Cockroach dust: instructions for use, is it harmful to humans?

Cockroaches are unpleasant insects that often live in apartments. They cause a lot of problems; just the sight of insects causes a feeling of disgust and disgust. They can come from neighbors, they can be brought with things from an old apartment or brought with purchases from a store.

Regardless of the method of entry of parasites, it is important to know how to quickly get rid of them. Dust against cockroaches has a good effect.

This product is accessible and inexpensive, so it can be purchased at an insecticide store.

But still, before use, you should carefully read the properties.

Features and composition

Dust is a light gray powder that is practically odorless. The product is capable of removing the population of insects that settle in a person’s home. These include fleas, bedbugs, ants, cockroaches or locusts. The drug works on the basis of insecticides included in the composition. The main active ingredient is one of the following substances:

  • cypermethrin;
  • fipronil;
  • karbofos;
  • melation;
  • chlorperifos.

The concentration of each substance varies depending on the aggressiveness of the drug and ranges from 1-10% of the total mass. Additionally, the dust contains powdered substances: gypsum, talc, chalk or kaolin.

How does modern dust differ from Soviet dust?

Modern dust is significantly different from the product produced in the era of the Soviet Union. The main component of the substance was then dichlorodiphenyltrichloromethylmethane (DDT). Soviet dust was used to control pests in apartments and private houses, as well as insects in the garden or garden. DDT was later proven to be too toxic for indoor use.

Now the substance is used by sanitary and environmental services.

Dust is any product that comes in powder form and is used to remove insects.

The principle of the effect of dust on cockroaches

There are several options for the effect of the drug on insects. The operating principle of the dust depends on the main active ingredient.

Nerve agents

The nerve agent dust contains pyrethroids. The substance enters the internal organs of the insect through the digestive system or chitinous covering and causes paralysis of the body. After such an impact on the nervous system, the pest can no longer lead normal life activities and soon dies.


In fact, intestinal drugs also lead to paralysis and death of the insect. However, the powder begins to work only if it enters the digestive system of the pest. Typically, such a dust contains borax or boric acid.

Causing dehydration

The product works on the property of diatomaceous earth to absorb liquids. When the powder gets on the chitinous cover, destroying it, instant absorption of moisture from the body begins and the cockroach dies.

Does dust work on bedbugs?

Manufacturers of the dust indicate that the drug is capable of exterminating not only cockroaches, but also bedbugs. Undoubtedly, the insecticides included in the products will have a detrimental effect on bed pests. However, it is necessary that the powder gets onto the body or into the cavity of the insect. In reality, this is difficult to achieve, since you will have to treat walls and other vertical surfaces on which the dust will not adhere. If you choose a remedy for bedbugs, it is better to give preference to liquid substances or sprays.

How does it affect ants?

Just a few grains of dust are enough for an ant to die. In the fight against ants, the drug proved to be the best. Just sprinkle the powder on the ant trails, and in a week you will forget about the entire colony.

Does it get rid of fleas?

Fleas die from the dust instantly, 2–3 hours after application. For maximum effect, use the drug diluted in water. Treat floors and walls with the solution.

The most popular dusts: review

Due to its popularity, dust is produced by many companies. Products of various brands may contain pure dust or contain enhancers and additives. To understand which brand to buy the drug from, check out the most popular products on the insecticide market.

Clean house

In the rating of the review of the best insecticides of 2022, the dust brand “Clean House” occupies a leading position. Sold in blue bags of various dosages. It works on the basis of tetramethrin, cypermethrin and piperonyl butoxide.

To understand how much product will be needed, it is enough to know the area of ​​the room being treated. Information on calculating the drug based on the required area can be found on the packaging. For example, for a room with an area of ​​10 sq.m. you will need 50 g of powder. The packaging also indicates the method of use of the substance and precautions. For 50 g of Clean House dust you will pay 50 rubles.


The drug is intended for treating large areas, often non-residential. Sold in 1 kg bags. Capable of destroying not only cockroaches, but also other pests. The main active ingredient is alphacypermethrin. The product begins to work 48 hours after treatment and remains effective for 60 days. Buying Acaritox will cost 1,500 rubles.


The drug has intestinal and nerve-paralytic effects. Works on the basis of boric acid and karbofos. The method of use and dosage is no different from analogues. The packaging contains instructions for use and recommendations for calculating the product depending on the area of ​​the room. For 50 g of powder you will pay 50 rubles.


The powder is available in various dosages, the weight of which is determined based on the area of ​​the room. A product of the third class of toxicity, which contains boric acid and cypermethrin. Most people who have tried tornado control note that to eradicate the entire population of cockroaches, it is necessary to repeat the treatment after 2-3 weeks. The price of a 150 g bag is 30 rubles.


The product is considered low-toxic, but quite effective. The main active ingredient is acetamiprid, a substance with enteric contact effects. The drug is sold in packages of 250 g, costing 1,500 rubles.


The powder is sold in bags of 25 g or 1 kg. It actively affects insects already on the first or second day after application. Alphacypermethrin, which is included in the composition, destroys cockroaches due to intestinal penetration. The drug fights cockroaches, fleas, bedbugs, mosquitoes and their larvae.


Like other dusts, phenaxin is designed to kill cockroaches, bedbugs, fleas and flies. The effectiveness of the product is due to the work of fenvalerate and boric acid contained in the composition. For the best results, the manufacturer recommends preparing aromatic baits based on the powder. The cost of a 125-gram sachet is 50 rubles.

Chinese dust

The product, according to people who have tested it, is considered more effective than its Russian counterparts. In fact, Chinese dust contains the same components as domestic ones, but their action and processing results are no different. In addition, such a product is difficult to buy in a store; you will need to order it on online resources for Chinese goods.


A distinctive feature is the absence of toxic harm to humans. The powder is suitable for use by allergy sufferers or people suffering from respiratory diseases. The drug destroys the chitinous cover and causes dehydration of the insect's body due to the diatomaceous earth contained in it.


The product is used to exterminate cockroaches and cockroaches in the apartment, as well as to remove pests from the garden. The powder contains a strong insecticide - fipronil, which causes a nerve-paralytic effect on the insect. To die, a cockroach only needs one contact with the regent. Experienced exterminators also recommend preparing aromatic baits based on the powder. In this case, the insecticide will enter the insect’s digestive tract. In this case, the effectiveness of the drug will double.


The main active component of the substance is dried Dolmatian chamomile flowers. The uniqueness of the drug is its complete lack of toxicity for humans. When it gets on the cover and into the cavity, the active component causes disruption of the internal organs and immobilizes the insect's body, as a result of which the cockroach dies.

Precautionary measures

Chinese dust and other analogues can have a negative impact on health and cause allergies, so when using it, you should follow important safety precautions:

  • you need to wear a respirator;
  • It is necessary to protect hands and other parts of the body. For this purpose, long sleeves and medical gloves are used;
  • It is recommended to protect your eyes with plastic glasses;
  • windows open in the room;
  • at the time of treatment and after it, the apartment should be empty for several days;
  • during disinfection, you should not eat or drink, and you should not do this for about an hour after the procedure;
  • A few days after treating the floors, all surfaces need to be washed and the room ventilated.

If you are allergic to powdered products, then they should be replaced with a suspension or gel. Otherwise, serious health problems may arise.

Methods of using dust to get rid of cockroaches

The procedure for using cockroach dust includes 3 stages: preparing the room, observing safety precautions, and correctly applying the product using the chosen method. The methods of using the powder are very diverse.


Before using dust in an apartment:

  • send family members and pets to stay with relatives for 1-2 days;
  • remove carpets, paintings and indoor plants from the room;
  • Pack children's things and toys in plastic bags and hide them in the closet;
  • remove all food products from public access by placing them in airtight containers or the refrigerator;
  • get rid of litter and dust in the apartment by wiping all surfaces and the floor with a damp cloth;
  • move furniture if necessary.

It is also recommended to remove tablecloths from tables, curtains and curtains from windows.

Application of dry powder

In the classical way, dust is used in dry form. There is no need to pre-prepare the composition or bait. After preparing the area and following safety precautions, apply a thin layer of powder to surfaces and furniture that cockroaches may come into contact with. Pay extreme attention to the paths to the trash can and sink, as well as to those places where the greatest pest activity has been observed.

Application of liquid dust

To prepare the solution, pour 10 grams of dust with 10 liters of water. Pour the resulting mixture into a container with a spray bottle. Spray the substance on all surfaces where cockroaches might crawl.

With the help of a water jet, you can reach inaccessible places and pour the poison into places where powder cannot be poured, into cracks or small holes in the walls.

Cockroach dust with egg

Cockroaches are sensitive to the smell of food, especially the aroma of egg yolk. Use this trick and prepare poisonous dust-based baits for pests.

Hard boil two eggs and separate the yolks. Mix the yolks with 10 g of dust. Make balls from the resulting mass and place them in insect habitats. Carry out the procedure observing the safety rules.

The cockroach will definitely eat the fragrant bait with poison, thereby dooming itself to inevitable death.

Dust as part of other mixtures

Most powders are based on an intestinal effect on the pest, so your task is to ensure that the drug gets into the cockroach’s esophagus. This can be achieved by preparing aromatic baits.

Proven bait recipes:

  • Mix 1 tbsp. spoon of dust with 1 boiled potato and egg yolk. Mix well and roll the mixture into small balls. Place bait in cockroach habitats and wait for the results.
  • Prepare a dough from 100 g of dust, 15 g of vanilla sugar, 30 g of powdered sugar and 15 g of starch. Roll up bait balls and place them in areas where pests are active.
  • To attract insects, add flour and powdered sugar to the dust powder in equal proportions. Stir and distribute the mixture indoors.

To make cleaning easier after expelling cockroaches, place baits first on paper and only then in the right places.

Which areas should I treat and how long should I keep the drug on?

The application of the drug is simple - arm yourself with a brush or sponge and apply a thin layer of powder to all surfaces where contact with cockroaches is possible. These places include;

  • baseboards;
  • the floor and walls behind the refrigerator, gas stove or kitchen cabinets;
  • space under the sink;
  • the area where the trash can usually stands;
  • water and sewer risers;
  • heating pipes and radiators;
  • doors;
  • window sills;
  • ventilation ducts;
  • walls and seams of furniture both from the outside and from the inside;
  • reverse sides of carpets and rugs.

Depending on the degree of contamination of the room, keep the powder on the surface for at least a day. If cockroaches are very active in the apartment, leave the product on for 6–7 days. Before leaving home, close all vents and windows.

How to properly clean a room?

When the exposure time in the apartment is over, return and remove the remaining insecticide.

Proper cleaning of a room is carried out in several stages.

  • Open the windows and ventilate the rooms.
  • Prepare a cleaning solution based on soap, soda, dry mustard or lemon juice.
  • Wipe all treated surfaces thoroughly.
  • Places that have not been exposed to dust should also be washed.
  • The powder can be left in inaccessible areas, for example, in ventilation and under baseboards, as long as pets and children do not get there.

Carry out the procedure wearing rubber gloves.

If the dust left behind smells unpleasant or makes you feel worse, immediately re-clean and ventilate the apartment.

Safety precautions when working with dusts

When treating a surface with dust, it is important that the product does not get on the skin, mucous membranes, or into the digestive or respiratory system.

Security measures:

  • organize access to fresh air into the room, so open windows or vents during treatment;
  • Wear clothes that fit tightly to your body and completely cover your arms and legs;
  • put your hands in rubber gloves;
  • Put a respirator or a cotton-gauze bandage on your face.

After the procedure, carefully remove clothing and wash immediately; discard the glove and mask immediately.

Is dust dangerous for humans?

Manufacturers indicate that the drug is moderately toxic and safe for humans. However, this does not mean that you can neglect safety rules during processing or come into contact with the substance. In case of contact with the skin or mucous membranes, allergic reactions may occur. If you inhale vapors or swallow the drug, your body may be poisoned.

Can dust harm children and pets?

Dust can cause intoxication if it enters the body of a child or animal. Do not allow them to be nearby during the procedure. There is no guarantee that the product will not enter their digestive tract. Also make sure that children or animals do not reach the bait or powder scattered for further exposure.

What to do in case of poisoning?

If the precautions are not followed fully, the body may be poisoned. You have been poisoned if you have:

  • cough;
  • suffocation;
  • headache;
  • dizziness;
  • nausea;
  • fever;
  • general weakness of the body.

If at least one of the symptoms appears, immediately leave the room being treated and go outside. If signs of poisoning do not go away within 1.5-2 hours, consult a doctor immediately.

In addition to simple poisoning, cumulative intoxication is possible. It usually manifests itself due to the long-term influence of the substance on the body and can be noticed after the procedure.

Signs of cumulative intoxication:

  • regular dizziness and headaches;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • rapid fatigue of the body;
  • pain in the esophagus, stomach or intestines.

If you notice these symptoms in yourself or your child, visit your doctor immediately. Carry out a thorough cleaning of the room, thoroughly washing the treated areas with soap or soda. For the next treatment, choose a less toxic product.

If the substance gets on the skin or mucous membranes, immediately rinse the affected area with running warm water. If discomfort does not go away within 2-2.5 hours, consult a doctor.

No matter what symptoms you visit a therapist, always take the product packaging with you. This way, the doctor, having studied the composition, will be able to understand what you were poisoned with and make a diagnosis faster.

Preparation for processing

How to use the dust is indicated in the instructions; it also describes the preparation process for subsequent treatment of the apartment.

It must be carried out correctly; the effectiveness of subsequent processing will depend on this.

The apartment should be treated like this:

  • Dust should be wiped off surfaces with a damp cloth. It is also necessary to analyze the deposits of things.
  • It is necessary to remove the curtains and curtains and wash them. Bedbugs often lay eggs on their surface.
  • Bed linen needs to be washed. When washing, the temperature range is set from 60 to 90 degrees.
  • It is advisable to remove paintings, posters and carpets from the walls. Things need to be treated with dust.
  • The furniture is moved away from the walls so that the back parts can be processed without difficulty.
  • It is recommended to remove clothes, belongings, and linen from closets and wash them. Bedbugs can often lay eggs on them.
  • Dishes in the kitchen are put away in drawers. The items are first wrapped in plastic bags.
  • Food is placed in a secluded place. It's better to put them in the refrigerator.
  • Household members and pets must leave the premises. There should be no one in the apartment except the one who will carry out the processing.
  • It is recommended to close doors and windows tightly.
  • If necessary, unscrew the skirting boards; this will make it easier to process these areas.

Pre-prepare all protective equipment for processing. It is recommended to spread the dust using a respirator and protective clothing. Substances can enter the respiratory tract and cause poisoning.

It is advisable to wear thick gloves on your hands.

Pros and cons of using dust

A third of the country's population who are faced with the problem of cockroaches note that the substance is quite effective in controlling pests. The advantages of the product usually include:

  • Low cost and availability. For a dose of a poisonous product you will pay only 30-50 rubles, and it is sold in every hardware store.
  • Quick impact. If the insecticide gets into the cockroach's cavity, sudden death is inevitable.
  • The drug is allowed to be used even in catering departments and children's organizations.
  • Long lasting effect. If you leave the substance on the floor inaccessible to household members, it will repel new parasites for another 1-2 months.
  • The product is immediately ready for use.

Despite the huge number of advantages, dust still has disadvantages:

  • the drug is a toxic substance and can cause intoxication of the body if safety rules are not followed;
  • processing the premises takes a lot of time, as it is done manually;
  • It has been noticed that with prolonged use of the powder, cockroaches get used to it and do not react to the insecticide.

Modern dust has retained only the name from the Soviet one. The powder no longer contains DDT, which is dangerous to humans. The components of the product are various insecticides that have a detrimental effect on insects. Dust has proven itself well in the fight against cockroaches, ants and fleas. Used for treating domestic and residential premises. To destroy cockroaches in an apartment, it is enough to know the area of ​​​​the room, carry out preparatory measures and follow safety measures.

How do bedbugs appear in the house?

There is an opinion that bedbugs can only appear in dirty apartments, but this is far from true. There are a huge number of ways for bloodsuckers to enter a house, after which they quickly multiply. Several ways for bedbugs to get into an apartment:

  • Move them with things. Guests can bring them.
  • From neighbors, especially if they started fighting with them.
  • With home appliances. Insects can get into your apartment even with a completely new item.
  • Parasites that attach themselves to a pet outdoors and thus enter the home.

Sometimes people pay attention to their appearance only when there are already a large number of them.

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