Terminator mosquito trap lamps: review of popular models

Let's imagine that the long-awaited summer, which many have been waiting for, has finally arrived. And everything would be fine, but the most annoying insects wake up, which not only interfere with outdoor recreation, but also disturb a person with their bites, which constantly itch. How to protect yourself from mosquitoes? Which lamps are considered the best of all? How to use them? All this will certainly be described in detail below.

  • Appearance of the lamp and principle of its operation
  • TOP best lamps according to consumers Remiling Terminator 3 QK888
  • Remiling Terminator VI LJ-3W 012
  • RemiLing Terminator VIII XLTD-102B
  • Remiling Terminator IV QK889
  • Remiling Terminator II YW936A
  • Remiling Terminator GM913
  • Remiling Terminator 7 LJ-3W 010

Popular models

The Terminator line already has 5 models in its arsenal, which differ in technical characteristics, power, and also in appearance. Below we will take a closer look at each of them.

Terminator I

This is the very first model in the line, which is the most affordable. The lamp operates from the mains and is capable of protecting a room with a total area of ​​up to 30 square meters.

This is a fairly compact device that is perfect for small apartments, as well as covered outdoor areas. Consumes 10-13 Watts of electricity.

Terminator II

This model is more powerful, its protection is enough for rooms up to 60 square meters. meters. The dimensions of this lamp are larger than those of the previous model. Most often they are used in summer cafes or restaurants.

The second generation of lamps is not protected from moisture, so this device can only be used in places protected from environmental influences. Also works from the network.

Terminator III

The performance of the third generation of Terminator lamps is no different from its predecessor, the difference between them comes down mainly to design. This electronic mosquito repellent lamp has a more attractive appearance and is designed for installation on flat surfaces such as tables or cabinets. It also became possible to use not only the electrical network as a power source, but also batteries that operate 24 hours.

Terminator IV

But the fourth model is significantly ahead of its predecessors in terms of performance. It can provide protection of more than 60 square meters. meters, and the battery charge lasts even more than a day.

The lamp is equipped with a reliable housing and a special visor that protects it from rain. Thanks to this, it can be used even outdoors.

Terminator V

The most powerful model with especially long ultraviolet waves. Protects rooms up to 60 square meters. meters, but does not have a protective visor.

T-600, "Terminator", 1984

The first humanoid robot with a metal frame covered with artificial skin. Thanks to this “camouflage”, it is possible to distinguish a car from a person at a great distance.

(First model was the T-600 Terminator, then modified to the T-800. Image credit: Dick Thomas Johnson)

The T-600 cyborg is single-task: in addition to the main goal, it is not capable of processing additional tasks. Deprived of emotions, flexibility in overcoming obstacles.


  • Height: - 2.2 m.
  • Armament: six-barrel Gatling gun, hand grenade launcher with a backpack supply of grenades.
  • Vulnerable spot: neurocenter in the occipital region.

It was first mentioned in the first part of “Terminator” by Kyle Reeves, who played D. Connor’s father.

What is a mosquito lamp

Mosquito lamps are becoming quite popular. The design itself is quite simple, and may look like an ordinary lamp or lantern. The device consists of a grid through which an electric current passes and LEDs that attract insects. Using the lamp does not cause any difficulties and does not require additional accessories; you just need to install the device in the right place and connect it to electricity. Cleaning the lamp is also quite easy: just disconnect it from the power supply and remove accumulated debris and insects. The device does not contain any harmful drugs, so it is absolutely safe for people and pets.

The mosquito repellent lamp looks like an ordinary small flashlight; inside the structure there is a blue quartz lamp that emits ultraviolet light

How the device works

The lamp deals with insects using electric current and light. LEDs emit special ultraviolet light that attracts insects. They fly to the lamp, sit on the grid and receive a discharge of current that passes through this grid. The discharge is quite small, but it is enough to destroy the insect.

A thin metal mesh or grille under low voltage is installed around the lamp

Such a lamp can operate either from a 220V network or from batteries. There are devices equipped with solar panels. The range covers areas from 30 to 100 square meters.

One lamp can protect an entire group of vacationers located in a small area

When going out into nature, it is better to take with you not one, but several lamps and place them around the perimeter of the area where you are located. Thus, it will be possible to provide the highest quality protection against bloodsuckers.

Video: design and principle of operation of a mosquito lamp

Pros and cons of the device

The lamp has many advantages:

  1. Safety. The lamp is absolutely harmless to people and animals.
  2. Ease of use. The lamp requires only an electrical outlet or batteries. The brightness of the device can be adjusted so that it does not strain your eyes or interfere with sleep.
  3. Practicality. Combines the functions of insect protection and lighting.
  4. Versatility. The lamp can protect against most annoying insects.
  5. Economical. Mains powered lamps consume only 3 W.
  6. Environmental friendliness. The lamp does not contain harmful substances, does not emit toxins or odors, does not make noise and does not cause allergies.
  7. Compactness. The device is small in size, which makes it convenient to take with you outdoors, fishing, or on a hike.
  8. Design. The lamps look like regular street lights, so they won't stand out from other lighting fixtures. There are also options for sale in interesting, designer cases.

Mosquito lamps come in a variety of styles and designs.

The device also has several disadvantages:

  • the effect is achieved only in the evening and at night;
  • flying past a person, an insect can still bite him;
  • if you accidentally touch the grill of the device, a weak current discharge is guaranteed;
  • Installation of the device in rooms with high humidity is prohibited;
  • since dead insects accumulate inside the lamp, it has to be cleaned quite often;
  • For best results, one lamp will not be enough.

Lamps can protect against mosquitoes, midges, moths and other insects

Mosquito repellent lamps are one of the best and most convenient means of protection. For example, sticky tapes do not attract insects that much, and their appearance does not evoke pleasant emotions: it is not aesthetically pleasing to use such a device in a cafe or restaurant. And in some rooms it is simply prohibited to use them. Aerosol preparations cannot be used indoors; moreover, after applying them to the skin, an unpleasant stickiness is felt. Such drugs are contraindicated for allergy sufferers. The smell from an electric fumigator that evaporates insecticides throughout the night is not everyone's cup of tea. Thus, we can say that lamps are the most universal method of getting rid of insects: they look attractive, they can be used in any room and outdoors, and they do not emit unpleasant odors.

T-1, “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines”, “Terminator: May the Savior Come” 2003, 2009

The T-1 combat autonomous platform was installed on a tracked chassis. The rather fragile frame was covered with sheet armor of gray or white color. The robot in the films performed a security function.

(Battlefield T-1 robot at the Terminator exhibition. Author: Dick Thomas Johnson)

T-1 has a simplified intelligence programmed to recognize "friend or foe". Easily reprogrammed by more advanced machines.


  • Type : combat platform on a tracked chassis;
  • Armament: six-barrel machine gun Minigun caliber 7.62 mm - 2 pcs.

It is the TX robot that launches T-1 to destroy people at the very beginning of the uprising of the machines. T-1 is also found in the 4th part of the film saga at a later time after nuclear strikes during a long war. Judging by the moments in the films, the protection of this type of vehicle is insufficient; the armored frame has an insufficiently impact-resistant design.

Rules for using a mosquito lamp

The rules for using the lamp are quite simple:

  1. Selecting the correct installation location.
  2. We connect the lamp to the mains.
  3. Set the operating mode.

It is much more difficult to choose the right place to install the lamp so that it works most efficiently

It is important to place the device so that it can be seen from anywhere in the room or area where you are. This is done to ensure that the lamp affects the entire area of ​​the crowded area, and not just a small part of it.

If you place several lamps around the perimeter of where people are, mosquitoes will not reach them

When outdoors or indoors, do not sit next to a lamp. The point is not about safety, but about the fact that insects flying towards the lamp can bite people nearby.

When installing a lamp in a room, you need to choose a place that will be on the path from the point where the insect entered the room to its target (for example, a bed with a sleeping person). If a sleeping person is in front of a lamp, the mosquito will first bite and then fly further towards the lamp.

The lamp will protect your sleep from annoying insects

For safe use, we recommend following some precautions:

  • Make sure that no water gets on the lamp grille;
  • do not touch the switched-on lamp - you risk receiving a small but unpleasant discharge of current;
  • Keep children and pets away from the lamp.

Remember to regularly clean the lamp from dead insects. To do this, be sure to unplug it, take out the tray and shake out the garbage. If necessary, you can wipe it with a damp cloth.

insect remains fall onto a special tray, which must be periodically cleaned during operation

If you follow all precautions and rules for using the lamp, it will be absolutely safe for you and everyone around you.

T-888, Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, 2008

Sarcastic and humorous T-800 - this is how you can call the improved “three eight” model. The cyborg had self-healing components and mechanisms; its endoskeleton was made of coltan, a metal stronger than titanium.

(Cromartie character in T-888 model)

Artificial intelligence is capable of solving problems in extraordinary ways: for example, 888, in order to eliminate a criminal in prison, deliberately commits a crime and ends up with the police in order to be as close to the victim as possible. Thanks to the ability to skillfully imitate emotions, “three eights” easily make contact and fit into people’s society.


  • Height: individual for each model;
  • Material: endoskeleton: coltan;
  • Individual features: the ability to operate a machine without a head.

The T-888 appeared in the TV series Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles. More than 10 cyborgs of this modification were used to eliminate characters, as well as search for coltan for the manufacture of other terminators.

Review of the most popular devices

Below are the devices that are very popular among consumers.

ThermaCell Scout Camp Lantern

The ThermaCell Scout Camp Lantern mosquito repellent lantern can be used both indoors (with an area of ​​no more than 20 sq.m.) and outdoors. The device, weighing 1 kg, has 4 lighting modes and runs on AA batteries. The kit contains a butane cartridge and 3 spare plates.

After just a few minutes of operation of the ThermaCell device, the required amount of insecticidal substance is released, which helps create a protective zone with a radius of 2.25 m. The cost of such a mobile device is within 4,000 rubles.

Popular insect repellent lamps


Terminator lamps are manufactured in several variations. Among them you can choose a lantern for the garden and a lamp for the home. Some models are plugged into the mains, while others operate on batteries.

  • Model number I is the most affordable option, its average cost ranges from 650 rubles. The mains-powered device is designed for an area of ​​no more than 30 square meters. m.
  • Model number II is an electric lamp against flies and mosquitoes, which has a 2 times larger area of ​​influence. The price is about 1000 rubles.
  • Model number III is a device with the same impact area, which combines the functions of a mosquito trap and a lighting lamp. If desired, they can be used separately. The presence of an autonomous mode and charging from the mains is another advantage of the device. The price range varies between 1300 rubles.
  • Model number IV is an improved device with a reliable housing. Due to this, many people use this mosquito repellent lamp for the street. Its approximate cost is 1700 rubles.
  • Model number V is a device with powerful ultraviolet radiation that attracts all winged insects, including mosquitoes. This lamp is intended for the home, the reason for this is the lack of a visor. The device costs about 3,500 rubles.


The lamp, powered by a solar battery, has built-in ultraviolet and white LEDs. The former serve to attract insects: a mosquito that comes into contact with the grille dies from an electric shock. The second ones do not affect pests, they are used only as lighting. A special photo relay automatically turns off the backlight mode during daylight hours. The price of the lamp ranges from 2000-2200 rubles.

Models of mosquito repellents


Devices of this brand are outdoor mosquito repellents and are available in several configurations. They can operate both from the mains and from solar panels. Thanks to special rods, the lamps can stand firmly on the ground; they can also be hung using a ring on hooks. Depending on the model, the impact area also varies (the maximum is 60 sq. m.).

The principle of using a lamp is quite simple: a charged flashlight is placed in the desired position (for lighting or catching mosquitoes). When darkness falls, the device automatically starts working. The device is turned off by switching the lever to the zero position. The cost is within 900-1200 rubles.

Mosquito Stop Lantern from SWISSINNO

A repellent flashlight is an effective means of protecting against mosquitoes and midges in outdoor conditions and has an impeccable design. Operates on batteries or accumulator. The heating element is a candle, which is also included in the kit. When heated, the repellent plate begins to evaporate the active substance (1 piece is designed for 4 hours). The lamp can also be used in a room of no more than 20 square meters. m. Its cost is about 2300 rubles.

T-1000, Terminator 2: Judgment Day, 1991

In 2029, Skynet released a cyborg constructed using a mimicking polyalloy. The basis is a liquid metal alloy with the addition of nanorobots.

(Robert Patrick as T-1000, the image of a policeman)

The robot is capable of taking on the appearance of any person, down to clothing, which requires contact with the person being copied. Transformation takes a short time due to overvoltage of the power system. The limbs can be modified at the request of the robot (turn into points, hooks, blades). Firearms do no harm. Components destroyed by physical impact are capable of combining into a single organism at a distance of up to 12 km.


  • Height : 170-185 cm;
  • Movement: High speed of movement - up to 40 km/h;
  • Abilities: mimic, change voice;
  • Resistance: to impacts, any gunshots, flames;
  • Recovery ability: short-term disorientation (ballistic shock) upon physical impact, rapid ability to recover


  • concentrated acid;
  • hits from large-caliber bullets;
  • extremely high or low temperature.

Actors who played T-1000: Robert Patrick, Lee Benhon. Films: “Terminator 2: Judgment Day”, “Terminator Genisys”.

DIY mosquito lamp

If you have electrical skills, you can make a mosquito repellent lamp with your own hands.

For manufacturing you will need the following parts:

  • energy-saving light bulb (can be non-working);
  • high voltage module;
  • AA battery.

Algorithm of actions:

  1. We disassemble the light bulb and make two holes.
  2. We thread soft aluminum wire into one of the holes and wind the turns around the lamp. One side is ready. We bite off the wire. Also, on the other side, we thread the wire into the hole and wind it.
  3. Two wires come out of the device, one is connected to an aluminum rod.
  4. All outputs are connected to the high-voltage module. First, connect it to the battery via a switch. We insert it into the lid and solder all the necessary wiring.
  5. Now we solder the battery. We fix it with electrical tape. We glue the housing module with hot glue to better adhere to the device.
  6. Next, we put a housekeeper on the module with a winding to which high voltage is connected. The wires should touch each other.

After turning on the neon light, mosquitoes will fly towards the light from it. And as soon as the insect touches it, it will immediately be shocked. To prevent mosquitoes from falling on the floor and furniture, secure the lid at the bottom.

T-X (Terminator X), “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines”, 2003

A more advanced version of the T-800 was called TX. Unlike the “Iron Arnie” cyborg, instead of living flesh, liquid metal is integrated into the metal frame, like the “thousandth” model. Can change appearance, deprived of the ability to take any form. Well armed, he was the main villain in the third part of “Terminator”.

(Kristanna Loken as TX)


  • Type: gynoid;
  • Height: 190 cm;
  • Weapons: built-in flamethrower, plasma emitters, bladed weapons;
  • Invulnerability: to ballistic impacts from large-caliber bullets.

“Terminatrix” in “Rise of the Machines” was played by American actress Kristanna Loken. The main difference from the predecessor T-1000, which could only use external weapons, the TX is able to independently take the shape of any weapon with its hands, is more mobile, flexible and has less time for ballistic shock and a quick recovery cycle after any physical impact.

The lineup

Manufacturers produce several types of lamps, which differ in appearance, technical characteristics, and price. The operating scheme is identical.

Terminator I

Lamps Terminator I and Terminator II Electric lamp against mosquitoes Terminator I is the very first simple model. Powered by electricity. It is shaped like a lamp with a black plastic body. Weight 0.5 kg. Designed for use in premises with a total area of ​​up to 30 square meters. m. Reviews of the Terminator lamp of the first model are not the best. Buyers note the low current discharge - it kills mosquitoes, there are no flies. Ultraviolet rays practically do not attract insects. Cost about 790 rubles.

Terminator II

The improved version has more power and impressive dimensions. The design allows it to be used in rooms with a total area of ​​up to 60 square meters. m., summer areas in restaurants, cafes, dachas, entertainment complexes. Connects to the electrical network in any convenient place and can operate continuously. Does not require special preparatory work before use; dead bodies of mosquitoes are easily removed from the grille with a brush. The action is designed for all flying insects. The Terminator II lamp costs around 2,500 rubles.

Terminator III

Mosquito repellent device Terminator III and Terminator IV The device completely copies the properties of the previous model, the power and internal “filling” are the same. It differs in design and the ability to operate on battery power. Thanks to its improved qualities, the Terminator 3 model is used in cafes, restaurants, summer areas, and picnics. Range up to 60 square meters. m. Thanks to the presence of a special canopy and a durable base, it can be used outdoors and installed on a dense surface - a table, bedside table, chair, floor. Price 3000 rub.

Terminator IV

Electronic mosquito repellent lamp Terminator IV is a fourth generation model. It features a stylish design with a protective visor, a dense plastic body, and high power. Powered by mains or battery. Capable of performing its functions continuously for several days. Provides protection for premises with a total area of ​​up to 60 square meters. m. The Terminator 4 mosquito repellent lamp is one of the most successful models in this product line. The cost of the device is about 4200 rubles.

The fifth model of lamps and all subsequent ones practically do not differ in technical characteristics

It is worth paying attention to the XL mosquito repellent model. Cost 500 rub.

The design is an antique lamp with a protective canopy for outdoor use. Terminator XL against mosquitoes receives mixed reviews, but more positive reviews.

Principle of operation

The mosquito terminator works on the basis of electricity. It is connected via an outlet to the city network or powered by battery power. Due to its versatility, it can be used to get rid of mosquitoes indoors, on a recreation area, or at an outdoor picnic.

On a note!

When connected to the electrical network, it begins to produce ultraviolet rays, which attract mosquitoes. Insects fly into the light, come into contact with the grid through which an electric current passes, and die instantly.

The device is protected by a special plastic case, which eliminates the danger to humans. Dead insects are removed from the grill using a special brush that comes with the kit.

Electric mosquito lamp Terminator Mosquito exterminator does not consume a lot of energy; the battery charge lasts for 24 hours, which significantly expands the scope of application of the device. The electric lamp is used:

  • in residential buildings;
  • apartments;
  • in the country;
  • in the veranda;
  • under a canopy;
  • in restaurants on summer areas;
  • cafe;
  • hotels;
  • Outdoors;
  • on balconies, terraces.

The Terminator product range allows you to choose a device according to your individual needs.

Electroshock insect repellent lamp Remiling Terminator 1 - review

When I was pregnant, I wanted to find a non-toxic mosquito repellent. There are, of course, tablets and liquids with insecticide for rooms with children. But I wanted to try a special lamp for catching insects, which is often shown in American films. And then by chance in the OBI store I came across a rack with these lamps. I returned home with the Terminator 1 lamp.

Terminator 1 box

The principle of operation is this. The lamp is placed or hung indoors, the recommended height is 1.5 -1.8 meters. Insects fly into the light of a special lamp and die from the electrical grid. Insects are cleaned off by unplugging the device from the outlet using a special brush (included in the kit).

Lamp cleaning brush

Special tray for insects

I used the lamp at the dacha, as tests showed: in the presence of a person nearby, mosquitoes prefer him and are not willing to fly to the lamp. Flies and horseflies do not fly towards the lamp at all and get there extremely rarely and by accident. The most effective thing is to turn it on constantly indoors and especially at night, leave it as a night light, and then it will catch several specimens of mosquitoes and house moths.

Caught insects

Caught insects

My biggest catch was 5 mosquitoes in 2 days of lamp operation, but I have a mosquito net on the window, and these individuals flew into the room when I opened the door.

Terminator 1 lamp light

Since the lamp only catches in the dark, fumigators with insecticide are much more effective. But if you are allergic to them, then you can use this device to catch mosquitoes, but, unfortunately, only in the dark.

I don’t mind the money for the lamp (600 rubles), but I would like more efficiency from it.


  • Movie: Terminator
  • Creator: James Cameron
  • Feature films: Terminator (1984) Terminator 2: Judgment Day (1991) Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines (2003) Television series: Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, season 1 (2008) Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, season 2 (2009) Feature films: Terminator: Salvation (2009) Terminator: Genisys (2015) Terminator: Dark Fate (2019)

The film collected more than $70 million at the American and global box office and was liked by the audience so much that in 1991 D. Cameron released a sequel: “Terminator 2 - Judgment Day.” From a two-part action film, “The Terminator” has turned into a multimedia franchise: a series has been filmed with the participation of cyborgs, comics and cartoons have been published.

(Logo of the SkyNet combat information and control system. Author: Vasilisilio)

According to the creators, the artificial intelligence Skynet (SkyNet “Heavenly Network”) constantly improved its combat units, releasing new, more invulnerable models.

Electronic lamp against mosquitoes Terminator III in Moscow: low prices, delivery

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T-1001, "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles", 2008

T-1001 is a liquid metal terminator with more advanced mimicry. It has all the advantages and disadvantages of the previous model.

(Shirley Manson as Catherine Weaver's T-1001)

In the series "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" one thousand one, the model is an influential woman named Catherine Weaver, who runs a large company. Interesting fact: the role of the Terminator was played by Garbage vocalist Shirley Manson.


  • Properties: analogous to T-1000.

T889-F (Cameron Phillips), Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, 2008

Cameron Phillips is a cyborg bodyguard of John Connor. The car in the image of a 17-year-old girl should not have attracted attention due to its fragile physique and young age.

(Summer Glau as T889-F Cameron Phillips)

The 889th modification differs from its predecessor in its ability to consume food and liquids, and determine the emotional state of a person by looking at the skin. Capable of imitating emotions very believably.


  • Height: 1.69 m;
  • Weight: 52 kg;
  • Type: gynoid;
  • Features: high skin regeneration.

The role of Cameron Philips was played by American actress Summer Glau. The creators of the series named the character in honor of the first director, David Cameron.

Grace, "Terminator: Dark Fate", 2022

A fragile girl with light blue eyes became a cyborg against her will: during one of the battles with droids, she was mortally wounded and was made a cyborg.

(Grace. Image: ScreenRant)

After the introduction of such improvements, a person’s capabilities increase significantly: the skin receives protective armor, the strength of the arms and legs increases tenfold. There are also disadvantages: a short lifespan, the need to use medications after a combat trance.

T-3000, "Terminator: Genesis" 2015

Unlike cyborgs of the 1000 series, the T-3000 consists of the smallest “smart” mechanisms - nanites. The basis for creating a robot is a living person.

(John Connor in the form of the T-3000 robot. Character creator James Cameron)

The transformation occurs after being infected with nanites. The resulting endoskeleton is capable of performing the same functions as liquid metal, including mimicry.


  • Height: individual;
  • Pain sensitivity: absent;
  • Vulnerabilities: unknown;
  • Abilities: mimic, portray emotions: high.

John Connor himself suffered the fate of becoming a cyborg of the three thousandth series, while his memory was preserved with a slight change in personality. T-3000 appeared in 2029.

Rev-9, Terminator: Dark Fate, 2022

The main evil one in the last part of the Terminator, capable of splitting into two independent forms - in the form of an exoskeleton and liquid metal, controlled by a single intellect.

(Legion is a computer network from an alternative course of events)

Cyborg created a new artificial intelligence called "Legion".

(Scene from Rev-9. Image credit: Rendol112211)

Rev-9 is designed to penetrate human society: it mimics perfectly, depicts emotions, knows how to joke, and thinks outside the box.


  • Endoskeleton: ultra-strong, with added carbon fiber;
  • Weapons: modified limbs;
  • Superpowers: separation of the polyalloy part from the frame.

The role of the Model 9 cyborg killer was played by actor Gabriel Luna in the film Terminator: Dark Fate.

TH (Terminator Hybrid), Marcus Wright, “Terminator: May the Savior Come” 2009

Marcus Wright, a criminal, bequeathed his body to Cyberdyne Systems Corporation after his execution in 2003. After reactivation in 2018, he became a hybrid cyborg with a working brain and heart. The brain is protected by a steel skull, and there are steel plates on the chest and abdomen.

(Marcus Wright after being attacked by Resistance soldiers. Image credit: Cinematographer Shane Hurlbut)

Marcus has superhuman strength and speed of movement. Able to independently regenerate damaged tissue.


  • Height: 1.78 m;
  • Application: close combat;
  • Endoskeleton: combined;
  • Pain threshold: high;
  • Endurance: ultra-high.

Actor Sam Worthington was invited to play the role of Marcus Wright in the film “Terminator: May the Savior Come.”

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