Introducing rabbit meat into complementary feeding for infants: basic rules, easy step-by-step recipes for cooking

Caring for a child is a complex, time-consuming, but enjoyable process. How much effort goes into raising an adult from a small, unreasonable creature! And not the last place in the list of responsibilities for caring for a baby is nutrition. The proper functioning of the child’s body, growth and even mental development depend only on nutrition.

When to introduce meat into complementary foods?

Young parents are concerned about the question of when to introduce meat into the children's menu? Some argue that you should not get carried away with meat for infants, since it is too rough; some are afraid to feed rabbit because of the complexity of preparation and choice, while others are convinced vegetarians.

Let's reveal an important secret: meat can and should be given to a child. This is the most important source of protein, energy, vitamins, and amino acids.

Vegetables, cereals and fruits do not provide the growing body with the entire necessary set of beneficial microelements. You don’t want your child to grow up sick and frail, do you? The best meat dish is rabbit puree for babies.

It is worth starting complementary feeding for your child with this dietary product. Poultry will do, but it is advisable to choose turkey - the most delicate type of bird, which rarely causes allergies in children.

Why rabbit?

Really, why? There are many other types of meat and not so expensive (rabbit is not a cheap pleasure). In fact, it is advisable to prepare the first complementary food for a child from this dietary meat.

The following are the beneficial properties of rabbit meat for babies:

  • Rabbit meat contains a lot of protein, little cholesterol and fat;
  • can be introduced into the menu at an early age;
  • meat is digested easily and without consequences, suitable for an undeveloped child’s stomach;
  • dietary product, calorie content is 156 kcal per 100 grams;
  • does not contain harmful, dangerous substances;
  • Rabbit meat is capable of removing harmful substances from the body, radiation, poisoning;
  • improves memory, intelligence, understanding;
  • helps the proper development of bones, teeth, nails;
  • The recipe for cooking is simple;
  • contains a sufficient amount of phosphorus;
  • contains a huge amount of useful substances, vitamins, amino acids.

Composition and benefits of the product

Rabbits grow quite quickly and by the age of two months they weigh about one and a half kg. In this case, the animal carcass contains 85% meat. It is hard and dense in rabbits. Due to this, the meat and fat layer can be easily separated from the bone. And after cooking, the carcass becomes soft, tender and literally melts in your mouth. The older the animal, the fattier and higher the calorie content the meat. Therefore, it is better to take a young carcass.

Rabbit meat contains vitamins A and C, B1 and E, B2 and B11, B6 and B9, PP. Among other things, the product contains phosphorus and fluorine, iron and sodium and calcium, cobalt and manganese, zinc and copper, chlorine and potassium, iodine and other important minerals. The benefits of rabbit meat include the following properties:

  • Increases immunity and body tone, accelerates recovery from infectious diseases, helps to recover from illness and operations;
  • Strengthens teeth, gums and bones. Takes part in the formation of the bone skeleton, teeth and nails;
  • Relieves fatigue, prevents rapid fatigue, gives vigor and strength;
  • Helps with insomnia and improves sleep;
  • Relieves pain in muscles and joints, eliminates headaches and dizziness;
  • Eliminates dry skin and has a beneficial effect on the condition of the skin;
  • Revitalizes and strengthens dry hair, helps with hair loss;
  • Stabilizes the functioning of blood vessels and the heart, normalizes blood pressure;
  • Relieves acne on the face and cracks in the corners of the mouth;
  • Stimulates memory and saturates brain cells with oxygen;
  • Relieves irritability and improves mood, has a beneficial effect on the condition of nerve cells;
  • Improves material metabolism;
  • Reduces eye pressure and maintains visual acuity;
  • Lowers blood sugar levels;
  • When playing sports, it helps build muscle mass.

Rabbit meat is a dietary food low in calories. It helps reduce weight and improve digestion. Rabbit meat is useful for anemia, gastritis and stomach ulcers, colitis, hypertension, diabetes and some other diseases.

Rabbit fat heals wounds and relieves inflammation. This component is added to some cosmetic products that rejuvenate the skin and improve the condition of the hair, and help with various problems of the skin and nails.

Features of eating rabbit by children

We figured out the beneficial properties and made sure that a child needs a rabbit. But when should you give the first meat food? This question worries young parents. Doctors recommend introducing meat into complementary foods at 6-8 months . This should not be done before, since the baby’s stomach is not yet accustomed to the new way of eating; the rabbit will seem too heavy for a small organism and will cause rotting inside.

One more point: a rabbit cannot be the first food. It should follow other types of food. The first complementary foods are vegetable and fruit purees and cereals. And only then does meat supplementation appear.

Feeding a baby correctly: breastfeeding technique

Introducing complementary foods for many parents is quite a difficult task, because you need to decide where to start, maintain a pause between new products, and monitor the baby’s reaction. But the most important thing is to choose safe and truly healthy foods. Among these is dietary meat: how do we cook baby rabbit? There are many answers to this question, because the dish should be tender and tasty.

Of course, at first you will have to cook the baby separately. This is a rather labor-intensive process, but it’s so nice to give your baby new tastes and impressions.

How to give your child meat supplements?

Exactly the same as they fed him with other foods the first time. Mix a quarter teaspoon of rabbit meat with breast milk, mix thoroughly and give it to the baby to try. If your child reacts positively to a new dish, feel free to add it to the menu.

Meat complementary foods can be introduced in another way; pediatricians often talk about it: a microscopic amount of meat is added to vegetable puree so that the child’s body gradually gets used to the new taste and substance. Meat complementary foods will become a familiar dish for the baby and will not cause allergies.

How much formula does a baby need?

Just a little, the main thing is not to overdo it. Meat products require caution when consumed by young children. Until the baby is one year old, the dose should not exceed seventy grams. Up to nine months, it is recommended to give from twenty to fifty grams.

If you overdo it, it will be difficult for your baby’s stomach to digest meat products.

Do not forget to consult with the doctor who is observing your baby. He will advise you on how to feed your child a rabbit, based on individual characteristics.

Why shouldn't you use canned food?

Supermarkets offer young parents collections of jars, canned goods with poultry, rabbit meat, broccoli and chicken... The variety is huge. There is no need to prepare jars; you can stock up for future use and treat your child with canned food with peace of mind. But the simple “recipe” for these dishes is the only plus. Otherwise, such products are not useful for the baby, and may even harm.

  1. It is unknown what kind of meat manufacturers put in the jars. Manufacturers can use genetically modified products due to their low cost and volume, which should not be included in children's menus.
  2. The composition does not inspire confidence; in addition to the fact that ordinary products are listed there, the list includes preservatives and corn starch, which adds more volume. As a result, the percentage of meat becomes insignificant.
  3. It is easy to get poisoned from canned meat. Manufacturers do not always accurately indicate shelf life. The baby's body is very sensitive and may react to preservatives with an allergic reaction. Play it safe and prepare it yourself.
  4. The price of such jars is not encouraging. For a small box of “healthiest” puree, which cannot be stored open for a long time, and therefore is bought for one or two times, you need to pay a considerable amount. It is more profitable to buy a rabbit carcass, cut it up, turn it into minced meat and use it, after freezing it, for six months or a year.

Don’t trust attractive advertisements or convenient jars; the baby’s health is a hundred times more important.

Reception for giving up favorite food for 5 years

By the way, a new discovery with a 5 year old child. Now he tests my strength every day in terms of nutrition. Just yesterday, I refused to eat sauce, although potatoes are my favorite product and he cannot live a single day without potato soup.

The sauce is delicious, whole pieces of chicken meat, large potatoes, small onions and carrots. Everyone likes it, lots of potatoes, no carrots, onions or meat. Yes, yes, a true man grows, remember how in the joke, the husband says to his wife, I don’t eat eggplants, and she replies, that’s what you think. Same with my son. We eat everything, but due to age we began to reject dishes.

What my husband and I did. Yesterday. If you don’t like it, don’t eat it, we don’t cry in the kitchen, we don’t set conditions, go to your room. There were several attempts to return and organize a concert. They quietly took you by the hand and took you to the children's room with the phrase, if you calm down, we'll talk. As a result, the plate stood on the table for another hour, I felt sorry for the child, he was hungry, although my husband asked to remove it as soon as we ate.

I went to bed hungry, before going to bed there were attempts to starve my mother out, with an offer for ME to cook an omelette for HIM. She refused, citing that she was tired while she was preparing potato soup for him.

The next day, we’re leaving kindergarten, and I say, you know, I’ve been cooking you a special soup all day, it turns ordinary boys into superheroes, in short, it’s like that all the way home. We ate the special soup (same sauce) in a couple of minutes without any questions or whining.

I know I feel sorry for the child, but my goal is to make my life easier, I physically cannot prepare my favorite dishes for each family member, if he doesn’t understand this now, then I think my daughter-in-law will tell me later. And I also believe that a healthy child with healthy eating habits will thank you later as an adult.

Rabbit dishes for kids

There is a whole list of delicious rabbit dishes for children of different ages, some can be cooked directly in a slow cooker, others must be cooked, but all are quite simple to prepare. Let's look at several recipes, starting from the easiest and for the little ones.


A recipe that is suitable even for a seven-month-old baby - rabbit puree. It is not difficult to make, but it will take a considerable amount of time to make a high-quality puree.

  1. To keep the meat juicy and the puree tender and soft, soak a piece of rabbit overnight. This step will allow you to prepare the most tender puree.
  2. When the meat is ready, cut it into several small pieces and cook. Bring the meat to a boil, drain the broth and pour in clean cold water.
  3. The second time you need to cook until fully cooked. This way the meat will become lean. How long to cook rabbit meat? It depends on the size of the pieces and on the “youth” of the rabbit itself. Old rabbits have tough and rough meat. Cooking the meat takes forty minutes or an hour.
  4. After cooking the meat, puree it. There are two ways: grind in a blender or in a meat grinder. If you use the first option, add two tablespoons of water to make it easier to grind. If you use a meat grinder, be sure to grind the meat twice and then add warm water. Ready! Cool the resulting mixture to room temperature (do not overdo it) and give it to your baby separately or together with vegetable puree.


There is another recipe for a delicious dish that goes “with a bang” among kids. After all, sometimes you need to include soups in the menu - liquid dishes are very useful for a child’s tummy. It is not difficult to prepare his first dish based on rabbit meat.

  1. Take a small piece of rabbit (about one hundred grams), vegetables (you need to choose vegetables that your baby has already tried), potatoes and a couple of glasses of water.
  2. Cook the rabbit meat according to the method already described (drain the first water, then cook until tender).
  3. When the meat boils for the second time, add peeled and chopped potatoes and a little salt. All parents have different attitudes towards salt; some are categorically against this flavor enhancer for children. A couple of salt crystals are not dangerous for a child.
  4. When the potatoes and rabbit are ready, add the vegetables. Cook for ten to fifteen minutes and the soup is ready.
  5. If the baby is not yet one year old, then carefully swirl the soup in a blender.

Cream soup

Another easy-to-prepare recipe is puree soup. It is even easier to prepare than ordinary soup.

  1. Cook the rabbit meat according to the method already presented, spin the finished piece of meat with a small amount of broth in a blender, and add mashed potatoes if desired.
  2. Mix thoroughly, add salt to taste. Done - fresh and tender puree soup is ready. The baby will give the highest score to the new dish and ask for more.

As you can see, the benefits of rabbit meat are immeasurable, so do not be afraid to feed your child tender dietary meat. It is also useful for adults - feel free to add it to the family menu. Dishes made from rabbit are easy to prepare, very tasty and healthy. Why not spice up your family dinner with a dish that everyone can try, from the biggest to the smallest?

Cooking rabbit meat for the baby

Observe the following rules when cooking meat:

  1. Use only fresh product. If there is such an opportunity, it is better to purchase a rabbit raised in the village rather than bought in a supermarket.
  2. During cooking, it is worth immersing the meat in boiling water.
  3. Before cooking, any remaining fat accumulations should be trimmed from the carcass.
  4. For children under one year old, meat should be cut across the grain. It must be remembered that after the product is crushed, you should not wash it.
  5. It is better to steam or bake rabbit meat. This way you can save more nutrients than after cooking.
  6. To get juicy and soft boiled meat, you need to soak it in water for two hours in advance.
  7. How long to cook a rabbit for feeding depends on how young the meat is. For your baby, try to buy young specimens. The older the meat, the longer it will take to cook. But it should be cooked for at least an hour . It is better to check its readiness by piercing it with a fork.
  8. If you use frozen rabbit meat, you should defrost it before cooking. To do this, wrap the meat in a paper towel to remove excess moisture. Leave to melt at room temperature. When the rabbit meat has melted, rinse and dry it.
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