Jumping spider. Description, features, types, lifestyle and habitat of the horse

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The jumping spider is called a miracle of nature, a special type of arthropod. Among other representatives of this type of insect, it stands out for its ability to jump and has excellent eyesight. Many researchers claim that he even has intelligence. Jumping spider is a name that combines a whole group of insects. There are more than six hundred species. Representatives of this species are quite common in various parts of the world. Most of them prefer warm countries with a tropical climate.

Origin of the species and description

Photo: Jumping spider

Jumping spiders are representatives of arthropod arachnids; they are classified into the order Spiders, the family Jumping Spiders. Spiders of this species are representatives of flora and fauna that are found almost everywhere. One of the subspecies in 1975 was discovered even on the top of Everest, at an altitude of more than 6500 meters above sea level.

The history of spiders dates back more than 200 million years. The exact period of appearance of spiders is unknown due to the fact that finds with the remains of ancient spiders are extremely rare, since their body decomposes quite quickly. Scientists have discovered several important finds in amber. Some other body parts of ancient arachnids were found in frozen resin. They looked like small insects, whose body size did not exceed 0.5 centimeters.

Video: Spider jumper

The cephalothorax and abdomen had practically no separation. Ancient spiders had a tail section that was designed for weaving webs. Instead of webs, they produced a kind of dense, sticky thread. Spiders used them to wrap cocoons, line their lairs, or for other purposes. The ancient ancestors of modern spiders practically did not have glands that stimulate poisonous secretions.

There is a version that ancient spiders appeared on Gondwana. Then they very quickly spread almost throughout the entire earth. The subsequent ice ages reduced the habitat of spiders, and with them many species of ancient arthropods became extinct. Spiders tended to evolve quite quickly, change and divide into species.

Their abilities are Jumping Power

These small arachnid species are capable of jumping at least 8 times their own body length by forcing blood through their hind legs at extremely high pressure to enhance their powerful jump. When they are about to make their leap to jump, these jumping spiders will release a pair of silk threads that act as their own tourniquet to stabilize and strengthen their jump. By pumping more blood into his legs, he allows them to stretch and stretch significantly, which explains why they are able to jump great distances.

Appearance and features

Photo: Black jumping spider

The jumping spider has fairly acute vision, which is required for successful hunting. The organs of vision are represented by eight eyes. They are located in three lines. The four largest eyes are located on the first line.

Interesting fact: The front organs of vision are able to rotate up and down, as well as in different directions. With the help of these moving eyes, spiders distinguish shapes, silhouettes, and colors.

The second row of visual organs is represented by two small eyes. The third row consists of two larger eyes located on either side of the head. This structure of the visual system allows you to assess the situation at all 360 degrees. In this way, you can easily avoid meeting the enemy. Vision helps for successful hunting. The peculiarities of the visual system also lie in the fact that spiders are able to see with each organ separately and put everything together into a single picture. The retina of the eyes also has an unusual structure, which allows you to reliably determine the distance to the desired object.

The respiratory system also has distinctive features. It even has peculiar lungs and a trachea. The body size of the horse does not exceed the size of a five-kopeck coin. The average body length is 5-7 millimeters. Sexual dimorphism is pronounced - females have a larger body than males. The cephalothorax and abdomen are separated by a thin groove. Different types of horses have a variety of appearance and colors depending on their habitat. Some species may resemble scorpions, ants, or beetles. The head section of the body is significantly higher, it is raised up above the abdomen.

Now you know whether the jumping spider is poisonous or not. Let's see where he lives.

Their features - How many eyes do they have?

These creepy crawlies have a total of four pairs of eyes where he uses his undeniable powerful vision to pinpoint exactly where his prey is and is good at measuring distance to know how much energy he needs to pounce and land directly on his target.

This small arachnid has vision like no other insect or creature of its size. It has a total of eight eyes, with four of them being front-facing, with two being the main main eyes in the middle, as well as smaller side eyes on the side of each. The other two pairs of eyes are located on his carapace, where there are two to protect his back and the last pair before the two. The retina moves while the lens of their eyes is stationary. This in turn allows the jumping spider to have almost no blind spots at all, allowing for faster reaction times, making it difficult for us to kill or catch it most of the time.

Where does the jumping spider live?

Photo: Jumping spider in Russia

Spiders live almost everywhere. They can spread in vegetation, walls, in soil, on trees, bushes, in secluded corners of various buildings, etc. The habitat depends on the species. Jumping spiders can live in countries with a tropical climate; they feel good and comfortable in deserts, semi-deserts, or even in the mountains. They give preference to regions with warm climates and love sunlight.

Geographical regions where the horse pack lives:

  • Queensland;
  • New Guinea;
  • North America;
  • N.S.W;
  • Africa;
  • Australia.

The lifestyle of the jumping spider and its habitat vary greatly among representatives of the various subspecies of this species. Some of them tend to weave a web and spend most of their time on it, others manage to build silk nests, which they arrange in various secluded corners, while others can simply live quietly on the surface of the earth, or on any type of vegetation. Surprisingly, spiders are completely unpretentious in choosing their living conditions. They are easy to find even high in the mountains or on rocky terrain.

Seven new species of dancing spiders found in Australia (news). Video (00:01:38)

Seven new species of dancing spiders have been found in Australia. They say this spider can help get rid of arachnophobia, the fear of these insects. It is only eight millimeters long. This is an Australian jumping spider. And now he is performing a mating dance.

These bright insects live in bushes in the south of the continent.

: “They are simply amazing. Some people still think I’m making it all up because it’s just unbelievable.”

Recently, Sydney biologist Otto Jurgen and his colleague David Nowels discovered seven new species of jumping spiders. Before this, 41 species were known to science.

Otto has been photographing these insects for many years and posting photos and videos on the Internet.

: “People usually think that spiders are nasty, scary and dangerous. But through my photos and videos they learn that spiders can be cute, colorful and funny.”

To attract a female, males perform complex dances.

: “It’s the females who put pressure on the males to look better and dance better.”

Now biologists are busy searching for even more new species of dancing spiders.

What does a jumping spider eat?

Photo: Red jumping spider

A well-developed visual system allows spiders to obtain food for themselves. When a potential victim appears, the spider instantly turns in its direction. Horses not only evaluate their prey, but also determine as accurately as possible the distance that separates them. After this, the horse makes an instant jump if the victim is within its reach. The front pair of limbs is used to capture and secure the victim. With chelicerae, arthropods pierce the chitinous protective layer of insects and inject poison inside. It not only immobilizes and paralyzes the victim, but also partially digests the internal organs of the caught insect, turning them into a single continuous liquid substance. Horses drink this substance with pleasure, leaving only a chitinous shell.

What serves as the food source for the jumping spider:

  • spiders inferior in size and dexterity;
  • flies;
  • bugs;
  • mosquitoes;
  • caterpillars.

Spiders can also catch their potential food using the trapping web they weave. They spread their web on tree branches, blades of grass, and branches of bushes. Spiders have a special structure of their limbs. They have small bristles and small nails that allow them to move on any surface, including flat, smooth glass.

Danger to humans

Horse racers have an impudent character. The horse does not like to run away from danger. Even if you push him, he runs back some distance and looks around, suddenly they left him behind.

For humans, not a single species from the family of horses poses a danger. These arthropods can be safely handled.

When catching a horse, there is a risk of damaging the animal itself.

Horses are not dangerous because they are not poisonous. Their chelicerae are not able to bite through thick human skin. Many arachnophiles keep these spiders in their homes. Even if the animal runs away, it will not scare anyone or harm anyone.

Features of character and lifestyle

Photo: Jumping spider

Jumping spiders are considered exclusively diurnal arthropods, since it is during daylight hours that they tend to be most active and hunt. They love sunlight and warmth. Often these spiders tend to bask in open sunny areas. These spiders are not at all afraid of people; they can settle in close proximity to them. Having seen a person, the horse does not rush to hide or look for cover. He watches him with interest. Often this particular type of arthropod is called orderlies. This is due to the fact that by appearing in new, previously uninhabited regions, spiders rid the area of ​​harmful insects.

These spiders are helped to obtain food not only by their phenomenal vision, but also by another special function of the body - the hydraulic system. This is the body's ability to change the level of pressure in the limbs, due to which the size and length of the limb itself can vary. This allows arthropods to jump at different lengths. Spiders often make jumps of lengths that are 15-20 times the size of their body. However, for insurance, jumpers fix a strong thread where they want to jump.

Towards the end of the day, spiders look for a secluded place in which to weave their web. Such places can be in cracks in walls, under the bark of trees, under pebbles, etc. If the weather outside turns bad, there is no sun, it’s cold and it’s raining, spiders hide in their shelters for a long period of time. In the mornings in sunny weather they leave their shelters. After the spiders have thoroughly warmed up in the sun, they go in search of food.

Interesting fact: Scientists consider this type of spider to be brave insects, since they take flight only in extremely rare cases. When trying to escape from an enemy in this way, the horse quickly runs away, constantly turning in his direction. Spiders spend the cold season hiding in their shelters.

Interesting Facts

In the story about these creatures, many interesting facts about them have already been mentioned. And it’s not surprising, because their life is very unusual. But to all of the above, let’s add some more details.

  • A well-developed special hydraulic system inside their bodies helps horses regulate blood pressure in their own legs, expanding and enlarging them for grandiose jumps. This complex biological mechanism becomes the main reason for their extraordinary jumping ability.
  • The remarkable visual organs of such spiders, although they help them see the world in a color image, due to the structural features of the retina, they do not perceive green shades clearly enough, seeing them somewhat blurry. But this is not a drawback at all, because this property helps eight-legged creatures, ignoring green vegetation, to better focus on the object of the hunt, accurately determining the trajectory of their throw.
  • Among the huge number of species of predatory horses, there was a vegetarian, by the way, the only herbivorous representative of the entire diverse spider tribe. This is a spider of the Bagheera Kipling variety. Such creatures live in Central America, live on acacia trees and eat belt bodies from them - growths on the leaves.

It has been noticed that horses watch people especially carefully with their many eyes. It is unlikely that this is associated with a desire to attack or with a feeling of danger. Rather, it is simply curiosity, in this way small creatures study a person, watch us.

People are also interested in them, and therefore representatives of some of the species often become pets. The royal jumping spider is especially suitable for this . Among its baby relatives, it is the largest and reaches sizes of up to 1.5 cm. Such unusual pets are kept in terrariums and often turn out to be very funny and cute.

Social structure and reproduction

Photo: Pair of jumping spiders

Males differ from females not only in size, but also in color, in particular, the color of the front pair of limbs on which the stripes are located. Each subspecies is characterized by individual characteristics of the mating season. However, all representatives of jumping spiders have one thing in common - the bewitching dance of the male individual. This dance allows you to attract the attention of the female you like. During this dance, the male raises his limbs and taps his chest with them in a certain rhythm. If several males compete for the attention of one female, the one who has longer pedipalps will take precedence. If a female has not reached puberty, males tend to wait for this moment.

Male individuals weave a kind of web to which they attach drops of seminal fluid. Then he lowers the pedipalps into the seminal fluid and only then transfers the seed into the female’s body. Before laying eggs, the female chooses a reliable shelter and lines it with cobwebs. This can be space under stones, tree bark, in wall cracks, etc. After a secluded place is found and prepared, the female individual lays eggs and carefully guards them until the offspring is born.

After birth, the young do not need a mother, as they immediately have hunting skills. The female leaves. After a few molts, the offspring that are born reaches sexual maturity. The average lifespan of a spider in natural conditions is about a year.


Despite their body size, these arthropods are predators.
They do not weave spider webs to catch prey. They only need the web for comfortable movement. Small predators blend into their environment, waiting for their prey. They can remain absolutely motionless for a long time. They attack not only small insects - they also prey on those whose size is larger than the hunter.

During an ambush, cunning predators camouflage themselves, spread their forelimbs wide, preparing to attack instantly. If there is prey nearby, the arthropod approaches the victim and injects poison.

Toxic substances affect the victim’s nervous system, immobilizing it for a long time. This aggressive behavior is explained by the fact that the spider's front legs are equipped with claws, which contain a powerful poison that paralyzes prey.

When the victim is immobilized, the arthropod sucks all the vital juices out of it. Due to its weak jaw and small size, the sidewalker does not absorb its food entirely. Bumblebees, locusts, bees, and flies serve as food.

Natural enemies of jumping spiders

Photo: Jumping spider in nature

Spiders have quite a lot of enemies in their natural habitat. It is in order to save lives that many spiders disguise themselves externally as other insects - ants or beetles.

The danger to spiders comes from birds that eat these small arthropods. The spidercatcher bird shows particular interest in them. It is also worth noting that it is these spiders that lizards or frogs, as well as insects that are larger in size, are happy to hunt. Spiders tend to eat each other if there are no other objects nearby that can become prey. We are talking not only about the female, who after mating can eat the male. Often adult, sexually mature spiders attack young animals.

Very often, jumping spiders become victims of wasps. These are parasitic insects that lay eggs on the surface or inside the body of spiders. After some time, larvae hatch from the eggs and slowly eat the arthropod from the inside. If there are too many larvae, they provoke the death of the spider.

Importance in the ecosystem

Jumping spiders belong to the orderlies of garden plots. They benefit gardeners because they destroy pests, protect fruit trees, bushes with berries or beds from attacks by wood-eating beetles, elephant beetles, and also from large cabbage weeds.

Some gardeners specifically plant jumping spiders in their summer cottages. This eliminates the need for pesticides or other harmful chemicals.

This arthropod has high intellectual abilities, so some consider it as a pet. In captivity, the jumper lives up to 3 years.

It brings considerable benefits by destroying aphids on flowerpots. They do not move around the living space, but live in the flowerpot that the owner has chosen for them.

The most popular representatives

Represented by a large number of representatives. Each spider is endowed with certain capabilities and is perfectly adapted to life in its region. Due to the fact that climate change has been observed over the past decade, the geography of arthropod habitats is changing. Species that previously occupied only certain regions migrate and colonize new territories.

Jumping spider

The jumping spider is found throughout Russia and is considered one of the best helpers for gardeners. Its advantage is the inability to bite through the human body. You can keep such a spider on your site to combat garden pests. It is enough to catch several individuals and plant them in a garden bed or under a tree. The horse will not be confused - it will immediately begin to spin a web and settle in a new place.


They live in Siberia and the Far East. This species is predominantly characterized by gift-giving during the courtship period. The male, when preparing to meet his beloved, carefully packs the caught flies or midges into a cobweb cocoon. This offering reduces the chance of being eaten and increases the chance of mating.


Crossweeds are one of the most common species of the orb weaver family. They live throughout the Russian Federation, make a great contribution to the fight against harmful insects and easily adapt to a new place of residence.

Recluse spider

A tiny spider, no more than 8 mm in size, with a leg span of up to 2 cm. A distinctive feature of the cross spider is its wide legs and a striped, elongated body, with a characteristic cross-shaped pattern. Color varies from brown to dark brown.

The hermit spider weaves its web randomly, as necessary. It is formed by careless and chaotic movements during the weaving process. The hermit's bite is not fatal. But its poison contains substances that strongly break down the skin, which threatens tissue necrosis (death).

Dangerous classes

Species of arthropods that inject toxic substances with their bite. The consequences of such sabotage must be eliminated by resorting to medical assistance. To protect yourself from danger, you need to know the names and description of the appearance of this type of spider.

Common crosses

These are spiders from central Russia. They eat small insects that get caught in the web (flies, bees, hornets, butterflies). The specimen's venom contains liquid digestive enzymes that paralyze the victim and soften its body. In a well-fed state, the spider leaves its prey for later, hanging it on the edge of the web.

The spider is considered a forest spider; individuals can be observed in watery areas, meadows and orchards.

The body color fully justifies the name of the arthropod. On his back there is an ornament in the form of a cross.

Additional Information! During the hot season, the body of this arachnid acquires a waxy coating, which serves as a barrier to the abundant evaporation of fluid in its body.

The spider has 2 pairs of eyes. The transition from the head to the abdomen is equipped with an armor-like cover, on which 6 arachnoid warts with many microscopic pores are located.

The mating season occurs in August. The male pulls the signal web on the net, calling the chosen one to the act. At the end of the mating, the female eats it. After laying eggs, she also dies. The eggs spend the winter in a cocoon prepared by the mother. Spiders are born in mid-spring. The young reach maturity after the end of the next winter.

Harmful chiracantids

The habitat of this poisonous representative of arthropods is grass and shrub thickets in the middle zone. The variety is called stray because it does not weave web traps. The spider hunts mainly at night, hiding in the dark. It attacks in a jump as soon as it feels the victim's touch. It feeds on caterpillars, grasshoppers, moths, aphids, and is wary of wasps and ants.

The oval body, tapering towards the bottom, is colored yellow or green. The front legs are longer than all the others. The female can reach sizes from 5 to 15 mm.

Symptoms and consequences of a bite:

  • acute pain in the affected area;
  • burning;
  • spread of symptoms over the skin;
  • swelling and dull pain of the lymph nodes;
  • labored breathing.

There is no itching or paralysis of muscles, provided that assistance is provided in a timely manner. Other symptoms weaken and disappear within 48 hours.

Poisonous karakurt

This species of arachnid is considered to be extremely poisonous and inhabits the southern regions of the Urals and the Caucasus. With climate warming, the habitat boundaries are expanding to the northern regions, Siberia.

An outdoor species of arthropods that do not live inside houses and buildings, but build burrows near dwellings, mainly in cluttered areas. They quarrel with wasps and hedgehogs.

The body of the spider is black or gray with red spots. With age, the body darkens and the striking spots become dull.

The greatest danger is the female after several molts. The young specimen is not very poisonous.

The female builds a den in depressions in the soil and often inhabits rodent burrows, placing a web barrier at the entrance. The eggs overwinter in a cocoon; in the spring, the young are scattered by the wind along with the cobwebs.

Additional Information! The enemies of this spider are repelled by its protective coloring, or rather by the striking red spots on its abdomen. Predators avoid arthropods.

The karakurt attacks animals and humans if it is disturbed.


  • rapid burning pain;
  • acute spasms in the abdomen, chest, lower back;
  • difficulty breathing, shortness of breath;
  • increased heart rate and pulse.

If help is not provided in a timely manner, consciousness becomes confused, accompanied by a delusional state. To neutralize the poison, an antikarakurt solution, novocaine, sodium bisulfate, and calcium chloride are used. The infected person needs immediate medical attention.

South Russian tarantula

The largest spiders in Russia are light gray in color, up to 30 mm in size, with a lifespan of up to 2 years. Lives in areas with a dry climate (forest-steppe, semi-desert, steppe). Among the most common places are Tambov, Lipetsk, and Astrakhan regions. Lives in a deep hole, which he digs himself, covering its walls with cobwebs. It detects the prey by the shadow when it moves near the predator's lair. Instantly pounces and bites. The prey becomes completely paralyzed.

It catches prey by jumping on it from a height of 15 cm. An arthropod bite does not cause acute pain, but without medical intervention it can cause the following symptoms:

  • nausea;
  • fever;
  • swelling of the lymph nodes.

Death is unlikely, but health problems are common.

Individuals copulate closer to autumn. The female tarantula is attracted by the sound of vibrations from the abdomen, while vigorously jerking its legs. After mating, the male runs away. The spider bears her offspring in a woven cocoon, which she attaches to her body. After the children hatch, the mother breaks through it and releases the babies, puts them on her body and carries them until they get stronger.

The spider spends the winter in a hole, clogging the entrance with soil.

Important! The presence of hypersensitive hairs on its paws allows the tarantula to hear human footsteps at a distance of several kilometers.

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