Rules for using Dobrokhim Micro: how to use it to kill all types of household insects

A reliable and effective drug against small harmful insects - bedbugs and cockroaches - the Dobrokhim Micro insecticide will cope when other means of control no longer help, leading to despair. According to the VredStop website, this is an innovative, qualitatively new drug, created using advanced technologies, to completely get rid of household pests.

The product is suitable for use at facilities of various categories: from large industrial enterprises, including those associated with public catering, to residential buildings where small children can live.

Composition of the drug - main indicators

The microencapsulated drug Dobrokhim Micro is a thick viscous liquid with a milky white color.

The composition includes active organophosphorus compounds of chlorpyrifos with a concentration of 25% and other auxiliary ingredients: aromatic fragrance, preservatives, emulsifiers, microscopic capsule formers, water-based solvents.

Pronounced damaging effect against cockroaches, ants, bedbugs, flies, mosquitoes and wasps.

Its uniqueness lies in the fact that it is one of the few compounds in Russia without a sharp pungent odor. After use, only a faint residual fragrance can be heard.

Numerous studies have shown that the drug is much more effective than other insecticides and baits. Penetrating through the skin, cuticle and chitinous layer, chlorpyrifos from microcapsules destroys bedbugs and cockroaches twice as fast. Due to the low repellent effect, pests do not even realize that they are crawling on poison.

The following packages of the drug are available for sale:

  • bottle 50 ml;
  • 1 liter canister.

What is microencapsulation

Based on modern technological developments, combining complex chemical and physical reactions, the active substance is contained inside a polymer rather than gelatin microcapsule, no more than 5 microns in size. After spraying the drug solution, the aqueous component evaporates, leaving only capsules with active ingredients, which gradually penetrate the shell, covering it with a thin layer.

Chlorpyrifos, as an active ingredient, gradually penetrates the body of household insects through the outer integument and with food, killing them within 10 to 48 hours. In addition, the transfer of microscopic capsules ensures that the poison reaches the nests, where it kills insect eggs. In this way, getting rid of the entire population is achieved.

Action of the pesticide

Dobrokhim Micro polymer microscopic capsules have proven themselves to be effective under difficult conditions:

  • elevated temperatures;
  • exposure to sunlight;
  • high humidity levels.

Insecticidal action

Let's dig deeper by understanding the benefits of the mechanism of action of this insect repellent at home. For example, did you know that encapsulating the active substance in microscopic polymer capsules guaranteed this insecticide high activity under extreme conditions? Where all other contact concentrates, contrary to manufacturers’ statements, quickly lose their insecticidal properties and fail to cope with the task of killing bedbugs and cockroaches, Dobrokhim MICRO continues to precisely kill insects, despite high temperature, direct sunlight or increased dampness of the room. The drug is suitable for protection against bedbugs and cockroaches that escape from neighbors due to periodic “poisoning”. Creating a barrier against bedbugs has never been so simple - treating the perimeter of a room or apartment, as well as all hard-to-reach places, will allow you to fall asleep peacefully every night. This is important for a family if there are children at home.

Instructions for use

For spraying, aqueous suspensions are used in a concentration of 0.075 to 0.250% of the active substance, which corresponds to a dilution of 333-100 times, respectively.

To prepare a working aqueous solution, the reagent must be diluted in water, stirring for about 5 minutes.

Consumption rates:

Amount of drug (ml) for preparing 1 liter of mixture
Cockroaches, waspsAnts, fliesBedbugs, fleas, mosquitoes
Treatment area (m2), for which 1 liter is enough. solution

When working with working solutions of the drug, sprayers of various brands are used to spray or irrigate all types of surfaces. Any pump sprayers are suitable for these purposes. Just keep in mind that after use they can no longer be used for other purposes.

Premises treatment

Depending on the quality of surface absorption, the consumption rate of the water mixture ranges from 50 ml/m2 to 100 ml/m2.

To completely destroy harmful insects, it is advisable to spray the working solution in their habitat, movement, or nesting areas. It is better to start work from the rooms farthest from the exit. Thoroughly spraying ventilation shafts, upper shelves, pay attention to baseboards, door and window frames, laying communication pipes, thoroughly treat floors, walls inside and outside, waste collection containers, everywhere where access is difficult.

If the number of household pests is small, you should not flood everything, you only need to treat the places where they accumulate.

Insecticidal properties last for at least 5-6 months.

If it is necessary to remove the drug from already treated surfaces, use a damp cloth.

Dobrokhim Micro is an aqueous preparation; it does not contain chemical components, therefore, it does not lead to severe consequences of poisoning, with the exception of individual cases of severe allergic diseases.

The product does not pose a great danger to women carrying and nursing babies, the elderly and bedridden patients.

In terms of toxicity upon contact with skin, the drug is classified as the smallest class 4 (low-hazard) substances.

Vapors of the product and accidental entry into the stomach are classified as moderately hazardous substances of class 3.

Consumption of funds

The product must be applied in one day to all places where insects were found, where they breed, on what surfaces they usually move, starting with the room farthest from the exit. Floors, upper perimeter, mezzanines, internal and external walls, doorways, places for laying communications - none of this should be left untreated. When processing, it is worth taking into account the number of insects and how heavily infested the room is with pests. If the number is small, for example, at the stage of emergence and single individuals, it makes no sense and is not economically justified to flood everything, so carefully treat only the areas of accumulation. However, if you are treating for a protective purpose, then in order for the barrier properties of Dobrokhim MICRO to make themselves felt, the perimeter of all rooms must be treated without fail.

Using Dobrokhim Micro is simple - you need to measure out a certain amount of concentrate according to the instructions, dilute it with warm water in the required proportion and mix thoroughly. 5 minutes and the solution is ready for spraying. Please note: spraying or irrigation, not aerosol spray. Insect repellent should be applied in the spray phase, in a medium drop, to saturate all types of surfaces. The optimal flow rate for this mode: each square meter of surface should be evenly irrigated with approximately 70-90 ml of the finished liquid; for plastic or laminated coatings, 40-50 ml will be sufficient. Any pump sprayer will do, but once the container has come into contact with the insecticidal suspension, it is not recommended to use it for other purposes, even taking into account its subsequent washing and disinfection.

In order to find out the dosage and features of Dobrokhim Micro, select the domestic insect that is bothering you.

Bed bugs

Forget about aerosols, which cause so many problems with increased stability. If you need a remedy for bedbugs that would kill every single one of them, and not just scare them away, then choose Dobrokhim Micro - it is suitable for killing blood-sucking insects just as well as for killing stinging ones. If we characterize Micro deservedly, then it is a reliable and effective remedy against bedbugs, along with Dobrokhim FOS. Our clients often take this remedy when they find themselves in a situation after they have repeatedly and unsuccessfully used the services of sanitation services, and remain satisfied. Of course, provided that you take the processing seriously. Apart from online platforms and online shops, where to buy bedbug repellent remains a risky business, it can be argued that Dobrokhim Micro and other professional and household bedbug repellents are not sold in regular stores today . The manufacturer of the product for killing bedbugs, Dobrokhim Micro, also does not sell products to individuals, however, we, as an official dealer, can provide you with the drug, free delivery and consultation with documents. To kill bed bugs, you will need an aqueous solution diluted in a concentration of 0.100% of the DV of the product (at a dosage of 4 ml/1 l of water). If an apartment or other room is only slightly infested with bed bugs, then the sleeping area with the adjacent perimeter must be thoroughly treated. If the infestation is extensive or there is every reason to suspect an influx of bedbugs from neighbors, treat places where bedbugs may be settling: cracks along floor and ceiling baseboards, behind pictures and mirrors, wall hangings, places where wallpaper lags and joins, doors and door frames, window openings, ventilation grilles , seams and folds of all furniture, places behind heating radiators, along heating risers, etc. If there is a large population of bedbugs, as well as in the case of walls facing with plaster, wood or other absorbent material, the consumption of the finished liquid should be increased to 150 ml per 1 sq.m. Despite all the safety of using Dobrokhim Micro, you cannot treat bedding and soft toys with it according to the instructions. However, if you do treat your bedding set with a bedding product, we recommend first soaking it in a soap-soda solution for half an hour, then rinsing the laundry thoroughly and putting it in the washing machine at 40 degrees. Simultaneous treatment of adjacent rooms or a block of apartments is advisable in dormitories where frequent introduction of insects is possible, or in houses with extensive distribution of bedbugs. Repeated treatments are carried out with another means when live bugs are detected, confirming the insects' resistance to FOS-group drugs.


Wondering how to poison cockroaches? Insect poisons such as crayons, gels, aerosols and powders are not always suitable or convenient for treating an apartment. Firstly, it’s a long time, in the sense of waiting for an effect from them, especially from gels. Secondly, it is sometimes impossible to remove it from surfaces without leaving a trace. Thirdly, do you seriously think that dichlorvos against cockroaches will work even after baiting? Conscientious manufacturers of aerosol cans put warnings on the labels that insects die only when the aerosol comes into direct contact with the insect at the time of treatment, and the protective effect on the surface does not exceed 3 days. In reality it is several hours. Compared to aerosols, Dobrokhim Micro operates for an unprecedented 6 months, and does not leave visible marks after treatment. Do not be afraid of poisoning, this is impossible if you follow the instructions. Dobrokhim Micro is a cockroach repellent that is safe for pets. Micro is the most effective, odorless remedy for cockroaches. It is not just good, like the good FOS or Taran. It is the best against cockroaches. In the list of insects against which the targeted action of Dobrokhim Micro is directed, cockroaches are in first place, and not by chance. Take a look at the instructions and check for yourself. The point is the peculiarities of the mechanism of action of the drug and we will dwell on this in more detail. Cockroaches die not only from contact with the treated surface, but also infect other individuals by contacting their antennae with individuals of their own and the opposite sex. The more cockroaches, the more often they come into contact, gathering in one place, and the faster they poison each other. Here’s what our expert thinks: “Microencapsulated cockroach repellent is the No. 1 need for apartments in which “invading” cockroaches have been terrorizing a clean and well-kept apartment for months or even years.” And indeed, no matter how much you monitor cleanliness or wipe off the water, from time to time they will appear on the threshold of your home, unless you “outline” the boundaries of the insects with Dobrokhim Micro. Reviews from those who have been fighting cockroaches for more than a year show how important it is to take care of long-term protection, and not waste money every month on acute-acting remedies, such as aerosols or contact sprays. To destroy cockroaches, use solutions of 0.25% DV (10 ml/1l of water) at a flow rate of 50-100 ml/sq.m., treating surfaces in places where insects are detected, localized and along the paths of movement of insects. Attention is paid to the space behind electrical appliances, kitchen cabinets, under the sink, holes and cracks in walls, in door frames, thresholds, along baseboards, in facings, as well as ventilation vents, and the junctions of pipes of water supply, heating and sewerage systems. Treatment is carried out simultaneously in all rooms inhabited by cockroaches. In case of high and very high numbers, cabinet furniture, as well as adjacent rooms, are treated for preventive purposes: to prevent migration and subsequent colonization by cockroaches. Repeated treatments are carried out with a different agent, and in case of resistance to a group of FOS-containing drugs.


Ants have a whole network of interconnected nests when it comes to populating an apartment. Ant colonies are communicating vessels; they interact with each other even more closely than cockroaches. For example, they not only sniff each other, but also feed from the goiter. The main problem with ants is not their resistance at all (on the contrary, they are highly sensitive to insecticides of any group), but the fact that you need to eradicate the queen, which most contact-type agents cannot do. Dobrokhim MICRO solves this problem automatically, simultaneously luring the queen from a hard-to-reach shelter, and at the same time stimulating the release of aggregation pheromones in the ants. As a result, most of the working individuals that collect organic matter to feed the queen go out onto the treated surfaces, transmitting a signal to others, and upon returning back, they poison the queen through the gastrointestinal method, if she has not previously managed to go “for a walk” in the treated areas. To destroy red house ants and other types of ants that often penetrate indoors, treat their travel paths (“paths”) in the bathroom, hallway, kitchen, pantry or dressing room - joints of tiles, baseboards, furniture edges, or places of accumulation. The product should be diluted in a concentration of 0.15% according to the DV (dosage 6 ml/1l of water). Re-processing is not necessary.


Cat, dog and rat fleas are carriers of vector-borne infections, and most importantly, they annoy people around the clock with painful bites, which, in the case of a long history, cause pulicosis in humans. The human flea (lat. Pulex irritans) is especially dangerous in this regard. But the products you buy in the store will only irritate them. If we take into account the situation with fleas in the 21st century, we can say that the problem of flea resistance has also affected professional insecticides. Desperate reviews will tell you that it is impossible to cope with fleas, no matter who you call and no matter what you poison them with. We will tell you that to judge so categorically would be an unfounded exaggeration. The reason for the failures, especially after the use of professional poisons, is that many such products are not allowed to process anything related to textiles - these can be products made of lint and fur, soft toys, blankets, animal houses, etc. In such a situation, a very careful approach to the regime of their non-chemical processing is required. However, this complicates matters because fleas are difficult to control without using chemicals. With the drug Dobrokhim Micro, this opportunity is now available - you can treat rugs and bedding for cats, dogs and other pets that are parasitized and bred by fleas. Beddings must be thoroughly irrigated with the prepared solution, even soaked, especially those with long pile, and after a day, washed and dried before use. To kill fleas, the product is diluted in a concentration of 0.100% according to the DV (4 ml/1 l of water). In addition to areas where fleas breed near pets, it is also necessary to treat walls up to a height of 1 meter, furniture, the floor surface in places where linoleum and baseboards lag, cracks behind baseboards, carpets, and rugs on the reverse side. In the case when fleas crawl out of the basement, filling the apartments on the first floors, it is worth paying attention to the degree of clutter. We recommend that you first clean them of debris, and only then treat them; this will save a significant amount of the drug, and if you cover all areas where fleas accumulate, you may not need to treat them again. This is usually repeated with another means and only in the case of the production of individuals resistant to the group of FOS-containing drugs.


Dobrokhim Micro is a specially tested remedy against stinging hymenoptera, with proven selective effectiveness against wasps, wild bees and hornets. It doesn’t matter where you need to get rid of wasps - in the country house, in the garden, in the garage or on a plot somewhere in nature, Dobrokhim Micro is guaranteed to help out, preventing numerous stings and associated health problems. Processing of nests is carried out in the summer and until the beginning of autumn. The families of wasps are annual and they do not return to old nests. Are there wasps in the attic of the house, terrace, veranda, or in the summer extension? Find the nest if you haven't already. “Ground” wasps make nests in the ground, breaking through tunnels. The Dobrokhim Micro solution must be poured into each such hole. Use the method of irrigating the nests from the outside, which is often used by disinfectants. Prepare the required volume of water depending on the number, type and size of nests, and dilute the insecticidal solution at a concentration of 0.25% DV (dosage 10 ml/1 l of water, it is also valid for other insects and arthropods that cause concern to humans). According to the degree of consumption of the finished liquid, according to the instructions, you should use at least 150-200 ml of solution for each nest, but we recommend pouring at least 300 ml. Remember to follow proper handling procedures, including those discussed below, as well as hand and face protection. It is advisable to protect your face with at least a mosquito net. One more technique guarantees safety: carry out the treatment in the very early morning hours, when it is still cool and wasp activity is minimal, first cover the nest tightly with polyethylene (you can use a T-shirt bag with handles), leaving a small hole at the top for the sprayer. After processing, tie the polyethylene over the nest tightly to keep the smallest drops (aerosol particles) and drug vapor inside it. The death of wasps will occur within 0.5-1 hour due to both fumigation and contact effects. When treating wasps, various types of sprayers are suitable. However, experienced disinfectors recommend small-capacity sprayers (1.5 or 2 liters), firstly, because you won’t need a larger volume of product to treat 2-3 nests. And secondly, because a small sprayer usually has a solid hose: dense, flexible rubber or a plastic tube, which is quite convenient and easy to insert into a bag and fix in the socket. Take precautions: do not approach the nest closer than 1.5-2 m, this will reduce the risk of possible insect stings. It is also recommended to treat possible wasp nesting sites to prevent the creation of new nests during the season - the outer walls of a house or other building adjacent to the location of the destroyed wasp nest, at the rate of 100 ml per 1 sq.m. For this purpose, to completely treat the area (as is the case with ground wasps), you need to buy more of the drug - 2 or 3 bottles for an area of ​​up to 10 acres.

Precautionary measures

The product is safe for furniture and other delicate surfaces, does not damage or leave marks. But you still need to take some precautions when using Dobrokhim Micro:

  • before starting processing, you should pack all food products, kitchen utensils, medicines, personal hygiene products in plastic bags and tie them tightly;
  • It is better to take pets and bird cages out of the apartment for a while, and carefully close the aquarium.
  • When preparing the mixture and further work, you need to wear protective equipment: a respirator or gauze bandage, gloves, goggles to protect against the drug getting into your eyes when spraying, a robe or overalls, an oilcloth or rubberized apron, a scarf.
  • While working, you must not eat, drink, or smoke.
  • After disinfection, you should take a swim and be sure to ventilate the rooms for at least 30 minutes.
  • All protective clothing should also be ventilated.

If you do come into contact with an insecticide, do not panic:

  • If the product gets into your eyes, you need to rinse them with water and apply eye drops for irritation; for pain, use a 2% solution of novocaine.
  • In case of accidental entry into the gastrointestinal tract, drink 10-15 tablets of activated carbon with two glasses of water.
  • If it gets on the skin, blot it lightly with cotton wool, then wash with soap.


Persons over 18 years of age who have previously been instructed are allowed to work with the drug. Treat the contaminated area only in a protective suit, gloves, goggles and a respirator. Children and pets are not allowed in the premises. Windows must be open. While working, you must not drink, smoke or eat. Upon completion, it is recommended to change clothes, wash your face and hands with soap, and take a shower. Store in a dark and dry place, away from medications and food.

The online store Insekomikh.Net offers to buy Dobrokhim M at the best price.
Each client is guaranteed fast delivery to any region of Russia. Any questions? Contact our managers by phone and get advice from the company's leading specialists. We are waiting for your orders! This product requires special preparation when used. You must carefully read the instructions for use and follow safety precautions.

Storage rules

Dobrokhim Micro, which is a moderately hazardous substance, must be stored in a dry place. The packaging must be closed, at temperatures from -5° to +40°C. Keep away from sources of fire to avoid sunlight. To be inaccessible to children. The drug is suitable for use for 5 years.

Analogues of the drug Dobrokhim Micro

Other means are also used in the fight against household insects:

  • Fendon - based on alpha-cypermethrin 1.5%, residual effect - up to 2 months.
  • MASTER 250 μs – with florpyrifos 25%, produced in Israel.
  • Alphatrin Flow - the active ingredient alphacypermethrin 2%, an insectoacaricidal concentrate, is used for the preparation of poisonous mixtures and food baits.
  • Dobrohim Phos - in addition to killing all types of household insects, it is also used to combat ticks and lice.
  • Taran 10% - based on zetacypermethrin.

And also such drugs as K-Otrin SK50, Fufanon super, Fury, Tsiradon.

Control measures

Insect control needs to be systematic:

  • Remove factors for their favorable habitat. Such factors include severe contamination of the room: leftover food, mountains of dirty dishes, accumulated garbage, greasy layers on the stove.
  • Uncovered food is constantly available, large holes, cracks in baseboards, near pipes, from where cockroaches and ants appear.

Use traditional methods

If there are small children or pets in the house, the use of chemicals for etching is undesirable and recipes such as:

  • boric acid in various forms;
  • traps using strong-smelling products;
  • using cold to kill uninvited guests. If the temperature of the house drops below 4-5 degrees, the cockroach lives for less than half an hour and dies. Long ventilation in cold seasons and the absence of numerous cracks will quickly do the trick.

Application of chemical insecticides

Nowadays there are all kinds of insect control products on the market.

Types of insecticides:

  • suspensions;
  • poisonous pastes;
  • crayons;
  • aerosols;
  • traps.

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

Compared to other insecticides, Dobrokhim Micro has a number of advantages:

  • Effective destruction of all types of household pests;
  • double action of pesticides: through contacts and when they enter the intestines;
  • The duration of the reliable action of the product is extended to six months, this provides a guarantee against the reappearance of pests and eliminates additional treatment during this time.
  • Low level of threat to people and pets, because the insecticidal substance is closed in microscopic capsules;
  • Does not irritate mucous membranes and skin, does not cause acute allergic reactions;
  • safe for all types of surfaces;
  • no pungent chemical odor;
  • household use is allowed.

The disadvantages of the drug include the fact that some consumers noted its weak activity in the fight against bed bugs; some do not like the smell.

Appointment of Dobrokhima FOS

The insecticide is used to destroy:

  • red and black cockroaches;
  • bedbugs;
  • ants;
  • flies;
  • fleas, rat ticks;
  • head, pubic and body lice;
  • scabies mites.

The product is used to treat residential and non-residential premises; it is suitable for household and professional disinfection of residential buildings, cottages, hotels and hostels, and industrial premises. They use the insecticide in catering establishments and treat people over 16 years of age if lice is detected. The product is suitable for treating areas with a high population of insects.

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