Raid against bedbugs - instructions for use, advantages and disadvantages

Modern television advertising daily offers more and more new insecticides (preparations for controlling insects). Promising that their product or device will help you every minute and with a 100% guarantee in the fight against various parasites, including bedbugs. But there are companies that have long been protecting you from parasites and insects that prevent you from peacefully coexisting. One of them is Raid, a company that has been studying the problem of pest control for a long time. The products of which have long taken their rightful place in the insecticide market and do not need advertising. Let's talk today about the Raid remedy against flying and crawling insects.

Description of insecticides, types

When faced with such a problem as bedbugs, and this is sometimes a really serious problem, a person’s normal desire is to quickly exterminate this parasite. We are faced with the question of how to do this? At the moment, there are several solutions to this problem: Either fight it yourself using insecticides or home remedies, or call professional exterminators. If home remedies help in the initial stages of infection, then in case of serious infection you need to resort to the help of professional insecticides or call exterminators. The insecticide market offers several types of products:

Concentrated water-based emulsions - sold in ampoules, bottles and canisters. These include drugs such as Averfos, Cucaracha, Alatar, Get, Medilis, Cypermethrin, Agran, Fufanon, etc. Many of them are used by professional exterminators.

Powders (dust), insecticidal chalks - these include the insecticidal Chalk Mashenka, Ecokiller dust, Clean House dust, Phenaxin dust, etc.

Sprays are the most convenient to use, they help well at the initial stage of infection and as a preventive measure. These include Raid, Raptor, Dichlorvos, Combat, etc.

Description of the drug Raid

When choosing a bedbug repellent, we place the following requirements on it:

Its effectiveness in solving our problem and safety directly for us. Since basically all drugs are made on the basis of peritroids or on the basis of FoS (organophosphorus compounds), their principle of action is the same. They differ only in the amount of one or another substance included in the composition.

The spray contains 3 substances:

  • Cypermethrin 0.1% contact substance from peritroids. It affects nerve endings, blocking them causing paralysis of the insect and subsequent death.
  • Prallethrin with a concentration of 0.03% has the same principle of action as cypermethrin.
  • Imiprotrin - enhances the effect of the peritroids included in the product.

Spray Raid is a contact insecticide, that is, it interacts with the insect through direct contact and is transmitted to all individuals upon their contact.
Getting inside through the chitinous shell of the insect’s body, it blocks the transmission of nerve impulses, causing paralysis of the insect and subsequent death. Available in the form of a spray with a volume of 400 ml, and is enough to treat 15 - 20 m2. The residual effect is up to 15 days, which is quite a long period for sprays. Available with added fragrance - the smell of citrus, lavender, etc. Interesting fact: The bug has two jaws equipped with channels, each of them has its own function, one serves as a blood receiver, and the second secretes saliva with an anesthetic secretion, so that the moment of puncture and sucking is not sensitive for the victim.

Composition and features of the product

Aerosol Reid is a two-component insecticide for killing cockroaches and other types of crawling insects. The composition contains two active ingredients:

  1. Cypermethrin. Classic second generation pyrethroid. Used as an insecticide since the late 20th century. In its pure form, it looks like a colorless liquid with high viscosity, containing crystals with a faint odor. The substance is soluble in acetone, hexane, ethyl acetate, methanol and does not bind with water. The racemic mixture has a delayed contact pathological effect on cockroaches: it blocks the sodium channels of insect nerve cells, which leads to gradual paralysis of the household pest and its death after 8-20 hours. Cypermethrin can have a toxic effect on mammals, bees, fish, crustaceans, and worms. Decomposes under the influence of external environmental factors within 25-30 days.
  2. Imiprotrine. A 3rd generation synthetic pyrethroid insecticide with low toxicity to humans and warm-blooded animals. In its pure form it is a yellow viscous liquid. It is mixed with organic solvents. The insecticide has an immediate systemic pathological effect on cockroaches, disrupting the permeability of membranes at the cellular level and destroying the insect. Imiprotrin decomposes into neutral compounds in 2-5 days.

Aerosol benefits:

  • Versatility. Destroys cockroaches, ants, fleas and bedbugs.
  • Safety. If the rules of use are followed, it does not have a toxic effect on people or pets.
  • Double action. Kills cockroaches immediately and creates insecticidal protection for 4 weeks.
  • Other features. The aerosol is easy and convenient to use, it does not have an unpleasant odor, and one bottle is enough to treat a room of 25-30 square meters.

Raid instructions for use

Like all insecticides, Raid is a poison, and when using it, be sure to use at least minimal personal protective equipment. Be sure to use safety glasses, a respirator, and a face mask. Protective (replaceable) clothing that should be washed after processing and rubber gloves. The Raid cylinder is under pressure; keep it away from heat and direct sunlight. Before treatment, shake the spray for 30 seconds so that the active ingredients are mixed into a homogeneous composition. Spray the product at arm's length from you, and at a distance of 20 - 25 cm from the surface to be treated. When processing, do not hold the jet for more than 2 seconds in one place to prevent drips from forming. Carry out the treatment with the windows open, after treatment, send the clothes to the wash, take a shower yourself and rinse your mouth. It is prohibited to eat or smoke during treatment. It is prohibited to treat minor children, pregnant and lactating women. In case of contact with skin, wash the area with soap and water; in case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with running water.

Bedbug raid - rules of application and safety, composition, price

To exterminate bedbugs in an apartment or house, preparations from the Reid line are widely used. This is due to its ease of use, as well as its effectiveness against crawling and flying insects. Bedbugs are tenacious parasites and fighting them is not an easy task.

Articles on the topic Disinfestation of an apartment from bedbugs Bedbug repeller Forsythe drug for bedbugs Composition of the drug

Insect Raid is a universal insecticide used against any insects that may settle in a house or apartment. Raid's composition includes 3 active ingredients and additives to prevent separation and mask the odor. Description of active ingredients:

  • Cypermethrin. An insecticide belonging to the group of pyrethroids. It is an enteric contact pesticide for insects. If an adult parasite or larva enters the body, it can cause paralysis. Cypermethrin remains active after application for one month, because It is resistant to ultraviolet radiation. Bedbugs cannot develop resistance to this poison even after several treatments.
  • Prallethrin. Synthetic pyrethroid with a broad spectrum of action. Highly toxic to flying insects, but bedbugs are fairly resistant to pralletrin.
  • Imiprotrine. Another insecticide that effectively enhances the action of other pyrethroids. It has an instant effect, but its activity lasts for about 2 hours after treatment.

How does Raid work against bedbugs?

The substances included in Reid help cypermethrin adhere tightly to the treated surface. The effectiveness of a drug is judged by its residual effect. More details about the properties and mechanism of action:

  • Raid has a nerve-paralytic effect, and the poison itself is part of the group of contact-intestinal drugs.
    Get from bedbugs: instructions and reviews Clean house from bedbugs: insect repellents and reviews Dichlorvos for fleas This means that the toxic substance has an effect on bedbugs if an adult or larva simply runs over the treated surfaces. The insecticide, getting on the chitinous shell or legs of the bug, begins to gradually destroy its nervous system.
  • The product begins to spread virally. Once one bug gets on the body, it does not kill the infected insect immediately. It comes into contact with other individuals and infects them - bedbugs live in unorganized colonies and are in close contact with each other. One bug that comes into contact with poison causes the death of dozens of relatives.
  • The raid is able to retain its properties for approximately 15 days after application. During this time, most of the individuals in the bedbug colony manage to receive a dose of poison. If the degree of infestation of the living space is low, you can get rid of parasites in one treatment.

Indications for use
Raid against bedbugs affects both adult individuals and those in the larval stage. The effectiveness of the product will increase significantly if you apply the drug directly to the nest. The aerosol has absolutely no effect on eggs - the embryos will continue their full development and after some time a new generation of parasites will appear. In this case, re-processing will be required. Disinsection should be carried out by spraying Raid on the following surfaces:

  • skirting boards;
  • interior designs of bedroom furniture;
  • the inside of mattresses;
  • soft upholstery of sofas (the aerosol does not leave stains on the fabric);
  • all the cracks on the floor, walls;
  • door frame perimeter;
  • the back walls of furniture, and in case of severe infection - the internal surfaces of cabinets;
  • place under the windowsill.

An effective remedy for bedbugs How to get rid of bedbugs at home yourself Disinfestation of an apartment from bedbugs How to use Raid spray for bedbugs Treating your home with
Raid is not difficult, the main thing is to properly prepare the room and take precautions. Detailed instructions:

  • Wearing a mask and gloves, shake the aerosol can thoroughly and begin spraying. Treat all those places where bedbugs are most likely to live: the back surface of cabinets, bedside tables, upholstered furniture, crevices, etc.
  • Raid should be sprayed generously. Processing one square meter should take at least 5 seconds.
  • To prevent the fight against parasites from being in vain, pay special attention to corners, baseboards and places where the wallpaper has begun to peel.
  • After the treatment, leave the apartment for at least 3 hours. Close all windows first.
  • After the allotted time has passed, organize through ventilation. Wash all surfaces that you will come into contact with with a solution of baking soda and soap. It is not necessary to wash the back surfaces of furniture, baseboards and other hard-to-reach places - this will extend the life of the Reid drug. For maximum effect, the product does not need to be washed off for about 2 weeks - the exception is contact surfaces.

  • Preparing the room for treatment
    Perform several preparatory measures before spraying the aerosol. More details about them:

  • Carry out a comprehensive cleaning of the entire house. Wipe off dust, wash floors and vacuum, paying special attention to corners, baseboards, and under the bed.
  • Move all furniture away from the walls to provide easy access to its back walls and baseboards.
  • Remove all decor from the walls, including carpets. There may be larvae and eggs behind wall pictures. If you notice a clutch of eggs, remove it with a vacuum cleaner, and then treat the area with an aerosol.
  • Remove soft parts from beds and sofas. Wash bed linen at a temperature of 60°C. This temperature regime is detrimental to bedbugs and their offspring. Have your blankets and pillows dry cleaned.
  • Beds, sofas and armchairs, which are favorite places for insects, need to be disassembled and thoroughly treated with a disinfectant.
  • Safety rules and precautions

    A small concentration of the product is not dangerous to human and animal health, but take into account the individual characteristics of the body. Please note that allergy sufferers are more sensitive to the components of Reid. Follow the basic rules of protection:

  • Wear gloves, safety glasses, a mask and long sleeves. When treating a large room where you are expected to stay for a long time, use a respirator - this way you will avoid allergic reactions due to small droplets entering the respiratory tract.
  • Dishes, children's toys, and bed linen must be packed in a bag so that harmful substances do not come into contact with them. Treat all these things with steam or hot water.
  • Spray Raid with windows open. There should be no people or pets in the rooms during disinfestation. If you have a terrarium or aquarium, cover it. The aquarium compressor must be turned off.
  • You need to hold the bottle with the product at arm's length at a distance of 30 cm from the treatment site. Spray specific insect habitats, because... There is no point in spraying an aerosol into the air.
  • Do not leave Raid cylinders in direct sunlight. Do not spray it near open fires or other heating devices.

Advantages of the drug:

  • Easy to use. You don’t have to prepare the solution yourself and look for a suitable container for spraying.
  • Versatility and good effectiveness against crawling and flying insects.
  • The product does not cause harm to the health of people or pets, provided that precautions are taken.
  • Thanks to the optimal combination of active components, the composition remains on the treated surfaces for a long time. This increases the effectiveness of the drug.

Anti-bed bugs also have some disadvantages:

  • The drug is not narrowly targeted. The manufacturer indicates that Raid is intended to kill all types of insects.
  • When there is a large accumulation of bedbugs, it becomes necessary to re-treat the infected surfaces.
  • The presence of a pronounced odor that does not disappear for a long time.
  • An oil residue may remain after application.



Oleg, 29 years old

Bedbugs literally occupied the furniture in one of the rooms. I used Raid, but I will say that the effectiveness is generally average. I would like to note the convenience and ease of use. The product didn't leave any stains, but I really didn't like the smell.

Nikolay, 33 years old

To get rid of bedbugs, on the advice of friends, I bought Reid. I didn’t have to prepare any solution, which was very pleasing. The aerosol is easy to apply, but I had to wear safety glasses, a mask, etc. I consider the lack of a narrow focus to be a disadvantage.


Preparing the premises for treatment against bedbugs

The bug is a slow-moving insect that feeds mainly at night and on our blood. Therefore, we carry out processing near our vacation spot. First, let's prepare the area for processing:

  • We will carry out mechanical treatment using a vacuum cleaner. This will help us partially destroy the encountered individuals, open nest sites and determine the number of infestations.
  • We move all the furniture away from the walls.
  • Removes bed linen, curtains, curtains and sends them to the wash.
  • We remove households and pets from the area for the duration of treatment.
  • Cover aquariums and house plants.
  • Place all dishes in cabinets, and clothes in cabinets unless cabinet treatment is required.
  • Pack food, cosmetics, and personal hygiene products in plastic bags.

Recommendations and precautions

By following the precautions and recommendations described below, you can protect yourself, family members, and pets from potential poisoning and increase the effectiveness of insecticidal treatment.

  • It is necessary to spray Reid spray at temperatures above 10 degrees Celsius;
  • The insecticide consumption rate is 15-20 grams per 1 square meter of surface. Applying a large amount of the substance will not increase the effectiveness of disinfestation.
  • Activities must be carried out with open windows and doors.
  • If the person treating the premises with an insecticide is prone to allergic reactions, then it is worth entrusting the procedure to another family member or using personal protective equipment - rubber gloves, a respirator, goggles, thick outerwear.
  • Before disinfestation, people and pets are removed from the premises. Aquariums, terrariums and other places of permanent residence of small animals are covered with a tight lid. The forced supply of oxygen is stopped until the end of the event.
  • During the procedure, food, water and other products are taken to another room or wrapped in thick cling film.
  • It is not recommended to spray Raid on wallpaper, polished surfaces, or bedding.
  • It is prohibited to carry out disinfestation near open fire or hot objects.
  • After performing insecticidal treatment without personal protective equipment, it is recommended to thoroughly wash your hands, face and exposed skin with clean water and soap.
  • It is prohibited to disassemble the spray container, hit it or open it in any way, since this procedure will lead to an explosion even if the working fluid inside the container is exhausted.
  • If the insecticide gets on the skin or mucous membrane, rinse it immediately under strong pressure of cold water for 5-10 minutes.

Bedbug treatment areas:

  • All the cracks in the floor and baseboards.
  • Furniture and sofa frames: all walls, bottom and assembly elements.
  • Mattresses seams, locks, labels.
  • Remove carpets, paintings and decorative elements and treat the back side.
  • All bedside furniture: floor lamps, chest of drawers, bedside tables, pouf.
  • Disconnect from the power supply and sanitize all bedside equipment.
  • Disconnect and treat electrical sockets and switches.
  • Places under the window sill and heating panels.
  • Places where the wallpaper does not fit tightly.
  • As a preventive measure, treat ventilation shafts and entrance door frames (perhaps bedbugs are running to you from your neighbors).

-Why do these flies fly only around me?! - And you guessed it yourself - I’m jam?! -And you are an optimist!

After treatment, leave the room for several hours, and upon return, ventilate for at least 1 hour. Wipe all frequently contacted surfaces (door handles, tables, chairs, etc.) with a soap solution; carry out the first cleaning after 2 - 3 days. Spray Raid is effective in the initial stages of infection, or as a form of prevention. Re-treat after 2 weeks; if the number of parasites is large, use more serious insecticides (indicated at the beginning of the article), or call a pest control service.

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