Earth rat - how to deal with pests in the garden

Why is a parasitic rodent dangerous?

The animal feeds mainly on plant foods. Its diet includes seeds, root vegetables, plant tops, bark and branches of trees and shrubs. Its “activity” causes irreparable harm to agricultural crops - the rat destroys crops of barley and wheat.

In addition, she does not disdain field mice, frogs, and other inhabitants of reservoirs, near which she likes to settle in the summer. They are excellent swimmers, unlike other rodents. At the same time, earth rats are able to live underground.

In winter, they move closer to human habitation. You can spot the animal in utility rooms, in the basement, or in the garden. It quickly climbs trees, destroys bird nests, eating eggs and chicks.

If there is a mole in the garden, the rat will use its passages, creating holes near them. Since she rarely crawls out and hunts, as a rule, at night, tracking her down can be quite difficult.

Earth rats, just like ordinary rats, are dangerous because they are carriers of many serious diseases. It is not easy to fight them - they are quite smart, highly organized, and also resistant to toxic substances.

If there is just one rat, it won’t be difficult to get it out. But if there are more of them, you need to immediately rid your garden plot of this scourge. Animals have the ability to reproduce quickly, so after some time their number will increase several times. And then getting rid of them will be very problematic. However, it is possible to cope with them.

Pest control methods

The appearance of an earth rat in the garden or in your home should always draw your attention, due to the reasons listed above. But what are there that can combat them? Let's take a closer look.

Biological method

This method involves adopting certain breeds of dogs and cats so that they can catch uninvited “guests” whenever possible. For dogs, a dachshund, for example, is a great choice.

One of the undoubted advantages is that a dog or cat is a natural repeller for rodents - over time, they will disappear on their own.

Chemical method

The chemical effect consists of poisoning possible rodents in the area. These are all kinds of poisons, toxic substances and so on.

The principle of their operation is as follows:

  • Suffocating effect.
  • Causing paralysis.
  • Insanity drugs.
  • Other impact.

This method has some disadvantages:

  1. Rodents die in different places and their bodies must be searched for due to their decomposition. If it so happened that the corpses began to decompose next to the planted crops, there is a chance of poisoning them.
  2. Poisons often have to be scattered on the ground; the poison is finally washed off only after a few rains.
  3. Spilled poison can poison other animals, such as your own pets or neighbors.
  4. The poison must be selected with virtually no odor - otherwise rodents will not be suitable even because of the pungent aroma.

Folk humane methods of counteraction

Folk methods are often humane ways to expel animals from your territory.

One way or another, the following methods are popular among summer residents:

  • Flooding of holes. Sticking a sufficiently long hose into the burrow holes and then supplying water into the hole is an effective and humane method. The risk that the rat will die there due to various circumstances is minimal.
  • The so-called “smoking out” of various pests. The principle of operation is to fill some holes with strongly odorous substances. It can be anything - animal skins or hair, vinegar, some leaves and stems of plants, etc. The most effective way is to set fire to certain substances directly in the burrows, for example, rubber, plastic and other substances that emit strong smoke when burned.
  • Ultrasonic treatment of the area. The most humane way is to turn on ultrasonic speakers at a certain frequency - while some frequencies are safe for humans, they are extremely unpleasant for rodents.
  • Expelling animals through noise. Like any other creature, earth rats do not linger in areas with continuous noise. Some summer residents use certain media:
  • Digging in pinwheels that make noise.
  • Digging in sticks with tin cans to make extra noise.
  • Play directly with any music at a high volume level. This method is unpleasant, for example, for neighbors, but it is also unpleasant for pests.

Setting traps

There are a wide variety of traps for rats and other rodents on store shelves. There are both disadvantages and advantages to installing them. Let's look at it in detail below.


  • Passive catching when installed correctly.
  • Safety for the site.
  • Reusable.
  • Availability.

But like other methods, there are some disadvantages:

  • If installed incorrectly, this method becomes useless.
  • This method is inhumane, because often the victim dies one way or another.
  • It is important to calculate the size of the traps in relation to the size and weight of the rodents - the ground rat is larger than its fellow voles and can easily be confused with ordinary rats.
  • It so happens that a trap with excessive force can tear the tissues of rats. This spectacle is not for the faint of heart.

Cardinal remedies

Since rats are distinguished by their intellectual abilities, in order to get rid of them, it is necessary to resort to various methods:

  • mousetraps;
  • traps;
  • traps;
  • toxic substances;
  • bait with poison.

Regular mousetraps can only be used once. If a rodent notices that another animal has fallen into a mousetrap, it will not come close to it. Mousetraps and traps are placed in the rat's hole in such a way that it is sure to fall into them: the hole is dug up a little, a trap is placed in it, and the top is covered with earth.

There are four types of traps:

  • adhesive;
  • catch cylinders;
  • electric traps-repellents;
  • mechanical mousetraps.

The pest's hole is not so easy to find. Rats protect their home well from prying eyes, camouflage it by covering it with garbage, branches, and leaves.

Poisonous substances and poison baits are more effective than traps. The poison can be poured directly into the hole. A mixture of poison and grain is also prepared: 30 g of the drug “Ethylphenacin” is mixed with 1 kg of wheat.

When it's too late for prevention...

In many cases, it happens that it is only when we discover obvious signs of rodents in our home that a brutal confrontation with reality occurs. Suddenly it turns out that mice and rats can breed even in urban homes, not just in rural areas. Bitten food, numerous droppings, cluttered garbage bags or characteristic scratches at night - these symptoms indicate one thing - rodents are already on board.

When prevention can no longer be discussed, concrete steps must be taken. Both mice and rats are animals that nest in new environments; they reproduce easily and quickly, so once they find a comfortable environment, they will not refuse it. Any owner who has experienced the presence of rodents in his home should prepare for a difficult fight, no matter how victorious. To effectively get rid of unwanted guests, you need to know the appropriate methods.

Undoubtedly, lovers of all animals will be inclined towards more humane measures, however, when the problem gets worse, no-compromise solutions should be used.

Less radical methods include:

  1. Live trap is very easy to make and we can easily make it ourselves. We only need a roll of paper (for example, toilet paper) and a half-meter container with steep sides. A tasty bait (such as a cookie or cracker) is also necessary. A mouse, tempted by a delicious treat, enters a cardboard tunnel, overloads it, and falls into a container from which it cannot escape. In this way, the mouse is caught, but it will not be harmed or lose its life, so we can successfully carry it far into the forest;
  2. A plastic tunnel is another method that allows you to get rid of a rodent from your home without taking its life. The operating principle is similar to the above case. The mouse or rat enters the tunnel, attracted to a piece of food bait, then the tunnel tilts and snaps shut, trapping the rodent inside.

However, when soft methods fail, you need to take more drastic measures, which include:

  • a traditional mousetrap is perhaps the most common method that causes rapid death of rodents. You can use cheese, breakfast meats, smoked meats or other aromatic delicacies as bait, but be sure to include them. This method is intended when rodents in the house have not yet spread, and only isolated individuals are encountered;
  • poison - buying such a drug has its supporters, although we should not forget that poison is also harmful to people and other pets. Therefore, in homes with small children, it is better not to take risks and choose another method. Another disadvantage of the poison is the fact that after consuming it, the mouse can end its life somewhere deep under the furniture, and we only become aware of this during the decomposition and strong stench. The solution, however, is to use poison with a mumifactor, which causes the rodent to dry out and blocks tissue destruction. However, in any situation, you must get rid of any remaining poison from your home;
  • deratization - when all methods fail, and the problem worsens and becomes extremely annoying, it is worth seeking professional help. Specialized pest control companies provide comprehensive services using chemicals, special poisons or gases. The latter may even require household members to leave the apartment for a certain period of time. Professional companies guarantee efficiency while maintaining all safety measures. Of course, we will have to pay properly for such services, but the price depends on the means used, the size of the house or the number of unwanted tenants.

Humane means

Successful fight against earth rats can also be carried out using methods that are more gentle for the animals and do not involve their physical destruction. These methods are based on forcing rats to leave their favorite places.

Modern methods include the use of high-frequency sound vibrations. Ultrasonic repellers come in two types: some are effective in open spaces and indoors, and the second are aimed against rodents living underground.

By spreading ultrasonic vibrations directly into the ground, they repel earth rats. The advantage of this method is its ease of use. The disadvantage is the relative high cost.

Why do earth rats appear in summer cottages?

Leftover food on a summer cottage leads to the fact that it becomes a haven for earth rats. In the summer they have something to eat, and for the winter they sneak part of the supplies into their burrows and survive safely in winter conditions.

And in dachas there are many good shelters for rats: basements, temporary shelters, sheds, as well as numerous passages for moles and shrews.

A person is not dangerous to rodents in such reliable shelters, and even with prepared supplies. This is where pests take root.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies are less effective, but they are simple and do not require financial costs, which is why they are popular among people.

A pungent smell can quite realistically scare away rodents and force them to leave not only the garden, but the house or apartment. Such “odors” include the smell of a burnt rabbit skin or a burnt car tire placed in a hole. Pests also cannot tolerate the smell of wormwood or mint, which is more pleasant to humans. Planted at the dacha, such plants will protect the area.

If you need to free an open area of ​​land, such as a vegetable garden, from rats, you can try flooding the holes with water. Despite its simplicity, you are guaranteed to get rid of rats, especially if the flooding is repeated.

You can also recall such a feature of rodents as intolerance to noise. How to create it is up to everyone to decide for themselves, depending on their preferences. Some people regularly play loud music if their dacha neighbors allow it, while others hang empty cans or rustling cellophane in the garden. The result will be equally effective.

Since the animals are excellent at climbing trees, you can dig around them so that a small ditch is formed, and pour water into it along with peat crumbs mixed with kerosene.


The most popular and effective way to get rid of any pests is poison. Poisoned baits are scattered in the habitats of pests, as well as in their burrow. Choose:

  • "Difa-Neo" based on grain;
  • “Difa” is a paraffin briquette.

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How to prevent rats from appearing in the house?

  1. Clean the area around your home more often. Don't leave trash, as rodents and other pests can use it.
  2. Watch the trees and shrubs near your home, as all rodents are attracted to thick branches and dry, unkempt plants. If they make a “nest” there, they will most likely want to visit your home in search of food.
  3. Make sure there are no entry holes or crawl spaces in walls or other areas. Any through hole in the wall or roof of your home or outbuildings is guaranteed to bring these rodents to you, especially during the cold season. These creatures are excellent climbers and can fit through even very small openings, so eliminate any possible entry points. Use wire mesh to cover any existing openings and reinforce weak spots such as old doors and window frames.
  4. Eliminate any sources of standing water in the yard: When tailed animals cannot get into the house, they prefer a moist environment. They are extremely dependent on water, and if their fluid intake is significantly reduced, they will die. This is why they need water or wet food.
  5. If you feed your pets outside, do not leave leftover food outside overnight. Rats in the house are especially active at this time and they will happily come running to eat.

Follow these rules of prevention and you won’t have to look for an answer to the question: how to deal with rats.

Preventive recommendations

The main bait for the earth mouse is the presence of food; it is impossible to get rid of it. There are useful recommendations that reduce the risk of a rodent appearing in a garden plot many times over:

  • get a cat, a dog. Pets will not only please the eye, they will be able to scare away uninvited guests, even with their specific smell;
  • regularly inspect your possessions, if you find several individuals, immediately begin to destroy them;
  • Sometimes play loud music in the garden or hang tin cans on sticks. During strong winds they will create a hum that will scare away many parasites;
  • Order in your own home plays an important role. Immediately throw away unnecessary boards, old trash, and gardening waste. All secluded places can quickly be chosen by a variety of pests.

The water vole is a dangerous rodent that causes a lot of inconvenience to owners, including crop damage and significant damage to young trees. Due to excellent fertility, deal with the problem immediately after detecting the pest, study all the methods, choose the appropriate method. Protect your garden from parasites, inspect it regularly, and enjoy the results.

From the following video you can learn how to deal with rodents in the garden, in the garden and in the house:

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