Growing kale cabbage - all about agricultural technology and varieties

Author: Elena N. Category: Garden plants Published: April 26, 2017Last edits: January 06, 2021
  • Planting kale cabbage in open ground
      When to plant kale in the ground
  • Soil for kale cabbage
  • How to Plant Kale
  • How to Grow Kale
      Caring for Kale Cabbage
  • Watering kale
  • Feeding kale cabbage
  • Growing kale in the Moscow region
  • Pests and diseases of kale cabbage
      Processing kale
  • Harvesting and storing kale
  • Types and varieties of kale cabbage
      Kale cabbage for the Moscow region
  • Kale cabbage for Siberia
  • Properties of kale cabbage - harm and benefit
      Health benefits of kale cabbage
  • Kale - contraindications
  • Literature
  • Comments
  • Kale cabbage, or kale, or Grunkol, or Brunkol, or Braunkol, or curly cabbage (Latin Brassica oleracea var. sabellica) is an annual vegetable plant, a variety of the Cabbage species of the Cruciferous family. This is a leafy vegetable that does not form a head, unlike other varieties of cabbage. Kale leaves resemble curly lettuce leaves. Kale is very similar to wild cabbage, but its origin has not yet been established for certain, although it is known that until the end of the Middle Ages, kale was one of the most common vegetables in Europe. At the beginning of the 19th century, Russian traders brought it to Canada, and during the Second World War, due to its high nutritional value, kale began to be widely cultivated in Great Britain.

    We will tell you about growing kale and caring for it and try to answer the following questions:

    • when to sow kale for seedlings;
    • how to plant kale cabbage seedlings;
    • how to grow kale seedlings;
    • how and when to plant kale in open ground;
    • what are the conditions for growing kale cabbage in open ground;
    • what varieties of kale are there for open ground;
    • how to harvest and store this variety of cabbage;
    • What are the benefits of kale cabbage, and is there any harm from it?

    Planting and caring for kale

    • Planting: sowing seeds in open ground - at the end of April or at the beginning of May. Sowing seeds for seedlings - at the end of March or early April, planting seedlings in the ground - around mid-May or towards the end of the month.
    • Lighting: bright sunlight.
    • Soil: fertile, permeable, with a pH of 5.5-6.8.
    • Watering: abundant, and during periods of drought even frequent: the soil on the site should be slightly moist all the time.
    • Fertilizing: every 6-8 weeks you need to add organic (herbal infusion or compost infusion) or mineral fertilizers to the soil. The first feeding is carried out when the leaves begin to grow.
    • Reproduction: seed.
    • Pests: cabbage aphids, weevils, cutworms, white moths, moths, flies, cruciferous flea beetles, rapeseed sawflies and flower beetles, mole crickets, wireworms and slugs.
    • Diseases: clubroot, blackleg, downy mildew, fusarium, ring spot, white and gray rot, mucous bacteriosis, rhizoctonia and viral mosaic.
    • Properties: the plant is a valuable dietary product.

    Read more about growing kale below.

    Optimal planting dates

    Since curly cabbage grows and develops quickly, and also tolerates low temperatures, it begins to be propagated long before the onset of the summer thaw. Seeds are capable of producing the first shoots already at a temperature of +5...+10°C, so they resort to sowing crops in open soil in temperate climates at the end of April.

    Read more about the cabbage varieties Aggressor, Rinda and Romanesco.

    In this case, the crops must be provided with a protective cover made of polyethylene or other materials. The seedlings are planted a little later - for this the air must warm up to at least +15°C. The most optimal microclimate for this occurs in the first half - mid-April.

    Kale - description

    So, kale is a leafy cabbage that does not form a head. Only the large curly leaves of kale cabbage, which are bluish, red, green, and, after cold weather, purple in color, are eaten. The stem of the plant is too hard and not suitable for food. Before the Renaissance, kale was the most widespread cruciferous crop in Europe, but it was cultivated as early as the 4th century BC in Ancient Greece, for which there is irrefutable evidence. Today in Holland, a traditional dish called stamppot is prepared from kale cabbage, mixed with mashed potatoes and served with sausages. In Japan, this variety is popular as an additive to the drink aojiru, and in Turkey, kale, rich in calcium and vitamins, is used to make soup.

    What kind of cabbage is this

    Kale is a leafy plant. Depending on the variety, it can reach a height of 0.4-1.5 m.

    The leaves, corrugated or carved along the edges, resemble lettuce or curly parsley. They can be green, red or red-violet.

    The plant is valued not only for its content of nutrients and vitamins, but also for its high decorative value.

    It is recommended by nutritionists as a product rich in vegetable protein, mineral salts, biologically active substances and vitamins.

    Growing Kale from Seeds

    When to sow kale for seedlings

    Kale cabbage does not tolerate transplantation well, so it is better to sow it directly into open ground, but if you decide to use the seedling method of growing, then you need to sow the seeds 5-6 weeks before planting the seedlings in open ground - during the period from late March to early April. Choose the most favorable day of the lunar calendar for sowing cabbage and get started.

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    Growing Kale Seedlings

    Kale cabbage is sowed for seedlings in containers or boxes, although it is better to sow three seeds in separate cups - kale, like any other cabbage crop, does not like transplants. Before sowing, kale seeds are soaked for 20 minutes in water at a temperature of 45-50 ºC, after which they are immediately immersed in cold water for 5 minutes. Then the seeds are wrapped in a damp cloth for 2-3 days and placed in a warm place, and as soon as they sprout, you can sow kale cabbage. The substrate for seedlings is made up of fertile soil and sand in a ratio of 1:10, fertilized with compost and disinfected by calcination in the oven or spilled with a dark pink solution of potassium permanganate. The seeds are laid out in a well-moistened substrate at a distance of 5-8 cm from each other, planted to a depth of 1.5 cm, after which the soil is lightly pressed down and the crops are covered with film or glass. Keep the container in a warm place, removing the film daily for 1-3 hours for ventilation, and when shoots appear, the box is moved as close to the light as possible.

    Planting and caring for Chinese cabbage

    Kale cabbage seedlings need the same care as seedlings of any other cabbage - they need to be grown in slightly moist soil, remembering to ventilate the room, while at the same time protecting the seedlings from drafts.

    Kale cabbage pick

    Kale from seeds, like any other type of cabbage, does not tolerate pickling. It is planted in open ground along with a lump of earth, trying not to damage the central root, but before planting, the seedlings must undergo hardening procedures, consisting of daily sessions in the open air, the duration of which should gradually increase until the seedlings get used to the new habitat. When the seedlings are 45 days old, they have formed 4 leaves and reached a height of 8-10 cm, they can be planted in the garden bed.

    Kale cabbage is planted in deep holes located at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other with row spacing of 45-55 cm. In each hole you need to throw 200 g of wood ash and 100 g of humus. The seedlings are immersed in the ground along the first pair of leaves, watered and the hole is filled with earth.


    Most often, Kale cabbage is planted as seedlings. It is grown at home. Prepare a soil mixture of 10 kg of peat and 5 kg of sand, add 2 kg of humus. Before sowing, the mixture should be warmed in a warm room to 25 C:

    • It is recommended to disinfect the seeds in a solution of potassium permanganate and dry them in the oven at a temperature of 50 C;
    • sowing is carried out in boxes or individual containers;
    • deepen the seeds by 1 cm;
    • cover with film. The film is lifted daily to ventilate the soil;
    • watering is carried out once a week;
    • withstands temperatures of 25 C;
    • sprouts appear after 5 days.

    After the emergence of seedlings, the film is removed, the temperature is reduced to 18 C. Daylight hours are increased to 13-15 hours. Lamps are installed above the seedlings. Planting in an open area is carried out after a month, when 4 openwork leaves appear on the bush.

    Mature plants are characterized by increased resistance to low temperatures. Seedlings are no exception. When landing, the air temperature can be from 5 C to 30 C.

    When planting kale cabbage, it is not recommended to use mulch. It is a haven for slugs. You can mix mulch with ash, coffee or ground red pepper. Shellfish do not tolerate these substances. After a month, it is recommended to sprinkle the formed bush with a solution of pepper.

    The bushes are not covered with a film tunnel. In order to adapt to new conditions in a short time, it is recommended to harden the seedlings.

    More on the topic: What care does red cabbage require?

    Before planting, it is recommended to dip the roots of the seedlings in a mash of clay and ash. This is prevention against fungus and pathogenic bacteria. Some gardeners use the drug Shine-1, Immunocytophyte.

    Igor Nikolaev

    auto RU

    These products increase plant immunity. A hole is made along the length of the stem. Only leaves are left above the soil. The bush is sprinkled with earth on all sides and lightly compacted.

    Planting kale cabbage in open ground

    When to plant kale in the ground

    If you decide to sow kale cabbage directly in open ground, then you need to do this in the last ten days of April or the first ten days of May - kale cabbage is cold-resistant, and its seeds begin to germinate already at 4-5 ºC. It is best to grow kale in a sunny area. Keep in mind that the crop can grow in one place for three years: if in the fall, when cutting cabbage, you leave a couple of centimeters of the stem above the surface, the next year you will get an early harvest of curly cabbage. The best precursors for kale are nightshade, legumes and pumpkin crops, and the worst are vegetables and cruciferous crops.

    Growing cabbage from seeds - planting and care

    Soil for kale cabbage

    The soil for kale cabbage must be fertile - if grown in clay or sandy soil, you will not achieve good yields, and the cabbage will have a mediocre taste. An indicator such as soil water permeability is also very important for kale cabbage, since the crop does not tolerate stagnation of moisture in the roots. The soil pH should be between 5.5-6.8 pH. If the pH is below 5.5, add compost to the soil, and if the pH is above 6.8, dig up the area with granular sulfur. The bed for kale cabbage is prepared in the fall - it is cleared of weeds and dug up, and immediately before sowing seeds or planting seedlings, humus and complex mineral fertilizers are added to the soil.

    How to Plant Kale

    Sow cabbage seeds in holes located at a distance of 30-40 cm from each other with row spacing of 45-55 cm. When sowing, as when planting seedlings, throw 100 g of humus and 200 g of ash into each hole, put three to five seeds , water them and cover them with soil. Then the bed is covered with plastic film, securing it along the edges so that the wind does not tear it down. Shoots will begin to appear in 5-7 days, and the film can be removed, and when inspecting the emerging shoots, the weak ones can be removed so that they do not interfere with the development of stronger plants.

    Planting with seeds

    Kale is planted in the spring. In the southern regions, seeds are used. Outwardly, they are similar to the seed of white cabbage. Sowing is carried out when the soil warms up to 3 C. It is recommended to prepare the site in the fall. Humus, sand, and peat are added to it.

    Up to 20 kg of compost and 5 kg of sand are added to depleted soils. Be sure to add ash, 1 kg/m2. It prevents the appearance of mold and the development of putrefactive bacteria. 2 weeks before sowing, mineral fertilizers, urea and ammonium nitrate, 20 g/m2, are applied to the site:

    Helpful information
    1holes are made in the garden bed at a distance of 60 cm
    2put a little sand and ash in each
    3deepen the seeds by 1 cm. Sprinkle with prepared, fertile soil mixture
    4if the soil is wet, then watering is not carried out
    5cover the crops with film or lutrasil until sprouts appear
    6Shoots appear in 2-3 weeks

    Some gardeners play it safe and place several seeds in one hole. If sprouts appear from all the seeds, then the seedlings need to be thinned out.

    Correction of planting density is carried out when 4 leaves appear on the bushes. The removed seedlings are placed in other holes and are not thrown away. Watering is carried out as needed, but at least once a week.

    How to Grow Kale

    Caring for Kale Cabbage

    How to grow kale? Caring for kale cabbage in open ground is not much different from caring for any other variety of cabbage. Growing seedlings need watering, weeding, hilling, loosening the soil, fertilizing and protection from pests and diseases. When the kale cabbage in the garden reaches a height of 20-25 cm, it needs to be hilled, and if weak leaves begin to appear on it, they must be removed immediately. To make it easier for you to care for cabbage and to prevent it from being affected by root rot, mulch the area with compost or humus.

    Watering kale

    To ensure that the water does not spread out when watering, but goes directly to the roots, make a circular furrow around each plant and pour water into it. In dry times, you will have to water the cabbage more often and more abundantly, and after each watering or rain you need to loosen the soil around the plants and between the rows. The soil in the garden bed should be slightly moist at all times, so be prepared to water your cabbage every day in the hot summer, but still allow the soil to dry out between waterings.

    Growing Savoy cabbage - planting and care

    Feeding kale cabbage

    Despite the pre-sowing application of fertilizers to the soil, kale cabbage in open ground requires organic fertilizing every 6-8 weeks. The first feeding will be needed when the leaves begin to actively grow. To feed plants, a herbal infusion is used, for which a quarter of the barrel’s volume is filled with water, then the barrel is filled with fresh herbs - grass, including weeds - at the rate of 10 kg per 100 liters of water, after which 2-3 kg are added for every 100 liters of water dry chicken manure and cover the barrel with a net. When foam appears on the surface of the mass, the contents of the barrel begin to be stirred daily to stimulate fermentation. Depending on the weather and air temperature, the herbal fertilizer is infused for one to three weeks. As soon as foam stops forming, the infusion can be used for feeding, diluting it in half with water. Fertilizer is applied strictly at the root.

    You can prepare fertilizer for kale cabbage from compost: 2 liter jars of sifted compost are filled with a bucket of water and left for a day in the sun, after which the water is drained and used for root feeding.

    Growing kale in the Moscow region

    Readers ask us whether kale can be grown in the middle zone. Why not? This variety of cabbage is cold-resistant and resistant to sudden temperature changes, so with the right selection of varieties you can count on a decent harvest in the Moscow region.

    Cooking features

    Kale is one of the most versatile plants. It is successfully combined in fresh salads with other vegetables or used as a side dish for meat and fish. In this case, it is prepared boiled, stewed and even fried. It can also become the main ingredient in the preparation of vegetarian cutlets, pancakes and other things.

    When properly processed, it can be used to prepare pickles, including pickled products, which are not inferior in taste to white cabbage. In the last decade, the vegetable has become one of the traditional ingredients when preparing smoothies. This semi-viscous drink can successfully complement any diet, or be the best option for a healthy snack during the day.

    Kale is the best fruit crop that will successfully complement any garden plot. It is nutritious, contains a huge amount of useful substances, and is also suitable for any culinary processing. In addition, such a plant will fit perfectly into any landscape design, since all kinds of Kale varieties also have valuable decorative value.

    Pests and diseases of kale cabbage

    As for diseases and pests, they are common to all cruciferous crops. Among the insects that pose a danger to curly cabbage are cabbage aphids, weevils, cutworms, white moths, moths, flies, cruciferous flea beetles, rapeseed sawfly and flower beetle, as well as mole crickets, wireworms and slugs. And among the diseases you need to be wary of clubroot, blackleg, downy mildew, fusarium, ring spot, white and gray rot, mucous bacteriosis, rhizoctonia and viral mosaic.

    • Picking seedlings from rolled-up paper

    How to plant and grow cauliflower in the garden

    We have already described all these diseases and all these pests more than once, so we will not repeat them. Let us only remind you that growing pest- and disease-resistant varieties and hybrids of cabbage, following agricultural practices and conscientious plant care reduces the risk of kale being damaged by insects, fungi, bacteria and viruses to a minimum.

    Processing kale

    You can protect young plants from cruciferous flea beetle and other pests by dusting their leaves and soil in the garden with wood ash, tobacco dust, or a mixture of these two powder preparations. However, rain washes away the protective powder, and the procedure has to be repeated.

    You can spray the cabbage after sunset with seven percent table vinegar diluted in a bucket of water, or a solution of 200 g of chicken manure in 10 liters of water, which must be infused for at least a day before use.

    An infusion of onion peels repels insects: pour half a kilogram of onion peel into 4 liters of hot water, leave for two days, filter, add a spoonful of tar shampoo to the liquid and spray the cabbage with this mixture once every 3-4 days.

    Growing broccoli from seeds - planting and care

    Among the chemicals used to protect against pest invasion, Bankol, Kemifos, Fury, Bitoxibacillin, Kinmiks, Shar Pei, Aliot and others are used, but the use of chemicals is recommended only when it is necessary to save the crop, and folk remedies no longer help.

    As for protecting kale cabbage from diseases, in this matter, as in pest control, preference should be given to agrotechnical methods - maintaining crop rotation, growing disease-resistant crop varieties, treating seeds before sowing in a fungicide solution, timely removal of weeds from the site and sucking pests that are carriers of viral diseases, and the destruction of plant residues after harvesting. These measures will protect kale from diseases more reliably than fungicidal drugs.


    With proper care, a gradual harvest can begin within 1.5 months after planting the seedlings. It is advisable to first cut off old leaves that have reached a height of more than 20 cm. This will help the plant grow foliage faster. You cannot cut the entire bush, otherwise it will die. Even if the leaves need to be removed completely, it is enough to leave the stem to restore the plant. The season closes after the first frost. Then the beds are removed. It is noteworthy that the latest harvest is always tastier than all previous ones.

    Harvesting and storing kale

    After sowing, kale cabbage in the ground ripens in 70-95 days, and grown in seedlings - in 55-75 days after planting in the garden. Cabbage leaves begin to be cut when the plant reaches a height of 20 cm. Do not overexpose ripe leaves on the bush - they become bitter and hard. A strongly grown plant can be cut at a height of 5 cm from the ground, and then curly cabbage leaves will again begin to form on the remaining stem.

    The cut leaves can be stored in the refrigerator for a week, but you can put them in the freezer and enjoy the taste of kale all winter long—freezing the leaves makes them taste brighter and sweeter.

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    Reviews from gardeners

    Vera, Moscow region.

    There are varieties with green, purple, and burgundy leaves. All of them are great decorations for the garden, and if you are late with harvesting, it doesn’t matter, even under the snow, at temperatures down to -18, it will not freeze and will remain suitable for food.


    Olga, Belgorod

    Very convenient for a small family - you pick as much as you can eat, and the rest continues to grow (it tastes even more interesting when frozen).


    Types and varieties of kale cabbage

    Kale comes in several varieties, varying in height. Plants with a height of up to 35-40 cm are considered low, plants of medium height are up to 40-60 cm, and tall are those that can reach a height of 60 to 90 cm. Varieties of kale cabbage differ in the shape and texture of the leaves - they can be flat with wavy edges , medium curl or with terry edges. Varieties and varieties of kale cabbage are also divided into early, mid-season and mid-late. The best varieties of kale are:

    • Green kale is a winter-hardy leafy cabbage of medium maturity, reaching ripeness in 75 days from the moment of germination, withstanding frosts down to -15 ºC and capable of producing a harvest again the next year. The plant reaches a height of 80 cm. The leaves of this kale are very curly. The variety is used for making soups and salads;
    • Red kale is essentially the same as green cabbage, only its leaves are red;
    • Climbing Kale – This variety most often has curly, soft but crisp, heavily wavy purple leaves with a sweetish flavor. Plants of this variety are very attractive, so they are often planted as ornamental;
    • Blue dwarf is a compact, easy to grow and very beautiful plant that is often mistaken for an ornamental plant. Despite its small growth, this variety has good productivity. The taste of Blue Dwarf leaves goes well with the taste of pork, legumes, pasta, garlic and mushrooms;
    • Black Tuscany - the unusual shape even for kale makes plants of this variety very attractive. The color of the dense, tuberculate leaves of Black Tuscany is dull green with a matte bluish coating. Their texture is similar to savoy cabbage leaves. They are collected from June to late autumn;
    • Scarlet - this mid-season, winter-hardy, productive variety has curly, dark green leaves with a purple tint, and after the first frost their color becomes brighter. Plant height from 80 to 120 cm;
    • Redbor is a two-year-old, mid-late, cold-resistant hybrid variety with curly leaves of an intense burgundy hue. The palm-like plant can reach one and a half meters in height. The leaves of this variety are used for salads, soups, drying, pickling and decorating holiday dishes;
    • Reflex is a high-yielding, winter-hardy mid-season hybrid, distinguished by its decorative appearance and excellent taste of gray-green, highly corrugated leaves, which are considered a valuable component of dietary and healthy nutrition.

    Kale cabbage for the Moscow region

    Since almost all varieties of kale are cold-resistant, choosing varieties for the middle zone is not difficult. In the Moscow region you can grow Red Kale, Green Kale, Curly Kale, Premier Kale, Mermaid, Dude, Mizun, Cane Kale or Dino Kale. If severe frosts are expected in winter, just remember to cover the bed with a thick layer of mulch, and remove it in the spring when the snow melts.

    Kale cabbage for Siberia

    The most winter-hardy kale is Siberian cabbage, which is not afraid of even severe frosts and is resistant to any pests, but it is advisable to cover it with mulch for the winter, and when snow falls, throw a snowdrift on the bed.

    Popular varieties

    There are several types of kale cabbage, which differ from each other in the height of the bush, the color and structure of the leaf blades, as well as the timing of ripening. All hybrids and varieties were bred by breeders based on wild cabbage. The culture is unpretentious and hardy, for which it is valued by gardeners.

    Popular varieties of kale in Russia:

    1. Green dwarf is an early ripening variety. The bush grows in height up to 35–40 cm. The leaves are light green, soft and delicate, with lacy edges.
    2. Black Tuscany - early ripening, suitable for the southern regions. The leaves are long, narrowed, lumpy, emerald green with a characteristic bluish tint.
    3. Sibirskaya is a frost-resistant variety; it is grown in the middle zone, in Siberia, and the Urals. The leaf blades are elongated with jagged edges, located on long petioles, and are distinguished by a grayish-green tint.
    4. Reflex is a tall, mid-late variety with large palm-shaped wrinkled leaves.
    5. Redbor is a tall, frost-resistant hybrid with beautiful openwork purple leaves. The height of the bush reaches 1 m.

    Properties of kale cabbage - harm and benefit

    Health benefits of kale cabbage

    Why is kale considered the most valuable variety? Because in terms of nutrient density it has no equal among leafy vegetables. It includes:

    • minerals – potassium, calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus;
    • vitamins – C, A, E, K, PP, B1, B2, B6;
    • protein;
    • cellulose;
    • Omega-3 fatty acids, rarely found in plant foods;
    • all essential amino acids – 18 essential and 9 essential.

    100 g of kale leaves contain only 28 kilocalories. Kale is superior to milk in the amount of calcium, and 200 g of its leaves provide the daily protein requirement.

    How to grow Brussels sprouts - planting and care

    Kale is useful for calcium deficiency, high eye strain, obesity, as well as for preventing the development of cancer cells and strengthening the body's immune system. Cabbage is also popular in vegetarian cuisine, since it replenishes the body with proteins and vitamins present in meat - it’s not for nothing that this product is called “the new beef.”

    • Levkoy: planting and care in open ground

    Kale - contraindications

    Caution when consuming kale should be observed by those who suffer from diseases of the stomach and intestines - gastritis, peptic ulcers, dysbacteriosis and chronic diarrhea, since kale can provoke an exacerbation of pathologies. Another contraindication is diseases of the endocrine system, so people with such diseases should consult a doctor before introducing kale into their diet.

    Interesting Facts

    Some more information about superfood:

    • In America, kale is called red Russian cabbage, although most Russians have not heard of it.
    • Kale can be eaten fresh, cut into salads, baked, or made into smoothies. But don't cook! During the cooking process, practically nothing remains of it, since it consists of 85%
    • For a long time, the shoots were grown to feed livestock.
    • There is another variety of kale called “Trostyanaya”. It grows to almost two meters tall. Its stem is very tough. Rumor has it that canes are made from it.

    Did you know that you can make a walking stick out of cabbage?

    Prevention of various problems

    When growing this type of cabbage, you should carefully monitor the condition of the leaves . Rotten and wilted ones should be removed so that they do not attract pests. It is important to avoid drought and excess moisture. To do this, the soil around can be mulched.

    Kale curly cabbage does not require special complex care, can grow in any climatic conditions and is very useful. Capable of producing several harvests per season until the coldest weather. At the same time, its beautiful appearance will make it a decoration of the site.

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    Possible harm

    Despite all the medicinal properties, kale cabbage has important contraindications:

    1. Urolithiasis disease. Cabbage contains oxalic acid, which promotes the formation of new stones in the lumen of the urinary tract.
    2. Renal dysfunction. Kale is a source of potassium, the removal of which from the body slows down as kidney function decreases. Hyperkalemia can cause seizures or cardiac arrest.
    3. Taking beta blockers. This group of drugs provokes an increase in the concentration of potassium in the blood. Additional sources of potassium, in this case, are not advisable.
    4. Taking medications that reduce blood viscosity. The combined use of kale cabbage with anticoagulants, disaggregants or thrombolytics reduces the effectiveness of the latter and increases the risk of thrombotic or thromboembolic complications. The reason is the presence of large amounts of vitamin K in cabbage, which activates the blood coagulation system.
    5. Varicose veins of the lower extremities. Varicose veins are a potential source of blood clots. The plant significantly increases the likelihood of their formation.
    6. History of allergic reactions

    Kale is recommended for use by women during pregnancy, as it contains the necessary vitamins and minerals for the adequate formation of fetal organs and tissues. However, it is necessary to normalize consumption - no more than 30-50 grams per day.

    Curly cabbage has contraindications that are important to consider.

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