How to poison cockroaches with boric acid - 10 folk remedies

Products containing boric acid to kill cockroaches are popular folk methods of pest control. If boric acid is used correctly, the drug is effective and non-toxic to people.

There are many recipes with boric acid. Boric acid is mixed with bread, sugar, flour, eggs and other products. So, how to poison cockroaches using boric acid.

Boric acid with flour and powdered sugar

Ingredients: 4 bags of boric acid, flour, powdered sugar, raw yolk.

Method of preparation: Mix all ingredients until smooth. If the mixture turns out to be thick, dilute it with water, so the volume of the bait will increase. Make cakes or balls and place them in problem areas where you see cockroaches.

The recipe is similar to sugar balls, but here it is not sugar that is used, but powdered sugar; flour is rarely added to add viscosity.

Prevention of re-infection of the premises

When the house is cleared of pests, you should not stop at the achieved result. If insects persist in neighboring apartments, they can enter the cleaned room. Boric acid will help in carrying out preventive measures against the return of Prussians. The following conditions must be observed:

  • make and place insect bait in far corners;
  • maintain order in your home.

It is necessary to study the instructions for use of the drug indicated on the packaging. A large number of baits that affect insects are prepared from the powder. When there are a lot of cockroaches in a room, you should resort to store-bought preparations, and then use boron powder to prevent re-infestation of the room with insects.

What do you lean towards?

Prepare your own cockroach poison and distribute it


Buy the finished product and apply according to the instructions


Call the health service


Voted: 135

Boric acid against cockroaches with water

A poison recipe with boric acid is effective not only in powder form, but also in the form of a liquid solution. Use liquid solution or beads based on conditions.

What does boric acid based liquid bait mean? This is when boric acid powder is dissolved in water with the addition of vanillin or regular sugar. You can use beer, sweet syrup and other liquid that will attract pests. Drinkers are especially effective at night if you place them where cockroaches usually go to drink (in the sink, in the toilet, under pipes, in a cupboard with dishes, etc.). How to poison cockroaches with boric acid in liquid form? For 100 milliliters of water you will need 50 grams of boric acid powder. Mix water with sugar, honey or use another aromatic liquid. It is important to limit cockroaches' access to clean water. It is necessary to turn off the taps, remove the kettle and any containers with water, wipe the sink and close the drain.

Now that you know how to poison cockroaches in an apartment with boric acid, you can choose one of the recipes and use it at your own discretion.

Reasons why the product does not work

There are often cases when boric acid does not help remove cockroaches. There may be five main reasons.

  1. Addiction. Insects are poisoned with this drug so often that they develop resistance.
  2. Incomplete coverage. There is always a chance that some cockroaches will avoid the poison. They can find alternative sources of food and water that no one is aware of.
  3. Unsanitary conditions. Boric acid will only help if the room is kept clean. Otherwise, the cockroach will not touch the poison, because it already has enough food sources.
  4. Unclean neighbors. If the insects came from neighbors, no matter how much they are poisoned, the number will not decrease. It is necessary to block cockroaches' access to your home. Cover the ventilation holes with mesh and fill the cracks in the walls.
  5. Eggs. Boric acid has no effect on cockroach eggs. The product only works against adults.

If there are too many cockroaches, boric acid will be useless. Some insects will be poisoned, while the rest will calmly walk around the house and reproduce. In this case, aggressive chemistry cannot be avoided.

Do not relax if you have not seen any “guests” for several days after treatment. To ensure that insects no longer bother you, pay enough attention to prevention. Keep your home perfectly clean. Once or twice a month, place boron baits in the most “dangerous” places.


Boric acid against cockroaches allows you to get rid of the population, regardless of its size. It effectively destroys larvae and adults. Does not affect eggs. The death of the insect after contact with the drug occurs in the first 12 hours. During this time, the insect carries the remaining product into the nests on its legs. You can completely clean a room with boric acid in 2-3 weeks. Compared to chemical drugs, its effect is slower. This drug is chosen for its safety.

Advantages of the method:

  • chemically neutral composition - does not leave burns on the skin, is not toxic, animals can come into contact with it without the risk of poisoning (however, this does not mean that the bait does not need to be removed);
  • availability - boric acid powder is several times cheaper than insecticides for household use and professional help. Sold in pharmacies. One package contains the optimal concentration of the substance;
  • ease of use - does not require special skills or knowledge. Absolutely anyone can cope with it;
  • wide range of uses - boric acid can be used in its pure form, and baits for cockroaches can be created based on it;
  • long-term effect - the drug will work until it is disposed of.

The disadvantages of the product include:

  • if accidentally swallowed by children or animals, an allergic reaction and digestive upset may occur;
  • inhalation of the powder can lead to an allergic reaction and mild intoxication;
  • The timing of the complete destruction of the population cannot be predicted.

Boric acid is a popular method of fighting cockroaches. You need to be careful when preparing baits.

How to cook?

There are 2 most popular methods of using boric acid:

  1. Sprinkle in a thin line in areas where cockroaches are likely to appear (along baseboards, around trash cans, sinks, or under beds). Logically, Prussians should contaminate their paws with poison and then ingest it when cleaning their limbs. In practice, this method remains questionably effective.
  2. Use of poisonous baits. In this case, the essence of the method is that the pest independently, and even with pleasure, swallows its death. The main thing is to create a tasty bait.

Now there are a large number of different ways to prepare such “cakes”. Which recipe for boron balls against cockroaches to choose depends purely on the person’s preference.

However, the following remain very popular:

  • You need to mix 1 boiled chicken yolk with a teaspoon of boric acid. Roll it out and form several small balls.
  • Combine sugar, starch, flour and boric acid in equal proportions. Add a little water to this mixture and make a kind of dough. Small flat cakes are made from it.
  • Combine 1 boiled potato with 1 egg, grind until pureed and add 1 tablespoon of acid. Then roll small balls again.

As you can see, there are plenty of options for preparing poisonous baits. You need to choose the one you like best and use it.

Preparatory stage before processing the premises

Treating a room against cockroaches must necessarily be preceded by a preparatory stage.

  • First of all, all rooms should be cleaned to deprive insects of food. It is necessary that the bait be the only source of food.
  • After each meal, be sure to remove the remaining food so that there is no food left on the table. You can store food in containers or in the refrigerator. You should not leave crumbs on the table, otherwise they will attract parasites.
  • The trash bin must be kept clean. Take it out and wash it every night.
  • For cockroaches, water is more important than food, so it is important not to give them the opportunity to drink. Keep plumbing and water pipes in good condition. Wipe the sink, washbasin or bathtub until it is completely dry each time you use it.

Rules of application

Boric acid is a safe means of controlling cockroaches. It is non-toxic and can be used in premises for any purpose. When working with powder or creating baits, it is necessary to protect the skin and respiratory tract. Use masks and gloves.

It is necessary to scatter the powder in places where insects accumulate and live. Cockroaches love dark places, so baits can be placed under cabinets, in the corners of the apartment, behind furniture. Try to protect animals from accidentally ingesting the product.

Does not create dust and does not leave stains. Requires careful handling. After installing the baits and applying the powder, you must wait at least 2-3 weeks before washing off the composition. Renew boric acid periodically.

If the drug comes into contact with moisture, the effect is reduced. Not recommended for use in open areas outside. The drug should be washed off with a soda-soap solution.

Advantages of the substance and user reviews

An absolute advantage, judging by the reviews, is the cost of the acid, which is several times lower than other substances. Also the advantages of the substance:

    The drug helps not only to destroy uninvited guests, but also promotes their sterilization, which eliminates the possibility of their subsequent reproduction. It has no odor, which makes the substance a fairly comfortable method of pest control for households. Preparing bait does not require special skills, takes little time and does not require additional protective equipment. It poses virtually no danger to humans.

Effective recipes

The effectiveness of the bait depends on how it can attract the attention of the Prussians. Cockroaches feed on any crumbs or organic matter, but they are interested in food that smells strongly. You can influence this weakness to achieve maximum effect.

It is allowed to use any dish left over from dinner or lunch. Cockroaches happily eat borscht, soup, potatoes, salads with mayonnaise, and drink beer. You can prepare the poison in a few minutes by simply adding a bag of powder to the food.

How does the drug work on cockroaches?

When using boric acid against cockroaches, you should not expect an immediate effect. Upon contact with the product, pests carry it to their nests on their paws and eat it with food. Despite the fact that cockroaches are known for their omnivorous nature, boric acid is a powerful poison for them.

Once in the body, the drug begins to slowly affect the nervous system of insects, blocks impulses, leads to paralysis, and then death from suffocation.

Only those insects that came into contact with the powder die. To poison 1 insect, 1-2 grams are enough. boric acid. It can take a lot of money to eradicate a large population. Most of the boric acid goes unnoticed by cockroaches, so it is recommended to make baits that include this drug.

Method safety

Boric acid against cockroaches has established itself as one of the safest and most effective methods of exterminating pests. The product can be used on objects for any purpose, including places where children and animals live.

Does not cause burns upon contact with skin, or poisoning due to accidental inhalation during work. However, in any case, it is necessary to follow safety rules, protect mucous membranes, skin, and respiratory tract.

People with sensitive skin, pregnant and lactating women, and people with kidney disease are not allowed to use the product. Contact with the drug by children is not allowed.

When preparing baits, keep pets away from their locations. If accidentally swallowed, your pet will not suffer serious injuries or health problems.

The powder may cause an allergic reaction. If symptoms occur, you should consult a doctor.

The method is one of the safest. This is especially true for chemical insecticides. However, when making a choice in its favor, it is important to understand that the effect can be several times lower than with professional help.

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