What bats are afraid of: 5 ways to drive them away without harm

09.11.201616.02.2017 Maria Ivanova 1 Comment

How to get rid of bats is a task that often arises among homeowners. A similar problem may arise for apartment residents regarding a balcony inhabited by “uninvited guests.”

However, before you begin to solve this problem, it is worth paying attention to these unusual “neighbors”.

Causes of bats

In the wild, bats live mainly in caves and are not able to independently arrange nests for themselves.

Every year there are fewer and fewer such natural shelters, so animals are forced to seek refuge in other, unusual places.

The bats found a way out and began to settle near human habitation. Most of all, bats chose the following places:

  • attics;
  • chimneys;
  • sheds;
  • ventilation;
  • balconies;
  • abandoned buildings.


Leader selection

Now you have met the most popular models, but who is the leader in all respects - price, power, lack of extraneous noise?

ModelPrice, rub.Level of discomfortOperating frequency range kHzAction radius sq.mDimensionsOperating temperatureWeight kgPower, WVoltage
Tornado 4002000Doesn't create18 to 7040090x95x130-40 to +80 °C0,510220
3000Doesn't create18 to 7080090x95x130-40 to +80 °C0,510220
Grad A-5001750creates4 to 64500105x58x18.5-30 to + 85 °C0,12220
Grad A-1000 PRO3500Doesn't create4 to 641000105x58x18.5-30 to + 85 °C0,1215220
Typhoon LS-6001000does not create18 to 7020050x80x40from –15 to +45 °C0,24220
Typhoon LS-8002000does not create18 to 7040050x80x40from –15 to +45 °C0,215220
Chiston-22000createsfrom 20 to 70300130 x 95from -25 to +35°С0,715220
Chiston 2 PRO2500createsfrom 20 to 70500260 x 95from -25 to +35°С1,020220

Having analyzed the indicators, it can be argued that the domestic development of “Tornado” continues to hold the palm among the participants in our rating.

How dangerous are bats to humans?

Despite popular belief, bats do not show aggression towards humans without good reason.

Unlike their crawling cousins, they do not harm food supplies, electrical wiring, walls, furniture and other things.

Neighborhood with bats does not pose a serious danger to humans, but it can cause some inconvenience:

  • noise. Winged neighbors who have settled in the attic will disturb people every night with their squeaking and rustling;
  • dirt and unpleasant smell. In their habitat, bats leave large amounts of feces, which emit a strong, unpleasant odor;
  • spread of diseases and pests. Bat droppings can contain pathogens of infectious and viral diseases, as well as the larvae of various parasites;
  • integrity of the roof. Animals that live under the roof can sooner or later cause damage to the waterproofing and insulation.

Useful facts

There are many myths and stories about chiropteran mammals. But there are real facts you need to know before getting rid of these animals.

They don't build nests

The main reason that flying individuals settle in residential buildings is that they do not nest. They just hang from the ceiling, clinging with their claws.

The appearance of offspring

In mid-latitudes, bats reproduce once a year - towards the end of spring, beginning of summer. The number of offspring in a litter is one or two; triplets are rarely born.

Colonies of females

In summer, females form extensive maternal colonies. Males and barren females always settle separately.

Mating begins in the month of August and continues throughout the fall and winter. Colonies include from 10 to 1 or one and a half thousand individuals.

Night mode

Chiropterans are nocturnal. At night, they hunt insects, as they have an important advantage over other nocturnal animals - echolocation. During the day, mice sleep upside down, falling into torpor.

Disease carriers

Scientists have found that individuals carry more diseases dangerous to humans than other mammals.


Chiropterans are long-term hosts and carriers of the rabies virus. But not all species of individuals carry the disease. A person can become infected only through a bite.

See also

For what reasons do plastic windows fog up and what to do about it?

Marburg virus

Marburg virus is spread by mice. The disease causes severe hemorrhagic fever in humans; At the same time, the fatality rate is high.

Ebola virus

Flying individuals can infect people with an acute viral infection without becoming victims of the disease themselves. The virus can then spread through close person-to-person contact.


Chiropterans are carriers of the fungus Histoplasma capsulatum. The infection is found in animal excrement. Therefore, to become infected, it is enough to be nearby and inhale dangerous fumes.


Harmful insects settle on flying animals. But they do not threaten people in any way, as they are attached to their owners.

Why you can’t use poison and kill bats

Bats can be beneficial.

It is impossible to fight bats with poisons, at least because in many countries these animals are listed in the Red Book. In addition, the restoration of the population of these animals is quite slow. In a year, a female can bring a maximum of 1-3 cubs.

The presence of bats on the site can also bring many benefits:

  • these flying animals destroy a huge number of flies and mosquitoes;
  • bats help in pollinating many plants, both wild and cultivated;
  • bats distribute seeds of wild fruits, thereby preserving ancient species and promoting the emergence of new ones.


There are various methods and means to remove pests. However, sometimes it is quite difficult to deal with the problem and you have to take radical measures. Unique methods of getting rid of pests are presented in the videos:

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Fresh lemon is not only suitable for tea: clean dirt from the surface of an acrylic bath by rubbing with half a cut citrus, or quickly wash the microwave by placing a container of water and lemon slices in it for 8-10 minutes at maximum power. The softened dirt can simply be wiped off with a sponge.

What to do if bats are a nuisance

If peaceful coexistence with bats is still impossible, then it is worth finding a humane way and trying to resettle the animals. However, you should do everything very carefully so as not to harm them.

How to determine where exactly bats have settled

Bats are able to penetrate even the smallest holes, 1.5-2 cm wide. You can determine their exact habitat by following them in the evening, after sunset. At this time, the animals leave their shelter and go hunting.

Bats are nocturnal animals.

What time can you start fighting bats?

Most often, bats settle under the roofs of human houses only for the summer period. Such temporary colonies consist primarily of females seeking shelter to give birth and raise their young. But, some species settle down and live next to humans all year round.

It is best to evict bats during their absence. For temporary colonies, this is the late autumn period, after the females and grown cubs leave their shelter.

If bats live in this place all year round, then eviction should be carried out in the summer and at night, after the animals leave the shelter. This way, the least damage will be caused to the animals.

How to drive away bats

It is quite possible to get rid of unwanted neighbors on a site without harming them, and there are several effective methods for this.

Mechanical method


This method is one of the most effective and simplest. After the animals leave their shelter, it is necessary to board up all possible holes and cracks to prevent them from returning. At the same time, it is very important to make sure that no one is left inside the home.

Another effective method is to install one-way departure means . Such structures will allow bats to leave the shelter, but will not allow them to return.

The installation of such “doors” should be carried out only after the baby bats grow up and are able to get out on their own and get food for themselves.

Otherwise, the parents will not be able to return to their babies, and they will die a slow, painful death.


The most effective method to nuisance bats is to use repellents. Mothballs are very helpful in this matter.

The sharp unpleasant smell of these balls will scare away animals and force them to leave their home. In order to properly place them under the roof, you should make small bags of gauze and hang them near the bats’ habitats.

Such bags must be changed every 2-3 days, since the smell emitted by the balls weakens over time and does not give the desired effect.


You can drive bats out of the attic using a regular smoker . In order for the animals to leave the building, the premises will have to be treated with smoke for several days in a row. Once bats stop appearing in the attic, all cracks and openings must be sealed immediately to prevent another infestation.

Another effective method is candles made from ground red pepper and sulfur powder. Such candles are placed in a deep metal container, set on fire and left in the attic. After the candle begins to smoke, you should immediately leave the room, otherwise you may get burns to the mucous membranes.

Ultrasonic repellers

Such devices are safe and very easy to use. The high-frequency sound emitted by repellers irritates bats and causes them discomfort.

In order for the use of such devices to bring the desired effect, you should choose high-quality models that have proven themselves in the market.

Using bright lights

Installing constant lighting inside and outside the attic will most likely not be liked by bats. The bright light will blind the animals and prevent them from getting inside their shelter. In addition, bats always make their homes in dark places and the presence of lighting will sooner or later force them to leave.

Bats do not like bright light.

What to do if a bat flies into the window of a residential building

Most often, young individuals that are just learning to fly fly into the windows of residential buildings. This does not happen often, and if a bat does end up in the room, you must perform the following steps:

  1. Remove small children and pets from the room.
  2. Turn off the lights in the room, open the window and leave the bat alone for 10-20 minutes. Most likely, the animal will calm down and be able to leave the room on its own.

    Bats are driven out at night.

  3. If this does not help, and the animal still remains in the room, you should wait until it sits on a flat surface and can be covered with a box, jar or other suitable container. This should be done with gloves and very carefully to avoid animal bites.
  4. After the bat is caught, it is necessary to insert thin plastic or thick cardboard between the surface and the trap and release the animal to freedom. It is necessary to release the bat only at night, since during the day it will be difficult for it to find shelter.

Electric cat

The device from the Russian company Elektrokot is optimally suited for use in city apartments. The maximum coverage area of ​​ultrasonic waves is 200 meters. The electric cat simultaneously emits sound waves and light flashes, and can operate in “day” and “night” modes. In the “night” mode, in addition to ultrasound, the Electrocat also emits an irritating sound signal, which increases the effectiveness of the fight against rats. But in this case, there should be no people near the operating device.

Electrokot device

The operation of the Electrokot device is enhanced by the intermittent illumination of the LED. The device can be connected to the mains, or it can be connected to autonomous power sources. The electric cat is safe for people; it is only recommended to remove guinea pigs and hamsters from the room while the device is operating. The device must be turned on for at least three weeks. The minimum price for Russian development allows you to purchase several devices at once.

When choosing a repeller for rats and other rodents, you need to pay attention to the area of ​​propagation of ultrasonic waves. A price that is too cheap should alert you; a high-quality device cannot cost less than a thousand rubles

Before turning on any device, you must carefully read the instructions.

Treatment of the premises after expelling bats

After the bats leave their shelter, you should immediately begin cleaning the room from traces of their presence. Chiropterans leave behind a large amount of fur, excrement and insect shells.

When cleaning, you must adhere to the following recommendations:

  1. Use personal protective equipment: safety glasses, long gloves and respirators.
  2. Lightly moisten the dried excrement with water. Thanks to this, less dust will rise during cleaning.
  3. Soaked animal excrement and hair must be thoroughly removed with a brush, broom or broom.
  4. After cleaning, all surfaces in the room must be treated with a disinfectant.

A bat is not a mouse, but not yet a bird.

Criteria for choosing a suitable repeller model

One of the main criteria is the compliance of the purchased device with the conditions in which it is planned to be used. The following characteristics are important:

  • Device coverage area. When purchasing a device, you need to consider the area where it will be used. Its coverage area must correspond to this area. The effect of the device may be weakened if there are many different objects (furniture, textiles, etc.) in the room where it is installed. Things can absorb sound waves and weaken the effect of ultrasound. In cluttered rooms, ultrasonic devices need to be installed more powerfully.
  • Automatic change of wave frequency within 1-5 minutes. Thanks to this, flying animals will never get used to such a device.
  • High sound pressure, which will help you achieve results faster. The best sound pressure is 110-120 dB.
  • Devices that run on electricity have more power and a longer service life. Devices that operate using batteries are less efficient, but they can be placed in places where there is no electricity.
  • Light flashes. Some ultrasonic devices have these properties. Bright lighting in the dark blinds flying mammals, which causes them to panic.

Preventing bats from appearing in the attic

Once the bats have left the attic, you need to take all necessary measures to prevent it from being colonized by a new colony of bats.

The following actions will help prevent the appearance of these animals:

  • boarding up all cracks and holes in the roof of the house;
  • arrangement of a mesh eaves overhang on the roof;
  • covering all ventilation holes with fine mesh;
  • regular inspection of non-residential, dark premises.


Typhoon is not one device against rodents, but a whole series of devices, each of which has certain parameters. All these devices can be purchased not only for apartments and private houses, but also for industrial buildings. The price of a repeller depends on the area of ​​propagation of the waves emitted by the device. The price for Typhoon 800 starts from 1600 rubles. This electrical appliance has the following characteristics:

  1. Can be used in rooms up to 220 meters.
  2. It has a surface mount with which it can be attached to walls.
  3. Works both from the network and from a car battery.
  4. The sound, which is dangerous for rats, is emitted in a wide beam, which increases the efficiency of the device.
  5. Typhoon operates in two modes. It is recommended to turn on silent when used in rooms where people live. The sound mode has more power, but it is used in warehouses, basements, and garages.
  6. The price of the device depends on its power. If you need a rat repeller for a small room, then you need to purchase Typhoon 600.

The Typhoon device is quite easy to use; after assembly, all you have to do is connect it to the network. After turning on, the device emits a sharp signal for about two seconds, then goes into wave generation mode. When switching on in unheated rooms, it is necessary to focus on the temperature conditions of operation. Rats begin to leave the premises after about four days.

“I purchased the Typhoon rat repeller on the advice of friends for my dacha. I marked the device on the wall in the basement, turned it on and arrived only three weeks later. The device worked properly, and I haven’t seen any rats since then. To prevent their appearance, I also now scattered poison near the house and in the basement. Before purchasing the device, I additionally read the reviews, and I was satisfied with the price of this compact repeller” - Sergey, 47 years old.

How to get rid of pests on the balcony

If uninvited guests have chosen a balcony as their home, you can make a trap from materials that are found in every home. To do this, prepare a telescopic fishing rod, rope, nylon mesh, electrical tape and foam rubber.

Secure the rope in the form of a frame with knots on the mesh. Remove the guides from the rod and trim the thin ends. Tape the wire loops to the top of the rod using duct tape. In order to secure the net to the fishing rods, you need to fix the lower loops of the net on the pole and tighten the upper ones.

If you do not want the animal to get hurt in the trap, sew foam rubber on the top of the product. It should be used as a net.

When you need to call special teams

If all the methods tried have not brought the desired result, and the number of breeding individuals is growing exponentially, you should contact the sanitary and epidemiological station for help or call a special team that deals with pest elimination. Experts know how to effectively get rid of mice in the attic, in the shortest possible time and using absolutely legal methods.

If the above methods do not solve the problem with flying individuals, then the only quick option for removing mice is to call a special sanitary service.

The main problem created by small attic inhabitants is the possibility of a person becoming infected with various diseases from bat bites. They themselves do not attack humans, but when trying to drive them away from their homes, bats can bite.

If you are bitten by a bat, you must immediately seek medical help and get vaccinated.

The most common diseases that these creatures carry are the following:

  • Histoplasmosis is a dangerous disease caused by a fungus that affects the respiratory tract. Birds and bats spread it through their excrement.
  • Rabies. Infected bats live only a few days, but the likelihood of a bite during this period still exists.
  • Ebola and Marburg viruses. According to official data, the main focus of the spread of the virus is Africa, but precautions are never superfluous.

You should protect yourself from direct contact with bats.

Additional Information. Special services will take measures to remove bats and also disinfect the premises with special preparations permitted by law. This will allow you to get rid of intrusive inhabitants for a long time.

SES workers have modern drugs and equipment.

First actions

You need to know that such animals choose for their residence places where they can actually sit vertically with their heads down. Also, the place should be abandoned and dry. Flying mice can be detected by finding their characteristic excrement. If the animals have chosen the balcony, the most of their waste products will be there. The droppings are powdery, dark in color, and may have shiny particles on the surface. Most often, mice enter the house through small cracks.

Getting rid of pests under the roof

To prevent animals from settling under the roof, block all access routes from the street. To do this, you can use polyurethane foam or a mesh with small cells. Close windows and ventilation during this procedure. Another trick is to illuminate all the cracks with bright light. Animals are afraid of powerful lighting, so they will immediately fly away.

You can drive out uninvited guests using a smoker, repellents or mothballs. An ultrasonic repeller has proven itself well in the fight against nocturnal animals.

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