Business plan for a goose farm: opening, breeding geese, marketing products

Geese are a source of not only tasty meat, but also liver, eggs, down, and feathers. That's why business on their breeding of geese quickly pays for itself and is gaining more and more popularity. In addition, it does not require large capital investments.

To reduce labor costs and the likelihood of errors, before starting, you should develop a business plan with a competent approach that will help answer the following questions : how to organize the business, how much you need to invest at the start, what breeds are worth breeding, how to grow and where to sell, and other nuances.

The advantages of this business include:

  • High profitability reaching 80-100%
  • Low level of competition
  • Low labor costs
  • No need to purchase expensive equipment
  • Payback in 5-6 months of work


  • Search for sales channels
  • Poultry house construction
  • Obtaining a quality certificate for product sales
  • As you can see, the disadvantages are minor and easily solved.

Some breeding tips

In fact, a goose farm is unpretentious, but still some fundamental factors need to be taken into account:

  • Most of the time the goose should be in the fresh air - this way the plumage will not be disturbed.
  • Indoors, if moisture and dirt accumulate, the geese will get sick and die.
  • An artificial pond can be installed on the farm territory. But, in this case, you need to take into account that caring for the herd will become more complicated, but you cannot use a real pond - this is prohibited by law, since the bottom of the reservoir will quickly silt, which will lead to drying out.
  • It is unacceptable to keep a goose in a cage; in this regard, it is more whimsical than a chicken.

Special mention should be made about sales. Since this bird itself is not cheap, it cannot be called an everyday product. Increased demand for goose occurs during the winter holidays: New Year and Christmas. But, if you establish contacts with restaurants and supermarkets, you can make a good profit.

Pros of business

Geese are valued primarily for their meat. They rarely lay eggs. No special dietary properties for the human body were found in this product. The eggs taste like chicken eggs. As for meat, the first slaughter can be done within two months after the start of walking. On one hectare of pasture it is quite possible to raise livestock that will produce two tons of product per year. The herd grazes from early spring to late autumn. Livestock can be slaughtered periodically throughout the season, as needed. There is no need to store large quantities of meat. It goes fresh directly to the consumer. The farmer does not need to buy refrigeration and freezers.

In terms of profitability, raising geese is comparable to the profitability of selling beef and pork. Moreover, the latter is still the lowest in cost. The most valuable thing in a goose carcass is the liver. It is considered a delicacy. Special breeds of geese have been bred whose livers are large and have a special, refined taste. Another source of income for the farmer is fluff. Their clothes are insulated. In terms of its properties, it is comparable only to eider down. The price of goose insulation is much more affordable.

A few more advantages of these birds:

  • they rarely get sick;
  • in terms of nutrition, these birds are not picky;
  • They eat everything the same as ordinary poultry.

What do they feed geese?

When drawing up a business plan for a goose farm, you need to allocate most of the expenses for the purchase of feed, since the initial quality of the product itself, and therefore your profit, depends on a high-quality diet.

Mostly this bird is fed with compound feed, grain and vitamin supplements. Additionally, you can give grain waste, potatoes and vegetables. This will reduce the cost of the product, but such a diet does not affect the quality of meat at all.


The method of promoting products depends on the size of the farm. A small farm sells poultry at local markets or offers meat to local retail chains. A poultry carcass is sold much cheaper than cut up and frozen parts - wings, necks, legs, fillets.

Buying down from wholesale companies does not allow you to make a decent profit. Sewing pillows and blankets is easy. If your region has a problem with unemployment, this idea will be very useful.

It's worth thinking about Foie Gras, it's made from liver. In many European countries, this delicacy is prohibited due to the inhumane method of feeding birds, which allows for high fat content and tender liver. But in Russia there is no prohibiting legislation, and this product is in great demand.

What equipment is needed for plucking?

It is logical to assume that simply supplying a slaughtered goose for sale is not suitable. Of course, a reasonable solution would be to manually pluck the goose, but it is difficult to do this promptly with a carcass of at least 5 kg. And if a delivery of several pieces or even dozens is required, then it is impossible to do this without special equipment.

For quick and high-quality plucking of geese, you can use a feather removal machine. The most popular is the Sprut-700. The average cost of such a device is 55,000 rubles. The operating principle of such a unit is based on a centrifuge; it will take about one minute to pluck one carcass.

Financial investments

The basis for financing the project will be both loans and equity. A loan for a period of 8 years at 14% per annum for the use of credit funds in the amount of 30,000,000 rubles. The loan repayment schedule is monthly payment of interest on the loan in equal parts, and at the end of the loan period - payment of the principal amount of the loan issued. The founders of the project issue their own funds in the form of an interest-free loan. Own funds invested in the project amount to a total of 54,500,000 rubles. The investment efficiency is as follows:

  • discount rate, % 11.00;
  • payback period - РВ; months 614;
  • discounted payback period – DPB, months. 74;
  • net present value – NPV 31,238,614;
  • profitability index – PI 1.36;
  • internal rate of return – IRR, % 20.72.

The period for calculating integral indicators is 105 months. A particular positive point is the payback period of this project - 74 months; for agricultural production, these are very good indicators. The income portion of the project from implementation is expected to be approximately RUB 31,238,614.

As a percentage, the income from one investment will be approximately 1.36%, that is, 1 ruble income is 1.36 rubles. The internal rate of return in this project is 20.72% and is also a high indicator in the field of agriculture. When analyzing the project, we see sufficient profitability.

  • design sustainability in terms of investment volume is more than 40%;
  • design sustainability in terms of product sales is 16.2%;
  • design sustainability at the product sales price is 10.5%;
  • design sustainability in terms of direct costs is 29%;
  • design sustainability in terms of total costs is 40%.


It is impossible to manage a goose farm on your own, if only because:

  • It is necessary to monitor the walking of young animals.
  • You need to watch the feeding.
  • Disinfect the premises, provide food and water in a timely manner.
  • Slaughter and prepare the carcass for sale.

Therefore, you will still have to recruit staff. If it is a large village, then you can recruit workers from the local population. When placing outside the city, you can also recruit people from nearby villages or simply hire them by advertising accordingly. To get started, 4 assistants will be enough.

Possible risks

An entrepreneur may face the following problems:

  1. Livestock mortality - the risk is caused by disease or improper management of poultry, which causes it to get sick and die. The solution is proper care and control over the life of geese at all stages of rearing.
  2. High embryo mortality - the situation is caused by excess humidity in the poultry house and lack of ventilation. The solution is similar - careful control over the maintenance of the livestock.
  3. Lack of buyers - the probability of risk is 50/50, because it is impossible to determine in advance whether there will be demand for goose meat in a specifically selected region or even city. The problem is solved by analyzing the market and purchasing power.

Step-by-step plan: where to start

First you need to find a suitable area and arrange the premises. The size of the goose barn should be determined based on the number of young animals and the possibility of further expansion.

A little advice: finding a suitable place to set up a goose farm is not so difficult, since there are many abandoned collective farms in the villages. There will be no problems with the arrangement, since most of the outbuildings are there, and you will save money on preparing the premises.

After a place for setting up a goose farm has been found, you can proceed to the selection of young animals and the purchase of geese. Next, you need to think about which goose breeding model is best to choose.

If you pay attention to the opinion of already experienced farmers, then it is best to choose French technology, which is based on breeding gray geese. Here the step-by-step algorithm for developing a goose farm is as follows:

  • Young animals are reared for 16 weeks.
  • Over the next three weeks, intensive feeding is carried out - only yellow corn in the diet, meals at least 4 times a day. This promotes rapid weight gain and fatty liver, which is especially valuable.

All geese should not be slaughtered; a few productive females can be left for breeding birds.

Separately, you should consider the arrangement of the room in which the birds will be located:

  • Good ventilation must be provided.
  • There should be no more than 4 individuals per square meter.
  • The optimal room temperature level is at least 10 degrees above zero.
  • If a breeding herd will be located in the room, then the optimal temperature range should be 25-27 degrees Celsius.

You will also need to purchase equipment:

  • Drinkers of vacuum and flow type.
  • Incubators for raising chickens, which is definitely more profitable than buying chickens.
  • Feeders.
  • Nests.

Please note that the goose flock must have sufficient space to roam. For one adult, at least 10 square meters should be allocated.


To create a business you will need about 84.5 million rubles. Start-up costs will include:

  • non-current assets – RUB 77,120,000;
  • working capital – 7,380,000 rubles, including initial capital – 4,980,000 rubles.

Needs for development and expansion of production – RUB 2,400,000. (required in the course of business, not noted in investment plans). Of them:

  • funds invested by the owners - 54,500,000 rubles. – 64.5%;
  • borrowed funds – RUB 30,000,000. – 35.5%.

for 550 rubles, from our partners, with a quality guarantee.

The investment efficiency is as follows:

  • discount rate, % 11.00;
  • payback period – PB, months. 61;
  • discounted payback period – DPB, months. 74;
  • net present value – NPV 31,238,614;
  • profitability index – PI 1.36;
  • internal rate of return – IRR, % 20.72;
  • the period for calculating integral indicators is 105 months.

When reconstructing an entire complex of structures, investment costs of the project will be required. The buildings are intended for several types of activities, namely:

  1. – Feed storage (production and storage of poultry feed).
  2. – Goose farm (for raising poultry).
  3. – Processing complex (processing, storage, packaging of finished products sold to wholesale consumers).

To implement the project, it is necessary to purchase equipment that increases operational efficiency and leads to a reduction in the costs of the enterprise, which increases the amount of working capital to cover the costs of growing feed. Payment for land rent is made every quarter in the amount of 80,000 rubles. for 1,000 hectares per year. Losses from previous periods are written off immediately. To implement each stage, investment investments are distributed clearly over time with the beginning of implementation and increase in production volumes.

List of stages

List of stages

How much money do you need to start?

When drawing up a business plan for a goose farm, special attention should be paid to the financial part. To get started (approximately) you will need:

  • Purchasing a suitable premises with territory - from 100 thousand to two million rubles. You can save money if you rent a room with land.
  • Carrying out repair work and preparing the premises for the occupancy of geese - about 100,000 rubles.
  • Registration of documents and obtaining the necessary permits - from 50,000 rubles.
  • Purchasing goslings - it is recommended to take 1000 heads - this is about 50,000 rubles.
  • Salaries for employees - the average paycheck for such work is 15,000 rubles, but you can make a bet on the output for those who will prepare the carcasses for sale.
  • Purchase of feed - everything here will depend on the number of livestock, and also the breed.

Thus, the minimum required to start is 500,000 rubles, but the price can increase significantly if the acquisition of land with premises is already prepared for the farm - the price of such objects reaches up to 2 million rubles. But even in this case, you can invest 3 million rubles.

other expenses

In addition to the poultry house and feed supply, refrigerators are purchased for storing meat and eggs. Podvorets recommend slaughtering to order so that the product is not stored in the refrigerator for a long time.

More on the topic: What are the characteristics of Tula geese?

To remove feathers and cut up the carcass, they buy a feather removal machine and a cutting shop; It is kept clean. It is necessary to purchase antiseptic agents and soap solutions.

To clean the poultry house you will need working equipment. A separate room is provided for it. It is not recommended to store equipment together with food. It is not always clean.

Incubators are purchased to hatch chicks. Farmers claim that week-old goslings are in greatest demand. You can make a good profit from selling young animals. Brooders are equipped for chicks, in which the young are kept for the first month after hatching from the incubator.

In order to start breeding geese as a business, you need to draw up a business plan. It lists all expenses, notes projected profits, and determines ways to sell products. The plan will be needed not only for personal use, but also for the bank if the need arises to apply for a loan.

Other expenses include registering a business with government agencies, paying taxes, and veterinary services. Workers are not hired to service small livestock. All work can be done independently. For additional expenses, you can set aside 30 thousand rubles.

OKVED: what codes should you choose?

Since we are talking about the sale of food products, everything must be documented, otherwise:

  • You can get a good fine from the Federal Tax Service and other departments.
  • It will be difficult to find good clients, since, in fact, products of unknown origin are offered.

To get started, it will be enough to register as an individual entrepreneur, but if you plan to expand your goose farm, then it is better to choose an LLC. And in order not to pay twice, it is better to immediately start registering the status of a legal entity.

As for the KVED code itself, everything is clear here: 01.24 “Raising poultry” is ideal, since it implies not only the raising of poultry and young animals, but also the sale of eggs.

Methods of organization

A geese farm, with a population of up to several thousand, can be registered as private property with the availability of individual entrepreneur documents. But when profitability increases, and it becomes necessary to cooperate with large wholesale chains or private customers, registration of a legal entity will be required, i.e. the creation of a company of any type.

When submitting an application for registration of an individual entrepreneur to the tax office, you need to indicate the type of agricultural activity, in the case of opening a goose farm, this is the breeding of commercial poultry, the sale of meat, eggs and fluff. For legal registration, this activity code has the abbreviation OKVED, which must be included in the documents.

After this, you need to obtain a certificate of form No. 4, as well as a single state registration number, which is issued to all companies registered in the Russian Federation. But the formal tasks do not end there, and a business plan for goose breeding includes a mandatory permit from Rospotrebnadzor.

The farmer’s task is to ensure not only a sufficient quantity of poultry, but also to guarantee its quality, the level of which is closely monitored by Rospotrebnadzor. To obtain a certificate from this government agency, you must undergo an inspection by the sanitary and epidemiological station and the fire inspection to ensure that the conditions of detention comply with the required standards. It can take quite a long time to obtain permission, so you need to contact the authority in advance.

In addition to the inspection by Rospotrebnadzor, you need to obtain a certificate from the veterinary service about the compliance of the farm and animals with the requirements, having received a certificate for product quality. Without it, not a single goose can be sold as a food product, so before contacting the veterinary service, you need to take care of organizing planned procedures (vaccination, veterinary control) at the enterprise, otherwise the profitability of breeding geese will be low.

By choosing an individual entrepreneurship document as the form of ownership of the enterprise, the owner receives a number of advantages at the initial stages of business development, including:

  • simplified taxation;
  • simplified accounting and cash accounting;
  • no need to register a branch of the enterprise;
  • Documents for equipment are optional.

At the initial stage, opening an individual entrepreneur is beneficial mainly in financial and organizational terms, since it eliminates the need to collect unnecessary documents and pay part of the duties on products. This allows us to reach the required production volumes and increase the number of poultry to enter a large market. But after this, it is recommended to obtain permission and registration of an LLC, since in the form of an individual entrepreneur it is difficult to attract investment in a business and receive private or government lending, which is simply necessary for business development.

LLCs are trusted not only by buyers and investors, but also by government agencies, which oblige company owners to maintain complete document flow and pay taxes on a general basis. But there are also advantages here, since registering an enterprise allows the owner to make a profit from VAT deductions and attract partners interested in receiving them.

Documents for opening

Regarding an LLC, you need to have the following basic package of documents on hand:

  • Tax payment certificate.
  • Certificate of state registration.
  • Certificate of registration with the Pension Fund.
  • Company charter.
  • Memorandum of association.
  • Help from the statistics service.

You will also need:

  • Permission from the sanitary and epidemiological station.
  • Permission from the fire department.
  • Permission from the veterinary service.

If we are talking about renting premises, then you will also need a lease agreement. You also need to have contracts in hand with utility services for the supply of electricity, water, sewerage, and heating.

Cultivation technology and sales

Above we described the French technology for raising young animals. The following can be considered a classic scheme:

  • To gain 1 kg of weight, a bird must eat at least 3.5 kg of feed.
  • It is rational to slaughter a goose only after it has gained at least 2.5 kg.

You need to think about implementation in advance - before it’s time to slaughter the bird. Perfect implementation points:

  • Markets, meat pavilions.
  • Restaurants, cafes, other public catering outlets.

As an option, and an excellent one, you can open your own retail outlet, and then develop an entire network and build a brand. Moreover, natural farm products are now in demand.

Farm arrangement

When setting up a goose farm, you need to adhere to the following recommendations:

  • For one adult, you need to allocate at least 0.25 square meters. Based on this, you need to choose a room - it should be brick or wooden, but it must have a good ventilation system, and also be insulated.
  • The poultry house must be equipped with drinkers, feeders, and an incubator.
  • For adults, the temperature should be 15 degrees, for young animals 27-30 degrees.
  • In the summer, it is imperative to supply a sufficient amount of fresh grass.

Particular attention should be paid to the quality of living and feeding of birds, since the quality of meat depends on this factor.

Feed base

An important issue will be providing birds with a varied and balanced diet, on which the health of geese, the speed of weight gain and the quality of products depend. The food must be safe and environmentally friendly . The daily diet should consist of:

  • Combined feeds, which are the basis of nutrition for geese
  • Melons that act as a source of vitamins: beets, potatoes, tops
  • Green feed obtained from walking
  • Chopped pumpkin and cabbage
  • Fish waste
  • Legumes
  • Fermented milk products: yogurt, cottage cheese, whey
  • Silos
  • Chalk, crushed eggshells and shells

In summer, the main part of the diet consists of succulent food and grass, at least 2 kg per day. After summer grazing, meat has the greatest value. In winter - compound feed, silage, grain, bran, root vegetables and dry branches of spruce with ground pine needles. By leaving geese for the winter, there is a 7% monthly decrease in profitability.

Geese should be fed every two hours. In the morning and evening, give roughage in the form of branches and hay, vegetables. Geese also love wheat, oats, and corn. You also need to provide drinking bowls with clean water, adding a weak solution of potassium permanganate to containers for adult geese.

Breed selection

When choosing a breed, you need to focus on what exactly you want to get from the bird in its predominant form: meat, down and feathers. Since in this article we looked at the emphasis on the business plan of a goose farm for meat production, we will take a closer look at the breeds of this category. Perfect for:

  • Edmenskaya - quickly gain weight, average weight 6-9 kg.
  • Toulouse - specially bred in France, it is distinguished by especially tasty meat and liver. The average weight of a goose is 12 kg, and that of a goose is 9 kg.
  • Gray is the most unpretentious breed, the average weight is 8-9 kg.

If the main focus is breeding birds for egg production, then you can pay attention to the following two breeds:

  • Kuban - the female weighs small, on average 6 kg, and lays up to 100 eggs per year.
  • White - bred in Italy, produces about 60 eggs in one cycle.

Based on this, you need to choose a breed.

Sales options for finished products

There are several ways to sell products:

  • Own retail and wholesale store, market point
  • Sales of meat, liver and eggs to supermarkets, cafes, restaurants, processing companies
  • Sales of down and feathers to textile enterprises
  • Sale of goslings to households for breeding
  • Sales of goose droppings to farmers, nurseries, and private homeowners
  • Cooperation with intermediaries
  • Promotion through your own website, social networks, message boards

To increase business profitability, it is better to use several distribution channels. You should not neglect traditional advertising means: advertisements in the media, in transport, in the entrances of houses. Make a name for yourself at agricultural shows and town fairs.

Let's sum it up

A goose farm is the type of business that even a beginner can do. Speaking about the main advantages of this type of activity, we can highlight the following:

  • Little competition.
  • Possibility to create a full cycle production.
  • High level of consumer demand.
  • High cost of the product.

But, at the same time, it must be taken into account that the demand for this type of meat is not regular, because it is expensive. The main consumer surge occurs during the winter holidays, but if you enter into agreements with supermarkets, as well as restaurants and similar establishments, you can receive a stable good income.

As for setting up a business, an LLC would be an excellent option. In addition to completing the organizational and legal form, you will also need to obtain permits from the veterinary service and sanitary and epidemiological station. With the right approach, you can achieve good and, most importantly, stable profits.

Market analysis

This stage will determine whether there is a need for the production of goose meat and other products obtained from the operation of a goose farm. The following indicators need to be taken into account:

  1. Level of competition. Ideally, there is not a single farm in the area engaged in this type of work.
  2. Demand for products.
  3. Possibility of expanding production. Expansion may require land and financial resources.

On average, the lifespan of a profitable goose farm is 8-9 years. There must be licenses confirming the conduct of all types of work. Their preparation will take a lot of time.

An important stage will be the sale and promotion of products. Most likely, you will need to create a recognizable brand. It is more profitable if, for example, meat, goose liver, and eggs are sold under the same name. You can also sell goose feathers and fertilizers based on bird droppings.

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