Frequently Asked Questions About Pet Rats
The problem of unpleasant odor when keeping decorative rats
The problem of unpleasant odor when keeping decorative rats What influences the appearance of odor during keeping
Cages for broilers: step-by-step instructions on how to make a cage for chickens with your own hands using photos, diagrams and drawings
Features of construction The chicken coop should be located away from noisy roads, it is advisable to choose a site on a dry
The basis of duck food is cereals
What to feed ducks and what do they eat? Selection of feed composition for rapid growth and weight gain + description of how and how much to feed
Cereals in the diet of ducks The basis of duck food is cereals. The basis of food for any poultry,
What is the role of earthworms in nature: invisible assistants to gardeners
Why are earthworms useful Earthworms are one of the most useful living creatures on
Mice in a frame house
How to defeat mice in a frame house and prevent them from appearing
Frame technology has a drawback (which, however, can be prevented at the stage of laying the foundation). This
How to get rid of the cadaverous smell of a dead rat in a house or apartment
You can determine the presence of rats in the house by smell. They smell like they smell
Mouse and foam
Do mice chew polyurethane foam? What do owners say?
The question of whether mice chew polyurethane foam is relevant for everyone who wants to use
Mice steal our bread
Using mint to get rid of mice in the apartment
02/08/2018 Category: Rodents Author: Lara Lisina No matter how great the scientific progress of mankind is,
How long does a rat's pregnancy last, how does childbirth go, caring for pups
Decorative mice should be kept in same-sex pairs or herds. If you connect a male and a female, through
How to build a chicken coop with your own hands for 50 chickens for the winter
Choosing a location on the site When choosing the location of the chicken coop, you should first pay attention
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