What is oven-baked pork - recipes


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Not everyone knows what it is - oven-baked pork. From the name you might think that this is just meat baked in the oven. In fact, this whole piece of pork, cooked for a long time, tastes like homemade sausage. To cook real, tasty oven-baked pork, you need to know the details of cooking.

Which part of the carcass is suitable for the dish?

For boiled pork - shoulder, ham, neck, tenderloin are suitable. You can use not only meat from the market, but also vacuum-packed meat. Other important tips:

  1. To preserve the natural taste of meat, control the amount of seasonings.
  2. Warm the foil before wrapping the pork in it (this will prevent the dish from losing its juices).
  3. Be sure to marinate the piece for at least 30 minutes before baking.
  4. When cooking boiled pork in foil, cut it in 15 minutes. until the end of cooking, for a crust to appear.
  5. In order for the marinade to be better absorbed and the meat to bake quickly, make punctures with a fork all over the piece.
  6. To make the dish juicy, choose pork with less fat.

There are simple and tasty options for preparing the dish; it is almost impossible to spoil it.

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Pork in the oven in pieces - how to bake it so that it is juicy and soft

Rating of semi-sweet red wines: which brand is better to choose
? Bake pork in the oven in one piece - this is perhaps the simplest and most affordable option of all cooking recipes. If you choose the right piece, with skin and lard, it will turn out incredibly tender, juicy and tasty!

What you will need:

  • piece of pork with crust and fat - 1 kg,
  • salt – 1 tsp,
  • spices - according to your desire (coarse black pepper, mayran, paprika, cumin),
  • beer – 2 bottles,
  • leeks or regular onions, along with herbs - 2-3 heads,
  • carrots – 1 piece,
  • bell pepper – 2 pcs.

Some people also like to use foil for this recipe, but it seems to me that this way, without any wrapping, the meat in this recipe turns out to be the most delicious.

How to cook

Rinse the piece of pork well. Using a knife, make shallow cuts on the skin so as not to touch the meat itself, but to capture the fat.

Salt the meat on all sides, and you can stick a few cloves into the slits in the skin. Then roll in seasonings, but do not overdo them.

Be sure to rub in the seasonings you use, otherwise you won’t see any benefit from them.

Now put the meat in a frying pan, add vegetable oil and fry on both sides, but do not turn it over onto the skin. There is no need for us to fry it.

When this stage is completed, you need to pour beer over the meat so that it is completely covered with it, cover with a lid, set the heat to medium and simmer for about 20 minutes.

In my experience, it is better to choose strong, dark and good quality beer. This is what will give the pork an excellent flavor.

Now we cut the vegetables, but there is no need to chop them. Place in a baking dish. If desired, you can add celery, parsnips, parsley. But the main thing is not to overdo it with them - just a little is better.

We put our meat on the vegetables and pour beer over them again. But not from a frying pan, but from a bottle.

Transfer the baking sheet to the oven, turn on 180 degrees and wait for about 15 minutes. when a crust appears that suits us perfectly, the temperature can be reduced to 160 degrees, and now the holding time of our meat will be up to 3 hours.

Don't forget to open the oven from time to time and pour the broth from the baking sheet over the meat.

When the meat is ready, remove it from the oven and let it sit for about 20 minutes. Do not cut the meat right away - this will allow all the juice to leak out. But we want it to be juicy and soft at the same time.

Serve cut into portions along with your favorite side dish.


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Meat must be properly prepared, which directly depends on the type and condition of the cut, as well as the type of dish that is intended to be prepared

When choosing meat, you need to pay attention to age. Pork is divided according to age: meat of suckling pigs from 3 to 6 kg with tender muscles, from almost white to pinkish color; pig meat weighing from 12 to 38 kg is pale pink; pork from adults over 34 kg, light pink to red in color, with varying marbling, white internal fat, pinkish subcutaneous fat

The carcass is cut up, boned and parts are cleaned.

Pork carcass cutting diagram

On the diagram: 1. Tenderloin (fillet); 2.Lard (lard, Speck, Lardo, Back fat); 3. Hip part: ham, ham, bacon; 4.Spatula; 5.Chest (lower neck); 6. Brisket; 7.Undercuts; 8. Dorsal part (loin); 9. Ribs; 10.Lumbar part (loin); 11.Knuckle; 12.Legs; 13.Neck; 14. Head and cheeks (proportions not respected).

Use of pork meat

The table shows examples of the use of various parts of chopped pork carcass in cooking (English version), recipes for pork dishes that I propose to prepare:

Semi-finished pork products

After cutting the pork carcass, large pieces of meat are used to prepare portioned semi-finished products and minced meat. The following semi-finished products can be prepared from pork meat: Natural cutlets are cut from the part of the loin adjacent to the kidney part, from 13 to 6 ribs (10 in the pork carcass cutting diagram). Chops are cut from the loin from the 6th rib at an angle of 45° along with the rib bone (8). Escalope is cut from loin (8.10), but without rib bones. Schnitzel is cut from the flesh of the hip part (3.10) into portioned pieces up to 2 cm thick. Brass pork is cut from the neck part (13) into portioned pieces at an angle of 45° up to 2.5 cm thick. Shish kebab is cut from the kidney part of the loin (10 ), from the pulp of the loin, hip part (3). The stew is cut from the brisket (6) into pieces together with the bone, in the form of cubes (30-40 g). Pilaf is cut from the shoulder part (4), brisket (6.9) into cubes (15-20 g). Goulash is cut from the shoulder (4) and neck (13) parts into cubes (20-30 g). The roast is cut from the loin (8.10) and the hip part (3) into cubes (10-15 g). Minced meat is prepared from neck meat (13), flank (7), trim (6-9), and trimmings. The cutlets are formed using a hand and a knife into an ovoid-flattened shape. Schnitzels are formed into an oval shape, up to 1.5 cm thick. Bits, meatballs and meatballs are formed using a hand and a knife into a flattened round shape, up to 2 cm thick. Zrazy - in the form of cutlets with all kinds of fillings. Meat rolls are stuffed with vegetables and eggs. Semi-finished minced meat products are breaded in breadcrumbs in accordance with the recipe or as desired.

Good afternoon, dear readers and guests of my blog!

What kind of kebab is made from - lamb, beef, chicken, pork, fish, shrimp, vegetables. Sausages and kupats are fried over the fire, and potatoes are baked in coals.

Cooking shish kebab from pork (and not only from it) is always a joy because it is nature, fresh air, smoke, favorite music and the presence of a body of water within sight. For me personally, there is no better vacation than relaxing in nature. No resorts can compare with our Russian forests, green fresh grass and delicious aromatic air. It is often difficult to find such a place to relax. Vacationers leave behind mountains of garbage, bottles, broken glass, cigarette butts and a lonely, charred barbecue. I am a sincere fighter for cleanliness and with all my heart I ask you to clean up your trash after yourself! It’s nice to get out into nature with children and have a wonderful time!

A little about the history of kebab

Shish kebab is an ancient dish and, apparently, one of the first that our primitive ancestors learned to cook. One day, people began to fry raw meat that accidentally fell into the fire during a fire themselves. I remember this from my lessons on the history of the ancient world. In the old days, soldiers and hunters fried pieces of meat by skewering them on gun ramrods.

Shish kebab is not a native Caucasian dish, as is popularly believed. Even in Ancient Rus', piglets, game, and pieces of lamb were roasted on a spit. The encyclopedia tells us that kebab is “cooked” meat. “Shish” (Crimean Tatar word) - spit, “shishlyk” - what’s on the spit.

Many, many nations have options for preparing charcoal-roasted meat. In Africa you can find kebab made from liver (pieces of liver, heart, kidneys). Mediterranean kebab is a cutlet mass strung on sticks with mint and is called “kebab” with various prefixes to the name: “shish-kebab”, “lula-kebab”, etc. Americans often cook meat on a grill and call it “barbecue”.


Which part of pork is used in cooking for which dishes?

What is healthier - pork or beef? Of course, it cannot be said that pork is harmful and beef is not, and vice versa. Both types of meat have both beneficial and harmful properties. And the choice of product mainly depends on the health status of a particular person.

If you listen to nutritionists, you can conclude that a balanced diet should be as varied as possible. That is why both types of meat are required in it. So which is healthier - beef or pork? One thing is clear: in the store you should give preference to fresh meat rather than sausages and other offal.

But what is more expensive – pork or beef? Specific prices depend on the time of year and the store, but one fact is absolutely certain - beef is more expensive.

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  • Feltham:

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  • .

    Useful tips and tricks

    Roast pork is considered a healthy and nutritious dish.

    To ensure that the meat does not turn out dry and retains maximum beneficial properties, the following subtleties should be observed during the cooking process:

    Basic subtletiesCharacteristics of manipulations
    Don't overdo it with spicesThe finished dish should have a scorched meat aroma and taste. Spices should emphasize these characteristics and not overwhelm them.
    When using foil, it is recommended to heat it in advance.When using heated foil, the meat retains the juices inside.
    Cut the foil approximately 15 minutes before the meat is readyThis manipulation is necessary if you want to cook meat with a golden brown crust.
    Before marinating, the meat must be pierced in several places with a fork/knife.Thanks to the punctures, the meat is better saturated with spices, salt or marinade.
    Check the freshness of meat before purchasingThe fillet should be pink and firm. Additionally, the seller must have a document indicating the date of purchase of pork and a certificate of meat quality.
    Place pork to bake only in a preheated oven.Thanks to the heat, the meat juices are retained inside the pork and the meat will be tender.
    Before baking, the meat should be sprinkled with vegetable oil.The oil will create a kind of film on the meat and allow you to retain more meat juice in the finished dish.

    Roast pork will be healthier and have the right texture when using chilled fillet. Frozen meat, after defrosting, loses some of its nutrients and becomes dry. Additionally, it is recommended to use meat from a young pig, their fillet is less fatty and more tender. But the most important nuance is to thoroughly wash the purchased fillet; ignoring this point means a lack of success in preparing the dish.

    Practical part

    1. We make small punctures across the entire surface of the piece of meat. We insert cloves, peppercorns and garlic slices into them.
    2. Now let's prepare the sauce. In a bowl, combine mustard with soy sauce, sugar and spices. Salt.
    3. Cover the baking sheet with foil or parchment. Add stuffed pork. Pour over the sauce obtained earlier.
    4. Place the baking sheet with meat into the preheated oven. Let's discuss some points. For the first 20 minutes, oven-baked pork should be baked at 220°C. Don't forget to baste it with sauce periodically. Reduce heat to 190-200°C. We time it for 25-30 minutes. We continue to pour the sauce over the meat, as well as the juice formed during the baking process. We determine the readiness of pork using a regular fork. Poke the pulp. If there is blood, then the meat still needs to stay in the oven. If it is already ready, then turn off the heat.

    We got aromatic oven-baked pork. What to cook for a side dish? We offer you the following options: stewed vegetables, mashed potatoes, boiled rice or quinoa. Please note that this will increase the calorie content of the dish.

    World trade [edit | edit code]

    In 2022, global exports were about 8 million tons, global production was about 110 million tons. About half of the world's pork production and consumption occurs in China.

    Top pork consumers in 2022, according to USDA:

    A countryVolume of consumption, thousand tons
    1China54 980
    2European Union20 410

    The largest pork producers in 2022, according to the USDA:

    A countryProduction volume, thousand tons
    1China52 990
    2European Union23 523
    3USA11 320

    Top pork exporters in 2022, according to USDA:

    Exporting countryExport volume, thousand tons
    1European Union3125

    Top pork importers in 2022, according to the USDA:

    Importing countryImport volume, thousand tons
    5Hong Kong429

    In Russia

    Pork production in Russia was characterized by constant growth between 2005 and 2022, during which period it more than doubled, from 1569 thousand tons to 3388 thousand tons. Pork imports in 2022 fell to 264 thousand tons and amounted to about 8% of consumption, compared to 30% of consumption in 2012 (1.1 million tons from 2.6 million tons).

    Read also Crane mushrooms photo and description of how to cook

    Pork shashlik on skewers in the oven

    You want to cook delicious barbecue not only in the warm season, but also in winter. You can prepare a delicious dish at home with bamboo skewers and an oven. Homemade fried shish kebab is not inferior to classic campfire shashlik in taste and aroma.


    • pork pulp – 1 kg;
    • onions – 4 pcs.;
    • tomato – 2 pcs.;
    • salt – 2 tsp;
    • ground black pepper – 1 tsp;
    • ground coriander – 1 tsp;
    • kebab seasoning – 1 tbsp. l.;
    • granulated sugar – 10 g;
    • apple cider vinegar – 10 ml;
    • dill greens – 1 bunch;
    • bamboo skewers – 7 pcs.

    To minimize the difference between barbecue on the fire and from the oven, you can add liquid smoke to the meat

    It is also important that the oven is preheated and the workpiece is baked at a temperature of at least 250 degrees


    1. Chop the pork into slices, slightly smaller in size than for a classic kebab. Cut half the onion into half rings of medium thickness.
    2. Cut the tomato in half, remove the stems and grate into the meat on a coarse grater.
    3. Season all ingredients with salt, pepper, and other spices.
    4. Mix the pork and vegetables with your hands, squeezing them a little. Cover with a lid and place in the refrigerator for 2-12 hours to marinate.
    5. At the same time, fill the skewers with water at room temperature and leave to swell for 25 minutes.
    6. Thread the meat slices onto prepared bamboo skewers. Place improvised “skewers” ​​on the sides of a deep mold.
    7. Pour some warm water inside the mold. Preheat the oven to 200 degrees and place the pieces in it for 20 minutes.
    8. Then turn it over to the other side and hold the kebab for another half hour. Fry the pickled onions in vegetable oil until golden and serve with the finished dish.
    9. You can cut the remaining onion into rings, add sugar and vinegar to it.
    10. Mix with your hands, separating into segments, and sprinkle with finely chopped dill.
    11. Marinate for 15 minutes and serve with the finished kebab.

    The recipe is simple, all the ingredients are available. Brass kebab will be delicious, so there is no shame in serving such tender meat on the holiday table. You can serve it on a serving platter without removing the skewers from it while hot.


    • beef pulp 1 kilogram
    • → or lamb pulp 900 grams
    • → or pork pulp 900 grams
    • ghee 90 grams
    • tomato puree 120 grams
    • potatoes 600 grams
    • turnip 150 grams
    • peeled carrots 210 grams
    • parsley root 90 grams
    • onion 210 grams
    • wheat flour 20 grams
    • greens to taste
    • ground black pepper to taste
    • salt to taste
    • spices to taste
    • Buy on FindMeals

    Pork medallions with mushrooms

    Required components:

    • Pork tenderloin - 2 pcs. 300 g each;
    • Champignons - 250 g;
    • Onion - 1 medium piece;
    • Parsley - 5 sprigs;
    • Garlic - 3 cloves;
    • Cream 35% - 120 ml;
    • Cognac or brandy - 2 tbsp;
    • Black pepper - 8 peas;
    • Allspice - 4 peas;
    • Olive oil;
    • Salt.

    Cooking process:

    1. Rinse the tenderloin; if there are films on it, get rid of them, then cut the meat into pieces 3-4 centimeters thick. Place the medallions on a board, cover with cling film on top and beat them a little.
    2. Crush the pepper in a mortar, peel the garlic and chop very finely or pass through a press.
    3. Place the meat in a bowl, season with salt and pepper, garlic and 3 tablespoons of olive oil, then leave the medallions to marinate for an hour.
    4. Peel the onion and chop into small cubes. Cut the champignons into slices. Heat the frying pan, pour the onion into it and fry until golden brown, then add the mushrooms to the onion and fry them for 10 minutes. Transfer the mixture to a plate and keep warm.
    5. The next step is to fry the medallions on all sides, then add the mushrooms and onions to the medallions and cook them together for 5 minutes.
    6. Place the medallions on plates, pour cognac into the frying pan and cook for three minutes after boiling, then add cream to the cognac, heat the cream on the fire for a minute, but do not boil, add salt to the sauce if necessary, pour it over the medallions and serve the dish.

    Roast pork. Ingredients: pork, young garlic, salt


    1 hour and 15 minutes


    A simple and tasty alternative to sausage. No special effort, just waiting for the meat to marinate and bake. Time indicated does not include marinating costs.

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    All the ingredients listed are arbitrary - you can choose everything according to your taste. This time I had a piece of carbonate. We cut it into “book-like” pages. This makes it easier to place your favorite spices inside the meat.

    Cut the garlic into thin slices. And I took the following spices - a classic set. I could use rosemary, but I'm the only rosemary lover in our family. And since I eat very little meat, I take into account the interests of the majority.

    Let’s start “writing a novel” - coat each page with spices and cover with garlic.

    We bandage it. We also sprinkle spices on top.

    Place in a baking sleeve and place in the refrigerator to marinate. I usually leave it on for several hours. Before baking, remove from the refrigerator for at least 30 minutes, preferably an hour. I put it in a cold oven. Temperature 200°C. One hour is enough. After turning off the heat, I leave it in the oven until it cools completely.

    Pork is good both warm and cold. Especially with fresh herbs.




    Merriam-Webster Definition of Brass Instruments

    1 : an alloy consisting mainly of copper and zinc in varying proportions

    2a : brass instruments of an orchestra or orchestra - often used in the plural

    b : usually a brass plaque

    c : bright metal fittings, utensils or decorations

    d : empty cartridge cases

    : brassy self-confidence : gall 4 singular or plural in construction
    a : high-ranking military personnel

    b : persons holding high positions (both in business and government)

    : consisting of or consisting of wind musical instruments brass part of the bracelet - see also brass band.

    Which one is the most delicious?

    Pork itself is divided into several categories, depending on the quality of the meat.

    • 1st category. This kind of pork is called bacon because it has the most meat in the hip area, which is interspersed with dense fatty stripes.
    • 2nd category. Such pigs are called meat pigs and are most often raised for slaughter in a variety of large and small livestock farms and farms.
    • Category 3. Such carcasses are called “fat” and are considered of lower quality than the first two categories, since they have more fat and less muscle.
    • Category 4 – pork carcasses for industrial processing. They are not supplied to regular stores and are processed exclusively at large enterprises.
    • Category 5 – these are dairy piglets along with their skins. They are often ordered in large restaurants and expensive stores, as their meat is especially delicate in taste and soft.

    In addition, the parts of the half carcass themselves can be divided into several varieties, which separate the cuts according to taste and quality.

    • The first grade includes the leanest parts of the carcass with soft meat. This is tenderloin and loin. The first grade also includes ham, which is suitable for most types of heat treatment.
    • The second grade includes the best meat that can be cooked on a grill or barbecue in the form of a shish kebab. These are the neck and shoulder, which are located on the front half of the carcass. The meat has small streaks of fat, but overall it is almost nothing but muscle.
    • The third grade includes belly cut and brisket, in which the amount of fat is almost comparable to the amount of meat. Nevertheless, such parts cannot be called bad, because with the high quality of all pork, they are also excellent for certain purposes.
    • The fourth grade includes all remaining parts of the pig. This group includes offal (heart, liver, stomach, head, legs), front and rear shanks, as well as various tendons, cartilage and small trimmings of meat. It is good to cook from such parts those dishes that simmer at high temperatures for a long time, so that the tough and stringy meat can become softer.

    The simplest step by step recipe

    First you need to weigh the meat to calculate the cooking time. For every 450 g it will take at least 30 minutes. If you cook the meat too long, it may become tough or fall apart (depending on the recipe).

    Follow the simple instructions:

    1. Place the loin or ham in a large skillet and cover with cold water.
    2. Bring to a boil, adding any desired flavorings such as cinnamon, herbes de Provence, garlic, pepper, coriander seeds and onion.
    3. Cook for half the calculated cooking time, periodically skimming and discarding any white foam that appears on the surface.
    4. Drain off most of the water and remove any skin, if any, leaving a thin layer of fat.
    5. Place in foil and bake for the remaining cooking time at 180°C (sometimes 160°C is sufficient). 20-30 minutes before finishing, brush on the desired glaze of your choice.
    6. Wait for a delicious brown crust to form.

    You can use a mixture of maple syrup, honey and mustard as a glaze; the store sells many variations of ready-made sauces; regular sweet and sour barbecue sauce will do.

    Historical reference

    The ancestor of the modern domestic pig, wild boar was first used by humans as food back in the Stone Age. From hunting wild boars, when they came to rummage through the garbage that accumulated near human settlements, people eventually moved on to herding semi-wild pigs, which could be caught and killed when the need for meat arose. Apparently, China became the place where the first domesticated pig appeared. The most ancient recipe for cooking pork came to us from China. Dating back to around 500 BC. BC, during the Zhou era, he describes the method of cooking baked suckling pig, stuffed with dates and coated with a mixture of straw or reed and clay, in coals. Methods similar to these are used today to prepare pork dishes on the Polynesian islands. Since pork could be preserved as easily as the animal that produced it could be reared, the domestic pig was the main source of food for European peasants in the Middle Ages. As a result of the difficulties encountered with food - even feeding pigs - during the winter, the tradition arose of slaughtering pigs at the end of the year. Salted pork was a winter staple, along with dried grains and legumes. The tradition of slaughtering pigs for the winter has survived to this day in the European countryside and in the United States (where pigs were first introduced by the Spanish on Columbus's second voyage in 1493). The day designated for slaughtering a pig became an event in the life of the family, to which neighbors were invited; in exchange for their help in processing the pork carcass, the neighbors receive a piece of meat for their household. Sometimes a local farmer, famous for his skill as a fighter, is hired to slaughter a pig; After the pig is slaughtered, the whole family and guests begin to process it. The blood is allowed to drain from the pork carcass, then the carcass is washed and cleaned; sometimes they scorch the bristles, covering the pig carcass with straw, which gives the aroma to its skin, which becomes covered with a ruddy crust. After “the pig carcass is cut into pieces, the women get to work, trying to find a use for every piece of the pig carcass. The choice parts are set aside - they will be prepared fresh that day for the upcoming celebration when they are served. Most of the remaining meat will be placed in salting vessels; however, the fattest pieces are crushed, then used for pates and sausages, which are salted and smoked over an open fire. Blood is used to prepare blood sausage, jellied meat is prepared from the head and legs, and tripe is also used. Lard is melted down to give it thousands of different uses. For those with a shortage or absence of cows and no oil-bearing plants, lard has served for centuries as a cooking oil. As the production of vegetable oil and other fat sources increased in the 20th century, the need for these types of pigs fell. Over the past 50 years, there has been an increasing demand for oblong-shaped pork, raised primarily for meat production. Buyers are now looking to purchase long loin pork as the loin is a straight cut of meat and is therefore the most expensive part of the pig along with the leg.

    What is oven-baked pork - recipes

    Not everyone knows what it is - oven-baked pork. From the name you might think that this is just meat baked in the oven. In fact, this whole piece of pork, cooked for a long time, tastes like homemade sausage. To cook real, tasty oven-baked pork, you need to know the details of cooking.


    Generally speaking, pork is different from other types of meat.

    Pork contains:

    • B vitamins;
    • zinc;
    • selenium;
    • iron;
    • lots of fats and proteins.

    It is precisely because of the large amount of fat that pork is not considered a dietary product, such as lean beef. To lose weight, it is better to eliminate this product from your diet; the same applies to people with stomach and heart diseases.

    Pork baked in the oven with potatoes

    For the dish, prepare an onion – 300 g; potatoes – 800 g; sea ​​salt; chops – 4 pcs.; vegetable oil; seasonings; rosemary, thyme. Preparation:

    1. Wash the pork and dry it. Grind rosemary and thyme with seasonings, oil, and salt.
    2. Grate the chops and place in the refrigerator for 40 minutes. Peel the potatoes, cut into quarters, chop the onion.
    3. Grease a glass dish with oil and bake potatoes and onions in it for 25 minutes.
    4. Remove the chops, place on the vegetables, and cook again for 20 minutes.

    "Attention!" Brass pork is also called boiled pork, so keep this in mind when looking for a recipe. This dish is a great option for a regular dinner or holiday table.

    A tasty replacement for unhealthy sausage. Doesn’t require a lot of effort in cooking or complex foods, just a little time for marinating and baking

    This dish is an excellent option for a regular dinner or holiday table. A tasty replacement for unhealthy sausage. It doesn’t require a lot of effort in cooking or complex foods, just a little time for marinating and baking.

    Which part of the carcass is suitable for the dish?

    For boiled pork - shoulder, ham, neck, tenderloin are suitable. You can use not only meat from the market, but also vacuum-packed meat. Other important tips:

    1. To preserve the natural taste of meat, control the amount of seasonings.
    2. Warm the foil before wrapping the pork in it (this will prevent the dish from losing its juices).
    3. Be sure to marinate the piece for at least 30 minutes before baking.
    4. When cooking boiled pork in foil, cut it in 15 minutes. until the end of cooking, for a crust to appear.
    5. In order for the marinade to be better absorbed and the meat to bake quickly, make punctures with a fork all over the piece.
    6. To make the dish juicy, choose pork with less fat.

    There are simple and tasty options for preparing the dish; it is almost impossible to spoil it.

    "Attention!" The dish can be cooked over an open fire. To do this, it is also wrapped in foil and cooked for 1.5 hours.

    Then cut the foil and cook for another 20 minutes.

    Accordion pork in the oven

    The meat can be stuffed with various vegetables, herbs, and mushrooms. For the recipe, take 1 kg tenderloin; garlic – 3 teeth; tomatoes – 2 pcs.; hard cheese; lemon juice; vegetable oil; mushrooms – 200 g; soy sauce – 3 tbsp. l.; mustard – 1 tbsp. l.


    1. Make cuts in the tenderloin (but not all the way), 1 cm in size. Mix the juice of half a lemon with a spoon of vegetable oil, mustard, and soy sauce.
    2. Grease a piece of tenderloin and place it in the refrigerator to soak for 10 hours.
    3. Cut tomatoes, mushrooms, garlic, cheese into thin slices. Place all the ingredients in layers in the prepared cuts.
    4. Wrap the meat in foil, bake for 50 minutes at 200°, then cut the foil and cook for another 10-15 minutes.

    "Know!" Brass pork is not only a tasty, aromatic dish, it also has many beneficial properties. Mainly thanks to vitamin B - I often prescribe it to breastfeeding women, because the vitamin increases the amount of milk. The vitamin is also useful for men.

    Roast pork in foil recipe

    Pork cooked in foil will retain more beneficial properties.

    To prepare it, you will need:

    • pork – 1 kg;
    • garlic – 5 teeth;
    • mayonnaise – 60 g;
    • bay leaf – 1 pc.;
    • black pepper;
    • vegetable oil;
    • rosemary;
    • seasonings to taste;
    • salt.

    Wash the meat and dry it. Making cuts in the piece, but not all the way, will improve the taste of the dish. A small piece does not require marinade. Chop the garlic, rub it on the pork, along with salt, bay leaf, pepper, and rosemary. Apply a small layer of mayonnaise on top. Leave to soak in the refrigerator for 4 hours. Then wrap the meat in foil, bake for 20 minutes at 220°, then lower to 190° and bake for another 1 hour. Make cuts in the foil to form a crust. Continue cooking for another 25 minutes. To check for readiness, make a puncture with a knife.


    Crispy glaze crust

    Let's look at how you can diversify this dish using glaze. The excellent glaze also keeps the pork from drying out and adds a delicious sweet and sour combination with the salty meat. You can also stuff the meat by smearing the cuts in the flesh and rolling it into a roll.

    Try fruity glazes that add a delicious sweet and slightly tart flavor to your roast to surprise and delight your guests.

    Types of glazes:

    1. Cherry.
    2. Raspberry made with apple juice, lemon juice and raspberry jam is an amazing combination. If desired, replace the apple juice with dry white wine.
    3. A simple sweet pineapple glaze combines pineapples, cherries and brown sugar.
    4. Apricot syrup with jam, dry mustard and brown sugar (or honey).
    5. Mango, orange juice and Dijon mustard sauce.
    6. Blackberry Jalapeño Sauce. The sweetness of the blackberries, honey, and brown sugar is balanced by the spice of the roasted jalapeño.
    7. A bright orange frosting made with orange juice, honey, cinnamon and cloves in a classic holiday style. For an even richer aroma, you can add almond extract.
    8. Maple syrup.

    Let's look at how to make syrup for oven-baked pork from cherries. The beauty of this recipe is that almost any refrigerator must have cherry jam, table vinegar and starch.

    Baked pork in the oven in a sleeve in a large piece

    This recipe is quite simple, because the piece of meat does not have to be marinated additionally. How soft and juicy the pork will be depends only on the quality of the selected raw materials, but it will still melt in your mouth, bringing a lot of pleasure.


    • 2.4 kg. pork neck;
    • 5 tbsp. l. rock salt;
    • 1 tbsp. l. black pepper powder;
    • 9 teeth garlic;
    • 200 ml. water at room temperature;
    • 2 tbsp. l. Dijon mustard;
    • 2 tbsp. l. liquid honey.


    1. Rub the meat with salt and pepper, stuff with slices of garlic.
    2. Place the neck in the sleeve, pour water into it and make several punctures with a toothpick.
    3. Place in the oven for 90 minutes, then remove from it and cut the sleeve.
    4. Mix mustard with honey and apply with a brush to a piece of meat.
    5. Set the temperature to 200˚, put the sleeve in the oven for about 20 minutes.

    Pork baked in a large piece in a culinary sleeve comes out delicious. It can be finely chopped and put on sandwiches for a snack. The next day, the cooled pig can simply be cut into portions and fried in oil in a frying pan.


    So, what is roast beef? This is meat cut from the outer portion of the posterior pelvic portion of an animal carcass. Another name often used is “eye muscle” (“eyeball”). The meat of this part of the carcass is quite tough, so those who want to get a tender and juicy dish from it must be prepared for the fact that the product will have to be subjected to long-term heat treatment, preferably baking.

    Incredibly tender meat of young bulls (immature), fed with natural grain, according to many reviews, has an incredible taste, and most importantly, is healthy for the body. After slaughtering the young animals, the carcass is cut up, and excellent meat with a fibrous, marbled structure immediately goes on sale without being frozen.

    Cooking recommendations

    As soon as the desired fresh piece of meat is purchased and brought home, you can start cooking it. To do this, check out the general tips for any meat recipes.

    • In order not to interrupt your own juicy taste and aroma of pork, try not to overdo it with seasonings and spices.
    • Before putting the meat in foil in the oven, the latter should be warmed up well, otherwise the dish will lose its juiciness and become dry.
    • It is advisable to marinate the meat in advance. The pork should sit in the marinade for at least half an hour.
    • If you choose a recipe for cooking in foil, it is recommended to open the package 15 minutes before cooking so that the pork gets a crispy crust.
    • In order for the meat to cook faster and also to be better soaked in the marinade, the pork can be pierced with a fork or knife.
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