Features of egg laying by pullets: timing, egg production, duration, increasing the quantity and quality of eggs

When raising poultry, you will definitely be faced with the question of how many months laying hens start laying eggs. We will talk about this in more detail in this article. Raising chickens at home involves many different nuances. Most laying hens do not lay eggs immediately, but after some time. The egg production of chickens primarily depends on the breed, and only then on other related factors.

Important! Laying hens begin to lay eggs only when they reach sexual maturity. This happens approximately when the chicken has gained over 70% of its body weight. The average period for laying eggs in laying hens is 6 months. Small deviations in one direction will depend primarily on your conditions for keeping the bird, and only then on its breed.

At what month do laying hens start laying eggs?

Signs of impending masonry

A little about egg maturation

It takes a chicken about a day to create one egg.
The article “How Chickens Lay Eggs” describes the detailed process of egg formation. Next we will consider only the main points. The “birth” of a testicle begins with the ovary. The yolk descends into the oviduct, where it is covered with a protein layer. This process is the longest, taking approximately 20 hours.

In the oviductal isthmus, the yolk-white mass is covered with a pre-shell film. And already in the uterus - a full-fledged shell.

The last phase is coating with a protective film. 30-40 minutes after the egg is released through the cloaca, the process starts again.

Number of eggs from different breeds

The first eggs of pullets are modest in size - about 30-45 grams. After 2-4 weeks, their weight reaches 55-65 grams.

Egg-type chickens are capable of producing 250-300 eggs per year. There are also record holders who give much more.

Records of egg-meat birds - 140-180 pieces.

The annual number of eggs from meat layers does not exceed 120-150 pieces.

The article “How many eggs does a laying hen lay per day, month and year” will help you understand the egg production rates of chickens of all types. Including decorative, fighting and singing ones.

How to understand that a laying hen will soon give an egg

To understand whether a particular hen will start laying eggs, you can test it in several ways. This will help determine whether it is worth growing further. Or better yet, send it to slaughter.

The back of a good laying hen is strong and short.

The comb, lobes and earrings are secondary sexual characteristics that change color when the ovaries of chickens are activated. They become bright. And also smooth, soft and warm to the touch.

Pullets preparing to lay eggs have light and tender skin. It differs sharply from the bluish, rough skin with fat of a non-laying bird.

Other signs

During egg production, all the pigment is used to color the yolk. There is not enough for anything else. Therefore, the paws are pale in color. They are widely spaced. 3-4 fingers are placed between them.

Laying eggs requires a lot of effort from the hen. She will replenish lost energy through food. This affects the volume of internal organs of the gastrointestinal tract. And that means the belly too. It becomes big and soft.

Based on the size of the hen's exit hole, it is easy to determine whether she will produce eggs. The cloaca should be moist and soft to the touch. Have increased dimensions and be partially open.

The process of conception and hatching of an egg

The formation of the egg occurs cyclically and quickly - throughout the day. The egg released from the follicle enters the oviduct, through which it moves for 12 hours. It is this time that is necessary for the formation of the main components of the egg - the yolk, white and shell.

The cycle begins 40 minutes after the egg is hatched from the hen's body, when the new egg begins to move.

Important! Genetically, each bird has a predetermined number of eggs that it can lay in its entire life.

Quantity and quality of eggs

On average, each chicken lays 1 egg per day; the time period for maturation can be either 20 or 24 hours. But you shouldn’t expect eggs from pullet hens to appear every day; they should “scatter,” as the grandmothers used to say. This period takes them about 1 month, and then on average 3-4 months each lays an egg. The “rest” time can also take up to 1 month

It is very important that the chicken does not gain weight during this time period due to accumulated fat, this reduces productivity

But a small number of laid eggs contain a much larger amount of useful substances, experts say. The most valuable are the first ones, with excellent taste, although light in weight.

Large eggs are inferior in taste; their yolk does not contain the same amount of vitamins and minerals, which make the product extremely valuable for dietary nutrition.

One full egg weighing up to 60 grams contains:

  • water – 70-75%;
  • protein – 13% (most of it in the yolk);
  • fat – 11% (up to 32% of this amount is in the yolk);
  • carbohydrates – 0.7% (approximately equal in protein and yolk).

Too large eggs - those obtained from chickens over 2 years old, are not only poor in vitamins and amino acids, but also have a not too strong, porous shell that cracks easily, is often pecked, and harmful microorganisms get inside. The most valuable product can be obtained in your own backyard only with normal feeding of the birds.

High-quality products are supplied to markets and small farms, where chickens graze to their heart's content, move freely on ranges, and receive natural food without hormonal additives. When purchasing an egg in stores, you should not count on the same beneficial properties; at poultry farms, feeding is mainly aimed at obtaining the maximum number of eggs; compound feed contains many additives that increase egg production to the detriment of the health of the bird, and therefore the quality of the product it produces.

Secrets of experienced poultry farmers

To create profitable egg production, you should pay attention to the following tips from experienced poultry farmers. The overall egg production depends largely not on the selected breed of chicken, but on the living conditions created for it.

  • Chickens should not be allowed to overeat. Overfed individuals will stop laying eggs, will be more susceptible to disease, and will be weak and lazy;
  • Chickens need quiet time. During the period from 8 am to 4 pm the herd should not be disturbed unnecessarily. A noisy environment and frequent interference in their life will provoke stress and a lack of eggs on this day. Barking and pursuit of chickens by dogs also negatively affect productivity indicators;
  • Failure to comply with the temperature regime will affect the general condition of the individuals. At elevated temperatures, birds will try to leave the room; at lower temperatures, they will wait out unfavorable times, delaying laying.
  • It has been proven that playing classical music in a chicken coop increases the total number of eggs laid by 11-14%.
  • Keeping a rooster in the general flock promotes increased egg production.

Keeping a rooster in the general flock promotes increased egg production

To summarize, we can say that chickens are the most productive birds in terms of egg production. The early age at which eggs begin to be laid and low demands on living conditions make these birds the most attractive to novice poultry farmers. However, despite the relative simplicity, some mandatory conditions must be met to obtain a stable flow of domestic eggs.

Chickens need to equip the coop with a sufficient number of perches and feeders. Otherwise, you can provoke a struggle for the missing resource. The room itself should be divided into two components. This is a covered, heated and illuminated room and a free-running area for birds. The floor of the poultry house must be insulated with a thick layer of litter, otherwise the chickens will be susceptible to colds. Windows or vents must also be present. Ventilating the room is the key to reducing the spread of various pathogens. However, you should be wary of drafts.

A balanced diet plays one of the most important roles in the formation of eggs. When there is a deficiency or imbalance of nutrients, the fertile qualities of chickens are impaired and the process of laying eggs is delayed.

To check if your chickens are ready to lay eggs, you can do a self-inspection. Healthy, fertile chickens have a faint comb color, a small and dull beak, and yellowish paws. Chickens that are unable to lay eggs are characterized by weak comb development and bright coloring of both paws and earlobes. In addition, a dense belly and a wide set of pelvic bones are a signal for the ability to lay eggs.

By applying the described schemes in practice, even novice poultry farmers will not find it difficult to set up and obtain a profitable egg production facility.

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When do laying hens start laying eggs and how long do they lay?

The data presented indicate that the time during which the active stage of the egg-laying period lasts in chickens is a very limited period. Breeders offer hybrid breeds of birds for breeding, which differ from known breeds in the large number of eggs they produce, early maturation and the start of laying.

However, the load on the insufficiently developed reproductive system of chickens can lead to the production of eggs without a shell, the yield of fruits with a smaller mass (45 g), the development of problems with the musculoskeletal system and exhaustion of the body.

In most cases, breeders prefer to increase the productivity of their flock during the active egg-laying interval.

At the same time, their efforts are aimed at creating living conditions and using a diet that has values ​​close to optimal indicators.

The use of such measures can increase the number of clutches during the reporting period. And theoretically they can slightly increase the duration of the bearing capacity of birds.

Reproductive age: determination criteria

A distinctive feature of a chicken ready for the reproductive period is its comb, which acquires a bright color and increases in size. There are a number of other criteria that help identify individuals with high productive qualities:

  • examination and observation (behavior, temperament);
  • productivity control (different times), assessment of masonry quality.

It is easy for experienced breeders to distinguish young animals.
It is easy for experienced breeders to distinguish young animals that have not reached one year old according to such criteria as:

  • beak (powerful, curved, smooth with a yellow tint);
  • paws (yellow color, without gray tones, growths, cracks; small claws, without delamination);
  • comb and lobes (bright pigmentation, high temperature of the comb/lobes due to active blood supply);
  • abdomen (palpation demonstrates soft tissue without significant fat deposits);
  • plumage (bright color, smoothness, softness of the down; disheveled appearance of the feather indicates the age or illness of the individual);
  • weight, taking into account the variety and direction of breeding: egg type - at six months of age approximately 1.5 kg;
  • pigmentation (bright);
  • eyes (bulging, clear, shiny without clouding or foamy formations);
  • behavior (active search for food, constant movement, duration of walks);
  • physique (soft, light structure, rounded chest);
  • change of plumage (time of molting, change of primary feather, occurs before six months and active egg laying);
  • productivity (within 2 weeks, feel the exit of the oviduct daily to identify an egg in it; 1 egg per week is an age indicator not older than six months; older birds bring up to 3-6 eggs per week);
  • quality of eggs (small product 45 g, with a strong, thick shell and high nutritional value);
  • yolk (large, rich color, thick consistency).

Additional Information! A young brood, when examined, will show small blue veins and pink skin, which, over time, dries out, dulls and becomes rough.

The beginning and duration of the period when a bird can actively become infected depends on factors such as the variety, housing conditions and direction.

When does the egg production period begin?

Hens are formed with a certain supply of non-renewable eggs, which will later become eggs. Each of these cells will pass through the oviduct, form a yolk and albumen membrane around itself, and then, before birth, also a shell.

When the time comes, the pullet (that’s what hens of the first year of life are called) will lay their first egg, each new one will appear at approximately equal intervals of time - 20-25 hours. As a rule, the period of sexual maturity for all breeds occurs when the weight of the hen is 75% of the weight of the adult bird.

Small species ripen earlier, and heavy meat ones much later. The start of egg production is also influenced by the month in which the pullets hatched. Thus, the first clutch of February and March eggs is laid much earlier than those born at the end of May or in the summer. Late birds may skip a year and not mature until the following spring.

In laying hens

The earliest and most productive laying hens are the egg breeds. Their sexual maturity occurs at 17-20 weeks and lasts the longest - about 10 months without a break. At the same time, an average egg-laying hen can produce 170-240 pieces per year. The record holders in this regard are considered to be laying hens of the English Leghorn breed, the most popular bird for eggs among domestic breeders. In normal mode, she is capable of producing up to 340 eggs per year, and the absolute record for representatives of this breed is 371 eggs.

The productivity of hybrid egg breeds is 1-2% higher, but their offspring lose such advantages. If you decide to have hybrids, you will have to change the pullets every year or two. Meat and egg breeds are slightly inferior in productivity, in which each laying hen produces up to 170 eggs per year. However, the maturity of such chickens occurs much later, usually at 20-24 weeks. The latest date for the first egg is 6.5 months if the hen belongs to the February or March brood. Summer pullets may have a longer maturation period.

In meat chickens

Heavy meat breeds take about 7.5-8 months to prepare for the first clutch. They lay eggs less frequently, but their eggs are much larger, because the size depends directly on the size of the chicken itself. Their period of egg production before molting is much shorter - only 7-8 months. They can lay 100-120 eggs per year if the length of daylight hours is set correctly, varied feeding is provided and the opportunity to walk is provided. If you use the feeding mode only to build meat, productivity will be significantly lower.

Chickens of other directions

Fighting breeds take the longest to mature. They begin to lay eggs no earlier than at the age of 9 months, their clutches are rare, and the size of the fetus is relatively large. They have the lowest egg production, but all their clutches, as a rule, are used to breed offspring.

Vocal birds and most ornamental birds mature at the age of 5.5-6.5 months. The exception is the largest and heaviest birds, Ga Dong Tao, from which the first egg can be expected only at 9 months.

Caring for birds during the laying period

If all the rules for ensuring high productivity of the hen are followed correctly, the hen will begin laying eggs as soon as possible. The main thing is to wait until the pullets begin to lay eggs. You should be prepared for the fact that the first eggs of a just-ripe chicken are small in size, and the weight of each rarely exceeds 45 g.

However, they have one important difference: the yolk has a pronounced taste, which products produced by adult laying hens do not have. With age, this taste disappears, giving way to the familiar taste of a chicken egg.

The size and weight of the testicles also increase over time. Sooner or later the mass indicator reaches the standard 60 g.

It rarely happens that the time when domestic chickens begin to lay eggs comes before the hen reaches the egg-laying age characteristic of her breed. There can be many reasons for this, so sometimes it is very difficult to predict in how many months a laying hen will produce the first product.

Eggs that are too early, as a rule, are extremely small, which categorically does not suit farmers

It is very important that egg laying begins after the hen reaches the “borderline” age, and the bird itself has time to gain sufficient body weight. The average weight that birds of normal size need to gain at the start of laying is 1.4 kg

In order for you to constantly receive a sufficient number of high-quality eggs for sale from the moment the laying hens begin to lay eggs, you need to purchase several batches of birds that have grown to a certain age.

You need to buy both older birds and very young chickens. The first ones will produce excellent large testicles, while the pullets are just starting to lay eggs.

This method of breeding birds will allow you to reach a wide market audience, as you will be able to sell the product in both small and regular sizes. Particular care must be taken about hygiene in poultry houses, carrying out disinfection after a batch of birds has been replaced or sold.

The resulting meat can be used to prepare broths and soups; medium-weight chicken varieties, which have a lot of fat in their bodies, are especially good for these purposes. Often, it is precisely because of fatty deposits that it depends on how many months a chicken will begin to lay eggs, and when the productivity of birds begins to fall.

The quality of eggs also decreases: the shell of the product is covered with small pores, which causes the appearance of chips and cracks.

If chickens lay eggs twice as bad as required, the chicken coops should be completely renovated. When should this be done, and at what age should a laying hen be sent to slaughter? Based on the egg production indicator. As long as it is high, the birds can live peacefully and produce food.

Egg laying is one of the main periods in the life of domestic chickens.

It is very important for the poultry farmer that at the moment when the chickens lay eggs, everything goes as it should. When the chick hatches, it is necessary to properly care for the chick

Then the baby will grow into a healthy laying hen that will produce a lot of high-quality eggs. However, you need to ensure that the start of laying coincides with the average time when the hen begins to lay eggs.

Duration of the egg-laying period

How many months can you get egg products from a laying hen? When should the livestock change occur? According to theory, chickens can lay eggs for 15 years, but in practice no owner will keep a bird for that long. After a year of life, the indicator becomes 10% lower, and then it will only decrease. When a chicken reaches the age of 5 years, she will lay a clutch of two eggs within 7 days.

Owners of large complexes change livestock every 2 years. Chickens are either slaughtered or sold through sales. Private farmers keep laying hens a little longer - up to 4 years.

Hamburg chickens

In some cases, a hen can show excellent maternal qualities. There is no rush to get rid of such birds, because they can become wonderful hens who will take care of the chickens.

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Varieties of chickens with high egg production rates

Egg direction:

  • leghorn (wide chest, voluminous belly, feather color is predominantly light, black-and-white and brown-striped, 230-240 eggs/year);
  • loman brown (mixed universal type, active, early ripening, 300-320 pcs./year);
  • Hein-line (cross with the characteristics of equanimity, calmness, good immunity, high productivity and vitality, more than 300 eggs/year);
  • tetra tl (universal type with rapid weight gain, fertility from 300 to 310 eggs/year);
  • hisex (hybrid, rapid puberty, long-lasting, high egg production, 300-350 pcs./year, good taste of meat);
  • Czech golden (active, unpretentious, 200 pcs./year);
  • Ukrainian earflaps (hardy, adaptive, good immunity, red feather color, 150-170 pieces/year);

Chickens rhodonite
Meat and egg direction:

  • Rhode Island (original name “red Rhode Island”, 160-170 pieces/year, tasty meat, unpretentious);
  • Orlovskaya (hardy, productive, unpretentious, late maturation, up to 180 eggs/year, high taste);
  • Augsburger (feature: butterfly-shaped comb, up to 230 eggs/year, hardy, requires nutritional control);
  • Kuchinsky Jubilee (unpretentious, calm, 180-200 pieces per year);
  • Sussex (calm, adaptive, high productivity, often confused with dominant crosses, tender meat, 160-190 eggs per year, excellent taste);
  • New Hampshire (friendly, 170-250 eggs per year, early maturation, reproductive cycle - two years, rapid weight gain);
  • Adler silver (fast growing, adaptive, friendly, productivity up to 4 years, 200 eggs per year).

Description of the breed

The bird is distinguished by thick plumage, due to which it visually looks much larger than its actual mass. The color of the feather can be different: to date, 12 types of dominants have been bred, differing in their color.

The bird's eyes are orange and its earlobes are bright red. Chickens always have slightly smaller earrings than roosters. The scallop is scarlet, leaf-shaped and does not stand out for its large size, standing straight. The beak is yellow.

Dominants have a small head and small wings, a wide back. The tail is raised up. The legs are short and widely spaced, colored bright yellow or orange, making the bird look rather squat.

The most popular color varieties and their characteristic features:

  • Brown dominant (D102). It has brown plumage, which is reflected in the color of the eggshell. Males most often have white plumage.
  • Blue (D107). The most beautiful variety. The plumage is blue, the head is darker, almost black. The shell is brown. In this species, the sex of the chick can be easily determined by its appearance. Hens are born with dark plumage, and males are striped and have a characteristic white spot on their head. It is worth noting the rapid adaptation of the blue dominant to different climatic conditions.
  • Partridge. Brown plumage shimmering in golden tones in the sun. The least egg-bearing subspecies, which performs more of a decorative function.
  • Grey-speckled. Externally, the plumage resembles a cuckoo - black and white feathers alternate. High immunity, not afraid of cold.
  • Red (D853). Somewhat similar to brown ones, but has a brighter and more saturated color.
  • Red striped, or amber. A distinctive feature of the cross is the stripes on the feathers of a characteristic golden-red color.
  • Sussex dominant (D104). Traditional white color with dark plumage on the tail and neck. The shell is light brown. Adapts perfectly to various conditions.
  • Black. Uniform black coloring and bright red earrings and combs. It is distinguished by good health and the ability to adapt to sudden temperature changes.

The Czech dominant has a very gentle character. The bird does not get into fights and does not create conflicts. Easily and quickly gets used to a person and is not afraid of him. Reacts to human voice during feeding and walking.

The cross does not have a maternal instinct, so reproduction is possible only with the help of humans. There is an exception to this rule - the black dominant subspecies. These birds have partially preserved their maternal instinct: they can hatch eggs on their own and are attentive to their chicks.

The greatest egg production occurs upon reaching the age of one and a half years and lasts until two and a half, after which the indicators begin to fall.

You can buy dominants either in the form of eggs (for hatching yourself in an incubator) or as chicks. If you do not have sufficient skills, it is better to purchase an already strong bird. The minimum age of the chick is 7-10 days; it is better not to take younger ones. During this time, individuals gain enough strength to move.

Czech dominants are raised for eggs. The cross is distinguished by high egg production and taste. Puberty begins early, at the age of 4-5 months, and the hens are already beginning to lay their first eggs. At the same time, the weight gain of the bird itself persists for up to 11 months.

A special feature of the cross is that molting has virtually no effect on egg production. Laying hens continue to lay eggs, only slightly reducing their number.

Although the main purpose of breeding is to produce eggs, cross-breeds are also raised for meat. Chickens gain weight quite quickly and easily, and breeders note their excellent taste.

Young laying hens begin laying eggs at a certain age. How to find out exactly when pullets of laying hens begin to lay eggs, which can affect egg production - read the article. In addition, the influence of breed on productivity has been proven.

Why chickens may stop laying eggs

The egg production of laying hens may be reduced due to the following reasons:

  • There is not enough light in the chicken coop;
  • severe stress;
  • food is given irregularly or the diet is poorly balanced;
  • the laying hens began to moult;
  • the birds are sick or have parasites on their bodies;
  • the brooding instinct is too developed;
  • the chickens have “gone old”;
  • lay eggs not in the nest, but in other places;
  • they lay eggs, but quickly eat up the clutches because of one bad laying hen, who can teach everyone bad habits.

If you correct all of the above reasons, you can achieve an increase in egg productivity.

The key to high egg production of laying hens is the care and attention of poultry owners. And most problems with egg laying are associated with improper care or an incorrectly formulated diet.

Good luck to everyone, see you again!

See modern products for poultry and livestock farmers that improve the health of pets and make our work easier.

Why might the tubing frequency decrease?

If at the right time you do not find eggs in the nest of the chicken coop , then sound the alarm and slaughter the bird for meat too early. Domestic chickens lay eggs to breed, this is their natural instinct, and if the chicken sees that the eggs are constantly disappearing, she simply changes place tubs. Look for hidden places in the chicken coop and you will find a new tub.

A number of farmers associate the reduction in the intensity of the tub with the passivity of the rooster ; this mistake is often made by summer residents who do not have agricultural experience. But you should also know that a rooster is needed only for fertilization, but it does not affect the laying frequency.

The reasons for reducing the tub are as follows:

  • a sharp change in the chicken’s diet - when you transfer it to a new feed, carefully monitor its composition, it must contain all the necessary vitamins and calcium. Without this, good masonry cannot be achieved;
  • insufficient lighting of the chicken coop and insufficient heating - monitor the temperature in the chicken coop and the length of daylight hours in the room. If the room is poorly heated, the chickens will not lay eggs, and the lights should be on for at least 12 hours a day;
  • the presence of rats that can steal eggs from the chicken coop.

Suitable conditions for the first egg


We found out when chickens start laying eggs. But even if laying hens have excellent productive characteristics, you will not get the first clutch from them in uncomfortable conditions.

It has been noticed that the spring brood lays eggs much earlier than the summer brood. This is explained by the fact that with the arrival of the first warmth, daylight hours increase. Young chickens can eat natural food and exercise a lot. This has a positive effect on egg work.

In summer, the days begin to gradually decrease. And while the pullets grow up, it will become very short. There's no time for eggs anymore - we need to save our strength for the winter. However, farmers have learned to get around this point. They create artificial conditions for their pets in which they feel ready to lay eggs.

What can be changed

The temperature in the room where the chickens live should not fall below 18-20 degrees. And the lighting stays on for 14-16 hours. Birds in a cold, dark coop do not lay eggs. They are waiting for the right conditions.

When hens are supposed to lay their first eggs but don't, it may be a feeding issue. To start laying eggs, pullets need a certain amount of food. If there is not enough food for the bird, then it will not have the strength to lay eggs. Regular and high-quality nutrition provides her with enough “building” material for the formation of eggs.

Making up a diet

Next, we will tell you what to feed chickens so that they start laying eggs in a timely manner.

For this purpose, you can use a special combined feed for laying hens, sold in Moscow and other cities. In addition to the dry grain mixture, the following should be added to the feeder:

  • chalk, shell rock and other sources of calcium necessary for the formation of eggshells;
  • sand, which helps the chicken stomach cope with food;
  • wet mash with vegetables, corn, yeast;
  • fresh herbs;
  • sprouted cereal crops.

Useful tips are described in the article “What should you feed laying hens so that they lay a lot.”

Factors influencing egg laying

In order for the egg-laying period of young chickens to begin on time, certain rules must be observed.
If the approximate date for the onset of the egg has already arrived, but there are no eggs yet, it is necessary to check the following points: 1. Does the bird receive a balanced feed enriched with vitamins and minerals; 2. Is there enough space and space in the chicken coop? On average, one square meter of area is needed for 5 birds; 3. Are there nests for laying eggs; 4. Is there the required amount of daylight, usually the period is 16 hours; 5. The presence or absence of a rooster does not affect the beginning of egg laying or its cessation. If the farmer does not plan to receive a hatching egg, then there is no need for a rooster; 6. Has the bird reached the required live weight to begin laying eggs? In egg-laying hens during this period (22 weeks), the live weight should be 1.4-1.5 kg.

Quality of egg products

Standard store eggs have a significant difference from products obtained from young animals. They are inferior in size and weight, but the quality is always at its best. Over time, the size of the eggs will reach a certain norm and an average weight of 60 grams. It all depends on the breed characteristics of the birds.

In chickens at birth, the supply of eggs is calculated in such a way that it is enough for the entire period of life. How long will it take for the egg to become a full-fledged product? This will take about a day.

The following table will look in more detail at how many eggs and from which groups you can get

Name Quantitative indicator for 365 days Note
Egg direction 170–240 pieces From leghorns you get up to 340 pieces
Meat-egg chickens 170 eggs
Meat poultry Up to 120 pieces This is due to the rapid onset of feather cover change. It is worth noting that the products are larger compared to other breeds

Replacement of livestock

The quantity and quality of eggs depends on how old the chicken is

It is important to periodically replace the stock. This is done naturally or through an incubator.

In any case, a rooster is required. Its practical use lies only in fertilizing eggs.

You also don't have to hold it. Then you will need to buy chicks from breeders, but this is a little more expensive.

Hatching eggs

Here's how to change the livestock:

  • after hatching, the chickens and their mother are placed in a separate pen, where she will monitor them (the chicks need high-quality food and enough water from the first hours of life to reduce mortality, it is also recommended to give them vitamins);
  • if the chickens are hatchery, then they are placed in a separate pen without a laying hen;
  • in the second week, the chicks can be placed in a common chicken coop;
  • By the time of the first laying, the oldest hens must be removed and sent for meat.

This is a natural process that will allow the farmer to earn income from eggs and meat. You should not change more than 30% of the livestock.


During the evolution of egg-laying breeds, the motherhood gene was hopelessly lost for many of them. It can be very difficult to place an active laying hen, so breeders use a “surrogate mother” or an incubator. In the first case, the eggs are placed under a more responsible hen and the offspring are awaited. When incubating breeding, it is recommended to choose incubators with an automatic egg turning mode and a thermostat. A good model for beginners would be the Layer BI-1, which can hold from 36 to 104 eggs, depending on the modification.

The device is equipped with a transparent viewing window located on the top panel, which allows you to monitor the condition of the eggs without opening the lid. In addition, the incubator is equipped with temperature and humidity sensors, operates on a 220 V mains voltage, and in the event of a lack of electricity can run on a battery. The operating temperature is 33-34 degrees, and chicks hatch on day 21.

The hatched chicks are left in an incubator or transferred to a special nursery to dry, after which they are transplanted into a box or box with a newspaper-lined bottom. The air temperature during the first two days should be maintained within 32-35 degrees, on the third day - 28-29 degrees, after which it is gradually reduced to 24 degrees.

When can a hen lay her first eggs?

On average, under favorable development conditions, a young individual begins laying eggs by the twenty-second week of life. The first specimens, as a rule, are not very large. Their weight rarely exceeds fifty grams. But experts believe that these eggs are the most delicious.

Products obtained from young laying hens gradually become heavier and their taste does not suffer from this. In a few weeks, each egg will weigh the standard sixty grams. If a hen begins to lay eggs ahead of schedule, they can remain small for quite a long time. This happens because the bird has not yet fully matured physically and therefore early egg production can have a detrimental effect on its health.

Based on this, you need to ensure that the chicken begins to lay eggs before it gains the required weight and is completely strong. At the time of the first laying, most laying hens of various breeds should weigh about one and a half kilograms.

What determines the timing of egg laying?

At home, the timing of egg laying is influenced by many factors. A high yield of chickens will depend on several factors; it is enough to create certain conditions for the birds.

Reasons for content

  • Race. Depending on the type of bird, its fate will also change. Normal hens produce fewer eggs per year than specially bred hens. There are oviparous breeds in which the laying time is about 24 hours. They are characterized by high cyclicity, early maturity, lively temperament and mobility. Such chickens have a low carcass weight after slaughter.
  • Nutrition. During the peak period of egg production, chickens should receive quality nutrition in accordance with the standard. It is recommended to feed birds with wet mixtures, including cake. Chalk, sand and water are important for egg formation. Fresh vegetation must be included in compulsory housing construction.
  • Temperature. With the onset of cold weather, egg production of chickens decreases by almost 30%. Some breeds do not tolerate cold weather well. To maintain bird productivity, a warm room should be provided, preferably with additional heating.
  • Lighting. This is one of the main factors in increasing the number of eggs laid. Light affects the release of sex hormones in chickens. Starting in the fall, they will need additional light, which will be an excellent stimulator. It is best to keep the lights on for about 14 hours if the house is dark. If hens have matured for winter but have not yet begun to lay eggs, they can only be stimulated with light.

By regularly cleaning the house and putting fresh hay in the nests, chickens begin to lay eggs better. If the house is small, the birds will have enough space to roam.

What determines chicken productivity?

Only young hens of the first year of life actively lay eggs, after which this process declines. If the bird is not used as meat for soup, then it will live more than 10 years, but already halfway through its life it completely stops laying eggs. When buying young chickens at the market, people often ask sellers at what age the chickens will start laying eggs. The age of active egg production depends on a number of factors such as:

  • bird breed;
  • their living conditions;
  • what month were they born in?

Young chickens of egg lines become sexually mature at six months, while chickens of meat and egg breeds begin to lay eggs only by the eighth month. If a bird is purchased specifically for collecting eggs, then it is better to opt for poultry of egg breeds that were bred specifically for early maturation and prolonged egg production.

Productivity depends on the time of year and the conditions of keeping the poultry

An important point for determining the month when egg production begins is the time of year when the chicken was born; if at the beginning of spring, then by autumn the young chicken begins to lay eggs. In the case when the chickens hatched in the summer, the process of their maturation will drag on until the beginning of next year due to the growth of the young under shortened day conditions

In this case, you can speed up the growth of the bird if you pay attention to the lighting of the chicken coop where the bird lives

In addition to all the above factors, the age of the chicken is the most important, because after 10 months after the start of laying eggs, chickens stop laying eggs. Meat breeds of chickens stop laying eggs even earlier after six months of production. Good laying hens can lay more than three hundred eggs in a year, this is how the quality of a laying hen is determined. Sometimes it happens that chickens deliberately ignore nests and lay eggs in a variety of places not designated for this process.

Balanced nutrition improves productivity

In order to wean them from such disorder and to push them towards the nest, “pads” are placed in it. The egg substitute is made of plaster, wood or alabaster. Housewives can simply leave one egg in the nest, from which all the contents are first removed and filled with paraffin, plasticine, etc. The main thing is to ensure that the “lining” does not weigh more than 60 g. You can use an ordinary boiled egg as a decoy, first tinted so as not to be confused with freshly applied eggs.

Terms of keeping laying hens

If you answer the question of how many years to keep a bird to obtain maximum benefits, then you can definitely name a period of 1 year. After the first year of life, young chickens begin to lay eggs with more porous shells, which leads to the appearance of cracks and chips on them.

It is necessary to promptly replace “spent” chickens with young animals.

In addition, the period between laying increases, which reduces productivity. The longer they are kept, the more productivity will drop compared to the initial one. You should always monitor how many eggs your chickens lay in order to get rid of unproductive individuals in time.

Approaching this date, you need to hatch or purchase chickens in advance to replace the stock. Of course, in case of a slight decrease in productivity, the period of keeping can be increased, but do not forget that the longer such a chicken is kept, the worse the quality of its carcass will be. The meat of an old bird is too tough and is therefore a poor product.

In fact, the bird lives for more than 10 years, but how many years you can keep chickens is best decided individually for each individual. Some birds can lay eggs perfectly for several years, while for some the laying process occurs only occasionally. To better understand the question of how long it takes for chickens to lay eggs effectively, we can cite as an example the fact that in factories, birds are sent to slaughter after only 11 months.

What influences the onset of egg production in chickens?

Birds of different species begin to lay eggs at different times.

  • This is a genetic predisposition. So, egg-laying hens begin to produce eggs after four or five months. Representatives of the meat and mixed species do this much later. On average, the first clutch is received by the twenty-second week. It takes a particularly long time to wait for the first eggs from meat chickens. Some species of this direction begin to please the breeder with fresh products only after eight months of keeping.
  • The second factor that influences the onset of the egg-laying period is a well-composed diet. How and what you feed your birds determines how quickly fresh eggs will appear on your table. The feed should contain enough fresh greens and minerals; their absence can affect the egg production of laying hens.
  • When studying the question of when chickens begin to lay eggs, you need to consider whether the size of the chicken coop where the birds are kept is sufficient. If it's crowded and there's no extra range, you won't get many eggs. According to experts, there should be no more than five individuals per square meter.
  • Not understanding why their chickens produce few eggs, many owners think it is because of the rooster. But this opinion is wrong. Roosters have absolutely no influence on this process. Even if you don't have one in your flock, you will still get eggs. The only condition that requires having a male in the herd is the possibility of producing chicks from the eggs. If you do not plan to raise young animals at home, then you can refuse the rooster altogether.

By definition, a chicken of any breed, after reaching sexual maturity, begins to lay eggs, regardless of the presence of a rooster. But only they will not be fertilized. True, this does not affect the quality of the product in any way.

For those who love chicken meat, it is better to have certain breeds of chickens. Thus, representatives of the species Plymouthrock, Cochin and some others, in addition to a fairly large number of eggs, can produce excellent meat. But you will have to wait for the first clutch for eight whole months. As a result, waiting for these types of chickens to start laying eggs, you will be spending money on feeding your flock without the opportunity to make a profit in a short time.

In addition, the health of the birds influences the age at which chickens begin to lay eggs. If your laying hens are infected with some kind of virus, you will have to treat them so as not to completely lose the flock.

Thus, each of these factors affects when chickens begin to lay eggs. All links in this chain must be strong and reliable in order for the productivity of birds to increase.

Practical tips for increasing productivity

When chickens begin to lay eggs, it is necessary to change their diet as quickly as possible and give more feed. In addition to feeding, when the hen lays eggs, the quality indicators will be affected by the length of daylight hours - it must be artificially increased. Poultry houses need to be well prepared for the winter:

  • securely close all cracks so that there are no drafts;
  • insulate the room;
  • install a basic ventilation system.

Experienced breeders say that when your chickens start laying eggs, you need to create a feeding plan. For beginners, it is recommended to describe it to yourself on paper and count the amount of food, because you should not overfeed or underfeed your pets. The daily diet should include proteins, vegetable fats, fast carbohydrates, phosphorus and calcium. For the most part, the diet consists of various grains, some root vegetables, and you can add cottage cheese.

The quality of egg production will also be affected by how many chickens will live in one room. Ideally per 1 sq. m there should be 4 laying hens. During periods of severe frost, it is not advisable to take livestock out for walking. Another important point in keeping is treatment against parasites and vaccination.

How to correctly determine the age of a laying hen?

Farmers who are just starting out in poultry farming often cannot correctly determine the age of chickens at the time of purchase. This is an important point, because its productivity depends on the age of the bird, and this is precisely why they are bought. Knowing just two factors: at what age chickens begin to lay eggs and the actual age of the pullets, you can start a profitable business.

You can tell a good laying hen by her behavior.

Every farmer should know that there are no exact parameters to determine the age of a chicken. There are only some recommendations, which we will discuss below. Inexperienced farmers often make mistakes when determining age, and it’s good if this mistake is for a month, and not for six months. Therefore, if you do not have confidence in your abilities, then it is better to go to the market to buy poultry with experienced people who can distinguish young laying hens from old chickens. If you have to make a choice yourself, use the following tips.

Chicken belly

Feel the belly of the hen; if she is old, her belly will be hard. This determines that the bird is already obese, and therefore does not guarantee high egg production. Remember that a laying hen will have the highest productivity in the first year, so we recommend that you refrain from purchasing chicken with a hard belly.


The bird is designed in such a way that the greater its productivity, that is, the more actively it rushes, the brighter its crest is colored. That is, a young laying hen’s comb should be bright red and warm to the touch, while an old hen’s comb should be light pink and cold.

Pay attention to the temperature of the scallop; it must be warm. In older individuals, blood circulation is impaired and therefore the comb becomes cold

A young laying hen should have a bright red comb and a yellow beak.

Beak and legs

Young chickens up to one year old are distinguished by the color of their beak. Their beak is a rich yellow color, while over time it begins to fade and in older chickens it takes on a gray tint.

It is also worth paying attention to the hen's legs. The feet of a young hen, which can lay eggs daily, will be smooth with even scales, while the feet of an old hen are already developing corns with cracks that can be distinguished by the naked eye


The older a chicken gets, the less active it begins to lead. If you throw food into a flock of birds, the young ones in the first rows will grab the best pieces of food, and older individuals will be content with what is left.

The older the chicken, the less active lifestyle it leads.


Weight is also an important factor in determining the age of a chicken. Young animals cannot weigh much. When purchasing grown chickens for a farm, you can determine their age by the time when the cockerels begin to crow. This usually occurs in the sixth month. There are many methods and folk ways of determining the age of a bird.

Just remember that even the most experienced farmer will not be able to give accurate advice on determining the age of a laying hen. But you don’t need to know this, since chickens are not kept on farms for more than two years, after which young ones are bought, and old ones are processed into stew. After a year, chickens begin to lay eggs less often, so keeping them becomes completely unprofitable.

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When examining the head, comb and eyes, it is recommended to take a closer look at the beak. With age, its pigmentation and texture changes. Normally, the beak has a pinkish, yellowish or gray tint. It depends on the breed. The shade is clean and rich. In an adult bird it seems to be washed away and dirty.

The beak is a keratinized outgrowth. In chicks and young chickens it is slightly bent downwards. It has a holistic texture.

To prevent pecking in the herd, de-beaking is carried out; the narrowed, curved part is removed. Cauterization is carried out immediately to prevent the development of infection. A debilitated beak is often a sign of a bird being overly emotional.

Normally, the keratinized outgrowth is an integral structure. In older individuals, the beak begins to delaminate. This is due to constant load and changes in metabolic processes in the body. The shape of the stratum corneum may change.

It becomes thicker. Sometimes growths appear. These symptoms are not only signs of old age, but also of diseases: vitamin D3 deficiency, metabolic disorders and calcium absorption.

What to feed chickens so they lay eggs every day

You can take the simplest route and buy complete feed for chickens (PK-1-1 and PK-1-3). This food will fully provide protein, vitamins and minerals. The feed consists of medium and small granules; feed it dry, without steaming or filling it with water. Do not add any additional additives to such food, this will only cause harm. Additionally, chickens can only be given a little greenery.

Feeding with compound feed also has disadvantages:

  • short shelf life (no more than 3 months);
  • high price (from 30-40 rubles per 1 kg);
  • The taste of a homemade chicken egg will not differ from the taste of a store-bought egg.

If you want to give up industrial feed, but maintain livestock productivity at a high level, make your own feed. It will take time and some effort, but the result is worth it.

In order for chickens to lay eggs well, the protein content in the feed should not be lower than 17%, which is ensured by the introduction of cake and fish meal into the feed. The basis of the feed mixture is crushed or rolled grain of wheat, barley, corn, in a ratio of 1:0.5:1. Add to this mixture:

  • 10% wheat bran;
  • 8% sunflower cake;
  • 4% fish or meat and bone meal;
  • 0.5% table salt.

Shell rock or chalk is added to the finished mixture in an amount of 2% of the total weight of the feed, and a premix (Zdravur, Ryabushka). The premix contains a complex of vitamins; it is especially necessary in winter, when the herd sits indoors.

Do you add premixes to the food?

Not really

In summer, give plenty of greens in a separate feeder. In winter, feed hay crushed into flour 5-8 g per head per day.

The norm for feeding the grain mixture with all additives per chicken is 120-150 g per day. Do not exceed this norm so that the hen does not become fat. Feed can be given to chickens in the form of wet crumbly mash, with the addition of food waste, dairy products, and vegetables.

Do not give your chickens salty, sweet or spicy foods, this can lead to poisoning!

Laying hens are fed at home twice a day.

Care instructions

When organizing a poultry house, special attention should be paid to the layout of the room. Maximum productivity can be achieved only by arranging a room for chickens separate from other birds and farm animals.

It is better to place the chicken coop on a hill

It is better to place the chicken coop on a hill; exposure to groundwater is unacceptable. This will lead to constant dampness and disease in the birds.

Next to the poultry house, a yard for walking the flock should be fenced off with a mesh or wooden fence. The ceiling of the chicken coop should not exceed 1.8 meters in height, since higher buildings will be problematic to heat in winter. Chickens require a temperature of 23-25℃; in winter, the temperature should not fall below 15℃.

Attention! If the temperature regime is not observed, the egg production of chickens will be reduced or completely disappear.

It is important to regularly ventilate the room with chickens; the easiest way to do this is to make vents. By equipping the poultry house with an exhaust system with plugs, you can regulate the flow of incoming air and prevent drafts.

It is better to make the floor surface backfill. It is not recommended to use concrete as a coating. This material quickly becomes damp and greatly affects the room temperature. It is necessary to put sawdust, straw or chopped hay on the floor. In winter, you can not heat the room by creating a layer of bedding 0.5 meters thick. Microorganisms living in such thickness heat it up to 32℃.

For successful breeding of laying hens, maintaining a good level of light is important. The window area should be at least 10% of the floor surface area. During the period of reduced daylight hours, in order to avoid a drop in the level of egg production, it is necessary to artificially increase the illumination with lamps. Daylight hours should be at least 12-14 hours.

It is imperative to equip the chicken coop with perches. One individual requires 20 cm of perch. They should be placed opposite the windows, raised to a level of 0.8-1.2 meters from the floor. There should be a distance of 35-60 cm between adjacent crossbars.

Nests must be installed in secluded areas of the room. For 5-6 laying hens, you can equip 1 nest. A 30x30x35 cm box filled with straw, shavings or hay is suitable for this.

A separate door must be installed as an exit from the poultry house to the walking pen. A square with sides of 35 cm - the entrance - will be a sufficient size; such dimensions will allow you to retain heat in the winter season.

There should be feeders both in the chicken coop and in the pen. They can be made from narrow wooden boxes. When calculating the dimensions, it should be taken into account that one chicken needs 10-15 cm of feeder. To prevent food from scattering and spoiling, you can install the feeder by raising it above the ground.

There must be a sufficient number of drinking bowls

In addition to feeders, there should be a sufficient number of drinkers. To prevent water spoilage, it is better to use small containers - 5-6 liters.

To prevent the appearance of skin parasites, you should place boxes filled with ash, sand and clay for bathing chickens. The dimensions of such a structure should be 1.2x0.7x0.2 m.

Important! To avoid the occurrence of diseases in chickens, it is necessary to regularly clean and disinfect the premises and utensils for feeding chickens. The litter must always be dry.

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