Raptor universal aerosol against bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, flies, wasps, spiders (all types of insects), 275 ml

It is possible to protect your home from harmful insects using various means available at home. Along with highly specialized preparations that have pest control properties, universal products stand apart. They have a wide spectrum of action and are equally effective against both crawling and flying insects. One package will be enough for you to combat all known types of pests common in our latitudes. Raptor universal aerosol against bedbugs, cockroaches, fleas, ants, flies, wasps, spiders (all types of insects), 275 ml - the leader in the line of universal products. The ergonomic shape of the aerosol, large volume and quality from the Italian brand, proven in practice, will delight you with the results and ease your household chores.

Product description

Universal aerosol Raptor is an effective means of protection against seventeen types of crawling and flying insects. Thanks to three strong insecticides in the composition, it does not allow pests to adapt and develop immunity, remaining equally effective from treatment to treatment. Bedbugs, fleas, cockroaches, flies, ants, wasps and spiders will leave your home for a long time if you treat its secluded places with Raptor spray. The powerful jet and wide coverage of the sprayer allows the drug to penetrate into the most difficult to reach places. The product is easy to apply and acts instantly. It is non-toxic and does not leave marks or stains on surfaces.

The best results from the use of an aerosol can be achieved by spraying the product in all rooms where insects are found, simultaneously. Repeated treatment to consolidate the effect should be carried out after a month.

Activity and release forms

Humanity is developing, and the chemical industry is also improving. They are gradually inventing compounds that are safer for people and more effective in fighting insects. It's easy to get confused with the abundance of bottles on the counter. Below is an overview of various Raptor products, which will help you understand their purpose and rules of use.

From bedbugs

Bedbugs cause a lot of inconvenience: they deprive you of sleep at night and remind you of themselves with itchy bites during the day. Blood-sucking creatures can carry serious diseases:

  • tuberculosis;
  • brucellosis;
  • Hepatitis B;
  • smallpox

Bedbug bites can provoke allergic reactions and even cause exacerbations in mentally ill people. Here are four signs that your bed is infested with bedbugs.

  1. Bugs. You find bugs on the sheet, along the joints of the bed parts, directly under or around the bed. Color: from almost transparent to dark brown - depends on the degree of satiety of the insect. The body is flat, 3-8 mm long.
  2. Footprints. On the sheet you can find traces of insects “killed” in your sleep. It is difficult to crush a hungry bug, but the body of a well-fed parasite increases in length and “swells.” If you crush it, it will leave brown streaks and stains on your bedding.
  3. Bites. You may wake up from a bite at night, or you may find itchy spots only the next morning. The insect moves quickly and, if frightened off at the moment of a bite, it simply moves and bites again. The characteristic “paths” of bites are a sure sign of a “visit” from bedbugs.
  4. Clusters and clutches. Lift the mattress and you will see clusters of small bugs in the places where the parts are attached. You can also find clutches of eggs there; they are white, translucent, elongated, up to 1 mm long.

Here are the Raptor products that are effective against this scourge:

  • aquafumigator;
  • aerosol against bedbugs;
  • spray against crawling insects;
  • spray "Barrier";
  • spray against 17 types of insects.

Whatever means of control you choose, be sure to remove the bedding (you cannot spray it), the mattress and thoroughly vacuum all surfaces. Then treat the bed (without missing a single crack or joint), baseboards in the room, wallpaper joints, the space under the window sill, as well as the rest of the furniture in the room. Treat the mattress on both sides, paying special attention to the seams.

From mosquitoes and midges

Even a one-year-old child is familiar with these insects. Mosquitoes can seriously ruin your summer routine. This is especially true for lovers of active recreation. What does Raptor offer to combat bloodsuckers:

  • flashlight;
  • mosquito repellent;
  • spirals;
  • aquafumigator;
  • plates;
  • liquid;
  • baby liquid;
  • flying insect spray;
  • kernel;
  • spray against 17 types of insects.

Raptor products are much more effective and safer than repellent creams. There is no direct contact with skin - there is no risk of irritation and allergic reactions. This is especially true when you need to protect small children from insects.

From flies and wasps

These “comrades” are not only unpleasant to be around, but also dangerous to health. They carry hordes of bacteria on their paws - one can only guess where the flies “went” before getting into the house. The Raptor assortment includes remedies for these:

  • aquafumigator;
  • duct tape;
  • flying insect spray;
  • plates;
  • system against flies and wasps;
  • spray against 17 types of insects.

If you have overcome wasps, for example, in your country house, then you can safely use all of the above mentioned means, except for adhesive tape and plates.

If there are allergy sufferers or small children living in the house, then it is better to use adhesive tape that does not contain poisonous or toxic substances. This is an effective remedy and absolutely safe for children - they simply cannot reach the tape.

For fleas

Fleas are an eternal headache for pet owners and residents of the first floors of houses with basements. A radical method is to call specialized service workers and poison the basements and entrance halls. But this is difficult to achieve. Or you can act autonomously, this is what Raptor offers against fleas:

  • aquafumigator;
  • spray against crawling insects;
  • spray "Barrier";
  • spray against 17 types of insects.

Along the way, you can get rid of cockroaches, ants, bedbugs and other running and jumping reptiles.

From cockroaches

The most frequent and difficult to destroy “guests”. It is difficult to get rid of them, especially when there are dysfunctional neighbors, but it is possible. Here is the list of funds:

  • aquafumigator;
  • spray against crawling insects;
  • gel against cockroaches and ants;
  • trap with bait;
  • "Double Force" trap;
  • spray "Barrier";
  • spray against 17 types of insects.

From spiders

Spiders “love” old buildings. Despite their undeniable benefits, because they feed on other “household” insects, they are not the most pleasant neighbors, their web can spoil the impression of the most expensive interior. "Raptor" knows how to get rid of spiders:

  • aquafumigator;
  • spray against crawling insects;
  • spray against 17 types of insects.

Spiders are not localized in any one place in the home. Therefore, you will have to treat the entire apartment or house at once. It's expensive, but otherwise it's just a waste of time and money.

From clothing moths

This seemingly harmless butterfly can “eat” both an old sock and an expensive fur coat. Therefore, as soon as you notice a “beauty”, start acting immediately. It is not the flying individuals that are dangerous, but their larvae. Raptor has a large selection of anti-moth products:

  • aquafumigator;
  • gel section;
  • section;
  • sachet;
  • aerosol;
  • pouch;
  • heat fumigator;
  • spray against 17 types of insects.

If there are a lot of moths, it is better to use a specialized aerosol. Sections and bags are effective as prevention. They can smell like lavender, tangerine, orange, or have no scent at all - choose according to your taste, the presence of flavoring does not affect the effectiveness in any way.

From food moths

If you notice a butterfly in the kitchen that looks like a moth, but is dark in color, there is a food moth. An adult insect does not spoil food, but is capable of laying four hundred eggs. These 400 larvae are already a whole army. They develop in cereals, pasta, and other bulk products, for example, in tea, coffee, and dry seasoning. Examine the supplies with passion: if the grains seem to be connected by the finest cobwebs, the product is contaminated. You may not be able to see small insects, their shells, scales and feces in it - but they are definitely there. Get rid of the product without regret.

After a complete inspection of your kitchen cabinets and getting rid of contaminated food, begin exterminating any remaining undetected butterflies and larvae. And here are the Raptor products that will help you:

  • aquafumigator;
  • food moth trap;
  • spray against 17 types of insects.

From ants

Slender rows of domestic ants can come into a home from anywhere: from the street, from guests, from neighbors, we can even bring them from a trip. These creatures are social and intelligent. Therefore, the struggle using folk methods is difficult, long and not always successful. Here is a range of Raptor compounds effective against ants:

  • aquafumigator;
  • protection against ants (granules, sachets);
  • spray against crawling insects;
  • gel against cockroaches and ants;
  • garden ant trap;
  • spray against 17 types of insects;
  • aerosol-con.

Sprays instantly destroy insects, but only those that have been in contact with the active substance for eight hours. Traps work differently: ants love honey, and they attract insects with it. And having eaten the bait or even slightly touched it with its antennae, the ant becomes a “walking poison” for the individuals that come into contact with it. Within two weeks, the entire population of pests is destroyed, even in the most inaccessible places.

From mice and rats

There are no products aimed at combating mice and rats in the Raptor assortment. Here you will have to look for another way out. Ask in stores for these products:

  • poisons - “Rattidion Extra”, “Varat”, “Bromotsid”, “Krysid”, “Inta-Vir”, “Brodirat”;
  • traps with bait - mouse traps, rat traps, glue traps, cage traps;
  • repellers - “Typhoon”, “Grad”, “Electrocat”, “Ecosniper”.

Traps and poisons can be dangerous to your family and pets. Only ultrasonic repellers can be used without harm to children and animals. They do not contain toxic substances, and the frequency of ultrasound is such that the human ear cannot detect it.

Mode of application

Before use, remove the protective plastic cap and shake the can well. Holding it vertically at arm's length, spray the aerosol from a distance of 20 cm onto areas of movement, accumulation or potential habitat of insects. Pay special attention to the following areas: cracks in walls and floors, gaps behind baseboards and door frames, under window sills, backs of furniture, pictures, carpets and pet bedding, bathrooms, garbage disposals, vents, along pipelines and sewer pipes. Spray for 15 seconds. 15 minutes after treating the room, it should be ventilated for at least 30 minutes.

Instructions for use

Correct use of funds is an important point. If you do not follow the instructions, the composition will be ineffective or harmful to health.


It would seem that there is nothing complicated there - spray it and rejoice in the absence of “neighbors”. But all products contain poisons or toxic substances, so safety is paramount here. Do not start processing the room without wearing rubber gloves and a respirator, especially if you are prone to allergic reactions.

  • From bedbugs. Check the room temperature: it should not be lower than +10°C. Spray the composition from a distance of 15 cm from the surface. Spray all the furniture in the room, baseboards, wallpaper joints, and the space under the window sill. Leave the room. After a quarter of an hour, open the window. Ventilate for at least half an hour. Dilute 50 g of grated household soap and 50 g of soda ash in 5 liters of water. Rinse treated surfaces with this solution.
  • From crawling insects, from 17 types of insects. Shake the bottle vigorously several times. Apply the composition to where you saw pests, places of their possible “residence,” and routes of movement. Maintain a distance of 20 cm from the surface. Leave the room. After a quarter of an hour, open the window. Ventilate for at least half an hour. After four weeks, repeat the procedure.
  • "Barrier". Shake the bottle vigorously several times. Apply the composition to all potential “loopholes” where pests can enter the house (doors, windows, ventilation, baseboards, plumbing fixtures). Also spray the intended places of “residence” of “guests” who have already entered the home.
  • From mosquitoes. Shake the bottle vigorously several times. Spray from a distance of half a meter. Treatment duration is six to seven seconds of continuous application. Indoors, spray window openings, door frames and openings on the street side. On open verandas and gazebos there are ceilings and all external surfaces. In nature - grass, trees and shrubs around you. Repeat the treatment after eight hours (in windy or rainy weather the time is halved).
  • From flying insects. Close all doors and doors in the room tightly. Shake the bottle vigorously several times. Treat one room continuously for 20 seconds. Leave the room. After a quarter of an hour, open the window and ventilate for at least half an hour.
  • From moths. Clean the clothes in the closet from dust. Keep the bottle at a distance of 20-30 cm from the surface to be treated. Spray things, carpets, the inside of the closet, upholstered furniture and curtains. Leave the room, after a quarter of an hour open the window. Ventilate for at least half an hour.

Plates and liquids

Liquids (from mosquitoes) and plates (from mosquitoes or flies) are not used by themselves. The active substance contained in them must be evaporated. There is a special device for this - an electric fumigator. The device is inserted into a socket, a plate is placed in it, or a container with liquid is screwed into it.

One mosquito repellent plate usually provides eight hours of protection against mosquitoes (it is left on all night), even with the windows open. Fly strips are also effective for eight hours. And one container of insecticidal liquid is enough for a month of peaceful sleep.

There is also a special mosquito repellent liquid for children. It has a safe composition and you can safely leave the electric fumigator turned on in the children's room all night.

Rods and spirals

These products can be used outdoors. I “stick” the rods into the ground, and the spirals are placed on a flat surface; there is a special stand for this. Then the product needs to be set on fire. The effect will occur in about a quarter of an hour. The spiral can burn for seven hours in a row, the rod - only two.

Mosquito lantern

This device is an alternative to an electric fumigator if there is no outlet nearby. Place the candle from the set inside and light it. Cover with a lampshade. There is a place at the top of the lantern to place a mosquito repellent plate. This device protects against bloodsuckers and midges for five hours.

Duct tape

Everything is simple here: pull the tape out of the sleeve by the paper loop and attach it to the wall or ceiling. To do this, there is something like a pushpin at the opposite end of the sleeve.

The validity period of such a tape is on average two months. It will “catch” not only flies, but also other insects flying in the room. And the glue is absolutely safe for humans and animals.

Heat fumigator

This is an emergency system for getting rid of clothing moths. The device itself is a plastic container, in the lower part of which a heating element is placed, and in the upper part - a plate with the active substance. The heating element is located in a small flat bag, which must be crushed and shaken vigorously several times before being placed in the container. This will mix the substances and start a chemical reaction with the release of heat. Then place the insecticide strip into the lid of the container and snap all four fasteners into place at the corners.

Now simply place the device in the cabinet and close the doors tightly. Remember to wash your hands thoroughly. After five minutes, the insecticide will begin to evaporate and will destroy all moths and their larvae in the closet or dressing room. After a month, the treatment will need to be repeated.


The essence of these devices is that insects are lured into the trap through the smell that is most attractive to them.

  • Anti-cockroaches, “Double Strength”, gel against cockroaches and ants. Clean the room thoroughly. Place traps in places with the largest concentration of “neighbors”, along the routes of movement (three to four pieces per room). Sharing with insecticidal sprays is unacceptable, as their smell will overwhelm the “aroma” of the bait. Validity period: up to six months. In the case of a gel, the composition must be applied in the same places with dotted lines. The insect, attracted by the “delicious” smell, crawls inside the device. Eats or comes into contact with poisonous bait. It crawls out freely and heads to its habitat like a “living poison”. Contacts with relatives, poisoning them too. The entire pest population is destroyed.
  • From flies and wasps. Place the trap on a flat, hard surface or hang it, for example, on a tree branch. The device is valid for four weeks. The range of action is 5-10 m. Flies and wasps, attracted by the appetizing aroma, crawl inside the device. They can no longer get out on their own.
  • From food moths. Remove the protective strip on the back (white) side of the trap. Glue it to the side wall of the kitchen cabinet where food is stored. Remove the protective film from the front side (with the pattern). The trap is valid for three months. On the front side of the trap there is an adhesive layer with an odor attractive to moths. Butterflies fly towards the scent and stick tightly to the work surface.
  • From garden ants. Stick the traps into the ground so that the bottom edge does not touch the ground. You will need up to four pieces per 1 m2 (depending on the number of ants). Place traps around the area where insects gather. The pest, attracted by the “delicious” smell, crawls inside the device. Eats or comes into contact with poisonous bait. It crawls out freely and heads to its habitat like a “living poison”. The entire pest population is destroyed.
  • Ant repellent granules. Open the sachet. Scatter dry granules (10 g per 1 m2) along the “paths” of ants’ movement. Or dissolve the substance in water (10 g per 0.5 l) and pour over the “routes” of insects if they pass along the ground. The effect lasts up to two months. Attracted ants eat the bait or touch it. Within eight hours, complete paralysis occurs and the pest dies.

Sachets, sections, moth bags

The principle of all these products is the same: the composition is placed in a cabinet, and when the concentration of the active substance is maximum, all adult butterflies and their larvae located inside the cabinet die. At the same time, the room is protected from the penetration of new insects. Only the active substances and aromas of such products differ. The validity period is four months for all varieties.


The cylinder is under pressure, so it is prohibited to spray and store the product near heating devices, heating devices, or open flames. Strictly follow the instructions on the packaging to avoid injury and accidents. Do not allow the product to come into contact with the skin or mucous membranes (eyes, mouth, nose). Otherwise, rinse thoroughly with water. Do not use near food or animal feed. Keep the product away from children and pets and store in a cool, dry and dark place.

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