The most beautiful and cutest spiders in the world - photos, names and descriptions

There are about 40 thousand different species of spiders in the world. They can differ significantly in size and color from each other, but the number of legs in arachnids is the same, namely 8. Although sometimes when looking at an animal it is difficult to say that it only has 4 pairs of legs, since some species have highly developed pedipalps and chelicerae.

This gives the impression that the spider has 12 legs. To finally understand this issue, let’s talk about the structural features of the animal’s paws and what function they perform.

  • 2 Functions of the limbs
      2.1 Why does a spider need 8 legs?
  • 2.2 Features of the legs of the harvest spider
  • 3 Structure of spider legs
  • 4 Conclusion
  • Caribena versicolor

    This resident of Martinique is very fond of arachnophiles, so he can often be found in home terrariums. The length of the spider's body with straightened legs is approximately 17 cm. The color changes from molt to molt, and by a certain age the body and legs of this tarantula acquire a rich burgundy hue, while the carapace becomes emerald green. Although this handsome guy can bite a person, he does this extremely rarely, only for the purpose of self-defense.

    How to achieve the spider legs effect

    Applying cosmetics to eyelashes in the form of spider legs is not difficult. You must adhere to the proposed technique, and everything will work out. There are several options for coloring eyelashes in the form of spider legs.

    Method No. 1

    • Before using mascara, apply beige shades to the eyelid. The mascara will not mark and the makeup will last all day. It is better to paint eyelashes from roots to tips using zigzag movements. Direct the brush from the inner edge of the eye to the outer;
    • Powder will help give the hair thickness. While they are not dry, apply powder with a brush, take tweezers, make bunches;
    • transform the bottom row in the same way. It is advisable to complement the look with light, nude lipstick. All attention in this makeup will be drawn to the eyes.

    Method 2

    Stylists recommend dyeing your hair in two stages. Wait until the first layer dries, then apply the next one.

    It is advisable to keep the brush in a vertical position: painting your eyes is much more convenient, and the result will be perfect. False buns will help make your look more impressive.

    If you want to make your makeup neat, use some instructions. Cosmetics must be fresh, otherwise the coloring will turn out careless. You can use two types of mascara at the same time. Tweezers are an ideal assistant for gluing eyelashes.

    Argiope lobata

    The spider, which in appearance resembles a squash, lives in the desert and steppe regions of southwestern Eurasia and North Africa. The size of the spider is only 1.5 cm. Its distinctive feature is the unusual structure of the abdomen with small uniform protrusions along the entire perimeter. The color of the argiope is very similar to a shell. The top of the body is covered with silvery hairs, which makes it shiny and helps to lure prey into the web. The bite of a squash spider is not dangerous for humans, but grasshoppers and other insects cannot escape its webs alive.

    Why does a spider have 8 legs?

    According to experts, the spider would have enough 3 pairs of legs to perform all vital functions. Most likely, the couple is like an escort, since spiders often find themselves in difficult situations.

    As a result, the couple may break up or be injured. In natural conditions, there are many individuals that, for one reason or another, lack one or two pairs of legs, which also often leads scientists to a dead end.

    Interesting moment! If a spider for some reason has lost a leg, a new one will not grow in its place, although with 3 pairs of legs the arachnid continues to exist normally, performing its basic functions.

    Spiny Spider

    Measuring approximately 1 cm in length and 1.3 cm in width, this cute spider resembles a crab in appearance. It stands out among its relatives by the presence of 6 spines along the edges of its abdomen, which serve as protection from predators. The color of the “horns” and abdomen depends on the habitat, but in any case they are of a bright contrasting color. Spiny spiders live in many parts of the world, preferring moist forests and citrus groves.

    Features of arachnid limbs

    The spider's body consists of two parts: the cephalothorax and abdomen. They are connected to each other using a thin stem. This ensures the animal’s mobility. The abdomen is larger than the cephalothorax and has a rounded shape. The spider's integument is covered with chitin, but its protective shell is not as strong and hard as that of other arthropods.

    Spiders have chelicerae, legs and legs on their cephalothorax. On the convex frontal part of the arthropod there are 4 pairs of simple eyes. The cephalothorax is divided into two parts by a groove. The first contains chelicerae, which serve to kill prey. The spider pierces the victim with them and injects poison and digestive secretions into it. Each of the chelicerae consists of a thickened short segment. At the end of the oral appendage there is a movable claw, which serves to hold and tear prey and protect against enemies.

    In the anterior part of the cephalothorax, spiders also have legs or pedipalps, consisting of six segments. Outwardly, they are similar to walking legs, but shorter. The leg tentacles are completely covered with sensitive hairs. With the help of pedipalps, the spider probes and turns over the victim, and also cleans the chelicerae after eating. These appendages also take part in the creation of the cocoon.

    Also on the cephalothorax of the animal there are 4 pairs of walking legs. The legs of arachnids differ in length and the presence of hairs. And these features of the limbs directly depend on the type of animal.

    Foot sizes

    In spiders, the front walking legs are larger. They are much thicker than the rest of the legs, and their femur is club-shaped. The animal uses the front pair of paws not only for movement, but also as an organ of touch. The size of the remaining walking legs is the same.

    Spider Paw

    Spider leg length

    In all types of spiders, the front and last pair of walking legs are long. The second two pairs of legs are slightly shorter, and the third is the smallest. The length of the limbs varies among different animal species. It can be 0.5 cm or reach 30 cm.

    The spider Heteropod Maximus has the longest legs. This species of animal lives in southeast Asia. The length of its limbs is 30 cm or more, and the length of the legs of the Goliath tarantula is 15 cm.


    In spiders, the surface of the limbs is covered with hairs. With their help, the animal accurately determines the place where movement or sound comes from, and they are also organs of touch for the arthropod. In some species the cover is dense, while in others it is insignificant.

    On the heels of their legs, spiders grow special bristles that are designed for combing webs. They are located in 1-2 rows and have a comb-like shape.


    These representatives of the black widow genus are considered one of the most poisonous spiders on the planet. They can be recognized by 13 red spots on their jet-black body. But this is not so easy to do, because the size of the spider does not exceed 3 cm. These fatal beauties live on all warm continents, so the likelihood of meeting them is quite high. This spectacular lady may not evoke the most pleasant emotions, but you cannot deny her a stylish appearance.

    About caring for dalliya

    Temperature: Dawallia needs consistently high temperatures all year round. In summer the temperature should be 18-22 °C, in winter it should not fall below 16 °C. A sharp drop in temperature and drafts can lead to the death of the plant. When the temperature drops to 16-17 °C, davallia may shed all its leaves, but do not be upset ahead of time; in the spring, the fern may produce new shoots.

    Lighting: The fern needs bright diffused lighting with shading from direct sunlight. Davallia is grown mainly in eastern and western windows, where it is not bothered by direct sunlight and too high temperatures.

    Watering: As the top layer of the substrate dries. Water with soft, settled water, slightly warm. They try to water carefully, trying not to wet the roots coming out of the pot. You can use watering from a tray. In summer, the soil must be kept constantly moist. In winter, at a slightly lower temperature, davallia may shed some of its foliage, so watering is reduced and carried out the next day after the top layer of the substrate has dried. Watering should be moderate, but nevertheless you should not allow the soil to dry out, since the fern is very sensitive to lack of moisture.

    Air humidity: Davallia is not very sensitive to dry air, and can grow with normal apartment humidity. But if you want to achieve rapid growth and good decorativeness, it is better to create high humidity for the fern, due to which it will begin to quickly grow foliage and grow. The plant responds well to frequent spraying (it is better to use a fine spray), you can use trays with wet expanded clay. For spraying, use only settled water.

    Crown formation: Does not require formation.

    Fertilizers : Fern is fertilized 2 times a month from the beginning of spring to the end of autumn. In winter, all fertilizer applications are stopped. For fertilizer, special concentrates are used, for ornamental deciduous plants, which are diluted in half the dose.

    Soil: A universal substrate is suitable, to which charcoal and sphagnum moss must be added. To make the substrate lighter, coarse sand, vermiculite, and pieces of pine bark are added to the soil. For nutritional value, humus can be added to the soil. A thick layer of drainage is required at the bottom of the pot.

    Replanting: Carry out in the spring, only as needed, when the roots begin to spread strongly from the pot or look out from the drainage holes, on average once every 2 years. The pot for dawllia is not deep, but wide.

    Pests: Fern is resistant to pests.

    Brazilian spider crab

    A uniquely shaped body with numerous protrusions and the ability to adapt to its surroundings help these spiders hunt insects. Their belly color is usually white, sometimes with a pinkish or blue tint. Habitat: Latin American countries. The Brazilian spider crab is best at pretending to be a tropical flower, misleading its potential prey.

    Celebrities who love the "bug legs" trend on eyelashes

    Kim Kardashian is a fan of the “spider legs” eyelash trend. She applies false eyelashes and applies many layers of mascara to them, painting thickly on the upper and lower lashes. Her “fan-like” look attracts cameras and the gaze of fans. Besides, Kim is imitated, not judged.

    Kim Kardashian

    American singer Kesha prefers multi-layered make-up to light and natural ones. She likes artificial eyelashes, painted theatrically and provocatively. She doesn't consider it a makeup mistake, and is even proud of her highlight.


    Model Heidi Klum knows how to apply makeup correctly, but cameras often produce pictures where her eyelashes have a strange shape. Perhaps this is a way to shock the public? Given her many years of experience in the fashion industry, Heidi simply loves to try new and bold makeup.

    Heidi Klum

    Blue tarantula

    One of the most striking representatives of tarantulas has a rich blue color. The span of his paws can reach 17 cm. His entire body is covered with fluffy hairs, which is why he seems cute and harmless. But that's not true. The bite of this spider is quite painful and can cause unpleasant consequences. Blue tarantulas live in the southwest of India, but you can also see them in the home collections of spider lovers.

    Botanical certificate

    The dallalia fern is an epiphyte and lithophyte; in the wild it lives on tree trunks or in rock crevices, but can be found, although very rarely, growing on the ground. Natural habitat - warm and temperate zones of North America, tropical jungles of Asia, Australia, the Caribbean islands and Polynesia. Its dimensions are huge, up to 1 meter in height and 1.5 meters in volume.

    On the territory, davallia is grown in greenhouses, winter gardens and indoors, where the size of the bush reaches a maximum of 45 cm.

    The plant is named after the discoverer of the Davallia genus, Edmond Daval (1763 – 1798), a Swiss botanist. They represent a genus of perennial evergreen, semi-deciduous or deciduous ferns that are part of the Davalliaceae family.

    Fern in the wild

    A special feature of the plant is its root system: a branched rhizome covered with copper or gray scales at the base. Rapidly growing over the surface, the roots become covered with shaggy pile and leave the confines of the pot.

    The unusualness of the rhizome gave rise to various popular names for the flower: hare's, spider's or squirrel's feet, deer's foot, emphasizing its popularity.

    There is no need to remove or trim these “legs” if they are healthy - the plant accumulates moisture from the air in them, they participate in air exchange and photosynthesis. In the wild, these fleecy roots cling to the surface of the host.

    The fluffy openwork crown consists of sparse leaves on thin, low triangular petioles; among fern-like plants they are called fronds. Unlike other ferns, fronds do not emerge from a rosette, but from a rhizome (a modified stem creeping along the surface), separately, individually, and are located at a distance from each other on its upper side. From below, the root sends out thin roots into the soil.

    The broadly ovate leaf blade is strongly dissected (double pinnate), leathery, consists of numerous elongated fragments with a serrated edge, lush green in color.

    Eight point crab spider

    This unusual, like a toy, spider lives in Indonesia, on the islands of Sumatra and Java. The length of its body can reach 4 cm. It needs its bright yellow or orange coloring for camouflage during hunting. He is capable of sitting motionless on a flower for several hours in a row, waiting for a bee and another unlucky insect, which, due to the deceptive appearance of the spider, does not see it as a threat.

    Reproduction methods

    Davallia reproduces in several ways. Under natural conditions, it disperses spores, but in indoor conditions, rhizome division is usually used. This method is simple and effective.

    The root is divided into parts so that there is always a leaf. The diameter of the pot should be small (8 cm). This section is laid on the surface of moist soil and fixed.

    For rooting, it is better to create greenhouse conditions for the cuttings. To do this, place the pot in a transparent bag, but do not close it on top, so as not to provoke rotting of parts of the plant from high humidity and heat.

    To create a comfortable microclimate, the plant is sprayed daily and kept at +22°...+25°. Do not forget to ventilate the greenhouse daily (remove the bag). In 30–40 days, new fronds will appear. You can transplant the plant into a permanent pot after a few months (5 – 6).

    Kipling's Bagheera

    Everything about this spider is unique. In addition to his beautiful appearance, he stands out for his ability to build nests for himself and his fellow tribesmen. A small group moves into such a house and establishes a common life. In particular, males are involved in the process of caring for little “heirs”. In addition, Kipling's Bagheera is the only known vegetarian spider. Most of its diet consists of shoots of shares leaves. But as an exception, in unfavorable weather conditions, he can also feast on his relatives. Herbivorous spiders live in Central America.

    Diseases and pests - treatment methods

    Dawllia has a stable immunity to diseases. But if the rules of care are not followed, fungal infections can occur that occur when the thermal regime is violated, as well as due to excessive humidity.

    Treatment: immediately replace the soil in the pot, always disinfected. Cut out the affected areas with a sharp sterile knife and treat with a fungicide or at least sprinkle with crushed activated carbon.

    Pests inhabiting neighboring plants can also pose a danger to the fern, so prevention is a necessary condition for the healthy growth of dawllia.

    It is recommended to treat indoor flowers with phyto-preparations; they are safer for humans and completely non-toxic for plants, for example, Fitoverm for insects, Fitosporin for fungal spores. They combine perfectly with each other, enhancing the effect.

    Remember: when you bring a flower home, place it in “quarantine”. Plant in sterile soil. Use disinfected tools. Follow the rules of individual flower care. And then an environment of healthy, beautiful plants will decorate any interior.

    Green jumping spider

    This handsome guy looks like a lollipop, only with legs. It lives in Australia and New Guinea. The size of the spider can reach 1 cm. The body has a bright green or yellowish color. The anterior head region, where the eyes and chelicerae are located, may be of a different color, most often brown and white. Mopsus mormon differs from other jumping spiders in its intricate tactics of attracting a mate. The movements and body postures of the male during the mating dance vary depending on which female he is performing this ritual for. It is also important whether the spider dances outside or inside the nest.

    Chelicerae and pedipalps

    Some species of spiders have long chelicerae that are slightly smaller than their forelimbs. They are located in front of the cephalothorax and are often confused with legs, since the spider has 10 of them.

    The same is true for the pedipalps, whose function is to grind food. The pedipalps are mobile tentacles, while the colicerae are more like claws or claws.

    Below in the photo you can see spiders in which both the chelicerae and pedipalps are quite developed.

    Black Eresus

    These spiders have an unusual black and red color and look like ladybugs. They grow to a maximum length of 2 cm. The body of spiders has a rich black color, and there are 4 black dots on the red abdomen, which gives them a resemblance to the famous insect. But only males who are ready to mate have such a striking appearance. Females are usually completely black with a brown spot in the eye area. The entire body of Eresus is covered with hairs, which makes it seem velvety, and you just want to stroke it. But it is better not to do this, since the spider has an aggressive character and can bite very painfully. You can meet these handsome guys in many European countries.

    Features of the spider legs trend

    Recently, the effect of spider legs was considered bad taste. This kind of makeup reminded everyone of a tear-stained face and made the look look cheap. Now make-up is extremely popular among the female population and is rapidly gaining momentum. The 60s were the period when models with the effect of spider eyes first appeared on fashion catwalks.

    The founder of the trend was considered Leslie Horbney (Twiggy).

    She showed all the beauty and splendor of makeup. Against the backdrop of naturally pale skin, plump lips and thinness, wide, striking eyes seemed truly stylish, incredibly beautiful. After many stylists picked up the idea, models appeared on world catwalks, complementing fashion brands with charming eyelashes. Makeup is often compared to the porcelain face of a doll, childish, innocent and trendy. This is exactly the concept that Pat McGrath put forward at the Prada and Gucci shows. Peter Philips used the effect of doll eyes at the Dior show.

    Many years ago, the trend presented seemed ridiculous. The girls refused to accept this fashion and painted their eyelashes in the usual way, and not in the form of spider legs. The cosmetic procedure was not popular and was used in art and complemented unusual images. No one would have thought, but it was glued bristles that became popular in the fall-winter season.

    Great Britain's Jessica Harrison made an experimental project using artificial fibers and limbs of dead flies. I photographed the resulting beauty, leaving it as a keepsake. The artist could not help but do an experiment on the model. We used assembled paws, painted with black paint, which were stuck on the eyelids. It is impossible to call the resulting project beautiful and aesthetic, but it attracted attention.

    Peacock spider

    This is another representative of the jumping spider family, living on the Australian continent. A distinctive feature of this species is the variegated color of the abdomen, with the help of which the male calls the female to mate. In order for the female to agree to such a proposal, he performs a ritual dance. To do this, the spider straightens the side scutes of its multi-colored belly, raises a pair of paws and begins to move from side to side. If the lady of the heart does not appreciate the efforts of the gentleman, he risks being eaten.

    Combination of makeup trends

    It is advisable to use the technique of painting eyelashes in the form of spider legs in the evening. If you really want, you can do it during the day. Properly selected clothes will play an important role in complementing your appearance. When choosing an image, you need to take into account the time of day, event and outfit. These components are the girl’s calling card, helping to form a proper impression of her. Before applying makeup, you need to fully think through the final look. Spider eyelashes are a cosmetic trend that requires a special approach to makeup.


    In the daytime, girls want to look no less impressive than in the evening. The use of glued hairs is acceptable with a minimum amount of cosmetics. It is not advisable to dye the bottom row of hairs; your face will look fresher and prettier. Light skin tone, lack of eyeliner and natural lipstick color will highlight thickly painted eyes in the form of spider legs. Walks with friends, cocktail parties - places where you can go with the proposed makeup. Properly chosen makeup speaks volumes about a girl’s good taste and guarantees a great mood for the whole day.

    Martinique mahogany

    This is one of the most beautiful spiders in the world. The scientific name of this spider is Avicularia versicolor. This spider belongs to the tarantula family. Martinique mahogany is a beautiful and unusual spider. This animal is usually found in Martinique. This beautiful spider has the ability to change its color. It got its name due to the fact that it is born with a bluish tint, and later changes its color to a reddish tint. The size of male and female is different. The female spider is larger than the male and can jump far to a length of up to 30 cm.

    Effect creation technology

    To make “spider legs”, you can use several methods . There is a certain technique, following which any girl will achieve the desired result.

    Method 1

    First, you will need to apply beige eyeshadow to your eyelids. They provide additional protection for the skin on which mascara is not imprinted, so your makeup remains beautiful throughout the day. To lengthen your hair to this extent, you will need to apply mascara on it from the very root to the ends, lifting it up a little. Experts advise using a brush in a zigzag manner, then the paint will spread well along the entire length.

    The required thickness is achieved using powder. While the mascara is still wet, apply it to the hairs with a brush. After this, several beams are formed on each eye using tweezers. If you want to transform the eyelashes from below, then you should follow the same scheme. A light lipstick perfectly complements the look, preferably a flesh-colored one.

    Method 2

    This technique requires you to color your hair twice. The first coat must dry thoroughly before the second coat is applied. The mascara wand must be held vertically, then the result will be as expected.

    If a girl does not naturally have long eyelashes, then dyeing them to the level of “spider legs” will not work. In this case, the only way to achieve the desired effect is to use false buns. Makeup will be attractive and neat if fresh cosmetics are used.

    What functions do spider limbs perform?

    The main function of the spider's limbs is to ensure comfortable movement.
    The record speed that an insect can overcome is 3.5 kilometers per hour. Do you agree that this is a lot for a small bug? As for the hairs on the spider's legs, they also perform a specific function - they allow the spider to feel and touch the space around it. Some types of spiders are even sensitive to chemical elements and substances due to their hair. Other arachnids are able to sense shocks and vibrations in the air, which help the insect prepare for an attack on a victim or have time to defend itself from an enemy.

    Also on the limbs of spiders there are chemical analyzers. They are able to distinguish a huge number of odors. These recognition receptors are very important for the reproduction of insects. They help males identify females of their subspecies, as well as track and detect the pheromone trail of females. In addition, thanks to the receptors, the spider can distinguish the male from the victim.

    The front pair of spider legs is also responsible for many functions:

    • capturing and holding the victim;
    • determining the suitability of the victim for food;
    • weaving webs and cocoons;
    • placing small spiderlings on your back and throwing them off;
    • movement on the ground or other surface;
    • tearing open a hole;
    • fight against predators and prey.

    Pamphobetus platioma

    This spider is a real giant. The span of llama pamphobetus platioma can reach 15-20 cm, the body itself has a length of 8-10 cm. You can find this handsome guy in Brazil, where he likes to drink the morning dew in the forests. These spiders come in beautiful shades of color, with males most likely to have purple legs and a pink head and chest.

    Leg structure

    The predator moves with the help of 8 walking legs attached to the cephalothorax.

    Each leg consists of 7 parts or segments:

    1. Plow (basin).
    2. Trochanter.
    3. Hip.
    4. Cup.
    5. Shin.
    6. Forefoot.
    7. Paw.

    The latter is equipped with jagged or smooth claws. Sometimes an unpaired short claw is observed between them. The longest pairs of walking legs are the first and fourth, and the maximum length of the limbs in individual representatives of the order of arthropods is 35 centimeters.

    Two more pairs of limbs are attached to the head of the cephalothorax: pedipalps and chelicerae. The structure of the former is similar to the description above. The only difference is that the pedipalps do not have a pretarsus, and the tarsus of males that have reached the age of puberty is transformed into a cymbium - a copulatory apparatus involved in reproduction. Chelicerae are peculiar claw-like jaws.

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