How to get rid of mice in an apartment: 3 super ways

Can mice climb walls? At first glance it seems that this is simply impossible.

Mice have small and sharp claws with which they can easily run along walls.

But mice cannot run on glass. This is perhaps the only material that they cannot climb.

They cannot stay on the glass and simply slide down. There are many cases where mice crawled on kitchen cabinets, and then fell and got into pans with food.

These very dangerous rodents live no more than a year. Then they just die. Their rapid mortality protects us from a large invasion of such rodents.

Also, mice not only love to climb walls, but also make their way to food to chew on it. Mice are very dangerous animals. They are carriers of any infection, for example, plague. The spread of disease is due to these small rodents. But at first glance, mice seem to be just harmless animals.

These rodents also damage the house:

To ensure that there are no such dangerous animals in apartments, cottages or country houses, special traps, domestic predators, toxic substances, folk remedies, ultrasonic repellers, as well as maintaining cleanliness and ventilation will help.

Mice can climb onto any surface and enter a home from ground level to roof. They can easily climb onto any vertical surface such as concrete, brick and wood.

Because of their size, mice can climb walls with great flexibility. They can also jump 36 inches vertically as well as vertically without injury. Once inside a home, mice can cause enormous destruction as they tend to chew on anything, including wood, plastic, wire, paper, vinyl, rubber and other materials.

They can stay anywhere as long as the place is warm and safe. They can also use any small opening to get into the house or move around the house.

A week ago a mouse came into our apartment. Small, timid, but impudent. I’m sitting at the computer, and she’s slowly climbing up the wall next to the hot pipe. I already have a sharp long object at the ready. The brownie really scared her once, she rushed into our kitchen. How to deal with them?

Or maybe it makes sense to make her a pet? Well, or try to build a trap like this.

You can also try a vacuum cleaner, such a mouse is not a problem, this summer a bat flew into my room, it was war! Vile nasty creature! Just kicked it out with a rolled up towel.

If we put inhumane mousetraps aside, I can suggest my father’s method. Once a mouse wandered into our room and found itself on the 11th floor - a mystery shrouded in darkness. Dad put a felt boot in the place where she liked to hide. When the mouse appeared next time, everyone made a noise, a din with wild screams. To escape, the mouse ran straight into his felt boots!

Mice can climb onto any surface and enter a home from ground level to roof. They can easily climb onto any vertical surface such as concrete, brick and wood.

Because of their size, mice can climb walls with great flexibility. They can also jump 36 inches vertically as well as vertically without injury. Once inside a home, mice can cause enormous destruction as they tend to chew on anything, including wood, plastic, wire, paper, vinyl, rubber and other materials.

They can stay anywhere as long as the place is warm and safe. They can also use any small opening to get into the house or move around the house.

Mice and penoplex

Mice are animals that chew almost anything that can be chewed; they are potentially dangerous for almost all insulation materials. And penoplex, although it does not contain edible components, is quite soft and has a porous composition, so it is not difficult for small pests to cope with it. Animals tend to enter indoors to escape cold and dampness or in search of food. Mice are able to make tunnels in it to get to what they want, as a result of which the thermal insulation properties drop sharply. This is evidenced by reviews of victims of rodents.

general information

House mice can inhabit a person's home. They are classified as synanthropic animals that live only next to a person or in his house. Rodents follow humans: they move onto ships, get into airplanes. Therefore, pests are able to invade new homes. They penetrate into homes through ventilation ducts, through cracks in the floor and walls.

House owners do not immediately notice the presence of uninvited guests, because mice are nocturnal and sleep during the day. Rustle sounds and squeaks are clearly audible at dusk, and that’s when people begin to notice rodents in their homes. In field conditions, pests reproduce only seasonally, in apartments - all year round. The mouse can reproduce at two months of age, and pregnancy lasts up to 28 days, so the pest population increases rapidly.

Before the birth of the mice, the mother becomes aggressive and may even attack a person. She arranges the future nest herself: she drags various pieces of paper, shavings, and wool into it. In a secluded place you can see not only a mouse, but also a lot of necessary things. Due to their small size, rodents are able to penetrate even microscopic holes in the floor and walls. Some pests, fearing for their lives, can attack animals larger than themselves.

The favorite habitats of mice are warehouses and human homes. In the summer, parasites are able to survive in the fields; they build nests 40 cm underground, and after cold weather they move to the warm homes of people.

How and with what to poison bedbugs in an apartment yourself? Read useful information.

For a selection of the most effective remedies for cockroaches in an apartment and the rules for their use, see this address.

Material properties

Penoplex is laid on a concrete screed after waterproofing with polyethylene or roofing felt.

The technical characteristics of penoplex make it attractive for use in the construction of low-rise structures and private and industrial construction:

  • the most important thing is the reduced thermal conductivity index, its value of 0.03 W*m*0C can compete with any insulation and will remain a winner;
  • increased resistance to transpiration (penetration) of moisture - only 2 cm of penoplex corresponds to roofing felt in terms of vapor permeability;
  • Due to extrusion, the mass is homogeneous, so evenly distributed cells significantly increase its strength. Even under very high loads, its parameters are almost unchanged;
  • high moisture resistance - liquid is absorbed only in places of cuts where the integrity of the cells is compromised;
  • penoplex is not subject to rotting and decomposition, mold does not develop in it, which indicates the high biostability of this material.

Temperature conditions that allow the use of penoplex range from -50 to +75 degrees Celsius, but for each type of penoplex the temperature limits are indicated in the instructions.

You need to know: in order for the dimensions of the penoplex slabs to remain unchanged, the temperature specified in the product data sheet must be observed. If it is overheated, its characteristics may change.

Internal wall protection

Mice enter the house in the most unpredictable ways. Keeping track of where they made their moves can sometimes be difficult. Indoors, the animal is looking for a suitable place to arrange its home. Most often under the floor, in the attic, in the walls, if there is suitable material there.

Inside the house, rodent control can be carried out using any convenient method, except poison. If you treat foam plastic with poison, there may be corpses of mice between the walls, which will begin to decompose over time. It is very difficult to get out of there, the smell will be unbearable.

The inside of the walls can also be protected with metal mesh or any dense material. Or saturate the foam with denatonium benzoate. The substance is not dangerous to humans, does not contain toxic ingredients, and simply has a pronounced bitter taste. Mice will not chew such material, the walls will be completely safe. The bitter substance will protect from the inside from all pests, including rodents and insects.

Many people are interested in the question: do mice love polystyrene foam or mineral wool? There are several varieties of mineral wool, including ecowool. Rodents build tunnels in it and drag it into their nests, just like polystyrene foam. They try to avoid glass wool, since small particles of glass stick into the paws and irritate the skin.

Almost all synthetic insulation is susceptible to mouse teeth and attracts the interest of pests. The most important protection is the high quality of construction and installation work.

What not to choose

Thus, natural insulation and polystyrene provide the greatest pleasure to rodents. Insulation based on mineral and basalt wool will not stop them either. All these insulation materials are soft, so they are quite easy to “deal with.” Given the significant sound insulation, it will be difficult to immediately hear the presence of mice.

The only way to protect the space between the wall and the insulation is to use solid insulation. However, aerated concrete and the company have one significant drawback - they can only be used at the construction stage of a building. And on top of that, they conduct heat well, so they are rarely used.

Another solution to the problem is inflatable insulators led by penoizol. Mice don't eat them at all. However, due to the insignificant amount of work, the cost of insulation can increase several times compared to alternatives. But its advantage is that it can be insulated both during construction and during the operation stage of the building.

Give preference to a strip foundation - it will be difficult for rodents to overcome. And under the floor of the first floor, place any loose insulation and broken glass

It is important to adhere to the technology of laying the heat insulator. Gross violations of work stages will lead to the appearance of gaps, which mice will certainly take advantage of

If problems arise during operation, additional measures will have to be taken. There are several main ways to control rodents:

  • laying ecowool in the floors - it consists of 80% wood cellulose and 20% borax, becoming an antiseptic, mice do not eat it;
  • spray the blocks with a solution of lime and borax;
  • adding slag, tobacco dust, ash, mint, wormwood and pine branches to the insulation;
  • the use of metal mesh in places where rodents can enter, for example, in the floor;
  • using a monolithic reinforced concrete slab as a foundation.

When planning construction, it is worth wrapping the building with a metal grid (cells 5 by 5 mm). But sometimes rodents chew through a mesh with a wire thickness of 1.5 mm.

When the mice are already infested

When the mice have already started, you can do the following. The first method is to use an “expanded clay” castle by firing low-melting clay. A 30 cm layer of expanded clay is laid on the ground, which is covered on top with plastic film and two layers of OSB-3. Laminate is laid on top of these layers. This method is very effective. Also, a 10 cm layer of expanded clay is placed between the main and subfloor.

Acoustic devices will also be effective, especially those imitating the sounds of animals and birds of prey that feed on mice. And if none of the above helps, get a cat and mouse trap.

Now you know which insulator mice cannot chew on - penoizol. All other materials have protective measures.

Penoplex and safety

Manufacturers and sellers constantly talk about the safety of the material, but is this true? Is penoplex harmful to health?

Many argue about the environmental friendliness of this material, explaining that even when treated with a fire retardant, it is susceptible to combustion. One cannot argue with this, since many of the objects around us cannot withstand fire.

The flammability class of penoplex is usually G4 or G3

Whether it can ignite on its own or contribute to a fire is another matter. The question here is clear - no. But when ignited, it produces a lot of acrid smoke and releases toxic substances. However, it ignites slowly, so before it catches fire, a lot of time will pass, and the fire can be put out in time.

Another disadvantage that has a negative impact on the human body is the destruction of the material that occurs under unfavorable operating conditions. Penoplex not only loses its properties, it oxidizes and begins to release toxins into the air. This happens when low-quality products are selected, or installation rules are violated.

Therefore, it is important to choose only material manufactured in accordance with the technology, adhere to the rules when installing, and do not use incompatible compounds. Only under these conditions will it fulfill its purpose without harm to humans

Why do mice chew foam?

In addition to all instincts, mice are characterized by exploratory behavior. Having encountered a new obstacle on their way, they will first try to test it, and if they smell food behind the wall, they will quickly remove the obstacle. A group of scientists conducted 2 experiments. Starving mice had to eat polystyrene:

  1. The first experiment showed that if there was food and water behind a polystyrene wall, the rodents actively destroyed the material, but despite severe hunger, they were in no hurry to use it as food.
  2. In the second experiment, mice were offered several types of material. They preferred cardboard, paper and burlap, although they did not neglect polystyrene.

Is it worth using EPS?

Mice and polyesterol

The use of non-natural materials is beneficial from an economic point of view. On the health side, it creates a not entirely favorable atmosphere in the room. It has been noticed that pests are less likely to grow in a room with an excess of plastic and other synthetic materials.

The likelihood of mice and rats entering the building is reduced from a theoretical point of view. You can use polystyrene foam to insulate your home. However, pests can chew through the polystyrene layer, make passages in it, and ruin the entire insulating structure. The appropriateness of using the material is questionable.

Mice do not eat polystyrene, but they can easily chew through the entrances and exits in it. Just one through hole is enough for the room to lose heat and let in heat. All efforts were wasted, money was wasted.

According to some reports, polystyrene foam and its derivatives do not affect the health and well-being of mice. Rodents successfully build nests in polystyrene foam materials, live, and reproduce. Others argue that EPS and mice are incompatible concepts. They can ruin everything, they won’t live there. Another question arises: is it possible to protect the polystyrene insulation layer from mice?

Penoplex Wall

Fire retardants are present in its composition, which means its resistance to combustion is increased. They are used in the installation of vertical structures, insulation of facades, external and internal walls; insulation of the facade of a house with penoplex foam of this class is also allowed.

But insulation occurs inside only when it is impossible to do this outside for some reason. This type is especially good for plastering walls.

For indoor work, use the thinnest slabs; the heat level will increase and work will be much easier

For indoor work, you should use the thinnest slabs; the heat level will increase and the work will be much easier.

We recommend reading an article about the technology of wall insulation with penoplex.

And in this article you can learn about the types of glue for penoplex.

What is the difference between a mouse and a rat?

What is the difference between a mouse and a rat?

  • Rats are larger in size, have a longer tail and an elongated muzzle, they are also said to be smarter than mice and are their enemies, i.e. if possible, they can eat mice. Mice are smaller in size and less dangerous to humans than rats. Also, both of these species are omnivores and spread various infections.
  • Rats differ from mice in their larger size, and even larger than rats are hamsters. Rats are also more intelligent, can attack humans, and in general, in my opinion, rats are more unpleasant than mice. Although personally I am afraid of both.
  • A rat differs from a mouse primarily in size. Smarter animals. If mice easily fall into various mousetraps, then you still need to manage to catch a rat (you need to show all your hunting skills). Rats do more damage.
  • According to my observations, a mouse is a small herbivorous rodent, and a rat is an omnivorous predator. In our village, I constantly fought with rats, but I could never destroy them. They simply migrated to another house. Then, when they started getting pestered there, they could come back to me. And I immediately determined that the rats had returned, even without seeing any of them. After the rats left, the mice began to multiply rapidly. But as soon as the rats appeared, they immediately ate all the mice first. I guess this is a delicacy for them.
  • But seriously, rats are much smarter than mice. Like mice, they are social animals, but their society has a more thoughtful structure compared to mice. The domestic rat is a very active and sociable animal. He knows his owners, his nickname, and demands communication with his restless behavior at the sight of his owners.


This is the easiest and relatively cheap way to get rid of mice. You can buy the drug, sprinkle it in places where traces of rodent activity have been noticed, and continue to live peacefully. The poison will do its job. The following are considered the best:

Spring Solstice (March 21): In the old days, people took knives to drive away troubles

The animated series "Peppa Pig" will last until 2027, 104 new episodes will be filmed

Turning Old Jeans into Long-Lasting Dinner Placemats

  • "Rat Death";
  • "Efa";
  • "Storm";
  • "Zookoumarin Neo";
  • "Fumifos";
  • "Goliath".

However, it must be taken into account that mice, having eaten poison, do not die immediately. This was done so that the entire tailed family could taste the poison. If mice see that their comrade has died near the bait, they will never touch it.

What happens? Rodents eat the poison laid out for them and continue to live for a day or two. They can die anywhere, even in the most inaccessible places for you. As a result, their corpses begin to decompose and emit a foul odor, and you cannot detect its source. There have been cases when mice died in suspended and suspended ceilings, and residents had to dismantle the entire structure to get rid of the stench.

Another disadvantage of this method is that it cannot be used in a house where small children and pets (cats) live. They can easily eat poison and die.

How to protect foam from mice

If rodent infestations are not prevented, the foam can turn to dust. Mice will actively and happily chew on it. And then the insulating layer of the house will be completely damaged. Finnish houses are a favorite treat for mice. It has been proven that mice chew through huge areas of foam material in search of food. What can I do to prevent them from chewing the foam?

There are some proven methods to help fight mice and prevent them from damaging polystyrene foam or other insulation:

Food supplies should be kept out of reach of mice

The cleanliness of your living space is very important. When insulating a house, it is important to install the foam correctly. It is necessary to carefully putty and sheathe it, using special materials for this.

In each individual case, appropriate materials are selected. It is important that there are no gaps. The absence of cracks is a sign of the absence of mice. Since mice are able to penetrate through cracks. It is effective to use polyurethane foam when sealing holes. It is useful at the level of penetration of mice to make the casing from metal, which they are not able to chew through. People use boric acid to control mice. Get a cat that can vigilantly guard the home. Cover the layer of foam material with a fine mesh. This will provide good protection against rodents. Leftover food and garbage should not be left freely accessible indoors or near the house. This is a bait for mice. When choosing a material for insulating houses, give preference to denser types of polystyrene foam, which is difficult to chew through. Install a device with ultrasound that can repel mice. The device is harmless to humans, but very sensitive to mice. In the event of a rodent infestation, it is better to use the help of special disinfection services that will professionally and efficiently treat the premises.

The most important thing in the fight against rodents is to keep your home clean and tidy. In places of unrest with heaps of garbage, rodents will definitely appear.

And it is very difficult to deal with a mouse infestation. Therefore, do not give what is yours to rodents. Clean, caring owners will not have mice. If several individuals are noticed, it is not difficult to get rid of them using only a mousetrap.

How to get rid

Get rid of mice yourself or with the help of sanitary services.

Poisonous baits (rodenticides) with detailed instructions for use are on sale.

It is important to remember that finding and disposing of mouse carcasses can be difficult and can leave an unpleasant odor for several weeks.

The poison is placed in the place where the mouse was found, or along the walls, under furniture in the kitchen, under the bathroom.

Mice are very smart and have a keen sense of smell, so they do not always eat poisonous baits. In this case, they resort to a trick: they dilute a little (so that the animal does not smell) toxic substances in a paste of stale bread and water. After eating the food, the rodent dies.


  • mechanical. This is an ordinary mousetrap;
  • electronic – a modern analogue of a mousetrap;
  • sticky traps;
  • "live" traps.

Pieces of food - bait - are placed in mousetraps and placed in places where a rodent is likely to appear: along the walls (perpendicular or parallel - it is written in the instructions), under the bathroom, etc.

Electronic traps kill a rodent that has run in in search of food with an electric shock. The main disadvantage is the high cost.

Avoid exposure to moisture.

A sticky trap consists of a special glue applied to a piece of cardboard, a board, a rail, or a tray. The rodent sticks tightly to the surface. It should be taken into account that the night squeak of a mouse will not allow you to sleep.

A live trap involves catching a mouse without killing it. The caught animal is taken away from the apartment and released into the wild. The downside is that this way the entire population is not exterminated. You'll have to catch them one by one.

Deratization by specialists

Deratization is a set of measures to combat mice and rats.

It can be preventive or exterminatory.

Preventive measures are carried out when no traces of rodents have been found in the apartment.

Extermination is aimed at ridding the premises of mice living in it. Treatment is carried out with special poisons and chemicals once a year.

Techniques for exterminating deratization:

Mechanical ones include all possible traps.

In biological methods, specially trained animals are used (rat-catcher dogs and rat-catcher cats).

Chemical means killing mice with poisonous baits and gases.

Traditional methods

One of the favorite habitats of mice is in holes under the floor. Therefore, before laying the floor, you can put ash, tobacco or shag dust, crushed dry mint and wormwood, and hot pepper into the insulation.

Strong and pungent odors repel pests.

For example, a little ammonia or vinegar is spilled around the trash can.

Place mint leaves and bay leaves in corners and crevices. Peppermint oil is also used. Dampen pieces of cloth or cotton wool with it and place it in food storage areas.

Make a mixture of naphthalene derivatives and sawdust in a 1:1 ratio and pour it near mouse holes, passages and holes.

Mice cannot tolerate the smell of turpentine. Soak a rag in it and plug the hole.

The pungent smell of onions is good at repelling small pests.

Make a mousetrap with your own hands. Take a bucket, a pan of water, on which a board is placed. Bait is placed on the edge. A piece of lard can serve as bait. A mouse runs for food and falls into the water.

Another folk recipe consists of flour, sugar and quicklime in equal parts. Mix and sprinkle in the mouse's habitat - this is a lethal mixture for it, leading to stomach clogging and death.

The living space is fumigated with wormwood several times, making sure to wear a face mask and removing pets from the apartment.

Branches of marsh wild rosemary are laid out in all the nooks and crannies of the rooms. Its smell repels mice. First put on a mask and gloves to protect your skin and respiratory tract. When finished, throw away these items or disinfect them with special solutions.

A decoction of chamomile, tansy and pyrethrum is prepared. Then spray the corners and joints between the walls. Mice cannot tolerate the strong smell of the mixture.

A trap is made from a bottle in this way:

  • take a glass bottle (preferably beer and unwashed - mice are attracted to this smell) 0.33, 0.5 or 0.7 liters,
  • sunflower oil with a strong odor (for example, unrefined) is poured inside,
  • rotate the bottle so that the oil lubricates its inner surface,
  • you can put a piece of lard, cheese or sausage inside,
  • The bottle is placed obliquely, placing a small piece of wood or a stack of papers under the neck. The main thing is that the mouse can safely climb into the neck. And he won’t get out there anymore.

Why do mice chew foam?

Polystyrene foam and polystyrene are soft, plastic materials. They are perfect for bedding as insulation not only for houses, but also for mouse nests. Even if the tailed tenants do not live in their thickness, they are used to create corridors along which it is convenient to move.

Another reason why mice chew polystyrene foam is provided by nature itself. Like all rodents, their teeth grow constantly. Hence the need to sharpen them on some objects arises. A completely pliable building material is well suited for this purpose.

Exploratory behavior, that is, ordinary curiosity, is also not alien to mice. When they encounter something new and incomprehensible, they try to try it in the most accessible way - by heart. And, finally, if polystyrene foam is a barrier to entry into a house or food pantry, then the gray bandits will quickly remove the barrier with their usual tool - their teeth.

Polystyrene foam or polystyrene foam - is there a difference?

In order to find out whether mice are interested in polystyrene as a food source, a group of scientists conducted a small experiment. The essence of the experiment was to force hungry mice to use polystyrene as food. The mice were in no hurry to eat such food, but actively destroyed it if they smelled food or water behind the polystyrene barrier.

The second experiment - mice were asked to make a choice between different materials, incl. and polystyrene. The mice did not ignore it, but still preferred paper, burlap, cardboard, etc.

A common question is: do mice chew extruded polystyrene foam (Penoplex, extruder) as actively as regular polystyrene foam? Tests have shown that pests also chew on it, although not as actively. The reason is the higher density of the material and the absence of rough surfaces.

Below is a comparative table - % damage to the material sample by day (the first number is extruded polystyrene, the second is polystyrene foam.)

ViewNumber of rodents, pcs.Condition of the animalDegree of sample damage in % by day
Age, monthsWeight, g12345
House mouse5416,510/5020/600/80-/40-/70
Common vole5314,530/405/5010/305/60-/50

Can mice chew through suspended ceilings?

The stretch fabric can be woven or film. It tolerates temperature changes well, does not dry out, washes quickly, does not get wet, and the product is suitable for allergy sufferers. Its strength and durability have made it popular and known to a large number of people.

The canvas is attached to the constructed frame on the ceiling. That is, it partially hangs in the air and the available space is not occupied by anything.

The distance from the base to the canvas is from 2 to 5 cm. This is quite enough for a small rodent to penetrate.

Concrete and metal are not a barrier for mice. That is why, if pests are detected above a structure, action should be taken quickly. If the mouse manages to gnaw through the fabric, the fabric will have to be replaced completely, which will cause material costs.

Are there any benefits from rodents?

Many rodents are very important in ecosystems and, as a result, prove beneficial to humans. For example, they play a key role in maintaining the relationship between plants and fungi. Many fungi form mycorrhizae, symbiotic associations with plant roots that increase the plant’s ability to extract nutrients and water from the soil a thousandfold. Small mammals carry fungal spores that accumulate in their droppings into forest clearings, thus delivering the fungi to where plant seeds germinate.

In South America, Africa and Asia, some large rodents are an important source of animal protein and are hunted or bred in captivity (eg guinea pigs in South America, cane rats in Africa). In the past in Europe, chickweeds were bred for the same purpose.


  • in many ecosystems, rodents are an important food resource for a huge number of predatory animals and birds;
  • drugs are tested on rats and mice and used for scientific purposes;
  • Among rodents there are many pets. These are hamsters, guinea pigs, decorative rats, chinchillas, rabbits, etc.;
  • in some countries, rodents are even trained to find mines in fields (giant Gambian rats);
  • Various entertaining and educational shows with the participation of well-mannered tame animals are also common.

As an afterword

What can you advise the owners of dachas and country houses if they have a problem - mice chew on foam plastic (expanded polystyrene). First of all, don't panic. A mink discovered in time should serve as a signal for immediate action. Check your home regularly for rodents and be vigilant. This way you can avoid serious problems and equally serious costs.

Secondly, if you have the opportunity, when building a house and insulating it, do not forget to cover a layer of polystyrene foam with a protective fine-mesh mesh. This way you will protect the polystyrene foam not only from rodents, but also from birds, which can also cause damage.

Thirdly, take the advice of experienced homeowners and install an ultrasonic mouse and rat repeller. Believe that the costs will not be in vain and will more than pay for themselves. The device is not that expensive, it is quite effective and does not require special maintenance.

Don't forget about the cat. There may even be several of them if you have a large farm. Our grandparents always kept a cat in the house and were pleased with the result. Cleanliness is not only a guarantee of health, but also a guarantee of your quiet life in your summer cottage. Mice eat what you throw at them, they eat with appetite, they eat a lot - don’t forget about it!

In addition to the fact that they eat insulating material, they can infect you with some kind of infection (hemorrhagic fever, for example). Therefore, after exterminating mice, be sure to carry out thorough disinfection. It is better not to do this yourself, as there is a risk of poisoning from chemicals. There are specialized companies involved in pest control. They will efficiently destroy rodents and disinfect the area.

Reasons for appearance

In general, all of the following preventive measures and tips can be applied to any rodents that may appear in your home. Except that you will have to be even more careful and attentive - after all, mice are very small. So:

  1. Clean up your yard and home regularly. Eliminate any extraneous sources of standing water or cover them thoroughly to prevent mice from reaching them. Throw away trash - mice can use paper, cotton wool, pieces of cloth, etc. to build a nest. They can also settle for the birth of offspring in abandoned furniture - chests of drawers and cabinets.
  2. A separate item is warehouses with provisions. Every inch should also be inspected there, especially in the autumn-winter period, when the mice are hungry and are looking for new sources of food.
  3. Cat. Yes, this is not always effective, but good cat-mousetraps do a great job, freeing you from using third-party devices.
  4. Before the “mouse” season (autumn-winter), walk around your territory and make sure that there are no mouse holes or nests in the grass and bushes nearby. This simple measure will partially protect you from enemy attacks.
  5. Inspect all walls (inside and outside the house) for cracks, as well as floors, and completely - garages, attics and basements. Do you remember that mice can fit through a hole as thick as a pencil?! Seal all holes, no matter how small, with concrete, sheet metal, or barriers such as copper mesh.

Frame houses are not a particular obstacle to the penetration of rats and mice. When constructing a building, it is very difficult to avoid gaps in the floor or at the joints. The partitions here are often hollow, and a drywall bug is unlikely to keep mice out and prevent them from getting inside. In a frame house, when lathing, empty spaces are filled with insulation. Mice easily gnaw through them and make nests there. This is especially true when using low-quality material and improper installation.

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Mice enter the apartment from basements, garbage chutes, elevators and ventilation shafts. Sewage pipes are also used for transportation.

They can run away from neighbors.

Often mice are transported from the dacha in bags with the harvest.

Free access to products, when open bags and boxes of seeds, cereals and bread are stored openly on shelves, can attract the attention of rodents. Mice can appear if the apartment is not cleaned regularly and garbage is stored at home for a long time.

Mice can appear if the apartment is not cleaned regularly and garbage is stored at home for a long time.

Another reason for the appearance of rodents in an apartment is the onset of cold weather. Mice seek warmth, which leads them to heated rooms.

About penoplex

There are many types of insulation, each of which has its own pros and cons. Penoplex is an extruded material. The extrusion method is simple. Under the influence of high temperature, under strong pressure, granulated polystyrene is foamed, from which smooth slabs are then made. This is a finely porous material in which cells isolated from each other are located. They are filled with air.

Why do many people choose penoplex for building a country house? Advantages of this material:

  1. It's inexpensive.
  2. It is particularly durable and reliable.
  3. It has a reduced level of thermal conductivity, so penoplex is better than many insulation materials.
  4. It prevents the penetration of moisture; just 2 cm of this insulation has the same vapor permeability as roofing felt. But it absorbs moisture where the cut is located, because at this point the cells lose their integrity.
  5. This material does not rot or decompose, there is no mold in it, i.e. it is biostable. But, despite this, it is highly environmentally friendly, although some disagree with this statement. If there is a fire and the material catches fire, harmful substances are released. But penoplex cannot ignite on its own. It is easy to cut and can be installed regardless of weather conditions.
  6. It lasts, taking into account various influences, fifty years. But studies have been conducted in which the material was frozen and then thawed. Even in such harsh conditions, it held up and confirmed its warranty period with a margin.
  7. Does not dissolve, does not change shape if exposed to alcohol-based paints, chlorine, cement mortar, etc.

In order for these beneficial properties to be preserved, it is important to buy high-quality products and carry out installation correctly. If these conditions are not met, it loses its properties, oxidizes and even releases toxins

Penoplex has been serving the home owner for 50 years or more.

There are several types of penoplex, which differ from each other in various characteristics. There is a Penoplex Foundation, with special strength. The penoplex wall is made with fire retardants, so this material will not immediately ignite. They rarely insulate the inside, unless it is difficult to do it outside. If you work with it indoors, choose thinner slabs to make it easier to work with. There is also Penoplex Roofing, which can withstand heavy loads. Such a roof will last a long time, even if it is a flat version, and then a flower garden was planted on it. There is also the universal Penoplex Comfort, which is used everywhere.

Routes of penetration

Many people wonder how these pests get into their homes. They use doors only if the owners have left them open for a long time, for example for ventilation. Mice are able to crawl into a hole with a diameter of only 1.2 cm. If the animal’s head does not fit into the gap, it uses its teeth and widens the entrance for itself.

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Mice easily climb walls and pipes, they freely enter the room through ventilation holes and gaps between the wall and communications. They can get into apartments through the sewer system.

In cities, mice live in garbage dumps and basements. They also do not bypass warehouses. Cases of rodents being brought into homes with new furniture have been recorded.

Foam protection

To prevent the foam from turning into dust, it is necessary to prevent the appearance of mice. To do this, you must follow certain rules:

  1. You can't leave food on the table. It should be in places inaccessible to mice.
  2. General cleaning of any room should be carried out periodically. Basements, attics, and all corners are cleared of debris and rubbish.
  3. Mice will be afraid to attack the house if they smell the cat. Therefore, it is recommended to purchase a cat.
  4. Installation of polystyrene foam must be carried out according to the rules. All cracks in the walls are sealed with polyurethane foam, since it is through them that rodents enter the house. Polystyrene is puttied, then sheathing made of special materials is applied.
  5. Rodents will not be able to chew through metal, so it is recommended to cover the foam with a fine mesh. The cell size should not exceed 8x8 mm. In this case, the mesh is laid out to a height of up to 30 cm. Instead of the mesh, you can use solid facing material or dense insulation.
  6. During the construction of the house, a strip foundation should be laid. The contour that is formed during its laying from reinforced concrete beams is covered around the circumference with broken glass. Mice will not be able to enter the room through it.
  7. You can sprinkle boric acid around the perimeter of the house and around the holes. This is a poison that destroys small pests.
  8. Construction stores sell foam boards treated with rodenticides. Thanks to this chemical, mice refuse to chew them. But over time, the substance breaks down or evaporates, and the insulation becomes harmless, subject to attacks by rodents.
  9. You can solve the problem with mice using an ultrasonic repeller, which is installed indoors. Sound waves emanating from the device are perceived by rodents as noise. They experience severe discomfort and leave home in search of better living conditions. Humans and animals do not hear this sound.
  10. Discovered holes and tunnels should be filled with a mixture made from broken glass and concrete.

Models of ultrasonic repellers

There are many devices on sale with different ranges and control of the emitted signal power. There are models equipped with LEDs. Popular models:

  1. Tornado 400. The range of the device can cover an area of ​​up to 400 m². Small pests do not have time to adapt to noise, since the reproduced sound frequency constantly changes, while acting continuously.
  2. GRAD A 1000 PRO. The device has 4 operating modes, so it repels not only mice, but also other small pests. The impact radius covers an area of ​​up to 1000 m². The effectiveness of the device at close range is increased several times thanks to 6 bright built-in LEDs. The signal strength can be adjusted independently.
  3. A compact device that combines 2 types of influence: acoustic and electromagnetic. When the device is started, a force field is formed that spreads throughout the house through electrical wires.

Poisonous baits

Ready-made poisonous baits will help quickly exterminate mice and rats. To avoid unpleasant cadaveric odors from their decomposing bodies, it is necessary to choose drugs with mummifying properties. Such preparations include baits called “Goliath”, “Storm”. According to consumer reviews, kit No. 3, called “Down with Uninvited Guests,” has proven itself well. It includes:

  • flavored toxic substances in the amount of 5 pieces of 100 g;
  • bait house;
  • latex gloves.

With this kit you can exterminate all pests in the house and in the surrounding area of ​​about 300 m².

Special disinfection services will help you quickly get rid of rodents if all methods have been tried but have not brought the desired result. Specialists will treat the house with modern chemicals and recommend how to protect the foam from mice, rats and other pests.

Ultrasonic repellers

One of the very popular and effective methods of eliminating mice from a stretch ceiling is the use of ultrasonic repellents. They are small devices that produce a characteristic high-frequency sound that is inaudible to the human ear.

At the same time, such sound waves have a negative effect on mice. Their effect can be compared to the constant headache that rodents experience while the device is on.

The result of this influence is that mice in the house and on the ceiling cannot:

  • sleep;
  • eat and drink water normally;
  • multiply;
  • even moving with difficulty.

Due to constant discomfort, rodents try to leave the room where such a device is operating. To successfully eliminate all pests, it sometimes takes up to 1-2 weeks. However, it's worth it.

The use of such a device remains problematic if there are pets in the house. They will also suffer from the ultrasonic repeller.

Very popular models of the corresponding devices are:

  1. GRAD A-550UZ.
  3. ElectroKOT.

They all work on the same principle

It is only important to check the range of the device before purchasing. It’s good if he can eliminate mice not only from the ceiling, but throughout the whole house

Rodents and penoplex

Do mice eat this material? These rodents, like any living beings, eat only what is needed for the body, i.e. various nutrients, vitamins, minerals, etc. Penoplex does not contain these beneficial substances, so mice do not eat it.

Why do mice chew penoplex?

But this does not mean that your garden houses are protected. Yes, mice do not eat penoplex as food, but they still chew it to build tunnels. They need access to a living space where there is warmth and food. If mice plan to get inside, they will not use the door to do this, but will gnaw tunnels in the walls, including the insulation. This material is easily crushed by their sharp teeth.

Mice chew on almost everything, and in the case of penoplex they don’t have to try very hard, because... it is a soft material with a porous composition that gives in easily. It’s also bad that by destroying the integrity of the insulation, mice worsen its thermal insulation properties.

Mice love to gnaw passages in soft insulation

Methods of protection

How to protect your home from rodents, how to prevent damage to insulation? If this is a country house, then try to make it unattractive to rodents. Mice run to where there is a lot of food. Therefore, remove all the crumbs, all the supplies, take them with you or hide them in jars where they will not fit. But there are other ways to protect yourself:

  1. Buy hard boards that mice cannot chew through.
  2. Don’t be too lazy to place a metal mesh or sheet of tin outside that mice cannot overcome.
  3. Conduct a constant fight against rodents, get a cat that will drive them out of the house.
  4. Another method of protection is painting the insulation.

Or give up penoplex and use a material that mice do not chew. There are now many thermal insulation materials that meet these requirements. Rodents do not live in expanded clay, but they will drown in sand or gravel insulation. Mice will not be able to chew through expanded clay, so they can be used to insulate basements, walls, floors, etc. Or buy foam glass, which mice also don’t like.

Before you start building a house, think through all the details. Where there are mice, and the fight against them does not bring results (the neighbors have all the conditions for the reproduction of rodents), it is worth building houses with insulation that will not be chewed by mice. In other cases, it is necessary to use protective methods and constantly fight rodents.

Seamless fabric ceiling

If a small hole is found on such a surface, then we can consider ourselves very lucky. It is not difficult to repair such a hole. To do this, you will have to work a little with a needle, just mend it and then paint it over.

The larger hole is sealed. Take a small piece of similar material and use it as a patch. But what if there is no suitable fabric? It's okay, take a piece that matches the color of the ceiling, because it will still be painted, and glue it to the damaged area.

The fabric can be glued with any glue, but be careful that the patch fits tightly to the fabric. Paint the treated area with a suitable composition. If the work is done correctly, this place will not be noticeable.

How to keep mice out of your home

Getting rid of them is a whole science. But, if you get down to business competently, you can clear your home of guests quite quickly. There are many methods for this.

  1. It is not recommended to leave food and prepared food in open accessible places. Food should only be stored in the refrigerator, cabinets, or closed plastic or metal containers. They must be inaccessible to small mammals.
  2. It is required to constantly maintain cleanliness and order inside the house and on its territory. Get rid of waste, crumbs, and anything that could be edible for rodents in a timely manner.
  3. Do not leave large holes in walls or floors. Get rid of cracks in a timely manner using polyurethane foam. Large holes should be plugged with rags and covered.
  4. You can get a cat. But here you will need to take a responsible approach to choosing a breed. Often well-fed creatures with a rich pedigree are simply physically unable to catch up with an agile mouse. Regular cats are more suitable here.

Protecting insulation from rodents

High-quality work on facade insulation should not contain gaps or flaws. In practice, it turns out that if there are omissions, mice are able to get to the extruded polystyrene foam.

Mice chewing through insulation

To prevent rodent invasion, you need to take care of this during installation work. In the lower part of the wall, polystyrene foam should be protected by a base strip, reinforcing mesh. Ensuring the structural integrity of the lower part of the building is sufficient to prevent pests from entering.

If the moment is missed and mice live in the wall, you must:

  • get rid of them by any known methods;
  • make sure there are no rodents;
  • to be completely sure, tear off the bottom part of the polystyrene foam;
  • restore the damaged part, restore the integrity of the structure.

Mice get into the smallest cracks, narrow gaps. When performing insulation work, you need to ensure that all parts of the structure fit tightly and adhere to each other.

Pay special attention to the lower part of the building

Mice are a nuisance with their presence in private houses and apartments. They live in basements, upper floors of buildings, and settle on the ceiling. Nothing is impossible for them. You should not assume that pests will not climb to the upper floors. The protection of polystyrene foam must be taken care of during its installation.

Can it chew through?

Among the main characteristics of a stretch ceiling, it is worth noting the following:

  • Applicable to any base surfaces.
  • Doesn't dry out.
  • The formation of cracks on it is impossible.
  • Does not get wet, as it is made of a special material.
  • Subject to repeated installation and dismantling.
  • It does not cause allergies and is not a breeding ground for fungi, thanks to the presence of a special antibacterial impregnation.
  • Very durable, due to the specifics of the material from which it is made.

We suggest you read: Protecting gooseberries from pests and diseases Therefore, if a rodent is detected, you should get rid of it immediately to avoid repeated repairs: replacing the tension fabric.

Can mice climb walls? It would seem that this question borders on fantasy. However, these small animals with sharp claws have learned to run on vertical surfaces.

The only material that rodents cannot catch with their claws is glass. They slide off it and fall down. There have been cases where mice climbed onto kitchen shelves and fell from them into uncovered pots of food.

Mice can climb walls. They feel great in city apartments, in the office, in the greenhouse, in the country house covered with clapboards and in the attic of a private house.

What attracts mice to the house

To understand why mice chew foam plastic, it is necessary to understand what attracts them so strongly to a human home?

The most important goal of both mice and rats is to find food. They won't chew anything out of nothing to do. To get food, mice will gnaw not only foam plastic, but also mineral wool or other insulating material. Mice always move in groups. Therefore, if they have chosen some kind of dwelling, their invasion is quite possible. Rats work differently. First they send a "scout". If he did not see the danger, then the rest of the individuals are already on their way.

Therefore, upon seeing a rodent, a person must take quick action. Where there is one individual, a whole family or horde may subsequently appear.

It is important to take into account the mouse instinct - the desire to stock up. Therefore, in insulated walls, rodents can make their own food storage

They don't eat everything at once. After some time, the food rots. There is a bad smell in the house. The most unpleasant thing is the dead individuals. This will happen if a piece of thermal insulation material gets into the mouse's stomach.

Rodents chew huge holes in polystyrene foam

Table of ways to prevent rodent attacks

Metal gridIt is the most reliable option for protecting a building from rats and mice. For this, galvanized steel mesh is best suited. The height of the protection on the base varies from one meter or more. The mesh can also be used to protect the thermal insulation of the floor.
Boric acidThis substance can be used to treat particle boards. Mice and rats cannot tolerate boric acid, which has long been successfully used by manufacturers of building materials.
Folk remediesAt the construction stage, the heat-insulating material can be treated with tobacco dust, slag, ash, or put twigs of pine, dry wormwood or mint. Rodents absolutely cannot stand the smell of all these products. Hot peppers also work well, the pods of which should be placed along the walls. Experienced builders advise treating materials with a solution of borax or lime.
Ultrasonic repellersThis is a fairly effective means of fighting rats and mice, although it also has certain disadvantages. The device is applicable if the thermal protection of an already built house has been attacked by pests.
Biological weaponsSometimes the most ancient method works in our case. Mice are afraid of cats at the genetic level and leave. Thus, this animal can protect not only your food supplies and peace from rodent invasion, but also thermal insulation, and along with it your nerves and finances.


This is the oldest method of getting rid of mice. Our grandfathers and great-grandfathers used it, but it is still relevant today. You need to purchase several mousetraps (one will not be enough), secure the bait in them and place them in places where you notice traces of rodents.

The advantage of this method is its environmental friendliness. You don't have to worry about cat hair or dangerous poisons. However, mousetraps also have disadvantages.

Firstly, they need to be checked regularly, dead animals must be put somewhere, and the structures themselves must be washed. Otherwise, they cannot be reused, since the smell of a dead comrade will scare off the next rodent.

Secondly, mice do not fall for the bait so often. There are cases when the cheese in the mousetrap was eaten, but the animal remained safe and sound.

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