Remedies for aphids - comparative analysis of the 10 best drugs

Place Name Characteristics in the rating
The best means of contact action
1Confidor ExtraBest efficacy with low toxicity
2Decis ProfiEasy to use, safe for plants
3Green soapBest in the early stages of infection
4Sumi-AlphaNot afraid of rain, high temperatures
5Inta-virKills pests quickly
The best intestinal remedies
1BiotlinBest duration of protection
2Fufanon-novaThe best slow-acting drug
3KarbofosHigh concentration of toxins
4ChlorophosThe most famous drug
5AktellikSuitable for processing large areas
The best means of systemic action
1TanrekDestroys both adults and larvae
2Spark Golden ProtectionModern safe drug
3AktaraBest for small areas
4CommanderHigh biological efficiency
5KonfidelinLow risk of addiction to the product

Aphids do not disdain most plants, causing enormous damage to gardens and vegetable gardens. The difficulty lies in the huge number of pest species that prefer currants, potatoes, strawberries, and salads. However, the symptoms of the lesion are very similar. The leaves are deformed and curled, the buds wither and do not open. Some species of aphids follow a mono-diet, while others do not disdain all the plants they can get their hands on. Therefore, it is almost impossible to completely get rid of it, but there are effective ways to protect your garden from harm.

We have collected 15 of the best chemical preparations with different active ingredients. It is the latter that determines the effectiveness against aphids. Since, according to the principle of influence, the products are divided into 3 types, we have compiled 3 groups. The drugs have earned positive reviews from customers, having proven their effectiveness against pests.


Bitoxibacillin for insect control
Another drug against aphids, which is based on the live bacteria Bacillus thuringiensis. The toxins produced by these microorganisms pose a danger to harmful insects.

To treat plants affected by aphids, use a solution that is prepared in a certain proportion for each specific crop (instructions for use are available on the package). In summer, spraying is carried out at least twice with a break of 7 days, in the spring-autumn period - every 10 days.

The advantages of this product include selectivity towards pests: the composition affects aphids, moths, Colorado potato beetles, ticks and mosquitoes. In addition, the active components do not accumulate in the fruits, so Bitoxibacillin can be used at any phase of plant growth.

This medicine also has some disadvantages:

  • short period of activity of the composition (disappears after 2-3 hours);
  • the presence of a specific odor.

The cost of a sachet of Bitoxibacillin (20 g) is about 20 rubles.

How to choose a means to combat aphids

When choosing a drug for pest protection, you need to pay attention to several aspects:

Safe interaction with humans.

Unfortunately, there are a number of active substances that have a detrimental effect on both aphids and the health of the person treating damaged plants. In addition, safety precautions should be strictly observed during processing.

Effective against aphids.

The criteria for assessing effectiveness are the speed of impact on harmful insects and the duration of the result obtained.

Type of action on insects.

Depending on the method of exposure, drugs are divided into three groups: systemic, intestinal and contact type.

The systemic type affects aphids through the absorption of poisonous juices of a poisoned plant. In this case, the plant itself is not subject to any negative effects. The poisoned juice acts on pests for no longer than 1 month, after which the product gradually evaporates.

The intestinal type involves the drug entering the intestinal system, absorption into the blood, paralysis and, as a result, the death of the insect.

As a result of exposure to a contact-type drug, the constituent elements of the drug penetrate into the body of aphids through the chitinous cover, which is an integral part of the musculoskeletal system of the insect.


Chemical agents for pest control
A systemic powder preparation based on thiamethoxam. In this connection, the effect of its action as a contact-intestinal insecticide can be observed within a few hours. The prolonged effect of the drug lasts for 15-30 days. Due to the fact that Aktara belongs to hazard class 3, the composition is especially toxic to bees, less toxic to birds and pond inhabitants.

The price of Aktara varies depending on the type of packaging: a 4 g package costs around 100 rubles, a 250 g bottle costs about 4,500 rubles.

How to kill aphids and ants at the same time

Ants, although they are useful and hardworking insects, significantly help the reproduction of aphids. The fact is that tiny aphids have a special proboscis with which they pierce the delicate surface of a young plant and suck out the plant sap. From it she receives the proteins necessary for life, and releases sugar from her body as waste - sweet droplets called honeydew. So, the ants tasted this deliciousness a long time ago. Yes, they not only tried it, but also domesticated these walking confectionery factories. They began to take care of the aphids, guard and protect them, even with their own hands, carefully pinching them with their mandibles, and transfer them to new plants, where the pasture leaves are more tender and juicy. Just like owners leading herds of cows, goats and sheep to grassy meadows. In winter, ants carry some of the aphids into underground caves for wintering, according to formicologists.

Thus, no matter how much you sympathize with the little toiling ants, if they start grazing flocks in your garden, you will have to get rid of insects with complex insecticides. Although it might be worth starting with folk remedies.

Why is the pest dangerous?

The insect has many varieties that feed on the cell sap of plants. Garden and vegetable crops on which aphids have settled slow down their growth, shed buds and ovaries, and lose foliage. Plants attacked by the pest develop chlorosis because they cannot synthesize chlorophyll in the required quantity. In addition, aphids easily travel distances by air and on the ground, acting as carriers of viruses and bacteria.

During its life, the pest secretes a sticky substance that the ants feast on. Sweet secretions become a breeding ground for spores and contribute to the development of fungal diseases. The tiny insect is not only voracious, but also unusually prolific: more than 15 generations change in the colony per season.

The fight against aphids should include preventive measures to prevent the massive spread of the pest in the garden or vegetable garden. The use of various drugs and folk remedies can destroy insects if a colony has already settled in beds, flower beds and trees. The choice of specific control methods depends on the degree of aphid damage, the purpose of the crop (edible or not) and the time resources of the gardener.

What remedy for aphids on trees should I buy?

If aphids appear on trees, then you need to be able to resist them correctly. Aphids not only suck out green sap, but also inject poison that is toxic to trees. When measures to destroy the pest are not taken on time, the plant has to be cut down or burned.

To effectively free trees from aphids, the following are suitable:

– Insecticide Batrider. The drug has no analogues that combine three types of effects on harmful insects. The effectiveness of the product has been proven in any weather conditions, and the effect on aphids occurs almost instantly. In addition, Batrider can be used for preventive purposes. The drug continues to act for 14 days from the date of use, so if an insect flies to the treated tree from a neighboring area, it will also die.

– Spark Double effect. The result will not be long in coming - the pests will die within an hour after application. The product contains potassium fertilizers, which will speed up the restoration of the damaged part of the tree.

– Preventative, MCE. The drug can be used when the average daily temperature reaches 4°C. Shows particular effectiveness against difficult-to-eradicate pests. The product protects the tree for a month after treatment.

Types of chemicals

However, with a high degree of plant infestation, biological products against aphids are not able to give a 100% result and completely rid garden plants of aphids. Chemicals that are highly effective and fast will come to the rescue in such a situation.

Destruction of aphids with chemicals

Chemical preparations against aphids can be divided into the following groups:

  • Systemic drugs penetrate directly into the plant tissues of green space. As a result, they have a negative effect on insects that have feasted on the juice of such a plant.
  • Intestinal-acting insecticides against aphids produce a poisonous effect. They enter the insect's body through the digestive organs, causing paralysis and death.
  • Contact-action anti-aphid preparations affect insects through contact with their chitinous cover.


Chemicals against aphids are used exclusively before the buds open. Processing at a later period has a negative effect on flower-pollinating insects, which leads to a decrease in the number of ovaries and loss of yield. Treating a plant with pesticides during the fruiting period is no less harmful, since the toxic composition will remain in fruits, vegetables or berries.

Below is a list of the most popular means.


Trichopolum for aphids is a tablet used in medical practice to treat various diseases caused by protozoan bacteria. Also, if the correct proportion is observed, it can protect cucumbers and tomatoes from aphids.

  • What is it produced in? Produced in tablet form. One cardboard box contains 2 blisters, each of which contains 10 Trichopolum tablets.
  • Chemical composition . 1 tablet contains 250 g of metronidazole. Additional components include starch syrup, potato starch, gelatin, magnesium stearate.
  • Mode of action of the drug . It has a detrimental effect on the body of aphids, causing paralysis and problems with the cardiovascular system.
  • Duration of action . The action ends before the first rain. After the rain stops, the spraying procedure can be repeated.
  • Compatibility . Can be combined with any drugs that, after mixing with Trichopolum, will not precipitate.
  • When to use? Apply at the first sign of aphids on vegetables. You can repeat the procedure at least every day (if after the first spraying it started to rain and the drug did not have time to act).
  • How to prepare the solution? 20 tablets of this medicine are completely dissolved in 10 liters of water and sprayed on plants. It is not prohibited to carry out treatment during flowering, because the drug does not pose any harm to bees and fish.
  • Mode of application . The seedlings are thoroughly treated with the prepared solution. At the same time, the work can be done without special protective equipment, because it does not cause harm to the body.
  • Toxicity . The drug is absolutely harmless to humans because it is used in medical practice to treat various diseases.

Features of choosing an insecticide

When choosing this or that aphid remedy, the balance between “EFFICIENCY” and “SAFETY” is important.

The criterion “ EFFECTIVENESS ” includes the concepts of the speed of action of the drug, the period of protective action, resistance (addiction of aphids to the drug).

SAFETY criterion includes such concepts as the waiting period before harvesting, hazard classes for humans, bees, aquatic organisms, how susceptible they are to photolysis and hydrolysis (how quickly they decompose in the light and under the influence of soil water), etc.

Having analyzed these indicators, a rating of the best insecticides for controlling aphids on plants has been compiled.

A little about aphids


To properly approach the issue of fighting aphids, you need to first start getting to know them better. So: aphids are small voracious insects that eat different types of fruit crops, vegetables, fruits, trees and shrubs.

For those who are completely unfamiliar with the pest, it is worth noting that the pests do not feed on fruits, but suck the juice from young greenery and buds.

The aphid has a sharp proboscis, with which it pierces the thin, delicate skin of the tops and the back of the leaves.

Types of aphids found in the garden:

  • cabbage;
  • peach;
  • apple;
  • black;
  • cherry;
  • root


The biological product Jaguar, dosed in bags and canisters, is also used to kill green aphids and weeds. The active ingredients in it are the antidote cloquintoset-mexil and fenoxaprop-P-ethyl.

To prepare the working solution, the contents of the sachet are poured into a bucket of water, mixed thoroughly and used to spray infected plants. The effect of the drug begins after 1-3 hours from the moment of treatment. Biological components penetrate plant tissue, after which they have a detrimental effect on attacking insects.

The advantage of the drug Jaguar is its long residual effect, which lasts for 20-30 days. Precipitation contributes to the weakening of the protective properties.

The price of 1 sachet (2.3 g) is about 50 rubles.

The best remedies for aphids

Below is a list of the TOP 7 chemicals for controlling aphids. Each insecticide has its own unique active ingredient. The products have earned the trust of gardeners, collecting many positive reviews.

Bona Forte, 500 ml

Natural insecticide against flying contact pests. The drug has a rapid paralyzing effect on insects and is not addictive. Used economically.

Estimated cost – 440 ₽.


  • convenient spray bottle
  • no unpleasant odor
  • high efficiency, aphids disappear literally the next day
  • safe for animals
  • leaves and inflorescences look good after treatment


  • not detected

Bona Forte, 500 ml

Fitoverm, 50 ml

Intestinal-type drug: after the insect has tasted the shoots of the plant, the drug penetrates the digestive system and paralyzes the pest. The aphid dies after 3 days from exhaustion.

Estimated cost – 300 ₽.


  • effectively fights aphids
  • can be used a few days before harvest
  • does not penetrate plants
  • safe
  • doesn't smell much


  • To close the dispenser bottle, you need to apply a lot of force

Fitoverm, 50 ml

Prophylactic, MCE, 500 ml

The insecticide is intended for treating plants in early spring, before buds open. It consists of two active substances: one that blocks the penetration of oxygen to pests through the creation of a protective film and leads to death.

Estimated cost – 450 ₽.


  • conveniently divorced
  • The drug corresponds to the description, effectively fights aphids
  • detailed instructions for use
  • long shelf life
  • it is recommended by experienced gardeners


  • not detected

Prophylactic, MCE, 500 ml

Confidor extra, 500 ml

The drug is a contact-intestinal type of action, the effect of which reaches up to 20 days. The pest dies in the first 2–3 hours after treatment. The active substance imidacloprid is not addictive.

Estimated cost – 8600 ₽.


  • high efficiency, pests die quickly
  • low toxicity for the user and the environment
  • The product is effective even in extreme heat
  • maintains additional resistance in plants to various stress factors - drought, disease, pest damage, etc.
  • for most crops one treatment is sufficient


  • price

Confidor extra, 500 ml

Spark Double Effect, 10 g

Contact insecticide based on permethrin and cypermethrin. The action begins within the first hour after treatment. It comes in the form of tablets, with which you need to prepare a protective solution and spray it on the plants.

Estimated cost – 30 ₽.


  • good value for money
  • The tablet dissolves easily
  • effective at all stages of insect development
  • characterized by a rapid and destructive effect on all kinds of gnawing and sucking pests
  • convenient release form


  • harmful to beneficial insects, poisonous to bees

Spark Double Effect, 10 g

Butrider, 10 ml

A drug that simultaneously has a triple effect on harmful insects: contact, intestinal and systemic, which allows you to completely rid the plant of aphids after the first treatment. Effects on pests begin within the first hour after spraying.

Estimated cost – 250 ₽.


  • very effective drug
  • economical consumption
  • 3 types of pest control
  • After treatment, the aphids disappear, the leaves unfurl, and the plant takes on a healthy appearance.
  • everything is described in detail in the instructions


  • no measuring cap

Butrider, 10 ml

Zaman for aphids, 5 ml

A product that acts in an acute contact-systemic manner. Resistant to high temperatures and humidity: not washed off by rain. The consumption rate is low. Provides long lasting protection.

Estimated cost – 30 ₽.


  • low price
  • works against aphids
  • low consumption, 1 ampoule per 10 l.
  • very clear instructions on the packaging
  • has increased resistance to washing off by rain and high temperatures


  • You need to handle this product with care - it is very toxic

Zaman for aphids, 5 ml


This is a systemic drug that has an intestinal contact effect. Its active components are introduced into every cell of the tree through the root system. Before use, dilute 1 ml of solution in 5-10 liters of water.


A positive effect is achieved almost immediately after spraying. You can notice it within a couple of hours. With the help of Confidor, the created protection of plantings is observed for about 2 weeks. But this information will help you figure out what medications are needed for late blight on tomatoes.


Aphid repellent Fufanon, a drug that perfectly fights aphids and other insects that have a detrimental effect on cultivated plants. Belongs to organophosphorus agents.

The drug is completely eliminated from vegetables and fruits within 20 days.

Poses an increased danger to fish and bees . The substance must not be allowed to enter rivers or other bodies of water.


This remedy for aphids belongs to biological preparations. Poison from aphids, affects a large number of pests. Can be used for treating cultivated plants in the garden and greenhouse. It is also not prohibited for spraying indoor plants.

  • What is it produced in? In specialized stores you can purchase this drug in glass ampoules of 2 ml, 4 ml and 5 ml, as well as 20 ml bottles.
  • Chemical composition . The main component of the drug is aversectin S. Its amount in 1 liter of the product is only 2 grams.
  • Mode of action of the drug . This biological product does not work immediately. After eating a sprayed plant, the aphids stop moving after a few hours and die only after 4-5 days.
  • Duration of action . Fitoverm does not lose its functions from a week to three weeks. Heavy rain and dew reduce the effectiveness of the product.
  • Compatibility . Combines well with pyrethroids and other drugs aimed at killing harmful insects and fungal infections. It is strictly forbidden to combine products that have an alkaline reaction with Fitoverm. To make sure whether several products can be combined with each other, you need to conduct a test. If a precipitate appears as a result of mixing, the combination is prohibited.
  • When to use? Spraying is carried out in dry weather (so that there is no wind). This should be done in the morning or evening. The process begins when aphids or other pests appear on the plants. The last treatment must be carried out at least 5 days before harvest.
    If you eat freshly processed fruit of the plant, it can cause poisoning.

    It is strictly prohibited to carry out treatment during the flowering period, because this will inevitably cause the death of bees.

  • How to prepare the solution? To get rid of aphids, you need to prepare a working liquid from 600 ml of clean water and 1 ampoule (5 ml volume) of this drug. The consumption rate is 10 liters of the drug per 100 m2 of planted area.
  • Mode of application . The leaves and fruits of the plants are immediately well treated with the prepared solution. The work is carried out in a protective suit and a respirator. It will be necessary to re-spray at least 2 times every 20 days.
  • Toxicity . Fitoverm belongs to the 3rd toxicity class. When used correctly, the drug cannot cause harm to humans.

This product is especially dangerous for bees and fish.

May cause poisoning in people if treated vegetables or fruits are eaten immediately after spraying, without waiting for the drug to be completely removed from them.


An equally well-known biological product against aphids of a similar composition. Has a liquid release form. The solution is prepared before use at the rate of 8 ml of concentrate per 1 liter of water. Due to the fact that the biological components do not affect the eggs, re-treatment is necessary after 2 weeks.

Mass death of garden and vegetable pests is observed after 8 days from the moment of spraying. The residual effect of the drug lasts for 14 days. The high cost is the only drawback of this biological product (the price of the product is within 340 rubles).

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