Why does a bee sting and how to protect yourself from bee stings

What kind of organ is this and what are its dimensions?

A bee's sting is an organ measuring from 2 to 4.5 mm, which it inserts into the body of its offender, injecting poison, which causes pain and burning. Interestingly, the poison in the sting continues to be released even after the bite.

The sting has two parts:

  • Motionless . It consists of: sled;
  • sled processes;
  • oblong plates;
  • palps.
  • Mobile. It consists of:
      triangular plate;
  • stilettos;
  • square plates;
  • muscle;
  • poisonous gland (small and large);
  • reservoir of the poisonous gland.
  • A bee needs a sting for defense, but it can only sting once, after which it dies. The fact is that when struck, the sting remains under the skin of the offender, and without it the bee cannot exist, since it is part of its body.

    After being stung, the bee flies away from the offender with an open wound and dies.

    Special bee repellers

    Repellent devices can differ in their operating principles. Some run on solar/conventional batteries, others on mains power.

    No. 1. Anti-mosquito lamps

    They work by emitting ultraviolet radiation, attracting insects. When the bees land on the repeller, they receive an electric shock and die. It is necessary to install anti-mosquito lamps in several places, preferably on the apiary side.

    No. 2. Ultrasonic repellers

    They create a magnetic field that repels and kills bees. They can be powered by conventional or solar batteries. The disadvantage is considered to be high cost, and the advantage is the wide radius of influence.

    No. 3. Fumigator-based repeller

    A cartridge is inserted into a special cavity, which, when heated, releases poisonous gas. The principle of operation is similar to mosquito repellers. You can use it from the mains, a gas burner or regular batteries.

    No. 4. Anti-mosquito lamp

    It goes well with landscape design, has a range of 50 m, and lasts about 5 years. When deciding how to get rid of your neighbor’s annoying and inconvenient bees, we recommend purchasing several lamps.

    We organize the wintering of bees in omshanik correctly

    Functions of the sting and characteristics of the poison

    Initially, bees did not have a sting, but as a result of evolution, the ovipositor in the 11-12 segments of the abdomen turned into this organ and became an instrument for protecting honey. Only females have it, so drones do not sting. Thus, the functions of the stinger are to inject poison into the body of enemies to stop them and protect the hive. He can be attacked by:

    • wasps;
    • hornets;
    • foreign bee colonies;
    • ants;
    • spiders;
    • mice;
    • rats;
    • lizards;
    • hedgehogs;
    • the Bears.

    Thanks to the stinger, worker bees can attack in case of danger and defend themselves. The poison released from it has a pleasant aroma and is a colorless liquid. This is a secret produced in 2 poisonous glands - large and small. In the bee's body it is contained in a special bag.

    When studying the chemical composition of the venom, 13 amino acids and various compounds were identified, but its basis is melitin, a protein substance or peptide of bee venom. It has properties that can remove bacteria.

    The functioning of the venom-producing gland depends on the age of the bee. If she has just crawled out of the cell, then the bag contains a minimal amount of poison. After a week of age, the reservoir is almost completely filled with a toxic substance. The maximum amount of poison is collected in the bag on the 15th day. When the bee becomes a “guard,” around day 19, the sac is completely filled with poison.

    In bees emerging from the cell in the fall, the activity of the poison-producing gland begins much later (only on the 14th day) and ends on the 20th day.

    It is worth noting that the queen bee uses the sting not only for her own protection, but also for laying eggs. This is one of the main functions of the uterus, because it must continue the birth. To strengthen oviposition, she places the sting in a perpendicular position. The queen bee has a longer length than the average bee.


    1. Why and how bees sting
    2. Why are bee stings painful?
    3. How to prevent bites
    4. First aid for bites and principles of treatment

    Bees play a key role in pollinating flowering plants, including the fruits and vegetables we eat and the flowers that grow in our gardens. Despite the useful functions that striped insects perform, many of us fear them like fire. To overcome this fear, it is important to understand the behavior of bees - in what situations they use their sting, and how to prevent bee stings.

    How does a bee sting?

    A bee has to sting to protect its hive. Her goal is not to kill, but to scare away the offender. The hive is especially well protected by “older” bees that have reached 19 days of age. The bee performs its actions in stages:

    • Stage I. First, the insect lands on its enemy, that is, it comes into contact with its skin surface. Then it decides to sting him. The entire bite apparatus is located in a special bag-like chamber-case. When the bee is calm, the tip of the sting is hidden in it. In the seventh abdominal part there is a narrow gap. At the moment of the bite, the muscles begin to act on the camera and lift it up. The abdomen begins to lower and bend, movements are made downwards and slightly backwards. Thus, the abdomen bends, moving the piercing part towards the opening of the chamber. The sharp part begins to peek through the resulting gap, although the case will be slightly raised due to the muscles.
    • Stage I I. On the stilettos of the sting there are serrations, of which there are 10. They are shaped like triangles and have corners that seem to point backwards, like a fishhook. They enter well, but interfere with the exit of the sting. The queen bee has only 4 barbs, so when stung, it is not at all difficult for her to take it back out, since she has a more important task - prolongation of the genus, and not protection of the hive. When stung, 2 stylets move out of the abdomen due to the presence of a sled. They are closed by several plates, but when stung, they open, so the sled extends slightly from the abdomen, and the stilettos of the point easily slide along them. After the bee inserts its stinger, the next stage begins.
    • Stage I II . If the bee has inserted the sting about one-third of its length, it can no longer do anything. The sting is torn off from her body when she tries to take off, and the jagged teeth on the sting prevent her from doing so. The bee has to pull it out, so more insides come out along with it, as well as the last ganglion of the nerve chain.
    • Stage I V . Although the bee has flown away, the sting is already in the victim’s body, releasing toxic substances. This lasts for 20-30 minutes. It vibrates, releasing more and more poison, which enters the bloodstream. At the same time, the sting penetrates deeper into the skin, so it is very important to remove it as soon as possible. In addition, pheromones within a radius of 15-30 m begin to be released into the air. They attract other relatives who can quickly fly in and attack.

    A bee cannot sting when its crop is filled with honey during honey collection. It is not for nothing that beekeepers smoke directly into the hive, because smoke is a signal for the bee to fill the crop with honey.

    Opinion of experienced beekeepers

    Butlerov Alexander Mikhailovich: about bees

    The famous chemist and beekeeper A.M. Butlerov wrote: “Be careful when working with bees. Try to do everything with smooth movements, without jerking or loud sounds.

    Making noise and waving your arms can anger the insects. To calm the bees, light them with smoke from time to time. It is advisable to use a smoker at the beginning of working with hives, before the insects get angry.

    Don't forget, it's easier to calm insects at the very beginning than when they get angry and begin to sting noticeably. The insect gets irritated very quickly.

    Note: as noted, if a family of bees is angry at the beginning of the season, there is a fear that it will remain so until the end of the season.

    You will need to use all your skill and skill in handling the smoker so that the insects return to their normal life activities. Even before opening the hive, blow a couple of puffs of thick, cold smoke into the hive.

    If the insects are angry, due to various reasons, before inspection, lift the canvas and blow puffs of smoke directly onto the frames, then cover the hive. After waiting a short time, you can open the hive in the part where you plan to work.

    The bees may behave calmly at first, but at some point some will try to take flight. At this moment you definitely need to smoke them. If you miss this moment, you will definitely be attacked. Try to do everything carefully. Angry bees will be very difficult to calm down."

    Differences from a wasp sting

    A bee's sting differs from a wasp's:

    • When a wasp stings, it inserts a sting into the soft body of its enemy, which is possible due to the presence of barbs. The sting has a saw-shaped stylet made of hard chitin, inside of which there are 2 lancets. The sting has a point, making it easier to insert into the body, and glands filled with poison.
    • Unlike a bee, after a wasp stings, it does not die and can even sting several more times. The wasp's sting has much smaller serrations, so when they are removed back from the body, they do not cling very much. In addition, there is no knot at its tip, so the wasp can easily remove the sting.
    • Individuals sting in different ways. The wasp is an aggressive insect, so it can sting or simply bite with its jaws. She doesn’t need a reason - just a wave of her hand or a scent that is unpleasant to the insect is enough. Its bite is very painful, often causing swelling and inflammation, especially if it was done by a large insect. A bee stings only when it needs to protect the hive.
    • After a wasp bite, there will be no sting in the wound, but a bee sting will remain sticking out like a splinter. A bee sting is less painful than a wasp sting.

    Effective ways to control neighbor bees

    If a neighbor has built a full-fledged apiary from his summer cottage, and no amount of persuasion helps, act decisively.

    Protect yourself and your loved ones in these ways:

    No. 1. Peppermint/clove essential oil

    Buy aroma lamps and install them along the fence, from which insects often fly. Generously pour in mint or mustard ether; bees hate these smells. As an alternative, soak rags in such oils and hang them at close distances from each other along the fence.

    No. 2. Citronella candles, mothball bags

    Continuing to consider how to get rid of your neighbor’s hated bees, let’s say the following. Burn candles to repel insects. Also make linen bags, stuffing them with mothballs. Hang these scarers on fruit trees and insect habitats.

    No. 3. Catnip

    Plant the presented plant, again, on the side of the neighbor’s fence. You can dry the catnip, then collect it in bunches and hang it in insect habitats. Another option is to light a mass fire using catnip. Bees hate this plant and smoke in general.

    No. 4. Vinegar solution

    If bees fly to a water source located on your property, create traps. Cut the bottles and attach strings to them. Prepare a solution with the calculation that it is 2 liters. 15 ml of water is removed. vinegar. Hang the traps along the fence using nails.

    No. 5. Bitter almond ether

    Prepare a few scraps of old rags. Soak generously in bitter almond oil, barely squeezing. Place these repellers along the entire fence next to which the apiary is located. Alternatively, other strong-smelling oils will work.

    No. 6. Audio recording with bird sounds

    Another effective way to get rid of your neighbor’s bees quickly and without any traps. Download an audio recording of bird sounds from the Internet. Play it for a long time. This will help scare away insects; they will forever forget the way to your site.

    What to do if stung by a bee?

    The sting of one bee is not dangerous to human life, since the amount of poison injected is only 0.1-0.3 mg. But if a swarm attacks, its level can rise to 0.25 g, and this dose is considered lethal. In addition, a lot depends on the location of the sting. It is especially difficult to tolerate on the face, lips, eyes, and neck. People die not so much from insect venom as from suffocation due to swelling of the neck or tongue.

    In any case, the sting must be quickly removed from the resulting wound, since the poison will be released through it even after the bite. In this case, the person will experience burning pain. If the correct measures are not taken, swelling and hyperemia will occur at the site of the bite. In severe cases, the wound may become inflamed.

    Many beekeepers who are stung frequently have little reaction to the sting as they develop temporary immunity. A person can experience 10 to 15 bee stings if they happen regularly.

    Help for a bite without allergy symptoms

    If there is no allergy, then symptoms will appear in the form of slight swelling and itching. This suggests that the bite is not life-threatening. To provide first aid, use:

    • ice or cold water;
    • baking soda;
    • antihistamine;
    • painkiller.

    Follow the following sequence of actions:

    1. Remove the sting as soon as possible. If it sticks out on the surface of the skin, then use a fingernail and grab it with your fingers. You should not use tweezers, as pulling may release more poison. You can’t squeeze him out!
    2. The resulting wound is washed under running cold water, using liquid soap to disinfect the area.
    3. Take antihistamines. For example:
    4. Tavegil;
    5. Suprastin;
    6. Fenistil;
    7. Zyrtec;
    8. Erius.
    9. Treat the wound with antiallergic cream. You can apply a damp cloth soaked in a baking soda solution to this area. The solution is prepared at the rate of 1 tsp. for 1 glass of water. If you don’t have soda, you can replace it with hydrogen peroxide, a weak solution of potassium permanganate, salt water, 0.25% ammonia, 6% vinegar. Do not scratch the bite site!
    10. Cold is applied to the wound to relieve pain symptoms and quickly spread the poison. Cold prevents swelling. This could be ice or a towel soaked in cold water.
    11. For severe pain, take painkillers:
    12. Ibuprofen;
    13. Nurofen.
    14. Drink plenty of fluids.

    Help from a bite with allergies

    A bee sting cannot be fatal to a person, however, if he is allergic to bee venom, then everything becomes significantly more complicated. Unfortunately, many people learn about allergies only after being stung by a bee.

    Insect venom is a mixture of protein compounds. Some people react to them by developing an allergy, leading to serious consequences in the form of Quincke's edema and anaphylactic shock.

    Allergy symptoms after a bite are as follows:

    • severe swelling;
    • pressing feeling in the chest area;
    • difficulty breathing;
    • the presence of red itchy spots throughout the body, urticaria;
    • headache;
    • weakness;
    • nausea and vomiting;
    • elevated temperature;
    • convulsions;
    • pain in the lumbar region and joints;
    • loss of consciousness.

    With such symptoms, you should urgently call an ambulance.

    The actions carried out to provide first aid are as follows:

    1. Use an epinephrine pen if the victim has one. Usually, allergy sufferers always have it with them.
    2. Unbutton the collar and loosen the tie so that the victim can breathe easier and the clothing does not constrict.
    3. Lay the victim down, and then cover him and cover him with heating pads with warm water.
    4. Give 25 drops of Cordiamine to support the heart.
    5. If there is bleeding from the nose and vomiting, turn the victim onto his side.
    6. Lower the bite site below the level of the heart so that the poison moves slowly through the blood.
    7. Call emergency medical assistance immediately.

    After assistance, swelling may persist for 1-5 days, and on the face for about a week.

    Smelling plants in the fight against neighbor's bees

    It is no secret that insects of this group have a well-developed sense of smell. It makes sense to take advantage of this by planting appropriate plants. Beautiful and effective!

    No. 1. Basil

    It smells very aromatic, so it is used as a spice. The bees will immediately leave the location.

    No. 2. Onion garlic

    In addition to the fact that these insects cannot tolerate perfume and the smell of sweat, they are negatively affected by all plants from the onion family.

    No. 3. Melissa/mint

    Grows quickly and does not require special care. It is better to plant in the sun and, of course, next to the neighbor’s fence.

    No. 4. Lavender

    It is not affected by various pests and acts as a fragrant and beautifully blooming bee repeller. We definitely recommend!

    No. 5. Calendula

    It is famous for its medicinal properties, as well as its excessive aroma. No bee will come near you.

    No. 6. Sagebrush

    A well-known remedy in the fight against snakes, moles, and bees. It will help drive away a whole swarm from your possessions.

    Important! All plants are planted next to the fence, on the side of which there is an apiary. It is advisable to immediately take large bushes that will take root easily.

    Prevention from a bite

    People with allergies to bee venom should exercise increased caution. It would be a good idea to take the following precautions:

    • Wear a protective suit or closed clothing with long sleeves. Although insects can sting through fabric, in some cases it can still provide protection.
    • Do not wear perfume or wear bright clothes both when working in the apiary and when going out into nature. It attracts insects.
    • Do not go close to the nests of wasps and wild bees, or the apiary without a protective suit.
    • When walking, you should pay attention to the presence of large concentrations of stinging insects. It is better to leave such places in time.
    • If there are such nests at your dacha, it is better to call specialists and get rid of them.

    Bees are peaceful insects that sting only in exceptional cases. It is better to avoid large concentrations of them, be careful and not provoke them. In case of a bite, first aid must be provided and doctors must be called.



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    Preventive measures

    You shouldn't fumigate too much either. Why? The hot smoke will drive the insects out of the hive and the swarm will become stressed. Try to work carefully, do not crush the bees. Cover the honey that has dripped onto the ground with soil.

    Wipe the hive with regular grass and rinse with water. Keep a soft brush or goose wing handy. Do not sweep away the bees, but rather move them in one direction, forcing them to leave the frame.

    Introduction to the leafcutter bee and how to deal with it

    Restore the hive in a timely manner. These insects love attentive and caring care. Remember that an angry bee is influenced by a number of factors: the strong smell of alcohol, dirty clothes, odors from crushed bees, inspection in bad weather, sudden movements and loud noise. Try not to do the inspection early in the morning or after sunset.”

    ​Important conclusion

    To summarize all that has been said, we will draw an important conclusion: in the case of a bee sting (as well as a wasp, bumblebee, hornet, etc. - the symptoms are almost identical in all respects), urgent, emergency first aid measures (or self-help) are necessary in the ways described above, and in the case of aggravating circumstances or rapidly developing edematous processes and other manifestations of an acute allergic reaction - provide immediate qualified medical care, best of all in a medical facility, although an ambulance team may also not be the worst, and sometimes the only, option.

    In any case, do not be afraid to make yourself appear alarmist in the eyes of others in situations where the price of doubt is human life.

    ​When calling a doctor is necessary

    You should not wait for the onset of semi-fainting or loss of consciousness, vomiting and extensive swelling, if anaphylactic shock or angioedema have already been recorded in similar situations before - why tempt fate once again?

    When a person is stung by three or more bees, as well as if the bite (even one) is on the neck, face, lips - immediately call an ambulance or start the car to independently deliver the victim to a medical facility, providing first aid along the way, as described higher.

    An extremely dangerous situation is when a bee stings in the mouth, tongue or larynx - this sometimes happens if a person drinks a sweet drink or eats a sweet product without noticing the bee sitting there. Even a person who is not prone to allergies will almost certainly develop life-threatening swelling of the airways.

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