Cordyceps unilateralis (Ophiocordyceps unilateralis): morphology, life cycle, medicinal potential

Cordyceps lopsided is the name under which one of the most amazing mushrooms is known to science, a parasitic mushroom that has a phenomenal ability to influence its host and create zombie ants.

At the same time, Cordyceps unilateral has long been used in Eastern medicine and is considered almost a panacea. Currently, the properties of this mushroom are being actively studied, and experts predict a great future for it in pharmacology.

What to do in such a situation? To get started, we recommend reading this article. This article describes in detail methods of controlling parasites. We also recommend that you consult a specialist. Read the article >>>

Cordyceps unilateral: morphology and life cycle

The habitat of this parasitic fungus for almost 50 million years is the tropical forests of the African continent, Brazil and Thailand. It creates its mycelium not just anywhere, but in the body of an ant, although sometimes butterfly caterpillars, spiders, and ants can become its victims.

This fungus, like others, is spread by spores. An ant infected with its spore serves as a food source for the fungus: the spore grows into its body, takes root inside it and parasitizes on it until the mycelial hyphae reach the maturity stage.

The developed mushroom is several times larger in size than its host, and the host himself first turns into a zombie and then dies.

This process is clearly visible in the photo and video.

But the most interesting thing is how the behavior of the infected ant changes. Biological scientists called them zombie ants because the ant behaves completely atypically.

This is explained by the effect on his brain of active chemical compounds produced by spores. The main object that Cordyceps unilateral chooses are carpenter ants of the species Camponotus leonardi, which live in trees.

The infected ant leaves its colony, and on the ground it climbs onto a blade of grass or a low plant and, with the help of its powerful jaws, firmly attaches itself to the central vein.

It is characteristic that if the ant fails to climb onto the grass, then the growth of the fungus stops, but the ant will still die.

He completely loses control of his body and no longer makes any movements. At the same time, he is still alive, but in fact has already turned into a mycelium.

But the one-sided Cordyceps begins to grow intensively: first, its roots penetrate the ant’s body and are properly fixed on the leaf, after which the fungus grows upward through the insect’s head, although sometimes its “shoots” are noted throughout the body.

Immediately after fixation, the mushroom, in order to avoid becoming a victim of small scavengers, begins to produce a strong antimicrobial agent.

Cordyceps unilateral, infecting one ant, can destroy their entire colony. However, the ants have developed an amazing sense of this parasite, and when they discover an infected ant, they try to drag it away in order to avoid the death of the entire colony from the epidemic. Usually about 20-30 infected individuals per 1 square meter are found. meter.

Fungus turns insects into zombies

Using a microscope, scientists noticed that the fungus completely destroys the sarcolemma - the surface of muscle fibers. At the same time, the junctions between the muscles and the brain remain intact and unharmed, and this suggests that the parasite somehow still interacts with brain impulses. How exactly this happens is not yet clear to scientists, but they now know for sure that the transformation of an ant into a zombie occurs without direct penetration of the fungus into the brain.

Ant muscles captured by parasitic fungus

Having seized control of the ant's body, the cordyceps fungus forces it to climb to the highest branch. After reaching the top, something even more amazing happens - obeying the commands of the fungus, the ant bites the branch with such force that its head is torn apart. The insect, of course, finally dies, but the spores of the parasitic fungus that have accumulated in its head fall down from the high branch and infect the ants below.

This is interesting: Scientists told where to hide from zombies

The fact that the fungus turns insects into zombies without directly affecting the brain, but first of all by taking over the muscles, is a great scientific discovery. Despite this, parasitic fungi still remain an extremely mysterious kingdom of wildlife with features of both plants and animals. For example, scientists still don't understand why small bubbles form inside infected insects. Some experts believe that these tiny particles secrete substances necessary to control other people's bodies. This may be true, but it is important to study this issue in more detail.

Medicinal potential

Naturally, the question arises: can Cordyceps unilateral parasitize on humans? No, of course, but it can be very useful for people.

The biologically active metabolites contained in it have a number of properties important for humans, which have been used for many centuries in Asian and, in particular, Chinese medicine.

  • Antioxidant properties . Clinical studies have confirmed the powerful antioxidant effects of Cordyceps due to the presence of polyphenolic and flavonoid compounds in its composition, which protect our body from the negative effects of free radicals.
  • Anti-inflammatory effect . Cordyceps extract has pronounced inhibitory properties regarding the generation of superoxide anion, as well as the release of elastase. This is the basis for the use of powder to relieve inflammation.
  • Treatment of bronchial asthma and respiratory diseases . Cordyceps unilateral has a unique ability to absorb oxygen in the body, thereby improving the respiratory process. Mushroom powder can be recommended as an alternative remedy for the treatment of bronchial asthma.
  • Immunomodulatory properties . Based on recent studies, the positive effects of cordyceps on the immune system, increasing vitality and endurance of the body have been proven. Polysaccharides that scientists isolated from the fruiting body of the mushroom have demonstrated the ability to induce an immune response in the human body and activate the immune system.

Parasitic mushrooms in Russia

No matter how unexpected it may sound, parasitic fungi also exist in Russia. Everyone has probably seen them - in the forest, on the bark of some trees you can see quite large growths. They are tinder fungi, which, although they do not infect people and animals for subsequent control of their bodies, are still parasites.

Tinder fungus

The spores of this fungus penetrate into the wood through crevices and spread throughout the wood, destroying it. Trees infected with tinder fungus easily break and, accordingly, do not live as long as they could.


Although Cordyceps unilateral has long been part of the arsenal of Eastern medicine, its scientific study is just beginning, and it is impossible to accurately predict what reaction it will cause in a particular person.

The mechanism of its effect on the body is not yet precisely known, so it should not be surprising that serious experts are not particularly enthusiastic about information about this miracle mushroom. And this is quite natural, because it is unknown what side effects this can cause.

On the contrary, the Internet is full of praise and calls to purchase cordyceps from reliable sites that sell it directly from China.

It is possible that if the recommendations and dosage are followed, such a course will turn out to be safe and even useful, but contraindications should be taken into account.

In any case, pregnant women and nursing mothers should not rely on advertising or use a little-studied remedy. Cordyceps is also not recommended for autoimmune diseases (rheumatoid arthritis, multiple atherosclerosis, lupus erythematosus, etc.).

You should not take it in combination with immunosuppressants of the cyclophosphamide group, as their interaction can cause an allergic reaction, as well as disorders of the immune system.

Wasps create zombie spiders

True wasps (Ichneumonidae) are a family of parasitic wasps that turn spiders into zombies by causing them to change the structure of their webs to better support the wasp larvae. Wasps of the species Hymenoepimecis argyraphaga attack spiders of the species Plesiometa argyra, temporarily paralyzing them with their sting. Once immobilized, the wasps lay an egg on the spiders' stomach. When the spider comes to its senses, it is unaware of the egg. Once the egg hatches, the developing larva attaches and feeds on the spider.

Before transitioning into the adult stage, the larva produces chemicals that affect the spider's nervous system. As a result, the zombie spider changes the structure of its web. The modified web is stronger and provides a secure support for the larva as it develops in its cocoon. Once the web is ready, the spider is positioned in the center. The larva eventually kills the spider by sucking out its juices and then creates a cocoon that hangs from the center of the web. After a few days, the adult wasp emerges from the cocoon.

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Read further:

How the parasite and host enter into a relationship, the mechanism of interaction

Pathogenic fungal spores: detection and destruction on nails

Oak bark against parasites: beneficial properties and methods of use

How the roundworm uses oxygen in the process of breathing, roundworm breathing

Plasmodium falciparum: morphology, intermediate host, treatment methods

Cloves for parasites: how to take correctly, beneficial properties, recipes and contraindications

About the cordyceps mushroom

Cordyceps is a mushroom from the ergot family. There are about four hundred subspecies in total, but only cordyceps has medicinal properties and is considered beneficial to health. The fungus is a parasite. Its spores, falling on an insect (caterpillar, butterfly, ant), are able to grow in it, mummifying it. Cordyceps adapts well to its environment. Distributed in the northwestern regions of China. It grows in mountainous areas at an altitude of 6.5 thousand meters above the ground.

Related species

Cordyceps gray-ash is an inedible parasitic mushroom. Its fruit body is rigid, curved, with an oval or round head. The color of the fruit body is gray-brown or black-brown. Head with yellowish pimples. Cordyceps gray-ash grows on insect larvae, as well as on soil. Occurs singly, but can also be found in small groups. Fruits from summer to autumn.

Cordyceps militaris is also inedible. The shape of the fruiting body is fusiform, ellipsoidal or club-shaped. The leg is cylindrical. The color of the fruit body is orange, and the legs are almost white. The pulp is fibrous, whitish in color. Cordyceps militaris grows on pupae buried in the soil. They bear fruit from June to October.

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The earliest spring mushrooms

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How to distinguish an edible mushroom from an inedible one

Species and groups

Conventionally, all parasitic fungi are divided into obligate and facultative . Obligate animals are completely dependent on their host. They live on its surface or inside. Since they have a small number of enzymes and consume only a certain set of nutrients, they have a rather narrow specialization. Most can only develop on certain species and varieties of animals or plants

Facultative are saprotrophs that lead a parasitic life only partially. Settling on a plant, they completely destroy it, and then continue to live, feeding on its remains. Unfortunately, these “scavengers” have a wide specialization and can settle on many types of plants.

The length of cohabitation between a parasite and its host can be very different. From several days to several years.

Depending on the way parasites influence the body of their host, the diseases they cause are divided into two groups:

  1. Mycoses . They arise due to direct interaction with pathogenic microorganisms. In turn, they are divided into dermatomycosis, which develops on the surface of living organisms, and deep mycoses, caused by exposure to internal organs.
  2. Mycotoxicoses . They occur due to poisoning by toxic substances produced by the parasite. It can also occur after eating foods contaminated with fungal parasites.

Let's consider all fungal parasites:

3. The emerald cockroach wasp zombifies cockroaches

The emerald cockroach wasp (Ampulex compressa) parasitizes cockroaches, turning them into zombies before laying eggs on them. A female emerald cockroach wasp finds a cockroach and stings it first to temporarily paralyze it, and then a second time to inject venom into its brain. The venom consists of neurotoxins that serve to block the initiation of complex movements. Once the poison begins to act, the wasp controls the cockroach using its antennae. She leads the cockroach to a prepared nest, where she lays an egg on its stomach. After hatching, the larva feeds on the cockroach and forms a cocoon inside its body. The adult wasp eventually emerges from the cocoon and leaves behind a dead host to begin the cycle again.

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