggressive chemicals.

How to prevent re-infection?

After completely removing the cockroaches, the owner of the apartment should not completely relax, since the insects could simply move to the neighbors for a while. In order to protect yourself and your family from being re-captured by unnecessary “guests”, preventive actions should be taken.

First, it is necessary to process the places where communications are laid. These may include water risers, sockets and ventilation. For these actions, it is advisable to use a set of measures, using powder and balls. In addition, you need to monitor the apartment and periodically stain the areas behind the sofa and other furniture.

You must always ensure the cleanliness of the kitchen and kitchen equipment. All food particles should be thrown away immediately and not left on the table, etc.

Also, cockroaches are very fond of apartments in which the wallpaper is glued with home-made glue - made from flour, the so-called paste. Therefore, use purchased specialized adhesives for these purposes.

Who spoils the grapes?

If the question arises at the end of summer, then the answer is clear: it is. These pests must be controlled

. A single individual that has overwintered on the island can produce a huge litter on yours and cause a lot of problems.

Imagine that the wasp overwintered, and as the weather warmed up, it began to build a nest and lay eggs. Soon at least 6 more pests are formed, and the queen continues to lay eggs and reproduce. This leads to the formation of a huge swarm that is capable of destroying grape berries

In fact, before the clusters form, no one thinks that these insects can cause any damage, because until this moment they act as orderlies and protect the bush from other pests.

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