Mice and rat repeller: the effectiveness of a humane way to combat rodents

Place Name Characteristics in the rating
The best ultrasonic rodent repellers (rodents only)
1Tornado 400Harmless to people and pets
2Chiston-2 PRODamage area up to 500 square meters
3Typhoon OG.01Best price. Emission range up to 90 kHz
4"ElectroCat"High impact efficiency. Availability of two operating modes
5Grad A-1000 PRO+Cleaning area up to 1000 sq. m. High degree of versatility
The best ultrasonic repellers of rodents, insects, animals
1EcoSniper LS-927M260 degree signal output
2Weitech WK-0600Best functionality. Two emitters
3"Mongoose" SD-042Efficiency of use. Complex effects on pests
4REXANT 71-0009Absolutely harmless to people and pets
5COSMOS KR102 (700 sq.m.)Large operating area (700 m2)
The best electromagnetic rodent repellers
1Yastreb-200Proven combination device. User selection
2Pest RejectBest price
3Riddex PlusBalanced performance characteristics. Increased quality
4EMR-21Best coverage area (230 sq.m.)
5Aosion EMR-25Lots of features

The best repeller manufacturers

Before a detailed review of the list of the best, it is worth mentioning the leading companies in this market segment.

  • "Tornado".
    One of the oldest manufacturers on the Russian market, developing traps for 25 years. It enjoys a reputation as a distributor of inexpensive and very effective repellers of various power levels.
  • "EcoSniper".
    A young Russian company that started operating in 2013. It is interesting because in such a modest time frame (only five full years) it managed to break into the top in sales of traps in the country.
  • i 4 Technology .
    The company that owns the most famous brand of repellers “Grad” in Russia. Engaged in the development of a wide range of special traps that are very popular among consumers.
  • Weitech .
    The Belgian company is one of the few representatives from abroad that has managed to gain a foothold in the domestic Russian market. It has gained popularity due to its commitment to humanism: Weitech traps do not require the involvement of poisons in the process of repelling rodents - their effectiveness is achieved solely through the creation of an ultrasonic barrier.
    A Chinese corporation engaged in the production of household appliances and electronics for two decades. In 2013, the official sales representative office of the company was opened in Russia. It is a strong middle peasant in the domestic market in terms of sales of rodent repellers.
  • Chiston and Co.
    Another representative of Russia, who launched production back in 1991. Having started out as suppliers to the military-industrial complex, mechanics and electronics, the company gradually moved into the development of household products. It is one of the segment leaders in the production and sales of rodent repellers.

Model selection

Experts assure: if the device is chosen correctly, it is guaranteed to drive uninvited guests out of the house. To avoid making a mistake with your choice, consider five important points.

  1. Wave range. When choosing an ultrasonic repeller, pay attention to the frequency indicated in the instructions. If the device includes a 16 kHz indicator, then it is better not to purchase it, since such sound is picked up by the human ear.
  2. Changing mode. Consider one more feature. Ultrasonic repellers can operate in one mode or in several. Moreover, the change in waves in some devices occurs automatically. The most effective are those devices in which the ultrasound changes independently. The constant change of waves does not allow rats and mice to get used to the unpleasant sound.
  3. Room area. Consider the size of the room. Manufacturers must indicate in the instructions the power of the device and the area covered. However, remember that we are talking about an empty room. If the room is cluttered with furniture and carpets, then it is better to choose a more powerful repeller.
  4. Captured territory. If rodents are attacking your home, you will need a device that plugs into an outlet. But sometimes pests settle in the chicken coop, cellar, barn and even in the garden. In these cases, it is not always possible to connect the device to the network. A battery-powered repeller will save the situation. And if you live in a private house and periodically suffer from rodent infestations in your rooms and area, choose a universal device that can operate on both electricity and batteries.
  5. Duration of the fight. On average, rodent control lasts two to three weeks. But if pests have settled in the room where food is stored, they will not retreat so easily. Therefore, expect a longer battle, approximately two months.

The best electromagnetic rodent repellers

Unlike ultrasonic repellers, the action of electromagnetic devices is based on the creation of a single magnetic field of a special kind. It is generated thanks to the home electrical network and spreads throughout the protected area in pulses at certain time intervals. The main advantage of such devices is the virtual absence of interference, since the electromagnetic field, unlike ultrasonic waves, can “pass” through the wall. The disadvantage is expressed in the small area of ​​​​action - the radiation of the most powerful devices can cover only up to 200 square meters.

Classification by method of exposure

All devices operate on the same principle. They create uncomfortable conditions for rodents, thereby forcing pests to leave the area. Such conditions can be achieved in several ways. Depending on the impact, three groups of repellers are distinguished.

  1. Electromagnetic. These devices expel rodents using electromagnetic vibrations. Pulses pass through all wires connected to one electric meter. Such fluctuations create an excessive load on the nervous system of rodents within the apartment. The latter are not able to exist in these conditions and strive to leave the confines of the house.
  2. Ultrasonic. They work using high-frequency sound, which is not picked up by humans. In rodents, such signals cause a feeling of danger. Rats and mice begin to scurry around randomly in search of a way out. Rodents are not able to live with a constant feeling of discomfort and fear, so they are in a hurry to leave your home.
  3. Combined. Such repellers combine both electromagnetic and sound waves. These are universal devices that have virtually no drawbacks and can function in any room.

Advantages and disadvantages

Devices designed to repel rodents have their pros and cons. Before choosing any repeller, carefully study the table below.

Table - Advantages of repellers and their disadvantages

Device typeAdvantagesFlaws
Ultrasonic— Safe for people, cats and dogs; - works without interruption; - repels not only rodents, but also most insects — Ultrasound is not able to penetrate walls, so it “works” only inside a specific room; — a pile of furniture reduces the efficiency of the device; - affects domestic hamsters, guinea pigs, decorative rats
Electromagnetic— Affects rodents throughout the entire apartment, including ceiling areas; — works without stopping; — does not affect the operation of electrical appliances; - safe for people and most pets; - used in large rooms — Affects domestic rodents; - requires special wiring arrangement (running wires along the wall)
CombinedCombines the advantages of electromagnetic and ultrasonic devicesAffects domestic rodents

What is the best rat and mouse repeller for a private house, apartment, or cottage?

In this case, the following points will be critical for repelling with ultrasound:

1. The total area of ​​the zone where there should be no rodents is relatively small and usually does not exceed 100-150 m2.

2. There are many separate rooms in the room, and there are relatively many different objects in them.

3. A person often stays indoors.

These nuances significantly influence the selection of a product and taking them into account, we recommend starting from the following criteria:

1.The operating area of ​​the device is not the main parameter

. In such rooms there are too many things that interfere with the propagation of ultrasound. It is better to stay with Tornado 200 (200 m2 of action) than with Typhoon LS-800 (1,000 m2).

2.The more devices you use, the better.

. In an apartment, you need to create the most uniform field of ultrasound repelling, and this is much easier to achieve with several devices than with one, but powerful one. Most often, a couple of Tornado 100 (M) (100 m2 of repellent), placed in different rooms, will be more effective than one Tornado 200.

What mice and rats are guaranteed to be afraid of under any circumstances is the correct installation of an ultrasonic repeller in a room.


Mice and other rodents have a developed nervous system and are able to adapt to negative environmental conditions that do not pose a direct threat to their lives. The ultrasound only scares them, but does not harm them, so they can eventually tune in to the waves and learn to ignore them. A sound of this range acts temporarily: rodents leave the location of the device in a few minutes or a few days, but if during this time no measures are taken against their return, they will again populate their former habitats and return to pest activity.

The good news is that research has shown that if you use ultrasound of variable strength and frequency, then mice will not quickly adapt to such conditions, and may not survive them at all. Devices with variable ultrasonic frequencies drive out mice for good, but they also have a depressing effect on humans: you yourself will have to leave the house for the duration of the device’s operation.

Checking the device

If we cannot hear sounds with frequencies above 20 kHz, then how can we tell if ultrasound is working from mice? First of all, never put the device to your ear. It exerts powerful pressure and can cause damage to the eardrums. The fact that the device is working is signaled by special indicators: if the light is on, it means ultrasound is going on.

If you want to check the serviceability of the device, bring the emitter to the surface of the water. The operating device exerts sound pressure, and tubercles will appear on the surface of the water.

Review and characteristics of popular devices

There is a huge range of repellers on the market. They vary in design, power, and area covered. Before making a purchase, be sure to check the operation of the device. If you hear a sound or feel slight discomfort, do not purchase. Otherwise, you may experience all the side effects.


This device belongs to the ultrasonic category. It is designed to protect private houses and apartments from rodent infestations. Can be used in the fight against rats in elevator shafts, sheds, warehouses, garages, hangars.

  • Principle of operation. The device operates from the mains, emits waves with a frequency from 18 to 70 kHz, covers an area of ​​200 m², withstands a wide temperature range, from −40ºС to +80ºС;
  • Additional options. The panel has sensors that characterize the operation of the device, is equipped with a special stand that allows it to be attached to any surface, and automatically changes the wavelength every five minutes.

It is best to mount the repeller to the ceiling or wall. At the same time, direct the radiation to the center of the room. This will avoid unnecessary influence on people and will make the expulsion of rodents more effective.


The ultrasonic repeller causes disorientation in rats and mice. This device operates in two modes: sound and silent. In the first case, not only tailed pests, but also pets and humans can hear it. That is why such a device is more preferable for non-residential premises.


  • sound mode - frequency from one to 50 kHz is used in non-residential premises (cellars, basements, unoccupied warehouses);
  • silent mode - the wave range 19-50 kHz can be used in living rooms;
  • mains operation - capable of covering an area of ​​100 m², has an automatic ultrasonic frequency switch;
  • temperature regime - functions properly within the temperature range from −25 ºС to +35 ºС.

"Typhoon LS-800"

The Typhoon LS-800 ultrasonic repeller has a wide beam, which significantly increases its effectiveness. The device is suitable for both home and non-residential premises.


  • two operating modes - silent allows the device to be used in residential premises, the device also emits ultrasound with a beam of 150º;
  • principle of operation - operates from the mains, withstands temperatures from −15ºС to +45ºС, not intended for rooms with high humidity;
  • territory coverage - capable of covering an area of ​​1000 m², but only under conditions of full visibility.

"Clean house"

Ultrasonic type repeller. This is a fairly compact device that will please you with not only efficient, but also quite economical operation in terms of energy consumed. Main characteristics:

  • does not harm people;
  • has a power of 50-60 kHz;
  • works continuously;
  • covers a room of 150 m²;
  • operates from the network.

Pest reject

The ultrasonic device Pest reject was developed in Germany. The device can be used in any room. It is harmless to people and large pets. Characteristics declared by the manufacturer:

  • affects an area of ​​200 m²;
  • works from the network continuously;
  • operates silently;
  • expels rodents, cockroaches, bedbugs.


A powerful ultrasonic device is designed to expel tailed pests from warehouses and granaries. It can be used in the country and in any domestic premises that have been attacked by rats or mice.

  • Appearance. The device has a cylindrical shape, thanks to which it has an impact in all directions (directional spectrum - 360º).
  • Principle of operation. Covers an area (with a ceiling height of 3 m) of 400 m², operates at frequencies of 20-70 kHz, and can operate continuously for an unlimited time.
  • Sound mode. The device is silent, but some dogs may feel discomfort near the repeller.


This repeller is a development. A fairly effective device is able to stop rodent attacks in any room where there is an outlet. It is a combined repeller, that is, it expels uninvited guests using electromagnetic pulses and ultrasound. Characteristics:

  • directionality - eliminates rodents, mosquitoes, cockroaches, bedbugs, spiders, can be used for living rooms and domestic premises;
  • principle of operation - can work at sub-zero temperatures, affects an area of ​​200 m², operates with a frequency of 50-60 kHz;
  • service life - has an unlimited period of continuous operation;
  • additional option - has a special LED that provides night illumination.


The device, using ultrasound, is capable of expelling pests from any room. The device is in demand in commercial enterprises and is used in the holds of ships. It functions no less effectively on the street. Main characteristics:

  • targeted action - repels rodents, bats, cleans areas of 200 m²;
  • two modes - operates in two modes: “Night” and “Day”;
  • “Day” mode – emits only ultrasonic signals that humans cannot hear (frequency 20-100 kHz);
  • “Night” mode - ultrasound is supplemented with sound signals and bright light (frequency from eight to 40 kHz).


It operates on the principle of electromagnetic pulses. At the same time, it is also an ultrasonic device. This versatility makes the device highly effective. Riddex can be used in supermarkets, canteens, and residential premises. It is allowed to be used in kindergartens, hospitals, and sanatoriums. It will drive out pests that have settled in the cellar, granaries, garages, and basements. Characteristic:

  • affects the entire territory - within one meter;
  • withstands temperature changes - within −30ºС - +40ºС;
  • expels various parasites - rodents, spiders, cockroaches, ants;
  • does not cause harm - does not affect human well-being, does not cause discomfort in dogs and cats.

"Ecosniper LS-925"

The ultrasonic repeller “Ecosniper LS-925” is one of the premium class devices. The device is capable of operating in autonomous mode. Thanks to this feature, it can be used in any conditions. Characteristic:

  • works from mains and batteries;
  • used in residential and domestic premises;
  • suitable for gardening, vehicles;
  • drives away rats, mice, cockroaches;
  • has a sound pressure of 130 dB.

"Grad A-1000 PRO"

If you need a powerful and professional repeller, pay attention to the Grad A-1000 PRO device. The device does not yet have analogues that would surpass it in efficiency. Characteristics:

  • is highly effective against rats, mice, spiders, moths, fleas, mosquitoes, cockroaches;
  • differs in triple impact - ultrasound, sound signal and light flashes;
  • covers an area of ​​1000 m² - operates from a network with a radiation range of 360º, operates at frequencies of 4-72 kHz, withstands temperatures from −40ºС to +85ºС.

In the first days after connecting the device, there is a real invasion of rodents. Therefore, most owners are sure that the device is not working correctly. This is a misconception. The repeller causes disorientation in tailed pests, and they are quite capable of “getting lost” in space and leaving their holes. Starting from the third to fifth day, you will notice a decrease, and soon the complete disappearance of rodents.


Tornado-800 is a relatively expensive device (its price is about 3,500 rubles), according to test results, slightly inferior to the more affordable Chistons, but, nevertheless, quite effective for fighting rats at home.

Despite the 800 square meters of protected area declared by the manufacturer, in practice this repeller allows you to more or less reliably get rid of rodents only in standard apartments and small private houses.

Folk remedies

Rodents have long lived next to humans, bothering them. In this regard, even before the advent of other methods of pest control, people used their own means. It is impossible to name them all. We offer a description of the most effective ones.


It is enough to scatter it in those places where pests like to be most. Uninvited guests will have no choice but to leave your home.

Interesting! The smell that comes from ash is not to the liking of mice and their older brothers, rats.

Boric acid

This method is only suitable for those who do not have pets. Children must also be temporarily removed from the treated area. To drive away pests, it is enough to place containers with boric acid in different parts of the room. Its smell affects mice so much that they are ready to run away from it.

Elderberry or wormwood

Some plants have long been used as a repellent. Our ancestors knew that elderberry roots are capable of releasing hydrocyanic acid, which is poisonous to small rodents. They will never settle where elderberry grows, so it is often planted near warehouses, sheds and living quarters. If it is not possible to plant a bush, then you can cut off the branches of the plant and place them in the place where the pests have infested; after a while, the mice will leave the building.

The tart aroma of wormwood has a similar effect. This is a folk remedy for mice in the house; rodents cannot tolerate it and from which they leave forever.

If you plant grass around the perimeter of the garden or vegetable garden, this will protect it from tailed beasts. In storage, it is customary to place bunches of wormwood in grain storage facilities to discourage mice from stealing grain.

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