The use of electric rat traps for rodent control

Many people have heard about electric rat traps, but not everyone fully understands how these devices work, how effective they are and when, in general, it makes sense to replace more traditional means with them. Well, we’ll talk about these traps in more detail and look at a number of interesting nuances related to their use in practice.

As you can guess from the name, the operation of an electric rat trap is directly related to the use of electric current. Moreover, we are talking specifically about the destruction of animals, and not about their capture alive. An important question that should immediately arise is: isn’t such a trap dangerous for other inhabitants of the house, including people? After all, electricity... We will also talk about this later.

In general, it can be noted that electronic rat traps are very simple and convenient to use, and the effectiveness of such devices is quite high - if used correctly, they can be used to exterminate even a large population of rats in a given area...

Operating principle of electric rat traps

The operation of an electric rat trap is based on a simple principle: an animal, climbing into the rat trap and trying to pull the bait out of it, closes an electrical circuit on itself. A high voltage current passes through its body, which leads to almost instantaneous death of the animal.

On a note

In some types of traps, contacts are made on the animal's paws when it climbs into the rat trap. In other devices, the rat receives an electric shock when it touches a baited feeder. Theoretically, in the first case, the rat has a chance to escape, but there is no practical difference in efficiency between devices with different circuits: rats are equally reliably destroyed by traps of both types.

It is clear that for reliable destruction of the pest, the voltage on the electrodes of the device must be high enough. To do this, voltage converters are often used, which make it possible to convert low voltage from batteries into several thousand volts at the output. So, in some traps, a rat or mouse receives an electric shock with a voltage of up to 8000 V (although the voltage can be lower - the standard 220 V is also quite “enough” for a rat).

Due to voltage converters, some electric rat traps are autonomous, run on batteries or rechargeable batteries and do not require a connection to the network.

Types of electric mousetraps

The action of destruction systems is based on a discharge of electric current, which kills a rodent caught in a mousetrap. The device is a plastic box. The bait is inside. The device may have mazes to disorient the rodent. When the device is ready for use, the green indicator lights up.

Electric traps differ from ultrasonic repellers in the effect they have on rodents. The first destroy the animals, the second expel them from the premises.

Device classification

Electronic mousetraps differ from each other in the following ways:

  1. Location of electrical discharge. In some devices, the energized plates may be located at the bottom. The animal dies when it touches them with its paws. In others, the circuit closes when you touch the feeder.
  2. Power source (batteries, electrical network 220 V).
  3. Number of entrances, tunnels (from one to six).
  4. Number of rodents caught. The device, designed for large populations, contains a storage container for collecting carcasses (up to 10 individuals). In small mousetraps, a chamber is installed for one individual.

Regardless of the power source, each rat trap is equipped with a starting capacitor to increase the strength of the electrical discharge.

The main advantages of such devices

One of the main advantages of an electronic rat trap is the “hygienic” nature of its use. This compares favorably with poisons, which have to be spread throughout the apartment (and then be afraid that neither the product itself nor the rat poisoned by it will be found by pets), as well as mechanical traps, which, when triggered, often leave dried blood stains on the floor.

In addition, electric exterminators are for the most part very effective: in practice, with their help it is often possible to get rid of even the most cautious rats (who are wise with experience and no longer touch the poison and bypass ordinary crush traps).

Other advantages of electric rat traps:

  • The compactness of the device, the ability to install it in fairly secluded and hard-to-reach places;
  • Humaneness (compared to some other types of devices) - the animal dies in a trap almost instantly, without suffering from pain. This makes electric rat traps significantly different, for example, from glue traps, in which a rat can die for several days;
  • Ease of use - the trap does not need to be prepared for a long time, and even disposal of the animal’s corpse is very simple and takes less than a minute (you don’t even have to touch the animal’s corpse).

Meanwhile, with all the above advantages, the electric rat trap also has certain disadvantages...

Disadvantages of Electronic Rat Traps

Like any electrical device, electronic rat traps can pose a hazard to pets and humans if not handled correctly. However, in fairness, it must be said that many modern models of electric rat traps powered by batteries, even with a gross violation of safety regulations during operation (for example, if you stick your fingers inside), are not capable of causing serious harm to human health.

On a note

The most dangerous devices to use are those made by yourself and powered by a 220 V mains voltage. Often, the circuits of such homemade products do not provide any protection - at best, a fuse that will not save you from a life-threatening electric shock.

In general, simple mechanical rat traps with a powerful spring can be considered much more dangerous to use than modern battery-powered electric rat traps. A trap can easily break a child’s finger or a cat’s paw, while electronic rat and mouse exterminators are designed in such a way that you cannot reach the electrodes with your fingers (or paw).

And even in the worst case, although the discharge will be very unpleasant for a person, it will not be fatal (a person is about 100 times larger than a rat, and the discharge power of a battery-powered device is simply not enough to cause serious harm).

It is also useful to read: How to poison rats and mice to quickly get rid of their presence in the house

Such traps also have other disadvantages:

  • High cost - prices for electronic shredders start from 2,500 rubles and reach 10,000 rubles for the most modern models. For that kind of money you can buy several dozen ordinary mousetraps, or several tunnel traps that are safe for pets and are not inferior in efficiency to electric traps;
  • Dependency on power supply. If the trap runs on batteries, they will have to be replaced periodically. If the device requires connection to an outlet, then it cannot be used where there is no network;
  • The need to regularly check and release traps. If this is not done, then within a few days the rat will begin to decompose right in the device.

And yet, the main disadvantages of electric rat traps are their high cost and the danger to people and pets that is greatly exaggerated in the minds of the average person. This is what limits the popularity of these devices among the people.


“When I was at my sister’s, I saw how they were fighting rats there. They have special electric rat traps for this. The rat climbs inside to get some bread, and then electrocutes it. While we were staying for a week, they caught three rats in their cellar. An excellent remedy, no brains scatter to the sides, no blood, I just took this trap, knocked it over, the rat fell into the bag - and that’s all ... "

Alina, Tver

The best mouse repellers

Modern devices for controlling tailed pests do not act instantly, but are effective. Rodents simply leave a place that is unpleasant for them, and the owners do not have to bother with their disposal or relocation.

Grad Ultra 3D

A professional repeller works in three ways at once: low-frequency changing ultrasonic vibrations, which cause a feeling of anxiety in rodents, ultrasound with a constant frequency (prevents addiction to the effect) and special blue-violet light, which affects the optic nerves of pests and disrupts their wakefulness/sleep cycle. The device can be installed on any surface or attached to a wall.


  • Operating area up to 1200 sq.m;
  • Adjustable power and 4 operating modes;
  • Fast action;
  • Certified and patented;
  • 12 month warranty.


  • High price.

The device is perfect for pest control in individual farms, catering establishments, warehouses, barns, granaries and other large facilities.

Mongoose SD-058

The action of this device is based on the radiation of five types of waves: four ultrasonic and one ultra-low electromagnetic with varying frequency. Such exposure affects the nervous system and hearing of rodents, forcing them to leave the room.

The device also has a unique function - it releases anions that kill germs and purify the air in the room.


  • Protection area 100-500 sq. m;
  • Acts on cockroaches, ants, spiders, fleas, moths and mosquitoes;
  • Harmless to people and pets;
  • 3 operating modes with indicator light.


  • Cannot be used in very damp areas or outdoors.

An excellent option for a studio apartment that not only gets rid of many types of pests, but also purifies the air in the home.

Brands of electric rat traps

Perhaps the best known electric traps in Russia are electric traps from the Victor company. There are several models, differing in design complexity and price:

  1. The simplest Victor trap is mains powered. After catching the animal, you need to unplug it and throw the catch into the trash can. The price of this model is approximately 3,300 rubles. Analogues are Sititek Antirats and Ecosniper GH-190;

  2. Victor Rat Zapper Classic – kills up to 20 rats on one battery charge and works for up to a year in standby mode. Price - approximately 3500 rubles;

  3. The Victor Electronic Rat Trap is the most popular model, killing up to 50 rodents with one set of batteries. Price - about 4500 rubles;

  4. Victor Rat Zapper Ultra – runs on batteries, kills a rat with a discharge of 8000 V. Equipped with an indicator that shows that a dead animal is in the trap. Using one set of batteries, the device can kill up to 60 rats, and works for up to two years in standby mode. The price of the model is about 5,500 rubles;

  5. Victor Multi Kill Electronic Mouse Trap is the company's most modern model. It provides for automatic movement of the pest's corpse into a storage chamber that can accommodate up to 10 rodents. The electric shock occurs in a special cone-shaped compartment, from which the rat cannot jump out even with a quick reaction. The same model has a reliable safety system: a special fuse and a tunnel-like circuit do not allow a child or pet to touch the dangerous elements of the trap with their fingers or paws. This model costs approximately 8,500 rubles.

Also on sale you can find imported electronic rat traps Rat Killer Yutec and Rat Zapper 2000 - analogues of the Victor Rat Zapper Classic and Victor Electronic Rat Trap, respectively.

Today you can easily buy Victor rat traps in online stores, with delivery throughout Russia. Occasionally, imported electronic rat traps can be found in physical retail outlets.


“I bought myself such a bomb thing in Moscow - an electric rat trap. The device is not cheap, I was a little worried that it would be a waste of money and there would be no effect. But no, in three days I’ve already killed two rats...”

Rinat, Almaty

Rules of application and safety measures

Electric rat traps are quite easy to use. To catch a rat you need:

  1. Place bait in the device - for this there is a special feeder on the inside of the back wall of the device;
  2. Connect the rat trap to the network or insert batteries into it - depending on the model;
  3. Install the device where it can be easily reached by a rat or mouse attracted by the smell of the bait. It is advisable to choose a place to install the trap where pests are most often (where they leave their traces);
  4. From time to time (but at least once a day) check the indicator signals in the rat trap. Each model has its own mode of operation of the indicator, described in detail in the instructions;
  5. After catching a rat, you simply need to tilt the trap so that the animal falls out of it. If the corpse needs to be removed from the device by hand, the power in it is first turned off. In a model with a storage chamber, only the chamber itself is cleaned.

On a note

The Victor Rat Zapper Ultra is sold complete with a remote indicator that can be placed in an easily accessible, visible location. This is very convenient: the rat trap may be somewhere in the pantry behind a box of potatoes, and it will be difficult to look there regularly. It is enough to put the indicator on a shelf in the room and only check it. The rat catcher will only need to get it when the corresponding light comes on, indicating that the rodent has been captured.

Minced meat with onions, smoked sausage, scorched lard or bread lightly moistened with vegetable oil are good baits for rats.

It is also useful to read: The best types of rat traps for rodent control

Electric rat traps should only be used in areas where children and pets are not present. The exception is the Victor Multi Kill Electronic Mouse Trap, which is well protected and does not pose a danger to pets and humans.

Electric traps should also not be used outdoors. Here harmless and sometimes very useful animals - shrews, birds, hedgehogs, lizards and snakes - can climb into them and die. In such cases, the harm to the site will be greater than the benefit from destroying the pests with a trap.


Electric mousetraps are a technological invention for eliminating pests of the mouse family.

  1. The principle of operation of traps is a high-voltage discharge of current, which leads to the death of rodents.
  2. An electric rat trap is quite easy to make with your own hands. Basic electrical knowledge will come in handy.
  3. You need to choose a ready-made device based on your needs, safety and reliability of the trap.
  4. There are options for rat traps from various companies on the market. The TOP 5 includes the best models from well-known manufacturers.

The electronics in the traps allow you to monitor readiness for operation, dead rodents in the container, and charge level.

Is it possible to make an electronic rat trap with your own hands?

It’s easy to make an electronic rat trap yourself from readily available radio components. An important task in this case is to find a reliable housing in which, in fact, all the elements will be placed and which will serve as the trap itself. The easiest way for this purpose is to use a regular food container, in which a hole with a diameter of 6-7 cm is cut out for the animal to enter.

Next, two metal plates are placed on the bottom of the container so that the distance between them is more than 1 cm (more than the length of the rat’s paw). This will avoid a situation where the animal “locks up” only one paw, it gets burned, but does not die and runs away. If there is one or more paws on one plate, and another on the other, then the current will flow through the animal’s body, which will lead to death.

On a note

An option is possible when power is supplied to one contact at the bottom of the rat trap and to the hook on which the bait hangs. In this case, the likelihood of the rodent dying when the trap is triggered will be even higher.

The drawing below shows one of the options for the electrical circuit of the device:

Such a trap is installed where the rat is likely to find it. After catching the animal, the rat trap must be unplugged from the outlet, the capacitors must be discharged with a conductive object (insulated from hands), and then the animal’s carcass must be removed.

It should be understood that the danger of such a homemade device for humans and pets is incomparably higher than in the case of using a factory device powered by batteries.


“We bought a Victor electric rat trap, it looks solid, right for the money. We put it in the nightstand under the sink, where the trash can is, and began to wait. Nothing in the morning. In the evening, too, nothing, but no one climbed into the bucket. Every other day in the morning I open the bedside table and the tail is sticking out of the trap. I took it, turned it over, and the rat fell out. Everything is fine, no blood. It’s a good rat trap, it works.”

Pavel, St. Petersburg

The best humane mousetraps

The operating principle of mousetraps in this category is based on attracting and blocking a rodent in a confined space without causing physical harm to it. These devices are suitable for those who want to get rid of mice, but for some reason cannot take their lives.

Swissinno Catch Alive

Another device for catching mice from a Swiss brand, but with a humane action. A tunnel body made of impact-resistant plastic catches rodents alive, closing them inside using a mechanism.

It is triggered when the animal steps on the “pedal” to get to the bait. The mousetrap is activated by pressing a large button on the top panel. The small one is designed to open the trap when removing the animal.


  • High quality;
  • 3 natural baits included;
  • Quick and easy preparation for work;
  • Hygienic removal of the rodent without touching it.


  • Every 4 hours you need to check the trap so that the mouse does not die in it.

An excellent simple and compact trap suitable for use in any living space.

Live trap “Mouse Cottage No2”

The metal box mousetrap is designed to catch 20 mice at a time. Rodents enter this container through two small passages along bridges that change their position under their weight.

But the animals can no longer get out, since a special spring returns the platform to its original state and closes the exit. The transparent top cover allows you to see whether a mouse has been caught, and also serves to conveniently place the bait inside the “cottage” and remove the animals.


  • Housing made of galvanized steel;
  • Easy and quick installation;
  • Reliable escape protection;
  • Acceptable price.


  • Mediocre build quality.

A good trap for use in utility rooms where there are a large number of rodents.

Plastprom "Leopold"

A live trap of a simple design - in the form of a pipe bent at a slight angle - will effectively get rid of annoying rodents without causing them harm. A suitable bait is attached to the back cover of the trap, and the door is opened at the front - and the device is ready for use.

When a mouse gets inside, the trap is moved to the other side under its weight (seesaw principle) and the door slams shut tightly. Remember to check the trap periodically to prevent the rodent from dying inside it.


  • Simple and reliable design;
  • Housing made of impact-resistant plastic;
  • Reusable;
  • Very affordable price.


  • Can only be installed on a flat surface.

Such a trap will completely satisfy impressionable people, but it only catches one mouse at a time.

Options for replacing an electric rat trap with other types of traps

No matter how simple and convenient electric rat traps are, in many cases one or another of their shortcomings does not allow home owners to use them.

In such cases, more traditional means can be used with the same reliability:

A good option (if used correctly and carefully) is poison for rats and mice. They are very inexpensive, effective, and if placed in bait houses, they are quite safe - neither children nor pets can get them.

If you have personal experience using electric rat traps, be sure to share the information by leaving your review at the bottom of this page.

An interesting video with a visual example of how an electric rat trap works

What types of mousetraps are there?

To combat rodents, several types of mousetraps are used, differing in design and principle of operation:

  • mousetrap with a spring mechanism - when a rodent pulls the bait, a spring is activated and a bracket is lowered, slamming the mouse;
  • trap - the principle of operation is the same as that of traps for large animals;
  • glue mousetraps - the rodent sticks and dies from thirst and hunger;
  • cage traps are the most humane option; the mouse falls into a trap, but remains safe and sound;
  • electric mousetraps - a mouse that comes to the smell of bait is killed with an electric shock.

Electric mouse trap

Craftsmen make traps from scrap materials, for example, plastic bottles, pots, and snares.

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