How to get rid of weasels in the chicken coop and in the country: simple ways to fight

Predators are different. Many believe that this order of mammals is limited to tigers, brown bears, wolves and other large creatures of the animal world. However, the world of carnivores also exists in a smaller version. Weasels, stoats, ferrets or martens are predatory animals in miniature.

With the onset of cold weather, many farmers are faced with the problem of attacks on chicken coops by petty robbers, and weasel attacks are especially common. How to get rid of weasels and protect your pets is a pressing problem and, fortunately, easily solvable.

How to get rid of affection

Mustelidae family

These petty farmland thieves are excellent hunters and love flesh: the two distinctive molars in the jaw, designed for cutting meat, speak for themselves. Raiding a nearby chicken coop is a piece of cake for them. Moreover, the methods they choose are not the most humane: a ferret, for example, climbs into a poultry house under the cover of darkness and, despite its small size - only 50 cm in length, can easily strangle a chicken or even a goose. Incursions by representatives of the mustelid family, to which these half-meter-tall creatures belong, become more frequent with the onset of cold weather, but even in the summer this problem is pressing.

Predators of the mustelid family

Before you protect your pets, you should compile a detailed dossier on a representative of this huge family. Mustelids are a family very rich in various species, in the center of which is the European pine marten. Mink, grison, ferret, skunk, badger, wolverine, otter, weasel, ermine - this is not a complete list of these nimble and agile inhabitants of forests, fields and swamps. Russian farmers most often encounter weasel attacks.

Portrait of a predator against a background of nature

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There is no one smaller than a weasel in the Predatory squad. Males can grow up to 26 cm in length and gain weight up to 250 g. The animal’s body is elongated, and its legs are disproportionately short, like those of a dachshund. However, in agility it surpasses not only a dachshund, but even a cat. Moving rapidly in short jumps, the predator easily and often changes direction of movement. Not even a lizard can escape her.

For a complete description of the species, add:

The weasel is sometimes confused with the ermine. They really look alike, but the ermine has a black tassel on its tail, the same one that makes the lining of the royal robe look like it has stripes.

Weasel: habits and body features

This representative of mustelids is characterized by:

  • small in stature;
  • short paws with 5 toes;
  • elongated body;
  • fine and thick hair;
  • the ability to exist for a long period of time without personal housing;
  • rapid adaptation to the proximity of a person and, ultimately, loss of fear of him.

Appearance of weasel

Before choosing ways to fight a ruthless hunter, you should study its characteristics and habits. This cute animal proudly bears the title of the smallest mammalian predator:

  • male body length: 16 - 26 cm;
  • female body length: 11 - 21 cm;
  • male weight: up to 250 g;
  • female weight: up to 100 g;
  • male tail length: up to 8 cm;
  • female tail length: up to 6 cm.

Weasel in natural environment

Despite the gracefulness inherent in their build, their neck is quite massive. The muzzle is small, narrowed, and the ears, on the contrary, are so round that they do not point upward. Some zoologists note a slight identity with a snake: rapid movements, great mobility and the ability to overcome most geographical obstacles. With the onset of cold weather, the animal's fur thickens and changes its color from brown to white, which allows the predator to remain invisible in the snow. In the warm season, the brown color returns and the fur thins out. Sometimes weasels are mistakenly mistaken for ermine: the differences between these species are poorly identified, but they still exist.

Winter and summer colors of weasels

Differences between weasel and ermine

Apart from the black tassel on the ermine's tail, each species has its own characteristic features.

FurVirtually of no interest to huntersHighly prized in the fur industry
DimensionsSlightly smaller than ermineLarger individuals
TailThin, without a black tassel at the endThicker and longer
Diet featuresIn winter, there is a shortage of food resourcesNot picky about food, can even eat insects

The weasel, unlike the ermine, has a rather uneven distribution, which narrows its search area for prey. However, unlike the stoat, its small body size makes it more mobile and gives it superiority in tracking and catching forest trophies. On the other hand, fine texture determines a more intense energy exchange.

The differences between weasels and stoats are very blurry

During a disadvantageous period in terms of food availability, the stoat demonstrates high adaptive abilities and is able to live comfortably with a small concentration of animals that it can catch. In terms of taste preferences, it is less whimsical compared to weasels. Birds, fish, insects - he can eat anything he can get his hands on, so you can’t call him a gourmet.

In the cold season, the stoat feasts on fish


In March, weasels begin mating games. At this time, fights take place between males for females. The events are accompanied by loud screams.

With the onset of pregnancy, the male leaves the female. Gestation of weasel cubs lasts 35 days. The mother prepares a home for the babies, she covers her nest with grass and moss, and creates comfort in the house for the babies.

The cubs that are born do not have vision. Puppies weigh no more than 2 grams. One mother gives birth to 3-8 puppies. First, the mother feeds them milk, and then gives them a small mouse, for which the kids fight. Upon reaching 4 months of age, babies leave their mother.

The weasel is a rather dangerous animal, despite its miniature size. She moves quickly and is not afraid of any obstacles. However, there is also a benefit from these animals; they destroy mice. In the places where weasels live, the number of rodents is controlled by it, which provides significant assistance to humans.

When meeting this animal in nature, you need to be careful. The person will not frighten the animal; the animal will take the position of an attacker. And getting rid of his tenacious teeth is very difficult.

What is the danger of affection

In order to find the answer to the question of how to neutralize a weasel or a marten, for example, it is necessary to understand the degree of threat they pose.

This animal, like the ferret, belongs to the category of cruel and ferocious predators who love to feast on domestic animals. Why waste time and effort searching for food in the forest when you can sneak in and treat yourself to plenty of “free” food.

Weasel is very dangerous for farm animals

It is impossible to catch these cunning thieves on your own, without using improvised means. They are too fast, agile and maneuverable. Don't be fooled by their cute triangular faces: in a fit of hunger, they are capable of tearing their prey into small pieces. How can a weasel be dangerous : in order to satisfy its need for food, it is not limited to one bird. Her appetite is so great that after she finishes her meal, up to several dozen headless birds may remain in the house. However, she does not often commit such bloody massacres, preferring to make do with mice and rats, which are much easier to get. It is decided to take such dubious actions only if there is no more suitable food in the area.

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The weasel feeds primarily on mice and rats

If the animal is completely distraught from lack of food, it may even enter the house and attack a small cat or dog. The weasel's teeth are very sharp, which allows it to easily kill individuals larger than itself.

Pet Help

It’s good if, in addition to chickens, the poultry house contains geese and turkeys. These birds, having noticed a predator, begin to scream heart-rendingly. And the large size of their body does not allow the weasel to quickly kill them.

Pets scare away forest predators just as well as electronic devices. If a cat can handle rats, then it can handle affection. The main thing is to provide her with free access to the chicken coop.

In order for the dog to scare away uninvited guests, the booth must be built next to the chicken coop. Or attach a long chain to the collar, allowing you to reach the poultry house. But you shouldn’t let the dog into the chicken coop itself. By barking and chasing weasels, he can frighten and injure birds .

Signs of an uninvited guest

A weasel seen near a poultry house is a harbinger of the imminent death of pets. As she opens the hunting season, she displays skillful tracking tactics and excellent knowledge of camouflage. Considering the fact that, like a ferret, it is impossible to take it by surprise, you should prepare for defense.

Mustelids easily find ways to get into the chicken coop

When the first snow falls, it is quite easy to detect signs of uninvited guests. Animals leave specific two-point tracks: they move by jumping, after which characteristic marks appear on the snow surface. By the distance between the paw prints, you can calculate which particular species of mustelid was visiting:

  • weasel - 20-30 cm;
  • marten - 30-40 cm;
  • ferret - 50-60 cm.

Traces of pine marten, mink, ferret, ermine and weasel

Front and hind paw prints of a ferret and pine marten

As practice shows, it is the ferret that causes the greatest damage to farmers, since compared to other family members, it is the most bloodthirsty and ruthless.

The ferret is the most violent species of the mustelidae family.

Home owner advice

Four years after moving into our house, I noticed that a marten lived with us. We recognized the fact that a new tenant had appeared under the roof from the sounds that the animal made, especially at night. The external camera system quickly determined who the culprit was and how the animal got onto the roof: it was under insulation. I was afraid that the marten would destroy the roof insulation, so I decided to get rid of it as soon as possible. We gave up on the idea of ​​using ultrasonic repellers because we have two collie shepherds and I was afraid it would be uncomfortable for them. We set various types of live traps, but were unable to catch the pest.

The battle with the marten lasted several years. Sometimes signs of its activity disappeared for several months, but then it appeared again. I hope she is gone forever now because the world has lasted almost two years. I think the most effective method of dealing with the critter is to earlier, very carefully "seal" any areas through which the animal can enter the attic. Unfortunately, we didn't think about this before.

A live trap for small representatives of the mustelid family is a pipe 90 cm long, 14 cm wide, and 18 cm high, made of boards 1.5 - 2.5 cm thick. One end side of this wooden pipe is closed by a window-latch made of organic glass, moving in the grooves of the strips nailed to the ends of the lower and side walls. The latch is secured in the grooves with a nail inserted into the socket at the end of the top board so that an animal caught in the trap cannot lift it.

Methods for entering a chicken coop

It is not difficult to guess which path the little bandits choose for their bloody intervention. They use any available gap to enter the house. Cracks in the foundation, holes invisible to the eye - all this becomes a potential entrance to the chicken abode.

To prevent the weasel from sneaking in, the chicken coop must be as strong as a fortress

Thanks to their physiology and small size, even small holes become a door to gastronomic paradise for them. If the walls of the room do not contain holes, but have rotted under the influence of time and humidity, animals can easily gnaw through damp boards.

, solving the problem of how to get rid of weasels in the yard becomes as paramount as ensuring the safety of the poultry house itself. Even if there are no cracks or holes in the surrounding area, the weasel can penetrate through the ventilation system or, in extreme cases, make a dig on its own: the animal’s sharp fangs and claws allow this manipulation to be carried out in the shortest possible time.

There should be no conditions for predators to create hiding places in the area adjacent to the chicken coop.

For safety reasons, every square meter of the poultry house should be inspected and, if necessary, all holes should be patched and the ventilation system should be covered with mesh. When designing a house for birds, you should take into account the fact that the foundation must be made thick in order to prevent animals from entering through holes.

Protective measures against the little robber

The danger to the courtyard is real. But if you block the predator’s path into the poultry house in time, the weasel will switch to mice and rats - easier and more familiar prey.

Watch the video what will happen to rats if there is no access to the chicken coop

Based on the interesting biology of this animal, a set of measures must be taken.

These were preventive and gentle measures

It is best to switch the “brownie’s” attention to protecting the yard from mice, but moods can be changeable and there is no guarantee that the weasel will not try to check the strength of the poultry house

How to catch a weasel: ways to catch small predators from a chicken coop

It is not so difficult to catch poultry house robbers: knowing their habits and preferences, you can weaken their onslaught. For centuries, farmers have been using traps and other traps to catch small predators.

Mustelid trap

Homemade devices

How to get rid of weasels - quite simple! To do this, you only need a few items that are always at hand.

Setting up a homemade weasel trap

1It is necessary to cut off the bottom and top of the bottle.
2At one end of it you should install bait in the form of one of the mustelids' favorite foods: a piece of fresh lamb or pork will be an excellent bait, since they will not be able to help but react to the strong smell of blood emanating from it.
3A chair should be placed in the place where animal tracks were found.
4Place the bottle on the edge of the chair.
5You need to place a bucket under the chair, into which the animal tempted by the bait should fall. In this case, the lid should be secured so that it slams shut at the slightest vibration.

It is important not to miss the moment when the animal falls into the trap in order to have time to fix the bucket lid in a timely manner. Otherwise, the animal may get out of it and all efforts aimed at solving the problem: how to catch and get rid of a weasel in a chicken coop will be in vain.

Diagram of a homemade mesh trap

It does not matter how exactly the predator was captured, after capture it should be released away from its area.

Large mousetraps

The list of items that help in solving the question continues: what to do to prevent a weasel from getting into your chicken coop, a large mousetrap.

Mousetrap for catching rats

It is difficult to find an animal that would not find itself in a trap containing a delicious piece of meat. The Zürner rat trap is very popular among farmers.

You can buy it in a store: the average market price is 1,200 rubles, or you can make it yourself. The manufacturing process is quite simple and does not require large financial costs. It is a small but capacious box made of boards. The peculiarity of this trap is the bridges connecting 2 windows located parallel to each other. They form a solid corridor hanging in the air. Metal hooks with bait are installed above the cover of the device, located above the junction of the two bridges. The animal climbs onto the bridge in order to swallow the bait and falls inside the box.

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Scheme of operation of the Zürnenra rat trap


As a preventative measure, you can try to scare away the unwanted predator. An electronic repeller works well for this purpose and should be placed in the poultry house or in the area adjacent to it.

The electronic repeller does not take up much space and is quite easy to install

The device emits low-purity signals that provoke panic attacks in animals and a desire to get out of the area as quickly as possible.

As an alternative, you can install a light with a built-in motion sensor, which will respond to the approach of intruders with noise and sound warnings.

Traditional methods

Measures to protect yourself from a little robber can be quite simple. For example, tar is considered an effective remedy. Rural farmers believe that walls coated with this resinous product will emit a weasel-repellent odor. However, this method is rather dubious: the weasel can get into the chicken coop through the roof or dig a hole, thus not coming into contact with the walls.

It is believed that the smell of tar repels weasels

Nimble toy

Weasel is the smallest predatory animal on the planet. His height is only 16-18 cm. He has an extremely cute appearance if you admire him from afar. Large beady eyes are combined with a sharp, whiskered nose and incredibly soft, fluffy fur. The miniature predator has a thin tail and a snow-white coat.

This animal belongs to the mustelidae family, and is related by blood to the mink, ferret and ermine. It is not afraid of people; on the contrary, it takes an aggressive pose at the sight of a biped. There are often cases when a predator itself attacks a person, and it becomes very difficult to free oneself from its sharp, tenacious teeth.

If you approach a wild weasel, it will attack without hesitation. By the way, this cute, at first glance, animal is a real record holder for hooliganism among animals. It attacks chickens, snakes, rabbits, moles and frogs. All these fauna representatives easily fit into the animal’s menu.

Of course, in order to avoid all the predatory antics of the animal, it is easier to tame an ordinary ferret, but if you are not looking for easy ways and are determined to make a predator your favorite, it will be useful for you to know about some of the features of its character, behavior, nutrition and habits.

Animal in nature and in captivity

The weasel swims very well, runs quickly, enjoys exploring burrows, holes and depressions in the soil, and moves freely along tree trunks and branches. Coupled with her aggressive disposition, this makes her even more dangerous to her “neighbors.” The animal can be found in almost any part of Eurasia.

The smallest animals live in the coldest places in the north. Despite its bloodthirstiness and hooliganism, the weasel is extremely useful to humans due to its talent in catching rodents.

Why did the weasel acquire such an uncharacteristic name for its behavior? The fact is that weasels are extremely easy to tame as a pet, especially at an early age. Unfortunately, a considerable number of these animals die in captivity, but they are quite capable of living with you for 4-6 years.

Please note that babies are best tamed, which means you will have to work hard with their maintenance, training and feeding.

A weasel, turned into a tame animal, very quickly becomes attached to its owner, and sometimes even follows on his heels like a faithful dog. History knows a case when one Englishman, who acquired an animal, was forced to take it with him to work, because it simply could not stand the painful loneliness. If you do everything right, your new pet can become a truly loyal, affectionate and gentle friend for you.

As we have already emphasized, the optimal option is to tame a small animal, however, due to its difficult adaptation at home, many people prefer to catch already grown animals. True, in this case they are destined to be bitten repeatedly. And it is not at all possible that your new pet will run away from you.

Therefore, it is better to take on the responsibility of caring for a newborn, but be 100% sure that this particular baby can become a devoted and faithful friend.

Unlike wild animals, domestic weasels fully live up to their name. They can sleep with you, play and relax. Keeping an animal is also quite possible together with a dog and a cat, but only on the condition that the more familiar four-legged animals are not aggressive. Especially considering that this small fur-bearing animal can easily occupy a sleeping place and steal food from its older “neighbors.”

By the way, the choice of resting place should be left to the guest herself, since you are unlikely to be able to artificially create and impose on her any location for sleeping. Be prepared for significant expenses on animal feed. Synthetic food from pet stores is definitely not suitable for him, and he needs to be fed exclusively with fresh meat and eggs.

The quality of these products must also be high. Don't forget that your new pet should always have clean drinking water in his bowl.

If you have taken care of a baby, be sure to feed him fresh natural milk using a syringe or pipette.

Keep in mind that if your neighbor has a bird, he is almost guaranteed to have to part with it. The new friend will destroy any bird, turning your former neighbor friend into your fierce enemy. But if you have a parrot or a canary living in your cage, the animal will not touch it, since it does not hunt where it permanently lives.


Animals living in captivity live on average 8-10 years, depending on the location and habitat. Weasels that are kept at home are somewhat inferior to their wild, free relatives. Their average life expectancy ranges from 4-7 years. Among the animals there are also long-livers. Cases have been recorded of female weasels living up to 20-30 years. But the true record holder was the male animal, who lived in captivity for more than 60 years.

Where to buy an animal?

If you are completely ready to keep a weasel at home, the question rightly arises: where can you buy this unique animal? Unfortunately, weasels are extremely rare for sale. Therefore, you have two options: look for people who purposefully breed animals, or catch the pet yourself.

But in the second case, one should not be surprised at the primary aggression. And you can also safely dismiss all notions of normal cohabitation between weasels and other mustachioed and striped animals.

We create a favorable atmosphere

When you are ready to welcome a new family member into your home, take care of his comfort:

  • Calculate your budget in advance and allocate a portion for feeding. Remember - these animals quote exclusively high-quality products, especially chicken eggs and meat;
  • If you are taking a baby, think about which way is more convenient for you to feed him. A syringe without a needle or a pipette that imitates a mother's nipple is best;
  • Do you value your cords and adapters? Then immediately put them out of reach or cover them securely with a cloth. The young predator is extremely playful and will easily chew through all the wires;
  • The animal does not need a large tray, but you must monitor its trips to the toilet and promptly clean up after the animal - it does not tolerate dirt near itself;
  • Existing pets should be introduced to their new “neighbor” as carefully as possible. Let them get used to each other and make sure that the “elders” do not offend the newcomer;
  • Don't be surprised by the daring robberies that may occur in your home from time to time with the arrival of an unusual wild animal.

If you decide to buy yourself such an unusual four-legged friend as a weasel, you must be prepared for periodic difficulties with its maintenance. May your new pet find a true loving owner in you and become your devoted friend for many years to come!

Types of traps for fishing

To understand how to get rid of weasels, you should familiarize yourself with a centuries-old method: setting a trap.

Trap for hunting mustelids

Traps of this kind are a very effective means of pest control. They are in an affordable price category: depending on the modification, the cost ranges from 400 to 1000 rubles. The following types of trace traps are used, which are the most common group:

Basically, they are fixed on the path trodden by the predator. There are 3 types of plate type:

  • with internal spring;
  • with cross;
  • without cross.

The most universal among them is a trap with a cross.

Trap with cross

Frame traps are also found in several varieties: The base of such traps can be:

They are used in conditions where catching an animal is quite problematic.

At the moment when the animal falls into the trap, the springs firmly fix its neck and paws, preventing it from moving. To catch weasels, frame options are mainly used, since compared to plate options designed for larger animals, they are smaller and more effective.

Frame traps are used to catch weasels

Range, habitats

Weevil: the best ways to combat the pest

The weasel has inhabited all the continents of the Northern Hemisphere. Animals can be found in such geographical regions as:

Zoologists talk about pronounced intraspecific variability in weasels. For example, the smallest and darkest animals with short tails live in the forests of the Far East and Siberia, northern Europe and North America. Larger (3-4 times) and lightly colored weasels with long tails inhabit the arid regions of lowland Asia (Central/Anterior), as well as the Mediterranean (northern Africa, southern Europe and southwestern Asia).

In Russia, the weasel, due to its comparative unpretentiousness, is widespread and has adapted to most landscape and geographical zones. The predator avoids only snowy highlands and polar deserts, where mustelids are not found in principle.

In other places where small rodents live (steppe/forest-steppe, forests of all types, tundra, deserts and mountains to alpine meadows), weasels can also be found. The animal is not afraid of humans: the weasel has been seen in the park areas of megacities, including in the capital's squares/parks.

Foxy sister

Who strangles chickens, besides the predators listed above? The beautiful red fox will enjoy eating chicken meat. The cheat kills one or two chickens. And a few more are simply crushing. One gets excited, let's say.

She takes the killed chickens with her. Finds ways to do this. He also returns for those who have been strangled, but most often the owner of the poultry house is ahead of the cunning one. And she no longer gets anything.

When is the fox active? In winter, when there is a problem with nutrition. The cheats eat hares, field mice, and small birds. Winter time is a hungry time, so foxes come to villages and villages in order to profit from meat.

This animal hunts late at night or early in the morning, when it is least likely to encounter a person. The cheater is attracted to the site by the following odors:

Fish. If fertilizer in the form of fish bones is scattered on the site, the fox will definitely visit it.

Garbage. Sometimes owners put buckets of food waste outside the door. Foxes, attracted by the amber, look into the light. They happily rummage through buckets or garbage, looking for something edible. And in between times they’ll visit the chicken coop.

Dung heaps. Chickens love to poke around in them. And the foxes know this. Therefore, they are attracted not so much by the smell of manure as by laying hens enthusiastically rummaging through it.

Ferret is a dangerous animal

One of the worst enemies of poultry is the forest polecat. For most people, a ferret is a cute pet. A cute pet with the habits of a cat and the character of a dog. But is it really so?

The forest ferret is an animal that strangles chickens. In one raid on the chicken coop, he is capable of strangling a huge number of them. He will eat one or two and destroy the rest. The ferret attacks the chicken and strangles it with its paws. As soon as the victim stops resisting, the beast loses interest in her.

The ferret acts on instinct. Does the chicken run, fuss and resist? He is interested in her as prey. The bird is dead and therefore there is no resistance? The ferret leaves her and begins searching for a new victim.

This animal is not large - 40-45 centimeters. Very cunning and dexterous. It usually gets into the chicken coop through a tunnel. If the owner finds a hole near the walls of the room, it means that a ferret is visiting the “chicken kingdom”.


Who strangles chickens at night? More precisely, chickens and very young birds? It could be rats.

Quite rarely, rodents attack poultry. Hunger forces them to do this. These animals are extremely smart, and in a moment of danger they are able to rush at a person, defending their own lives.

How to protect chickens from them? Set traps for rats. If you are lucky enough to find a nest or hole in the chicken coop, you can use the old method. Break the glass bottle so that the neck remains intact. Champagne bottles are best; they have thicker glass. The sharp edges are pushed forward into the holes. The rat will cut itself on it and return to its place of residence. And there her relatives will finish her off.

Disturb the nest, get rid of the baby rats, if they are there. And with the mother rat, do as described above.

What to do?

Get rid of the visitor. In addition to damaging the farm, the fox also spreads rabies. A sick predator can attack a person. Therefore, having barely noticed fox tracks, it is necessary to urgently take action.

The best way to get rid of the red cheater is a live trap. The thief remains alive by getting into it. The trap is taken away and the animal is released.

Nobody has canceled the traps yet. But this is inhumane.

A guard dog is the best option for scaring off foxes and other small predators. An Alabai or Caucasian Shepherd dog running around the area at night will not allow the sister fox to visit the area.


Who strangles chickens en masse at night? Farmers say they see something strange. Dark, very nimble and agile. It was like a shadow flashed through the chicken coop. And then she disappeared without a trace.

There are legends among people about the Chupacabra; supposedly this animal sneaks into a barn or chicken coop at night. Sucks blood from cattle and poultry. No one has ever seen the mythical creature. Only the shadow had to be seen. It will flash and disappear in the silence of the night. Has the chupacabra visited the chicken coop?

Alas, in our case it is an ordinary marten. That's who strangles the chickens! A cute animal, very dexterous and graceful. Visits human habitation not so often. The marten feeds on mice, squirrels and rats. When there is not enough food or there is simply no food, the animal goes to villages and villages. And destroys chickens.

The marten crushes the bird, then gnaws its throat and eats the carcass. Having had his fill, he continues to crush the chickens “in reserve.” It can drag the carcass with it if it crawls into the tunnel through which the predator passed.

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