Solar-powered mole repellers: reviews (photos)

Moles that settle in a summer cottage can cause significant harm and cause a lot of problems for the owners. Of course, these animals do not eat the underground parts of cultivated plants. However, by making many holes, they severely damage the roots, which inevitably leads to crop losses. Therefore, the owners have to take urgent measures to rid the site of these uninvited guests. Very often, modern equipment such as solar-powered mole repellers is used. Reviews about devices of this type are quite contradictory. However, their effectiveness is noted by many owners of suburban areas.

Mole lifestyle

These animals live and, accordingly, dig holes in the upper fertile layer of soil (no deeper than 20 cm). Their passages are usually highly branched, and therefore it is quite difficult to catch a mole in some kind of trap. These animals breed in the spring. The female nurses the offspring for only about one and a half months. After this, young moles begin adult life, usually not far from their parental “domains”. That is why in a short time these little animals can simply overrun a summer cottage.

The physiological feature of moles is not only blindness, but also sensitivity to ultrasound. Man, as you know, does not hear him. For a mole, it is a very unpleasant, frightening phenomenon. It is on this feature of animal physiology that the work of modern ultrasonic repellers is based.

How to use?

Recommendations for use should be in each device package, but in principle they are the same for all:

  1. Unpack the device and insert batteries into it according to polarity.
  2. Turn it on and hold it in your hand for two minutes. A working repeller will emit periodic vibrations.
  3. For initial charging , the battery must be placed in the sun for a couple of days, only after which it can be inserted into the device.
  4. Determine the approximate location so that its operation provides full coverage of the planted area. Follow the maximum range indicated on the packaging.
  5. Before installation , make a shallow hole so that half of the pin is inserted into the ground under force. Cover the rest with soil, leaving the warning light visible.

Install it only in places where it will not be covered by leaves of bushes or vegetables. In this case, the battery will not be charged from the sun, and the device will not give the desired effect.

Is it worth using?

How effective can solar-powered mole repellers be? Reviews about them are mostly good, since their use is truly considered one of the best methods for getting rid of annoying diggers. In principle, a variety of methods can be used to expel moles. However, if you read user messages on gardener forums, most of them bring virtually no results. Moles usually cannot be survived by either foul odors or the use of rattles. Most summer residents consider traps to be the most effective way to get rid of them. However, this technique is very labor-intensive and time-consuming. Catching a mole, as already mentioned, is quite difficult.

Therefore, many summer residents buy repellers with ultrasound, hoping to drive out these animals without much effort and quickly. In many cases, such a remedy turns out to be quite effective. But, judging by the reviews of summer residents, unfortunately, this is not always the case either. The effectiveness of such devices depends mainly on the type of soil and correct installation. Also, when purchasing a repeller of this type, many owners of summer cottages advise paying attention to the manufacturer’s brand.

Is it possible to make such a device with your own hands?

When looking at the prices of high-quality mole repellers (we are not talking about Chinese ineffective consumer goods), many gardeners think about how to make such a repeller with their own hands and thereby save money.

However, in practice, without special knowledge, such an approach will be ineffective, even if there is an electrical circuit of the device. Modern mole repellers include:

  1. A special microcircuit responsible for changing the frequencies of the generated sound;
  2. Additional elements that enhance sound;
  3. Ultrasonic systems use piezo actuators adapted for such devices;
  4. The device may also contain an electric motor (to create vibration) and an electrical control system for its operation.

It is difficult to buy, assemble and correctly arrange the corresponding electronic components manually, and their cost and the price of the time spent on this will be incomparably greater than the cost of commercially available devices.

However, some craftsmen got rid of moles using a simpler homemade device: an ordinary continuously beeping Chinese electronic alarm clock was placed in a metal pipe. The pipe was buried in the ground and did a fairly good job of scaring away moles;


“I tried to buy a mole repeller in Moscow, I was horrified by the prices. 1500 rubles to drive out the mole, well, no thanks. This is completely beyond the bounds. There's not much stuff there, a speaker, a relay and a small circuit. I found such a circuit on the Internet, screwed the speaker in larger, and powered it from the battery. I installed it in the winter, it’s already April, there are no moles yet. I think it will work."

Pavel, Podolsk

Well, in conclusion, let's summarize:

  • There is no point in chasing ultrasonic mole repellers - they are more suitable for fighting rats and mice indoors;
  • Autonomous devices that periodically generate sounds of varying frequencies and mechanical vibration are more convenient to use and in many cases are quite effective (although not always);
  • If some device helped your neighbor behind the fence, then try using the same one.

If you have personal experience of getting rid of moles using ultrasonic or other repellers, be sure to leave your review at the bottom of this page (in the comments field) - perhaps this will help someone decide on the choice of device.

Useful video: review of different types of mole repellers (help with choosing)

Feedback on device design

Ease of use is what, according to most summer residents, distinguishes a solar-powered mole repeller. Reviews of such devices are positive, including for their ergonomic design. Externally, such a trap looks like a large mushroom with a long stem. The latter is pointed at the bottom to make it easier to stick it into the ground. The solar battery itself is built into the “hat”. Such mole repellers have earned good reviews from summer residents, partly due to the presence of this particular element.

Old-style devices for this purpose operate on batteries. The latter are often designed for a fairly long period (from 3 to 6 months), but you still have to spend money and time on replacing them. A solar battery, unlike a conventional one, allows you not to remember the existence of repellers at all. And both in summer and winter. The body of the ultrasonic repeller is usually made of durable, moisture-resistant plastic that can withstand severe temperature changes.

The installation itself of such equipment as a solar-powered mole repeller is not difficult either. The instructions for using the devices are extremely simple. The device should be unpacked and its “leg” should be screwed to the “cap”. Next, the repeller is stuck into the ground in the right place.

The best mole traps for 2022

This category includes traps for moles, which are installed in a certain place in the passages and after a while are checked for the presence of the animal. You can make such devices yourself.

Model "000812" from

Purpose: for catching moles.

The live trap for moles is made of metal and plastic. Installation recommendations:

  • On a straight section of the path, dig a hole with a diameter of 6 cm;
  • Install a trap vertically 2 cm below the bottom of the tunnel;
  • Raise the handle all the way up;
  • Sprinkle the area with grass.

After the mole falls into the trap, the handle will lower, and to remove the pest, you need to lower it all the way.

Model "000812" from packed and unpacked


Parameters (centimeters):22,3/10/5,8
Net weight:200 g
Average price:750 rubles

Trap 000812 Cat Fedr


  • Original assembly;
  • Active trap;
  • Sensitivity of the device;
  • Durable;
  • It works no matter from which direction the mole is approaching;
  • For all weather conditions;
  • Price.


  • Little information on installation;
  • It takes skill.

Model "Pipe"

Purpose: to catch moles.

A device for catching moles that allows you to save the life of a rodent. It is installed horizontally in one of the passages and sprinkled with earth. You can check the trap in the morning, afternoon and evening. Appearance of the device: a cylinder with holes, made of durable plastic. The entrance and exit are designed so that the animal can enter but not be able to exit. Works on both sides.

The “Pipe” model in action: a mole is caught


Openings and entries:2 pcs.
Frame:ABC plastic
Average price:500 rubles

Mole trap Pipe


  • Ease of use;
  • Environmental friendliness;
  • Saves the life of the mole;
  • Active;
  • Resistant model to any temperature;
  • Durability;
  • Reliability of the design.


  • Not identified.

Model "Wire"

Purpose: catching moles, eliminating them.

Comes in pairs for sale. The mechanism is simple: steel wire twisted to a specific shape. A special mechanism repeats the principle of operation of a mousetrap, but in a more gentle mode.

“Wire” model, appearance, installation in passages


Amount in a package:2 pcs.
Case material:steel
By price:about 100 rubles

Wire trap for moles


  • The most budget devices;
  • Eco-friendly;
  • Simple mechanism;
  • Long service life;
  • Suitable for any underground rodents.


  • Not identified.

Reviews about the work

A good opinion about devices of this type was formed mainly among those summer residents whose plots of land are quite loose. Owners of plots with dense soil often note the fact that the ultrasonic repeller does not make any impression on moles. The reason for this is the very principle of operation of the device. Ultrasound definitely repels moles. However, unlike ordinary sound heard by humans, it is completely unable to penetrate dense soil.

Thus, we can conclude that solar-powered ultrasonic mole repellers (photos of which are on the page) are worth buying only for areas with loose soil. Such devices are not very suitable for clay soils. However, they can also work in this case. On heavy soils (and even on light ones) it is recommended to stick them directly into the mole hole. Along the passages, ultrasound spreads very well.

Advantages and disadvantages

High-tech systems are widely used in summer cottages due to the following characteristics:

  1. Continuous operation without additional recharging - “put it in and forget it” - is ensured thanks to built-in batteries powered by UV rays. To protect the area in the dark, a high-capacity battery is provided, the charge of which lasts for almost 10 hours.
  2. Considering the ability of moles to adapt to different living environments, the device provides time intervals of operation. The action signal is not constant. It turns on randomly with short pauses. This significantly increases its duration.
  3. Operating safety verified. Sound waves only affect rodents, without having any effect on domestic animals, much less humans. The materials used in manufacturing allow the repeller to be used in damp soil without the threat of damage.
  4. Almost all devices in the minimum operating range are designed for the “classic 6 acres”. If necessary, you can use two devices over a larger area.

During operation, no negative qualities were identified. The only drawback is that when installed in the ground, some devices are not very visible, and if you forget about their location, you can break it by stepping on it.

At first, summer residents adapted by marking the installation site with various colored beacons, rags or cans.

But the manufacturer met halfway, taking into account consumer feedback, and modernized models with bright colors and built-in LED lights went on sale. Therefore, there is no need to worry about a possible break in the device even at night. The signal light will clearly indicate the installation location.

Solar panels

Some summer residents note that such devices are not suitable for central Russia. Apparently there is not enough light to recharge them. However, the majority of site owners, on the contrary, believe that in our country there are quite enough sunny days for such a repeller. In this case, everything depends on the design and quality of the device’s battery.

When purchasing a device such as a solar-powered mole repeller, you should definitely pay attention to the manufacturer. You should not purchase equipment from dubious companies, especially those made in China. The best repellers today are those produced in Europe and Russia. We’ll talk further about what reviews there are about some of the most famous brands of such devices.

Ultrasound in the fight against underground rodents

All mole repellers (by the way, also other warm-blooded burrowers, for example, mice) have the main task - to prevent the appearance of rodents such as moles, mole rats, shrews, etc. on a plot of land of a certain area. From such unwanted neighbors previously with greater or lesser effectiveness fought using poisons or traps, but all these methods are fraught with significant disadvantages and limitations. And only when the fact that these animals “disliked” ultrasonic radiation was established, farmers and summer residents received a powerful weapon in the fight against underground rodents. The fact is that high-frequency (by the way, low-frequency too) vibrations propagating in the ground are absolutely harmless to humans, and the vast majority of people do not even perceive them. Such radiation is also safe for higher animals, birds, and does not cause interference during the operation of radio and television equipment. The emitted ultrasonic vibrations are perceived by rodents as a signal of danger, as a result of which they instinctively strive to leave the “bad” territory as quickly as possible. Since over time, the inhabitants of underground burrows can get used to the range of emitted frequencies, the latter change cyclically, and the nature of such changes is programmed by the design of the device itself.

The opinion of summer residents about the Solar models

According to many summer residents, quite effective solar-powered mole repellers are produced under this brand. Reviews about the Solar models are good, primarily because after their installation, the animals actually disappear from the area within a month and a half, as stated by the manufacturer. The advantages of this brand, many summer residents also include the presence of an LED light bulb under the “hat”, inside the “leg”, behind the transparent plastic. Going out into the yard at night, it is simply impossible to stumble upon a Solar “mushroom” stuck in the ground. The solar batteries installed here are of high quality. Judging by the reviews of summer residents, there are no problems with recharging them. After standing in the sun for one day, Solar can work without problems for three subsequent cloudy days.

The solar-powered mole repeller Solar, according to summer residents, has only one drawback. This is its high cost. For the repeller alone you will have to pay about 3200-3300 rubles. For a plot of ten acres you need 3-4 of these “mushrooms”, since the range of action (650 m2) of these models, like any other ultrasonic ones, is limited.

Popular models of repellers

A repeller that emits low-frequency sound waves and also vibrates underground is capable of creating a protective space around itself, which is perceived by rodents, shrews and even mole crickets as danger signals. Therefore, these pests simply will not be able to stay within the range of influence of such a device for a long time, much less create their own colonies and families.

All pests living in the ground have excellent hearing or sensitivity of the whole body to vibrations, so they will hear the infosonic wave in any case. The device creates signals of precisely this frequency that have an irritating effect on the nervous system of animals and insects. This approach is environmentally friendly, humane and cannot in any way harm the natural environment.

Another advantage of equipment powered by solar energy is its autonomy and mobility. Such a device can be installed anywhere on your site. True, if in your region the summer is cold and the sky is often overcast, then it will be extremely difficult to obtain energy for recharging the solar batteries and you will have to use the device on conventional batteries. For example, you can consider several options for repellers that work well on solar energy.


  1. The manufacturer is Russia
  2. The principle of operation is to produce sound vibrations of such strength and frequency level that would repel moles and others.
  3. The range of impact on the surrounding space underground is 1000 sq.m. calculated for a plot of 10 acres .
  4. The kit includes a solar battery .
  5. Product parameters in a box measuring 155 × 155 × 425 m, weight – 0.4 kg .
  6. In operation of the device, a pause mode of 45-60 s is set between oscillations.
  7. The operation of a solar battery is that it is charged from the sun's rays throughout the day, and then transfers this energy to the operation of the device. At night, the device runs on 4 “D” batteries.
  8. Price – 2600 rub.

​​ BUY


Moles are frequent guests at our summer cottage. In themselves, they are of course useful creatures, but they greatly spoil the garden and lawn. If you don’t take any measures, in early spring everything will be in holes and heaps. Well, the most annoying thing is the damage to trees - last year one of my favorite apple trees died because they chewed all the roots.

To avoid this, I purchased a device. The plot is small and it seemed to me that it would be quite enough.

The device does not operate continuously, but emits a signal every minute. I’ll say right away that the device has no effect on humans, but for rodents it causes great concern and they simply leave the area.

What can be noted from the advantages: no batteries are needed and the device can be placed outdoors. Traditional plug-in repellers often lack this.

Result: the number of moles decreased sharply after about three days. In the summer there was not a single mole pit.

Elena, Samara region

Repeller review:


  1. Made in Belgium .
  2. Weight parameters – 500 g, dimensions 150 × 150 × 37 mm .
  3. The radius of vibrations of sound waves is 300 sq.m.
  4. Does not harm in any way earthworms - active soil cultivators, as well as insects. Designed to repel only mice, snakes and moles .
  5. Convenient mode – works for 2 seconds and then pauses for 40 seconds. Without recharging, the device can operate for 5 days .
  6. Can be recharged by the sun even when there are clouds in the sky (except on rainy days).
  7. Cost – 3190 rub.

​​ BUY

"Scat 49"

  1. Production – Russia .
  2. The device affects the soil with vibrations, which can change the vibration frequency . This prevents pests from getting used to the sound and entering your area. “Floating mode” is applied at intervals of 15-60 s.
  3. There is a built-in backlight that turns on itself after sunset. When the battery is fully charged, the device can operate for up to 48 hours.
  4. The device is inserted into the ground near mole holes to a depth of 20 cm .
  5. Frequency – 400-1000 Hz.
  6. Impact range – 800 sq.m.
  7. The size of the solar panel is 89x61 mm.
  8. of 20 or 30 m from each other .
  9. Approximate cost – 1285 rubles.

​​ BUY


We probably bought the stingray out of desperation; there were dozens of moles on the site. When they practically killed our lawn, we decided to do something. The choice was made on this, since batteries and an outlet are not needed, which is very convenient in an open area. To begin with, we took one, then when there were significantly fewer holes in part of the lawn, we purchased five more

Ekaterina, Orel

Reviews of Grom-Profi LED devices

This is another brand that has earned the recognition of Russian summer residents. The area of ​​action of the solar-powered mole repeller "Grom-Profi LED" is slightly larger than that of the "Solar" - 700 m2. Its advantages include not only operational efficiency, but also good build quality. Thanks to the presence of rubber gaskets, neither rainwater nor steam can get inside this device during fog. LED backlighting is also present in this model. The Grom-Profi device costs a little less than Solar - about 3,000 rubles.

Russian model “Ecosniper SM-153”: reviews

According to domestic owners of suburban areas, this model is simply ideal for lawns. Of course, many people install such repellers in their gardens. Some summer residents have been using Ecosniper for quite a long time (3-4 years) and are quite satisfied with the result. Devices of this brand cost only about 1,500 rubles.

As you can see, good solar-powered mole repellers received reviews for good reason. In most cases, they do their job quite well. This is especially true for areas with light soil. But, of course, a guaranteed result can only be obtained by using a not too cheap device from a well-known manufacturer.

( 2 ratings, average 4 out of 5 )
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