How to get rid of wasps in the country - proven methods of fighting insects

Wasps love to settle in close proximity to humans, which often becomes a real problem for summer residents and owners of country cottages , since the proximity to these insects is often uncomfortable or downright dangerous.

In this case, to eliminate the problem, it is necessary to destroy not individual representatives of this species, but the entire nest at once, but first you will need to find it.

To spend less time on this process, you need to know where wasps like to build their shelters:

  1. Tree branches that are densely overgrown with foliage, which allows you to hide your home from prying eyes.
  2. Hollows in tree trunks.
  3. Burrows dug in the ground, if we are talking about the earthen variety of these insects.
  4. Shrubs with dense foliage or hedges.
  5. Open areas of trees or just places in the grass, if there are no more favorable natural conditions nearby for creating a nest.
  6. Domestic or utility buildings, such as attics, basements, cellars, closets or toilets, where people do not disturb these occupants too often.
  7. Niches formed under the roof of a building.
  8. Gaps that form in walls if the sheathing begins to move away from their surface over time.
  9. Balconies, loggias and other similar structures.
  10. Pile of rarely used items or other junk.

However, it is not always possible to find a nest on your own, even after checking all the named places, especially if we are talking about large buildings or a vast territory.

The wasps will begin to fly to the bait, at this moment it is necessary to track their route; most of the wasps will fly between their home and the bait.

Hatching rules

When a nest is discovered and it is established that it is located in close proximity to residential or domestic buildings, as well as simply places where people often visit, then its destruction is required.

However, removing wasps is a complex and dangerous process, when performing it you must remember the following rules:

  1. It is strictly forbidden to use fire to remove wasps and destroy a nest if it is located on a tree, a wooden structure, or in close proximity to flammable materials.
  2. It is also undesirable to use gasoline or kerosene for removal in these places , even if it is not planned to be set on fire, since this will contribute to the creation of dangerous conditions.
  3. Provide protective clothing in advance , since if an attempt to destroy the nest is unsuccessful, its inhabitants will show the maximum degree of aggression.
  4. Before removing wasps, warn all neighbors and people living nearby about the planned event , so that they keep their windows closed at this time and try to refrain from going outside.
  5. Choose the most appropriate and safety compliant method for removing the wasp nest.

Means to make bees fall

Bee attack on bees

What kind of treatment is used to make annoying bees fall off is an equally important question for those who live next door to bees and are constantly afraid of them.

Instantly and quickly paralyze insects can:

  • “Clean House” aerosol against wasps and bees (contains tetramethrin, cypermerin);
  • Bros aerosol, highly toxic, kills with lightning speed;
  • German sprayer against flying insects Delecia;
  • drugs from the company Dr. Klaus (the special design of the bottles allows you to attach even a hose for more extensive spraying).

Burning out the nest

Burning down the home of unwanted neighbors is one of the most effective methods of getting rid of them, if conditions allow you to put this method into practice.

However, before using such measures, it is necessary to take into account some features:

  1. The process itself is quite simple, since wasp nests are made of a special material that they extract by chewing tree bark, its structure is closest to cardboard. Therefore, it is enough just to pour gasoline or other flammable substance over their shelter and then set it on fire; complete burnout will occur in just a few seconds.
  2. Initially, you need to make sure that this method is safe. The walls and ceiling surface should not be made of wood, and it is also necessary to ensure that the cladding is made of fire-resistant material, so as not to accidentally start a fire.
  3. It is most advisable to resort to burning if the nest is located on a stone surface or if the earth variety of wasps is being fought.
  4. When using this method in industrial plants or logistics centers, it is necessary to make sure that there are no flammable substances or materials anywhere nearby.

How to find a wasp's nest?

It is not always possible to find the nest right away. Wasps choose hard-to-reach places for its construction that are hidden from human eyes.

It can be:

  • Utility rooms – sheds, toilets, attics. In such rooms, as a rule, nests are located near the ceiling;
  • Niches under the roof;
  • Gaps in wood walls or places where the main trim departs from the plane of the wall;
  • Dense thickets of bushes, raspberry fields, hedges;
  • Hollows of old trees.

If a suitable place is not found, wasps can build a nest in the ground. In this case, it will represent a hole, the depth and duration of which can reach impressive sizes.

If you don’t have time to search and examine all of the above places, you can
follow the wasps, which will lead you to the nest. To do this, place a treat in a place where insects are particularly concentrated. A piece of raw meat or fish is best.

When the wasps fly to the bait, watch. After a short period of time, you will notice that the wasps fly away and then return again. They fly to the nest and carry food there for the queen. Now all that remains is to track their route and then destroy the nest.

Pouring water

A safer method of destroying a nest is to use water rather than fire for this purpose. It is most convenient to use this method if the wasps have settled in the attic or settled in the ground.

There are two options for implementing this process:

  1. The first method is the simplest, but is only suitable for exterminating earth wasps. This requires quickly pouring a large amount of water into the hole that leads into their home. This is best done with a hose, since it has a sufficient flow rate for significant volumes of liquid; besides, buckets and other limited containers may not be suitable, since some underground burrows are quite deep. It is necessary to stop the water supply only at the moment when it begins to flow out through its edges. After this, the entrance to the nest is securely closed with some heavy object, for example, a stone. In some cases, after flooding a wasp shelter, these insects do not emerge completely, since a significant amount of water can be absorbed by the soil, which gives the insects the opportunity to dig a new exit.
  2. The second method is intended for nests that are located at a certain height, for example, at ceiling level; it is more complex, dangerous and requires sufficient skill. Its essence lies in the fact that the wasp's nest must be placed entirely in a bucket, previously filled with water, and then pressed tightly against the ceiling surface so that insects cannot in any way get out through the cracks. It is necessary to install a support from below that will support the container in this position, since it will take at least one day to destroy the wasps. There are several difficulties here: the instability of the structure being built and the risk of its destruction, as well as the difficulty of pressing the water container tightly to the ceiling. If one of the described situations arises, then all efforts will be in vain.

How to remove wasps from inside walls and floors

Wasps make their nests not only in the ground and in the attic; sometimes insects climb into the cracks of the walls of the house and under the floor. It is quite difficult to smoke wasps out of these hard-to-reach places. Try the method below.

Take a rubber or plastic tube. Attach one end of it to a container filled with an insecticide (for example, Dichlorvos), and insert the other into a hole in the wall or floor. At the same time, tightly close the remaining entrances and exits that wasps can use (it is better to cover them with polyurethane foam or plaster them). Inject the poison from the balloon into the only open hole and, leaving the tube in it, wait 10-15 minutes until the insects die. Then seal this hole to prevent new wasps from getting in.

Do not forget about protection, because insects can fly out of holes in the wall or floor that you did not notice and sting. Also note: there should be no people or pets in the room.

If wasps enter your home through a vent, cover the opening with a mosquito net soaked in a chemical insecticide or vinegar solution.

Another extremely original method was discovered by us on the Internet. In the video, a man who couldn't get to a wasp's nest in his attic used a vacuum cleaner with a long tube attachment. He brought the end of the pipe to a hole in the roof through which the wasps flew out of the house, thus, everyone who tried to leave the wasp's nest was immediately sucked in by the vacuum cleaner. The process turned out to be lengthy and quite dangerous, so the vacuum cleaner hose with nozzle had to be secured to a holder. This method has a number of disadvantages. Firstly, the wasps in the vacuum cleaner bag are the most alive, and you will have to think about how to dispose of them. Secondly, this way you will not destroy the larvae. Thirdly, there is a chance that you will anger the swarm. Therefore, we still insist that it is best to use the services of a specialist.

Destruction by insecticides

The destruction of wasps using special preparations - insecticides, is one of the most effective, modern and widespread methods of combating these insects.

When choosing this method, you must adhere to the following algorithm of actions:

  1. All modern insecticides have a water-soluble form ; in order to obtain a working mixture, they must be mixed with water, but this is done strictly in accordance with the attached instructions.
  2. Prepare a polyethylene bag with a dense structure; its dimensions should be such that the entire wasp’s nest fits inside. 200 ml or more of the diluted solution is poured into the bag.
  3. Place the bag on the nest; this is done with sharp and quick movements so that the angry insects do not have time to fly out and attack the offender. It is tied at the top with rope, tape or tape to prevent wasps from leaving the trap.
  4. Usually all the inhabitants of the nest die after 2-3 days, but first it is better to tap the bag with some object to make sure that there are no living insects left inside that can attack a person.

Today, the market offers a wide range of different drugs designed to kill wasps.

The most effective and proven positives are the following types of insecticides:

Tetrix is ​​quite expensive, but it is still very popular due to its high effectiveness. Sold in cylinders with a capacity of 250 ml, from which you can get 2-3 liters of the working mixture. The cost is about 1,200 rubles, often sold in liter canisters, which cost approximately 5,000 rubles.

Diazinon is not only a good way to kill wasps, but is also used to prevent the appearance of other insects, and is completely safe for most types of domestic animals. The price for a 1 liter container is about 1000 rubles.

Sinuzan is most often used to destroy nests indoors, since this drug can also remove other insects living at home, including cockroaches and flies. The cost of a 5-liter canister is about 8,000 rubles.

Karbofos is an inexpensive and at the same time very effective drug that not only destroys individuals of any age, but also kills larvae. The cost of a 5-liter canister will be only 2500-3000 rubles; you can also purchase a small package, which will cost no more than 30-50 rubles.

Lambda Zone will destroy not only wasps and their larvae, but also all insects in the next 100 square meters. One 50 ml package is enough for exactly this area; its price is only 600-700 rubles.

How to poison bees in the house

There are often cases when bees settle right in the house and simply do not allow you to live in peace. How to poison bees in a private house? In this case, there are several options.

Bees have settled in the house

Remedy for wasps

How to effectively poison bees, proven means:

  1. dichlorvos;
  2. smoke bomb;
  3. insecticides.

Dichlorvos from bees has been used for quite a long time, it is easy to use and highly effective. It smells strong and should not be inhaled by humans.

Attention! As summer residents note, the old version of dichlorvos has good effectiveness; it is more modern, odorless, and gives a much lower effect.

A smoke bomb is used against bees and wasps, both in open areas and indoors. Smoke mixed with insecticides spreads to all hard-to-reach places, which provides advantages over various gels, powders or aerosols. Insects die quickly, the chances of survival are reduced to zero.

The list of insecticides against bees is quite wide; they differ in the method of destruction, composition and price. Depending on the nature of the exposure, chemical poisons act through the respiratory tract and intestines. Almost all of them are highly effective.

Insecticides for bees

Poisoned baits

You can also use poisoned baits to exterminate wasps; when using them, you will have to wait longer for the results, but this option is the safest in all aspects, and also does not require any skill for successful implementation.

To poison insects, you must adhere to the following instructions:

  1. As bait, it is best to use beer, to which additional sugar is added, or fermented jam , which has an aroma attractive to wasps. It is not recommended to use honey, since bees that do not pose a threat to humans will also react to it.
  2. Add any toxic substance to the bait ; it can be one of the types of insecticides or just boric acid.
  3. The bait and the poisonous substance must be mixed well with each other, then placed on a plate and placed on an accessible and open surface. It is best to choose a place somewhere in the trees or where children or pets cannot reach the poisoned bait.
  4. Renew the poisoned bait every few days ; this must be repeated until the insects finally disappear from the area where they were planned to be hatched.

Bee repellent

It is known how effective bee repellents are:

  1. Using natural repellents. In particular, the essential oils of catnip, peppermint and cloves are very effective.
  2. Using chemical repellents (Bee Go, Honey Robber).
  3. An anti-mosquito lamp, powered by electricity, makes it possible to protect the house from bees, operates within a radius of 50 m, and is expensive.
  4. A repeller based on a fumigator, powered by a gas cartridge. The complex comes with a plate that is inserted, and when in operation it emits toxic substances for the bees. The only and significant drawback is that the bees return after a while.
  5. Ultrasonic repellers are less effective than the above.
  6. Naphthalene. Its smell is dangerous not only for bees, but also for humans.
  7. Bitter almond oil. Pour a little oil onto the fabric material and place it on a certain place so that it evaporates.

Remedy for wasps in the country

In addition, you can light a fire, since bees avoid smoke, become lethargic, and their aggressiveness when inhaling it is significantly reduced.

Attention! Smoke from a barbecue will not only not scare away bees, but, on the contrary, will help attract them, since bees really like this piquant aroma.

Planting repellent plants is an effective and simple way to get rid of unwanted residents: bees and wasps do not tolerate the smell of spicy plants. Melissa, lavender, calendula, wormwood and basil are great.


Another good way to combat wasps is to use traps; their fundamental difference from the previous method is that the bait does not have to be poisoned.

You can purchase such a device in a store or construct it yourself if you follow the instructions below:

  1. To make it you will need a large plastic bottle, the recommended volume is 1.5-2 liters.
  2. It is necessary to twist the roof of the container and cut off its upper part by a third with a knife.
  3. Bait is poured inside, this again can be beer with sugar or fermented jam.
  4. The cut off upper third of the bottle is inserted into the lower part; this must be done with the neck down.
  5. The container with the bait is suspended from a tree; in the future, it only needs to be updated once every few days, since wasps caught inside, due to a number of their instincts, will not be able to find their way out into the wild.

What attracts wasps to the area

The wasp is a very unpleasant neighbor. Its bite not only brings severe pain, but also provokes the development of an allergic reaction. To prevent its appearance in the country house or in the house, you should constantly monitor its condition. Keep in mind that the following may attract unwanted neighbors to your territory:

  • Shelter. Single individuals always look for shelter after mating or hibernation. They need a safe place to lay their eggs. They also need to find their “master,” most often a spider, in order to steal food from it. Mud species require a vertical surface that is protected from external factors. There they can build a nest. Most often they settle on tree branches, near eaves, roofs, attics and verandas.
  • Food and water. A wasp, like any other animal, needs food and water. It can eat spiders and their larvae, so if such insects are present, it may attract dangerous guests. The wasp can obtain food from flowers by consuming their nectar or by eating aphids. She also needs water, which she can get not only in ponds or containers, but also in pets’ bowls.

Calling professionals

For certain reasons, some people cannot cope with wasps and destroy their nests on their own. In this case, you can contact and call a specialized service that will destroy the interfering insects.

However, when contacting professionals, you need to know some features of their activities:

  1. The cost of calling specialists ranges from 1000-1500 rubles for exterminating wasps in urban areas and from 2500 rubles for exterminating them in suburban areas. Moreover, for virtually all companies, the price of the service depends on the distance of the dacha plot from the city.
  2. It is recommended to use only those companies that guarantee that the insects will not reappear. Most organizations have a warranty period of 1-2 years.
  3. In some localities it is not possible to call a specialized service. In this case, you can ask for help from the SES or the fire service, but it must be borne in mind that fighting wasps is not their direct responsibility, so the service is provided exclusively by prior arrangement and usually specialists do not arrive immediately.

Description of the insect

Wasps are usually 15-20 mm long. They are painted in black and yellow stripes; other, harmless insects have similar colors, so they are easy to confuse. But wasps have a characteristic narrowing in the middle of their body, hence the well-known expression “wasp waist.”

These insects have 2 pairs of wings and black antennae. At the end of the abdomen, females have a sting that is not serrated, like bees, so the wasp can use it many times.

The common wasp (Vespula vulgaris) is found everywhere and does not avoid cities. It is characteristically colored with yellow and black stripes and is found from April to October. Ground wasps build nests mainly in the ground, often using burrows left by rodents, which are more difficult to control.

Representatives of another species, the German wasp (Vespula germanica), make cocoons, securing them under roofs and in attics. In the nests they build, the queen lays eggs, and the hatching worker wasps expand the nest and feed the larvae. The larvae eat food of animal origin. Adults feed on carbohydrates - flower nectar, sweet juices, ripe fruits.

Hornets, contrary to popular belief, are not aggressive towards people. An attack occurs only in a dangerous situation. Hornet venom is also comparable to aspen and bee venom - it does not contain large amounts of toxic substances, but contains acetylcholine, which is responsible for a strong sensation of pain (the feeling of pain is also influenced by the longer sting of the hornet).

Benefits and harms

Wasps are annoying and unpleasant for various reasons:

  1. They transfer pathogenic microbes to food products from places where they previously fed (from droppings, carrion, landfills).
  2. While collecting wood to build a nest, they often destroy wooden elements of buildings, fences, and garden furniture.
  3. Insects select rotten wood from old trees and gnaw the bark from young branches, damaging them.
  4. They cause great harm to vineyards; in some years, wasps can destroy half the harvest. They pierce the berries, eating them, breaking the integrity of the skin, after which the berries rot.

However, wasps are also useful:

  1. by collecting food for the larvae, they destroy plant pests - mites, aphids, whiteflies, caterpillars;
  2. remove carrion - collect bushes of meat from dead animals into the nest;
  3. promote plant pollination.

Wasp venom is less toxic than bee venom and is less likely to cause allergic reactions. The sting is much more painful, although for most people it is harmless.

A wasp sting can be very dangerous for some people with severe allergies or a child. You should not eliminate the nests yourself; it is better to entrust this to specialists.

However, if you feel able to fight wasps, then you should familiarize yourself with various methods on how to get rid of a wasp nest in your country house, garage, balcony, lawn and other places.

Life cycle of an insect

Before deciding to remove a nest, it is useful to know the life cycle of the wasps:

  1. In the spring, it begins with the awakening of queens, fertilized in the fall, who have spent the winter in a tree or ground.
  2. In the spring, the queen begins to look for a suitable place to establish a colony. She begins to build a nest, forming honeycombs in which she lays eggs.
  3. After a few days, 1.5 mm long larvae develop from the eggs.
  4. Then sterile female workers appear.
  5. By mid-summer, there are many workers, and the queen is exclusively engaged in laying eggs and no longer builds nests.
  6. In the fall, males and fertile females, the future queens, begin to hatch.
  7. Then they leave the nest. Queens overwinter to begin a new cycle the following year.

The number of individuals hatched depends on how many queens overwintered and what weather conditions prevailed when the females established their nests:

  • Dry spring contributes to an increase in the number of individuals.
  • If many females survive the winter, competition to find a nest increases, so females will be in worse condition and less reproductive in the spring.

When do insects sting?

Wasps are much more aggressive than bees. They fly up to people more often and are extremely “curious” insects. It is difficult to drive them away, but it is easy to persuade them to behave aggressively and bite.

The most common reasons why wasps sting:

  1. The strongest individuals attack people approaching closer than 6 meters to the nest.
  2. When the air temperature is high (the temperature in the nest is even higher), the insects become restless.
  3. You should not attract their attention, make sudden movements or try to disturb the nest, start blowing on them, or wave your arms.

However, before taking the final steps, it is worth first thinking about what repels wasps or how to avoid attracting their attention.

What attracts wasps?

If wasps have taken a fancy to your porch, you might want to think about what attracts them. Options for products and scents that attract wasps:

  1. All kinds of sweets. These insects are extremely fond of sweets, so they fly around people eating desserts.
  2. Floral scents.
  3. The smell of food being eaten on the terrace.
  4. Beer, wine, kvass.
  5. Ripe fruits, berries.
  6. Creams, cosmetics, perfumes with floral aroma.
  7. Wasps land on meat and tear out pieces of it to feed protein food to the larvae. Therefore, it is always a good idea to cover food, and for picnics, pack it tightly and cover the plates with lids.
  8. Wasps and bees are lured by white and yellow flowers, which is interesting - they do not see red.

You should not drink anything from dark bottles of beer or sweet drinks left open on the street - wasps or bees may swim in them.

Particular care should be taken during gardening work. Wasps gnaw holes in thin-skinned fruits; they prefer grapes, raspberries, blackberries, strawberries, and plums, so you should pay attention to insects during the harvesting period of these fruits. You should not walk barefoot in the garden, in the forest, or on the lake, it is better to wear closed shoes. At the end of summer, insects become less active, but then they are especially aggressive when it comes to defending nests.

If the socket is not available

Sometimes the independent destruction of unwanted neighbors is complicated by the fact that the wasp's nest may be located in an extremely inconvenient place and be inaccessible.

In such cases, it is recommended to adhere to the following tips:

  1. Follow the route of wasps; for example, they can crawl in large numbers under wall cladding or slate on the roof. Then it is necessary to treat the surface around their loophole with toxic substances, if possible pour as much of the drug inside as possible, usually the effect of such an event is the same as when baiting the nest itself.
  2. Earthen nests also belong to the class of hard-to-reach shelters; they can be burned, watered, or poisonous drugs poured inside. At the same time, it is strictly forbidden to excavate underground dwellings, since this can be an extremely dangerous idea.
  3. Place the poisoned bait in the immediate vicinity of the place through which the wasps pass to get into their nest.
  4. Some people remove wasps from the most difficult to reach places using a regular vacuum cleaner. But it is worth noting that this technique is the most dangerous, moreover, in most cases it gives only temporary results, but it also takes a certain amount of time.

Benefits of OS

At the height of the season, namely in August, when the harvest of plums, pears, apples and other aromatic fruits ripens, many summer residents complain about the invasion of a large number of wasps, which spoil the harvest and begin an active fight against insects.

However, before destroying wasps, it is worth finding out what benefits they bring and what more annoying pests they protect from.
On the territory of Russia, in various regions, the following types of wasps are most often found:

  • Typhia - help get rid of rhinoceros beetles, bronze beetles and June beetles. Those thick and large white worms that appear in large numbers in the soil after adding humus or manure as fertilizer are an ideal source of protein for wasps. Having found the larva in the soil, they sting it, paralyze it and lay an egg, gluing it to the body of the larva. Once the wasp larva hatches, it will feed on the beetle's body. Thus, their number is reduced;
  • Scolia wasps are among the largest. In rare cases, their thickness can reach 6 cm. But, despite their size, they have a very calm and peaceful disposition. The wasp will not sting, even if you take it in your hand. They use the sting to extract food - larvae of bronze beetles, beetles, rhinoceros beetles;
  • Paper wasps are among the most aggressive and dangerous, but at the same time they choose the larvae of any insect as food for their offspring;
  • Wall wasps feed on the larvae of leaf beetles, borers, elephant beetles, caterpillars of moths and leaf rollers, and weevils;
  • German wasps prefer the larvae of caterpillars, butterflies, flies, and sawflies as food;

  • Burrowing wasps effectively destroy mole crickets;
  • Sand wasps and ammophila wasps choose winter cutworm caterpillars as food and a medium for the development of their larvae.

Graceful insects really bring considerable benefits, but if their nest is located inside a living space, and the wasps themselves show aggression towards humans, they must be gotten rid of.

Security measures

As already mentioned, destroying a nest and the wasps inhabiting it is a rather dangerous undertaking, since if something goes wrong in this process, then a person will be confronted by a large number of aggressive insects who want to protect their home.

For this reason, it would be a good idea to take care of some security measures; below are some important tips related to this issue:

  1. Wear clothing made of thick fabric so that insects cannot sting through it. It is highly recommended to have a hood that will additionally protect your head.
  2. Gloves must be worn on your hands; varieties made of leather or thick rubber are best.
  3. The face should be covered with a special mosquito net mask, since bites to this part of the body are considered the most dangerous.
  4. Have pre-prepared ice, a tourniquet and anti-allergic drugs, for example, suprastin, which will be needed if the wasp does manage to sting a person.

How to poison bees at home

How to poison bees at home? It all depends on your wishes; you can use folk remedies or purchased chemicals. Purchased ones have proven to be the most effective, but the price is quite expensive. Products like bleach, gasoline and other flammable materials act much more slowly and significantly complicate the process itself.

How to poison bees on their own plot, everyone decides independently, based on their capabilities and abilities.

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First aid for victims of wasp bites

If the wasp did manage to sting a person, then it is important to know about measures that can help minimize the negative consequences:

  1. Rinse the bite site with clean water; this will not only help disinfect the surface and minimize the likelihood of infection, but will also eliminate any remaining poison.
  2. If the sting remains at the site of the bite, then it must be carefully pulled out with tweezers, this will stop the further spread of the poison.
  3. All procedures should be carried out only with clean hands, and when using an additional tool, it must be treated with alcohol.
  4. Apply ice or any other cold compress to the bite site.
  5. Take any antiallergic drug, even if the corresponding reaction has not been diagnosed.
  6. According to traditional medicine, pain from a bite can be reduced by using dandelion, and swelling will be minimized by applying onion, tea compress or plantain.

At the same time, there are a number of cases in which, regardless of the situation and condition of the bitten person, a mandatory visit to the hospital and examination by a specialist is required:

  1. It is known that a person is allergic.
  2. The bites were caused by three or more insects.
  3. A child was bitten.
  4. The bite was made to any part of the face, tongue or larynx.
  5. Any side effects appeared, for example, changes in blood pressure, nausea, dizziness, convulsive reaction, etc.

When an insect bites or dies, a special chemical reaction occurs and specific substances begin to be released from the wasp’s body, attracting and provoking other individuals to attack.

What to do with bites

Wasps are the most poisonous arthropods in our environment. Their stings are long, saber-shaped and without a harpoon notch, which allows them to sting repeatedly without losing the poisonous organ, from which, after the injection, the poison enters the wound.

Why are bites dangerous?

Single wasp stings are dangerous only if you are particularly allergic to the poison. This insect is mortally dangerous for one person out of 100 thousand allergy sufferers. But a dozen hornet stings and several dozen wasp stings can lead to very sad consequences. A bite to the esophagus area is especially dangerous - within 5 minutes it can cause suffocation.

There are several reasons why and when wasps bite (sting) people:

  1. the nest is under threat or destroyed (they can attack an intruder in a swarm);
  2. they are irritated by sudden movements of people and animals;
  3. they don’t like the smell of, for example, perfume, cosmetics;
  4. they are irritated by dark or bright shades.

How to scare away neighbor bees from your property

Neighbor bees often cause trouble, especially if the hives are located on a neighboring property. How can you scare bees away from your area in this case?

There are several ways to try to resolve the matter peacefully:

  • fenced with a fence 2 meters high;
  • ask to move the hives away from the site;
  • plant fast-growing trees and shrubs;
  • raise the hives to a height so that their flight path is higher than human height.

If neighboring bees are attracted to honey-bearing flowers and trees on your site, then you can try planting cloves, calendula, and peppermint near them. These plants repel insects with their scent.

If you cannot resolve the matter peacefully with your neighbor, then you can resort to the letter of the law. To do this, it is worth checking whether the hives are located at a distance of 3-6 meters from neighboring areas. It is also worth contacting the gardening association so that they can check the apiary logbook and veterinary service records with the beekeeper. If there was a bite, it should be recorded by a doctor and then, with this certificate, try to resolve the conflict with the neighbor. Otherwise, you should contact the local police officer.

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