Types and varieties of mice

The field mouse (lat. Apodemus agrarius) is a small rodent that belongs to the genus of field mice.

The animal is small in size ( 10-12 cm ), the color of its coat is dark brown with a characteristic black or dark brown stripe along the ridge.

The tail of the field mouse is short, much shorter than the length of the body.

The habitat is quite extensive - Central and Eastern Europe, the south of Western Siberia, Primorye. The vole can be found in large numbers on the edges of forests, in the steppe, and in taiga forests.

  • Diet
  • Is the vole an omnivore?
  • Harm from field mice
  • Food at different times of the year
  • Do they stock up for the winter?
  • What benefits do they bring?
  • Photo


The diet of field mice is quite varied and varies depending on the “place of residence” .

  • In the steppe . The vole usually feeds on grasses and plant roots, insect larvae, and cereals;
  • In the meadow . The field mouse eats succulent stems and bulbs of plants, grass seeds, various berries, and small insects;
  • In the forest . Field mice can often be found on forest edges; they eagerly eat tree bark, green leaves, buds, young shoots of bushes, mushrooms, nuts and berries;
  • In the taiga . The field mouse, which lives in Siberian forests, is slightly different in color; its fur has a reddish tint. In the taiga, the vole has something to eat: lingonberries, cranberries, nuts, various small insects, cones, buds and tree leaves.

Animals are herbivores

If you're a mouse and you're stepped on by a chewing elephant... well, it happens.

Eat plant foods:

  • rabbits;
  • Guinea pigs;
  • elephants (African, Indian);
  • many artiodactyls (giraffes, deer, antelopes);
  • all types of camels.

And many others. Nature is cruel and dangerous, but still not every inhabitant wants to kill and eat someone. Which is very comforting.

From an ecological point of view, mammals are classified as consumers of both the first and subsequent orders; Consumers of the first order thus constitute the group of herbivores, the second and subsequent ones - carnivores. This division, however, is conditional, since most representatives of the class eat both plant and animal foods, and the ratio between these food sources may fluctuate depending on the season and other reasons. It is the diversity of food sources that is one of the reasons for the species diversity and distribution of mammals.

Among herbivorous mammals, a number of subgroups can be distinguished:

· herbivores - feed mainly on grass (horses, bulls, sheep, rodents), as well as branches, bark and leaves (deer, elephants, giraffes);

Granivores - squirrels, mice;

· frugivores - monkeys.

Animal-eating mammals include:

Insectivores - hedgehogs, shrews, moles, bats. They consume mainly invertebrates. At the same time, moles obtain food underground, bats, on the contrary, in the air;

· predators - cats, dogs, seals, cetaceans. They consume mainly vertebrates. Some—cats—are entirely carnivorous; others - bears - actively eat plant foods;

· piscivorous - dolphin;

· scavengers - jackals, hyenas.

Some mammals have developed specific food sources. Thus, some bats consume the nectar of flowers, while others - vampires - suck blood.(6)

Is the vole an omnivore?

Basically, the diet of voles consists of plant foods, but they also do not disdain small insects and larvae, eating them in large quantities (especially in the spring and summer).

In winter cold, field mice often rush closer to warmth and attack residential buildings, warehouses, and settle in large numbers in stacks of bread.

Having chosen a house for the winter, the vole does not have to choose what to eat, so it eats everything that it can steal: cheese, sausage, lard.

What types of animals are there?

Nature is designed in such a way that living organisms want mainly three things: to live, to eat, and to reproduce.

As for nutrition, the diet of animals can be very different. But traditionally, based on the type of food they eat, animals are classified into three groups:

  • carnivores;
  • omnivores;
  • herbivores.

When dividing into groups, the basis of the diet is taken into account. Occasional and infrequent plant snacks do not make carnivores omnivores. Even obligate carnivores (like cats) can sometimes eat plant foods.

This also applies to herbivores. Cute horses and deer are quite capable of eating a small animal or bird. And female placental mammals eat the placenta after giving birth.

Harm from field mice

The field mouse is very prolific . The vole's lifespan is short, only 1.5-2 years, and it can produce offspring at the age of 2 months.

Hordes of voles raid fields, orchards, and vegetable gardens, and gnaw everything that gets in their way .

Voles' teeth have the ability to grow throughout their lives, so they need to be ground down, otherwise they can grow to impressive sizes.

Mice cause a lot of trouble for humans.

If field mice are infested in the house, it is necessary to get rid of the uninvited guests as soon as possible, since thanks to their strong teeth and the constant need to grind them down, voles can chew through anything , even a thick floorboard.

If field mice are infested in the garden, this is also not very good, since their favorite delicacy is bark, berry bushes, and young shoots of fruit trees .

And if they penetrated into the cellar, then there may not be a trace left .

But the main danger to humans from these seemingly cute and harmless animals is that field mice are carriers of various infectious diseases .

Herbivores eat plants, roots and fruits

Herbivorous animals and birds eat vegetation, seeds, roots and fruits. Representatives of this species are divided into three groups: foliage eaters, fruit eaters and granivores. Herbivorous representatives of the fauna come in small and large sizes. In addition to plant foods, they feed on eggs and animal proteins.

Characteristics of herbivores

Representatives of the fauna that feed on plant foods are forced to drink a lot of water, so they choose a habitat near natural bodies of water. Herbivores are endowed with a complex stomach structure that digests vegetation. The teeth have a flat crown.

The muscles of mastication are powerful and help to grind tough foods. Herbivorous animals have excellent hearing and a good sense of smell, with the help of which they detect the presence of a predator in time.

Small and large animals have developed limbs. They can move quickly and develop decent speed. Small animals have a developed ability to jump high and far.

Large representatives have strong legs with hooves that protect them when moving on hard and rocky terrain. With their help, they can fight off enemies.

They differ in size, body structure and color, speed of movement and ability to hide from enemies.

Herbivorous birds

According to the method of feeding, all birds are divided into several groups:

  • herbivores;
  • insectivores;
  • predatory;
  • aquatic (feeds on fish).

Representatives of the herbivorous fauna are numerous.

The diet includes:

  • flower petals and their juice;
  • tree sap;
  • kidneys;
  • stems and shoots of grass;
  • young green branches;
  • grain sprouts;
  • leaves;
  • seeds;
  • fruit.

Herbivorous birds play a significant role in the ecology of the natural world. They eat harmful insects and spread tree seeds by eating their fruits. Characterized by mobility. They have a wide habitat. They live on continents and inhabit oceanic islands.

The greatest diversity of birds inhabits tropical forests: 85% of living birds. Only 15% live at other latitudes. The structure of the beak and tongue is designed in such a way that it is possible to feed optimally: pecking, drinking juice, picking leaves and grass.

In our latitudes there are sparrows, titmice, nightingales, woodpeckers, pigeons, crows, magpies, cranes, starlings, orioles, and bullfinches.

The importance of herbivores in the fauna world is enormous. They participate in the natural biocenosis. Birds carry seeds of trees, herbs and flowers. This increases the area of ​​vegetation distribution.

In steppe areas, herbivores contribute to the accelerated regrowth of grasses. Excrement replenishes the supply of beneficial bacteria in the soil, enriches its composition with microelements, and stimulates the growth of vegetation.

Food at different times of the year

    The food of voles is varied and depends on the time of year.
  • Winter. Field mice don't hibernate, and feed as actively in winter as in the warm season.
    In the wild, food supplies in winter are very scarce, so voles rush to residential buildings, hay barns, granaries, and cellars in search of food.

    They eat grain, root crops, and straw with great pleasure, causing great damage to farms ;

  • Spring Summer .
    In the warm season, voles do not have any special problems with food; they eat succulent plant stems, roots, berries, and leaves. They live in large quantities in fields, destroying seeds and young shoots of grain, beets, carrots, causing significant damage to agriculture and farms ;
  • Autumn. This is also a favorable time of year for field mice. The harvest is underway, and there is something to profit from in the fields, since after harvesting a lot of grain remains on the field.
    The hay has already been cut, and haystacks are one of the favorite places for voles to settle, it’s warm there and there’s a lot of tasty grass. The sunflowers are ripe, and field mice will never refuse its tasty seeds either.

    The harvest is ripe in the vegetable gardens and orchards - you can profit from ripe fruits and root vegetables;

Dangerous herbivores

When we talk about herbivorous animals, we immediately imagine harmless rabbits, calm cows, timid goats. But not all herbivores are safe.

The elephant is a calm herbivore. But many people forget that the elephant has a strong trunk, dangerous tusks and powerful thick legs with which it can trample its opponent. The hippopotamus is also a herbivore, feeding mainly on terrestrial and semi-aquatic grass. Calm, phlegmatic and clumsy beast. Moreover, a herbivore - what is there to be afraid of? But at the same time, the hippopotamus is considered one of the most dangerous animals in Africa. The length of the hippopotamus's fangs is more than half a meter. In a fit of rage, a hippopotamus can easily bite a crocodile. Therefore, even the predator tries to stay away from him. But hippos attack only in case of danger or if their cub is nearby.

If we continue talking about dangerous herbivores, we can recall

  • bison - an ungulate weighing up to a ton, which does not purposefully attack humans, but if you enter their territory, the consequences can be disastrous;
  • gorilla - the closest relative of humans, the male gorilla will attack as soon as it feels threatened;
  • buffalo - powerful hooves and huge horns that the buffalo uses against the enemy.

Herbivorous birds

Herbivores include not only representatives of mammals, but also birds. The food of herbivorous birds is very diverse - it is not only the seeds and fruits of plants and trees, but also grass, pine needles, buds on trees and even flowers. Some tropical bird species feed on nectar.

Wild geese graze in meadows and fields, so their jaw muscles are highly developed, and their jagged beak reliably captures food. Rooks dig up the seedlings and eat them along with the grains. Bullfinches, blue tits, lentils and some other species of birds feed on the flowers of garden and meadow plants. It is worth noting that even herbivorous birds can sometimes feed on insects - for example, during the period of feeding chicks. But given that their main diet is still plant foods, they can be called herbivores.

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Herbivorous reptiles

Apart from mammals and birds, there are some species of reptiles that are also herbivores. These include iguanas and some species of turtles. They feed on shoots, flowers, leaves and fruits of tropical plants. Iguanas are not able to chew food, so they tear off pieces of leaves with their small teeth and immediately swallow them. The main diet of land turtles consists of:

  • vegetables - cucumbers, tomatoes, lettuce, carrots;
  • any plants - sorrel, plantain, lawn grass;
  • dandelion is a favorite delicacy of land turtles;
  • fruits: apples, bananas, peaches, plums.

Herbivores have a special stomach structure because it is more difficult to digest plant foods. Plant foods contain cellulose, which is very difficult to digest. To digest cellulose, the stomach of herbivores is multi-chambered and contains special bacteria and protozoa. These organisms live in the stomachs of herbivores and help digest crushed plant food.


Herbivores are distributed throughout our planet. On any continent, in any natural zone, you will find herbivores. In the desert, despite high temperatures and little vegetation, and in the tundra, where vegetation is hidden under snow for most of the year

Herbivores occupy an important place in the food chain - or are fed by carnivores. The absence of herbivores will destroy the entire fauna of our planet, therefore many species of herbivores are protected by humans and are listed in the Red Book

You can find a list of them on the Internet, here are a few examples: bison, Przewalski's horse, bison, bighorn sheep and many other species that are important to preserve.


Do they stock up for the winter?

The burrows of field mice are quite simple; in rare cases, they may have several exits. The depth of the hole is small. Sometimes field mice make round grass nests on the surface and live in them.

In the voles' burrows, next to the nesting chamber, they build pantries , which allows them not to starve in the winter.

Reserves are usually not enough for the entire cold period, and the holes can often be destroyed by large forest animals, then voles rush to people in search of food.

Characteristics of herbivores

Representatives of the fauna that feed on plant foods are forced to drink a lot of water, so they choose a habitat near natural bodies of water. Herbivores are endowed with a complex stomach structure that digests vegetation. The teeth have a flat crown.

The muscles of mastication are powerful and help to grind tough foods. Herbivorous animals have excellent hearing and a good sense of smell, with the help of which they detect the presence of a predator in time.

Small and large animals have developed limbs. They can move quickly and develop decent speed. Small animals have a developed ability to jump high and far.

Large representatives have strong legs with hooves that protect them when moving on hard and rocky terrain. With their help, they can fight off enemies.

They differ in size, body structure and color, speed of movement and ability to hide from enemies.

What benefits do they bring?

After all the above-mentioned troubles from field mice, the question of their benefits may seem ridiculous.

Nevertheless, voles bring tangible benefits , being an important link in the food chain.

Without them, many animals: foxes, martens, owls, cats would be left without food. In addition, by destroying a significant part of the mouse army, these animals preserve many beneficial insects, plants, as well as a significant part of the crops in the fields and gardens.

In nature, there is nothing superfluous , and this is also the case with the field mouse. There is a lot of harm from it, but there is also tangible benefit.

And yet, despite their tiny size and harmless appearance, these are animals that are worth taking into account and it is better not to allow them close to your homes.

Source: rusfermer.net


Members of the genus Camelus, camels are four-legged, artiodactyl mammals bearing distinctive fatty deposits on their backs known as humps. These animals are found in Asia and Africa. Camels were domesticated by humans because they are adapted to live in waterless and hot places, with significant differences in ambient temperature between day and night. Camels are herbivores; their main diet consists of saltwort, wormwood, camel thorn and saxaul.

Elephants are members of the elephant family (Elephantidae) and are native to Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. They are the only surviving members of the order Proboscidea, as other close relatives such as mammoths, mastodons and gomphotheres became extinct. There are three known species of elephants: the African forest elephant, the African savanna elephant and the Indian elephant. They are all herbivores that consume small plants, bushes, fruits, twigs, tree bark and roots.

General characteristics of mouse representatives

The large family of mice is not fully understood.

On the territory of Russia there are 13 species of animals from the order of rodents, representing 5 genera. They all have a similar appearance, structure and lead almost the same lifestyle. Possessing a unique ability to adapt to any living conditions, mice thrive in all natural areas. The exceptions are the Far North and Antarctica. The widespread distribution of various species of rodents suggests the numerical dominance of their representatives among other mammals.


The familiar word “mouse” translated from the Indo-European language means “thief”, which is fully justified by the habits of the nimble animal.


  • The mammal has a small elongated body. Its dimensions, depending on the species of the individual, range from 5 to 20 cm. This parameter is doubled due to the tail.
  • The body of the mouse is covered with short hair, the color palette of which is gray, brown, red or brown. In nature, there are striped and variegated individuals, as well as snow-white albino rodents.
  • The average weight of a mouse is 20-50 grams.
  • Animals have a short neck.
  • On the pointed, triangular-shaped muzzle, there are small black beady eyes and semicircular ears, providing good sound perception.
  • Due to the sensitive thin whiskers - vibrissae - growing around the mouse's nose, it is able to perfectly navigate its surroundings.
  • The short legs are equipped with 5 tenacious fingers, allowing them to overcome significant obstacles and dig holes.

To get acquainted with representatives of the rodent order, it is advisable to carefully study the photos of mice posted on the site.

The animals, like other representatives of this family, have two pairs of large incisors located on the upper and lower jaws. They are very sharp and constantly grow - up to 1 mm per day, so they must be ground down. Failure to perform this procedure can lead to the death of the mouse if the length of the organs reaches 2 cm.

Rodents are highly fertile. At the age of 3 months, the female is capable of conception and childbearing. A wild mouse living in natural conditions breeds in the warm season, while animals living in heated rooms breed all year round. Pregnancy lasts approximately 20-24 days and, after this time, from 3 to 12 cubs are born.

Mice are born absolutely helpless - blind, toothless, naked. The mouse feeds it with milk for about a month. By the 10th day, the offspring are completely covered with hair, and after 3 weeks they become independent and disperse. Under favorable conditions, the population grows rapidly. The average lifespan of mice is 1-1.5 years. Genetically, they are capable of existing for 5 years, but how long the animal will live depends on specific circumstances.

On a note!

Bats do not belong to the mouse family. They are representatives of the order Chiroptera, which ranks second in size after rodents.

Types of herbivores

Despite the fact that on the basis of eating plant foods, different types of animals are combined into one group, there is a big difference between them and their food supply. For example, most ungulates feed mainly on herbaceous vegetation (herbivores). Among them we can mention such animals as:

  • Wildebeest.
  • Zebras.
  • Gazelles.

Others, like elephants, can both eat grass and tear leaves from trees. Giraffes and their relatives, the okapi (forest giraffe), have long necks and almost always feed on leaves and young twigs rather than grass. Deer in the north eat grass in the warm season, but in winter they can eat roots and young shoots, branches and bark of trees.

In addition to terrestrial herbivores, there are also forest dwellers who spend most of their time in trees and feed on their leaves and fruits. These are koalas in Australia, sloths in the forests of South America, lemurs on the island of Madagascar, pandas, gorillas, etc. Herbivores are also found in animal groups other than mammals. For example, the elephant turtle and marine iguanas among reptiles, as well as many birds (dove, hummingbird, some parrots, etc.) are also herbivores.


A mouse can cause enormous damage to humans. By nature and food preferences, a rodent is a predator. But the pest mainly consumes plant foods and therefore its diet consists of seeds, fruits of trees or shrubs and cereal crops. Mice living in swampy areas, wet or flooded meadows feed on the buds, foliage or flowers of various plants.

The herbivorous creature eats helpless chicks with appetite, steals eggs from nests, feasts on worms and various insects, replenishing the body’s protein reserves. When settling in or near a person’s home, mice happily destroy potatoes, sausages and bakery products, eggs and other food products that are easy to get to. They do not disdain soap, candles, toilet paper, books, and polyethylene.


The strong smell of cheese can repel rodents.

Various breeds of mice, having settled almost throughout the planet, arranging their habitat, can build nests from grass stems, occupy abandoned holes, old hollows, or dig complex underground systems with many passages. Once in a person’s home, rodents settle under the floor, in attics, and between walls. Unlike representatives living in swamps and near water bodies, steppe, mountain and forest mice swim poorly.

The active life of animals coincides with the evening or night time, but they try not to move too far from their home. The mouse has many enemies, these include birds of prey, reptiles, mongooses, foxes, hedgehogs, cats, crows and other representatives of the fauna.


Mice make huge reserves for the winter, but do not hibernate.

Mostly voracious and ubiquitous rodents cause harm, but there is one area of ​​​​science in which the omnivorous mouse is useful and irreplaceable. These are special scientific and medical laboratories where animals become experimental subjects. Thanks to these small animals, many important discoveries were made in genetics, pharmacology, physiology and other sciences. Surprisingly, 80% of the genes endowed with a living mouse are similar to human structures.

Features of life

Life of a mouse The timid nature of a rodent is not at all associated with a cowardly disposition.
The small animal is forced to behave carefully, since it has plenty of enemies. A mouse in the wild is trained in various skills - crawling, swimming, digging, and some species even fly. This existence allows rodents to overcome obstacles, adapt to new conditions, and get food everywhere.

The mouse makes its home in the ground, digging out complex labyrinths, in trees, in old hollows, bird nests, and under stones. Once in a person’s house, it settles down under the floor, in the attic, between the walls. Activates activity in the dark. Tries not to go too far from the nest or burrow.


Most species of mice live in packs. A whole hierarchy is built with a male leader and several dominant females. Each individual is assigned a territory where it can obtain food. The Sakis raise their offspring together, but after they “come of age” they are unanimously expelled from the family to live independently.

Mice hibernate in several places:

  • in holes deep in the ground;
  • haystacks in the field;
  • in barns, warehouses, outbuildings, sheds, and a person’s home.

Rodents that remain in the field for the winter prepare food supplies. The hole has several chambers where the mouse carries everything that is valuable to it and will save it from starvation.

Natural enemies of mice are reptiles, wild animals, hedgehogs, large birds, dogs, cats. Since in our area the reptile is not as widespread as in warm countries, predators from this genus are snakes and some species of snakes.

In nature, a living mouse exists for only 1 year. Such a short period is associated with a large number of enemies and natural disasters. The lifespan of mice is genetically determined to be about 5 years. In artificial conditions they can live for about 3 years. In the laboratory they lived until 7.

Diversity of the mouse family

Animals are adapted to any living conditions in the best possible way. Agile, agile in their movements, rodents can run quickly, jump, climb, penetrate through the narrowest holes, and if there is an obstacle in front of them, then sharp teeth are used. A description of a mouse would not be complete without mentioning that they are quite smart and cautious, but at the same time shameless, cunning and brave. Possessing an excellent sense of smell and hearing, they are able to quickly respond to danger.

The names of mice, which are often associated with their habitat, as well as their varieties, are very diverse. The most common types of rodents found in nature are:

  • African;
  • baby mice;
  • mountain;
  • brownies;
  • field;
  • forest;
  • herbal;
  • striped;
  • spiny and other individuals.

On the territory of Russia, the most common are the following 3 types of mice - house, forest and field.


Most mice live in packs. Relationships are subject to a strict hierarchical system, headed by a male and several “privileged” females. Each mouse is assigned a specific territory where they can get food. The offspring are raised together, but upon reaching “majority” they are unanimously expelled from the family to live independently.

The species of mice that exist in nature differ in size, color, and habitat. Let's take a closer look at some representatives of the rodent order.

African mice

This subgroup includes 5 species of animals. The average length of an adult mouse is within 10 cm. The color of the back is chestnut, and the belly is most often presented in white tones. A mouse with a long tail, the length of which is 1.5 times longer than the body, settles in trees and makes a nest in old hollows. The rodent feeds only on plant foods. The mouse's lifestyle is nocturnal.

Grass mice

Representatives of this genus mainly live in Africa, in the eastern part of the continent. The rodent mouse settles in thickets of bushes, occupies other people's burrows or digs them on its own, but can penetrate into people's houses. The animals are among the largest and can reach 19 cm in length (with the tail this parameter is 35 cm), weighing more than 100 g. The fur on the back and sides of the mouse is colored in dark gray or grayish-brown tones. Individual stiff bristles have a darker color.

On a note!

The herbivorous mouse lives in large colonies, making devastating raids on farmland.

Forest dweller

The animal lives in natural conditions, making its home in bushes, on forest edges, and in floodplains. The main habitats of mice are mixed and broad-leaved forests of the Caucasus, Kazakhstan, Altai, and Eastern Europe. The body length is 10-11 cm, the tail is 7 cm, and the weight is approximately 20 g. The mouse with large round ears, which is its main difference from its relatives, is characterized by a sharp muzzle and two-color colors. The upper body and tail are colored red-brown or even black, and the belly, legs and fingers are white.

The mouse overwinters in burrows located at a depth of 2 m and comes out with the onset of a thaw. The main food is grain, seeds, young tree seedlings, but rodents do not refuse insects.

Yellow-throated mouse

These rodents are listed in the Red Book of the Moscow Region. The main characteristic feature of the animals is the unusual grayish-red color of the mice, and they have a yellow stripe around their necks. The body size of an adult is in the range of 10-13 cm with the same tail length. The mouse weighs about 50 g. Its wide distribution area includes forests in Russia, Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Altai, and the northern provinces of China. The yellow mouse eats plant and animal foods. Causes enormous damage to gardens, destroying young shoots of fruit trees


The mouse came to the territory of the Russian Federation from the USA. She was brought in for laboratory research, but quickly became adopted as a pet. The mouse is characterized by an unpleasant odor, although it looks like a very cute, friendly creature. There are more than 100 subspecies of gerbils in the world, of which the dwarf and Mongolian breeds of mice live here. The animal's belly is almost white, and its brown-red back is decorated with a bright black stripe located along the entire body. The rodent has neat small ears, a pink nose, a blunt muzzle and large beady eyes. A mouse with a tassel on its tail can be found quite often among lovers of exotic animals.

Harvest mouse

Externally, the mouse is very similar to a gerbil, but in everyday life it can be called a vole. Under natural conditions, it lives in fields and meadows and causes damage to agriculture. In flooded areas it can make nests in bushes. The dark, reddish-brown color of the upper body with black stripes contrasts sharply with the white belly and paws of the mouse. The body length varies from 7 to 12 cm, the tail of the animal is not very large.

Mice are active at night, since during the day they have to hide from numerous predatory animals, which include such a reptile as the snake. The diet of rodents consists mainly of plant foods, but they can feast on a variety of insects. High fertility allows maintaining the size of the field mouse population. They feel great in Europe, Siberia, Primorye, Mongolia and other places. The mouse in the photo posted on the site will allow you to carefully examine the small animal.

House mouse

The most common type of rodent. The gray mouse, sneaking into people's apartments, brings a lot of problems, spoils food, gnaws furniture, electrical wiring, walls, things and other interior items. The habitat of pests is all landscape and natural zones, with the exception of the Far North and Antarctica. The gray-humped mouse (another name for a mammal) digs holes on its own, but can also occupy abandoned homes.

  • The dimensions of the animal do not exceed 9.5 cm; taking into account the tail, its total length is 15 cm.
  • The weight of the mouse varies from 12 to 30 grams.
  • The main food products are seeds and juicy greens, however, once in a human house, the mouse becomes omnivorous.

One of the animal species is the black mouse.

People have mixed feelings about rodents. As a result of this, quite often at home you can find unusual mice that are real favorites of family members. Tame pets can be trained and perform simple tricks with small objects. A large group of rodents is capable of not only causing damage, but also giving joy.

Source: notklop.ru

Mouse Skin

It's hard to find a person who doesn't know what a mouse is. Some representatives of the mouse species live in the neighborhood, annoying with their presence, causing damage to products, things, furniture, and interior items. Little mice often become cartoon characters for children. And some animal lovers keep them in a cage as a pet.

Mouse Description:

  • elongated body;
  • long thin tail, in different species it is 70-120% of the body length;
  • small head with an elongated or blunt muzzle;
  • barely noticeable or large round ears;
  • small, sharp, beady eyes;
  • small pink nose;
  • the hind legs have an elongated foot, providing the animal with jumping ability, allowing it to rise up, leaning on its hind legs;
  • the hand of the forelimbs is small.


A feature of any type of mouse is the presence of long teeth in the center of the upper and lower jaw. They grow throughout their lives, increasing by 2 mm every day. To prevent teeth from growing to unrealistic sizes, the animal constantly grinds down. A photo of a mouse with beautiful teeth is shown below.

Mouse teeth

Wool and color features

The mouse's body is covered with coarse fur. The length of the hairs differs in each type of mouse, but they always lie smoothly on the surface of the skin. There are no furry mice.

The color is very different. The wild mouse is found in gray, red, brown, ocher, and black colors. In the wild, but more often in laboratory conditions, the result is a white mouse with red eyes and an albino nose. The color of decorative mice is impressive in its variety - blue, yellow, orange, smoky, etc. The abdomen and sides are always lighter than the back, and even contain white hairs of fur.

On a note!

The main difference between a wild mouse and a house mouse is the presence of a stripe of light and dark color on the back.

Some breeds have vertical stripes all over their back. Below is a mouse in the photo - you can remember or find out what the animal looks like.

Species of rodents

Dimensions, parameters

The mouse-rodent belongs to the small representatives of the family. The structure of different types of mice is similar to each other. The maximum body length for representatives of our area is 13 cm, excluding the tail. The average body size is 9 cm.

Genetic abilities relative to weight – 50 g. The maximum value that a pet can achieve if provided with adequate nutrition and appropriate living conditions. In the wild, the average weight of a mouse is 20 g. Below is the mouse in the photo in relation to other animals.

Difference between a mouse and other animals

Description of the animal

Few people have not seen mice with their own eyes. Most species have a similar body structure. These are predominantly small rodents, completely covered with fur. An outstanding muzzle with front incisors, with which the animal gnaws food and other objects.

On average, the body length is about 6-7 centimeters.

Rodents usually settle near humans, since it is easier to find shelter from frost nearby and there is always access to food. They live not only on farms where people grow grains, vegetables and fruits, but are also able to inhabit apartments. In the latter case, their population is much lower since there is less food available. At home you may encounter a baby mouse or a gerbil.

They live in closets, under the floor, near the sanitary unit, storerooms, cellars and basements. In these places they are quite difficult to detect.

These are pack animals. If one individual ends up in a place where there is access to a large amount of food, then after a while there will be a whole colony of rodents there.


  • Shilov I. A. Ecology: A textbook for biologists. and honey specialist. universities / Shilov I. A. - M.: Higher School, 1998. - 512 p.
  • Biological encyclopedic dictionary / chapter. ed. M. S. Gilyarov. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia, 1986. - P. 674.

This is one of the largest and most dangerous bird species in the world. Their usual habitat is the tropical forests of New Guinea and Australia. To communicate with other birds of its species, the cassowary uses a crest on its head, with the help of which it receives very low frequencies, thanks to which communication between birds can be maintained over a long distance. They are quite dangerous herbivores and attack not only horses, cows and dogs, but also people. The most dangerous are the males who protect the chicks.

There are 5 species of rhinoceroses in the world, living in Asia and Africa. These animals are very hot-tempered, which makes them dangerous. The main and dangerous weapon of a rhinoceros is its horns, which are made of protein, and not, as many mistakenly believe, made of bone tissue. The largest known horn was 1.5 meters long. Due to its aggressive nature and heavy weight, a rhinoceros can be gored or trampled to death. The peculiarity of the Indian rhinoceros is that, in addition to its horn, it also uses sharp teeth as a weapon.

Wild boars are only partially vegetarian, as their diet also includes small animals (frogs, lizards). The weight of males can reach 300 kilograms. They can easily cut open a predator thanks to their large, sharp fangs. If the male is already old enough, he is able to fight off a pack of wolves alone. The canines of females are smaller and pose the greatest danger, like many other animals, when they protect their young.

Common types

Currently, there are a huge number of species of rodents in the world, but we will dwell in more detail on the most common species, which are most often found at home and in nature.

There are a lot of wild mice in the world, which inhabit almost every corner of the globe.

Little mouse

The smallest rodent in the world. The baby mouse does not dig holes in the ground, but creates nests from grass and twigs and other soft materials. They multiply very quickly. Most often found in England, Yakutia, the Caucasus and other northern territories. They tolerate cold climates well.

The baby mouse easily climbs tall grass using its tenacious paws, and also successfully hides from predators due to its size. The baby mouse does not hibernate, so it spends a lot of time searching for food, including in winter.

Wood mouse (wood mouse)

The wood mouse is larger in size than the little mouse. The total body length can reach 10 centimeters, and the tail is almost the same length. Average weight - 20 grams, large protruding dark eyes on a pointed muzzle. The wood mouse has long ears. The ears of this species of rodent are among the largest among their fellows. The wood mouse is usually brown in color, but some individuals can be yellowish or red in color. The dull red color changes over time, becoming brighter.

Wood mice can live in the ground, hiding in burrows, but they also hide in trees at high altitudes. They create shelter from the rain for themselves and their supplies for the winter, as they do not hibernate. They settle near bodies of water, as there is more vegetation and insects nearby that they eat. The baby mouse is more active during the day in winter, and at night in summer, as it is sensitive to sunlight and overheating.


This mouse was brought to the United States for laboratory research. However, soon gerbils began to be kept at home, which is now popular all over the world. They do not have an unpleasant odor, practically do not need to be looked after, and are easily tamed.

There are several types of these mice: Mongolian gerbil, dwarf gerbil and others. It is advisable to keep them in pairs, since the established pair can last a lifetime. Gerbils easily dig soil and sand. Therefore, it is advisable to have nesting material nearby.

Steppe mouse

This rodent is capable of settling in the middle zone, usually hiding underground, creating burrows for itself. In the ground, it survives cold snaps well, hides from predators and preserves food. They dig burrows mainly on hills so that water from rain does not flow into the tunnel system.

Bank vole

The bank vole is most often found in Lapland, Turkey. This red mouse prefers to live in deciduous forests, settling near the edges where sunlight easily penetrates. During the winter, the bank vole can move closer to humans, settling in haystacks, barns or granaries. It does not hibernate and is able to go out in search of food both during the day and at night.

Black mouse

Subspecies of house rodent. Often settles in people's houses. It is not found throughout the world, but mainly in dry, warm climates.

It should also be noted that there are special varieties of rodents that people raise for specific purposes. For example, the white mouse is a special type of rodent that is used for laboratory research.

Most of the experiments carried out by medical scientists and biochemists require living organisms that are as close as possible to the level of human susceptibility. This type is considered the most suitable. Also, white rodents are often used to kill other predatory animals.

Since this species was bred artificially, as a result of crossing, other varieties of rodents were obtained, including decorative ones (for example, Japanese mice). The Japanese species is one of the smallest mice in the world. All over the world they are raised as ornamental pets.

Types of decorative mice

Numerous varieties of Decorative mice differ in the type of coat and variations in color and color patterns. Different countries have their own national standards for varieties of Decorative Mice, which are used by judges during exhibitions and shows.

The oldest organization of breeders, the National British Club of Ornamental Mice, the National Mouse Club (Great Britain), has developed 40 variety standards with more than 200 color options for Ornamental Mice.

Short-haired mice

The hair of such a mouse is smooth to the touch, short and dense. The coat has a natural shine and lies close to the body, including the belly, groin, area around the front legs, and behind the ears. This type of coat is basic for all colors and patterns. Any of them is most easily recognized and looks brighter on the short-haired skin of a decorative mouse.

Satin Satin Mice

The name of the Satin Satin Mouse speaks for itself. Its coat has an increased shine, reminiscent of the smoothness of metal or satin fabric. into elk cover in bright light. This effect is achieved due to the fact that the animal’s hair is empty inside, so it reflects light better. The hair is thick, dense, soft and silky to the touch.

Similar hair is found in all other decorative mice - Short-haired, Long-haired, Rosette, Rex, Hairless, etc. The satin mouse is larger than the usual decorative house mouse; the tail, in relation to the length of the body, is slightly larger than that of its ordinary relatives. The body proportions are almost the same, the ears are small and neat, the eyes are bright and shiny. The satin mouse comes from Asia.

Decorative Rex mice

This mouse is also called Astrex. You can easily recognize the decorative Rex mouse by its wavy fur with dense curls that are distributed throughout the body. The animal's whiskers are twisted and curled. The Rex coat type is found in other varieties of Ornamental Mouse. The Rex coat type is represented in four varieties of mice: Shorthair Rex and Shorthair Satin Rex, Longhair Rex and Longhair Satin Rex.

Important! Breeding the short-haired Rex mouse is not easy, which results in an insufficient population. This is a rare variety.

The most popular are the long-haired satin Rex mice. Their hairs are hollow and curl easily. The color of the animals can be any.

Abyssinian rosette mice

The animals got their name because they have areas of fur where the hairs change the direction of growth and curl into a funnel, forming a rosette. The Abyssinian rosette mouse has one or more such areas on each side. The sockets have a clearly defined center point. The shape is smooth, rounded. The Abyssinian coat can be of any length, as well as color.

Long-haired Angora mice

The Angora has long, smooth hair. The hairs are silky. These representatives of the mouse family have long antennae. Most often, breeders choose long-haired satin mice, whose hair is both fluffy, long-haired and shiny. Angora colors come in a variety of colors.

Long-haired Texel mice

The Texel mouse is easily recognized by its long-haired, curly coat with curls all over its body. The animal's whiskers are also curled. The hairline contains guard hairs that protrude beyond the normal coat.

Hairless Fancy mouse

Hairless mice are completely hairless. These hairless animals have wrinkled skin. The mustache can be short and curly. Some individuals have no antennae at all, as well as no fur. Among the behavioral habits, breeders note slowness.

In the character of such mice there is absolute innate trust in humans. The animals try to climb into the owner's arms to warm themselves.

Hairless mice are often kept together with their furry relatives to keep the hairless animals warmer.

Fuzz downy mice

Fuzz downy mice got their name from the English. fuzz - fluff, fluff. They have curly fur, but differ from Rexes in that the curls are denser and steeper. The wool is similar to the skin of a young lamb. The length may vary. The hairs are sparse, short, guard hairs are absent. The fur is light and distributed unevenly over the body. This gives the impression that the animal is devoid of hair.

Attention! With age, the fur becomes thicker.

The tail is bare and covered with scales. The disadvantage of living together with Fuzz mice is the strong and specific smell, so the animals’ home must be cleaned regularly. Downy mice are a fairly new variety of Ornamental mice - a provisional standard (FMC) was approved in 2014.


It should be noted that mice are omnivores. They can eat both cereals with flour and meat. If hunger strikes, they may even begin to eat paper, straw and wood.

Of course, if rodents have the opportunity to move to places where there is more food, they will do so, since no one likes to starve. The abundance of food is the most basic criterion by which a place for further residence and reproduction is selected.

Wood mice (wood mice) or gerbils can feed on plant roots, nuts, plant seeds, and small insects. For the winter, the wood mouse is able to put aside reserves, since during severe frosts it is very difficult to find food. Wood mice, like gerbils, create shelter underground, where they hide from predators all year round.

Diet of mice

In addition to the fact that the mouse is an omnivore, it has to constantly chew something in order to wear down its teeth, which are constantly growing. In this regard, it seems that the rodent eats ingredients that are not at all edible. Therefore, her appetite is explained by some features of her life. So:

  • Mice constantly chew on hard objects to keep their teeth from reaching gigantic proportions.
  • Mice digest food quickly because they are constantly on the move. During the day, the animal should eat at least 5 grams of food and drink up to 20 ml of water.
  • Mice are distinguished by one characteristic feature - they taste all new objects.

The mouse is considered a predator that prefers food of plant origin. She eats worms, insects, chicks, eggs, due to which she replenishes her body with proteins. In addition, if she climbs into the nest of the chicks, she will eat them, and then she will set up her own mouse nest in the bird’s nest.

Despite this, she happily eats seeds, roots and greenery of plants. If there is not enough food for her, then she turns to vegetables, fruits and berries.

Interesting Facts! Having settled in a human home, mice eat everything - sausage, cheese, meat, lard, cookies, candy, soap, napkins, toilet paper and other non-food components. I can’t even dare say that a mouse is a predator.

Harm from mice

Despite the small and harmless appearance of rodents, they are capable of causing enormous damage to crops and also pose a danger to human health. They are hunted by many predators, and the rodents themselves occupy the last places in the food chain. But this has no effect on the decline in their population.

High fertility allows these parasites to multiply 3-4 times in a short period of time (for example, during a season). And this leads to the fact that food consumption increases significantly. The baby mouse and the steppe mouse can settle near humans. This makes it possible to provide them with good living conditions if they move into the premises, and access to provisions.

During the ripening of the crop in the fields, they are able to destroy a good part of it. These rodents are capable of harming winter supplies and planting material that the owners have put aside for next year. They gnaw through bags of provisions and are also capable of introducing infection into them, which always affects the quality of the product.

When settling in a large colony, a baby mouse is capable of quickly multiplying in a short period of time and destroying most of the supplies that humans have stockpiled. If signs of vital activity are not immediately detected, then there will be nothing to plant next season, and the flour cannot be used for baking.

They spoil food with their feces and fur, which remain after visiting almost any place.

On its back (fur), even the smallest mouse can carry many bacteria and viruses that pose a threat to humans. Because of these rodents, large epidemics and outbreaks of diseases can develop. It is very dangerous if small children live in the house.

Over time, rodents have developed immunity to most viruses, so they can only infect others, but do not get sick themselves. Such infections dangerous to humans include:

  • hemorrhagic fever;
  • salmonellosis;
  • rabies;
  • toxoplasmosis.

Don't forget about the fleas that live on mouse skin. Fleas can also be dangerous to humans. For example, through fleas you can become infected with typhoid or even plague. Parasites usually live in large colonies near farms, and smaller colonies in private houses. Apartments are least likely to be inhabited by animals.

Mice: benefits and harm

Species of wild rodents have long been considered enemies of humans. The field mouse damages grain crops. The house mouse contaminates food with feces and urine, and damages books, clothing, and home furnishings. Many types of mice carry infectious diseases: salmonellosis, hepatitis, encephalitis, toxoplasmosis, false tuberculosis and others.

But mice also bring significant benefits to people. Cosmetologists and doctors have been using mice for centuries to conduct all kinds of experiments. This is due to the extraordinary fertility of rodents and the similarity of the human and mouse genomes.

Zoologists raise special food mice for pythons, agamas, boas, geckos, snakes, ferrets, owls and cats. Sometimes decorative rodents are used for such purposes and sold to pet stores.


The habitat of the field mouse is divided into two large parts, located in the Palearctic region. The western population occupies a temperate climate zone on the European continent up to the Balkans and the northern regions of Italy, while the Asian population is widespread in Russia, Mongolia, Korea and China.

Representatives of this species settle mainly in open and damp areas with an abundance of herbaceous vegetation. They can be found on the borders of forests, woodlands, meadows, bushes and reed thickets. Very often they choose cultivated fields, orchards and vegetable gardens for their residence. They especially like farmland with cereal crops.

An indispensable condition for the settlement of these rodents is the abundance of natural shelters where they can easily hide. They avoid dense forests and dry plains.

Herbivorous birds

According to the method of feeding, all birds are divided into several groups:

  • herbivores;
  • insectivores;
  • predatory;
  • aquatic (feeds on fish).

Representatives of the herbivorous fauna are numerous.

The diet includes:

  • flower petals and their juice;
  • tree sap;
  • kidneys;
  • stems and shoots of grass;
  • young green branches;
  • grain sprouts;
  • leaves;
  • seeds;
  • fruit.

Herbivorous birds play a significant role in the ecology of the natural world. They eat harmful insects and spread tree seeds by eating their fruits. Characterized by mobility. They have a wide habitat. They live on continents and inhabit oceanic islands.

The greatest diversity of birds inhabits tropical forests: 85% of living birds. Only 15% live at other latitudes. The structure of the beak and tongue is designed in such a way that it is possible to feed optimally: pecking, drinking juice, picking leaves and grass.

In our latitudes there are sparrows, titmice, nightingales, woodpeckers, pigeons, crows, magpies, cranes, starlings, orioles, and bullfinches.

The importance of herbivores in the fauna world is enormous. They participate in the natural biocenosis. Birds carry seeds of trees, herbs and flowers. This increases the area of ​​vegetation distribution.

In steppe areas, herbivores contribute to the accelerated regrowth of grasses. Excrement replenishes the supply of beneficial bacteria in the soil, enriches its composition with microelements, and stimulates the growth of vegetation.



The field mouse is active at night and only occasionally during the day. She can climb well on bushes and trees, but prefers to find food on the surface of the soil. Being a very timid creature, the rodent reacts sensitively to any suspicious sounds and in the blink of an eye hides in the nearest shelter.

Voles are omnivores. Most of the diet consists of various roots, seeds, herbs, forest fruits and berries.

The vegetarian menu is complemented by snails, arachnids, insects and their larvae.

In winter, the animals do not hibernate, but become inactive and remain in their burrows for a long time, slowly eating the supplies made during the warm season.

Omnivores and levels of the food chain

In the marine (and terrestrial) world there are producers and consumers.

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Not only large animals (bison, antelope, zebra, etc.) feed on plants, but also many small ones - butterfly caterpillars, adult beetles and their larvae.

Type of training session;

studying and primary consolidation of new knowledge

Didactic purpose;

create conditions for awareness and comprehension of a block of new educational information.

Forms of conducting classes;

lecture, educational film

Basic Concepts

Shrubs, herbs, trees, shrubs. Dormant buds. Cereals, shoots. Meadows, steppes, savannas. Forest pests. Herbivorous animals. Grazing. Grazing. Failure. Meadow rags. Meadow weeds

Issues for discussion

1.Why is the concept of “herbivores” unsuccessful?

2.Name dangerous pests of forests and agriculture.

3. How does grazing affect herbaceous plants, the seedlings of trees and shrubs?

4.Why does overgrazing change the set of plants in pastures?

5.What is a failure? Why does it occur?

Diversity of herbivores.

Animals that eat plants are often called herbivores.
This name is unfortunate, since animals eat not only herbs, but also woody plants. For example, roe deer, giraffes, elephants, and among domestic animals, goats eat the branches of bushes and trees, moose gnaw the bark on trunks, and the diet of reindeer, in addition to moss, includes dwarf willows, birches and other tundra shrubs. Animals that eat plants are better called herbivores.
They eat flowers, fruits, seeds, leaves, stems, trunks, buds, roots, rhizomes, tubers and bulbs of plants.

Not only large animals (bison, antelope, zebra, etc.) feed on plants, but also many small ones - butterfly caterpillars, adult beetles and their larvae

Some of them, for example butterflies - pine and larch silkworms - are dangerous forest pests.
In some years, silkworm caterpillars eat up the needles so much that the pines and larches stand bare. Migratory locusts cause great damage to agriculture, swarms of which sometimes destroy all plants in a row.

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Grazing and its role in plant life.

In nature and in the economy, the most pronounced connection is between plants and ungulate herbivores, both wild (saiga, gazelle, antelope) and domestic (cows, sheep, goats).
Ungulates feed in meadows, steppes and savannas, eating the above-ground parts of plants. This method of obtaining food is called grazing, or grazing
Grazing has a variety of effects on plants. When grazing in meadows and pastures, seedlings of trees and shrubs completely die, since animals bite off their entire above-ground parts with all the buds. Herbaceous plants are preserved during grazing, since the grass buds are in the soil or on its surface. Moderate grazing enhances the growth of grasses
, acting as a kind of pruning that awakens dormant buds, which are found not only in trees, but also in herbaceous plants.

On pastures, animals eat plants selectively. First of all, the most delicious and tender plants, for example, cereals (meadow fescue, cocksfoot, meadow grass), legumes (clover, peas, alfalfa, etc.).

Secondly, animals eat coarser
plants (sedge, oriental squab, Siberian hogweed),
and they are eaten only in the spring or early summer, until they become coarse.
Poisonous and thorny plants (buttercups, geraniums, thistles) are not touched by animals at all. Poisonous, prickly and tough meadow plants are therefore called meadow weeds

Grazing results.

With intensive grazing, inedible and inedible plants begin to predominate on pastures.
During grazing, animals manure the soil, using their hooves to break up the ground moss carpet and meadow rags
- dried plant remains lying on the ground in a dense layer.
Animals compact rags and soil with their hooves. In spring and autumn, when there is a lot of moisture in the soil, animals break up its surface in the form of potholes and hummocks. The hooves press the seeds into the ground, which promotes their germination.
Excessive grazing leads to undesirable changes in pastures, to overgrazing and even to failure when areas of bare trampled land are formed.
Severe soil erosion begins in such knocked out places. Moderate grazing favors the growth of grasses .
Sources of information: A.M. Bylova, N.I. Shorina, 1999 (209 pages)


Sexual maturity in representatives of this species occurs at the age of 2.5 months, usually at 75 days of age. The mating season in most regions lasts from early spring to late autumn, usually from April to September. During this time, the female manages to bear offspring 2-5 times, depending on weather conditions and the availability of food.

Males and females meet only for mating, leading a solitary lifestyle. Fathers are not interested in the fate of their offspring.

Pregnancy lasts 22-23 days. On average, there are 3-6 mice in one litter. After birth, they weigh only about 2 g. They are born blind and naked in their mother’s nest, which is located in an underground burrow.

Babies' eyes open at the beginning of the third week, and by the end of the week, milk feeding stops. After a few days, the pups become completely independent and go in search of their own home area.

Field mice play an important role in the ecosystem, being the main food for many predators, in particular wolves and red foxes.

Other examples of herbivores (plant-eating) animals:

  • Order Odd-toed ungulates: donkeys, tapirs, zebras.
  • Order Artiodactyls: bulls, zebu, yaks, wildebeest, buffaloes, gazelles, bison, rams, sheep, goats, deer, guanacos, llamas, vicunas.
  • Order Lagomorpha: hares, pikas.
  • Order Rodents: hamsters, guinea pigs, chinchillas, porcupines, nutria, maras, squirrels.
  • Order Chiroptera: leaf-nosed bats, fruit bats.
  • : colobus monkeys, lepilemuras, slender-bodied monkeys, geladas.
  • Class Birds: ducks, geese, swans, grays, amazons, budgerigars, parakeets, macaws, cockatoos, toucans.
  • Class: giant prehensile-tailed skink, land turtles, common iguanas.
  • Class Insects: ants, true grasshoppers, lepidoptera, caterpillars, short-whiskered orthoptera, leafhoppers, moths, humpbacks.
  • : koalas, kangaroos.
  • Fish superclass: all species of fish that feed exclusively on plant matter, such as aquatic plants and phytoplankton.
  • Invertebrates: snails, slugs, earthworms.

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From an ecological point of view, mammals are classified as consumers of both the first and subsequent orders; Consumers of the first order thus constitute the group of herbivores, the second and subsequent ones - carnivores. This division, however, is conditional, since most representatives of the class eat both plant and animal foods, and the ratio between these food sources may fluctuate depending on the season and other reasons. It is the diversity of food sources that is one of the reasons for the species diversity and distribution of mammals.

Among herbivorous mammals, a number of subgroups can be distinguished:

· herbivores - feed mainly on grass (horses, bulls, sheep, rodents), as well as branches, bark and leaves (deer, elephants, giraffes);

Granivores - squirrels, mice;

· frugivores - monkeys.

Animal-eating mammals include:

Insectivores - hedgehogs, shrews, moles, bats. They consume mainly invertebrates. At the same time, moles obtain food underground, bats, on the contrary, in the air;

· predators - cats, dogs, seals, cetaceans. They consume mainly vertebrates. Some—cats—are entirely carnivorous; others - bears - actively eat plant foods;

· piscivorous - dolphin;

· scavengers - jackals, hyenas.

Some mammals have developed specific food sources. Thus, some bats consume the nectar of flowers, while others - vampires - suck blood.(6)


The body length ranges from 10.7 to 12.4 cm, and the tail from 6.8 to 8.6 cm. The average weight is 33-45 g. The length of the ears is 1.3-1.5 cm.

The relatively coarse fur is brownish or yellowish-brown in color. In winter it takes on a pronounced gray tint. The abdomen is whitish or grayish. A longitudinal dark brown stripe stretches across the entire back from head to tail.

Rounded ears are located on the sides of the head behind the skull and are clearly visible in the middle of the fur. Blackish eyes are located in the front of the muzzle. Long sensitive vibrissae grow at its tip. Females have 4 pairs of nipples for feeding their offspring.

The maximum lifespan of a field mouse rarely exceeds 2 years. In the wild, rare individuals live up to 16-18 months.

Source: zooclub.org.ua

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