Piglets on the hay
Boar and hog - the difference in names and what causes it
If we turn to the lexicology of the Russian language for help, then between the words boar and hog
video about killing mosquitoes
Are there malaria mosquitoes in Russia and in what regions do they live?
Malaria mosquitoes are distributed throughout the globe, but they pose the greatest risk and danger
Quail feeder
Drinkers and feeders for quails - ready-made and homemade models
In the cage with quails, it is necessary to install feeders that provide free access to food. They can
Let's find out what moles are most afraid of and how this can be applied in practice to scare them away from the site.
How to get rid of moles: 15 best and proven methods of control, photos, tips, instructions, methods of getting rid of them once and for all
There is an opinion that moles are afraid of sharp unusual odors, loud noise and even the presence of certain
How quickly do mice reproduce - newborn mice
Not only breeders, but also fighters need to know how mice reproduce and how long they live.
Roosting chickens overnight - 7 rules and 15 ideas on how to make roosts.
How, on what and how many hours a day do chickens sleep in a chicken coop?
Good afternoon, experienced and novice poultry farmers. Proper roosting of chickens eliminates conflicts
White house mouse in hands
Care and maintenance of decorative mice at home
Decorative house mice are an ideal option for those who decide to have their own animal or
How to cheaply insulate a chicken coop for the winter
How to cheaply insulate the walls, floor and ceiling of a chicken coop for the winter: different heating methods, photos and videos?
Insulating the roof of a chicken coop If you are planning a construction, it is recommended to think about the attic and make a structure
Is it possible to bathe rats - how and when to wash decorative rats at home
Preparing for water procedures In order to properly prepare for bathing your hamster, you need to purchase
eats bread
Signs about mice - what does the appearance or meeting with rodents mean in different situations
Our ancestors attached great importance to folk beliefs, believing that this would help protect themselves from adversity.
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