7 quick ways to relieve swelling from a midge bite and prevent infections

We've all had to deal with those annoying little bugs buzzing around our faces, flying into our eyes, into our open mouths. Midges and midges are annoying, and their bites cause great pain and discomfort.

They appear in mid-summer when temperatures are hot and humid. On the beach, in the yard, at home, at the barbecue, midges have proven themselves to be a terrible nuisance.

Sometimes called black flies, some species of midges require blood to survive and reproduce. Of the more than 150,000 identified species, six bite.

Unlike mosquito bites, midges cut the skin with incisors located in the mouth. A substance that prevents clotting is injected into the wound, which makes feeding much easier.

They cannot bite through clothing, but are small enough to get under it. Midges have painful bites and you may lose more blood than a mosquito bite.

If a mosquito warns of its intentions with an annoying squeak, the midge is a more insidious insect. It's almost impossible to notice when she bites. You can only know this by the characteristic symptoms.

First a dark red dot appears. Then the eyelid swells, becomes red, and severe throbbing pain occurs. Unbearable itching and lacrimation appear. The swelling is so severe that it is impossible to open the eye.

These symptoms indicate that the midge has bitten the eye. How to relieve swelling and alleviate the condition? We will talk about this in detail below.

What does a midge bite look like?

Midge bites on dogs and people appear as tiny red spots that resemble small punctures. Sometimes characterized by red, painful, itchy welts.

Swelling occurs around the area, causing redness, irritation and general discomfort, similar to bed bug bites . As the wound begins to swell, the itching becomes much worse. General symptoms:

  • Irritation;
  • Redness;
  • Slight increase in temperature;
  • Itching.

The skin that surrounds the injury may become red. You may experience flu-like symptoms or an allergic reaction. Due to itching and irritation, the wound is susceptible to infection.

What to do

Most likely, specialized treatment will not be needed. However, if you experience unbearable pain and severe itching, you can try the following natural remedies to relieve swelling from a midge bite.

Rinse thoroughly

It is important to wash the area well with soap and water to avoid bacterial infection or, worse, Morgellons syndrome. Dry with blotting movements without rubbing.

Biting midges have four sharp blades in their mouths that tear the skin, leaving a small open wound susceptible to infection.

After thoroughly cleansing your skin, apply an antiseptic.

Apply apple cider vinegar

Vinegar is a popular natural home remedy that is used for a variety of purposes. It will help reduce swelling, pain, and redness. Soak a cotton swab in a little vinegar (1 part water to 1 part vinegar) and gently apply it to the area until it starts to feel better.

Apply a cold compress

If a midge bite causes swelling and unbearable itching, you may find some relief by applying a cold compress. Add some ice to a damp cloth and place it on the wound. Keep it on the affected area for at least 15 minutes.

The cooling sensation will reduce swelling, numbness of the skin, and relieve itching. Do not apply ice directly to the skin or leave the compress on for more than 20 minutes.

Use anti-itch cream

There are a huge number of pencils, sprays, balms that relieve itching, burning, and pain. Over-the-counter creams such as Cortizone-10 contain hydrocortisone.

Hydrocortisone is a chemical compound that temporarily relieves the itching associated with insect bites. Many creams contain aloe, which helps soothe and moisturize the skin.

Find out more 21 reasons for itching, find out why your head itches

Essential oils

Essential oils are an excellent treatment for insect bites. With a few drops you can quickly get rid of swelling and itching. Some will help prevent infection.

The best essential oils for midge bites:

  • Lavender;
  • Lemon balm;
  • Tea tree;
  • Chamomile;
  • Thyme;
  • Mint;
  • Eucalyptus.

It is important to remember that oils are extremely effective and should never be applied directly to the skin. Before using, you need to make sure that you dilute it with a quality carrier oil such as coconut, jojoba, almond.

They are great for repelling midges, midges, and other annoying pests.

Take aspirin

Aspirin is a treatment that reduces inflammation associated with midge bites and also helps reduce swelling and itching. Use the back of a spoon to crush the aspirin and mix it with a little water to form a paste. Apply the paste to the injury site and leave for ten minutes.

Take a cold shower

If you're dealing with multiple bites, taking a cold shower for ten minutes will help you feel better. Cold water reduces swelling from midges and other insects.

Health implications

The bites often cause a strong local (allergic) reaction and can be painful for some people. The severity of the reaction varies from person to person. The resulting blisters last for several days or weeks.

People who are regularly exposed to midge bites become desensitized over time, experiencing very little reaction or no reaction at all.

Others suffer from red, swollen bumps several centimeters in diameter.

Some people don't know they've been bitten because the itching may not begin for several hours.

The danger of mosquitoes and possible problems

Potentially, the mosquito is a carrier of dangerous infectious diseases. The most famous of them:

  • yellow fever;
  • malaria;
  • equine encephalitis;
  • dengue fever;
  • filariasis;
  • tularemia;
  • West Nile fever.

Fortunately, most blood-sucking insects that carry the most dangerous bacteria, viruses and parasites are rarely found in Russia. Much more often, a person develops local problems in the form of allergic reactions.

How to remove swelling

Swelling is one of the main symptoms of multiple midge bites. It is usually persistent, causing discomfort and constant itching. Sometimes it spreads to areas of the body remote from the bite site - head, neck, face. It can be removed using:

  • Local application of hormonal ointments with a decongestant effect (hydrocortisone, sinaflan, trimistin, triderm, kremgen) Apply a thin layer 2-3 times a day;
  • Antiallergic drugs – fenistil gel, cynovit cream;
  • Taking antihistamines - tavegil, loratadine, claritin, L-cet, diazolin;
  • Glucocorticoids: methylprednisolone, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone;
  • Decongestants (L-lysine aescinate, furosemide).

In case of fulminant swelling similar to an anaphylactic reaction spreading to the neck and respiratory organs, you should immediately seek medical help.

Drug treatment

Antiseptic and antimicrobial solutions are used for disinfection:

  • Chlohexidine;
  • Miramistin;
  • Furacilin;

It is not recommended to treat the bite with chemicals to avoid an additional allergic reaction!

To relieve swelling, redness, lower body temperature, stabilize blood pressure, eliminate allergic reactions, and pain, antihistamine ointment or medications help:

  • Ointments – Levomekol, Lincomycin;
  • Fenistil gel;
  • Suprastin,
  • Claritin,
  • Zyrtec
  • Zodak,
  • Ketotifen,
  • Diazolin;
  • Tavegil.

To improve the general condition and eliminate systemic manifestations, doctors recommend taking new generation antihistamines (which do not affect the nervous system): Loratadine, Cyterezine, Dimetindene, Ebastine, azelastine.

To reduce itching, you can use compresses Zinovit-cream or novocaine, cooling solutions - menovazin. If the area around the eyes or eyelids is damaged, it is recommended to replace Novocaine with Furacilin.

Painkillers – Nurofen, paracetamol.

For extensive swelling that extends to areas distant from the site of injury, if it thickens and hurts, use:

  • glucocorticoids – methylprednisolone, hydrocortisone, dexamethasone, prednisolone, Sinaflan, Hyoxysone.

Wounds should be treated daily with water, then covered with antiseptic ointments (Levomekol, Oflocaine).

You should avoid getting hormonal ointments into the wound, as this will complicate healing. Ointments are applied only to the area around damaged skin.

At the last stage, when there is no itching and the rash has gone, ointments are used to relieve swelling - Argosulfan, escinate, mannitol, furosemide.

At the healing stage, agents are used to improve tissue regeneration (panthenol, solcoseryl).

Find out more Symptoms and treatment of fly bites

If the injury site becomes inflamed, surgery may be required. The doctor will open the abscess and remove any accumulated pus.

It should be remembered that a child’s body reacts to insect bites more vividly, more painfully, and longer. An effective remedy for eliminating edema in children is thymistin, triderm, they have antipruritic properties.


Folk remedies cannot completely replace drug treatment. They can be taken along with doctor's prescriptions to reduce discomfort and as an addition to the main treatment. Most of them effectively eliminate swelling after an insect bite.

The most common methods for relieving swelling, compresses:

  • 250 mg. boiled water, 1 tsp. soda, 1 tsp. salt, stir until completely dissolved, use topically;
  • mix 1 part vinegar (6%) and water, it is not recommended to use if there are wounds - this will increase the pain;
  • compress of grated raw potatoes or cherry leaves;
  • pour a mixture of oak bark, mint, St. John's wort (1 part) with hot water, let it brew;
  • porridge from dandelion stems, plantain leaves, bird cherry, mint is used individually or as a mixture.
  • For bites of the mucous membranes, apply a compress from a white cabbage leaf; the leaf should be changed every 4 hours.
  • Parsley juice, rosehip infusion, and chamomile relieve itching if rubbed several times a day.
  • A baking soda compress will help. Dissolve 1 teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water, soak a cotton pad or piece of gauze in the solution, and apply to the area around the eyes for a few minutes.

A universal remedy for relieving burning and itching are ointments containing menthol. An affordable remedy for swelling is the pulp of cabbage leaves, attach it to the area around the eyes. Leave for 10 minutes for the juice to be absorbed. The procedure can be repeated often as it is harmless.

Midge bites linger for a long time - swelling can persist for several days, and the wound does not heal for 2-3 weeks.

Prevention measures

The main preventive measure aimed at reducing the risk of pathology is preventing mosquito bites.

Use any available means that destroy and repel blood-sucking insects, blocking their entry into the apartment. Popular options: fumigator with insecticides and repellents, electronic ultrasonic repeller, ultraviolet trap lamp, adhesive tapes, skin lotions and sprays, mosquito nets.

If you are hypersensitive to ectoparasite bites, be sure to carry antiallergic medications with you - antihistamines and corticosteroids.

Swelling of the eyelids from a midge bite

The most painful bites occur in the eye area. At first, the victim believes that the discomfort is caused by the appearance of a speck. However, after 2–3 hours, swelling develops and the eye becomes red and swollen. Sometimes swelling of the facial tissues, dizziness, and shortness of breath occur.

In addition to swelling, itching, and allergic reactions, lacrimation occurs, and there is a risk of vision deterioration, even complete loss. If you are bitten in the eyelid or eye, you should immediately consult a doctor.

If it is temporarily impossible to consult a doctor, urgent measures must be taken:

  • Rinse your eyes with plenty of cold water, treat the eyelid with an antiseptic;
  • Make a cold compress, apply ice in a sterile napkin;
  • Take an antihistamine;
  • You can use grated potatoes or attach a piece of it.
  • Use eye antiallergic ointment (hydrocortisone, dexamethasone) on the eyelid area;
  • Apply a cotton pad soaked in parsley juice or green tea;
  • Do not scratch your eyes so as not to provoke the development of an inflammatory process.

Carefully read the instructions for use, take into account possible contraindications and side effects.

It is recommended to consult an ophthalmologist.

You cannot use alcohol-containing substances or hydrogen peroxide, because there is a danger of damaging the mucous membrane of the eyes.

Be careful: medications should not come into contact with your eyes.

Features of bites in children

In an adult, a tumor from a midge bite does not always appear, but in children, large red spots appear on the skin, which are very painful and itchy. Insect bites cause severe anxiety in a child and a desire to get rid of the painful symptom at any cost.

They scratch the injury site, risking secondary infection. In addition, they are more likely than adults to experience fever due to a midge bite. How to relieve itching in a child?

Ice compresses made from herbal decoctions, mint leaves, and plantain will help relieve pain. You can also make a paste using baking soda.

If the bite is in the eye area, take your child to the doctor immediately. Don't risk his health.

Symptoms of infection

If a mosquito bites you in the eye, then it is impossible to avoid swelling, redness, swelling and itching. In a similar way, the body tries to cope with the foreign substance and neutralizes the poison. To eliminate unpleasant symptoms, it is enough to provide first aid to the child and use the products for therapeutic purposes for a few more days. The situation becomes more complicated if a secondary infection gets into the open wound during scratching and pathogenic microorganisms begin to multiply.

Now it's time to look at the main symptoms of infection:

  1. If eye swelling appears in a child after sleep, but disappears within an hour, then there is no infection. If the tumor increases after a mosquito attack, then infection has occurred.
  2. Swelling of the eye after a mosquito bite does not subside within three days.
  3. There is pain.
  4. At the puncture site, suppuration and an ulcer appear.
  5. The eye gradually swells, suppuration appears and souring occurs.
  6. The child constantly tries to rub his eyelid.

Swelling of the eye after a mosquito bite
Now it’s time to figure out what to do if a child was bitten in the eye by a mosquito and everything is swollen. In fact, there is a certain mechanism of action that must be followed. Proper first aid significantly accelerates tissue recovery in the future and prevents complications.

What not to do

Try, if possible, not to scratch or rub your eyes, otherwise the infection will get into the wound, swelling, and itching will intensify. You'll have to suffer a little.

Find out more Fruit fly (fruit fly) - where do midges on fruit come from?

As with all types of wounds, you should not use brilliant green or alcohol. Treatment with alcohol-containing solutions is only possible around an open wound.

Do not heat the wound or treat the skin with household chemicals. Do not heat the area of ​​swelling or apply warm compresses to it - this will worsen the condition. Don't take a bath, limit yourself to a shower.

If swelling quickly increases, affecting the face, neck, mucous membranes, immediately call emergency medical help.

For eyes

To reduce itching, it is not recommended to use hormonal ointments. You should not start taking antibiotics without a doctor's prescription. It is strictly not recommended to use alcohol-based preparations, hydrogen peroxide or table vinegar. These remedies are suitable for bites on the body, not the eyes!

What not to do

If you are bitten by a midge and then your leg swells, some actions can aggravate the situation, so it is important not to:

  • Scratching the reddened area of ​​the leg to prevent infection from entering the wound. Scratching causes microdamage to the skin, through which pathogens can enter the blood.
  • Use of disinfectants related to household chemicals. Even ordinary soap containing many synthetic dyes and fragrances can provoke an increase in allergic reaction.
  • Treat the wound itself with an alcohol-containing solution, otherwise the burning sensation and pain will become stronger. It is necessary to treat the tissue around the bite site.
  • Ignoring the recommendations of doctors or the rules for using medications. In some cases, leg swelling may be complicated by angioedema, so it is important to follow the instructions of specialists.
  • Independent use of medications that have a systemic effect on the body. If the leg swells as a result of a midge attack, general medications should be prescribed exclusively by a doctor.

Bites to the face

Bites to the face can cause severe swelling around the eyes. Reason: The tissue around the eye is loose. The swelling is harmless. Here are some care tips that should help.

First aid for swollen eyes when bitten by a midge - apply ice wrapped in a damp cloth for 20 minutes.

Take allergy medicine for swelling and itching - Benadryl every 6 hours. The adolescent dose is 50 mg.

If you have another allergy medicine, use that one. Follow the instructions on the package.


  • Swelling of the eyelids often improves with a cold pack or Benadryl.
  • Age 6 years and older. For swollen eyelids that interfere with vision after a cold compress, use eye drops. Long-acting vasoconstrictor drops (for example, Visine) are suitable. No prescription required.
  • Dose: 1 drop every 8-12 hours, if necessary – 1 or 2 days.
  • Do not use for more than 5 days. Reason: Will cause red eyes from the bounce effect.

Preventive measures

There are a number of precautions you can take to avoid insect bites. It is especially important to follow these tips if you are allergic to stings:

  1. Move slowly and don't panic if you encounter wasps, hornets or bees. Don't wave your arms.
  2. If you are going outside when insects are most active, such as sunrise or sunset, wear long sleeves and pants.
  3. Avoid walking without shoes outdoors.
  4. Apply insect repellent to exposed skin.
  5. Avoid using items with strong odors such as soaps, shampoos and deodorants as they may attract insects.
  6. Avoid flowering plants, places where food is served or where garbage is stored.
  7. Avoid resting near ponds and swamps. Dangerous insects are most often found near water.
  8. Keep doors and windows closed or install fine mesh to prevent insects from entering your home. Also keep your car windows closed.
  9. Don't break bee evidence. Find a professional to get rid of them.
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