Pig farm as a business. How to make money from pigs?

Today, the farming business is actively expanding and gaining popularity. When properly organized, the business brings a stable income and has great development prospects. At the moment, there is not much competition in this area of ​​entrepreneurship. The only thing that can deter businessmen from investing is a long wait for profit. But from the experience of successful farmers, one can understand that the costs of developing such a business are justified. The main thing that is needed is to have skills and professional knowledge in the field of agriculture.

Pig farm as a business

Pig farming, as a rule, is a fairly profitable business, since high-quality meat on the market is always in demand and has a high markup. The simplicity of the technological processes of such a business attracts entrepreneurs. The whole point is to raise animals and sell them.

At the stage of creating a business such as a pig farm, a plan for selling meat must be thought out in advance. It all depends on the scale of the enterprise. If you plan to create a small farm for raising pigs, then you can sell the finished product yourself. In the case of large production, it is necessary to find a place of sale in advance, large distributors, regularly pay taxes and provide a large package of documents to obtain permits. The advantage of such a business is that you can start your business with just a few pigs and constantly increase momentum.

Pig farms and complexes can generate income not only from the main products (meat and lard), but also from the sale of blood, skins, etc. For broader development, you can create a smokehouse. Smoked products have a longer shelf life and good demand among consumers.

Basic rules when starting a pig farm:

  • find a market for purchasing feed;
  • calculate the costs of starting a business and maintaining a pig farm;
  • calculate all possible risks and ways to solve problems;
  • involve veterinarians or livestock specialists in the case.

Types of pig farms

There are three main types of pig farms:

  • Large industrial complexes designed for large herds of 12 thousand animals or more;
  • Large farms and agricultural enterprises with herds of 100 to 12 thousand heads;
  • Personal subsidiary and small farms with up to 100 animals.

In this article we will look at the procedure for drawing up a business plan for small and medium-sized farms. A long-term business plan for a pig farm is necessary in any case. Moreover, you cannot do without it if you plan to take out loans, credits, or take part in government programs to support domestic producers. It allows you to determine in advance the required amount of land for setting up a pig farm, plan construction costs, estimate demand and future production volumes, and calculate the main economic indicators of your business.

Profitability of farming business

Pigs are common in agriculture and extremely practical animals in the farming business. There are several arguments in favor of starting this type of entrepreneurship:

  1. The piglets grow quickly. Within six months, the weight of the livestock increases to a hundredweight.
  2. A sow produces 10-14 piglets at a time. In a year you can get 20-30 pieces. livestock (but a cow has only one calf per year).
  3. A pig uses feed much more efficiently (assimilates about 30%), while, for example, chickens absorb only 20% of the feed.

Video "Domestic Pigs"

In this video we invite you to see how cute and funny domestic pigs are. Perhaps this video will inspire you to create your own mini-farm.

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A real proper pigsty must be built taking into account the climate of the region in which pigs are bred. If these are northern latitudes, it is necessary to insulate the walls, heating and

Before you start building a pigsty, you should understand the main features of a barn for these animals. The common belief is that pigs are dirty and sloppy creatures.

The first vaccination that you are required to give to newborn babies after birth at home is an iron injection. This injection is given when the babies are 3 days old. Usual

Sexual maturity of “flip-flops” occurs a little earlier than that of ordinary women. At approximately 5-5.5 months and weighing more than 35 kilograms, the female can be brought to the male. Determine what we take

As a rule, small piglets should be fed only sow's milk for the first two weeks. But this is only possible if there are few of them and the pig has enough milk. In the rest

Necessary documents for opening a business

At the initial stage, most businessmen have a question: “How to open pig farms and complexes, what documents need to be drawn up?” Making money from pigs is not an easy and responsible business, where you need to have a full package of permitting documents on hand for your activities.

First, you need to decide in which area the pig farm will be located, since it is in this area that communication with officials will take place. The location of the future farm must be agreed upon with the district administration. To prove to officials the seriousness of your intentions, you need to have a ready-made business plan in hand. In most cases, the administration has a positive attitude towards the creation of new jobs. To do this, the authorities can register a plot of land for business, help in obtaining government investment, and also assist with the registration of documents.

If the volume of pig production is small, you can register your business as a personal subsidiary plot (LPH). In case of large livestock production, it is necessary to open an individual enterprise, and you will also need to pay a single agricultural tax. To open such a business, you must contact the following authorities: Rospotrebnadzor, fire and veterinary control, SES.

Farm organization

The organization of pig farming must be approached very seriously. Experts in this field argue that profitability depends on the following factors:

  • living conditions for animals;
  • proper feeding;
  • breeds of piglets.

Such a business can be organized on your own plot of land, where the minimum land area can be 50 acres. The site should be located away from residential buildings so as not to disturb local residents. In addition to the pigsty, you will need a granary and a workshop.

Equipment and premises

After receiving all the necessary documents for permission to conduct business, the second step in creating a business will be the design of pig farms. This could be an old building that will need to be renovated and equipped as a pig farm. A pig farm built from scratch will cost much more.

If you plan to organize a farm for 100 or more pigs, you will need to hire workers who will care for the livestock. Therefore, when drawing up a plan, it is necessary to allocate premises for office, production and laboratories. To accommodate 300 animals you will need approximately 5000 m².

The room must be clean, bright, draft-free and fully comply with sanitary standards. Also, much attention is paid to the installation of specialized equipment. Purchasing the latest equipment and automated feed distribution on pig farms will help create appropriate conditions for the livestock. This will help keep costs to a minimum in the future.

Most pig farms in Russia use equipment that is over 20 years old (equipment that is out of working order). This leads to wasted feed, increased disease in animals, etc. If the pig farm is fully automated, this will reduce the risk of disease in the livestock and increase the income of the enterprise.

Necessary equipment for keeping pigs

Feeding system.

The equipment you need depends on the feeding method you use. There are two main methods - dry and liquid. The first method is most widespread due to its accessibility, since the cost of equipment and its installation in this case is at least 2-3 times lower than the cost of the liquid feeding method. In addition, it is simpler and regulatory authorities (for example, SES) place fewer requirements on it. For these reasons, 80-85% of all pig farms use the dry feeding method. Feed in pigsties of standard shape (rectangular, square) is supplied to sections from the bunker through a spiral feed pipe. If the structure is of a non-standard shape, then for automatic distribution you will have to use a chain-washer conveyor. It has a much more complex design and therefore a higher price. This feeding system is used for all animals, including sows with suckling piglets. However, when single-pregnant sows are kept in groups, the feed distribution system is equipped with an individual dosing device.

Drinking bowls.

In addition, drinking bowls will be required. A standard drinking system consists of a water treatment unit with a pressure regulator, a mechanical filter and medicator, metal or PVC water pipes and drinking bowls of various modifications. The drinkers themselves come in two types - cup and nipple (nipple). They are also made from stainless steel or PVC.

Other equipment.

The list of required equipment also includes machine tools, feed loaders for transporting and loading bulk feed, warming lamps for piglets in the first days of life and various zootechnical products.

The number of staff at your pig farm directly depends on the type of equipment used. You will need workers, a veterinarian, a livestock technician (the functions of a veterinarian and livestock technician can be performed by one person with appropriate education and experience), an accountant and a manager. To maintain an automated farm, 2-5 workers will be required (depending on the size of the herd).

Necessary equipment for a pig farm

Pig farm mechanization is essential to building a successful pig business. Without technology and tools, you won’t be able to work in this business for long. You need to have a hammer, crowbar, drill, nails, etc. on hand. Other necessary equipment for purchase includes:

  • grain crusher;
  • drinking bowls, feeders;
  • truck.

Choosing a pig breed for a farm

Today, there are about a hundred breeds of pigs of varying productivity, so when choosing a herd you need to think carefully about everything and make the right choice. Professionals who have been farming pigs for many years recommend purchasing approximately 400 piglets and pigs to start with. Before buying, it is better to visit several farms, see the conditions in which the herd lives, and study the pedigree.

Most farmers today stop at breeding Vietnamese pigs. Features of this breed:

  • multiple births of pigs;
  • high business profitability;
  • resistance of livestock to diseases;
  • bacon performance direction;
  • The breed is in great demand.

If suitable conditions are created (room for spacious walking and a warm room), Vietnamese pigs can bring good income to the enterprise. Due to their good adaptability and many advantages, Siberian, Northern and Large White pigs are popular among farmers.

What do they look like and what are they for?

The concept of a mini farm is familiar to many today. Moreover, it is found in almost every branch of livestock farming. When it comes to pig farming, small farms are increasingly becoming the choice of beginning farmers. However, a mini farm is also an excellent option for livestock farming. Just a dozen pigs can provide the whole family with tasty meat and the opportunity to make a profit from the sale.

Today, the concept of a mini farm for pigs includes a fairly wide range of possibilities. This is an ordinary household for a dozen or several dozen animals, and a full-fledged complex numbering hundreds of animals. However, by this concept it is more correct to mean a farm that does not exceed a few dozen livestock, as in the video. That is, it is a small, but very profitable, economical and profitable farm.

As a rule, a mini farm has the appearance of an ordinary capital pigsty of a rectangular or hangar shape, located on a separate plot of land. If you have the opportunity, then such a small farm can be placed on your own plot in the form of an ordinary barn. For example, if there are no more than 15 pigs. Thus, you can organize a very profitable home business for the production and sale of meat products.

Pros of a small pigsty

  • financial accessibility for beginning farmers;
  • low need for capital investment;
  • no need to have a lot of service personnel;
  • greater profitability;
  • does not require much space;
  • ease of construction.

Feeding and breeding of piglets

In order for the enterprise to generate income and quickly become profitable, it is necessary to think in advance about reducing the cost of feed for the herd. Only feed mixtures balanced for each age will lead to constant profit and prosperity of the business.

To work with sows and newly born piglets, you need to hire responsible, knowledgeable personnel. You also need to involve a veterinarian. Only qualified specialists with experience in the field of pig farming will be able to help avoid mistakes when breeding pigs and properly caring for the sow during pregnancy and childbirth. All these conditions will help reduce the risk of herd mortality.

Farm employees

Since this type of business requires professionals, it is extremely important to hire people who understand the field of agriculture. Helpers must know the specifics of caring for piglets. Also, a veterinarian must work in the pigsty. This will help preserve the livestock and avoid problems in case of infection or infestation. This activity will require an accountant, manager and operator of pig breeding complexes and mechanized farms.

Pig farm business plan

When basing your business on pigs, you need to draw up a business plan. The following is an approximate calculation for 10 goals. In a year you can get about 40 heads of young animals. First you need to rent an old farm and carry out renovations. Hire a veterinarian and a helper. Primary expenses include:

  • registration of an enterprise - about 12 thousand;
  • farm renovation - approximately 120 thousand;
  • purchase of pigs – 240 thousand;
  • purchase of equipment and other costs – 118 thousand.

The total amount of initial investments will be about 490 thousand rubles.

Current expenses:

  • feeding – 540 thousand;
  • rent – ​​660 thousand per year;
  • employee salary – 420 thousand;
  • veterinary examinations – 55 thousand;
  • payment of taxes – 150 thousand.

Every year, investments in the business will amount to about 1 million 825 thousand rubles. It takes a year for the piglets to gain the required weight (120 kilograms). The result will be 84 kg of clean meat from each individual. The total income after the sale of meat will be about 2 million 352 thousand rubles per year (real figures may be much higher). Consequently, the profit will be about 527 thousand rubles per year, which will recoup the investment in just a few seasons.

Tips from successful entrepreneurs

The specialists who managed to succeed in organizing a home mini-farm have gained extensive experience in the farming business. Some tips from successful entrepreneurs:

  • It is better to focus on two sources of income: the sale of young animals and lard, meat;
  • You should buy only purebred piglets;
  • It is advisable to purchase livestock not from one breeder, but from several (to avoid degeneration);
  • dense pigs need to be fed to the maximum in order to receive income earlier;
  • The profitability of a pig farm (we discussed a typical project above) is about 25-30%.

Feeding pigs

As we mentioned above, an inadequate diet leads to a decrease in growth, an extension of the fattening period and, consequently, an increase in the cost of finished products.
The quality of pork directly depends on the type of feed used. Pig feed is divided into three main groups:

  1. Feed of the first group.
    Feeds that contribute to high quality pork include wheat, broad beans, barley, rye, carrots, millet, beets, peas, combined silage, succulent grass feeds (alfalfa, clover), whey and skim milk.
  2. Feed of the second group.
    But corn, potatoes and potato pulp, buckwheat, wheat bran and beet molasses, on the contrary, reduce the quality of meat. However, feeding pigs grains and root crops turns out to be expensive. Therefore, the feed of the first group and the feed of the second group in the diet should be in a ratio of at least 50 to 50 (optimally - 60% of the feed of the first group and 40% of the feed of the second group).
  3. Feed of the third group.
    But it is better to reduce the volume of cake, oats, soybeans, food waste, fish and fishing industry waste to at least 30%. These foods contain large amounts of fat. In addition, they have a specific smell that is transmitted to the meat. For these reasons, feed of the third group is excluded from the pig diet 1.5-2 months before slaughter.

There are two main types of fattening – meat and lard. The first option is the most common. This type of fattening ends when the animal’s body weight reaches 100-120 kg. Further feeding according to this scheme turns out to be unprofitable, since upon reaching such a weight, muscle tissue practically does not build up, only the fat content increases. Fattening begins from three months of age and up to 6-8 months. In the summer, up to half of the diet should consist of succulent green feed, which improves the pigs' appetite and promotes weight gain. Young animals and sows are fed lard after weaning piglets. When fattening, potatoes, barley, corn, and root vegetables have a good effect.

Specialists should be involved in drawing up feeding recipes, since the diet of young piglets or, for example, sows will differ significantly. Check the quality of feed, buy it only from trusted suppliers - factories or pig breeders with a good reputation.

Farm in the Stavropol Territory

A pig-breeding farm in the Stavropol Territory called “Guard” became the first enterprise within the framework of the national project “Development of the Agro-Industrial Complex”. Today it is one of the leading livestock farms in the city of Stavropol and is the most promising farm.

The first stage of the pig farm was commissioned in September 2006. Her plans included fattening 80 thousand pigs annually. More than 600 million rubles were invested in the complex itself.

After the commissioning of the second stage, the productive capacity of the limited liability company "Gvardiya" amounted to about 400 thousand heads per year. The total investment amounted to four billion rubles.

The pig farm employs domestic and foreign experts in this field. The safety of the products was confirmed through laboratory studies.

In September 2010, the limited liability company "Gvardiya" put into operation a meat processing plant, which today is the largest meat processing plant in the North Caucasus Federal District. The slaughtering capacity is one hundred eighty pigs per hour and four hundred thousand pigs per year. This will allow the production of up to 45 thousand tons of pork.

Today the company produces products for primary meat processing and cutting - semi-finished small-piece and large-piece products, half carcasses. In the future, they plan to produce highly processed meat products with high added value.

Modular pig farms

We are faced with the problem of either the complete absence on the Russian market of high-quality prefabricated modular buildings adapted specifically for livestock farming, or the high cost of these structures. Most of the proposed solutions are not suitable for intensive livestock farming, as they are made of painted or weakly galvanized lightweight metal structures. Hot-dip galvanizing is rarely used; almost no one has heard of “zootec” coating.

This forced us to turn to our Italian partners, manufacturers of livestock and fur farming buildings and structures, for help. At our request, they produce the most modern buildings adapted specifically for livestock farming, even taking into account delivery at prices that are moderate for the Russian market. Are you thinking of building a small livestock farm in one day at a cost per square meter of just over 200 Euros, is it impossible?

You are mistaken, because such structures have not only been developed, but also operate in different countries of the world. We are talking about prefabricated buildings , but unlike others, we use frameless, modular prefabricated buildings. We bring to your attention an innovative solution for small agricultural enterprises, farms, private household plots.

Our system of lightweight prefabricated buildings, called "comfort box", is the product of many years of work by leading European engineers in the field of construction of prefabricated buildings from fiberglass.

This technology can completely replace outdated traditional buildings made of brick, concrete, and steel. Modules of the “comfort box” system can be installed in any place that you deem suitable for your mini farm. If necessary, disassembly and reinstallation is allowed. From a constructive point of view, the comfort box system module consists of two bent semi-frame panels, 2.5 m wide, resulting in a building 6 m wide. The weight of one half-frame is less than 120 kg. The standard module has a length of 2.45 m. You can choose the length yourself by simply connecting or adding new modules. The connection is made using bolts and stainless steel fittings, which are supplied complete with the panels. Also, at your request, doors and windows can be installed at the factory, and boxes can be prepared for engineering. The photograph shows that the 30-40m long building is completely assembled by a team of two installers during the day, and the use of lifting equipment is not necessary.

The exceptional tightness and weatherproofing of the structure, combined with high thermal insulation properties, guarantee the most comfortable conditions for raising and fattening animals. Smooth polished walls and the absence of a porous structure on the inside do not allow pathogenic bacteria to penetrate and accumulate in the material; it is extremely easy to clean and disinfect in such a room. On the outside, the surface of the panels is coated with a special heat-saving compound, which provides a reflective effect and reduces the impact of high summer and low winter temperatures on the outer surface of the panel, preventing it from heating or cooling. The thermal conductivity coefficient of the thermal insulation layer of sandwich panels with expanded polystyrene is λcalc - 0.038 W/mK, Heat transfer resistance R=1.28, m 2°C/W. Concepts such as corrosion and wear are not relevant to fiberglass buildings. Designs of this type are successfully used in Finland, Sweden and Canada, thereby proving their maximum adaptability to any climatic conditions for raising animals. Installation of working equipment and engineering systems is carried out in the same way as in conventional structures made of sandwich panels, using frames or inserting directly into the panels; all this is done easily, which is called “in place” and does not require special tools.

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