Bed bugs: allergy to bites and neurosis to their proximity

An allergic reaction to bed bug bites is a response from the immune system. Study the symptoms carefully, compare your bites with those in the photo, and get timely treatment. Don't put yourself at risk. Entrust your treatment to a professional immunologist.

Allergies are spreading more and more throughout the world. Many people experience swelling after being bitten by bedbugs, which may be the first sign of an allergy. Even if it is a very small amount of poison, the human body can react in the worst case so strongly that it leads to circulatory collapse, also called anaphylactic shock. Under certain circumstances, this condition can also be life-threatening.

Common reaction to a bug bite

Bed parasites feed on human blood. When the insect is hungry, its body is flat, light brown and measures 3-8 mm in size. It is extremely difficult to kill hungry bedbugs due to their body structure. It is much easier to destroy a well-fed one when his body becomes larger, longer, and expands. It absorbs an amount of blood twice its weight. The larvae of the parasites are small, the body is transparent. The larvae also drink blood, after which a drop of blood is visible in the transparent body. Bed suckers are active at night from 1 am to 6 am.

The bedbug's jaw allows it to pierce the skin and suck blood. Having pierced the skin, he looks for a capillary and unerringly chooses the place where he feels the vibration of the blood. The upper and lower jaws look like piercing, unsegmented bristles and form two canals: a wide one for receiving blood and a narrow one for secreting saliva, which acts as an anesthetic. Bedbug bites are painful: adults secrete saliva into the wound, but larvae do not.

Domestic insect bites often cause an allergic reaction. However, the occurrence of serious complications is less than 1%. Frequent bedbug bites provoke a number of complications. In humans, nocturnal insect bites look like swelling.


They breed in heated rooms all year round. The female lays from 1 to 12 eggs daily, placing them in cracks in walls, wallpaper, on furniture, bedding, etc. Places where bedbugs are concentrated have an unpleasant odor. After consuming blood, the female can lay up to 20 eggs. Throughout her life, the female lays from 300 to 500 eggs. Because of the relationship between nutrition (blood consumption) and egg laying, females feed much more intensively than males. A larva (nymph) hatches from the laid egg within 3-4 days; it differs from an adult only in the lack of ability to reproduce, in size and the need to molt. Larvae consume less blood, but due to their number they pose the same danger to humans as an adult. In addition, the larvae are not able to inject an analgesic substance into the human body, so their bites are painful and begin to itch immediately.

Photo of a bedbug and its larvae

What does an allergy to bedbug bites look like, photo

An example of what bedbug bites look like is clearly demonstrated by a series of photographs on thematic forums. An insect allergy is not the result of a bite. The allergic reaction is associated with insect saliva.

At the moment of contact with a blood-sucking parasite, a person does not feel anything, since bedbugs bite absolutely painlessly. Insect saliva contains an anesthetic and an anticoagulant that prevents blood clotting. A person discovers a bite mark after contact, when the anesthesia stops working. At the same time, redness and itching can be a signal of a night attack.

This cannot be said about the larva of a bloodthirsty insect. The larva does not contain a coagulant in its saliva, so its bite is more sensitive. The external manifestations of a nymph's bite are similar to those of adult bedbugs.

Blood-sucking parasites are selective. Bedbugs prefer those with thin skin, usually choosing women and children, and they bite on the inside of the arms, legs or neck. After examining the bed bug bites in the photo, do not confuse them with other blood-sucking insects such as mosquitoes.

Main signs of allergies

Domestic insect bites often cause an allergic reaction. The occurrence of serious complications is less than 1%. For a longer stay in the house, apartment bugs provoke a number of complications. In humans, insect bites look like swelling.

The first signs of allergic reactions in the body appear within six to twelve hours after contact with insects. Each person's reaction is purely individual. But it is an undeniable fact that for allergy sufferers, bedbugs are a serious health problem.

If you find the characteristic spots, you should carefully inspect exposed areas of the body, as bed bugs do not bite through clothing. Examine the body as quickly as possible. The appearance of the bite changes very quickly, and within a day or two the redness may spread to the entire limb.

People with allergies experience the following symptoms. Already on the second day, an allergic reaction may appear in the following form:

  • itchy rash;
  • bronchospasm;
  • swollen eyelids and larynx;
  • anaphylactic shock.

A child reacts more painfully to a beetle bite, since the parasite does not immediately dig into the body, but “tastes” every area until it finds the “tastiest” place. The delicate skin of children immediately reacts to damage with burning heat, dense tumors and unbearable itching.

The first thing to do when a child or adult is bitten by a bedbug is to prevent scratching so as not to spread an infection to the affected areas.

Medicinal ointments

How else to treat bedbug bites if the available means do not cope with this task? Having provided first aid in the form of improvised means, you can also use more serious drugs. These drugs include medicinal ointments that have a rapid healing effect and relieve symptoms of itching. These drugs include:

  • Fenistil-gel. The basis of Fenistil-gel ointment is an active substance called dimethindenate maleate. Few people say anything about this, but it is this substance that helps to instantly relieve itching and burning of the skin. If there are multiple bedbug bites on the body, then such an ointment will be very useful. The ointment is highly effective if applied immediately after a bite.

  • Psilo-balm. If the means used do not help, then Psilo-balm comes to the rescue. This medication is based on another active substance that can reduce swelling and relieve a person from burning and itching sensations. Correct use of the ointment can reduce unpleasant symptoms after bites on the second day.

  • Bepanten. Children's cream Bepanten is not intended for the treatment of bites, but thanks to the active substance called dexpanthenol in the composition of the drug, it is possible to speed up healing and relieve swelling of the skin.

  • Elidel. Elidel cream is used when there are signs of a severe allergic reaction, manifested in the form of eczema or dermatitis. The drug is quite powerful, so it should be used strictly according to the instructions. The duration of use of the product is no more than 2 days.

  • Afloderm. The ointment has not only anti-inflammatory, but also anti-allergic properties. This drug is hormonal, so you need to read the instructions for use and contraindications.

  • Ointment “Star”. This ointment is based only on natural plant extracts and essential oils, which help relieve swelling and itching.

  • Hydrogen peroxide. Using such an affordable product, you can clean and disinfect an itchy wound. Peroxide blocks the penetration of infections into the wound, preventing unpleasant consequences. Often, peroxide is used in combination with hydrocartisone ointment.

If you choose the right ointment, you can quickly and effectively prevent the occurrence of unwanted skin reactions to domestic insect bites.

Allergy symptoms, consequences and complications

In addition to itching and discomfort, the consequences of insect bites can be much more serious. If you scratch a wound, it will most likely get infected.

As a result of infection in the body, the following is found:

  • general deterioration;
  • body temperature rises;
  • scratching the wound causes skin erosion.

One of the consequences is an allergic reaction. Most often this complication occurs in children.

Symptoms of an allergic rash:

  • itching;
  • causes discomfort;
  • the child's body temperature rises;
  • weakness appears;
  • dizziness.

Bed bugs deprive people of normal sleep and rest. Constant bites are a major factor in stress and decreased productivity. There are known cases of up to 500 bites on the body during the night.

The prolonged presence of bedbugs has other consequences. For example:

  • neurosis;
  • sleep disorders;
  • irritability;
  • fear

This is also associated with the development of hysteria and depression. At the first signs of illness, you should consult a doctor.

Good news! Bed bugs do not tolerate tularemia, smallpox, hepatitis B, tuberculosis, or HIV. The virus does not persist in the insect, cannot multiply in its body and simply dies.

Folk remedies

Traditional methods of treating bedbug bites are sometimes much more effective compared to chemical medications. Traditional medicine has always been at its best, as it saved us from many diseases, including serious ones, in ancient times.

  • Soda paste. The easiest way to prepare a folk remedy for treating bedbug bites is to prepare a soda paste. The recipe is simple, you just need to pour water into a container and add baking soda, stirring it lightly. The paste will be ready only when it takes on a mushy form. This mixture must be applied to areas of the skin that have been attacked by bedbugs, and then rinsed off under running water after 15-20 minutes.

  • Lemon and St. John's wort. You need to prepare a decoction of St. John's wort by pouring boiling water over the dry leaves. After preparing the decoction, you need to soak a cloth in it, then drip lemon juice on top, and then apply it to insect bites on the body. This remedy is quite effective, since in addition to reducing the rash, it also speeds up the healing process.

  • Chamomile extract. You can prepare a decoction of chamomile, and then apply it by applying compresses. It is possible to achieve calming of the skin, reducing symptoms of itching, as well as burning and swelling.
  • Aloe juice. There are many pleasant rumors about the juice of such a popular plant as aloe. With its help, it is possible to cure diseases such as rhinitis, laryngitis, pharyngitis, etc. It is also used to treat bites of various insects, and bedbugs are also included in this list. To use it, just cut off an aloe leaf, then treat the affected area of ​​skin with the juice, and then wrap it in a plastic bag. In just one night you will be able to relieve inflammation, swelling and redness of the skin.

Freshly squeezed aloe juice will help eliminate itching and swelling after a bug bite

Any treatment method has its advantages and disadvantages, but which one to use in your case depends only on you. You can consult a doctor, but often no one does this until you feel worse. By trying several methods that are acceptable to you, you can be convinced of the effectiveness of a particular drug or product.

This is important to know: facts about bedbugs that you did not know (video)

Difference from other diseases

Insect bites - what they look like, symptoms and differences - is a topic worthy of careful study. Sometimes it is not easy to distinguish a bedbug bite from the symptoms of atopic dermatitis.

Bedbug bites look like an accumulation of microdamages on the skin, stretched out like a path along the path of the insect, which on sensitive skin is expressed by prolonged redness and swelling. Often this is the most characteristic sign that a beetle has bitten a person.

Itching from bites is one of the most unpleasant consequences. These damaged areas itch incessantly, and the person suffers from pain when touching them. The bite itself swells greatly in people with delicate, sensitive skin. Most exposed parts of the body (face, neck, shoulders, arms) can be affected by night attacks, which causes embarrassment and discomfort when you have to appear somewhere in a public place or at work.

You can try to identify the differences between insect bites and common allergies yourself. If you carefully compare a photograph of an insect bite and an allergic reaction due to another cause, you may notice significant differences. If the redness is not continuous, if it is localized in the form of several redness in a line or in islands, then most likely you have suffered from a bed monster. The rash is different in that it does not have as pronounced swelling as a bloodsucking bite, but the skin around the outbreak site is constantly red.

If bites are not treated, what are the consequences?

Bed bugs can cause a person to become infected with various serious diseases, which happens in extremely rare cases. If you do not carry out the simplest steps to cure bedbug bites, then this may be just that rare case of the appearance of an illness.

The feeling of unpleasant consequences after a bite, manifested in the form of general malaise, a severe allergic reaction, as well as pain, indicates the need for an integrated approach to solving the problem. If left untreated, a bite that causes unpleasant symptoms of pain and itching can be complicated by serious consequences such as the development of an inflammatory process, infection, and nervous disorders.

If you know in advance that bedbugs live in your apartment, you can protect yourself by spraying eau de toilette, deodorant or perfume on your skin. Bloodsuckers do not tolerate strong smells, so you can protect yourself for one night.

You won't be able to protect yourself from bedbugs by wrapping your head in a blanket, since these small parasites crawl into any cracks. In addition, they sense a person, so it will not be possible to hide from them. The only way to avoid becoming a victim of night bloodsuckers is to carry out a thorough and effective disinfestation of the entire apartment or house.

Hives after bedbug bites

Hives manifest as an itchy rash on the skin that is skin-colored or pale red. It develops within a few minutes and may occur several times during the day and go away again. We recommend looking at the photo.

The triggers for urticaria are still poorly understood. The immune system and allergic reactions may play an important role.

The rashes have a typical appearance, so a doctor can easily make a diagnosis. The problem, however, is to find the reason. Sometimes this cause is bed bug bites. The main treatment is aimed at finding and eliminating the cause. Therefore, along with treating yourself, you need to start “treating” your bed and apartment

In most cases, hives disappear within two days and at the latest after two weeks. If hives last more than six weeks, it is called chronic.

First aid and drug treatment against allergies

To protect yourself from allergic irritation, you need to know how to properly treat the bite site.

Before treating bites, you should disinfect the affected areas. The most important measure to prevent the occurrence of an inflammatory process and before treating bed bug bites is the use of an alcohol compress.

After an insect bite, the following measures are taken:

  • Treatment of wounds with soda, soap, alcohol solution;
  • Treatment of wounds with a special ointment, gel, cream for insect bites;
  • Applying cold to the swollen area (cold water soaked in ice or a towel wrapped in cold water);
  • Anti-histamine is used against itching (this also applies to allergy sufferers).
  • Taking sorbents to reduce toxin levels and prevent insect allergies.

Once you notice the bites, you may want to first take a bath or warm shower to relieve the symptoms.

Also, to mitigate the risk of spreading dermatitis, tumors and relieve itching, you can use many of the below recommended medications in the form of gels, aerosols or sprays. For example, you can use Vietnamese Gold Star Balm to lubricate the lesions regularly. Or apply traditional methods to inflamed skin areas using rowan juice and fresh cabbage leaves.


Pregnant or nursing children should consult a doctor before taking any medications.

The emergency kit contains medications that can be taken in case of emergency before the doctor arrives. In case of shortness of breath, it is advisable to have a spray that dilates the bronchi and allows the victims to breathe again. If there are circulatory problems, adrenaline can be administered independently using an auto-injection syringe. In addition, an antihistamine and a cortisone-containing drug should be included in the emergency kit.

Patients with severe allergic symptoms should be monitored in hospital for some time as physical reactions may occur later.

Arthropod attacks on humans can have many manifestations clinically, histologically and immunologically. To be sure whether you have an allergy to insect venom or not, you can do a blood test. The doctor determines the concentration of tryptase in the serum, with this value the risk of allergic shock increases. In this case, special immunotherapy may be useful. Over the course of three years, the allergy medication is given every four to six weeks, so that after this time, many cases are no longer allergic to it.

What to do if you are bitten by a bug?

It is important to remember that it is worth taking certain measures only in cases where the bites cause unbearable pain or their consequences do not go away after 2-3 days. For these symptoms you should:

  • regularly wash bites and the skin around them with warm soapy water;
  • treat damaged areas of the skin with special soothing ointments, but if the problem occurs spontaneously, and the nearest pharmacy is far from your home, replace them with any natural oils (fir, sea buckthorn, tea tree);
  • take any antihistamine that is suitable for the body, which will help relieve inflammation and generally alleviate all symptoms.

Age-related features of allergies to bedbug bites

Epidemiological studies, that is, those that help determine the frequency of allergies to insect venom, are few. The tool they use is questionnaires, which are surveys asking about bites and the symptoms they cause. In addition to the questionnaire, some work includes blood tests or skin test assessments. Based on these data, the frequency of so-called general (whole body) allergic reactions is: 0.6-3.5% among adults in Europe and 0.34% among schoolchildren.

However, large-scale local allergic reactions may occur in about a dozen percent of people.

How to protect yourself from bedbugs?

A few simple rules can greatly limit the incursion of bed bugs into your home.

  • When you buy a used piece of furniture or clothing, inspect it carefully before putting it back, and if in doubt, treat it for bedbugs.
  • Avoid old beds, mattresses or sofas.
  • When moving, if you are using a rental car, you should be aware that it may be infested with bedbugs, so transport everything in protective covers.
  • When staying in hotels or clubs that may be prone to bed bugs, do not allow your belongings to lie on the floor. Better leave your suitcases in the bathroom.
  • If you notice bed bugs in your room while visiting, wash your clothes in hot water and first inspect your belongings in the garage or bathroom.

These few precautions can prevent unwanted guests from sneaking into your bed.

And keep in mind that allergies can occur not only to bites. Bed bugs release histamine in their excrement. Thus, in bedbug-infested dwellings, up to 100 micrograms of histamine was present in 100 mg of dust, compared with less than 2.5 micrograms of histamine per 100 mg of dust in bedbug-free dwellings. Histamine remains in homes for several months after bed bugs are eliminated. Histamine can also trigger allergies, causing redness, itching, and breathing problems.

Signs of bed bugs

Bed bugs lead a predominantly secretive, nocturnal lifestyle. Peak activity occurs between 10 pm and 6 am. As a rule, they hide in the most secluded dark places. However, if they go hungry for a long time, they can attack during the daytime. Their presence is primarily detected by bites and feces, which look like grains of black pepper. They spend most of their time in their colony, where they are difficult to detect; they only leave the colony to feed. When their numbers are low, they live in the area of ​​the bed; when their numbers are high, they also settle on cabinet furniture, books, picture frames, baseboards, window sills, under carpets, and under upholstery. They are found primarily in communal facilities - dormitories, hotels, hostels, apartments - much less often in medical and children's facilities - sanatoriums, hospitals, boarding houses.

Traditional medicine

What medical procedures are used to relieve bed bug bites? Arrangements for treatment will be required in case of severe allergies. You can take painkillers to relieve pain; to reduce itching, you can choose special creams rich in steroids; and if you have allergies, you can take antihistamines!

Painkillers are very effective in relieving the pain of an insect bite. Choose analgesics with anti-inflammatory properties so that the medicine can both facilitate and speed up wound healing.

You can take ibuprofen, aspirin, paracetamol. These medications are usually sold without a prescription.

Cortisol treatment is very effective, especially when applied locally. Rich in steroids, they fight inflammation and subsequently reduce inflammation and pain. You can purchase any corticosteroid cream or ointment at the pharmacy. If the cortisol level does not exceed 1%, a doctor's prescription is not required.

Oral antihistamines should be used if you have an allergic reaction to substances found in bed bug saliva.

Prescription of medications must be obtained from a doctor. But if the allergy is mild, applying an antihistamine cream to the irritated area may be enough.

Traditional methods

As a symptomatic treatment, you can try natural-based folk remedies. They help relieve itching, reduce irritation and have a disinfecting effect.

The swelling site can be treated with the following means:

  • Plantain juice;
  • Propolis;
  • Chamomile decoction;
  • St. John's wort decoction;
  • Tea tree oil;
  • “Mush” of soda and water;
  • Aloe juice

Preventive measures

If you have bedbugs, in order to avoid becoming their victim, it is important to completely clear your apartment of them. If you don't do this initially, it will become more difficult every day. The Internet describes in some detail various methods that will help you.

There is no 100% chance that you will be able to prevent the bites of furniture bugs, which, as stated above, can cause illness.

What to do in case of infection

If you suspect that there are bed bugs in your home, it is best to call a sanitary service professional. But if you want to try to get rid of bedbugs yourself, then in this case we have compiled instructions for you and prepared a list of drugs that we use to treat residential premises, and you can see how to prepare the room before the arrival of the master here.

Photo of a cluster of bed bugs

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