White mouse - description of type, size and character

Feeding decorative mice | Mice

These small rodents are distributed throughout the entire earth, excluding the extreme northern and high-mountain regions. The closest relatives of mice are jerboas, mole rats, hamsters and dormice. And more distantly related are rats, chinchillas, porcupines, beavers, and guinea pigs. In total, the Mouse subfamily includes 121 genera and more than 300 species.

The mouse is a small animal with an elongated and pointed muzzle, large round ears and bulging beady eyes. A long, hairless or slightly furred tail is a distinctive feature of the animal. The limbs, which are not the same in length, are adapted for digging and moving along vertical and horizontal surfaces.

The body length of a rodent can vary from 3 to 20 cm, weight - from 15 to 50 g.

Mice have a special bite. On the lower and upper jaws the animal has 2 chisel-shaped teeth, which are continuously growing. Rodents are forced to constantly grind them down, which is why their incisors are very sharp.

Animals from the Mouse family have good eyesight and can distinguish between red and yellow shades. The usual body temperature of these rodents ranges from 37.5 to 39⁰C. The maximum lifespan of mice is 4 years.

Mice belong to the order of rodents. In it they form a separate family, in which there are 400 different species. Depending on the area, they are called Asia Minor, Sichuan, Caucasian, and so on. In Russia, the most common types of mice are the house and forest mice.

gray or white. The coloring can also be unusual: striped or variegated.

A mouse is a small mammal belonging to the order of rodents and the mouse family. Representatives of the family can be seen on most continents of the globe, except for the Far North and Antarctica.

They live in tropical jungles, steppes or deserts, on mountain slopes or swamps, as well as in thickets of coniferous or deciduous forests. But the most comfortable place where rodents settle is the human home.

The semicircular ears of these animals are small in size, but allow mice to hear perfectly. Regardless of the time of day, they are perfectly oriented in their environment thanks to the thin and sensitive whiskers that grow around their nose.

There are five prehensile toes on the short paws of mice. Keratinized scales with sparse hairs cover the entire surface of the tail.

The rodent's short fur is usually gray, brown or red, but striped and white individuals are often found in nature.

The small size of the body does not allow the animals to maintain normal body temperature, which they regulate by generating internal heat. Animals' bodies produce more heat at low temperatures than at high temperatures.

The female of these animals is capable of childbearing after 7-8 weeks and at one time gives birth to 5-10 small, completely hairless mice. They cannot crawl, hear or see, but their development is rapid, and after 25 days the individual becomes sexually mature. During the year they have from 4 to 8 broods. Mice live on average 2 to 3 years.


In order for rodents to maintain a constant body temperature, they need to be active in winter and summer, day and night. Gluttony and fussiness for mice are characteristic traits that help them survive and leave offspring.

In the fall, animals begin collecting provisions in a burrow or on the surface of the ground, where the “warehouse” is camouflaged with earth. And if in the off-season rodents are awake at night and sleep during the day, then in winter they remain active around the clock. In spring and autumn, when there is no shortage of food and no temperature fluctuations, mice actively reproduce.

Mice live in large families, since together it is easier for them to defend themselves, get food, build homes, and raise offspring. In a mouse pack there is a leader who maintains order in the group. Female mice are peaceful.

But young males do not always put up with their subordinate position. Stomping with its hind legs and aggressive tail strikes indicate the animal’s intention to conquer the “throne.”

Inter-family clashes can lead to the disintegration of the pack.

Mice live on all continents. Together with humans, they settled around the world and adapted to different climatic zones. Rodents feel great in the tropics, in the mountains, and in swamps. They are able to survive at staggering heights: 4 thousand meters is not the limit for these small creatures.

Mice usually settle near human settlements. This applies primarily to the brownie and Cairo varieties. After all, in cities and villages, at every step you can find what mice eat. Therefore, she is as comfortable as possible here. But if natural disasters occur - fires, floods or earthquakes, rodents are able to leave their usual habitat and migrate.

Those species that live in steppes or forests are poor swimmers. But marsh mice feel free on the water. Rodent houses come in three types:

  • simple minks;
  • complex burrows in the form of labyrinths;
  • nests made of grass stems.

Mice lead a terrestrial lifestyle. They rarely climb trees, but they easily climb small bushes.

Rodent behavior

Representatives of the mouse family are very smart, inquisitive, agile and capable of reaching speeds of up to 12 km/h. They are brave and, fighting for life, can attack animals many times larger than themselves. To ensure order in the flock, weaker individuals obey the stronger ones. A leader is elected who dominates all members of the pack, and especially young relatives.

Males require more space, allocating only a small area to females. Females in the wild are often aggressive and capable of fighting other predators, but in captivity they have a more friendly and sociable character. They do not show aggression if several other individuals live in their cage.

Male mice living in captivity have a paternal instinct, which makes them very different from mice in the wild.

Animals are most active at night or in the evening. But there are some factors that directly affect the rhythm of activity of small animals:

Description and features of the white rat

In appearance, domestic white rats differ from wild ones in coat color, some character traits and habits. Their males weigh on average from 400 g to 650 g, the weight of females ranges from 300 g to 450 g.

Animals bred in captivity have a much calmer disposition than their wild counterparts and have a slightly larger body weight. Wild rats have much larger internal organs.

They also lead a more active lifestyle at night, while hiding in secluded places during the day. Domestic rats sleep at night and are awake only during the daytime.

These unique animals are divided into many subspecies, which depend on the colors and quality of the coat. Rats come in white, red, black, brown and gray with ruby, red and black eyes. Sometimes there are specimens with different eyes.

Thanks to the work of breeders, multi-colored representatives of domestic rats have recently appeared, in which white tones are combined with gray and beige. I would like to note that this is a pleasant sight.

The white rat in the photo shows all the tenderness and romance of the animal. With other colors it takes on a slightly different description. Becomes more expressive and interesting. In 1984, the first white rat was born without a tail. By our time, such individuals have acquired a special status and have been standardized.

These pets also differ in the shape of their ears. They can be rounded or pointed. Their fur can also be different. There are short-haired, curly, wavy and generally hairless rats.

White rats with red eyes are a bit of a rarity these days These are albino rats that have problems with the production of melanin, hence the color and eye color.

Albinos have serious problems with immunity, so their life is too short. They can please their owners from 1 to 1.5 years. Of course, it happens that with proper and careful care, albinos can live up to 3 years, but this happens in very rare cases.

These amazing animals do not emit any odors, as is the case with many other pets. Therefore, rats do not bring many problems and unpleasant moments in this regard.

What does a white mouse eat at home?

In ancient times, mice were kept in monasteries and temples as sacred animals and were cultivated.
A manifestation of this can be considered the fact that among many eastern peoples the first month of the calendar is named in her honor, although in some countries the mouse image was replaced with a rat one. Some believed that these mammals could bring happiness. In Japan, there was a widespread belief that if you keep a white mouse in your home, it will rid the house of the attacks of its wild counterparts.

In turn, astrologers in Ancient China used these rodents to make predictions.

But it was not only in the east that mice were cultured. Even if it was not whites, but brownies, they were revered in Ancient Greece. The image of a mouse was inextricably linked with the cult of Apollo, who was often depicted with a mouse sitting at his feet.

In some regions of Greece, Apollo was considered the patron saint of these rodents, and therefore they were kept in temples.

In other regions, he was considered a god who protected the homes of his admirers from the damage that these animals bring and from mouse invasions. There was even a myth about this.

Mass breeding of these animals began at the end of the 19th century, when the first batch of these rodents was imported to Europe for the purpose of scientific research. At the moment, they have become an indispensable resource for carrying out various experiments and the need for them does not fade over time.

Size and character

In size, snow-white mice are not very different from their relatives. They weigh from 18 to 30 grams. The body length is up to 11 centimeters, the tail length is from 5 to 11 centimeters.

They are very active, climbing all the time. In addition, they are absolutely non-aggressive and easily find a common language with their relatives and owners.

If you want to get several of these mice at once, then there is no need to worry about their behavior and buy several cages. They get along peacefully, share food and resolve issues of dominance without the use of force.

But they need to be placed in a cage together and preferably at an early age. If a newcomer is added to an already existing group that has been living together for a long time, the residents will definitely begin to pursue him, especially if it is a male.

Such persecution often leads to the death of a stranger.

But one individual is also of interest for its habits: it easily makes contact, trusts its owner, happily runs towards an outstretched hand, waiting for the next dose of affection or food.

Don't forget that these rodents are good parents. After the birth of the cubs, not only the mother, but also the father takes care of them; together they build a nest and take care of the offspring, surpassing almost all domestic pets in their “family” nature.

Breeding white mice

The gestation period of a female lasts 19-21 days, at a time she gives birth to an average of 3 to 7 children, whose weight does not exceed 1.5 grams. Newborn babies are deaf, blind and bald.

Already on the second day of life, the backs of rodents begin to become overgrown with light fluff, and by 8-10 days their bodies are completely covered with hair.

The female feeds them with milk for 4 weeks from the moment of birth, but already a couple of hours after birth she is ready for new fertilization.

At two weeks of age, a white mouse already begins to leave the nest and, under the careful supervision of its parents, makes its first attempts to explore the world around it.

At the same age, it is recommended to gradually accustom little mice to other foods, adding small portions of food to their diet, which will alternate with milk.

At the age of one month, they are already able to take care of themselves without the help of their parents, and at the age of two or three months, they are ready to reproduce and give birth to their own babies.

These rodents live on average 2-3 years, but there are cases when their life span reached 5-7 years.


When it comes to keeping these pets, they are absolutely unpretentious: they do not require special food, large space, or exorbitant financial costs. There is no need to rack your brains for a long time about what a white mouse eats.

These rodents are easy to train and, having gone through the path of adaptation and getting used to the owner, they do not hesitate to go into his arms, although it is not recommended to let them out of the cage unattended: if they hide, then finding them and catching them will not be the easiest task.

Requirements for a white mouse's home:

  1. They need to be kept in a metal cage, preferably with pull-out trays and holes no larger than 10 centimeters, otherwise the rodent will easily slip through this hole.
  2. It is recommended to change the litter daily.
  3. The cage should not be placed near heating devices or left in a draft.

Some owners prefer to keep rodents in aquariums. This is not the best solution, because the walls easily fog up, and cleaning the aquarium is much more difficult. If you still decide to take this step, then do not forget to buy a metal mesh with small holes in the kit: this will allow air to get inside, but you will be able to avoid your pet’s attempts to escape.

If you plan to keep only one rodent or a pair, a cage measuring 30x15x20 cm will be enough for them . If you plan to have more than two mice, then it is better to immediately buy a house measuring 50x20x20 cm. This space is enough for 2-3 pairs. In the case of such a neighborhood and the presence of several females, they most often group together, make one nest for everyone and raise newborns together. Under such conditions, even if one of the females dies, the remaining ones will feed her cubs along with their own, becoming “foster mothers” for them.

What should be in the cage:

  • pieces of branches and chalk, stale bread. They help grind teeth and prevent overgrowth of incisors, promote adequate mineral nutrition;
  • litter For it, you can use resources such as paper, hay or sawdust. Pets will be able to build their own nest from the same materials;
  • house;
  • shelves;
  • running wheel.

The familiar white mouse

The white mouse has long been known as a pet. Its existence was noted before our era, approximately 3500 years ago. The first information comes from the east, from countries such as China and Japan, although many continue to believe that the appearance of these rodents was provoked by the efforts of scientists to conduct various experiments and experiments.

In ancient times, mice were kept in monasteries and temples as sacred animals and were cultivated. A manifestation of this can be considered the fact that among many eastern peoples the first month of the calendar is named in her honor, although in some countries the mouse image was replaced with a rat one.

Some believed that these mammals could bring happiness. In Japan, there was a widespread belief that if you keep a white mouse in your home, it will rid the house of the attacks of its wild counterparts. In turn, astrologers in Ancient China used these rodents to make predictions.

But it was not only in the east that mice were cultured. Even if it was not whites, but brownies, they were revered in Ancient Greece. The image of a mouse was inextricably linked with the cult of Apollo, who was often depicted with a mouse sitting at his feet.

In some regions of Greece, Apollo was considered the patron saint of these rodents, and therefore they were kept in temples.

In other regions, he was considered a god who protected the homes of his admirers from the damage that these animals bring and from mouse invasions. There was even a myth about this.

Mass breeding of these animals began at the end of the 19th century, when the first batch of these rodents was imported to Europe for the purpose of scientific research. At the moment, they have become an indispensable resource for carrying out various experiments and the need for them does not fade over time.

What to feed a white mouse at home?

What does a white mouse eat at home? Its diet, like that of any rodent, must be balanced. A white mouse eats about 50 grams of food per day. This quantity may include the following components:

  1. Grains from crops such as oats, wheat, rye and rice.
  2. Vegetables (cabbage, carrots, lettuce).
  3. Cottage cheese.
  4. It is useful to sometimes feed them with stalks of green grass.
  5. Fruits such as pears and apples will also benefit them.
  6. Sometimes pets can be pampered with seeds.
  7. Legumes should be given in limited quantities.
  8. Pregnant females and nursing mothers should be fed vitamin supplements and fish oil.
  9. Animal feed should be added at least once a week. This can be any invertebrates and sometimes raw meat.
  10. Spicy foods, as well as fatty or fried foods, should not be given.
  11. It is not permissible to feed rodents candy.

When wondering what an animal eats at home, you also need to think about the dosage of food. Of course, these pets are not aggressive and share food peacefully, but it is still better that they do not lack it.

For example, if we talk about animal food, then it is worth allocating three insects for each rodent.

By following these simple recommendations, you won’t have to worry about what to feed your white mouse to keep your pet healthy.

Of course, you can come across a wide variety of food on the Internet, but it is worth remembering that choosing a diet without chemical additives is much safer for your pet. Therefore, we do not recommend trusting advertising pictures with the inscription “food for white mice,” even with colorful photos.

We can sum it up by saying that these animals do not require much effort to maintain their vital functions at home. You just have to arrange their home, feed them properly and change the bedding. For this, the animal will thank you with its attention and curiosity.

White Rat Habitat

This amazing animal will certainly feel comfortable and comfortable in its own house. You can use a metal cage with a special tray.

The pallet must be made of plastic to avoid possible unpleasant odors being absorbed into the wood. The tree can also spread infection.

It should be remembered that a cage for keeping a pet rat must be much larger than a cage for a hamster. The animal will feel most comfortable in a multi-story cage.

In it, it will be easier for the rat to lead an active lifestyle, as well as move in any direction. The animal does not like cramped spaces. It will be good if the height between floors is at least 20 cm.

There should be no sharp or protruding dangerous objects in the rat's house. It is better to put plastic or linoleum on the floor; they are easy and quick to clean, and on such a surface the animal will not be able to damage its paws.

It is imperative to ensure that the animal’s cage is not in a draft. Also, domestic rats, especially albinos, do not like direct sunlight. It will be nice and cozy for an animal in a cage standing on a table whose height is about 1 m.

Don't forget about hygiene. The rat's home must be cleaned daily. It is advisable to disinfect it once every 7 days. After this, the cage must be thoroughly washed and dried. Only then can an animal be placed in a cage without fear.

White mouse how to care

Nowadays, no one is surprised by the presence of unusual pets. And even rodents have become something commonplace.

The presence of decorative mice, in particular the white mouse, in homes has become quite fashionable and popular.

However, before getting such an animal, it is worth getting to know the species itself, and also have at least a small idea of ​​how to keep it at home and how to care for it.

White mouse: appearance of the species

The white mouse is a direct descendant of common house mice. As a species, it appeared about 3,500 thousand years ago. Now this is one of the most common types of rodents. They live everywhere except in permafrost regions and highlands.

The white mouse is a popular pet

For your information! Closest relatives are jerboas, hamsters, chinchillas

The white mouse was initially considered a noble and unusual animal due to its non-standard color. She was kept in houses and temples in China and Japan, as well as in Mediterranean countries.

There, the image of a white mouse was sacred: it was not just bred for aesthetic pleasure, but was even worshiped.

The adaptability and cleanliness of the animal, as well as the ability to be friendly towards representatives of its species, were noted.

animals began more than 1.5 centuries. ago, after their mass import to Europe for experimental research.

For more than a century, white mice have been used as experimental animals.

Description of the size and character of white house mice

The white mouse is one of the small representatives of rodents.


Mice are active creatures. They are in constant motion. If they are not running and climbing, then they wash themselves, gnaw, and dig.

Note! They are characterized by friendliness. There have been no recorded cases of aggressive behavior towards their relatives or other small animals. They can quite easily share their food with others.

White mice behave trustingly with people. Tamed individuals recognize the owner and can take food from their hands.

You need to hold the animal in your arms carefully

In relation to their offspring, white mice are caring parents. They not only do not abandon newborn mice, but take care of them, decorate the house for their offspring, and not only females, but also males do this.

What to feed white mice at home

White mice are unpretentious in food. Despite this, it is very important to maintain a balanced diet, as with any animal.

A rodent's diet may include:

It is important to periodically add vitamin and mineral complexes to the diet to maintain and improve the animal’s health. This is especially useful and necessary for pregnant and lactating individuals.

Important! Salty, fatty, spicy, smoked and fried foods, as well as confectionery sweets, are strictly contraindicated for pets.

White mice should be fed no more than once a day. The norm is 1 teaspoon per individual. The mice are given unboiled tap or well water, but most importantly, clean water.

Features of care and maintenance of white mice at home

Caring for white mice itself is not difficult. They are quite unpretentious creatures. Animals can be tamed quite quickly. Starting from the age of one month, the mouse can already be picked up. Soon he himself will recognize the owner and go into his arms. Tamed animals are easy to train - make them perform all sorts of tricks.

Important! When breeding white mice, it is necessary to take into account that they emit a specific smell that not everyone can tolerate, especially when there are many individuals in a small area.

Much attention must be paid to the animals’ housing. The habitat of rodents must be at least 40x40 cm in size for one individual. If you plan to have a couple or three individuals, then the home should be more spacious.

You can place the animal in a cage, a special plastic box or an aquarium. It is worth paying attention that the space between the bars of the cage does not exceed 10 mm, otherwise the rodent will easily and quickly slip through the gap and get lost in the corners of the apartment.

When using an aquarium, the top must be covered with a special lid with ventilation holes or a mesh. The floor of the home must be covered with paper and sprinkled with shavings, sawdust, and hay.

Note! It is also necessary to take into account the location of the cage. Do not place the house with mice in a draft or near the heating system. The temperature in the room where animals are located should not exceed 20-22 ° C, air humidity - 50-60%.

A small container, preferably made of durable material, should be placed in the cage itself. This will create a kind of cozy mink. It is advisable to place perches or shelves for climbing and a running wheel in the mouse house. This will allow the animals to be active and not become fat in captivity.

It is better to use a feeder made of durable material. Special automatic devices in the form of glass tubes with a spout extended to the side are very convenient as drinking bowls. In addition to the main food, you can add hard bread, sticks, and twigs to the feeder, since mice have to sharpen their teeth.

Even when in captivity, mice need to move

Don’t forget to wash the rodent’s house with water and change the bedding in it more often.

Important! You should not place mice of the opposite sex in the same cage unless you plan to breed rodents. These animals are capable of constant and uncontrolled reproduction.

Don’t forget that mice are nocturnal animals, but over time they can adapt to a person’s routine. These rodents sleep on average about 10 hours a day.

Mice, like other living creatures, are susceptible to diseases. The most common among them are such serious diseases as tumors, cystitis, parasitic infections, otitis media, smallpox, salmonellosis, etc. If you suspect a problem, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

In Russia, white mice are often kept as pets. Sections and clubs for lovers of these decorative rodents are being created. Despite the specific smell, the animal is popular among breeders because it is unpretentious in keeping and feeding. Their curiosity and friendliness are also valued.


white mice: their housing

If you want to know more about the life of house mice in nature, about their friends and enemies, then click here: House mice in nature

white mice: their housing

Before purchasing this animal, prepare an “apartment” for it in advance, but caring for white mice is simple and accessible even to a child (Read more about this: House (white) mice: nutrition and maintenance)

The animals do not require any special premises or special care. In nature, mice observe a hierarchy and live in clearly organized communities, occupying their area from several square meters, sometimes up to several hundred. At the same time, they mark the boundaries of the site with their urine.

Description of the size and character of white house mice

The white mouse is one of the small representatives of rodents.

What a mouse looks like - description of appearance and size


  • size no more than 12-12.5 cm in length;
  • the tail occupies over 50% of the entire body, 6-11 cm;
  • weight 15-30 g;
  • the muzzle is sharp, elongated;
  • eyes large, round; they can be either dark or red (in albinos). They are characterized by excellent vision;
  • The ears are small and round in shape.


Mice are active creatures. They are in constant motion. If they are not running and climbing, then they wash themselves, gnaw, and dig.

Note! They are characterized by friendliness. There have been no recorded cases of aggressive behavior towards their relatives or other small animals. They can quite easily share their food with others.

White mice behave trustingly with people. Tamed individuals recognize the owner and can take food from their hands.

You need to hold the animal in your arms carefully

In relation to their offspring, white mice are caring parents. They not only do not abandon newborn mice, but take care of them, decorate the house for their offspring, and not only females, but also males do this.

White decorative mice: how to properly care for them and keep them at home

Nowadays, no one is surprised by the presence of unusual pets. And even rodents have become something commonplace.

The presence of decorative mice, in particular the white mouse, in homes has become quite fashionable and popular.

However, before getting such an animal, it is worth getting to know the species itself, and also have at least a small idea of ​​how to keep it at home and how to care for it.

Description of the size and character of white house mice

The white mouse is one of the small representatives of rodents.

What a mouse looks like - description of appearance and size


  • size no more than 12-12.5 cm in length;
  • the tail occupies over 50% of the entire body, 6-11 cm;
  • weight 15-30 g;
  • the muzzle is sharp, elongated;
  • eyes large, round; they can be either dark or red (in albinos). They are characterized by excellent vision;
  • The ears are small and round in shape.

What to feed white mice at home

White mice are unpretentious in food. Despite this, it is very important to maintain a balanced diet, as with any animal.

White ferret - description of the species, size and character

A rodent's diet may include:

  • grain crops (oats, millet, barley, millet, corn);
  • pumpkin, sunflower, flax, hemp seeds;
  • vegetables (cabbage, root vegetables);
  • fruits (apples, pears);
  • green plants (leaves and stems);
  • cottage cheese;
  • boiled milk;
  • animal food: mealworms or other invertebrates, some boiled meat;
  • special granulated food for mice. Particular attention should be paid to the composition of the product. It should not contain harmful chemical dyes.

It is important to periodically add vitamin and mineral complexes to the diet to maintain and improve the animal’s health. This is especially useful and necessary for pregnant and lactating individuals.

Important! Salty, fatty, spicy, smoked and fried foods, as well as confectionery sweets, are strictly contraindicated for pets.

White mice should be fed no more than once a day. The norm is 1 teaspoon per individual. The mice are given unboiled tap or well water, but most importantly, clean water.

Features of care and maintenance of white mice at home

Persian cat: description of breed and character, how long they live

Caring for white mice itself is not difficult. They are quite unpretentious creatures. Animals can be tamed quite quickly.

Starting from the age of one month, the mouse can already be picked up. Soon he himself will recognize the owner and go into his arms. Tamed animals are easy to train - make them perform all sorts of tricks.

Important! When breeding white mice, it is necessary to take into account that they emit a specific smell that not everyone can tolerate, especially when there are many individuals in a small area.

Much attention must be paid to the animals’ housing. The habitat of rodents must be at least 40x40 cm in size for one individual. If you plan to have a couple or three individuals, then the home should be more spacious.

You can place the animal in a cage, a special plastic box or an aquarium. It is worth paying attention that the space between the bars of the cage does not exceed 10 mm, otherwise the rodent will easily and quickly slip through the gap and get lost in the corners of the apartment.

When using an aquarium, the top must be covered with a special lid with ventilation holes or a mesh. The floor of the home must be covered with paper and sprinkled with shavings, sawdust, and hay.

Note! It is also necessary to take into account the location of the cage. Do not place the house with mice in a draft or near the heating system. The temperature in the room where animals are located should not exceed 20-22 ° C, air humidity - 50-60%.

A small container, preferably made of durable material, should be placed in the cage itself. This will create a kind of cozy mink. It is advisable to place perches or shelves for climbing and a running wheel in the mouse house. This will allow the animals to be active and not become fat in captivity.

It is better to use a feeder made of durable material. Special automatic devices in the form of glass tubes with a spout extended to the side are very convenient as drinking bowls. In addition to the main food, you can add hard bread, sticks, and twigs to the feeder, since mice have to sharpen their teeth.

Even when in captivity, mice need to move

Don’t forget to wash the rodent’s house with water and change the bedding in it more often.

Important! You should not place mice of the opposite sex in the same cage unless you plan to breed rodents. These animals are capable of constant and uncontrolled reproduction.

Don’t forget that mice are nocturnal animals, but over time they can adapt to a person’s routine. These rodents sleep on average about 10 hours a day.

Mice, like other living creatures, are susceptible to diseases. The most common among them are such serious diseases as tumors, cystitis, parasitic infections, otitis media, smallpox, salmonellosis, etc. If you suspect a problem, you should immediately contact a veterinarian.

In Russia, white mice are often kept as pets. Sections and clubs for lovers of these decorative rodents are being created. Despite the specific smell, the animal is popular among breeders because it is unpretentious in keeping and feeding. Their curiosity and friendliness are also valued.

Character and lifestyle of the white rat

These funny decorative animals have their own manners and habits. It is very interesting to observe them, from which you can get many pleasant and funny moments.

Rats can get used to a set schedule in a matter of days. Young, newly acquired individuals can sleep during the day and stay awake at night. But over time, they adjust to the same rhythm of life as their owners and feel great about it.

These are fairly quiet creatures. They are too smart and have an enviable intellect. They are distinguished by excellent memory and ideal cleanliness, unlike other creatures similar to themselves.

Rats are easy to tame. The older they get, the more sentimental they become. They can climb onto their owner’s lap and allow them to endlessly stroke their back and behind their ears. Many owners of these animals claim that they cope with stress relief just as well as cats.

Many of the rats initially remember their name and always respond to it. If you work with them, rats are able to carry out some simple commands from their owner.

This is not a dog that needs constant walks. But the rat is happy to take a walk on his owner’s shoulder or go on a visit. The main thing is that it is not too cold outside.

They are not shy, but in a situation that is unfamiliar and incomprehensible to them, they prefer to hide in the pocket or under the collar of their owner. The animal can roam freely around the room. But do not forget about precautions and keep an eye on your pet.

These are social animals. The company of people and their own kind means a lot to them. They love to be caressed; they simply need it. Without certain activities, the animal can get bored, so they simply need various devices in the cage in the form of ladders and ropes.

If the owner has little free time left to communicate with his pet, then it is better to initially get two rats, which must be introduced immediately, otherwise conflicts are possible between them.

It is desirable that the rats be same-sex, otherwise, due to the high fertility of these individuals, you can quickly become the owner of a large rat family. Domestic rats resemble small children in their entire nature.

They, like babies, need constant attention and education. Much depends on a careful and attentive attitude towards them initially. So, as paradoxical as it may sound, a domestic rat needs education. the big white rat will behave

If the animal is well-fed and the owner spends a sufficient amount of time with it, it will be difficult to find a more affectionate, gentle and active creature at the same time. Otherwise, if they are mistreated, rats become angry, timid and biting.

How to care for a white mouse at home

The white mouse has long been known as a pet. Its existence was noted before our era, approximately 3500 years ago. The first information comes from the east, from countries such as China and Japan, although many continue to believe that the appearance of these rodents was provoked by the efforts of scientists to conduct various experiments and experiments.


In ancient times, mice were kept in monasteries and temples as sacred animals and were cultivated. A manifestation of this can be considered the fact that among many eastern peoples the first month of the calendar is named in her honor, although in some countries the mouse image was replaced with a rat one.

Some believed that these mammals could bring happiness. In Japan, there was a widespread belief that if you keep a white mouse in your home, it will rid the house of the attacks of its wild counterparts. In turn, astrologers in Ancient China used these rodents to make predictions.

But it was not only in the east that mice were cultured. Even if it was not whites, but brownies, they were revered in Ancient Greece. The image of a mouse was inextricably linked with the cult of Apollo, who was often depicted with a mouse sitting at his feet.

In some regions of Greece, Apollo was considered the patron saint of these rodents, and therefore they were kept in temples.

In other regions, he was considered a god who protected the homes of his admirers from the damage that these animals bring and from mouse invasions. There was even a myth about this.

Mass breeding of these animals began at the end of the 19th century, when the first batch of these rodents was imported to Europe for the purpose of scientific research. At the moment, they have become an indispensable resource for carrying out various experiments and the need for them does not fade over time.

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